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Knights Templar.
Captain ; Moses Mavvson , 2 nd Captain ; W . Bulman , Almoner ; W . Shakespeare , Expert ; J . Gallagher , 2 nd Standard Bearer ; John Kenyon , Captain of Lines ; T . Evans , J . Lloyd , j . Capeli , S . Hickins , J . » . Windows , Vf . Fletcher , H . Firth , and Ii . Burrows . The visitors included Sir Knig hts C . R . N . Beswicke-Royds , Dep . P . G . Prior , Lancashire ; E . Pierpoint , P . E . C , 2 nd Grand Capt . of Lines ;
Captain T . Berry , P . E . C , G . St . B . ; H . Nelson , Marshal , Wm . de la More Preceptory ; and Joseph Wood , Treasurer Wm . de la More Preceptory ( " Freemason " ) . The records of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Comp . Douglas , and as he was duly elected and in attendance he was duly exalted by the E . Preceptor , assisted by the D . P . G . Prior , saluted , and
proclaimed a Knight of the Order . The Deputy Grand Prior then ascended the throne , when Sir Knight John Edward Jackson , the P . elect , was presented to Ihe D . G . Prior by Sir Knights Pierpoint , P . E . C , and VV . Doyle , I . P . E . Preceptor , to receive the benefits of installation with the usual ceremony . At the proper stage , all the Sir Knights below the rank of E . P . retired , and on being re-admitted the
newly-installed E . Preceptor ( Sir Knight Jackson ) was saluted according to ancient custom . He immediately proceeded to invest the following as his officers : —Sir Knights VV . Doyle , Prelate ; M . Mawson , Constable ; R . Brown , Marshal ; W . Shakespeare , Registrar ; T . Clark , Treasurer ; J . Capell , Almoner ; J . Kenyon , Expert ; T . Evans , ist Standard Bearer ; S . Hickins , 2 nd Standard
Bearer ; J . B . Widdows , Herald ; J . Gallagher , Captain of Lines ; H . Burrows , Chamberlain ; and Sir Knight P . Ball was elected Equerry . After the tiansaction of some formal business , the preceptory was closed in due form with silemn prayer . The assembled knights then adjourned to banquet , which was provided by Sir Knight Ball in a most
satisfactory manner . The -wine carle and the banquet were of the highest order . The newly-installed E . Preceptor presided , supported by the D . P . G . Prior , Sir Knights Pierpoint , Berry , Doyle , Clark , and about 20 other knights . Thc usual toasts vvere given and responded to with great cordiality , and the geniol company broke up about 10 o ' clock .
Scotland .
GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND . The quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held on Monday evening , the Sth inst ., in tbe Freemasons' Hall , George-street , Edinburgh . There was a very large attendance of the brethren . In the unavoidable absence of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , Sir M . R . Shaw Stewart , the throne was occupied by Bro
Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , P . S . G . M ., and P . G . M . of Peebles and Selkirk , supported by Major Hamilton Ramsay , o ! Garion , S . G . W . ; William Hay , S . G . D ., acting J . G . W . ; Lauderdale Maitland , of Eccles , P . G . M . of Dumfriesshire ; Dr . Loth , representative of the G .-anrl Orient of France ; John Laurie , G . S . ; D . Kinnear , J . G . D . ; Williim O . Iieer , P . G . D . ; Alexander li ly , G . J . ; John Coghill , G . Dir . of
Cer . ; Daniel Robertson , G . B . B . ; Captain G . F . R . Colt , of Gartslu-rrie , G . S . U . ; W . M . Bryco , G . T . ; and others . The Grand Lodge having been duly opened , the acting G . M . prefaced the proceedings with an intimation of the decease of Bro . David Bryce , R . S . A ., Architect to the Grand Lodge , which took place on Sunday last , and after referring to the many estimable qualities of the
deceased , moved that an expression of deep regret be engrossed in thc minutes of the Grand Lodge of the loss sustained . The G . S . rcael apologies for absence from the Earl of Rosslyn , P . G . M ., and others . Charters for new lodges were granted for The Northern Star , Kurseong , India ; The Lachlan , Forbes , New South Wales-, Hamilton , Surat , India ; Canterbury Killwinning , Canterbury ,
New Zealand ; Manukau , Auckland , New Zealand ; Islam , Bombay ; The Calendar , Falkirk ; Gordon ' s , Buckie ; and the St . James , Harthill , Wnitburn . After the acting G . M . had reported the successful inauguration of the Lodge St . Leonard , Loanheael , Midlothian , a motion ot which notice had been given at last communication was brought forward , anil carried by a majority , that tlie election of
R . W . Depute G . M . be vested in Grand Lodge as formerly , and not as at present in thc M . W . G . M . Also that Grand Lodge accounts be audited monthly . The question was brought up relating to lodges in arrears , and agreed to that they be struck off tlie Grand Lodge roll , and should they wish afterwards to be resuscitated to come in rotation at the bottom of the roll ; and after other business of minor importance , Grand Lodge was duly closed .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Glasgow Kilwinning ( No . 4 ) . —Thc mo . ithly meeting of this old lodge was held in their hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , on Wednesday evening , 3 rd inst . Bro . H . Prout , W . M ., occupied the chair ; G . Holmes , S . VV . ; J . Mclnnes , S . M . 408 , acting J . W . ; J . D . Dixon , D . M . ; J . McKeanel , Treasurer ; J . Currie , Secretary ; A . Rieldle , J . D . ; W . D . Gourlay , Jeweller ; J .
