Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THF HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY, Page 1 of 1 Article THE LIFE OF CONSTANTINE. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Births ,Marriages and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article OUR LATE GRAND MASTER. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Subscription to THE FREEMASON IS no 7 v ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth ... ... 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Vol . s HI ., IV ., V . and VI each 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 « . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
united States or . America . THE tfiSEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for I 2 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the early trains . The price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual suhscriplion , ios . ( payable in advance . ) All communication ' s , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , I (| 8 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted toliim , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage t amps . _
Now Readv . INDEX to Vol . VI . of "THE FREEMASON . " May be had at the Publishing Office , 198 , Fleettret t .
Thf History Of Freemasonry,
FROM ITS ORIGIN TO THE PRESENT DAY . Drawn from the best sources and the most recent investigations . BY J . G . FINDEL , "Second Edition , Revised , and Preface written by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON .
One / ol ., 800 pages 8 vo ., with an Index . Cloth gilt . Price , 10 s . 6 d . " This book is a strictly historical one , from which all is excluded that is not based upon ascertained or probable fact . "—Builder . " Of its value to Freemasons , as a detailed history of their Brotheihood , it is not possible to speak too highly . "Public Opinion .
" The author seems to have fairly exhausted the subject . "—Tlie Athenaeum . "The edition we are now considering is a second English edition , which had the great advantage of Bro . D . M . Lyon's able superintendence and editorship in its Eng . lish dress . There can be no doubt but , that so far , Bro . Findel ' s work is the most complete work on Freemasonry
which has yet appeared , and that he deserves the greatest credit for his careful and accurate treatment of all evidence on the subject , and for his honest desire after truth . Bro . Findel gives up in the view he has so cleat ly and consistently put foith our early Masonic history , the older theory , > f the Roman Colleges , & c , and limits the origin of Freemasonry to about the twelfth century , and as
then arising from the operative Masons , and specially the " Steinmeitzen" and " Bauhutten" of Germany . Bro . Findel gives us a good deal of evidence on this head , and one thing is clear from his work , that the German Freemasons were , at a very early period , organized into lodges with a Master over them , and with outward regulations and inner ceremonies peculiar to the Craft . Bro . Findel rejects
all the views which have been from time to time put forward of a Templar or a Rosicrucian origin . Whether or no Bro . Findel ' s theory of the date of the rise of Freemasonry be correct , matters very little : we do nut oui selves profess to accept it ; but this wecan fairly say of Bro Findel ' s work , it is marked from first to last by the most remarkable tokenof industry , ability , and care , of patient research , and
of skilful criticism . W ' eknow of no work which so clearly sets before us our amount of knowledge up to the present time on the great question of Masonic Archaeology , and there can be little doubt that what Preston ' s work is to English Freemasonry , Findel ' s work is to cosmopolitan Freemasonry . Indeed no student in Masonry can now dispense with it , and it is a perfect storehouse both of Masonic evidence and Masonic
illustrations . We earnestly recommend all the lodges in this country to obtain a copy for the lodge library before the work is bought up for America ; and we believe that no Mason will rise from the perusal of its pages without a higher idea both of the historical truth and intrinsic value of Freemasonry , and of fraternal regard and recognition to the latest and not the least well-informed or effective of our Masonic historians . The present century has produced
no such equal , in authonty and usefulness , to the great work of our Bro . Findel , and we wish him and it , in all of fraternal sympathy and kindly intent , many earnest readers , and more grateful students . "—The Masonic Magazine . " This volume is the history of Masonry par excellence Every interested person may regard it , therefore , as the present text-book on the subject . "—Manchester Guardian London : GEORGE KENNING , 19 S , Elect Street .
The Life Of Constantine.
Wiitten in Greek , by EusiiUius PAMPILUS , ( Bishop of Cajsarea in Palestine ) . Done into English from that edition , set 101 th by VAI . ESIUS , and printed in Paris in the year 1659 . Preface by Bros . H . Wentworth Little , Treas . Gen .
and the Rev . A . I . A . Woodford , Past Grand Chaplain , With Engravings of Constantine ; the Duke of Sussex , P . G . Sov . ; Lord Rancliffe , P . G . Sov . ; Earl Beethc , sU . P ., P . G . Sov . ; Sir Frederick Maitin Williams , Burt ., M . P ., M . I . G . Sov ., Col . Francis Burdett , V . I . G . S . Gen . ; Robert Wentworth Little , I . G . T ., & c . London : GEOUGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet . street ,
Published under the Patronage of H . R . H . the PRINCE OF WAL . ES , K . G ., Patron of tlie Order .
