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LONDON AND SUBURBAN MUTUAL BUILDING-SOCIETY , Enrolled in 1855 , pursuant to Act 0 / Parliament . SHARES , £ 25 each , may be paid in one sura , or by Monthly Subscriptions of 5 s . per shore . INVESTING MEMBERS receive 5 per cent . Interest , and Share of Surplus Profits . MONEY ADVANCED ON MORTGAGE , without Premium , for any term of years . Bro . JONATHAN TAYLOR ( Doric 933 ) , Secretary . Offices ;—107 a ; FENCHUKCH STREET , E . C .
THE BIRKBECK Is the only BUILDING SOCIETY whose Annual Receipts exceed ONE MILLIONl How to Purchase a House for Two Guineas per Month , With IMMEDIATE POSSESSION and NO RENT TO PAY . Apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 39 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . Hcrj . to purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shillings per month With ImmediatePossession , eitherfor Building or Gardening Purposes , apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . How to Invest Money with safety at £ 4 . per cent . Interest , Apply to the Office of the BIRKBECK BANK . All sums under , £ 50 repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till _ 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Mamser .
Remittances to Australia , Neio South Wales , and New Zealand . ROYAL BANK OF IRELAND . LETTERS of CREDIT on Melbourne , Sydney , Adelaide , Auckland , and all the Principal Towns , can be obtained on the most favourable terms at the office of this Bank , By order . FOSTER PLACE , DUBLIN , March , 1871 .
ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF LIFE . ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF TIME . ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF MONEY . Provide against Accidents of all kinds By Insuring with the Railway Passengers' Assurance Company , An Annual Payment of £ 3 to £ 6 si insures . £ 1 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at the rate of £ 6 per week for injury . £ 565 , 000 HAVE BEEN PAID AS COMPENSATION , One out of every 12 Annual Policy Holders becoming a claimant each year . ^ For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 64 , CORNHILL , and 10 , REGENT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
MONEY . —LOANS granted from ^ ioo to ^ 2 , ooo at 5 per cent ., repayable over three years , on personal security and life policy effected with the WEST OV ENGLAND INSURANCE COMPANY . ( Established iSo ^ . ) A pply to the Superintendent or Agents . Bro . J . CROCKER , Gatcshcad-on-1 yne . Agents wanted .
MONEY , in large or small amounts , and for long or short periods , with or without a life policy , readily obtainable at the NATIONAL GUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , No . 484 , Oxtord-strect , W . C . THOS . BOURNE , Res . Sec .
MONEY promptly ADVANCED on personal or available security . A moderate interest , repayable by instalments . Stamp for reply . REAL and PERSONAL ADVANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , 3 , Tavistock-strect , Covcnt-gardcn , and 14 , Southampton-row , Bloomsbury . P . J . HARVEY , Sec .
Mason ' s Hall Tavern , MASON'S AVENUE , BAS 1 NGHALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newl y decorated , by Bro CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the Freemasons Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for I-odgcs , Chapters , Mark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinuers , Suppers , & c , aud every attention w be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor ,
Caledonian Hotel , ROBERT STREET , ADELPIII TERRACE , STRAND . GENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will find every accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charges , at the above Hotel . Beds from as . ; Sitting Rooms from ;«; Breakfasts from as . ; Table d'Hote 6 . 30 , 3 s . 6 d . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquets . A Spacious and Cheerful CoJ / ee Room overlooking the Thames . JiRO . GEORGE STATES , Manager .
Duke of Edinburgh , Shepherd ' s-lane , Brixton . ( Close ta Railway Station , L . C . and D . R . ) BRO . TIMEWELL begs to announce to the Craft that he has enlarged and adapted hU house for MASONIC LODGES , & c , and has still a few evenings disengaged . United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , No . 501 , meet here every Friday evening at 7 ; Bro . John Thomas , P . M ., & c , Precoptor .
Beer in Bottle . WHITBREAD and CO . 's London Cooper , Stout and Ales . Sole Agent , ROBT . BAKER . Prices aud full particulars can be obtained at the Stores , 577 , GRAY'S INN ROAD , W . C .
WILLIAM WIN SO R , of 8 , Miles ' s-lane , London-bridge , Imports CIGAKSoftlic very Finest Brands only , and Manufactures Cigars from tlie Choicest Tobaccos . Wholesale and Retail .