Carmichael , S . S . ; and a full attendance of members and visiting brethren , among whom were Bros . J . Morgan , W . M . 219 ; W . Bell , I . P . M . 3 ] ; 11 . Mitchell , P . M . 332 ; William Ferguson , P . M . 543 ( "Freemason" ); and others . On the lodge being opened Bro . J . McNair was passed to the Fellow Craft Degree by Bro . Wheeler , 73 . The lodge was then resumed in thc F'irst Degree . It was then announced that thc Provincial Grand Lodge were in
waiting . Thc W . M . gave instructions to receive them , which was accordingly done with thc usual honours . The deputation consisted of Bros . J . Baird , P . G . S . M . ; G . Sinclair , Treas . of Benevolent Fund ; A . McTaggart , M . A ., P . G . Sec ; J . Gillies , P . G . Treas . ; A . Bain , P . G . B . B . ; Allison , P . G . J . ; Ritchie , P . G . Architect ; J . Miller , P . G . J . D ; j . Miller , P . G . D . of M . ; and D . Reid , P . G . I . G . The deputation having taken their places on lhc dais , Bro . McTaggart , P . G . Sec , read
the report , which was as follows . " We , the undersigned office-bearers of the P . G . L . of Glasgow , hereby certify that we visited the Lodge Glasgow Kilwinning , No . 4 , examined the various books , and found them in a very satisfactory condition , and generally the lodge is working in strict harmony with thc Constitutions of thc Grand Lodge of Scotland . " Bro . Baird briefly substantiated the
statements made by thc P . G . Sec , and was sorry they were leaving or had to leave this fine hall , but wished them every success in their new premises , and trusted they would be as prosperous in the future as they had been in thc past , and even more so . Bro . Prout , VV . M ., thanked the deputation for their annual visit , and moved a vote of thanks to the P . G . Officers present , which was
enthusiastically given . Thc P . G . L . deputation then withdrew . The lodge then went on to harmony , when tlie brethren spent a short time in a social capacity . GLASGOW—Lodge St . Mungo ( No . 27 ) . — The regular meeting of this old lodge was held in St . Mark's Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , on Thursday evening , 4 th inst ., Bro . D . Butler , W . M ., presiding ; J . M . Oliver ,
S . W . 3 60 , acting S . W . ; G . McComb . J . W . ; D . Dick , S . M . ; A . R . Wilson , V . Chap . ; S . Dory , " S . S . ; W . Albin , Dir . of M . ; and James , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . A . Bain , P . M . 103 ; T . Graham , J . W . 36 a ; C . McKenzie , J . W . 354 ; W . Ferguson , P . M . 543 ( " Freemason " ) ; T . Wallace , 117 ; II . Hall , 117 ; S . Aitken , 128 ; A . Harper , 292 ; E . Master , 292 ; R . Rae , 49 ; W . McHardie . 360 ;
J . McEwan , 3 62 ; J . Allan , 399 ; J . Brock , 399 ; VV . B . Paterson , 3 G 0 ; J . Stewart , 360 ; anel others . On the lodge being opened , Mr . Robert Hood was admitted and received the First Degree at the hands of Bro . Bail el , P . M . 103 , in his usual able minner . The lodge was then called to refreshment , when the chairman proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were heartily
respnnded to , and after spending a short time in harmony the lodge was called to labour , and closed in due form . DUNBAR . —Dunbar Castle Lodge ( No . 75 ) , —A Masonic ball was held in the assembly rooms here on Wednesday , 3 rd inst ., under the auspices of this lodge . The company numbered about one hundred and forty . Long before the hour for dancing immense crowels had
thronged about Ihe doors , gazing * ith aelmiration upon the rich and dazzling brightness of the ladies as they alighed from the carriages , with their magnificent and ragrant bouquets , a scencc so pleasing and gratifying that amply rewarded the bystanelcrs . Dancing commenced at ten p . m ., and was kept up with good spirit till an early hour in the morning . Mrs . Variance and Bro .
