Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
*^^ Z ?™ * ZZ - ^^^ ::::::: ; :::::::::::::: ; ::::::::: AZEE : Z :::: - S ^ ' nry Eihvards Visit to the Girls' School 212 s , r . mi of our ROT al Grand Master al Portsmouth 213 " " vnt ind Primitive Masonry » S £ timonial and Dinner to Ilro . Wm . Herbage 31 $
i „' . 1 Masonic Institution lor Boys 215 D ,:-, ! Masonic Benevolent Institution aij ^ ilcomer Home again ! . . . . ¦ . . . A .. V . ' ::. ' . ' . ' . ' : : : : : . ' :::. ' . ' : " o Th r proposcVl ' Masoni ' c'V . VbVoVyaTs 216 The Triump h of Intolerance 3 ' 7 r ,. RREsr'ONi ) ENCE : — Bro Lux and Officers' Jewels si ? What Next ? Indeed ! - ' 7
Discontinuance ofthe " freemason 217 Koyal Masonic Institution for Boys 21 S RUOTnic OrphanGVrVs'SchmV , ' Dubiin '"! . ! 218 Consecration ofa Lodge at Pontypridd 218 Misonic Notes and Queries 2 rS Royal Masonic Institution for Girls—Annual 1-estival 219 Masonic and General Tidings 221
presentation to Bro . J . P . Bull 221 Masonic Meetings for thc Week : ¦•:. — . •. ¦ . — . 22 . Advertisements '•" •'"•"' •v - -
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
. toft HfewMmrjj . FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . —Thc last meeting of the season of this popular Cily lodge was held at Anelerton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , thc 25 th ult . The lodge was convened at half-past fe > ur in thc afternoon , when there were present Bros . Waygood , W . M . ; Kennett , I . P . M . ; Themans , P . M . ; Hopwood , P . M ., W . M . 1512 , acting S . W . ; Walls , acting J . W . ; Dairey , J . D .,
acting S . D . ; Rumbold , W . S . . acting I . G . The officers present later in the evening were Bros . Stuart , P . M ., Sec ; Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; Taylor , P . M . ; Davis , S . W . ; Mallett , J . W . ; Bye , I . G . The minutes of the previous meeting were read anel confirmed . The W . M . having raised Bros . Ginz and Mauley to the Third Degree , vacated the chair , and Bro . llopwood , P . M ., by his
permission , raised Bro . Kendall . Bros . Smith and Leftlcy being candidates for the Second Degree were accorelingly passed as F . C . ' s by the W . M ., who afterwards initiated Mr . Barrett . The question of holding a summer binquet having been discussed the loelge was closed , and thc brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet . The visitors were Bros . Simmonds , P . M . 141 , 554 , and W . M . 11 . 59 ;
Joseph Wright , P . M . 1158 , and VV . M . of the Royal Commemoration ; Tully , 209 ; Stichling , Zetland ; Cook , Boyal Union ; II eft cr , Southern Star ; Cousins , Yarborough ; Barrett , Star of thc East . Upon the removal ofthe cloth tlie W . M . briefly gave the usual toasts of ceremony , which were eluly honoured , and Bro . Walls having sung the National Anthem , " The Health of the W . M . "
was warmly proposed by Brc . laylor , P . M ., in the absence of thc I . P . M . In concluding his remarks he called upon thc brethren on that occasion to give the toast every honour as they were about to separate for many months , and that when they again assembled thc W . M . ' s reign would be almost over , and he therefore dcsireel the brethren to give Bro . Waygood such a parting " lire" as his indomitable
perseverance in endeavouring to surmount many obstacles that stood in his Masonic progress so thoroughly deserved at their hands . It is , perhaps , but needless to say that after such an address the toast was most heartily drank . The W . M ., in reply , thanked Bro . Taylor for the kind manner in w hich he had introduced the toast , anil the brethren for the warmth with which it hail been received , and
briefly touched upon his long connection with the loelge , and the services he had humbly endeavour-d to render it . In conclusion he tolel them that during the long summer recess he should look back to that meeting with pleasure , and with a hope that they would all meet again in September in the full possession of good health , and of every domestic prosperity . Thc initiate , Bro . Barrett , having
been toasted , made an excellent reply . In proposing "The Health of the Visitors " the W . M . took occasion to mention that one of the visiting brethren tbat evening , Bio . Simmonds , had passed the -.-hair in that lodge nearly thirty years ago , and was W . M . of 1159 , 31 the present time , proving that his zeal for Freemasonry had not abated . ' 1 hey had also , he said , another very hard working brother
