Article CONSECRATION of the SANDEMAN LODGE, INDIA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CONSECRATION of a NEW MARK LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Consecration Of The Sandeman Lodge, India.
The warrant of the new lodge and hiram having been handed to the W . M ., Bro . Tay ) er , he called up Bros . Adolp Friedemann and Whitmore Girling , and after presenting them to the A . D . D . G . M . as the Senior and Junior Wardens of the lodge , they were , with consent , duly invested and placed at their
respective stations in the west and south . The Secretary , Treasurer , and other officers having been in like manner appointed , took their various stations . V . W . Bro . Locke delivered an vippropriate speech wishing success and prosperity to the new lodge and exhorting the Master and officers to the proper
observance of their respective duties . W . Bro . Tayler thanked the A . D . D . G . M for the honour of the visit and the very impressive manner in which the whole ceremony had been conducted . The officers of the District GrandLodge then formed in procession and retired .
Lodge " Sandeman" was then reduced to the first degree , and some business brought forward in which the names of three candidates were proposed for initiation at the next regular meeting . Lodge was closed , at 8 . 30 p . m ., and the brethren , to the number of about sixty , sat down to a sumptuous banquet which was laid out in an adjoining room .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to most ably by V . W . Bros . Locke , Murray , Fenwick and others . The band of H . M . 's 107 th Fusiliers was kindly sent by the Colonel Commanding to enliven the intervals of the speeches and songs . The brethren separated at 11 p . m . to return to their homes .
Consecration Of A New Mark Lodge.
Amost' interesting and important event in connection with the Amity Craft Lodge of Freemasons , took place on Saturday at the Masonic Rooms , Thames-street , Poole , viz ., the foundation and consecration of a Mark Master ' s Lodge of Freemasons , the advancement of several brethren to
that honourable degree , and the installation of the W . M ., and the appointment and investiture of the officers for the ensuing year . W . Bro . Frederick Binckcs , Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales and the Colonics and Dependencies of the British Crown ,
kindly came down from London ( for the occasion , and rendered his most valuable assistance in the due performance of the several ceremonies . Several brethren from the neighbouring lodges were also present , amongst whom were Bros . Rev . P . H . Ncwnham , C . W . Wyndham , T . G . Hordcr , E . W .
Rcbbeck , J . W . Luff , E . Waters , & c . From these the W . Bro . Binckcs selected his officers pro . tern ., and then proceeded to advance the following Craft Master Masons to the honourable degree of Mark Masters : —Bros . J . S . Hudson , W . M . 137 ; A . E . Guest . M . P ., S . W . 137 ; G . H . Gutch , P . M . 137
J . H . Boyt , P . M . 137 ; E . P . Philpots , M . D . , 395 ; Thomas Ings , D . C . 137 ; T . Manuel , J . D . 137 ; and Stevens , 137 . The lodge was then duly consecrated with solemn prayer by the Rev . Bro . P . 11 . Ncwnham , the warrant of constitution was rend bv Bro . Luff , and the
lodge was declared formerly open by W . Bro . Binckcs . The W . Bro . F . Binckcs then proceeded to the installation of the W . M .-elect , Bro . E . Edsall , P . M . ? 37 , as the first W . M . of the Amity Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 132 , under the registry of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and
Wales , & c . The ceremony of installation being concluded by the salutations and congratulations of the brethren present , to which the W . M . responded in suitable terms , the warrant of constitution was delivered to him , and he then proceeded to appoint his assistant
officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros . W . Turner , S . W . ; R . Sydenham , J . W . : Rev . P . H . Kcwnhnm , Chap . ; j . S . Hudson , M . O . ; A . E . 3 uest , M . P ., S . O ; J . H . Boyt , J . O .: G . H . Gutch , Treas . ; E . P . Philpots , Sec . ; W . Stevens , Org . ; T . Manuel , R . M . ; T . Ings , S . D . ; D . Sydenham ,
J . D . ; E . W . Rebbcck . I . G . ; J . White , T . After the closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned to the Antelope Hotel , to an excellent dinner provided by Mr . Joseph Dowell , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and during the progress of the evening , at the request
of the Chairman and other brethren , the W . Bro . F . Binckcs ( who from his close connection with the Masonic charitable institutions , was well qualified to speak on the subject ) , gave in an eloquent speech the history , progress , and successful working of those admirable institutions , and in so forcible a
manner were their claims set forth that the brethren instantly collected sufficient funds to obtain for the newly-created Mark Lodge a vote for the Boys ' Institution during the existence of the Amity Lodge , and handed the same to the' Secretary ( W . Bro . F . Binckcs ) before he left the table .
