Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reviews .
T HE R OSICRUCIAN , & c , A QUARTERLY MAO AZ INF .. We have perused with gratification thc new issue of the " Rosicrucian . " It is edited by Bros . W . R . Woodman and jj \ V . Little , both well known in Masonry as well as in the Hig h Grades , and is , we think , likely to find much f vour as well among those for whom it is mainly intended as among the Masonic-reading public . Not being of these exalted
member ourselves grades , for which our two confreres so ably cater in thc " Rosicrucian , " we feel much difficulty and some diffidence in approaching the subject of Rosicrucian literature ! The editors express their hope that they are to be assisted by " some of the best and brig htest Masons in Great Britain" in the future numbers af the " Rosicrucian , " and only humble Craft Masons ,
ourselves , as the Frenchman said , " Rien dc moins and rien eic plus , " we still deem it to be right to call attention to this addition , or rather restoration , to our Masonic serial literature . We therefore are very glad to mention the subject of this fresh effort of . our enterprising publisher , as many , no doubt , do not know of its existence . Tbe articles are interesting and varied , and such as will
sustain the editorial character of the magazine . We alvvavs feel how deferentially we poor Craftsmen should speak of those so-called Higher Grades , vvhich have so much attraction for many . For us , rightly or wrongly , we will not pause to consider , Freemasonry ends with the Royal Arch , and beyond its broad basis and its wide limits we find no standing point for ourselves , wc do not feel disposed to go . But others have done so , ant ! do so daily ,
in their full liberty on the subject . For them a magazine is needful and rightful as is for us our "Masonic Magazine ;" for them it may be , let us hope , also as helpful as for us , and sure we are that in no better hands could the editorial pens be placed of the " Rosicrucian . " So we wish it all success , anel we congratulate Bro . Kenning both on its neat appearance and its literary value , as a very fitting representative of the High Grades . w . v . , \ .
INDIAN NUMIIER OF THE "GRAPHIC . " Wc commend this paper , full of most interesting engravings , to our numerous readers , as a pleasant souvenir of cur Royal Master ' s visit to India . w . v . . v .
Testimonial And Dinner To Bro. Wm. Herbage.
On Wednesday week a number of gentlemen assembled at dinner at thc City United Club , Ludgate Circus , to present a testimonial to Bro . Wm . Herbage , late the manager of the Ludgate Hill Branch ofthe City Bank . The testimonial consistcel cf an epergue and plateau , to-•rcthcr with a silver tea and coffee service , manufactured
by Messrs . Martin , Hall , tc Co ., ( Limited ) , at a Cost of ibout £ 140 . Bro . Herbage was for many years general manager at the City Bank , Ludgate Hill , and left there to become joint general manager of the London and South-Western Hank . The Chairman of the committee was Bro . Alderman S . C . Hadley ; the Vice-Chairman , N . Salamon , Ksci . ; and the Hon . Secretary , Bro . F . Kent , C . C ., P . M ,
< 77-The committee were Alderman Hadley ( Hadley Brothers ) , Henry Jeffery , Esq . ( Cassell , Petter , and Galpin ) , Messrs . Chant and Crawford ( Messrs . Dollonel ' s ) , Chas . Samuel , Esq . ( Samuel Brothers ) , F . Kent , C . C . ( Kent and Kent , parliamentary agents ) , Dr . Wilson , Henry liarben , Esq . ( Prudential Assurance Office ) . N . Salamon ,
Esq ., Alfred Pearce , Esq ., Bro . Henry Mathew , J . J . Merriman , Esq ., T . W . Braithwaite , Esq . ( Rccorel anel Writ Clerks' Office , Chancery Lane ) . The donors were over fifty in number , and their names were set out on the menu card , which was designed by the Hon . Secretary , Bro . F . Kent , C . C , anel printed by Messrs . Jones and Cuthbertson , of Friday Street .