present on tbat occasion in the person of Bro . J . Wright , P . M ., whose attention to the ancient Craft was pretty well known to them all . The W . M . in conclusion also mentioned tbe names of thc other visitors present that evening , and hoped that their visit to the Faith had been in every way agreeable to them . This toast having been responded to , the remaining toasts were given very i | uickly by the
V » . M ., and as briefly acknowledged . They were "The Past Masters of the Lodge , " " The Treasurer and Secretary , " and "Thc Junior Officers . " In the inteivals Bros . Robinson , Mallett , Liftlcy , Themairs . Walls , and others instrumcntall y and vocally enlivened the proceedings . The next meeting of the lodge will be held on the last Tuesday in September . This lodge will be represented at the Boys '
Festival in June by Bro . E . llopwood , P . M . JORDAN LODGE ( No . 201 ) . —The last regular meeting of this very old established lodge was held on the 21 st ult . at ihe Freemasons' Tavern . There were present Bros . Wagner , W . M . ; Elsam , P . M . ( Dobie ) , P . P .
G . D . C . of Surrey , S . W . ; Head , J . W . ; Sumner , S . D . ; smith , J . ] j . . Arliss , P . M ., Sec . ; Pain , I . G . ; Robin-Wh ' " 1 . , M i' aCl '" K : U ' - - lavage , P . M ., W . S . ; ley , P . M . Thc minutes of the previous mceti . ig were read and confirmed . Thc agenda of business contained the names ol several brethren for passing
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and raising , and also three candidates for initiation , but from various causes they were all prevented from attending , and the W . M . in order to fill up the time rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , with Bro . Harper for a candidate , and thc S . D . at its close delivered the charge . A discussion then ensued upon the propriety of holeting a summer banquet in connection with the lodge , which was
ultimately unanimously agreed to , and a committee appointed to carry it out . The lodge was then closed , and the biethreu adjourned to an excellent banq . uet . The visitors were Bros . Bofill , Royal Jubilee ; Stroud , late of the Jordan ; Cook , Domatic ; Walls , S . D . Kennington . Upon the removal of the cloth the W . M . gave " The Queen and Craft , " " The M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince
of Wales , " "The Pro G . M ., " "The D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present . " Bro . Read having contributed the National Anthem , Bro . Robinson , P . M ., arose , and proposed " The Health of the W . M . " in a very neat speech . In the course of his remarks he stated that although Bro . Wagner that evening had had no work to do , yet his zeal for Freemasonry was such that he had
gone through the first ceremony as a rehearsal in a manner that left little to be desired , and in conclusion he hoped that the remainder of the W . M . ' s year of office would be attended with every prosperity . This toast having been duly honoured , the W . M . in a few brief words acknowledged the compliment that had been passed to . him , and immediately gave " The Health of the Visitors , " in which
he deplored the circumstances that had prevented him and his fifficers that evening from exhibiting the working of thc lodge to their guests , but he hoped that on a future occasion , should they honour them with their company , to show them that the Jordan Lodge had not degenerated . This toast was responded to by Bros . Cook and Walls . " The Health of the Past Masters " followed , anel was
replied to by Bros . Robinson , Whitley , and Davage . The latter brother shortly afterwards took occasion , when "The Masonic Charities " was proposed , to regret that this toast was not given at all lodge banquets , as he was of opinion , that much monetary good would arise if the cause of charity in connection with those valuable institutions was brought to tbe notice of the brethren at the convivial
board . He stated that as one of the Governors of thc charities he would be only too happy to accompany any brother at any time over theelifferent buildings , and to explain their working and management . "The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary an'l the Junior Officers "
followed , and was acknowledged by Bros . Robinson , Elsam , Read , and others . Contributions of harmony and poetry were given during the evening by Bros . Read , Robinson , Walls , anil others . The Tyler having discharged his duty , thc brethren separated until the thirel Friday in October .