In Imperial Octavo , bound in gilt cloth , richly oramented , price £ 1 us . 6 d .,
( MARY'S CHAPEL ) No . 1 . EMBRACING AM ACCOUNT OF THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF FREEMASONRY IN SCOTLAND . By BRO . DAVID MURRAY LYON . With Twenty-six Facsimiles of Ancient Statutes , Minutes of various Lodges , Seals , and Orders , & c , and Authentic Poi traits a-id Autographs of Sixty eminent Craftsmen of the past and present time . London : GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C . 4 th Edition , now ready , piice is ., post free is . id .
OR THE FREEMASONS' POCKET COMPENDIUM . With Emblematical Frontispiccr . A handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mecum , and guide to the various ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to be communicable in accordance with the principles of the Order . London : GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C .
Re-issue , price 5 s ., post free 5 s . 4 d . MASONIC GATHERINGS . Edited by Bro . GEORGE TAYLOII . Containing Historical Records of Frcemasoniy from the earliest to the present time , & e . Londcn : GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C .
Now ready , i 2 mo ., 208 pages , handsomely bound in cloth price 2 s- Gd ., post free 2 s . 8 d . THE ISRAELITES FOUND IN THE ANGLO-SAXONS . The Ten Tribes supposed to have been lost traced from the land of their captivity to their occupation of the Isles of the Sea . With an exhibition of those trails of character and national characteristics assigned to Israel in the Books of the Hebrew lVophets , by Bro , WM . CARPENTER , Author of " Scientia Biblica , " " Scripture Natural History , " " Guide to the Reading of the liible , " ' Lectures on Biblical Criticism and Interpretation , " " A Popular Introduction to the Bible , " " The Biblical Companion , " " Critica Biblica , " " Calendarium Palestine , " " An Introduction to the Reading and Study of the English Bible , and Editor of the fifth large edition of " Calmct ' s Dictionary of the Bible , " and of the abiidgement of the same , etc ., etc , etc . LONDON : GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C
Second Edition' Now Ready , 1 / 6 . A MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE In the key of C . for A ., T ., T „ B . Opening and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony . Grace before and after Meat . COMPOSED BV DR . J . C . BAKER , NO . 241 . LONDON . —Geo . Kenning , 198 , Fleet-street ; and 1 , 2 , and 3 , Little Britain . „ R . Spencer , 26 , Great Queen-street . LIVERPOOL . —Geo . Kenning , 2 , Monument-place . MANCHESTER . —E . Henry & Co ., 59 , Dcansgate . 'J UULIN . —C . Hedge-long , 26 , Grafton-street GLASGOW . —Geo . Kenning , 145 , Argyle-street .
In the Press . Third Edition . Revised and Enlarged . Price 3 s . Cd A full Coloured Book of
From Master Mason to the 30 th Degree inclusive London , GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street .
. .
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One Shilling , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , BY BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . 393 , England . ) HP HIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of F ' reemasmy , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently p actical and useful in tho vindication and suppoit of the Order . Office , 198 , Fleet-street .
MADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION , BAKElt STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS of the CZAR OF RUSSIA , SIR GARNET WOLSELEY , the Three Judges in the Tichbome Trial , Cockbuin , Mellor , and Lush ; the Shah of Persia , Marshal MacMahon , M . Thiers , and the late Mr . Charles Dickens . Admission is . Children under ten , Cd . Extra Rooms , 6 d . Open from ton a . m . to ten p . m .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
All Communications , Advertisements , & c , intended for insertion in the Number of the following Saturday , must reach the Office not later than 6 o ' clock on Wednesday evening . Bro . MAGNUS OIIREN , much thanked . The detailed account of Swanscombe will appear next week .
Bro . Owen R . Ellis . Repoit arrived too late for insertion ; , will appear next wee'i . The following stand over : —Reports of Lodges r 2 ? 5 , 1263 , 51 , and Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset . Lodge 3 C 0 , S . C . ; Consecration of a New Lodge at Kilsyth , and a communication from II . M . G .