Rose Croix . Tracing Boards , Five Guineas the Fair , MASONIC DEPOT ; i ; 3 and 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN ,
TESSELATED CARPETING-, FOR Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c , Four Feet wide , 3 / 9 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOT , LITTLE BRITAIN .
HARMONIUMS , SALE OR HIRE , For Lodges , Chapels , Schools and Families , PRICES from . £ 4 to £$ 0 . G . CAMP , 215 , STANHOPE ST ., MORNINGTON CRESCENT , N . W .
The LATEST PERFUME is the ROYAL NUPTIAL BOUQUET , By the authors of "Zolhair , " " In lilemoriam , " and the " Wild Floxvers of Tullahogue . " Dedicated to H . R . H . \ OBSERVE 1 TWIT PRi > jri ? c ; o rnnrcp ( . Each Bottle bears on the label a ' THE PRINCESS LOUISE , f . simnc cf the newly-designed and protected by Copyright . ) "Princess Louise Plaid . PRICE 2 s . 6 d . ; THREE IN A NEAT CASE , 7 s . *\ Wholesale London Agents ' . — This original , and delightful Messrs . MAW , SON & THOMPSON . Essence , the reigning furore of BARCLAY & SONS . the London season , may be ob- ( NEWBEKY & SONS . tained from the fashionable j LYNCH & Co . Chemists and Vendors of Per- HOVKNDHN & SONS . fumery throughout the Kingdom . Retail ' . —SAVORY & MOORE . j Manchester : WM . MATHER , PKOr-RiETons : —M'MASTER , HODGSON & CO ., DUBLIN .
CIX CARTES DE VISITE , is . 8 d . ; * -7 Twelve , as . 8 d . Carte enlarged to 10 inches , 5 s . ; Cabinet size , as . Send Carte with stamps . Perfect copies and original returned free . LONDON PHOTOGRAPHIC COPYING COMPANY Offices : —304 , Regent Street , W ., and 40 , High Holborn , W . C . LODGES , CHAPTERS and ENCAMPMENTS Photographed at the Company ' s Studio , 16 and 17 , Warwick Couit , adjoining 40 , High Holborn . Bro . F . S . D . PHILLIPS , Manager .
SPORRANS . No . 1 . —Goat-skin Sporran , with ornament on top .. 5 / 0 No . 2 . —Ditto , „ 2 nd size 5 / 6 No . 3 . —Ditto , same size as No . 1 , with bells and chain on ornament .. .. .. 7 / 0 No . 4 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with cantle , bells , and chains on ornament ,. ., 8 / 6 No . 5 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with cantle , bells , and chains , and ornament .. .. 9 / 0 No . 6 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with engraved top , cantle , bells , and chains .. .. n / o BLACK , WHITE OK GREY , AS DESIRED . An assorted quantity of Badges on Sporrans at prices as above . IN STOCK AT Kenning ' s Military Warehouse , a , 3 & 4 , LITfLE BRITAIN .
MASONIC MUSIC IN STOCK AT BRO , KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . THE RED CROSS SONG : composed by Bro . H . PARKER , words by Bro R . W . LITTLE ... ... ... 3 ^ 0 WHAT BETTF . R THEME THAN MASONRY ? words by liro . Ji . MiiS STUVKNS ; music by Bro WILHELM CAM ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 / 0 BROTHERLY LOVE , RELIEF & TRUTH ; written Bro . J . H . SKWWLL ; composed by Bro . J . RHODES ... 4 / 0 THE FINAL TOAST ; w . iltou by D . L . RICIIAKDSONJ music by Bro . KDWIX ) . CROW ... ... ... ^ Jo THE E . A- SONG ; arrauged bv the late Bro . PARRY , of the " Lodgeof Antiquity , ' No . a ... ... 0 / 1 THE MASONIC SERVICE ; by J . C . BAKER , NO . 341 1 / 0 MASONIC HARMONIA 3 / 6 MASONIC MUSIC , compiled for the use of the ** Mer . chants Lodge / ' No . 241 , by Bro . ) . IX You . vc-HUSBANU ... ... ... ... ... 0 / 4 THE FREEMASON ( Tell me the sign Jolin ); written by UEORCI PALUEK ... ... ... ... 3 / 0 THREE TIMES THREE ; composed by Bro . HARBO - WAY , " Royal York Lodge , " Brighton ... ... 3 / 0 THE SHAKE OF THE HAND ( in G aud B flu ); composed by J BLOCKLEY . _ ... ... 3 / 0 THE FREEMASON'S FESTIVAL MARCH AND MASONIC HYMN , by Bro . W . B . ToLi'UTT ( Past Master of the "Temple Lodge , " No . 816 , Folkestone .- „ . ... ... ... 3 / 0 THE FREEMASON QUADRILLES ; Inscribed ( by permission ) to the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , K . G . ; by Bro . J OSHUA MARSHALL ( P . G . O ., West Yorkshire ) , Solo or Duett 4 / 9 MUSIC FOR THE CEREMONY OK ADVANCE . MENT TO THE MAKK DEGREE ; composed by Bro . EDWIN J . CROW , dedicated to the Orand Master , Bro . Rev . G . R . Portal .. . ; 3 / 0 All the above Half-Price .