THE ROYAL OAK LODGE ( No . 871 ) held its regular meeting on 2 * th ult . at the White Swan Tavern , Deptforel . There were present Bros . H . J . Tuson , W . M . ( who presided , and did all the work in good style ); XV . Andrews , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M ., Sec . ; G . Andrews , P . M ., M . C . ; VV . Myatt , P . M ., W . S . ; S . O . Lewin , I . P . M . ; J . J .
Pokes , S . W . ; J . B . Langley , J . W . ; G . T . Limn , S . D . j It . Harman , J . D . ; J . G . Vohmann , I . G . ; H . J . Fisher , Organist -, and about 40 other members . The large number of visitors who honoured the lodge with their presence were Bros . H . J . Green , W . M . 1538 ; H . Keeble , P . M . 1275 ; J . Griffin , P . M . 933 ; J . Roper , P . M . 147 ; C . Nash , P . M . 79 ; II . Caston , 40 ; T .
W . Adams , 7 6 5 ; VV . T . Hunt , 79 ; and several others , whose names we were unable to ascertain . Bros . G . Eve , VV . Simmons , and G . A . Leighton were Crafted . Five guineas were voted to a deceased member ' s widow , and lier petition to Lodge of Benevolence signee ! in open lodge . Several candidates were proposeel for initiation . The lodge was adjourned . Good banquet and dessert followed . The
usual loyal toasts were given and responded to . Songs and recitations followed . URBAN LODGE ( No . nyfi ) . —Saint John ' s Gale , Clerkenwell , has long been noted for being one of thc relics of the London that is passed . Garrick there made his debut in thc hall which is over the gateway ; it was in the coffee-room that Dr . Johnson presided over the Urban
Club , and it was there also that Oliver Goldsmith spent most of his ready cash . With such reminiscences as these it woulel be impossible for any to enter thc hostelrie of St . John without some feeling of awe and respect ; and this feeling would be intensified were they to attend a meeting of tlie Urban Lodge of Freemasons which sprung out of the Literary Club of which Johnson was presielent . On
Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., a lodge was held at the ancient tavern , which was presided over by Bro . Japlrcth Fickle , W . M . There were of the members a very good muster . Visitors Bros . Caravoglia , Donald King , Rigliton , Hamer , Watts , Hepburn , Shawson , Roberts , Pogmore , Buss , Kidder , and others . After thc business ( two initiations performed by the VV . M . anil a raising through the courtesy of the W . M .
conducted by P . M . Marsh ) of thc lodge was completed the whole meeting adjourned to the banquet-hall ( the identical room in which Garrick made his first essay at comcely ) , where a most elegant but at tlie same time substantial repast bail been prepared by the host , Bro . Gay . " Course followed course , and round thc bottle flew ; Laughter and mirth prevailed amongst the crew . "
The toast of " The Queen and Craft " was proposeel by thc W . M . and drunk with a gieat degree of loyalty , whilst that of " The Grand Master" was received with fervour such as . is seldom witnessed , and as Bro . L ehmeyer at the piano played " God Bless the
Prince of Wales such a hearty chorus of voices joined in the refrain thnt shewed too plainly to be mistaken how sincere and heartfelt were the wishes for the Prince's welfare . The other usual toasts were all well received and responded to , and the whole evening passed off most pleasantly , with one exception , and we do not doubt that the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
brother who caused the slight unpleasantness will ( to us e his own words ) " regret in the morning the speech of the previous night . " The Secretary ( Dr . Carpenter ) spoke of the flourishing state of thc lodge ' s finances . Bro . Terry , in a very eloquent speech , pleaded for the Masonic charities , and we think that the Urban Lodge will not fail to take his advice and to endow their W . M . as a Vice-President of
one of these excellent institutions . During thc evening the brethren were favoured with some very fine songs from Bros . Caravoglia , Donald King , and Righton , and Bro . Lehmeyer delighted all his hearers with the exquisite amount of pathos and expression he displayed in his
rendering of Thalberg ' s " Home , Sweet Home . " Bro . Fairchild also gave a recitation , " My Pipe , " with great dramatic force , which showed he possessed histrionic powers of no mean ability . The brethren separated at 11 . 30 , having passed an evening one of the most happy within any of their recollections .