Births ,Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
DEATH . LYON . —At sea , in the ship" Mohawk , " supposed to have foundered in February last , on the voyage from Pensacola , to the Clyde , David Murray , eldest son of Bro . D . Murray Lyon .
TheFreemason, SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 12 , 1874 .
Our Late Grand Master.
The week which has elapsed since the an nouncement of the resignation by the Marquis of Ripon of his high office of Grand Master of English Freemasoni )' , has only tended to make
us feel more intensely the fact itself , and to increase the regret with which we first received the intelligence , which it was our unwelcome duty on Saturday to announce to the Craft
dispersed throughout the world . At the time all weie stunned by the suddenness of the resignation , and no one could profess to understand , or even to surmise a reasuii for a step in itself ap .
parently inexplicable . The Times , in a remarkable lender of Saturday , professes to give the only explanation , an explanation which if it be correct , must be received by our entire Order with equal surprise and regret . It is ' -
this" Lord Ripon has become a Roman Catholic It is notorious that the Freemasons are under the especial ban of the Church of Rome . That
Church tolerates no secret society , except that of the Jesuits ; and the first sacrifice which would be demanded of a convert like Lord Ripon would be his withdrawal from the Craft . As
the first p ledge of his new obedience he has to abandon his honourable position in the brotherhood , and to renounce a harmless and kindly
association , in which he might for years have held the foremost place . It was justly said that the reasons must have been overwhelming which could induce him to take so unwelcome
a step , and they arise from nothing less than the important change in his religious convictions which we have stated . '' The article from which this sad extract is taken , and which is
printed in another column , is a very remarkable one , and deserves attentive perusal , and it puts the case alike temperately and unanswerably . But while we feel how great will be the grief of
Freemasons on every account for this melancholy and ominous announcement , as a sad proof , if proof be needed , of the antagonistic and irreconcilable tendencies of the Church of Rome to all
freedom of action and all liberty of thought , we feel , that justice requires of us a few words of grateful tribute to the services of our late
valued Grand Master . Freemasons are always just , and we must not allow the overpowering emotions of painful surprise and regret , to make
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Subscription to THE FREEMASON IS no 7 v ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth ... ... 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Vol . s HI ., IV ., V . and VI each 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 « . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
united States or . America . THE tfiSEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for I 2 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the early trains . The price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual suhscriplion , ios . ( payable in advance . ) All communication ' s , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , I (| 8 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted toliim , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage t amps . _
Now Readv . INDEX to Vol . VI . of "THE FREEMASON . " May be had at the Publishing Office , 198 , Fleettret t .
Thf History Of Freemasonry,
FROM ITS ORIGIN TO THE PRESENT DAY . Drawn from the best sources and the most recent investigations . BY J . G . FINDEL , "Second Edition , Revised , and Preface written by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON .
One / ol ., 800 pages 8 vo ., with an Index . Cloth gilt . Price , 10 s . 6 d . " This book is a strictly historical one , from which all is excluded that is not based upon ascertained or probable fact . "—Builder . " Of its value to Freemasons , as a detailed history of their Brotheihood , it is not possible to speak too highly . "Public Opinion .