Bro . Herbage has greatly distinguished himself as a student of the " Theory and History of Banking , " anel some 5 ears ago , when public lectures vvere delivered in the City of Lonelon on the subject , nnd certificates of proficiency offered , Bro . Herbage was one of the competitors , anil was ' " 'he of the three who obtained the certificates . The list of donors to the testimonial consisted of Bro
Alderman Hadley ( Messrs . Hadley Bros . ) , the Municipal Permanent Building Society , Messrs . Cassell , Petter , and Gal pin , Dr . Wilson , Messrs . Kent and Kent , T . W . Braithwaite , Esq ., A . B . Pearce , Esq ., Messrs . Dollond and Co ., Messrs . Judd and Co ., G . H . Judd , Esq ., Charles Samuel , Esq ., N . Salamon , Esq ., British Mutual Investment Co ., s - Whitaker , Esq ., Bro . Henry Mathew , Messrs . Tiice
and Chapman , Thos . Ingram , Esq ., J . It . Burchett , Esq ., . !• Jones , Esq ., Prudential Assurance Co ., W . J . Villars , ^ l- > W . J . Twigg , Esq ., James Green , Esq ., Rev . C . Rogers , LL . D ., W . J . Almond , Esq ., ] ohn Galpin , Esq ., « . Hall , Esq ., A . Berkett , Esq ., F . Martin , Esq ., A . W . Martin , Esq ., H . W . Minter , Esq ., F . Hancock , Esq ., Henry Watts , Esq ., C . Binyon , Esq ., Messrs . Keene and Rogers
, G . XV . Dray , Esq ., John Hurren , Esq ., the Royal Historical Society , W . Liebeskind , Esq ., Amity Investment Co ., Limited , S . E . Fox , Esq ., W . Barwell , Esq ., J . H . Grain , Esq ., U C . Alexander , Esq ., LL . D ., John Marshall , Esq ., A . ' merry , Esq ., Miss Connop , F . Walton , Esq ., S . B . Gwynn , Esq ., and the General Mutual Investment Buildingsociety . *
Bro . Alderman Hadley took the chair , and , alter a very choice banquet had been partaken of , proposed "The Queen , the Prince and Princess of Wales , and the other Members of the Royal Family . " He then proposed the toast of the evening , " Mr . Herbage , " and presented the testimonial , which was displayed at one end of the room , m presenting it , he said that the donee was a gentleman whom they all appreciated and admired . The Citv of
Testimonial And Dinner To Bro. Wm. Herbage.
London for many , many generations had been renowned for producing great men , whom it had brought to the front not only in its own internal management and direction , but also those who had stepped outside , after being nurtured and cultured in it , to rule and destine thc world . The gentleman whom they were then assembled to honour had in •his dwn sphere and in the particular locality to
which all the gentlemen present belonged acquired to himself an amount of friendship and esteem vvhich few had achieved in the short space of time during vvhich he had been located in that neighbourhood . As men of business , they knew perfectly well what it was to contend with al ) the various vicissitudes and turmoil and changes of a mercantile life . They also knew how great a thing it was
for them to meet with friends in such circumstances who could lend a helping hand . Such a friend and such a man was Mr . Herbage , and throughout his business career he had shown great ability , energy , and talent . It was for this that they as business men . understanding what business was , wished to show their appreciation of these qualities . Mr . Herbage had been associated with the City Bank for
20 years , and there was not a single customer of that bank but would bear testimony to his unswerving fidelity , his great ability , his kindness and courtesy at all times . While faithful to his duties to his employers he was ready with his assistance as bank manager to the customers ; and while bidding him farewell , as he was going into another sphere o * -usefulncss , they all wished him every success in
it , assuring bim all the while that they would never forget the friendship vvhich had sprung up between them . Bro . Herbage , who was received with loud applause , expressed his great gratification at such a recognition of his endeavours to win the confidence and esteem of those with whom he was brought into business relations . In the neighbourhood west of St . Paul's , where he had been
engaged for seven years as bank manager , there was as large an amount of important business carried on as there was cast of that centre , although people living eastwards were not disposed to recognise the fact ; and in confirmation of his opinion he referred to the very large establishments which had risen of late years to colossal dimensions . With reference to the testimonial , he said it would
leave an indelible impression on his mind , and it would be transmitteei to his children , he hoped , as an incentive to them to follow in the path whichhe had tried to walk in . ( Cheers . " ) Mr . Judd proposed "The Chairman ' s Health , " anel Mr . Braithwaite that of " Thc Vice-Chairman , " to vvhich two toasts Bro . Alderman Hadley anil Mr . N . Salamon re
spnndc d . Dr . Rogers responded for " Thc Royal I listoiical Society . " . , Mr . Dimsdale y roposcd " The Committee and Secretory , ' to wbich Bro . V . Kent replied , stating with how much pleasure he had performed his duties , which were certainly of a somewhat onerous character . The meetimr shortly afterwards broke up .