Agent fir t / ie Masonic Life Insurance . BRO . JOSEPH WOOD , MASONIC CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , » 8 a , NORTON STREET , LIVERPOOL . "JEWELS , CLOTHING , and every requisite for J all degrees in freemasonry , at prices not to be surpassed by any house ui Eugland . W . M . * Aprons , from 10 / 6 each . _ Lodge Furniture made to order . Agent for Kenning ' s Masonic Candles , Note Paper and Em-dopes , Perfumes , & c , & C . Advertisements received for "THB FREHJUASSN . "
COSMOPOLITAN MASONICCALENDAR, 1871 , Contains 353 pages of information . LISTS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , CONCLAVES ENCAMPMENTS , & c , & c , IK The United Kingdom , France , Germany , Italy , America , Switzerland , & c , & c . Post-free , 2 s . 2 < 3 . In Morocco , Tucked , Gilt , 2 / 6 Post-free , a / 8 , GEORGE KENNING , 2 , . 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London , and all Booksellers .
For Cheap Watches , Clods , Gold Chains aud Jewellery , go it KIBBLES ' , 22 , GRACECHURCH STREET ( one door from Lombard-street ) . Gold Watches ,. ,. .. .. .. £ x is « Silver Watche .. ,. .. .. .. £ 1 S * Timepieces ,. .. ,. .. ., from 9 s . 6 d , Every article warranted , Plate , Watches and Jewellery bought or exchanged . List of Prices post free ,
Bro . DAVID BLISS , 22 & 23 , NEW CUT . LAMBETH , AND EAGLE BRASS WORKS NEW ST ., SHORT ST ., S . E ., Manufacturer of Gas Lamps , Chandeliers , Hydraulic , Steam and Gas Fittings ; Plumbers' Cocks , Brass Work , and Closets ; High Pressure Bib , Stop , and Equilibrium Ball Valves ; Sheet Zinc , Composition and Lead Pipe . Licensed Victuallers' Pewtercr . All Materials for Builders and Gas Engineers kept in Stock ,
BRO , REEVES , SON & Co ., Trade Lithographers , Engravers &> Die-Sinkers , PLAYHOUSE YARD , BLACKFRIARS , LONDON , E . C . Book of Specimens and Prices forwarded on receipt of 24 stamps
Bro . JAMES B . SLY , Silver and Gold Engraver of A r / ns , Crests Moncgrafns , and Inscriptions % 9 , RATHBONE PLACE , OXFORD-STREET , LONDON , W . Volunteer Prizes and Presentation Badges engraved with great dispatch Watch Cases Enamelled with Arms and Monograms , Saw-picrccd Monograms made in Metal-Gilt . Silver , or Gold , and mounted to Cook Covers or Cigar Cases . Masonic emblems made . niE-SlNtClNG DKI'ARTME . T . Notepaper and Envelope Dies Sunk for Relief , Plain , or Jtlmnina * ting . Company ' s Seals and priiamen . al Dies cut for Jewellers . Relief aud Illuminated Stamping executed . Stationery supplied . Circular aud Sample Sheets Free .
GLENFIELD STARCH is the only kind used in Her Majesty ' s Laundry . THOSE LADIES who have not yet used the GLENPIELD STARCH , are respectfully solicited to give it a trial , and carefully follow out the directions printed on every package . It is rather more clilTcult to make than other Starches , but when this is overcome , they will say , like the Queen ' s Laundress , that it is the finest Starch they ever used . When you ash for Ike Gleiifield , see that you get it .