SURREY MASONIC HALL LODGE ( No . 1539 ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Thursday evening , May 4 th , at the Masonic Hall , Camberwell New Road . Bro . Mark S . Larlham , W . M ., presided , and the following officers were present : — Bros . E . Clark , P . M . ; XV . Ramsey , S . W . ; T . L . Green , J . W . ; J . Oliver , Sec . ; N . Ritherdon , S . D . ; W .
Smale , J . D . ; D . A . Ross , I . G . ; and S . J . Harvey , D . C . The following visitors were also present : —Bros . Middlemass , 957 ; Murfin , 733 ; Reynolds , 1319 ; F . Wallis , I . P . M . 905 ; Holt , P . M . 235 ; Dubois , P . M . 1326 and 1423 ; H . Thompson ( "Freemason" ) 1426 , and P . M . 177 and 1158 ; J . Burgh , 2 ; S . T . Carter , 1328 ; G . J . Dawson , 749 ; C . Sims , 1555 ; and Vockins , P . M .
1329 . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and Bro . Collins was raised to the Sublime Degree , the whole ceremony being impressively performed by the W . M . with his usual ability . Thc lodge was then lowered to the Second Degree , and Bros . Clans and Moss were passed to that of
F . C . The next business was to ballot for the admission of Mr . Frederick George Wells , which being unanimous in his favour , he , being in attendance , was impressively initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry . The next item on the programme was the election of a W . Master for the ensuing year , and the choice fell upon Bro . Ramsey , S . W ., who returned thanks
for his election , and Bro . Larlham was elected Treasurer for thc coming year . Bro . E . Clark , P . M ., then proposed that a jewel of the value of ten guineas be presented to Bro . Larlham , as a recognition on the part of the lodge of his services , and thc able manner in which he had discharged his duties as W . Master . Bro . Green , J . W ., seconded the motion , which was put and carried
unanimously , and for which the W . Master returned thanks . Bro . Gcidcr , P . M ., was re-elected Tyler , and the Audit Committee having been appointed the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , well served by Bio . Bromley , of the Clapham Road . On . the removal of the cloth the W . M . gave " The Queen , " and afterwards " The Health of His Royal Highness the Prince
of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master , " and expressed a hope tbat the Masons of England would again see him amongst them at the next meeting of the Grand Lodge , when he hoped they would all give him a hearty welcome . The toast was most cordially responded to . The W . Master next gave "Bro . Wells , " their newly initiated brother Bro . Wells , in responding , said he begged to thank them
most sincerely for the manner in which his health had been proposed and drank , and he trusted that he should become a respectable member of their ancient and honourable fraternity . Bro . E . Clark , P . M ., said , in proposing the next toast , which was "The Health of their W . Master , " he did so with a certain amount of regret , as he was sure from their associations they did not like losing his services
in his present capacity of W . Master . He had always been with them , and had done his work well , to say nothing of the cordiality that had always existed between them , and he was sure that they all appreciated his services . The toast was cordially received . The W . Master thanked Bro . Clark for the kind remarks he had made , and the brethren for the very hearty
manner in which they had responded to them . He hoped that he had given them satisfaction , and he trusted that thc S . W ., his successor , would have as successful a year of office as he had , and he concluded by proposing " The Health of the W . M . Elect . Bro . Ramsey returned thanks . He was full of hopes for the future , and he hoped with the assistance of such a hearty and thorough Mason
as their present W . Master to carry out the work of the lodge to their satisfaction . The W . M . said the next toast was a very pleasing one to him , as it was to propose "The Health of The Visitors , " and he must say that he felt highly gratified to see so many present on that occasion . Having read over the list he said he should call upon Bro . Thompson , who he believed was the oldest Mason present
to return thanks for the visitors . Bro . II . Thompson ( " Freemason " ) said the W . M . had cast upon him a most important duty to return thanks for such an array of visitors as was then present , and the more so as he should be but an unworthy exponent of thc feelings of those who were far more able to discharge that duty . ( No , no . ) He took their observations as a kindly feeling towards him ,