Thc inscription on the salver presented roBro . I / eib . igc was as follows r— "This salver , with an epergnc and a tea and coffee service in silver , was presented to Mr . William Herbage by customers of the City Bank , Ludgate HiU , on his retiring from the management of that bank , as a mark of their friendship and appreciation ofthe
ability and uniform courtesy shewn by him at all times in his conduct of business during the seven 3 'cars of his management . Committee : Alderman S . C . Hadley , Chairman ; T . W . Braithwaite , Henry Mathew , J . R . Chant , Hon . Treasurer ; N . Salamon , J . J . Merriman , Tyson Craw lord , Henry Harbcn , Henry jeffery , Fred . Kent , Alfred Pearse , Charles Samuel , F . W . Wilson , M . D . "
Ancient And Primitive Masonry.
The * following has been forwarded to us for publication : — In consequence of enquiries and suggestions emanating from Canada and various parts of this kingdom , I am instructed by the G . M . to promulgate the following oreler
anel elecree . S . P . LEATIIF . R , 33-95 ° , Sec .-Genl . pro tem ., Burnley , Lancashire . " In the name ot the Sovereign Sanctuary of Ancient and Primitive Masonry in and for Great Britain and Ireland . Salutation on all points of the Triangle . Respect to the Order .
" Peace . Tolerance . Truth . 1 ' Whereas the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Masonry , of , rj . 7 ° represents the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis , embracing 9 6 degrees ; and whereas the Grand Master and officers of the Sovereign Sanctuary in and for Great Britain and Ireland , duly constituted , are also certified
members of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Mizraim , embracing 90 degrees , of which there is no governing body within the limits of the jurisdiction of the said Sovereign Sanctuary , and whereas a large number of holders of the degrees of the said Rite of Mizraim have elected to work under the said Sovereign Sanctuary : Be it known ,
therefore , that at the request of the said members the Grand Master has decreed : That it is lawful for the Sovereign Sanctuary in and for Great Britain and Ireland , and its dependencies , or any subordinate body thereof , to grant by communication any or all corresponding elegrees of the Oriental Rites of Mizraim and Memphis of 90 and qg degrees respectively , or by request to work any of the
discarded degrees of the Ancient Rite of Memphis , and that upon payment of the fees the same may be endorsed upon the certificates of the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Masonry in and for Great Britain and Ireland . ( Signed ) "J OHV YARKER , G . M . "April 28 th , 1876 . "
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Thc General Committee of this institution met on Saturday , the Gth ult ., at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . RaynhamW . Stewart in the chair . There vvere also present Bros . Benj . Head , H . W . Hunt , Jesse Turner , J . G . Chancellor , S . Rosenthal , A . Durrant , Capt . J . Wordsworth , Hyde Pullen , Alex . Wallace , John Symonds , Alfred H . Diaper , Robt .. B .
Webster , S . S . Cooper , J . Terry , W . F . C . Moutrie , Frederick Adlard , Charles Horsley , Ii . Norman , J . W . Dosell , H . Massey ( "Freemason" ); F . Binckes , Secretary . Seven cases for election were before the committtee , of these , four were accepted , two deferred and one rejected . There were two cases of purchase , vvhich were recommended to tbe House Committee for report . Four outfits were
granted to boys who had left the institution and obtained situations . The following brethren were nominated for the Audit Committee whose election will be held at next meeting of the General Committee , nine to be elected : —Bros . John Boyd , J . W . Dosell , Benj . Head , W . Mann , D . W . Pearce , Hyde Pullen , James Terry , Jesse Turner , Robt . B . Webster , A . Wallace , G . P . Row , and A .