GALVANISM . -PULVERMACHER'S Monthly RECORD of CURE . S is now readyhr the benefit of sufferers containing documentary evidence of remarkable cures effected by PUI . VEKMACHEH ' S IMVKOVKU PATENT SELF-AI'PLICABLB VOLTAELECTRIC CHAIN BANDS and P OCKET BATTERIES , and may be bad on application to the Sol : Inventor and Patentee , J . . PUI-VBRUACHER , 2 oo , Regent-street , London , W . A test on loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious electric appliances being advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvennacher ' s Pamphlet on that lubject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic aud Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , & c .
WEAK or Defective SIGHT . —SPECTACLES scientifically adapted to remedy impaired vision b » Mr . Ackland , surgeon , daily , at HORNE and TlioRNTHWAITE'S , Opticians to the Queen , tat and 113 , Newgate-street , London . Send six stamps for "Ackland ' s Hints on Spectacles , " which contains valuable suggestions to sufferers from imperfect sight .
YOUNG'S ARNICATED CORN AND X BUNJON PLAISTERS are the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d , and is . per box . Hay be had of most chemists . Observe the trade mark . —HY—without which none are genuine . Be sure and ask for YOUNG'S .
RUPTURES , & c . —Mr . S . KNOTTLEY , Seventeen Years at WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS MANUFACTORY , begs to inform the Public he is commencing business himself , and trusts that , with strict attention and his long experience , he will merit the same patronage as his late employer . Price of a Smgle Truss , 15 s . and 18 s . ; postage , is . ad . Double ditto , £ 1 IOS . ; postage , is . iod . Umbilical 'iruss , £ 1 10 s . : postage , is . iod . On best construction only . Post-oflice Orders made payable to SILAS KNOTTLEY , Post-office , Piccadilly . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE CAPS , & c . Belts of every description , Trusses , Suspensory Bandages , at equally low prices , and every Surgical Appliance made to order , Mrs . 1 C , twenty years in the same firm , personally attends ladies . Present Address : SILAS K NOTTLUY , 44 , Great Windmill-street , Haymarkct , London .
Printed by Brother JAMES ADLEY RKKVES AND SON , Playhouse Yard , Blackfriars , in the City of London : and published by the Proprietor , Brother GUOXGE KBNNINO , at his Offices , a , 3 and 4 , Little Britain , in the City of London . —S ATURDAY , May 13 , 1 ( 71 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LONDON AND SUBURBAN MUTUAL BUILDING-SOCIETY , Enrolled in 1855 , pursuant to Act 0 / Parliament . SHARES , £ 25 each , may be paid in one sura , or by Monthly Subscriptions of 5 s . per shore . INVESTING MEMBERS receive 5 per cent . Interest , and Share of Surplus Profits . MONEY ADVANCED ON MORTGAGE , without Premium , for any term of years . Bro . JONATHAN TAYLOR ( Doric 933 ) , Secretary . Offices ;—107 a ; FENCHUKCH STREET , E . C .
THE BIRKBECK Is the only BUILDING SOCIETY whose Annual Receipts exceed ONE MILLIONl How to Purchase a House for Two Guineas per Month , With IMMEDIATE POSSESSION and NO RENT TO PAY . Apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 39 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . Hcrj . to purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shillings per month With ImmediatePossession , eitherfor Building or Gardening Purposes , apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . How to Invest Money with safety at £ 4 . per cent . Interest , Apply to the Office of the BIRKBECK BANK . All sums under , £ 50 repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till _ 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Mamser .
Remittances to Australia , Neio South Wales , and New Zealand . ROYAL BANK OF IRELAND . LETTERS of CREDIT on Melbourne , Sydney , Adelaide , Auckland , and all the Principal Towns , can be obtained on the most favourable terms at the office of this Bank , By order . FOSTER PLACE , DUBLIN , March , 1871 .
ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF LIFE . ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF TIME . ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF MONEY . Provide against Accidents of all kinds By Insuring with the Railway Passengers' Assurance Company , An Annual Payment of £ 3 to £ 6 si insures . £ 1 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at the rate of £ 6 per week for injury . £ 565 , 000 HAVE BEEN PAID AS COMPENSATION , One out of every 12 Annual Policy Holders becoming a claimant each year . ^ For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 64 , CORNHILL , and 10 , REGENT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
MONEY . —LOANS granted from ^ ioo to ^ 2 , ooo at 5 per cent ., repayable over three years , on personal security and life policy effected with the WEST OV ENGLAND INSURANCE COMPANY . ( Established iSo ^ . ) A pply to the Superintendent or Agents . Bro . J . CROCKER , Gatcshcad-on-1 yne . Agents wanted .
