Article ANNUAL BANQUET OF THE STAR LODGE OF INSTRUCTION, No. 1275. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Annual Banquet Of The Star Lodge Of Instruction, No. 1275.
in the position to give pleasure to all . After pleasantly referring to a newly-made brother of the lodge , Bro . Harding , he again thanked them for the toast , and trusted to be with them for many years to come . " The Hon . Secretary " was then toasted most enthusiastically ; and , in returning thanks , cave an excellent account of thc progress and prosperity of the lodge . 'There had been during the past year iooo attendances , averaging 20 per night . /" 105 s . Gd . had been collected in twopences ,
and £ S Ss . had been given away to distressed brethren in small sums . ( Cheers . ) The Treasurer and Stewards , Bros . Kceblc , Andrews , Emblin , Gloster , Shaw , Stockweil , and W . J . Taylor , were complimented . " The Masonic Press " received its meed of praise , and soon afterwards the compary separated , pleased and delighted with one another and the enjoyable evening passed together . Some excellent harmony enlivened thc proceedings .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
EMBASSY FROM THE G . M ., H . R . H THE PRINCE OF WALES , TO THE DOMINION OF CANADA . One of the most pleasing episodes in the history of 'Tern plar Masonry in Canada occurred on Wednesday evening the 19 th ult ., at the rooms of the Richard Cceur de Lion Preceptory , at their asylum , British Chambers , Notre
Dame-street , Montreal . A large representation of the several Preceptors , upon the invitation of the M . H . and E . Great Prior , Sir Kt . Col . W . J . B . Macleod-Moore , Great Prior , assembled with the Sir Knights of thc above Preceptory to assist in receiving and welcoming to the city and jurisdiction V . E . " Sir . Kt / Alex . Staveley Hill , D . C . L ., ALP ., Grand Chancellorof the Great Priory of England ,
who was the bearer of a letter from H . R . H . the Prince of Wales to the Grand Master of the Order to the Templar Body in Canada . Amongst the distinguished visitors were the following : M . E . Sir Kt . G . O . Tyler , G . C . State of Vermont ; D . ' B . Tracey , Detroit Commandery , Michigan ; M . VV . Bro . J . H . Graham , LL . D ., 32 , G . M . G . L . " of Quebec ; M . W .
Bros . A . A . Stevenson and VV . B . Simpson , P . G . M . ' s G . L . of Canada , now of Quebec ; Sir Kts . W . H . Hutton , 1 st Lieut . Supreme Consistory , 33 ° ; H . A . Mackay , 33 ; J . H . Stearns , 33 , G . Treas . G . L . of Quebec ; T . Sargant , 32 , G . J . G . Chap . Canada ; J . Kyle , Gondernar ; B . Maitland , VV . G . Reid , H . Stone , Godfrey de Bouillon , Hamilton . There were also present a large representation of the
Richard Cocur de Lion Preceptory . The preceptory having been opened in due form , M . H . and E . Prior was announced and received with ail the honours of a Knight Templar holding the very responsible and honourable position of Great Prior of Canada . After a few remarks from the Great Prior , the V . E . Sir Kt . Alex . Staveley Hill , the Chancellorof the Great Priorof England , was announced , andbcingintroduced by R . E . Sir Kts . W . B .
Simpson and I . H . Stearns , was received under thc arch of steel , and , by the request of the Great Prior , he was , under the direction of the M . W . the Grand Master of thc Grand Lodge of Quebec , welcomed with the grand honours of Masonry , which was enthusiastically responded to by every Sir Knight present . The V . E . Sir Knight then proceeded to read the special letter from H . R . H . the Prince of Wales to the Great Prior of Canada :
ALBERT EDWARD . To the Very High and Eminent Sir Knight Colonel VV . J . Bury Macleod-Moore , Grand Cross of the Temple , Great Prior of the Dominion of Canada : His Royal Highness Albert Edward , Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall , K . G ., G . C . S . L ., G . C . B .. K . T ., K . P ., { fee , & c . & c , Grand Master of thc United Religious ancl
Military Order of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta , sends his Royal and Fraternal Greeting . Being well assured of the loyalty and true affection of the Knights of the Order towards us , and of their sincere resolve that in the Dominion of Canada the brotherly bond of Union shall ever exist among all joined together under our Grand Mastership ; and further desiring to show to you our
continuing affection towards you , and to assure you that the prosperity of the Order ancl the union and brotherly love of the Great Officers and members of thc same under Her Majesty the Queen , our Patron , has been , and are , an object of our most constant care ; We have , therefore , charged our trusty and well beloved Chancellor of the Great Priory of England , Alexander
Staveley Hill , D . C . L ., one of Her Majesty ' s Counsel and Member of Parliament , to be thc bearer to you of this our letter ; and our said Chancellor hath it further in charge to express towards you , Very High and Eminent Great I . ior , our Royal favour and good-will , and our affection towards the brethren Sir Knights of the Order and to thc Dominion of Canada .