and in thc first place he begged to thank the lodge for the splendid hospitality with which they had been received , and in the next to express the high satisfaction they derived in witnessing the very able manner in which the whole of the three ceremonies in the lodge had been
performed by the W . M . That was no more than he ( Bro . Thompson ) expected from him , having seen how assiduous he had been in his attendance at lodges of instruction , where he was always to be found giving instruction to young Masons who required it , and what particularly added to its value was the very unostentatious way in which that
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
*^^ Z ?™ * ZZ - ^^^ ::::::: ; :::::::::::::: ; ::::::::: AZEE : Z :::: - S ^ ' nry Eihvards Visit to the Girls' School 212 s , r . mi of our ROT al Grand Master al Portsmouth 213 " " vnt ind Primitive Masonry » S £ timonial and Dinner to Ilro . Wm . Herbage 31 $
i „' . 1 Masonic Institution lor Boys 215 D ,:-, ! Masonic Benevolent Institution aij ^ ilcomer Home again ! . . . . ¦ . . . A .. V . ' ::. ' . ' . ' . ' : : : : : . ' :::. ' . ' : " o Th r proposcVl ' Masoni ' c'V . VbVoVyaTs 216 The Triump h of Intolerance 3 ' 7 r ,. RREsr'ONi ) ENCE : — Bro Lux and Officers' Jewels si ? What Next ? Indeed ! - ' 7
Discontinuance ofthe " freemason 217 Koyal Masonic Institution for Boys 21 S RUOTnic OrphanGVrVs'SchmV , ' Dubiin '"! . ! 218 Consecration ofa Lodge at Pontypridd 218 Misonic Notes and Queries 2 rS Royal Masonic Institution for Girls—Annual 1-estival 219 Masonic and General Tidings 221
presentation to Bro . J . P . Bull 221 Masonic Meetings for thc Week : ¦•:. — . •. ¦ . — . 22 . Advertisements '•" •'"•"' •v - -
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
. toft HfewMmrjj . FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . —Thc last meeting of the season of this popular Cily lodge was held at Anelerton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , thc 25 th ult . The lodge was convened at half-past fe > ur in thc afternoon , when there were present Bros . Waygood , W . M . ; Kennett , I . P . M . ; Themans , P . M . ; Hopwood , P . M ., W . M . 1512 , acting S . W . ; Walls , acting J . W . ; Dairey , J . D .,
acting S . D . ; Rumbold , W . S . . acting I . G . The officers present later in the evening were Bros . Stuart , P . M ., Sec ; Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; Taylor , P . M . ; Davis , S . W . ; Mallett , J . W . ; Bye , I . G . The minutes of the previous meeting were read anel confirmed . The W . M . having raised Bros . Ginz and Mauley to the Third Degree , vacated the chair , and Bro . llopwood , P . M ., by his
permission , raised Bro . Kendall . Bros . Smith and Leftlcy being candidates for the Second Degree were accorelingly passed as F . C . ' s by the W . M ., who afterwards initiated Mr . Barrett . The question of holding a summer binquet having been discussed the loelge was closed , and thc brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet . The visitors were Bros . Simmonds , P . M . 141 , 554 , and W . M . 11 . 59 ;
Joseph Wright , P . M . 1158 , and VV . M . of the Royal Commemoration ; Tully , 209 ; Stichling , Zetland ; Cook , Boyal Union ; II eft cr , Southern Star ; Cousins , Yarborough ; Barrett , Star of thc East . Upon the removal ofthe cloth tlie W . M . briefly gave the usual toasts of ceremony , which were eluly honoured , and Bro . Walls having sung the National Anthem , " The Health of the W . M . "
was warmly proposed by Brc . laylor , P . M ., in the absence of thc I . P . M . In concluding his remarks he called upon thc brethren on that occasion to give the toast every honour as they were about to separate for many months , and that when they again assembled thc W . M . ' s reign would be almost over , and he therefore dcsireel the brethren to give Bro . Waygood such a parting " lire" as his indomitable
perseverance in endeavouring to surmount many obstacles that stood in his Masonic progress so thoroughly deserved at their hands . It is , perhaps , but needless to say that after such an address the toast was most heartily drank . The W . M ., in reply , thanked Bro . Taylor for the kind manner in w hich he had introduced the toast , anil the brethren for the warmth with which it hail been received , and
briefly touched upon his long connection with the loelge , and the services he had humbly endeavour-d to render it . In conclusion he tolel them that during the long summer recess he should look back to that meeting with pleasure , and with a hope that they would all meet again in September in the full possession of good health , and of every domestic prosperity . Thc initiate , Bro . Barrett , having