" The author seems to have fairly exhausted the subject . "—Tlie Athenaeum . "The edition we are now considering is a second English edition , which had the great advantage of Bro . D . M . Lyon's able superintendence and editorship in its Eng . lish dress . There can be no doubt but , that so far , Bro . Findel ' s work is the most complete work on Freemasonry
which has yet appeared , and that he deserves the greatest credit for his careful and accurate treatment of all evidence on the subject , and for his honest desire after truth . Bro . Findel gives up in the view he has so cleat ly and consistently put foith our early Masonic history , the older theory , > f the Roman Colleges , & c , and limits the origin of Freemasonry to about the twelfth century , and as
then arising from the operative Masons , and specially the " Steinmeitzen" and " Bauhutten" of Germany . Bro . Findel gives us a good deal of evidence on this head , and one thing is clear from his work , that the German Freemasons were , at a very early period , organized into lodges with a Master over them , and with outward regulations and inner ceremonies peculiar to the Craft . Bro . Findel rejects
all the views which have been from time to time put forward of a Templar or a Rosicrucian origin . Whether or no Bro . Findel ' s theory of the date of the rise of Freemasonry be correct , matters very little : we do nut oui selves profess to accept it ; but this wecan fairly say of Bro Findel ' s work , it is marked from first to last by the most remarkable tokenof industry , ability , and care , of patient research , and
of skilful criticism . W ' eknow of no work which so clearly sets before us our amount of knowledge up to the present time on the great question of Masonic Archaeology , and there can be little doubt that what Preston ' s work is to English Freemasonry , Findel ' s work is to cosmopolitan Freemasonry . Indeed no student in Masonry can now dispense with it , and it is a perfect storehouse both of Masonic evidence and Masonic
illustrations . We earnestly recommend all the lodges in this country to obtain a copy for the lodge library before the work is bought up for America ; and we believe that no Mason will rise from the perusal of its pages without a higher idea both of the historical truth and intrinsic value of Freemasonry , and of fraternal regard and recognition to the latest and not the least well-informed or effective of our Masonic historians . The present century has produced
no such equal , in authonty and usefulness , to the great work of our Bro . Findel , and we wish him and it , in all of fraternal sympathy and kindly intent , many earnest readers , and more grateful students . "—The Masonic Magazine . " This volume is the history of Masonry par excellence Every interested person may regard it , therefore , as the present text-book on the subject . "—Manchester Guardian London : GEORGE KENNING , 19 S , Elect Street .
The Life Of Constantine.
Wiitten in Greek , by EusiiUius PAMPILUS , ( Bishop of Cajsarea in Palestine ) . Done into English from that edition , set 101 th by VAI . ESIUS , and printed in Paris in the year 1659 . Preface by Bros . H . Wentworth Little , Treas . Gen .
and the Rev . A . I . A . Woodford , Past Grand Chaplain , With Engravings of Constantine ; the Duke of Sussex , P . G . Sov . ; Lord Rancliffe , P . G . Sov . ; Earl Beethc , sU . P ., P . G . Sov . ; Sir Frederick Maitin Williams , Burt ., M . P ., M . I . G . Sov ., Col . Francis Burdett , V . I . G . S . Gen . ; Robert Wentworth Little , I . G . T ., & c . London : GEOUGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet . street ,
Published under the Patronage of H . R . H . the PRINCE OF WAL . ES , K . G ., Patron of tlie Order .
In Imperial Octavo , bound in gilt cloth , richly oramented , price £ 1 us . 6 d .,
( MARY'S CHAPEL ) No . 1 . EMBRACING AM ACCOUNT OF THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF FREEMASONRY IN SCOTLAND . By BRO . DAVID MURRAY LYON . With Twenty-six Facsimiles of Ancient Statutes , Minutes of various Lodges , Seals , and Orders , & c , and Authentic Poi traits a-id Autographs of Sixty eminent Craftsmen of the past and present time . London : GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C . 4 th Edition , now ready , piice is ., post free is . id .
OR THE FREEMASONS' POCKET COMPENDIUM . With Emblematical Frontispiccr . A handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mecum , and guide to the various ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to be communicable in accordance with the principles of the Order . London : GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C .
Re-issue , price 5 s ., post free 5 s . 4 d . MASONIC GATHERINGS . Edited by Bro . GEORGE TAYLOII . Containing Historical Records of Frcemasoniy from the earliest to the present time , & e . Londcn : GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C .
Now ready , i 2 mo ., 208 pages , handsomely bound in cloth price 2 s- Gd ., post free 2 s . 8 d . THE ISRAELITES FOUND IN THE ANGLO-SAXONS . The Ten Tribes supposed to have been lost traced from the land of their captivity to their occupation of the Isles of the Sea . With an exhibition of those trails of character and national characteristics assigned to Israel in the Books of the Hebrew lVophets , by Bro , WM . CARPENTER , Author of " Scientia Biblica , " " Scripture Natural History , " " Guide to the Reading of the liible , " ' Lectures on Biblical Criticism and Interpretation , " " A Popular Introduction to the Bible , " " The Biblical Companion , " " Critica Biblica , " " Calendarium Palestine , " " An Introduction to the Reading and Study of the English Bible , and Editor of the fifth large edition of " Calmct ' s Dictionary of the Bible , " and of the abiidgement of the same , etc ., etc , etc . LONDON : GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C
Second Edition' Now Ready , 1 / 6 . A MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE In the key of C . for A ., T ., T „ B . Opening and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony . Grace before and after Meat . COMPOSED BV DR . J . C . BAKER , NO . 241 . LONDON . —Geo . Kenning , 198 , Fleet-street ; and 1 , 2 , and 3 , Little Britain . „ R . Spencer , 26 , Great Queen-street . LIVERPOOL . —Geo . Kenning , 2 , Monument-place . MANCHESTER . —E . Henry & Co ., 59 , Dcansgate . 'J UULIN . —C . Hedge-long , 26 , Grafton-street GLASGOW . —Geo . Kenning , 145 , Argyle-street .
