Article PROV. GRAND LODGE of DEVON. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF HERTFORDSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF HERTFORDSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION of the HARTINGTON R.A. CHAPTER, No. 916 . Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION of the HARTINGTON R.A. CHAPTER, No. 916 . Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1
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Prov. Grand Lodge Of Devon.
ters , times of meeting , and number of members . The number of members is as follows : — No . 39 , 74 members ; No . 70 , 76 ; No . 105 , 64 ; No . 106 , 80 ; No . 112 , 67 ; No . 156 , 90 ; No . 164 , 3 6 ; No . 18 9 , 57 ; No . 202 , 97 ; No . 223 , 52 ; No . 230 , 37 ; No . 24 S , 32 ; No . 251 , 49 ; No . 282 , 37 ; No . 303 , 38 ; No . 328 , 39 ; No . 372 , 57 ; No . 421 ,
33 ; No . 444 , 39 ; No . 494 , 23 ; No . 666 , 19 ; No . 710 , 43 ; No . 797 , 35 ; No . 954 , 93 5 No . 1091 , 33 ; No . 1099 , 32 ; No . 1125 , 42 ; No . 1135 , 15 ; No . 1138 , 42 ; No . 1181 , 19 ; No . 120 ; , 90 ; No . 1212 , 34 ; No . 1247 , 19 ; No . 1254 , 37 ; 1255 , 17 ; No . 1284 , 3 ; ; No . 3 , 32 , Two of the lodges had not yet paid their dues .
The P . G . M ., Bro . Huyshe , now proceeded to the appointments for the ensuing year . Bro . Metham received the Treasurer's collar , and the other offices were distributed as follows : — Bro . Captain Clarke ... Prov . S . G . AVarden . „ Captain Shanks ... ,, J . G . AVarden . „ Rev . N . Clarke ... ., G . Chaplain .
„ Rev . — , Lyne ... „ „ „ Major Russell ... „ G . Registrar . „ Samuel Jones ... „ S . G . Deacon . „ J . Greenfield ... „ J . D . Deacon . „ L . AVestcott „ G . Supt . AA orks .
„ H . Miller „ G . D . of C „ AV . Oram „ Asst . G . D . of C . „ J . B . Price ,, G . S word Bearer .
„ J . Pridham „ G , Organist . „ J . H . Snell „ G . Pursuivant . „ J . M . Hifficy ., G . Steward . „ A . Davies ' .,
„ S . S . Tremayne ... „ „ „ H . AV . Hoopc ... „ „ „ AV . Littleton ... „ „ „ J . H . AVestlake ... „ „ „ J . May ( elected ) ... „ G . Tyler .
The appointments being now all made , the brethren turned from labour to refreshment , and adjourned to the Churston Hotel , where a capital banquet—in respect of quantity ancl quality—was set out , and to which over 100 of the brethren sat down . Unfortunately , the attendance was not so good , and the impatience of a hungry spirit was not unfrequently shown . For a short time it was a case of care for one ' s-
self , 'but gradually all things got to order and all went well . As the banquet was not sat down to until after five o ' clock , the time was too short to permit of more than tlie usual loyal and Masonic toasts . —In responding to his health , thc P . G . Master , Bro . Huyshe , referred to the recent visit of the American brethren to England ancl
the sister countries , mentioning the hearty reception they had received and their gratification at it , and said he believed nothing was so calculated , or had assisted so much to allay the jealousy that had existed between the countries as Freemasonry . A few more remarks brought thc time near seven o ' clock , when the brethren rose in order to catcli the train leaving a few minutes after the hour .
The province of Cornwall would have been represented by Bro . \\ . J . Hughan , P . Prov . G . Sec , but he was unable to attend .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hertfordshire.
The annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Town Hall , Hertford , on Thursday , 3 rd August . Amongst the brethren present were tlic following : The R . W . Bro . AV . Stuart , P . G . W ., Prov . Grand Master ; the R . W . Bro . G . Francis , Deputy ]' rov . Grand Master :
AV . Bros . AVilson lies , Prov . Senior Grand Warden ; AV . Stewart , jun ., and T . F . Halsey , P . P . G . S . W . ' s ; II . Lloyd Thomas and II . Ovcv , P . P . G . J . AV . ' s ; the Rev . G . Finch , P . G . Chap ' . ; H . C . Finch , P . G . Reg ; J . Sedgwick , P . G . Sec ; W . Rogers , P , G . Treas . ; R . Bruce , P . P . G . D . :
S . Austin , P . P . G . Supt . of Works ; \ V . Wilson , P . G . D . C . ; J . Terry . J . II . Adams , ami C . Drummond , P . P . G . S . B . ' s ; Bros . II . B Hedges , AV . M . 403 , Hertford ; J . D . Medcalf , S . AV . 403 : O . H . AVagncr , LW . 403 ; T . S . Carter ,
Hon . Sec . 403 ; C . B . Jones , S . D . 403 ; C . P . Wyman , I . G . and Org . 403 ; S . Xenle ( M . C . \ AV . AVavrcner , AV . P . Willson , J . Boatwnght , j . E . Cussans , ]¦] . Salisbury , II . Camp ! : in , E . A .
Simson , E . Stott , A . T- Small , and F . Taylor , 403 j E . Palin ( J . AV . ) , E . T . Fard , F . f . Swig-
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hertfordshire.
wick , 404 , AAAford ; J . Shilcock , P . M . 449 , Iiitchin ; A . Allan ( D . C ) , Foster , and J . J . Hatton , 504 , Berkhampstead ; J . Forsyth ( W . M . ) , J . Copestick , ancl J . Tustin , 86 9 , Gresham , Waltham Cross ; F . Drummond , AA ' . M ., and H . Marfleet , P . M ., S 98 ; Rev . C . AV . S . Stanhope , & c ., 357 ; K West ( W . M . ) , E . Parker ( S . AV . ) ,
AV . C . Barnes ( J . W . ) , J . Sheldon ( J . D . ) , and J . Tydeman , 1327 , King Harold , AVaitham . The Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last lodge and the Treasurer ' s accounts were passed . The P . G . Master then made the following appointments of brethren as Grand Officers : —
Bio . George Francis ... Prov . D . G . M . „ H . Easy Hodges ... „ G . S . AV . ., James Shilcock „ G . J . AA' ' . „ Rev . G . Finch „ G . Chap .
„ H . C . Finch „ G . Reg . „ J . Sedgwick „ G . Sec . „ E . AVest „ G . S . D . ., J . D . Medcalf „ G . J . D .
„ T . S . Carter , G . Supt . of Wks . „ AA . AVilson „ G . Dir . of Cers . ., C . P . AVyman „ G . Org . „ E . T . Foord „ G . Sword-bearer
„ T . R . Tustin „ G . Purs . „ J . J . Hatton „ G . Steward . „ S . Neale „ » ., „ Thomas „ G . Tyler .
Bro . T . S . Carter , P . G . Supt . of AVork . s , proposed that £$ 5 s . should be paid out of the P . G . Lodge Funds to the Hertford General Infirmary , which motion was seconded by Bro . J . Sedgwick , P . G . Sec , and carried unanimously .
The banquet was afterwards held 111 the Assembly Room , which was tastefully laid out . Fifty-seven brethren sat down to dinner . The M . AV . P . G . Master presided , the deputy chair being filled by Bro . Hodges , AA . M . 403 . 'The dinner was an excellent one , ancl was well served
by Mr . E . M . Davis , of the Salisbury Arms Hotel . "The M . AV . P . G . Master proposed the following toasts , viz . : " The Queen ancl the Craft , " "The Marquis of Ripon , G . M ., and Earl Carnarvon , D . G . M ., " "The Earl of Zetland and the Prince of AVales , P . G . M . 's , " "The Past and Present Grand Officers of England , " responded to
by Bro . Stuart , jun . Bra . Halsey proposed " The P . G . Master , " who returned thanks . Bro . Ovey proposed "The Deputy P . G . Master and the Provincial Grand Officers , " which was responded to hy Bro . Hodges , AV . M . of the Hertford Lodge and P . G . S . AV ., who stated how pleased he and tbe other Hertford brethren were to receive the
P . G . Master after an absence of seven years , and he trusted it would not be so long again before they saw the P . G . Lodge at Hertford . The G . Chaplain proposed " The Masters of the Lodges in thc Province , " which was responded to by
Bro . AVilson , AA' . M . ofthe Berkhampstead Lodge . In the intervals during the toasts some fine glees and songs were sung by Bros . Bam by , Donald King , . and Theodore Distin , and gave great satisfaction .