THK Grand Mark Master has approved of a warrant for a new lodge at Alnwick , to be called the ' Hotspur " Lodge , the number of which will be 135 .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Royal Oak Lodge No . S 71 . —The regular meeting of this well-established and prosperous lodge was held on Wednesday , the 26 th ult ., at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford ; Bro . W . Andrews , W . M ., presided . There were also present Bros . T . Kilner , S . W . ; J . W . Reed , J . W . ; H . A . Collington , P . M ., Treas . ; F .
Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Myatt , S . D . ; G . Andrews , J . D . ; S . O . Lewin , I . G . ; J . Hawke , P . M . ; G . Harvey , J . J . Pakes , R . Deal , R . Harman , F . R . Hood , F . G . Skinner , J . Wilson , and others . The visitors were : Bros . J . Lightfoot , P . M ., Treas . 147 ; C . H . Porter , 147 ; T . Whiffin , 54 S ; F . Jackson , 548 ; W . Lyver , 54 S . The minutes of the previous meeting wei ' e read and
unanimously confirmed . The work , most ably done , was raisins ; Bro . J . Wilson to the third degree , and passing Bros . F . R . Hood and F . G . Skinner to the recond degree . Some important business having been disposed of , the lodge was closed . This being the day on which the Grand Festival was held , the customary banquet was dispensed with .
PROVINCIAL . HARROW . —Harrow Lodge , No . 1310 . —The anniversary meeting of this young lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Harrow , on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst . Bro . J . Coutts , G . P ., W . M , opened the lodge , supported by his officers . The minutes of the meetings , held since the previous one , having been read and confirmed , the report of the Audit
Committee was read , received , adopted and ordered to be entered on the minutes . Bro . John Cox was raised , and Bros . C . Tyte and A . Lewis ( 117 S ) were passed in an able manner . Bro . W . Smeed , P . M . 946 , by desire of the members , took the chair . Bro . J . Coutts presented Bro . G . Pymm , W . M .-elect , for installation , and he was duly installed W . M ., appointing as his officers : Bros . J .
Coutts , G . P ., I . P . M ., Treas . ; W . H . Green , S . W . ; E . Harper , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ( re-invested ) ; S . Homewood , S . D . ; T . H . Lambert , J . D . ; J . Harrison , I . G . ; J . Bavin , P . M ., Tyler ( re-invested ) . The newlyinstalled Master soon gave proofs of his proficiency by the admirable manner in which he initiated Messrs . Edward Rawson and Tames Ariel Martin into the mysteries of
Freemasonry . He then presented Bro . J . Coutts , I . P . M ., with a neat chaste Past Master's jewel , of the value of six guineas , which had been unanimously voted to him from the lodge funds at a previous meeting , as a recognition for his valuable services rendered to the lodge as its first Worshipful Master . The jewel has a suitable inscription on its back , and is one of the best specimens of skill
produced at Bro . George Kenning s establishment . It was universally admired by all who saw it . —Bro . j . Coutts , in a suitable speech , acknowledged this gift . —Several candidates for initiation and some joining members were proposed . A vote of thanks , to be recorded on the minutes , and an Honorary Membership of the lodge was given to Bro . W . Smeed , for his services as the Installing Master ,
which proved how well his efforts was appreciated , and for which he expressed his thanks . The lodge was closed , and the banquet followed . There were present : Bros . F . Harrison , J . Smith , W . Winsor , J . C . Hall , & c . The visitors were : Bros . G . Kenning , P . G . D . of Middlesex , W . M . 192 ; C . Atkins , S . D . 27 ; R . Hopkins , S . W . S 7- ; I . Summan , TAV . 129 ; II . N . Levy , P . M . iSS ; T .