MONEY , in large or small amounts , and for long or short periods , with or without a life policy , readily obtainable at the NATIONAL GUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , No . 484 , Oxtord-strect , W . C . THOS . BOURNE , Res . Sec .
MONEY promptly ADVANCED on personal or available security . A moderate interest , repayable by instalments . Stamp for reply . REAL and PERSONAL ADVANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , 3 , Tavistock-strect , Covcnt-gardcn , and 14 , Southampton-row , Bloomsbury . P . J . HARVEY , Sec .
Mason ' s Hall Tavern , MASON'S AVENUE , BAS 1 NGHALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newl y decorated , by Bro CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the Freemasons Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for I-odgcs , Chapters , Mark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinuers , Suppers , & c , aud every attention w be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor ,
Caledonian Hotel , ROBERT STREET , ADELPIII TERRACE , STRAND . GENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will find every accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charges , at the above Hotel . Beds from as . ; Sitting Rooms from ;«; Breakfasts from as . ; Table d'Hote 6 . 30 , 3 s . 6 d . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquets . A Spacious and Cheerful CoJ / ee Room overlooking the Thames . JiRO . GEORGE STATES , Manager .
Duke of Edinburgh , Shepherd ' s-lane , Brixton . ( Close ta Railway Station , L . C . and D . R . ) BRO . TIMEWELL begs to announce to the Craft that he has enlarged and adapted hU house for MASONIC LODGES , & c , and has still a few evenings disengaged . United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , No . 501 , meet here every Friday evening at 7 ; Bro . John Thomas , P . M ., & c , Precoptor .
Beer in Bottle . WHITBREAD and CO . 's London Cooper , Stout and Ales . Sole Agent , ROBT . BAKER . Prices aud full particulars can be obtained at the Stores , 577 , GRAY'S INN ROAD , W . C .
WILLIAM WIN SO R , of 8 , Miles ' s-lane , London-bridge , Imports CIGAKSoftlic very Finest Brands only , and Manufactures Cigars from tlie Choicest Tobaccos . Wholesale and Retail .
Rose Croix . Tracing Boards , Five Guineas the Fair , MASONIC DEPOT ; i ; 3 and 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN ,
TESSELATED CARPETING-, FOR Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c , Four Feet wide , 3 / 9 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOT , LITTLE BRITAIN .
HARMONIUMS , SALE OR HIRE , For Lodges , Chapels , Schools and Families , PRICES from . £ 4 to £$ 0 . G . CAMP , 215 , STANHOPE ST ., MORNINGTON CRESCENT , N . W .
The LATEST PERFUME is the ROYAL NUPTIAL BOUQUET , By the authors of "Zolhair , " " In lilemoriam , " and the " Wild Floxvers of Tullahogue . " Dedicated to H . R . H . \ OBSERVE 1 TWIT PRi > jri ? c ; o rnnrcp ( . Each Bottle bears on the label a ' THE PRINCESS LOUISE , f . simnc cf the newly-designed and protected by Copyright . ) "Princess Louise Plaid . PRICE 2 s . 6 d . ; THREE IN A NEAT CASE , 7 s . *\ Wholesale London Agents ' . — This original , and delightful Messrs . MAW , SON & THOMPSON . Essence , the reigning furore of BARCLAY & SONS . the London season , may be ob- ( NEWBEKY & SONS . tained from the fashionable j LYNCH & Co . Chemists and Vendors of Per- HOVKNDHN & SONS . fumery throughout the Kingdom . Retail ' . —SAVORY & MOORE . j Manchester : WM . MATHER , PKOr-RiETons : —M'MASTER , HODGSON & CO ., DUBLIN .
CIX CARTES DE VISITE , is . 8 d . ; * -7 Twelve , as . 8 d . Carte enlarged to 10 inches , 5 s . ; Cabinet size , as . Send Carte with stamps . Perfect copies and original returned free . LONDON PHOTOGRAPHIC COPYING COMPANY Offices : —304 , Regent Street , W ., and 40 , High Holborn , W . C . LODGES , CHAPTERS and ENCAMPMENTS Photographed at the Company ' s Studio , 16 and 17 , Warwick Couit , adjoining 40 , High Holborn . Bro . F . S . D . PHILLIPS , Manager .