AVe must congralulalc the AV . M . and the members of the Hertford Lodge upon the great success of the meeting .
Consecration Of The Hartington R.A. Chapter, No. 916 .
On AA cdnesday last week this newly-formed chapter was consecrated with full Masonic honours at Eastbourne , in presence of the following
companions : E . J . rurni-r , D . P . G . M . of Sussex , PA Lennox Chapter ; the Rev . Sir John AV . Hayes , ]' . '/ .., P . G . Chaplain of Grand Lodge ; Gavin E , Pocord . g P . G . D . C , P . Z . Lennox Chapter ; John
II . Scolt , P . Z . Lennox Chapter ; Thomas Trollopc , M . E . Z . Emulation ; Joseph Dixon , P . Z . Lennox Chapter ; AV . T . Lording , Lennox Chapter ; G . Tatham , P . Z . Lennox Chapter ; R . Brannvcll , P . Z . Lennox Chapter ; A . Elmsley , J . 311 ; E . V . Fn . cman , P . Z . 311 , & c ; C G . Reed , M . E . Z . 7-52 ;
A \ . A . Shickcy , P . Z . Lennox Chapter -, C Briscoe , 311 ; Dr . John Griffiths , 11 . Lennox Chapter ; Rev . G . AV . M . Litle . M . E . Z . 311 ; G . A . AValters , 311 ; S . Hayward , P . Z . 53 ; Dr . Cunningham , M . E . Z . oif ) ; Thomas Lane , II . 916 ; AValler Kirkland , f .
916 ; T . Headland , y . 6 ; C M . Matthews , 916 ; T . S . AVatts , 916 ; Charles Cooke , 916 ; J . Ilornc , P . Z . ; nnd Dr . Bramlcy Roberts . Thc first chair was occupied by Comp . F tuner , sippotted in the second chair by Comp . Freeman , and in the third chair by Comp . Trollope , by whom
Consecration Of The Hartington R.A. Chapter, No. 916 .
the ceremony of consecration was most ably and impressively performed . Comp . Dr . Griffiths delivered an address—full , as indeed are ali the addresses delivered by that rev . companion , of Masonic lore and instruction . The whole ceremony was under the direction of
Comp . Pocock , thc pivot on which all the Masonry in Sussex turns . Comp . Dixon acted as E ., and Comp . J . I-I . Scott having succeeded Comp . Furner in the first chair , installed Comp . J . M . Cunningham as Z . of thc new chapter . Comp . T . Lane was then installed as II ., and Comp . A \ alter Kirkland
as J . The following officers were then appointed and duly invested : Comps . C . M . Matthews , as E . ; T . S . AVatts , as N . ; T . Headland , as Treas . ; S . P . S . ; Dr . Robcck , as 1 st Asst . S . ; J . Home , as 2 nd Asst . S . A number of candidates for exaltation were
proposed , and all business beingconcluded , the chapter was closed in solemn form by the new Z . An interesting feature in the consecration ofthe chapter was that a number of ladies were invited to a luncheon and to listen to the strains of the wellknown Hanoverian Band , engaged for thc occasion .
Among thc ladies we noticed Mrs .- Lane , Mrs , Roberts , Mrs . Litle , Mrs . AV . Kirkland , Miss Kirkland , Mrs . Freeman , Mrs . Trollopc , Mrs . Reed , the Misses Cunningham , Miss Bellingham , Mrs . Hide , & c . The banquet was served at four o ' clock , and was
of a most recherche description , and reflected great credit on Messrs . Headland ( Sussex Hotel ) and Mr . T . Mortis , by whom it was provided . The Banquet Committee well performed their duty , and complete success was the reward . The guests comprised , in addition to the above-named companions , several distinguished Masons . The usual loyal and
Masonic toasts were given and suitably acknowledged . AA e need hardly say a very pleasant clay was spent , and one which will be long remembered not only for the pleasure , but also for the instruction it afforded . Letters of apology were received from Comps . the Marquis of Hartington and Lord Pelham , both of whom were unable to be present .