been toasted , made an excellent reply . In proposing "The Health of the Visitors " the W . M . took occasion to mention that one of the visiting brethren tbat evening , Bio . Simmonds , had passed the -.-hair in that lodge nearly thirty years ago , and was W . M . of 1159 , 31 the present time , proving that his zeal for Freemasonry had not abated . ' 1 hey had also , he said , another very hard working brother
present on tbat occasion in the person of Bro . J . Wright , P . M ., whose attention to the ancient Craft was pretty well known to them all . The W . M . in conclusion also mentioned tbe names of thc other visitors present that evening , and hoped that their visit to the Faith had been in every way agreeable to them . This toast having been responded to , the remaining toasts were given very i | uickly by the
V » . M ., and as briefly acknowledged . They were "The Past Masters of the Lodge , " " The Treasurer and Secretary , " and "Thc Junior Officers . " In the inteivals Bros . Robinson , Mallett , Liftlcy , Themairs . Walls , and others instrumcntall y and vocally enlivened the proceedings . The next meeting of the lodge will be held on the last Tuesday in September . This lodge will be represented at the Boys '
Festival in June by Bro . E . llopwood , P . M . JORDAN LODGE ( No . 201 ) . —The last regular meeting of this very old established lodge was held on the 21 st ult . at ihe Freemasons' Tavern . There were present Bros . Wagner , W . M . ; Elsam , P . M . ( Dobie ) , P . P .
G . D . C . of Surrey , S . W . ; Head , J . W . ; Sumner , S . D . ; smith , J . ] j . . Arliss , P . M ., Sec . ; Pain , I . G . ; Robin-Wh ' " 1 . , M i' aCl '" K : U ' - - lavage , P . M ., W . S . ; ley , P . M . Thc minutes of the previous mceti . ig were read and confirmed . Thc agenda of business contained the names ol several brethren for passing
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and raising , and also three candidates for initiation , but from various causes they were all prevented from attending , and the W . M . in order to fill up the time rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , with Bro . Harper for a candidate , and thc S . D . at its close delivered the charge . A discussion then ensued upon the propriety of holeting a summer banquet in connection with the lodge , which was
ultimately unanimously agreed to , and a committee appointed to carry it out . The lodge was then closed , and the biethreu adjourned to an excellent banq . uet . The visitors were Bros . Bofill , Royal Jubilee ; Stroud , late of the Jordan ; Cook , Domatic ; Walls , S . D . Kennington . Upon the removal of the cloth the W . M . gave " The Queen and Craft , " " The M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince
of Wales , " "The Pro G . M ., " "The D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present . " Bro . Read having contributed the National Anthem , Bro . Robinson , P . M ., arose , and proposed " The Health of the W . M . " in a very neat speech . In the course of his remarks he stated that although Bro . Wagner that evening had had no work to do , yet his zeal for Freemasonry was such that he had
gone through the first ceremony as a rehearsal in a manner that left little to be desired , and in conclusion he hoped that the remainder of the W . M . ' s year of office would be attended with every prosperity . This toast having been duly honoured , the W . M . in a few brief words acknowledged the compliment that had been passed to . him , and immediately gave " The Health of the Visitors , " in which
he deplored the circumstances that had prevented him and his fifficers that evening from exhibiting the working of thc lodge to their guests , but he hoped that on a future occasion , should they honour them with their company , to show them that the Jordan Lodge had not degenerated . This toast was responded to by Bros . Cook and Walls . " The Health of the Past Masters " followed , anel was
replied to by Bros . Robinson , Whitley , and Davage . The latter brother shortly afterwards took occasion , when "The Masonic Charities " was proposed , to regret that this toast was not given at all lodge banquets , as he was of opinion , that much monetary good would arise if the cause of charity in connection with those valuable institutions was brought to tbe notice of the brethren at the convivial
board . He stated that as one of the Governors of thc charities he would be only too happy to accompany any brother at any time over theelifferent buildings , and to explain their working and management . "The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary an'l the Junior Officers "
followed , and was acknowledged by Bros . Robinson , Elsam , Read , and others . Contributions of harmony and poetry were given during the evening by Bros . Read , Robinson , Walls , anil others . The Tyler having discharged his duty , thc brethren separated until the thirel Friday in October .