In the Press . Third Edition . Revised and Enlarged . Price 3 s . Cd A full Coloured Book of
From Master Mason to the 30 th Degree inclusive London , GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street .
. .
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One Shilling , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , BY BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . 393 , England . ) HP HIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of F ' reemasmy , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently p actical and useful in tho vindication and suppoit of the Order . Office , 198 , Fleet-street .
MADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION , BAKElt STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS of the CZAR OF RUSSIA , SIR GARNET WOLSELEY , the Three Judges in the Tichbome Trial , Cockbuin , Mellor , and Lush ; the Shah of Persia , Marshal MacMahon , M . Thiers , and the late Mr . Charles Dickens . Admission is . Children under ten , Cd . Extra Rooms , 6 d . Open from ton a . m . to ten p . m .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
All Communications , Advertisements , & c , intended for insertion in the Number of the following Saturday , must reach the Office not later than 6 o ' clock on Wednesday evening . Bro . MAGNUS OIIREN , much thanked . The detailed account of Swanscombe will appear next week .
Bro . Owen R . Ellis . Repoit arrived too late for insertion ; , will appear next wee'i . The following stand over : —Reports of Lodges r 2 ? 5 , 1263 , 51 , and Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset . Lodge 3 C 0 , S . C . ; Consecration of a New Lodge at Kilsyth , and a communication from II . M . G .
Births ,Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
DEATH . LYON . —At sea , in the ship" Mohawk , " supposed to have foundered in February last , on the voyage from Pensacola , to the Clyde , David Murray , eldest son of Bro . D . Murray Lyon .
TheFreemason, SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 12 , 1874 .
Our Late Grand Master.
The week which has elapsed since the an nouncement of the resignation by the Marquis of Ripon of his high office of Grand Master of English Freemasoni )' , has only tended to make
us feel more intensely the fact itself , and to increase the regret with which we first received the intelligence , which it was our unwelcome duty on Saturday to announce to the Craft
dispersed throughout the world . At the time all weie stunned by the suddenness of the resignation , and no one could profess to understand , or even to surmise a reasuii for a step in itself ap .
parently inexplicable . The Times , in a remarkable lender of Saturday , professes to give the only explanation , an explanation which if it be correct , must be received by our entire Order with equal surprise and regret . It is ' -
this" Lord Ripon has become a Roman Catholic It is notorious that the Freemasons are under the especial ban of the Church of Rome . That
Church tolerates no secret society , except that of the Jesuits ; and the first sacrifice which would be demanded of a convert like Lord Ripon would be his withdrawal from the Craft . As
the first p ledge of his new obedience he has to abandon his honourable position in the brotherhood , and to renounce a harmless and kindly
association , in which he might for years have held the foremost place . It was justly said that the reasons must have been overwhelming which could induce him to take so unwelcome
a step , and they arise from nothing less than the important change in his religious convictions which we have stated . '' The article from which this sad extract is taken , and which is
printed in another column , is a very remarkable one , and deserves attentive perusal , and it puts the case alike temperately and unanswerably . But while we feel how great will be the grief of
Freemasons on every account for this melancholy and ominous announcement , as a sad proof , if proof be needed , of the antagonistic and irreconcilable tendencies of the Church of Rome to all
freedom of action and all liberty of thought , we feel , that justice requires of us a few words of grateful tribute to the services of our late
valued Grand Master . Freemasons are always just , and we must not allow the overpowering emotions of painful surprise and regret , to make