C . Nelson , VV . M ., opened thc ball ; Br-i . J . Blake , S . VV ., ably officiated as M . C . Bros . Ii . Payne , A . Robertson , and J . Tait were members of committee , anil deserve great praise for thc zealous manner they filled their office . "Phe orchestra was uneler the able leadership of Bro . D . Vallance , P . M ., and consisted of eight musicians , who playeel some beautiful airs with exceedingly good tnste ,
and elicited frequent applause during the evening . GALASHIELS . —St . John ' s Lodge ( So . 2 S 2 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their monthly meeting on the ist inst ., when Bro . Rolertson , of the Abbotsford Hotel , and Bro . Oevens were raised by the VV . M ., Bro . Thomson , to the high and sublime degree of a Master Mason . In const < i : < nee of the death of Bro . William
Kerr , who has long held the honourable office of Bible Bearer , Bro . Alexander Wood was elected to the office . Thc arrangements fur laying the foundation-stone ef the new Masonic Hall on May 1 2 th are nearly complete . It is expected to be the largest Masonic meeting ever held in thc south of Scotland . Deputations Irom English lodges are expected .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Caledonian Railway ( No . 354 ) . —The P . G . L . D . on leaving Kilwinning , No . 4 , proceeded to visit this ljilge on the evening of Wedneseliy , 3 rd inst . Meantime the lodge had been opened by Bro . j . Fraser , P . M . 8 7 , in the unavoidable alxencc of Bro . A . B . Ferguson , VV . M . ; J . Harley , S . VV . ; C . McKenzie , J . W . ; 1 ) . Buchanan , D . M . ; D . T . Cnliruhoun ,
Treas . ; R . A . McLean , Sec ; and the other officebearers in their respective places . The hall was completely filled with members and visitors , among whom were Bras . J . Booth , VV . M . 87 ; J . Morgan , VV . M . 219 ; VV . Ferguson , P . M . 543 ( " Freemason" ); ar . d others . The deputation was received by tlie brethren upstHiding , and with the customary formalities . Bro . McTaggart
before reading the report said , he was proud to say it was a most favourable one ; in fact , no better in the province , and most encouraging . It was simply this , "We , the undersigned office-bearers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , hereby ceitify that we visited Caledonian Railway , 354 , on the evening of Wednestl . iy , 3 rd May , examined the various books of the lodge , and found them in
a most satisfactory condition , anil that generally the lodge is working in strict harmony wilh the laws of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . " Bro . Baird , P . G . S . M ., said : This report must be very satisfactory to every member of the lodge , and , indeed , it stands next highest to any lodge in the province , so far as we have visited this year , as regards charity . You have disburseel no less than close
upon £ 20 towards the relief of the pocr ancl distressed , and I will tike the first { opportunity of conveying to Bro . Neilson , the P . G . M ., the flourishing condition of this his mother lodge . Bro . Eraser , the acting VV . M ., then thanked the P . G . L . deputation , and apologised for his presence in the chair . lie was kindly waited upon , and requested , in the absence of the respected W . M ., Bro . Ferguson , to preside Ethat evening , therefore his appearance
here to night . lie ( the chairman ) concluded by proposing a vote of thanks to the Provincial Gram ! Lodge officers , which was h . artily responded to . On the motion of Bro . Ilaiiey , S . VV ., and seconded by Uro . McKenzie , J . W ., Bros . J . Miller , P . M . 87 , P . G . J . D ., and Ritchie , ' P . G . Archt , vvere obligated honorary members of the lodge , The P . G . L . deputation then retired . The lodge was then : alled to refreshment , w ' . ien a most enjoyable evening was
spent in harmony . Bro . Hirelie , of Lodge 87 , presided at the harmonium , and gave some splendid selections of music . The chair was occupied in rotation by Bros . Fraser and D . Rcici , I . P . M . 463 . GLASGOW . —Lodge Dramatic ( No . 371 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , on Wednesday , rptf
inst ., at three o ' clock p . m . Ihe W . M ., Bro . W . J . g . Dobson , occupied thc chair , supported by Bros . H . VV . J ackman , S . W . ; R . S . Smyth , S . D ., acting J . W . ; j " , Houston , D . M . ; VV . Barbour , Treas . ; Weir , acting Sec . ; ' L . Mitchell , J . D . ; J . Robertson , I . G . ; and Hardie , Tyler ' . Visitors : Bros . D . Lamb , D . M . 360 ; J . M . Oliver , S . VV 360 ; VV . Phillips , VV . M . 35 6 ; P . ' Brownlie , J . W . 3- ' - ; W . ' Ferguson , P . M . 343 ( " Freemason " ) ; R . Allan , Sec 581 ;
Dr . Buchanan , 4 ; G . W . Wheeler , 73 ; VV . Reynolds , 556 ; and others . On the minutes being read and confirmed , Mr . A . A . Gibb was initiated into Freemasonry by the W . M . ; Bro . W . Buchanan passed to the Fellow Craft Degree by Bro . Oliver , S . VV . 3 60 ; and Bros . G . Connell and F . Muir were raisee ! to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason by Bro . D . Lamb , D . M . 3 60 . The working of tbe three degrees was rendered in a careful and impressive
manner . GLASGOW . —Lodge Plantation ( No . 581 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , Craigiehall-street , on Monday evening , ist inst ., Bro . T . Stobo , W . M . in the chair ; Alex . Gow , S . M . ; D . Peacock , S . W .-,. ] . Henry , J . W . ; W . Taylor , Treas . ; R . Allan Sec . ; T . Paterson , I . G . ; and Gumming , Tyler . Visitors , Bros . D Smart , W . M . 347 ; J . McMillan , P . M . r . V ; W .