Given on board the Osborne , R . Y ., thc iSth day of August , A . L . 5 SS 5 , A . D . 1 SS 1 , A . o . 763 . The M . H . and E . Great Prior then made thc following reply : — lo the V . Emt . Frater . Sir Knight Alex . Stavcly Hill , Q . C ., M . P ., D . C . L ., and Chancellor of the Great Priory of England and Wales , United Orders of the Temple and Hospitallers of Malta :
V . EM . AND DEAR BROTHER , —It is with the greatest pleasure and satisfaction that I , as Great Prior of the United Ordersof the Temple and Malta in Canada , welcome you to our New Dominion , and , with all knightly courtesy , receive and greet you as one of the chief officers of our sister Great Priory of England , duly accredited to us by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the Illus . and Supreme
Grand Master of our Order . I only regret that the annual meeting of Great Priory of Canada for this year has alrcatlj- taken place ; but permit me , in the name of the National Great Priory , ancl in behalf of the officers and members of the Richard Cceur de Lion Preceptory of this city , under whose auspices we arc now assembled , heartily to tender their fraternal greeting , and I feel confident , i
ft . '''"^ ' " . -tcl ' > " ' also expressing thc sentiments ot the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite 33 ° for the Dominion , and of thc oincers of the Supreme Council here present , and of the v ^ > rand Master and other Grand Officers and members of M , . rand Lodge of the Province of Ouebec , and of the "' Exct . Princi pals and other Grand OTficers of the Grand ^ bapter of Royal Arch Masons of the same , who are now » 'W us as Templars on this occasion , in saying that we
Knights Templar.
very highly appreciate thc honour conferred on us by the letter from thc Supreme Grand Master of the Order , and we fraternally request you , on your return to England , to be pleased most respectfully to convey to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales our due appreciation of his gracious favour and fraternal kindness , and of our profound esteem for him , and
our unswerving Kyalty to the person and throne of our Most Gracious Sovereign Lady thc Queen , the patron of our Knightly Order . For myself , I look upon it as one of my greatest honours and privileges—that I . received my Patent as Great Prior of Canada from His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , and heir apparent to the throne of England—and that from the powers and prerogatives
conferred by the said Patent the Templar nationality of our Dominion derived its existence . We further beg you most respectfully to assure II . R . Highness , as Grand Master of the United Orders of the Temple and Malta , and of the M . Worshipful the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England , and Grand Patron of the Ancient and Scottish Rite of Free
Masonry , that , while on account of peculiar circumstances , the several Rites and Orders of the Craft in our Dominion are establishing local Masonic Government , and while we are seeking to have such carried out and perfected in harmony and amity , we are more than ever desirous of having and perpetuating the most intimate fraternal relations to the co-ordinate Sovereign Grand Bodies of every
regular and duly recognised Rite of Freemasonry andallied Orders in England , and to establish and-maintain a perpetual alliance of loyal and fraternal amity and correspondence therewith . Again , proffering you a hearty and Knightly welcome ,
and wishing you a pleasant voyage across the Atlantic , and a safe and happy return to England , I have the honour to be , Dear and V . Eminent Frater , Fraternally yours , VV . J . B . MACLEOD-MOORE , G . C . T ., Great Prior Dominion of Canada . Montreal , Province of Quebec , 19 th October 1 SS 1 .
Before closing an opportunity was given by the Great Prior to every Sir Knight of making the acquaintance of our V . E . Sir Knight and brother-in-arms in that peculiar manner known only to the initiated . After closing , at the request of the E . P . of Richard Cceur de Lion Preceptory , Sir Knt . Adams , thc company repaired to the banqueting hall of the Preceptory , where a very recherche and
enjoyable repast was prepared . The chair W 3 S occupied by the E . P . of the P receptory , I . R . E . A . G . Adams , having on his left the guest of the evening , V . E . Sir Knight Alex . Staveley Hill ; Sir Knights D . B . Tracey , of Detroit ; H . A . MacKay , of Hamilton ; A . A . Stephenson , of M . ; and Knight Hutton . On his
right the M . H . and E . Great Prior of Canada ; R . E . Sir K . W . B . Simpson , P . G . Sub-Prior ; R . E . Sir Knight Graham , G . M . of Quebec ; Geo . O . Taylor , G . C , Vermont ; and I . H . Steam , Provincial Prior , Quebec . After having partaken of the good things prepared , the Sir Knights proceeded to honour the toasts as proposed by the Chairman .