Hammond , T . W . 212 ; R . Ord , 890 ; W . II . Waghom , S . D . 946 ; A . Lewis , ii 7 S ;& c . COI . CIIK . STKR . —Angel Lodge , . / lb . 51 . —At the last monthly meeting of this lodge , after the ordinary business had been disposed of , a most interesting lecture was delivered by Bro . W . Warren , Lieutenant 60 th Rides ( brother of Captain Warren , whose researches in the Holy Land
under the auspices of the Palestine Exploration Fund have already been made public ) , upon "The Great Pyramid . " With the aid of diagrams , Bro . Warren described in detail the construction of the Great Pyramid , giving his reasons for believing that it was built by Masons , and expressing his opinion that further light would be thrown on the subject in a Masonic point of view by future researches . The
lecturer then exhibited a model of Jerusalem , showing the present appearance of the city , and the extent of the excavations which have been carried on . At the close , a vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Warren for his interesting lecture . BKKKKI . EY . —Royal I . ode , e of Faith and Friendship , No . 270 . —This old lodge held its usual monthly meeting at
the Berkeley Arms Itotely , Berkeley , < m Monday , the 1 st inst . The lodge was opened indue form by the W . M ,, Bro . Joseph Bennett , who was suppoited bv Bros . S . Davics , as S . W . ; J . 1 ) . B . Trcnfield , J . W . ; John Gamble , as S . D . ; W . Sinderby , II ) . ; C . Partridge , P . M ., Treas . and Sec . ; O . Long , I . P . M . ; G . llolbiw , P . M . ; J . Cross , W . Pinncll , C . Rogers , Limlell , J .
Oliver , 1 nomas Morse , W . P . Iladley ; and Bro . O . Watson as a visitor . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read were unanimously confirmed . Bro . K . Rodgers answered the necessary questions and was passed to the second degree . Bros . Thomas Morse and W . Pearcc Iladley were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . Charles Partridge , P . M . ( by special request ) , whose admirable and impressive rendering of this
degree elicited the unqualified admiration of all the brethren . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet-room , where a very excellent repast had been prepared for them , and which was presided over by liro . J . Bennett , \ V . M . The toast of " The Queen and theCralt , " followed by others , were proposal and responded to with the usual Masonic honours . Several songs were sung by the brethren , and a very p leasant evening was spent .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
HERTFORD . —Hertford Lodge , No . 403 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Town Hall on Tuesday week . The brethren present were H . B . Hodges , W . M . ; C . Drummond , I . P . M . ; T . D . Medcalf , S . W . ; O . H . Wagner , J . W . ; J . R . Cocks , Treas . ; T . S . Carter , Hon . Sec . ; C . B . Jones , S . D . ; W . H . Nicholls , J . D . ; S . Neale , M . C . ; C . P . Wyman , I . G . and O . ; S . Austin , P . M . ; E . I-I . Ilott , E . A . Simson , I . Boatwright , L .
Harvey , H . Campkin , E . Salisbury , W . H . Pallett , and F . Taylor . Visitors : Bros . Anthony , No . 13 : , Page , 902 ; Vcmon , and Ibbetson . Bros . Pallett and Taylor were pased to the second degree . Mr . William Plumei Willson ( Mayor of Hertford ) , was balloted for , and afterwards initiated . The working of the lodge reflects great credit upon the W . M . The brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet at the Salisbury Arms , where a pleasant evening was spent .
CROYDON . —Frederick Lodge of Unity , No . 452 . —The usual meeting of this lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , East Croydon , on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst . Present : Bros . Magnus Ohren , W . M . ; H . E . Frances , as S . W . ; William T . Sugg , J . W . ; James Robins , P . M ., Treas . ; A . J . Dickinson , Sec . ; W . Church Poole , S . D . ; N . E . Jennings , P . M ., as J . D . ; J . Walter Sugg , J . D . ; W . Locock Webb , P . M . ; R . Evans , P . M . ; George Wright ,
Masterman , Pollard , Davis , Campbell , and Beck . Visitor Bro . H . B . Clarke , of the Albion Lodge , No . 9 . Bro . Wright was passed , and Messrs . William Beck and James Charles Campbell , were initiated , both ceremonies being very ably and impressively performed by the W . M ., Bro . Magnus Ohren . Bro . Captain William G . Davis , late of the Gooch Lodge , No . 123 S , was elected a joining member .