Bell , I . P . M . 3 i ; T . Fletcher , P . M . 3 i ; J . Cunningham , I . P . M . 347 ; . )¦ VV . Burns , I . P . M . 87 ; J . M . Oliver , S . VV . 3 60 ; R . Macpherson , 3 ! . ; R . Russell , 437 ; and others . On the loelge bring openeel , and thc minutes of last meeting rcael and confirmed , the Secretary read code of byelaws for the second time , as drawn up by thc committee appointed for that purpose . Mr . T . Walker was initiated
into the E . A . Degree by Bro . J . VV . Burns , I . P . M . 87 . The lodge was then lais-id to the Third Degree , when Bros . J . Wilson , VV . F . Mahon , anel A . Gow were raised to tlie Sublime Degree erf Master Mason bv Bro . McMillan , P . M . 3-3 , in that brother ' s well-known , able , and most
impressive manner . Ihe lodge was then resumed in the First Degree , when the first four admitted and raised brethren of the lodge presented one of their instructors with the ancient fee ( a Kilmarnock bonnet ) , he having agreed to walk to the nearest parish church tlie first Sunday convenient thereafter .
Sir Henry Edwards' Visit To The Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
On Monday afternoon lhc annual visit of the Chairman of the festival of this institution , accompanied by the . •rte-w . ir . ls of the day , was paid lo the sciroolhouse , at St . John ' s Hill , Battersea Rise , by Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., 1 ) -paly Lieutenant of the West Riding , and Provincial
Grand Master of West 1 orkshire , who presided at the SSth anniversary festival of the institution held on Wednesday evening . Sir Henry was accompanied by Lady Edwards and Mr . Priestly Churchill Edwards , who were met at the doors e > f the institution by Bro . Thomas White , Past Grand Steward , Chairman of the clay of the I louse Committee , Colonel Creaton , Colonel Burdett , Colonel Peters , Bros .
Joshua Nunn , P . G . Sword Bearer ; J . A Rucker , P . G . Deacon ; Griffiths Smith , Past Grand Steward ; II . A . Dubois , Rev . J . M . Vaughan , R . VV . Little ( Sec ) , and Miss S . L . Davis ( head governess . ) They were then conducted to the exercise-room , where 124 ofthe girls were put through their calisthenic exercises , while others played march tunes on the pianoforte . The party were afterwards conducted
over th . r building , and the general arrangements of the establishment for the comfort and health of thc little inmates were fully shewn and explained . After this private view had been completed the distinguished visitors partook cf slight refection , and at four o'clock , when the Stewards of the festival and their families arrived to partake in the clay ' s proceedings , adj 'urned to the hall , where the pupils
w < re ranged to give specimens of their proficiency in the various branches of education pursu-rel at the school . The room was densely crowded , anil afforded sufficient evielcnce of the necessity for ihe additions to the building which have lately been decided upon . Sir Henry , Lady , and Mr . P . C Edwards , suppoited by the above-named brethren of the House Committee , Miss Davis , and the other
governesses , sat in front , while the executants of the different selections performed on the piriform erected at the south end of the hall . A selection of music and recitations was then given by thc following pupils : —Florence S . Groves , Agnes Barron , Dora C . Bowles , Fanny J . Lawrence , Eliza Beveridge , Sarah Young , Caroline E . Holland , Caroline
Hart , Charlotte A . Jay , Edith Patten , Laura Stransonir Agnes A . Nash , Lucinda Broadbe-nt , Ellen A . Gates , Helena Meacock , Louisa Hole , Leila Pulman , Jane R . Upton , Lilian M . Nelson , Jane P . Pattison , Mary Young , Alice M . Tayler , Fiances C . Clark , Kathleen N . Cratnpton , Beatrice M . Wray , Mary C . A . Sargant , Ellen Lucy Morgan , Beatrice A . Bindon , Elizabeth
Owens , Mary E . Sharp , Melora K Goodridge , Mary E Barnes , Kate Hulme , Lily O . Hiron , Lucy Kate Clemence , Ethel Hinson , Rosalie Bowditcb , Matilda M . Sherry , Kilheiine Emery , Louisa Christine Oatef , Flo rence R . Sargant , Rose A . Jennings , Alice M . Neiv boult , Fanny S . Craig , and Colina Sharp .
These performances vvere very loudly applauded , the whole assembly exhibiting much pleasure at the readiness and fluency with which they were given . At the conclusion of these proceedings , Sir Henry Edwards , before presenting the prizes , said that thc display had taken so long that the time for the remainder of the day ' s proceedings was very much nar >
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Knights Templar.