o DUNDEE . A large number of the brethren of Lodges 47 and 49 , Dundee , under the patronage of their respective Masters , Bros . Longmuir and Kilt , have been fortunate in carrying out the most successful picnic party we have ever seen in this quarter . The place selected for thc day ' s excursion , was
the Dundee commissioners water-works , at Monikie , in the immediate neighbourhood of one of the residences of thc R . H . Earl of Dalhousie , Past Grand Master for Scotland . Through the instrumentality of Bro . Col . Guthrie , permission was also given thc patty to visit Panmure House , the gardens , " Live and let live "
Monument , and several other places of interest , within his Lordship ' s private grounds . His Lordship also gave permission , to those who preferred to indulge in thc gentle art , that they might use his boats , for that purpose , on the reservoirs , a favour which was highly appreciated , as it is known such privileges arc seldom given beyond his own distinguished friends .
Ihe Monikie reservoirs arc very extensive , covetupwards of 130 acres ; are studded with prettily wooded islands , and the grounds are beautifully laid out with walks , shrubs , evergreens , and flowers ; with lawns sufficiently large to accomodate several thousand visitors .
They arc 500 feet above thc sea level , and contain nearly a years supply of water to the town of Dundee ; 1200 C 0 inhabitants . The parly arrived at the ' works " a little before 12 o ' clock , and as had been previously arranged , different sections were formed , so that all might see
the places having lhc greatest interest to them . Meanwhile the stewards , were busily preparing dinner , in a large pavilion , erected by the commissioners , for the comfort of such parties . A splendid spread was ready by three o' clock , including liqours . wines , beer , lemonade , and monikie
Thereafter dance-music was commenced , and large numbers availed themselves of a trip on thc light fantastic toe . Aunt Sally ' attracted crowds ofthe sterner sex to her arena , and much merriment was caused by thc lanrc number oi misses .
Archey butts were put up , and superintended by Pro . CoWie , a fiord ing many their first opportunity of drawing the long bow . Tea was served at 6 . 30 . Thc greatest good feeling prevaded the company , only one regret was uttered , " that 8 o'clock had come too soon . " A special train was now wailing , and all got to Dundee before 9 o'clock , delighted with ihe day ' s excursion .
BOOTS of the Period at BI . AKKY ' S , Limc-strcct , Liverpool ( under the Alexandra Theatre ) . —[ Advt . l
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Devon.
ters , times of meeting , and number of members . The number of members is as follows : — No . 39 , 74 members ; No . 70 , 76 ; No . 105 , 64 ; No . 106 , 80 ; No . 112 , 67 ; No . 156 , 90 ; No . 164 , 3 6 ; No . 18 9 , 57 ; No . 202 , 97 ; No . 223 , 52 ; No . 230 , 37 ; No . 24 S , 32 ; No . 251 , 49 ; No . 282 , 37 ; No . 303 , 38 ; No . 328 , 39 ; No . 372 , 57 ; No . 421 ,
33 ; No . 444 , 39 ; No . 494 , 23 ; No . 666 , 19 ; No . 710 , 43 ; No . 797 , 35 ; No . 954 , 93 5 No . 1091 , 33 ; No . 1099 , 32 ; No . 1125 , 42 ; No . 1135 , 15 ; No . 1138 , 42 ; No . 1181 , 19 ; No . 120 ; , 90 ; No . 1212 , 34 ; No . 1247 , 19 ; No . 1254 , 37 ; 1255 , 17 ; No . 1284 , 3 ; ; No . 3 , 32 , Two of the lodges had not yet paid their dues .
The P . G . M ., Bro . Huyshe , now proceeded to the appointments for the ensuing year . Bro . Metham received the Treasurer's collar , and the other offices were distributed as follows : — Bro . Captain Clarke ... Prov . S . G . AVarden . „ Captain Shanks ... ,, J . G . AVarden . „ Rev . N . Clarke ... ., G . Chaplain .
„ Rev . — , Lyne ... „ „ „ Major Russell ... „ G . Registrar . „ Samuel Jones ... „ S . G . Deacon . „ J . Greenfield ... „ J . D . Deacon . „ L . AVestcott „ G . Supt . AA orks .
„ H . Miller „ G . D . of C „ AV . Oram „ Asst . G . D . of C . „ J . B . Price ,, G . S word Bearer .