HOLYHEAD . —Hibernia Lodge , No . $ 97- —Since the last report of the above flourishing and rapidly-increasing lodge appeared in THE FREEMASON , the brethren belonging thereto have met thrice : —On Monday evening , the 3 rd April , a regular meeting , at which two gentlemen , Mr . Matthew Vaux and Mr . Joseph Hattersley , who had been previously proposed and seconded , were favourabl y
balloted for ; but being unavoidably absent their initiation was deferred . Bro . Thomas Jones , of New Zealand , was passed to the second degree , and Bros . T . G . Clay and William Pool were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . Lodge of emergency , held on April 10 th , for the purpose of initialing Messrs . Matthew Vaux and Joseph Hattersley , which was accordingly done . On this
occasion the Masonic chants , which have been specially compiled for this lodge by Bro . O . R . Ellis , Organist , were first used , the service throughout being conducted with musical accompaniment , to the apparent satisfaction of all the brethren present . A regular lodge meeting held on the 1 st May , at which there were present : Bros . John Peters , W . M . ; Edward Mellor , I . P . M . ; J . LI .
Griffith , S . W . ; William Lewis , J . W . ; John Ellis , S . D . ; James Lloyd , I . G . ; Rev . O . W . Jones , Chap . ; Owen R . Ellis , Org . ; Samuel Hughes , Tyler ; and a goodly muster of the brethren . The lodge was opened with all due formalities , the opening ode sung , the minutes read and confirmed ; after which the W . M . read to the brethren sundry letters and communications for their instruction
and approval . It being desirable on this occasion to work the ceremony of raising first , the lodge was opened in the second and third degrees successively . Bros . Thomas Jones , of New Zealand , and Joseph Jones , of Holyhead , were subsequently advanced to the exhalted and honourable degree of Master Mason , the whole ceremony being conducted in a most solemn and impressive manner .
I here being no candidates for passing , the lodge was then reduced to the first degree . Three gentlemen , who had been proposed as candidates for initiation , were now balloted for , namely , Messrs . William James King , Alexander Little , and Stephen W . Robson , the result proving favourable in each case . After due preparation , they were accordingly initiated into the mysteries of Ancient
Freemasonry . The W . M . then presented certificate to Bro . Poole , who signed his name in the margin thereof ; and proceeded to appoint and invest two officers , namely , Bros , 0 . R . Ellis as Secretary , and William Evans as Steward . In so doing the W . M . dwelt on the years of faithful service and devotion with which the late Secretary , Bro . S . S . Wilkes , P . M , had served the lodge , stating
that though , owing to his old age and many infirmities , he was unable to attend the fraternal gatherings , he ( the W . M . ) , was convinced , in ins own mind , that he still felt the cause of Masonry near and dear to his heart . The W . M . proposed John Roberts , Esq ., Dublin , to become a member of the lodge , wnich was seconded by Bro . J . LI . Griffiths ; and after receiving " hearty good
wishes from lodges 1113 and 1 * 13 , expressed by Bros . J . Lloyd Griffith and Gardiner , the lodge was closed in perfect peace and harmony . M ELTOX MowmtAY . —Rutland Lodge , A o . 1130 . — The last meeting of this lodge , before the summer recess , was held an Thursday , the 4 th inst ., Bro . J . J . Fast ,
W . M ., in the chair . Present : Bros . Rev . W . Kaye Robinson , P . M . ; Rev . W . Langley , P . M . ; and others . Visitors : Bros . Duucombe and Kew , from No . 1265 . Mr . A . J . Dale was elected and initiated by theW . M ., who also gave the ancient charge in a very perfect manner . The lodge was closed at 7 . 30 , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Isi . EWortTH . —Villiers Lodce , No , 1194 . — This lodge met at the Northumberland Arms' Hotel , Isleworth , on Saturday , the 6 th instant . Bro . W . Dodd , the W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . II . Allman , S . W . ; E . T . Oshaldeston , J . W . ; E . Clarke , P . M ., Treas . ; R . W .
Little , P . M ., Sec . ; F . J . Lancaster , S . D . ; R . A . Steel , I . G . ; G . L . Ridge , T . A . Woodbridge , T . P . Ycowcll , T . Verity , J . Verity , T . L . Green , and \ i . J . Davics . The lodge having been opened and the minutes read and confirmed , Mr . Charles Godfrey Slawson was regularly initiated , after which bro . Davics was passed to the second
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Sandeman Lodge, India.