Captain ; Moses Mavvson , 2 nd Captain ; W . Bulman , Almoner ; W . Shakespeare , Expert ; J . Gallagher , 2 nd Standard Bearer ; John Kenyon , Captain of Lines ; T . Evans , J . Lloyd , j . Capeli , S . Hickins , J . » . Windows , Vf . Fletcher , H . Firth , and Ii . Burrows . The visitors included Sir Knig hts C . R . N . Beswicke-Royds , Dep . P . G . Prior , Lancashire ; E . Pierpoint , P . E . C , 2 nd Grand Capt . of Lines ;
Captain T . Berry , P . E . C , G . St . B . ; H . Nelson , Marshal , Wm . de la More Preceptory ; and Joseph Wood , Treasurer Wm . de la More Preceptory ( " Freemason " ) . The records of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Comp . Douglas , and as he was duly elected and in attendance he was duly exalted by the E . Preceptor , assisted by the D . P . G . Prior , saluted , and
proclaimed a Knight of the Order . The Deputy Grand Prior then ascended the throne , when Sir Knight John Edward Jackson , the P . elect , was presented to Ihe D . G . Prior by Sir Knights Pierpoint , P . E . C , and VV . Doyle , I . P . E . Preceptor , to receive the benefits of installation with the usual ceremony . At the proper stage , all the Sir Knights below the rank of E . P . retired , and on being re-admitted the
newly-installed E . Preceptor ( Sir Knight Jackson ) was saluted according to ancient custom . He immediately proceeded to invest the following as his officers : —Sir Knights VV . Doyle , Prelate ; M . Mawson , Constable ; R . Brown , Marshal ; W . Shakespeare , Registrar ; T . Clark , Treasurer ; J . Capell , Almoner ; J . Kenyon , Expert ; T . Evans , ist Standard Bearer ; S . Hickins , 2 nd Standard
Bearer ; J . B . Widdows , Herald ; J . Gallagher , Captain of Lines ; H . Burrows , Chamberlain ; and Sir Knight P . Ball was elected Equerry . After the tiansaction of some formal business , the preceptory was closed in due form with silemn prayer . The assembled knights then adjourned to banquet , which was provided by Sir Knight Ball in a most
satisfactory manner . The -wine carle and the banquet were of the highest order . The newly-installed E . Preceptor presided , supported by the D . P . G . Prior , Sir Knights Pierpoint , Berry , Doyle , Clark , and about 20 other knights . Thc usual toasts vvere given and responded to with great cordiality , and the geniol company broke up about 10 o ' clock .
Scotland .
GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND . The quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held on Monday evening , the Sth inst ., in tbe Freemasons' Hall , George-street , Edinburgh . There was a very large attendance of the brethren . In the unavoidable absence of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , Sir M . R . Shaw Stewart , the throne was occupied by Bro
Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , P . S . G . M ., and P . G . M . of Peebles and Selkirk , supported by Major Hamilton Ramsay , o ! Garion , S . G . W . ; William Hay , S . G . D ., acting J . G . W . ; Lauderdale Maitland , of Eccles , P . G . M . of Dumfriesshire ; Dr . Loth , representative of the G .-anrl Orient of France ; John Laurie , G . S . ; D . Kinnear , J . G . D . ; Williim O . Iieer , P . G . D . ; Alexander li ly , G . J . ; John Coghill , G . Dir . of
Cer . ; Daniel Robertson , G . B . B . ; Captain G . F . R . Colt , of Gartslu-rrie , G . S . U . ; W . M . Bryco , G . T . ; and others . The Grand Lodge having been duly opened , the acting G . M . prefaced the proceedings with an intimation of the decease of Bro . David Bryce , R . S . A ., Architect to the Grand Lodge , which took place on Sunday last , and after referring to the many estimable qualities of the
deceased , moved that an expression of deep regret be engrossed in thc minutes of the Grand Lodge of the loss sustained . The G . S . rcael apologies for absence from the Earl of Rosslyn , P . G . M ., and others . Charters for new lodges were granted for The Northern Star , Kurseong , India ; The Lachlan , Forbes , New South Wales-, Hamilton , Surat , India ; Canterbury Killwinning , Canterbury ,
New Zealand ; Manukau , Auckland , New Zealand ; Islam , Bombay ; The Calendar , Falkirk ; Gordon ' s , Buckie ; and the St . James , Harthill , Wnitburn . After the acting G . M . had reported the successful inauguration of the Lodge St . Leonard , Loanheael , Midlothian , a motion ot which notice had been given at last communication was brought forward , anil carried by a majority , that tlie election of
R . W . Depute G . M . be vested in Grand Lodge as formerly , and not as at present in thc M . W . G . M . Also that Grand Lodge accounts be audited monthly . The question was brought up relating to lodges in arrears , and agreed to that they be struck off tlie Grand Lodge roll , and should they wish afterwards to be resuscitated to come in rotation at the bottom of the roll ; and after other business of minor importance , Grand Lodge was duly closed .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Glasgow Kilwinning ( No . 4 ) . —Thc mo . ithly meeting of this old lodge was held in their hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , on Wednesday evening , 3 rd inst . Bro . H . Prout , W . M ., occupied the chair ; G . Holmes , S . VV . ; J . Mclnnes , S . M . 408 , acting J . W . ; J . D . Dixon , D . M . ; J . McKeanel , Treasurer ; J . Currie , Secretary ; A . Rieldle , J . D . ; W . D . Gourlay , Jeweller ; J .