After a few remarks by the Chairman , the first toast in Masonry was proposed , " The Queen , " which was received with all the enthusiasm that loyal and true Knights Templar at all times delights to exhibit . The second toast followed , "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , G . M . of the Order . " The next toast , and one which is at all times received
with more than usual pleasure , was that of "The M . H . and E . the Great Prior of the National Great Priory of Canada , Col . VV . J . B . Macleod-Moore , " to which the V . E . Sir Knight replied in feeling teims , referring to the kind and hospitable manner in which he was everywhere received by the Templar bod y in Canada . The great pleasure in the honour done him in being the recipient of the letter from H . R . H . the Prince of Wales through the
V . E . Great Chancellor , assuring the brethren that it would at all times be his aim to preserve intact the principles and privileges of the Order , and that though holding his patent from the Supreme Grand Master of thc Order , H . R . H ., we possess that entire freedom which in years before had not been enjoyed b y us . That after long years in the service the greater joy to him would be that during the
balance of his probation—which might , perhaps , be but short—it must be . Yet he hoped' to see the Knight Templars of Canada stand fast and firm in the bonds of Christian Knighthood wdiich has led us up to that high and honourable position in having been convened together to-night to be recipients of a letter from H . R . H . the Prince of Wales .
The M . E . Great Prior having- assumed the Sceptre , proceeded in a few remarks to propose the toast of " Our Guest , V . E . Sir Knight Alex . Staveley Hill , G . C . of England , " which was responded to with enthusiastic cheers . 'The distinguished Sir Knight , in replying to the toast , remarked that he was pleased at the brotherly remarks from the M . IL and E . Great Prior , and congratulated
himself that wherever he had been ( though kindly received b y all ) yet he had not received such a reception as the on given him this evening . He had been upon a trip of observation , and was delighted with what he had seen and learned . He saw opening out to Canada a grand and brilliant luturc ; in it a source of developcment to which the many classes in good Old Knjrland could come with
strong arms , determined will , and steady purpose of action to carve out for themselves a comfortable home and honourable livelihood . He also hoped that if in the distant future the Colonies would be represented in one Grand State Parliament , Canada would be able to do credit to herself , and this he felt satisfied of from the push , tact , and loyal sentiment which he found abounds over this vast
territory . He trusted that at some Future day the Royal Craft would be honoured with a visit from H . R . H . After an eloquent and entertaining speech he resumed his seat amidst rourds of applause . The next toast , which the Chairman said gave him peculiar pleasure to propose , was that of "OurVisiting Sir Knights . " They had amongst them visitors from several jurisdictions , and he knew that the Sir Knights of
Richard Cceur de Lion Preceptory felt bow great an honour had been conferred upon them by the jirescncc of so many this evening , to which replies were elicited from the following brethren : Sir Knight W . H . HATTON , 33 , on behalf of the Supreme Council 33 of Canada , who desired to convey to tlie Sir Knights the thanks of that Grand Body for the honourconfcrred upon it by proposing the toast , and in being pleased to do honour to His Royal Highness thc Prince of Wales through the U . E . the Grand Chancellor .
Knights Templar.
Sir Knight J . H . GRAHAM , LL . D ., 322 , G . M . G . Lodge , Quebec , in replying , referred to the very great pleasure it afforded him at being present to do honour to th , _ Ambassador from H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , to associate with a few old friends who he saw present from Ontario and enjoy that fraternal intercourse with those whom he had met
in former days , and trusted that the same kindly feeling of reciprocal attachment would be enhanced by the meeting that evening ; that wherever little differences of opinion had existed in the past , he felt satisfied that nothing would occur to mar that pleasure and goodfellowship which are the teachings of Masonry . The Grand Master of Quebec concluded his able address amidst the enthusiastic plaudits of the whole assembly .
Sir Knight GEO . O . TVLER , Grand Commander of the State of Vermont , in replying , said , though hailing from oyer the border line , he still claimed that he was a Canadian , Masonic as well as by birth ; that he desired to express his feeling of loyalty in assuring the distinguished Sir Knight that he spoke the sentiments of goo knights of Vermont in wishing long life and prosperity to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales .
Sir Knight W . B . TRACY replied for the Grand Commandery of the State of Michigan . Sir Knight THOS . SARGANT , Grand J . Grand Chapter of Canada , in replying , desired to convey the assurance to H . R . H ., through R . E . the Great Chancellor , that within the wide domains of Canada none were more loyal , more true to the throne , and possessed greater fealty and reverence to our Grand Master of the Order than the four
thousand who were on the register of the Grand Chapter of Canada ( Ontario ) . On behalf of the Grand Chapter of Canada he thanked thc Sir Knights for the expressions of brotherly love which had been extended to him . Sir Knight H . A . MACKAY , of Hamilton , replied for the Grand Lodge of Scotland and Godfrey de Bouillin Preceptory . M . W . Bros . W . B . SIMPSON and A . A . STEVENSON
responded on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Canada . The CHANCELLOR of the GRAND PRIORY of ENGLAND proposed the following toast— "The E . P . of Richard Coeur de Lion Preceptory , Sir Knight Adams , " which was received with three times three . The E . SIR KNIGHT , in replying , said that this was a red-letter day with the preceptory ; they had been honoured with the presence of so many tried and true friends , as well
as the distinguished visitor , that he felt satisfied Knight Templarism in this c ' . ty would " receive an impetus which would result in good to the Order . The toast of " The Prov . Sub-Prior , Sir Knight Stearns , " was then proposed , and received with rounds of cheers . The E . SIR KNIGHT , in replying , stated that he was unable to give utterance to what his heart desired him to say , but he assured the brethren that he felt it no small
honour to be present and assist in receiving our distinguished Sir Kni ghts . He trusted that thc feeling engendered this evening would result in good to the Order of Knight Templars . The Sir Knights then dispersed after "God Save thc Queen " and " Auld Lang Syne " had been rendered in the time-honoured style , all being satisfied that it had been one of the most pleasurable evenings they had spent in the interests of Templar Masonry .
Obituary .
BRO . H . J . ADAMS . We regret to announce the death of Bro . H . J . Adams , one of the founders of St . Dunstan ' s Lodge , No . 15 S 9 , and senior partner in the house of VV . I . Adams and Son , who have been tlie publishers of Bradshaw ' s guides from thc time that they first began to appear . Bro . Adams was much respected by all who knew him , but few imagined that the modest , retiring publisher of railway student of
guides was a diligent Schopenhauer , and that when he left Fleet-street his evenings were devoted to the study of German philosophy . Bro . Adams never wrote even a pamphlet , and , like too many other English students , he has left behind him no monument of lifelong labours . He was overseer of St . Dunstans-in-the-West , in the City of London . His death took place last Monday , at his house in West Hampstead , at the early age of fifty . He will be buried at Norwood next Monday .
BRO . THOMAS THOMAS . On Saturday , the 22 nd ult ., after a few days illness , passed away Bro . Thomas Thomas , Post-master of Great Berkhampstead , and Provincial Grand Tyler of Hertfordshire . He was also Tyler of the Berkhampstead and
Watford Lodges , which posts he had filled over thirty years . He died at the age of seventy-three , and was followed to the grave by several members of the Masonic body , and also by about 150 of the members of the respective Orders of Odd Fellows and Foresters .
BRO . R . W . LOVVRY . Considerable regret was caused in local Masonic circles by the intelligence of the death of Bro . R . W . Lowry , a highly-esteemed member of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , 135 G , Liverpool . The deceased was for about a period of ten years a most useful and practical member of the Toxteth Board of Guardians , and his funeral , which took place on
Wednesday week at Smithdown-road Cemetery , was very largely attended . At the graveside were assembled many of his colleagues on the Poor law Board and a gathering of Freemasons . The chief mourners were Mr . E . Lowry , brother , and several sons and nephews of the deceased . The guardians present included : Bro . E . Paull , Mr V Lewis , Mr . VV . Hood , Mr . W . II . Edwards , Mr . T . ICd " -
wards , Bro . B . B . Marson , Mr . E . Jones , Messrs . W . Abercrombic , T . Pritchard , Harrison , and Dr . Macdonald ( medical officer ) . There were also in attendance : Capt . Stabb , Messrs . T . Beaumont , T . Trcvitt , and J . Robson , of the Toxteth Burial Board ; Councillor T . Hughes , Messrs . T . Roberts , W . Lloyd ( Secretary to the Toxteth Conservative Association ) ; and the following members of the Masonic Fraternity : Bros . L Keet , W . M . : H . P . Sciuire . Sec . :
J . VV . VVilliams , G . Yates , J . Shaw , B . Holegate , Charles Arden , J . Moulding , J . Lees , H . H . Hughes , John Ashley , H . Wilson , J . Neil , J . R . Pritchard . and — Casement , all cf the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , 1356 ; Bros . Coxon , Walker , 1 . h . vans , and J . Hughes , of 1 G 75 ; Bros . W . VV . Thomas , S . W ., and VV . T . Thomas , of 1570 ; and others . The deceased was interred in that portion of the cemetery set apart for Nonconformists , the Rev . J . C . Greaves , Wes- > leyan minister , conducting the burial service .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Annual Banquet Of The Star Lodge Of Instruction, No. 1275.