The warrant of the new lodge and hiram having been handed to the W . M ., Bro . Tay ) er , he called up Bros . Adolp Friedemann and Whitmore Girling , and after presenting them to the A . D . D . G . M . as the Senior and Junior Wardens of the lodge , they were , with consent , duly invested and placed at their
respective stations in the west and south . The Secretary , Treasurer , and other officers having been in like manner appointed , took their various stations . V . W . Bro . Locke delivered an vippropriate speech wishing success and prosperity to the new lodge and exhorting the Master and officers to the proper
observance of their respective duties . W . Bro . Tayler thanked the A . D . D . G . M for the honour of the visit and the very impressive manner in which the whole ceremony had been conducted . The officers of the District GrandLodge then formed in procession and retired .
Lodge " Sandeman" was then reduced to the first degree , and some business brought forward in which the names of three candidates were proposed for initiation at the next regular meeting . Lodge was closed , at 8 . 30 p . m ., and the brethren , to the number of about sixty , sat down to a sumptuous banquet which was laid out in an adjoining room .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to most ably by V . W . Bros . Locke , Murray , Fenwick and others . The band of H . M . 's 107 th Fusiliers was kindly sent by the Colonel Commanding to enliven the intervals of the speeches and songs . The brethren separated at 11 p . m . to return to their homes .
Consecration Of A New Mark Lodge.
Amost' interesting and important event in connection with the Amity Craft Lodge of Freemasons , took place on Saturday at the Masonic Rooms , Thames-street , Poole , viz ., the foundation and consecration of a Mark Master ' s Lodge of Freemasons , the advancement of several brethren to
that honourable degree , and the installation of the W . M ., and the appointment and investiture of the officers for the ensuing year . W . Bro . Frederick Binckcs , Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales and the Colonics and Dependencies of the British Crown ,
kindly came down from London ( for the occasion , and rendered his most valuable assistance in the due performance of the several ceremonies . Several brethren from the neighbouring lodges were also present , amongst whom were Bros . Rev . P . H . Ncwnham , C . W . Wyndham , T . G . Hordcr , E . W .
Rcbbeck , J . W . Luff , E . Waters , & c . From these the W . Bro . Binckcs selected his officers pro . tern ., and then proceeded to advance the following Craft Master Masons to the honourable degree of Mark Masters : —Bros . J . S . Hudson , W . M . 137 ; A . E . Guest . M . P ., S . W . 137 ; G . H . Gutch , P . M . 137
J . H . Boyt , P . M . 137 ; E . P . Philpots , M . D . , 395 ; Thomas Ings , D . C . 137 ; T . Manuel , J . D . 137 ; and Stevens , 137 . The lodge was then duly consecrated with solemn prayer by the Rev . Bro . P . 11 . Ncwnham , the warrant of constitution was rend bv Bro . Luff , and the
lodge was declared formerly open by W . Bro . Binckcs . The W . Bro . F . Binckcs then proceeded to the installation of the W . M .-elect , Bro . E . Edsall , P . M . ? 37 , as the first W . M . of the Amity Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 132 , under the registry of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and
Wales , & c . The ceremony of installation being concluded by the salutations and congratulations of the brethren present , to which the W . M . responded in suitable terms , the warrant of constitution was delivered to him , and he then proceeded to appoint his assistant
officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros . W . Turner , S . W . ; R . Sydenham , J . W . : Rev . P . H . Kcwnhnm , Chap . ; j . S . Hudson , M . O . ; A . E . 3 uest , M . P ., S . O ; J . H . Boyt , J . O .: G . H . Gutch , Treas . ; E . P . Philpots , Sec . ; W . Stevens , Org . ; T . Manuel , R . M . ; T . Ings , S . D . ; D . Sydenham ,
J . D . ; E . W . Rebbcck . I . G . ; J . White , T . After the closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned to the Antelope Hotel , to an excellent dinner provided by Mr . Joseph Dowell , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and during the progress of the evening , at the request
of the Chairman and other brethren , the W . Bro . F . Binckcs ( who from his close connection with the Masonic charitable institutions , was well qualified to speak on the subject ) , gave in an eloquent speech the history , progress , and successful working of those admirable institutions , and in so forcible a
manner were their claims set forth that the brethren instantly collected sufficient funds to obtain for the newly-created Mark Lodge a vote for the Boys ' Institution during the existence of the Amity Lodge , and handed the same to the' Secretary ( W . Bro . F . Binckcs ) before he left the table .