Carmichael , S . S . ; and a full attendance of members and visiting brethren , among whom were Bros . J . Morgan , W . M . 219 ; W . Bell , I . P . M . 3 ] ; 11 . Mitchell , P . M . 332 ; William Ferguson , P . M . 543 ( "Freemason" ); and others . On the lodge being opened Bro . J . McNair was passed to the Fellow Craft Degree by Bro . Wheeler , 73 . The lodge was then resumed in thc F'irst Degree . It was then announced that thc Provincial Grand Lodge were in
waiting . Thc W . M . gave instructions to receive them , which was accordingly done with thc usual honours . The deputation consisted of Bros . J . Baird , P . G . S . M . ; G . Sinclair , Treas . of Benevolent Fund ; A . McTaggart , M . A ., P . G . Sec ; J . Gillies , P . G . Treas . ; A . Bain , P . G . B . B . ; Allison , P . G . J . ; Ritchie , P . G . Architect ; J . Miller , P . G . J . D ; j . Miller , P . G . D . of M . ; and D . Reid , P . G . I . G . The deputation having taken their places on lhc dais , Bro . McTaggart , P . G . Sec , read
the report , which was as follows . " We , the undersigned office-bearers of the P . G . L . of Glasgow , hereby certify that we visited the Lodge Glasgow Kilwinning , No . 4 , examined the various books , and found them in a very satisfactory condition , and generally the lodge is working in strict harmony with thc Constitutions of thc Grand Lodge of Scotland . " Bro . Baird briefly substantiated the
statements made by thc P . G . Sec , and was sorry they were leaving or had to leave this fine hall , but wished them every success in their new premises , and trusted they would be as prosperous in the future as they had been in thc past , and even more so . Bro . Prout , VV . M ., thanked the deputation for their annual visit , and moved a vote of thanks to the P . G . Officers present , which was
enthusiastically given . Thc P . G . L . deputation then withdrew . The lodge then went on to harmony , when tlie brethren spent a short time in a social capacity . GLASGOW—Lodge St . Mungo ( No . 27 ) . — The regular meeting of this old lodge was held in St . Mark's Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , on Thursday evening , 4 th inst ., Bro . D . Butler , W . M ., presiding ; J . M . Oliver ,
S . W . 3 60 , acting S . W . ; G . McComb . J . W . ; D . Dick , S . M . ; A . R . Wilson , V . Chap . ; S . Dory , " S . S . ; W . Albin , Dir . of M . ; and James , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . A . Bain , P . M . 103 ; T . Graham , J . W . 36 a ; C . McKenzie , J . W . 354 ; W . Ferguson , P . M . 543 ( " Freemason " ) ; T . Wallace , 117 ; II . Hall , 117 ; S . Aitken , 128 ; A . Harper , 292 ; E . Master , 292 ; R . Rae , 49 ; W . McHardie . 360 ;
J . McEwan , 3 62 ; J . Allan , 399 ; J . Brock , 399 ; VV . B . Paterson , 3 G 0 ; J . Stewart , 360 ; anel others . On the lodge being opened , Mr . Robert Hood was admitted and received the First Degree at the hands of Bro . Bail el , P . M . 103 , in his usual able minner . The lodge was then called to refreshment , when the chairman proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were heartily
respnnded to , and after spending a short time in harmony the lodge was called to labour , and closed in due form . DUNBAR . —Dunbar Castle Lodge ( No . 75 ) , —A Masonic ball was held in the assembly rooms here on Wednesday , 3 rd inst ., under the auspices of this lodge . The company numbered about one hundred and forty . Long before the hour for dancing immense crowels had
thronged about Ihe doors , gazing * ith aelmiration upon the rich and dazzling brightness of the ladies as they alighed from the carriages , with their magnificent and ragrant bouquets , a scencc so pleasing and gratifying that amply rewarded the bystanelcrs . Dancing commenced at ten p . m ., and was kept up with good spirit till an early hour in the morning . Mrs . Variance and Bro .