SPORRANS . No . 1 . —Goat-skin Sporran , with ornament on top .. 5 / 0 No . 2 . —Ditto , „ 2 nd size 5 / 6 No . 3 . —Ditto , same size as No . 1 , with bells and chain on ornament .. .. .. 7 / 0 No . 4 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with cantle , bells , and chains on ornament ,. ., 8 / 6 No . 5 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with cantle , bells , and chains , and ornament .. .. 9 / 0 No . 6 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with engraved top , cantle , bells , and chains .. .. n / o BLACK , WHITE OK GREY , AS DESIRED . An assorted quantity of Badges on Sporrans at prices as above . IN STOCK AT Kenning ' s Military Warehouse , a , 3 & 4 , LITfLE BRITAIN .
MASONIC MUSIC IN STOCK AT BRO , KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . THE RED CROSS SONG : composed by Bro . H . PARKER , words by Bro R . W . LITTLE ... ... ... 3 ^ 0 WHAT BETTF . R THEME THAN MASONRY ? words by liro . Ji . MiiS STUVKNS ; music by Bro WILHELM CAM ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 / 0 BROTHERLY LOVE , RELIEF & TRUTH ; written Bro . J . H . SKWWLL ; composed by Bro . J . RHODES ... 4 / 0 THE FINAL TOAST ; w . iltou by D . L . RICIIAKDSONJ music by Bro . KDWIX ) . CROW ... ... ... ^ Jo THE E . A- SONG ; arrauged bv the late Bro . PARRY , of the " Lodgeof Antiquity , ' No . a ... ... 0 / 1 THE MASONIC SERVICE ; by J . C . BAKER , NO . 341 1 / 0 MASONIC HARMONIA 3 / 6 MASONIC MUSIC , compiled for the use of the ** Mer . chants Lodge / ' No . 241 , by Bro . ) . IX You . vc-HUSBANU ... ... ... ... ... 0 / 4 THE FREEMASON ( Tell me the sign Jolin ); written by UEORCI PALUEK ... ... ... ... 3 / 0 THREE TIMES THREE ; composed by Bro . HARBO - WAY , " Royal York Lodge , " Brighton ... ... 3 / 0 THE SHAKE OF THE HAND ( in G aud B flu ); composed by J BLOCKLEY . _ ... ... 3 / 0 THE FREEMASON'S FESTIVAL MARCH AND MASONIC HYMN , by Bro . W . B . ToLi'UTT ( Past Master of the "Temple Lodge , " No . 816 , Folkestone .- „ . ... ... ... 3 / 0 THE FREEMASON QUADRILLES ; Inscribed ( by permission ) to the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , K . G . ; by Bro . J OSHUA MARSHALL ( P . G . O ., West Yorkshire ) , Solo or Duett 4 / 9 MUSIC FOR THE CEREMONY OK ADVANCE . MENT TO THE MAKK DEGREE ; composed by Bro . EDWIN J . CROW , dedicated to the Orand Master , Bro . Rev . G . R . Portal .. . ; 3 / 0 All the above Half-Price .
Agent fir t / ie Masonic Life Insurance . BRO . JOSEPH WOOD , MASONIC CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , » 8 a , NORTON STREET , LIVERPOOL . "JEWELS , CLOTHING , and every requisite for J all degrees in freemasonry , at prices not to be surpassed by any house ui Eugland . W . M . * Aprons , from 10 / 6 each . _ Lodge Furniture made to order . Agent for Kenning ' s Masonic Candles , Note Paper and Em-dopes , Perfumes , & c , & C . Advertisements received for "THB FREHJUASSN . "
COSMOPOLITAN MASONICCALENDAR, 1871 , Contains 353 pages of information . LISTS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , CONCLAVES ENCAMPMENTS , & c , & c , IK The United Kingdom , France , Germany , Italy , America , Switzerland , & c , & c . Post-free , 2 s . 2 < 3 . In Morocco , Tucked , Gilt , 2 / 6 Post-free , a / 8 , GEORGE KENNING , 2 , . 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London , and all Booksellers .