THK Grand Mark Master has approved of a warrant for a new lodge at Alnwick , to be called the ' Hotspur " Lodge , the number of which will be 135 .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Royal Oak Lodge No . S 71 . —The regular meeting of this well-established and prosperous lodge was held on Wednesday , the 26 th ult ., at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford ; Bro . W . Andrews , W . M ., presided . There were also present Bros . T . Kilner , S . W . ; J . W . Reed , J . W . ; H . A . Collington , P . M ., Treas . ; F .
Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Myatt , S . D . ; G . Andrews , J . D . ; S . O . Lewin , I . G . ; J . Hawke , P . M . ; G . Harvey , J . J . Pakes , R . Deal , R . Harman , F . R . Hood , F . G . Skinner , J . Wilson , and others . The visitors were : Bros . J . Lightfoot , P . M ., Treas . 147 ; C . H . Porter , 147 ; T . Whiffin , 54 S ; F . Jackson , 548 ; W . Lyver , 54 S . The minutes of the previous meeting wei ' e read and
unanimously confirmed . The work , most ably done , was raisins ; Bro . J . Wilson to the third degree , and passing Bros . F . R . Hood and F . G . Skinner to the recond degree . Some important business having been disposed of , the lodge was closed . This being the day on which the Grand Festival was held , the customary banquet was dispensed with .
PROVINCIAL . HARROW . —Harrow Lodge , No . 1310 . —The anniversary meeting of this young lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Harrow , on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst . Bro . J . Coutts , G . P ., W . M , opened the lodge , supported by his officers . The minutes of the meetings , held since the previous one , having been read and confirmed , the report of the Audit
Committee was read , received , adopted and ordered to be entered on the minutes . Bro . John Cox was raised , and Bros . C . Tyte and A . Lewis ( 117 S ) were passed in an able manner . Bro . W . Smeed , P . M . 946 , by desire of the members , took the chair . Bro . J . Coutts presented Bro . G . Pymm , W . M .-elect , for installation , and he was duly installed W . M ., appointing as his officers : Bros . J .
Coutts , G . P ., I . P . M ., Treas . ; W . H . Green , S . W . ; E . Harper , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ( re-invested ) ; S . Homewood , S . D . ; T . H . Lambert , J . D . ; J . Harrison , I . G . ; J . Bavin , P . M ., Tyler ( re-invested ) . The newlyinstalled Master soon gave proofs of his proficiency by the admirable manner in which he initiated Messrs . Edward Rawson and Tames Ariel Martin into the mysteries of
Freemasonry . He then presented Bro . J . Coutts , I . P . M ., with a neat chaste Past Master's jewel , of the value of six guineas , which had been unanimously voted to him from the lodge funds at a previous meeting , as a recognition for his valuable services rendered to the lodge as its first Worshipful Master . The jewel has a suitable inscription on its back , and is one of the best specimens of skill
produced at Bro . George Kenning s establishment . It was universally admired by all who saw it . —Bro . j . Coutts , in a suitable speech , acknowledged this gift . —Several candidates for initiation and some joining members were proposed . A vote of thanks , to be recorded on the minutes , and an Honorary Membership of the lodge was given to Bro . W . Smeed , for his services as the Installing Master ,
which proved how well his efforts was appreciated , and for which he expressed his thanks . The lodge was closed , and the banquet followed . There were present : Bros . F . Harrison , J . Smith , W . Winsor , J . C . Hall , & c . The visitors were : Bros . G . Kenning , P . G . D . of Middlesex , W . M . 192 ; C . Atkins , S . D . 27 ; R . Hopkins , S . W . S 7- ; I . Summan , TAV . 129 ; II . N . Levy , P . M . iSS ; T .