in the position to give pleasure to all . After pleasantly referring to a newly-made brother of the lodge , Bro . Harding , he again thanked them for the toast , and trusted to be with them for many years to come . " The Hon . Secretary " was then toasted most enthusiastically ; and , in returning thanks , cave an excellent account of thc progress and prosperity of the lodge . 'There had been during the past year iooo attendances , averaging 20 per night . /" 105 s . Gd . had been collected in twopences ,
and £ S Ss . had been given away to distressed brethren in small sums . ( Cheers . ) The Treasurer and Stewards , Bros . Kceblc , Andrews , Emblin , Gloster , Shaw , Stockweil , and W . J . Taylor , were complimented . " The Masonic Press " received its meed of praise , and soon afterwards the compary separated , pleased and delighted with one another and the enjoyable evening passed together . Some excellent harmony enlivened thc proceedings .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
EMBASSY FROM THE G . M ., H . R . H THE PRINCE OF WALES , TO THE DOMINION OF CANADA . One of the most pleasing episodes in the history of 'Tern plar Masonry in Canada occurred on Wednesday evening the 19 th ult ., at the rooms of the Richard Cceur de Lion Preceptory , at their asylum , British Chambers , Notre
Dame-street , Montreal . A large representation of the several Preceptors , upon the invitation of the M . H . and E . Great Prior , Sir Kt . Col . W . J . B . Macleod-Moore , Great Prior , assembled with the Sir Knights of thc above Preceptory to assist in receiving and welcoming to the city and jurisdiction V . E . " Sir . Kt / Alex . Staveley Hill , D . C . L ., ALP ., Grand Chancellorof the Great Priory of England ,
who was the bearer of a letter from H . R . H . the Prince of Wales to the Grand Master of the Order to the Templar Body in Canada . Amongst the distinguished visitors were the following : M . E . Sir Kt . G . O . Tyler , G . C . State of Vermont ; D . ' B . Tracey , Detroit Commandery , Michigan ; M . VV . Bro . J . H . Graham , LL . D ., 32 , G . M . G . L . " of Quebec ; M . W .
Bros . A . A . Stevenson and VV . B . Simpson , P . G . M . ' s G . L . of Canada , now of Quebec ; Sir Kts . W . H . Hutton , 1 st Lieut . Supreme Consistory , 33 ° ; H . A . Mackay , 33 ; J . H . Stearns , 33 , G . Treas . G . L . of Quebec ; T . Sargant , 32 , G . J . G . Chap . Canada ; J . Kyle , Gondernar ; B . Maitland , VV . G . Reid , H . Stone , Godfrey de Bouillon , Hamilton . There were also present a large representation of the
Richard Cocur de Lion Preceptory . The preceptory having been opened in due form , M . H . and E . Prior was announced and received with ail the honours of a Knight Templar holding the very responsible and honourable position of Great Prior of Canada . After a few remarks from the Great Prior , the V . E . Sir Kt . Alex . Staveley Hill , the Chancellorof the Great Priorof England , was announced , andbcingintroduced by R . E . Sir Kts . W . B .
Simpson and I . H . Stearns , was received under thc arch of steel , and , by the request of the Great Prior , he was , under the direction of the M . W . the Grand Master of thc Grand Lodge of Quebec , welcomed with the grand honours of Masonry , which was enthusiastically responded to by every Sir Knight present . The V . E . Sir Knight then proceeded to read the special letter from H . R . H . the Prince of Wales to the Great Prior of Canada :
ALBERT EDWARD . To the Very High and Eminent Sir Knight Colonel VV . J . Bury Macleod-Moore , Grand Cross of the Temple , Great Prior of the Dominion of Canada : His Royal Highness Albert Edward , Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall , K . G ., G . C . S . L ., G . C . B .. K . T ., K . P ., { fee , & c . & c , Grand Master of thc United Religious ancl
Military Order of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta , sends his Royal and Fraternal Greeting . Being well assured of the loyalty and true affection of the Knights of the Order towards us , and of their sincere resolve that in the Dominion of Canada the brotherly bond of Union shall ever exist among all joined together under our Grand Mastership ; and further desiring to show to you our
continuing affection towards you , and to assure you that the prosperity of the Order ancl the union and brotherly love of the Great Officers and members of thc same under Her Majesty the Queen , our Patron , has been , and are , an object of our most constant care ; We have , therefore , charged our trusty and well beloved Chancellor of the Great Priory of England , Alexander
Staveley Hill , D . C . L ., one of Her Majesty ' s Counsel and Member of Parliament , to be thc bearer to you of this our letter ; and our said Chancellor hath it further in charge to express towards you , Very High and Eminent Great I . ior , our Royal favour and good-will , and our affection towards the brethren Sir Knights of the Order and to thc Dominion of Canada .