C . Nelson , VV . M ., opened thc ball ; Br-i . J . Blake , S . VV ., ably officiated as M . C . Bros . Ii . Payne , A . Robertson , and J . Tait were members of committee , anil deserve great praise for thc zealous manner they filled their office . "Phe orchestra was uneler the able leadership of Bro . D . Vallance , P . M ., and consisted of eight musicians , who playeel some beautiful airs with exceedingly good tnste ,
and elicited frequent applause during the evening . GALASHIELS . —St . John ' s Lodge ( So . 2 S 2 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their monthly meeting on the ist inst ., when Bro . Rolertson , of the Abbotsford Hotel , and Bro . Oevens were raised by the VV . M ., Bro . Thomson , to the high and sublime degree of a Master Mason . In const < i : < nee of the death of Bro . William
Kerr , who has long held the honourable office of Bible Bearer , Bro . Alexander Wood was elected to the office . Thc arrangements fur laying the foundation-stone ef the new Masonic Hall on May 1 2 th are nearly complete . It is expected to be the largest Masonic meeting ever held in thc south of Scotland . Deputations Irom English lodges are expected .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Caledonian Railway ( No . 354 ) . —The P . G . L . D . on leaving Kilwinning , No . 4 , proceeded to visit this ljilge on the evening of Wedneseliy , 3 rd inst . Meantime the lodge had been opened by Bro . j . Fraser , P . M . 8 7 , in the unavoidable alxencc of Bro . A . B . Ferguson , VV . M . ; J . Harley , S . VV . ; C . McKenzie , J . W . ; 1 ) . Buchanan , D . M . ; D . T . Cnliruhoun ,
Treas . ; R . A . McLean , Sec ; and the other officebearers in their respective places . The hall was completely filled with members and visitors , among whom were Bras . J . Booth , VV . M . 87 ; J . Morgan , VV . M . 219 ; VV . Ferguson , P . M . 543 ( " Freemason" ); ar . d others . The deputation was received by tlie brethren upstHiding , and with the customary formalities . Bro . McTaggart
before reading the report said , he was proud to say it was a most favourable one ; in fact , no better in the province , and most encouraging . It was simply this , "We , the undersigned office-bearers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , hereby ceitify that we visited Caledonian Railway , 354 , on the evening of Wednestl . iy , 3 rd May , examined the various books of the lodge , and found them in
a most satisfactory condition , anil that generally the lodge is working in strict harmony wilh the laws of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . " Bro . Baird , P . G . S . M ., said : This report must be very satisfactory to every member of the lodge , and , indeed , it stands next highest to any lodge in the province , so far as we have visited this year , as regards charity . You have disburseel no less than close
upon £ 20 towards the relief of the pocr ancl distressed , and I will tike the first { opportunity of conveying to Bro . Neilson , the P . G . M ., the flourishing condition of this his mother lodge . Bro . Eraser , the acting VV . M ., then thanked the P . G . L . deputation , and apologised for his presence in the chair . lie was kindly waited upon , and requested , in the absence of the respected W . M ., Bro . Ferguson , to preside Ethat evening , therefore his appearance
here to night . lie ( the chairman ) concluded by proposing a vote of thanks to the Provincial Gram ! Lodge officers , which was h . artily responded to . On the motion of Bro . Ilaiiey , S . VV ., and seconded by Uro . McKenzie , J . W ., Bros . J . Miller , P . M . 87 , P . G . J . D ., and Ritchie , ' P . G . Archt , vvere obligated honorary members of the lodge , The P . G . L . deputation then retired . The lodge was then : alled to refreshment , w ' . ien a most enjoyable evening was
spent in harmony . Bro . Hirelie , of Lodge 87 , presided at the harmonium , and gave some splendid selections of music . The chair was occupied in rotation by Bros . Fraser and D . Rcici , I . P . M . 463 . GLASGOW . —Lodge Dramatic ( No . 371 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , on Wednesday , rptf
inst ., at three o ' clock p . m . Ihe W . M ., Bro . W . J . g . Dobson , occupied thc chair , supported by Bros . H . VV . J ackman , S . W . ; R . S . Smyth , S . D ., acting J . W . ; j " , Houston , D . M . ; VV . Barbour , Treas . ; Weir , acting Sec . ; ' L . Mitchell , J . D . ; J . Robertson , I . G . ; and Hardie , Tyler ' . Visitors : Bros . D . Lamb , D . M . 360 ; J . M . Oliver , S . VV 360 ; VV . Phillips , VV . M . 35 6 ; P . ' Brownlie , J . W . 3- ' - ; W . ' Ferguson , P . M . 343 ( " Freemason " ) ; R . Allan , Sec 581 ;
Dr . Buchanan , 4 ; G . W . Wheeler , 73 ; VV . Reynolds , 556 ; and others . On the minutes being read and confirmed , Mr . A . A . Gibb was initiated into Freemasonry by the W . M . ; Bro . W . Buchanan passed to the Fellow Craft Degree by Bro . Oliver , S . VV . 3 60 ; and Bros . G . Connell and F . Muir were raisee ! to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason by Bro . D . Lamb , D . M . 3 60 . The working of tbe three degrees was rendered in a careful and impressive
manner . GLASGOW . —Lodge Plantation ( No . 581 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , Craigiehall-street , on Monday evening , ist inst ., Bro . T . Stobo , W . M . in the chair ; Alex . Gow , S . M . ; D . Peacock , S . W .-,. ] . Henry , J . W . ; W . Taylor , Treas . ; R . Allan Sec . ; T . Paterson , I . G . ; and Gumming , Tyler . Visitors , Bros . D Smart , W . M . 347 ; J . McMillan , P . M . r . V ; W .