„ J . Pridham „ G , Organist . „ J . H . Snell „ G . Pursuivant . „ J . M . Hifficy ., G . Steward . „ A . Davies ' .,
„ S . S . Tremayne ... „ „ „ H . AV . Hoopc ... „ „ „ AV . Littleton ... „ „ „ J . H . AVestlake ... „ „ „ J . May ( elected ) ... „ G . Tyler .
The appointments being now all made , the brethren turned from labour to refreshment , and adjourned to the Churston Hotel , where a capital banquet—in respect of quantity ancl quality—was set out , and to which over 100 of the brethren sat down . Unfortunately , the attendance was not so good , and the impatience of a hungry spirit was not unfrequently shown . For a short time it was a case of care for one ' s-
self , 'but gradually all things got to order and all went well . As the banquet was not sat down to until after five o ' clock , the time was too short to permit of more than tlie usual loyal and Masonic toasts . —In responding to his health , thc P . G . Master , Bro . Huyshe , referred to the recent visit of the American brethren to England ancl
the sister countries , mentioning the hearty reception they had received and their gratification at it , and said he believed nothing was so calculated , or had assisted so much to allay the jealousy that had existed between the countries as Freemasonry . A few more remarks brought thc time near seven o ' clock , when the brethren rose in order to catcli the train leaving a few minutes after the hour .
The province of Cornwall would have been represented by Bro . \\ . J . Hughan , P . Prov . G . Sec , but he was unable to attend .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hertfordshire.
The annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Town Hall , Hertford , on Thursday , 3 rd August . Amongst the brethren present were tlic following : The R . W . Bro . AV . Stuart , P . G . W ., Prov . Grand Master ; the R . W . Bro . G . Francis , Deputy ]' rov . Grand Master :
AV . Bros . AVilson lies , Prov . Senior Grand Warden ; AV . Stewart , jun ., and T . F . Halsey , P . P . G . S . W . ' s ; II . Lloyd Thomas and II . Ovcv , P . P . G . J . AV . ' s ; the Rev . G . Finch , P . G . Chap ' . ; H . C . Finch , P . G . Reg ; J . Sedgwick , P . G . Sec ; W . Rogers , P , G . Treas . ; R . Bruce , P . P . G . D . :
S . Austin , P . P . G . Supt . of Works ; \ V . Wilson , P . G . D . C . ; J . Terry . J . II . Adams , ami C . Drummond , P . P . G . S . B . ' s ; Bros . II . B Hedges , AV . M . 403 , Hertford ; J . D . Medcalf , S . AV . 403 : O . H . AVagncr , LW . 403 ; T . S . Carter ,
Hon . Sec . 403 ; C . B . Jones , S . D . 403 ; C . P . Wyman , I . G . and Org . 403 ; S . Xenle ( M . C . \ AV . AVavrcner , AV . P . Willson , J . Boatwnght , j . E . Cussans , ]¦] . Salisbury , II . Camp ! : in , E . A .
Simson , E . Stott , A . T- Small , and F . Taylor , 403 j E . Palin ( J . AV . ) , E . T . Fard , F . f . Swig-
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hertfordshire.
wick , 404 , AAAford ; J . Shilcock , P . M . 449 , Iiitchin ; A . Allan ( D . C ) , Foster , and J . J . Hatton , 504 , Berkhampstead ; J . Forsyth ( W . M . ) , J . Copestick , ancl J . Tustin , 86 9 , Gresham , Waltham Cross ; F . Drummond , AA ' . M ., and H . Marfleet , P . M ., S 98 ; Rev . C . AV . S . Stanhope , & c ., 357 ; K West ( W . M . ) , E . Parker ( S . AV . ) ,
AV . C . Barnes ( J . W . ) , J . Sheldon ( J . D . ) , and J . Tydeman , 1327 , King Harold , AVaitham . The Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last lodge and the Treasurer ' s accounts were passed . The P . G . Master then made the following appointments of brethren as Grand Officers : —
Bio . George Francis ... Prov . D . G . M . „ H . Easy Hodges ... „ G . S . AV . ., James Shilcock „ G . J . AA' ' . „ Rev . G . Finch „ G . Chap .
„ H . C . Finch „ G . Reg . „ J . Sedgwick „ G . Sec . „ E . AVest „ G . S . D . ., J . D . Medcalf „ G . J . D .