Given on board the Osborne , R . Y ., thc iSth day of August , A . L . 5 SS 5 , A . D . 1 SS 1 , A . o . 763 . The M . H . and E . Great Prior then made thc following reply : — lo the V . Emt . Frater . Sir Knight Alex . Stavcly Hill , Q . C ., M . P ., D . C . L ., and Chancellor of the Great Priory of England and Wales , United Orders of the Temple and Hospitallers of Malta :
V . EM . AND DEAR BROTHER , —It is with the greatest pleasure and satisfaction that I , as Great Prior of the United Ordersof the Temple and Malta in Canada , welcome you to our New Dominion , and , with all knightly courtesy , receive and greet you as one of the chief officers of our sister Great Priory of England , duly accredited to us by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the Illus . and Supreme
Grand Master of our Order . I only regret that the annual meeting of Great Priory of Canada for this year has alrcatlj- taken place ; but permit me , in the name of the National Great Priory , ancl in behalf of the officers and members of the Richard Cceur de Lion Preceptory of this city , under whose auspices we arc now assembled , heartily to tender their fraternal greeting , and I feel confident , i
ft . '''"^ ' " . -tcl ' > " ' also expressing thc sentiments ot the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite 33 ° for the Dominion , and of thc oincers of the Supreme Council here present , and of the v ^ > rand Master and other Grand Officers and members of M , . rand Lodge of the Province of Ouebec , and of the "' Exct . Princi pals and other Grand OTficers of the Grand ^ bapter of Royal Arch Masons of the same , who are now » 'W us as Templars on this occasion , in saying that we
Knights Templar.
very highly appreciate thc honour conferred on us by the letter from thc Supreme Grand Master of the Order , and we fraternally request you , on your return to England , to be pleased most respectfully to convey to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales our due appreciation of his gracious favour and fraternal kindness , and of our profound esteem for him , and
our unswerving Kyalty to the person and throne of our Most Gracious Sovereign Lady thc Queen , the patron of our Knightly Order . For myself , I look upon it as one of my greatest honours and privileges—that I . received my Patent as Great Prior of Canada from His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , and heir apparent to the throne of England—and that from the powers and prerogatives
conferred by the said Patent the Templar nationality of our Dominion derived its existence . We further beg you most respectfully to assure II . R . Highness , as Grand Master of the United Orders of the Temple and Malta , and of the M . Worshipful the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England , and Grand Patron of the Ancient and Scottish Rite of Free
Masonry , that , while on account of peculiar circumstances , the several Rites and Orders of the Craft in our Dominion are establishing local Masonic Government , and while we are seeking to have such carried out and perfected in harmony and amity , we are more than ever desirous of having and perpetuating the most intimate fraternal relations to the co-ordinate Sovereign Grand Bodies of every
regular and duly recognised Rite of Freemasonry andallied Orders in England , and to establish and-maintain a perpetual alliance of loyal and fraternal amity and correspondence therewith . Again , proffering you a hearty and Knightly welcome ,
and wishing you a pleasant voyage across the Atlantic , and a safe and happy return to England , I have the honour to be , Dear and V . Eminent Frater , Fraternally yours , VV . J . B . MACLEOD-MOORE , G . C . T ., Great Prior Dominion of Canada . Montreal , Province of Quebec , 19 th October 1 SS 1 .
Before closing an opportunity was given by the Great Prior to every Sir Knight of making the acquaintance of our V . E . Sir Knight and brother-in-arms in that peculiar manner known only to the initiated . After closing , at the request of the E . P . of Richard Cceur de Lion Preceptory , Sir Knt . Adams , thc company repaired to the banqueting hall of the Preceptory , where a very recherche and
enjoyable repast was prepared . The chair W 3 S occupied by the E . P . of the P receptory , I . R . E . A . G . Adams , having on his left the guest of the evening , V . E . Sir Knight Alex . Staveley Hill ; Sir Knights D . B . Tracey , of Detroit ; H . A . MacKay , of Hamilton ; A . A . Stephenson , of M . ; and Knight Hutton . On his
right the M . H . and E . Great Prior of Canada ; R . E . Sir K . W . B . Simpson , P . G . Sub-Prior ; R . E . Sir Knight Graham , G . M . of Quebec ; Geo . O . Taylor , G . C , Vermont ; and I . H . Steam , Provincial Prior , Quebec . After having partaken of the good things prepared , the Sir Knights proceeded to honour the toasts as proposed by the Chairman .