Bell , I . P . M . 3 i ; T . Fletcher , P . M . 3 i ; J . Cunningham , I . P . M . 347 ; . )¦ VV . Burns , I . P . M . 87 ; J . M . Oliver , S . VV . 3 60 ; R . Macpherson , 3 ! . ; R . Russell , 437 ; and others . On the loelge bring openeel , and thc minutes of last meeting rcael and confirmed , the Secretary read code of byelaws for the second time , as drawn up by thc committee appointed for that purpose . Mr . T . Walker was initiated
into the E . A . Degree by Bro . J . VV . Burns , I . P . M . 87 . The lodge was then lais-id to the Third Degree , when Bros . J . Wilson , VV . F . Mahon , anel A . Gow were raised to tlie Sublime Degree erf Master Mason bv Bro . McMillan , P . M . 3-3 , in that brother ' s well-known , able , and most
impressive manner . Ihe lodge was then resumed in the First Degree , when the first four admitted and raised brethren of the lodge presented one of their instructors with the ancient fee ( a Kilmarnock bonnet ) , he having agreed to walk to the nearest parish church tlie first Sunday convenient thereafter .
Sir Henry Edwards' Visit To The Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
On Monday afternoon lhc annual visit of the Chairman of the festival of this institution , accompanied by the . •rte-w . ir . ls of the day , was paid lo the sciroolhouse , at St . John ' s Hill , Battersea Rise , by Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., 1 ) -paly Lieutenant of the West Riding , and Provincial
Grand Master of West 1 orkshire , who presided at the SSth anniversary festival of the institution held on Wednesday evening . Sir Henry was accompanied by Lady Edwards and Mr . Priestly Churchill Edwards , who were met at the doors e > f the institution by Bro . Thomas White , Past Grand Steward , Chairman of the clay of the I louse Committee , Colonel Creaton , Colonel Burdett , Colonel Peters , Bros .
Joshua Nunn , P . G . Sword Bearer ; J . A Rucker , P . G . Deacon ; Griffiths Smith , Past Grand Steward ; II . A . Dubois , Rev . J . M . Vaughan , R . VV . Little ( Sec ) , and Miss S . L . Davis ( head governess . ) They were then conducted to the exercise-room , where 124 ofthe girls were put through their calisthenic exercises , while others played march tunes on the pianoforte . The party were afterwards conducted
over th . r building , and the general arrangements of the establishment for the comfort and health of thc little inmates were fully shewn and explained . After this private view had been completed the distinguished visitors partook cf slight refection , and at four o'clock , when the Stewards of the festival and their families arrived to partake in the clay ' s proceedings , adj 'urned to the hall , where the pupils
w < re ranged to give specimens of their proficiency in the various branches of education pursu-rel at the school . The room was densely crowded , anil afforded sufficient evielcnce of the necessity for ihe additions to the building which have lately been decided upon . Sir Henry , Lady , and Mr . P . C Edwards , suppoited by the above-named brethren of the House Committee , Miss Davis , and the other
governesses , sat in front , while the executants of the different selections performed on the piriform erected at the south end of the hall . A selection of music and recitations was then given by thc following pupils : —Florence S . Groves , Agnes Barron , Dora C . Bowles , Fanny J . Lawrence , Eliza Beveridge , Sarah Young , Caroline E . Holland , Caroline
Hart , Charlotte A . Jay , Edith Patten , Laura Stransonir Agnes A . Nash , Lucinda Broadbe-nt , Ellen A . Gates , Helena Meacock , Louisa Hole , Leila Pulman , Jane R . Upton , Lilian M . Nelson , Jane P . Pattison , Mary Young , Alice M . Tayler , Fiances C . Clark , Kathleen N . Cratnpton , Beatrice M . Wray , Mary C . A . Sargant , Ellen Lucy Morgan , Beatrice A . Bindon , Elizabeth
Owens , Mary E . Sharp , Melora K Goodridge , Mary E Barnes , Kate Hulme , Lily O . Hiron , Lucy Kate Clemence , Ethel Hinson , Rosalie Bowditcb , Matilda M . Sherry , Kilheiine Emery , Louisa Christine Oatef , Flo rence R . Sargant , Rose A . Jennings , Alice M . Neiv boult , Fanny S . Craig , and Colina Sharp .
These performances vvere very loudly applauded , the whole assembly exhibiting much pleasure at the readiness and fluency with which they were given . At the conclusion of these proceedings , Sir Henry Edwards , before presenting the prizes , said that thc display had taken so long that the time for the remainder of the day ' s proceedings was very much nar >