Hammond , T . W . 212 ; R . Ord , 890 ; W . II . Waghom , S . D . 946 ; A . Lewis , ii 7 S ;& c . COI . CIIK . STKR . —Angel Lodge , . / lb . 51 . —At the last monthly meeting of this lodge , after the ordinary business had been disposed of , a most interesting lecture was delivered by Bro . W . Warren , Lieutenant 60 th Rides ( brother of Captain Warren , whose researches in the Holy Land
under the auspices of the Palestine Exploration Fund have already been made public ) , upon "The Great Pyramid . " With the aid of diagrams , Bro . Warren described in detail the construction of the Great Pyramid , giving his reasons for believing that it was built by Masons , and expressing his opinion that further light would be thrown on the subject in a Masonic point of view by future researches . The
lecturer then exhibited a model of Jerusalem , showing the present appearance of the city , and the extent of the excavations which have been carried on . At the close , a vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Warren for his interesting lecture . BKKKKI . EY . —Royal I . ode , e of Faith and Friendship , No . 270 . —This old lodge held its usual monthly meeting at
the Berkeley Arms Itotely , Berkeley , < m Monday , the 1 st inst . The lodge was opened indue form by the W . M ,, Bro . Joseph Bennett , who was suppoited bv Bros . S . Davics , as S . W . ; J . 1 ) . B . Trcnfield , J . W . ; John Gamble , as S . D . ; W . Sinderby , II ) . ; C . Partridge , P . M ., Treas . and Sec . ; O . Long , I . P . M . ; G . llolbiw , P . M . ; J . Cross , W . Pinncll , C . Rogers , Limlell , J .
Oliver , 1 nomas Morse , W . P . Iladley ; and Bro . O . Watson as a visitor . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read were unanimously confirmed . Bro . K . Rodgers answered the necessary questions and was passed to the second degree . Bros . Thomas Morse and W . Pearcc Iladley were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . Charles Partridge , P . M . ( by special request ) , whose admirable and impressive rendering of this
degree elicited the unqualified admiration of all the brethren . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet-room , where a very excellent repast had been prepared for them , and which was presided over by liro . J . Bennett , \ V . M . The toast of " The Queen and theCralt , " followed by others , were proposal and responded to with the usual Masonic honours . Several songs were sung by the brethren , and a very p leasant evening was spent .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
HERTFORD . —Hertford Lodge , No . 403 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Town Hall on Tuesday week . The brethren present were H . B . Hodges , W . M . ; C . Drummond , I . P . M . ; T . D . Medcalf , S . W . ; O . H . Wagner , J . W . ; J . R . Cocks , Treas . ; T . S . Carter , Hon . Sec . ; C . B . Jones , S . D . ; W . H . Nicholls , J . D . ; S . Neale , M . C . ; C . P . Wyman , I . G . and O . ; S . Austin , P . M . ; E . I-I . Ilott , E . A . Simson , I . Boatwright , L .
Harvey , H . Campkin , E . Salisbury , W . H . Pallett , and F . Taylor . Visitors : Bros . Anthony , No . 13 : , Page , 902 ; Vcmon , and Ibbetson . Bros . Pallett and Taylor were pased to the second degree . Mr . William Plumei Willson ( Mayor of Hertford ) , was balloted for , and afterwards initiated . The working of the lodge reflects great credit upon the W . M . The brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet at the Salisbury Arms , where a pleasant evening was spent .
CROYDON . —Frederick Lodge of Unity , No . 452 . —The usual meeting of this lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , East Croydon , on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst . Present : Bros . Magnus Ohren , W . M . ; H . E . Frances , as S . W . ; William T . Sugg , J . W . ; James Robins , P . M ., Treas . ; A . J . Dickinson , Sec . ; W . Church Poole , S . D . ; N . E . Jennings , P . M ., as J . D . ; J . Walter Sugg , J . D . ; W . Locock Webb , P . M . ; R . Evans , P . M . ; George Wright ,
Masterman , Pollard , Davis , Campbell , and Beck . Visitor Bro . H . B . Clarke , of the Albion Lodge , No . 9 . Bro . Wright was passed , and Messrs . William Beck and James Charles Campbell , were initiated , both ceremonies being very ably and impressively performed by the W . M ., Bro . Magnus Ohren . Bro . Captain William G . Davis , late of the Gooch Lodge , No . 123 S , was elected a joining member .