„ T . S . Carter , G . Supt . of Wks . „ AA . AVilson „ G . Dir . of Cers . ., C . P . AVyman „ G . Org . „ E . T . Foord „ G . Sword-bearer
„ T . R . Tustin „ G . Purs . „ J . J . Hatton „ G . Steward . „ S . Neale „ » ., „ Thomas „ G . Tyler .
Bro . T . S . Carter , P . G . Supt . of AVork . s , proposed that £$ 5 s . should be paid out of the P . G . Lodge Funds to the Hertford General Infirmary , which motion was seconded by Bro . J . Sedgwick , P . G . Sec , and carried unanimously .
The banquet was afterwards held 111 the Assembly Room , which was tastefully laid out . Fifty-seven brethren sat down to dinner . The M . AV . P . G . Master presided , the deputy chair being filled by Bro . Hodges , AA . M . 403 . 'The dinner was an excellent one , ancl was well served
by Mr . E . M . Davis , of the Salisbury Arms Hotel . "The M . AV . P . G . Master proposed the following toasts , viz . : " The Queen ancl the Craft , " "The Marquis of Ripon , G . M ., and Earl Carnarvon , D . G . M ., " "The Earl of Zetland and the Prince of AVales , P . G . M . 's , " "The Past and Present Grand Officers of England , " responded to
by Bro . Stuart , jun . Bra . Halsey proposed " The P . G . Master , " who returned thanks . Bro . Ovey proposed "The Deputy P . G . Master and the Provincial Grand Officers , " which was responded to hy Bro . Hodges , AV . M . of the Hertford Lodge and P . G . S . AV ., who stated how pleased he and tbe other Hertford brethren were to receive the
P . G . Master after an absence of seven years , and he trusted it would not be so long again before they saw the P . G . Lodge at Hertford . The G . Chaplain proposed " The Masters of the Lodges in thc Province , " which was responded to by
Bro . AVilson , AA' . M . ofthe Berkhampstead Lodge . In the intervals during the toasts some fine glees and songs were sung by Bros . Bam by , Donald King , . and Theodore Distin , and gave great satisfaction .
AVe must congralulalc the AV . M . and the members of the Hertford Lodge upon the great success of the meeting .
Consecration Of The Hartington R.A. Chapter, No. 916 .
On AA cdnesday last week this newly-formed chapter was consecrated with full Masonic honours at Eastbourne , in presence of the following
companions : E . J . rurni-r , D . P . G . M . of Sussex , PA Lennox Chapter ; the Rev . Sir John AV . Hayes , ]' . '/ .., P . G . Chaplain of Grand Lodge ; Gavin E , Pocord . g P . G . D . C , P . Z . Lennox Chapter ; John
II . Scolt , P . Z . Lennox Chapter ; Thomas Trollopc , M . E . Z . Emulation ; Joseph Dixon , P . Z . Lennox Chapter ; AV . T . Lording , Lennox Chapter ; G . Tatham , P . Z . Lennox Chapter ; R . Brannvcll , P . Z . Lennox Chapter ; A . Elmsley , J . 311 ; E . V . Fn . cman , P . Z . 311 , & c ; C G . Reed , M . E . Z . 7-52 ;
A \ . A . Shickcy , P . Z . Lennox Chapter -, C Briscoe , 311 ; Dr . John Griffiths , 11 . Lennox Chapter ; Rev . G . AV . M . Litle . M . E . Z . 311 ; G . A . AValters , 311 ; S . Hayward , P . Z . 53 ; Dr . Cunningham , M . E . Z . oif ) ; Thomas Lane , II . 916 ; AValler Kirkland , f .