THE ROYAL OAK LODGE ( No . 871 ) held its regular meeting on 2 * th ult . at the White Swan Tavern , Deptforel . There were present Bros . H . J . Tuson , W . M . ( who presided , and did all the work in good style ); XV . Andrews , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M ., Sec . ; G . Andrews , P . M ., M . C . ; VV . Myatt , P . M ., W . S . ; S . O . Lewin , I . P . M . ; J . J .
Pokes , S . W . ; J . B . Langley , J . W . ; G . T . Limn , S . D . j It . Harman , J . D . ; J . G . Vohmann , I . G . ; H . J . Fisher , Organist -, and about 40 other members . The large number of visitors who honoured the lodge with their presence were Bros . H . J . Green , W . M . 1538 ; H . Keeble , P . M . 1275 ; J . Griffin , P . M . 933 ; J . Roper , P . M . 147 ; C . Nash , P . M . 79 ; II . Caston , 40 ; T .
W . Adams , 7 6 5 ; VV . T . Hunt , 79 ; and several others , whose names we were unable to ascertain . Bros . G . Eve , VV . Simmons , and G . A . Leighton were Crafted . Five guineas were voted to a deceased member ' s widow , and lier petition to Lodge of Benevolence signee ! in open lodge . Several candidates were proposeel for initiation . The lodge was adjourned . Good banquet and dessert followed . The
usual loyal toasts were given and responded to . Songs and recitations followed . URBAN LODGE ( No . nyfi ) . —Saint John ' s Gale , Clerkenwell , has long been noted for being one of thc relics of the London that is passed . Garrick there made his debut in thc hall which is over the gateway ; it was in the coffee-room that Dr . Johnson presided over the Urban
Club , and it was there also that Oliver Goldsmith spent most of his ready cash . With such reminiscences as these it woulel be impossible for any to enter thc hostelrie of St . John without some feeling of awe and respect ; and this feeling would be intensified were they to attend a meeting of tlie Urban Lodge of Freemasons which sprung out of the Literary Club of which Johnson was presielent . On
Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., a lodge was held at the ancient tavern , which was presided over by Bro . Japlrcth Fickle , W . M . There were of the members a very good muster . Visitors Bros . Caravoglia , Donald King , Rigliton , Hamer , Watts , Hepburn , Shawson , Roberts , Pogmore , Buss , Kidder , and others . After thc business ( two initiations performed by the VV . M . anil a raising through the courtesy of the W . M .
conducted by P . M . Marsh ) of thc lodge was completed the whole meeting adjourned to the banquet-hall ( the identical room in which Garrick made his first essay at comcely ) , where a most elegant but at tlie same time substantial repast bail been prepared by the host , Bro . Gay . " Course followed course , and round thc bottle flew ; Laughter and mirth prevailed amongst the crew . "
The toast of " The Queen and Craft " was proposeel by thc W . M . and drunk with a gieat degree of loyalty , whilst that of " The Grand Master" was received with fervour such as . is seldom witnessed , and as Bro . L ehmeyer at the piano played " God Bless the
Prince of Wales such a hearty chorus of voices joined in the refrain thnt shewed too plainly to be mistaken how sincere and heartfelt were the wishes for the Prince's welfare . The other usual toasts were all well received and responded to , and the whole evening passed off most pleasantly , with one exception , and we do not doubt that the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
brother who caused the slight unpleasantness will ( to us e his own words ) " regret in the morning the speech of the previous night . " The Secretary ( Dr . Carpenter ) spoke of the flourishing state of thc lodge ' s finances . Bro . Terry , in a very eloquent speech , pleaded for the Masonic charities , and we think that the Urban Lodge will not fail to take his advice and to endow their W . M . as a Vice-President of
one of these excellent institutions . During thc evening the brethren were favoured with some very fine songs from Bros . Caravoglia , Donald King , and Righton , and Bro . Lehmeyer delighted all his hearers with the exquisite amount of pathos and expression he displayed in his
rendering of Thalberg ' s " Home , Sweet Home . " Bro . Fairchild also gave a recitation , " My Pipe , " with great dramatic force , which showed he possessed histrionic powers of no mean ability . The brethren separated at 11 . 30 , having passed an evening one of the most happy within any of their recollections .