For Cheap Watches , Clods , Gold Chains aud Jewellery , go it KIBBLES ' , 22 , GRACECHURCH STREET ( one door from Lombard-street ) . Gold Watches ,. ,. .. .. .. £ x is « Silver Watche .. ,. .. .. .. £ 1 S * Timepieces ,. .. ,. .. ., from 9 s . 6 d , Every article warranted , Plate , Watches and Jewellery bought or exchanged . List of Prices post free ,
Bro . DAVID BLISS , 22 & 23 , NEW CUT . LAMBETH , AND EAGLE BRASS WORKS NEW ST ., SHORT ST ., S . E ., Manufacturer of Gas Lamps , Chandeliers , Hydraulic , Steam and Gas Fittings ; Plumbers' Cocks , Brass Work , and Closets ; High Pressure Bib , Stop , and Equilibrium Ball Valves ; Sheet Zinc , Composition and Lead Pipe . Licensed Victuallers' Pewtercr . All Materials for Builders and Gas Engineers kept in Stock ,
BRO , REEVES , SON & Co ., Trade Lithographers , Engravers &> Die-Sinkers , PLAYHOUSE YARD , BLACKFRIARS , LONDON , E . C . Book of Specimens and Prices forwarded on receipt of 24 stamps
Bro . JAMES B . SLY , Silver and Gold Engraver of A r / ns , Crests Moncgrafns , and Inscriptions % 9 , RATHBONE PLACE , OXFORD-STREET , LONDON , W . Volunteer Prizes and Presentation Badges engraved with great dispatch Watch Cases Enamelled with Arms and Monograms , Saw-picrccd Monograms made in Metal-Gilt . Silver , or Gold , and mounted to Cook Covers or Cigar Cases . Masonic emblems made . niE-SlNtClNG DKI'ARTME . T . Notepaper and Envelope Dies Sunk for Relief , Plain , or Jtlmnina * ting . Company ' s Seals and priiamen . al Dies cut for Jewellers . Relief aud Illuminated Stamping executed . Stationery supplied . Circular aud Sample Sheets Free .
GLENFIELD STARCH is the only kind used in Her Majesty ' s Laundry . THOSE LADIES who have not yet used the GLENPIELD STARCH , are respectfully solicited to give it a trial , and carefully follow out the directions printed on every package . It is rather more clilTcult to make than other Starches , but when this is overcome , they will say , like the Queen ' s Laundress , that it is the finest Starch they ever used . When you ash for Ike Gleiifield , see that you get it .
GALVANISM . -PULVERMACHER'S Monthly RECORD of CURE . S is now readyhr the benefit of sufferers containing documentary evidence of remarkable cures effected by PUI . VEKMACHEH ' S IMVKOVKU PATENT SELF-AI'PLICABLB VOLTAELECTRIC CHAIN BANDS and P OCKET BATTERIES , and may be bad on application to the Sol : Inventor and Patentee , J . . PUI-VBRUACHER , 2 oo , Regent-street , London , W . A test on loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious electric appliances being advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvennacher ' s Pamphlet on that lubject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic aud Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , & c .
WEAK or Defective SIGHT . —SPECTACLES scientifically adapted to remedy impaired vision b » Mr . Ackland , surgeon , daily , at HORNE and TlioRNTHWAITE'S , Opticians to the Queen , tat and 113 , Newgate-street , London . Send six stamps for "Ackland ' s Hints on Spectacles , " which contains valuable suggestions to sufferers from imperfect sight .
YOUNG'S ARNICATED CORN AND X BUNJON PLAISTERS are the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d , and is . per box . Hay be had of most chemists . Observe the trade mark . —HY—without which none are genuine . Be sure and ask for YOUNG'S .
RUPTURES , & c . —Mr . S . KNOTTLEY , Seventeen Years at WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS MANUFACTORY , begs to inform the Public he is commencing business himself , and trusts that , with strict attention and his long experience , he will merit the same patronage as his late employer . Price of a Smgle Truss , 15 s . and 18 s . ; postage , is . ad . Double ditto , £ 1 IOS . ; postage , is . iod . Umbilical 'iruss , £ 1 10 s . : postage , is . iod . On best construction only . Post-oflice Orders made payable to SILAS KNOTTLEY , Post-office , Piccadilly . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE CAPS , & c . Belts of every description , Trusses , Suspensory Bandages , at equally low prices , and every Surgical Appliance made to order , Mrs . 1 C , twenty years in the same firm , personally attends ladies . Present Address : SILAS K NOTTLUY , 44 , Great Windmill-street , Haymarkct , London .
Printed by Brother JAMES ADLEY RKKVES AND SON , Playhouse Yard , Blackfriars , in the City of London : and published by the Proprietor , Brother GUOXGE KBNNINO , at his Offices , a , 3 and 4 , Little Britain , in the City of London . —S ATURDAY , May 13 , 1 ( 71 .