916 ; T . Headland , y . 6 ; C M . Matthews , 916 ; T . S . AVatts , 916 ; Charles Cooke , 916 ; J . Ilornc , P . Z . ; nnd Dr . Bramlcy Roberts . Thc first chair was occupied by Comp . F tuner , sippotted in the second chair by Comp . Freeman , and in the third chair by Comp . Trollope , by whom
Consecration Of The Hartington R.A. Chapter, No. 916 .
the ceremony of consecration was most ably and impressively performed . Comp . Dr . Griffiths delivered an address—full , as indeed are ali the addresses delivered by that rev . companion , of Masonic lore and instruction . The whole ceremony was under the direction of
Comp . Pocock , thc pivot on which all the Masonry in Sussex turns . Comp . Dixon acted as E ., and Comp . J . I-I . Scott having succeeded Comp . Furner in the first chair , installed Comp . J . M . Cunningham as Z . of thc new chapter . Comp . T . Lane was then installed as II ., and Comp . A \ alter Kirkland
as J . The following officers were then appointed and duly invested : Comps . C . M . Matthews , as E . ; T . S . AVatts , as N . ; T . Headland , as Treas . ; S . P . S . ; Dr . Robcck , as 1 st Asst . S . ; J . Home , as 2 nd Asst . S . A number of candidates for exaltation were
proposed , and all business beingconcluded , the chapter was closed in solemn form by the new Z . An interesting feature in the consecration ofthe chapter was that a number of ladies were invited to a luncheon and to listen to the strains of the wellknown Hanoverian Band , engaged for thc occasion .
Among thc ladies we noticed Mrs .- Lane , Mrs , Roberts , Mrs . Litle , Mrs . AV . Kirkland , Miss Kirkland , Mrs . Freeman , Mrs . Trollopc , Mrs . Reed , the Misses Cunningham , Miss Bellingham , Mrs . Hide , & c . The banquet was served at four o ' clock , and was
of a most recherche description , and reflected great credit on Messrs . Headland ( Sussex Hotel ) and Mr . T . Mortis , by whom it was provided . The Banquet Committee well performed their duty , and complete success was the reward . The guests comprised , in addition to the above-named companions , several distinguished Masons . The usual loyal and
Masonic toasts were given and suitably acknowledged . AA e need hardly say a very pleasant clay was spent , and one which will be long remembered not only for the pleasure , but also for the instruction it afforded . Letters of apology were received from Comps . the Marquis of Hartington and Lord Pelham , both of whom were unable to be present .
o DUNDEE . A large number of the brethren of Lodges 47 and 49 , Dundee , under the patronage of their respective Masters , Bros . Longmuir and Kilt , have been fortunate in carrying out the most successful picnic party we have ever seen in this quarter . The place selected for thc day ' s excursion , was
the Dundee commissioners water-works , at Monikie , in the immediate neighbourhood of one of the residences of thc R . H . Earl of Dalhousie , Past Grand Master for Scotland . Through the instrumentality of Bro . Col . Guthrie , permission was also given thc patty to visit Panmure House , the gardens , " Live and let live "
Monument , and several other places of interest , within his Lordship ' s private grounds . His Lordship also gave permission , to those who preferred to indulge in thc gentle art , that they might use his boats , for that purpose , on the reservoirs , a favour which was highly appreciated , as it is known such privileges arc seldom given beyond his own distinguished friends .
Ihe Monikie reservoirs arc very extensive , covetupwards of 130 acres ; are studded with prettily wooded islands , and the grounds are beautifully laid out with walks , shrubs , evergreens , and flowers ; with lawns sufficiently large to accomodate several thousand visitors .
They arc 500 feet above thc sea level , and contain nearly a years supply of water to the town of Dundee ; 1200 C 0 inhabitants . The parly arrived at the ' works " a little before 12 o ' clock , and as had been previously arranged , different sections were formed , so that all might see
the places having lhc greatest interest to them . Meanwhile the stewards , were busily preparing dinner , in a large pavilion , erected by the commissioners , for the comfort of such parties . A splendid spread was ready by three o' clock , including liqours . wines , beer , lemonade , and monikie
Thereafter dance-music was commenced , and large numbers availed themselves of a trip on thc light fantastic toe . Aunt Sally ' attracted crowds ofthe sterner sex to her arena , and much merriment was caused by thc lanrc number oi misses .
Archey butts were put up , and superintended by Pro . CoWie , a fiord ing many their first opportunity of drawing the long bow . Tea was served at 6 . 30 . Thc greatest good feeling prevaded the company , only one regret was uttered , " that 8 o'clock had come too soon . " A special train was now wailing , and all got to Dundee before 9 o'clock , delighted with ihe day ' s excursion .
BOOTS of the Period at BI . AKKY ' S , Limc-strcct , Liverpool ( under the Alexandra Theatre ) . —[ Advt . l