HOLYHEAD . —Hibernia Lodge , No . $ 97- —Since the last report of the above flourishing and rapidly-increasing lodge appeared in THE FREEMASON , the brethren belonging thereto have met thrice : —On Monday evening , the 3 rd April , a regular meeting , at which two gentlemen , Mr . Matthew Vaux and Mr . Joseph Hattersley , who had been previously proposed and seconded , were favourabl y
balloted for ; but being unavoidably absent their initiation was deferred . Bro . Thomas Jones , of New Zealand , was passed to the second degree , and Bros . T . G . Clay and William Pool were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . Lodge of emergency , held on April 10 th , for the purpose of initialing Messrs . Matthew Vaux and Joseph Hattersley , which was accordingly done . On this
occasion the Masonic chants , which have been specially compiled for this lodge by Bro . O . R . Ellis , Organist , were first used , the service throughout being conducted with musical accompaniment , to the apparent satisfaction of all the brethren present . A regular lodge meeting held on the 1 st May , at which there were present : Bros . John Peters , W . M . ; Edward Mellor , I . P . M . ; J . LI .
Griffith , S . W . ; William Lewis , J . W . ; John Ellis , S . D . ; James Lloyd , I . G . ; Rev . O . W . Jones , Chap . ; Owen R . Ellis , Org . ; Samuel Hughes , Tyler ; and a goodly muster of the brethren . The lodge was opened with all due formalities , the opening ode sung , the minutes read and confirmed ; after which the W . M . read to the brethren sundry letters and communications for their instruction
and approval . It being desirable on this occasion to work the ceremony of raising first , the lodge was opened in the second and third degrees successively . Bros . Thomas Jones , of New Zealand , and Joseph Jones , of Holyhead , were subsequently advanced to the exhalted and honourable degree of Master Mason , the whole ceremony being conducted in a most solemn and impressive manner .
I here being no candidates for passing , the lodge was then reduced to the first degree . Three gentlemen , who had been proposed as candidates for initiation , were now balloted for , namely , Messrs . William James King , Alexander Little , and Stephen W . Robson , the result proving favourable in each case . After due preparation , they were accordingly initiated into the mysteries of Ancient
Freemasonry . The W . M . then presented certificate to Bro . Poole , who signed his name in the margin thereof ; and proceeded to appoint and invest two officers , namely , Bros , 0 . R . Ellis as Secretary , and William Evans as Steward . In so doing the W . M . dwelt on the years of faithful service and devotion with which the late Secretary , Bro . S . S . Wilkes , P . M , had served the lodge , stating
that though , owing to his old age and many infirmities , he was unable to attend the fraternal gatherings , he ( the W . M . ) , was convinced , in ins own mind , that he still felt the cause of Masonry near and dear to his heart . The W . M . proposed John Roberts , Esq ., Dublin , to become a member of the lodge , wnich was seconded by Bro . J . LI . Griffiths ; and after receiving " hearty good
wishes from lodges 1113 and 1 * 13 , expressed by Bros . J . Lloyd Griffith and Gardiner , the lodge was closed in perfect peace and harmony . M ELTOX MowmtAY . —Rutland Lodge , A o . 1130 . — The last meeting of this lodge , before the summer recess , was held an Thursday , the 4 th inst ., Bro . J . J . Fast ,
W . M ., in the chair . Present : Bros . Rev . W . Kaye Robinson , P . M . ; Rev . W . Langley , P . M . ; and others . Visitors : Bros . Duucombe and Kew , from No . 1265 . Mr . A . J . Dale was elected and initiated by theW . M ., who also gave the ancient charge in a very perfect manner . The lodge was closed at 7 . 30 , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Isi . EWortTH . —Villiers Lodce , No , 1194 . — This lodge met at the Northumberland Arms' Hotel , Isleworth , on Saturday , the 6 th instant . Bro . W . Dodd , the W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . II . Allman , S . W . ; E . T . Oshaldeston , J . W . ; E . Clarke , P . M ., Treas . ; R . W .
Little , P . M ., Sec . ; F . J . Lancaster , S . D . ; R . A . Steel , I . G . ; G . L . Ridge , T . A . Woodbridge , T . P . Ycowcll , T . Verity , J . Verity , T . L . Green , and \ i . J . Davics . The lodge having been opened and the minutes read and confirmed , Mr . Charles Godfrey Slawson was regularly initiated , after which bro . Davics was passed to the second