SURREY MASONIC HALL LODGE ( No . 1539 ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Thursday evening , May 4 th , at the Masonic Hall , Camberwell New Road . Bro . Mark S . Larlham , W . M ., presided , and the following officers were present : — Bros . E . Clark , P . M . ; XV . Ramsey , S . W . ; T . L . Green , J . W . ; J . Oliver , Sec . ; N . Ritherdon , S . D . ; W .
Smale , J . D . ; D . A . Ross , I . G . ; and S . J . Harvey , D . C . The following visitors were also present : —Bros . Middlemass , 957 ; Murfin , 733 ; Reynolds , 1319 ; F . Wallis , I . P . M . 905 ; Holt , P . M . 235 ; Dubois , P . M . 1326 and 1423 ; H . Thompson ( "Freemason" ) 1426 , and P . M . 177 and 1158 ; J . Burgh , 2 ; S . T . Carter , 1328 ; G . J . Dawson , 749 ; C . Sims , 1555 ; and Vockins , P . M .
1329 . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and Bro . Collins was raised to the Sublime Degree , the whole ceremony being impressively performed by the W . M . with his usual ability . Thc lodge was then lowered to the Second Degree , and Bros . Clans and Moss were passed to that of
F . C . The next business was to ballot for the admission of Mr . Frederick George Wells , which being unanimous in his favour , he , being in attendance , was impressively initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry . The next item on the programme was the election of a W . Master for the ensuing year , and the choice fell upon Bro . Ramsey , S . W ., who returned thanks
for his election , and Bro . Larlham was elected Treasurer for thc coming year . Bro . E . Clark , P . M ., then proposed that a jewel of the value of ten guineas be presented to Bro . Larlham , as a recognition on the part of the lodge of his services , and thc able manner in which he had discharged his duties as W . Master . Bro . Green , J . W ., seconded the motion , which was put and carried
unanimously , and for which the W . Master returned thanks . Bro . Gcidcr , P . M ., was re-elected Tyler , and the Audit Committee having been appointed the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , well served by Bio . Bromley , of the Clapham Road . On . the removal of the cloth the W . M . gave " The Queen , " and afterwards " The Health of His Royal Highness the Prince
of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master , " and expressed a hope tbat the Masons of England would again see him amongst them at the next meeting of the Grand Lodge , when he hoped they would all give him a hearty welcome . The toast was most cordially responded to . The W . Master next gave "Bro . Wells , " their newly initiated brother Bro . Wells , in responding , said he begged to thank them
most sincerely for the manner in which his health had been proposed and drank , and he trusted that he should become a respectable member of their ancient and honourable fraternity . Bro . E . Clark , P . M ., said , in proposing the next toast , which was "The Health of their W . Master , " he did so with a certain amount of regret , as he was sure from their associations they did not like losing his services
in his present capacity of W . Master . He had always been with them , and had done his work well , to say nothing of the cordiality that had always existed between them , and he was sure that they all appreciated his services . The toast was cordially received . The W . Master thanked Bro . Clark for the kind remarks he had made , and the brethren for the very hearty
manner in which they had responded to them . He hoped that he had given them satisfaction , and he trusted that thc S . W ., his successor , would have as successful a year of office as he had , and he concluded by proposing " The Health of the W . M . Elect . Bro . Ramsey returned thanks . He was full of hopes for the future , and he hoped with the assistance of such a hearty and thorough Mason
as their present W . Master to carry out the work of the lodge to their satisfaction . The W . M . said the next toast was a very pleasing one to him , as it was to propose "The Health of The Visitors , " and he must say that he felt highly gratified to see so many present on that occasion . Having read over the list he said he should call upon Bro . Thompson , who he believed was the oldest Mason present
to return thanks for the visitors . Bro . II . Thompson ( " Freemason " ) said the W . M . had cast upon him a most important duty to return thanks for such an array of visitors as was then present , and the more so as he should be but an unworthy exponent of thc feelings of those who were far more able to discharge that duty . ( No , no . ) He took their observations as a kindly feeling towards him ,
and in thc first place he begged to thank the lodge for the splendid hospitality with which they had been received , and in the next to express the high satisfaction they derived in witnessing the very able manner in which the whole of the three ceremonies in the lodge had been
performed by the W . M . That was no more than he ( Bro . Thompson ) expected from him , having seen how assiduous he had been in his attendance at lodges of instruction , where he was always to be found giving instruction to young Masons who required it , and what particularly added to its value was the very unostentatious way in which that