After a few remarks by the Chairman , the first toast in Masonry was proposed , " The Queen , " which was received with all the enthusiasm that loyal and true Knights Templar at all times delights to exhibit . The second toast followed , "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , G . M . of the Order . " The next toast , and one which is at all times received
with more than usual pleasure , was that of "The M . H . and E . the Great Prior of the National Great Priory of Canada , Col . VV . J . B . Macleod-Moore , " to which the V . E . Sir Knight replied in feeling teims , referring to the kind and hospitable manner in which he was everywhere received by the Templar bod y in Canada . The great pleasure in the honour done him in being the recipient of the letter from H . R . H . the Prince of Wales through the
V . E . Great Chancellor , assuring the brethren that it would at all times be his aim to preserve intact the principles and privileges of the Order , and that though holding his patent from the Supreme Grand Master of thc Order , H . R . H ., we possess that entire freedom which in years before had not been enjoyed b y us . That after long years in the service the greater joy to him would be that during the
balance of his probation—which might , perhaps , be but short—it must be . Yet he hoped' to see the Knight Templars of Canada stand fast and firm in the bonds of Christian Knighthood wdiich has led us up to that high and honourable position in having been convened together to-night to be recipients of a letter from H . R . H . the Prince of Wales .
The M . E . Great Prior having- assumed the Sceptre , proceeded in a few remarks to propose the toast of " Our Guest , V . E . Sir Knight Alex . Staveley Hill , G . C . of England , " which was responded to with enthusiastic cheers . 'The distinguished Sir Knight , in replying to the toast , remarked that he was pleased at the brotherly remarks from the M . IL and E . Great Prior , and congratulated
himself that wherever he had been ( though kindly received b y all ) yet he had not received such a reception as the on given him this evening . He had been upon a trip of observation , and was delighted with what he had seen and learned . He saw opening out to Canada a grand and brilliant luturc ; in it a source of developcment to which the many classes in good Old Knjrland could come with
strong arms , determined will , and steady purpose of action to carve out for themselves a comfortable home and honourable livelihood . He also hoped that if in the distant future the Colonies would be represented in one Grand State Parliament , Canada would be able to do credit to herself , and this he felt satisfied of from the push , tact , and loyal sentiment which he found abounds over this vast
territory . He trusted that at some Future day the Royal Craft would be honoured with a visit from H . R . H . After an eloquent and entertaining speech he resumed his seat amidst rourds of applause . The next toast , which the Chairman said gave him peculiar pleasure to propose , was that of "OurVisiting Sir Knights . " They had amongst them visitors from several jurisdictions , and he knew that the Sir Knights of
Richard Cceur de Lion Preceptory felt bow great an honour had been conferred upon them by the jirescncc of so many this evening , to which replies were elicited from the following brethren : Sir Knight W . H . HATTON , 33 , on behalf of the Supreme Council 33 of Canada , who desired to convey to tlie Sir Knights the thanks of that Grand Body for the honourconfcrred upon it by proposing the toast , and in being pleased to do honour to His Royal Highness thc Prince of Wales through the U . E . the Grand Chancellor .
Knights Templar.
Sir Knight J . H . GRAHAM , LL . D ., 322 , G . M . G . Lodge , Quebec , in replying , referred to the very great pleasure it afforded him at being present to do honour to th , _ Ambassador from H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , to associate with a few old friends who he saw present from Ontario and enjoy that fraternal intercourse with those whom he had met
in former days , and trusted that the same kindly feeling of reciprocal attachment would be enhanced by the meeting that evening ; that wherever little differences of opinion had existed in the past , he felt satisfied that nothing would occur to mar that pleasure and goodfellowship which are the teachings of Masonry . The Grand Master of Quebec concluded his able address amidst the enthusiastic plaudits of the whole assembly .
Sir Knight GEO . O . TVLER , Grand Commander of the State of Vermont , in replying , said , though hailing from oyer the border line , he still claimed that he was a Canadian , Masonic as well as by birth ; that he desired to express his feeling of loyalty in assuring the distinguished Sir Knight that he spoke the sentiments of goo knights of Vermont in wishing long life and prosperity to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales .
Sir Knight W . B . TRACY replied for the Grand Commandery of the State of Michigan . Sir Knight THOS . SARGANT , Grand J . Grand Chapter of Canada , in replying , desired to convey the assurance to H . R . H ., through R . E . the Great Chancellor , that within the wide domains of Canada none were more loyal , more true to the throne , and possessed greater fealty and reverence to our Grand Master of the Order than the four
thousand who were on the register of the Grand Chapter of Canada ( Ontario ) . On behalf of the Grand Chapter of Canada he thanked thc Sir Knights for the expressions of brotherly love which had been extended to him . Sir Knight H . A . MACKAY , of Hamilton , replied for the Grand Lodge of Scotland and Godfrey de Bouillin Preceptory . M . W . Bros . W . B . SIMPSON and A . A . STEVENSON
responded on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Canada . The CHANCELLOR of the GRAND PRIORY of ENGLAND proposed the following toast— "The E . P . of Richard Coeur de Lion Preceptory , Sir Knight Adams , " which was received with three times three . The E . SIR KNIGHT , in replying , said that this was a red-letter day with the preceptory ; they had been honoured with the presence of so many tried and true friends , as well
as the distinguished visitor , that he felt satisfied Knight Templarism in this c ' . ty would " receive an impetus which would result in good to the Order . The toast of " The Prov . Sub-Prior , Sir Knight Stearns , " was then proposed , and received with rounds of cheers . The E . SIR KNIGHT , in replying , stated that he was unable to give utterance to what his heart desired him to say , but he assured the brethren that he felt it no small
honour to be present and assist in receiving our distinguished Sir Kni ghts . He trusted that thc feeling engendered this evening would result in good to the Order of Knight Templars . The Sir Knights then dispersed after "God Save thc Queen " and " Auld Lang Syne " had been rendered in the time-honoured style , all being satisfied that it had been one of the most pleasurable evenings they had spent in the interests of Templar Masonry .
Obituary .
BRO . H . J . ADAMS . We regret to announce the death of Bro . H . J . Adams , one of the founders of St . Dunstan ' s Lodge , No . 15 S 9 , and senior partner in the house of VV . I . Adams and Son , who have been tlie publishers of Bradshaw ' s guides from thc time that they first began to appear . Bro . Adams was much respected by all who knew him , but few imagined that the modest , retiring publisher of railway student of
guides was a diligent Schopenhauer , and that when he left Fleet-street his evenings were devoted to the study of German philosophy . Bro . Adams never wrote even a pamphlet , and , like too many other English students , he has left behind him no monument of lifelong labours . He was overseer of St . Dunstans-in-the-West , in the City of London . His death took place last Monday , at his house in West Hampstead , at the early age of fifty . He will be buried at Norwood next Monday .
BRO . THOMAS THOMAS . On Saturday , the 22 nd ult ., after a few days illness , passed away Bro . Thomas Thomas , Post-master of Great Berkhampstead , and Provincial Grand Tyler of Hertfordshire . He was also Tyler of the Berkhampstead and
Watford Lodges , which posts he had filled over thirty years . He died at the age of seventy-three , and was followed to the grave by several members of the Masonic body , and also by about 150 of the members of the respective Orders of Odd Fellows and Foresters .
BRO . R . W . LOVVRY . Considerable regret was caused in local Masonic circles by the intelligence of the death of Bro . R . W . Lowry , a highly-esteemed member of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , 135 G , Liverpool . The deceased was for about a period of ten years a most useful and practical member of the Toxteth Board of Guardians , and his funeral , which took place on
Wednesday week at Smithdown-road Cemetery , was very largely attended . At the graveside were assembled many of his colleagues on the Poor law Board and a gathering of Freemasons . The chief mourners were Mr . E . Lowry , brother , and several sons and nephews of the deceased . The guardians present included : Bro . E . Paull , Mr V Lewis , Mr . VV . Hood , Mr . W . II . Edwards , Mr . T . ICd " -
wards , Bro . B . B . Marson , Mr . E . Jones , Messrs . W . Abercrombic , T . Pritchard , Harrison , and Dr . Macdonald ( medical officer ) . There were also in attendance : Capt . Stabb , Messrs . T . Beaumont , T . Trcvitt , and J . Robson , of the Toxteth Burial Board ; Councillor T . Hughes , Messrs . T . Roberts , W . Lloyd ( Secretary to the Toxteth Conservative Association ) ; and the following members of the Masonic Fraternity : Bros . L Keet , W . M . : H . P . Sciuire . Sec . :
J . VV . VVilliams , G . Yates , J . Shaw , B . Holegate , Charles Arden , J . Moulding , J . Lees , H . H . Hughes , John Ashley , H . Wilson , J . Neil , J . R . Pritchard . and — Casement , all cf the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , 1356 ; Bros . Coxon , Walker , 1 . h . vans , and J . Hughes , of 1 G 75 ; Bros . W . VV . Thomas , S . W ., and VV . T . Thomas , of 1570 ; and others . The deceased was interred in that portion of the cemetery set apart for Nonconformists , the Rev . J . C . Greaves , Wes- > leyan minister , conducting the burial service .