H . Tattershall . The following brethren were nominated for the House Committee , whose election will be held at thc same time : —Bros . H . Browse , B . Head , J . G . Chancellor , W . F . C . Moutrie , Hyde Pullen , W . Roebuck , S . Rosenthal , R . W . Stewart , Captain J . Wordsworth , Ii . XV . Hunt , W . Paas , Dr . Charles Sanders , J . Bagot Scriven , and Alfred H . Diaper . Bros . Adlard , Durrant and Wilson were chosen
scrutineers for the election . Cheques were ordered to be signed for outstanding accounts , after the report of the Audit Committee had been adopted . The brethren then adjourned .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The Committee of this Institution met on Wednesday at Freemasons' Hall . Colonel Creaton presided , and was supported by Bros . S . Rawson , Benj . Head , Griffiths Smith , Thomas W . White , Dr . Hogg , H . M . Levy , H . G . Warren , C . A . Cottebrune , Wm . Stephens , James Brett , I . Newton , John Bellerby , G . Bolton , Raynham W .
Stewart , Hyde Pullen , John Constable , L . Stean , Captain J . Wordsworth , C . F . Hogard , W . Hale , Dr . Erasmus Wilson , Dr . Strong , H . Massey ( " Freemason " ) , and James Terry ( Secietary ) . Bro . Terry announced the death of one annuitant , who had received altogether the sum of £ 160 . He also announced that there were 23 men and 32 women on the
list for the election , 17 men to be elected and 10 women . Bro . Terry also read the report of the committee , containing a narrative of the year ' s proceedings , vvhich have been g iven from time to time in our columns . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart then gave notice of motion for the employment of Miss Norris , thc daughter of Bro . Norris , thc Warden of the asylum , to attend upon the olel
laelies there . He said that Bro . Norris was a widoivcrand his elaughter hatl resielcd with him , leaving an excellent situation to elo so . It was quite necessary that a female should be employed to look after the wants of the women , and she had been very valuable in that capacity for along time . Miss Norris ' s services were voluntary ; but he thought the Institution ought not any longer to accept
them as such . He woulel give notice of motion for her to be employed as an officer of the Institution at a salary of £ 30 per annum . Dr . Strong bore testimony to the great service Miss Norris had been in the asylum . She was exceedingly kind to the old people , and if anything ever went wrong she was always pouring oil on the troubled waters . She
frequently got up in the middle of the night when any of the female annuitants were taken ill . The brethren would allow him to say that there was nobody in the employ of the institution to do these offices . He might also add that it required a person who was in a measure in authority , and Miss "Norris ' s father being the Warden of the institution , that requisite was supplied . Bro . Norris was a good
Warden , and he exercised his office without the least show of authority . Bro . C . !•' . Hogard nominated Bros . Adlard , Bellerby , and W . Hale for re-election on the committee . Bro . Terry read a letter from Bro . Cutbush , acknowledging receipt of the vote of thanks which was passed at last meeting for his gift of shrubs to the asylum , and stating
that he should always be pleased to repeat the gift when informed that it would be acceptable . The letter was couched in most kind and graceful terms , and the writer concluded by desiring Bro . Terry to convey to the committee his thanks , and to say that he felt highly honoured by their kind resolution , and should prize it as a mark of their favour as long as he-lived . Bro . Terry then said
he was sorry to inform the committee that two days after the date of that letter Bro . Cutbush ceased to exist . This announcement was received with great regret , and a vote of condolence with Mrs . Cutbush was then passed , on the motion of Bro . John Constable , seconded by Bro .
Bellerby . Bro . Terry asked for and obtained the sanction of the committee for the use of the hall of the asylum for a summer entertainment for the inmates . The committee adjourned after passing a vote of thanks to the chairman .
HAVE THE REMEDY WITHIN VOUH REACH . —Nothing has yet equalled the elUcacy of Holloway ' s Balsamic Pills in checking disease in and restoring vigour to the heiman body . They root out all impurities from the blood , and regulate anel invigorate every organ . Immense care is taken to secure the genuine preparation to the public , that no disappointment may be caused to invalids and
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reviews .
T HE R OSICRUCIAN , & c , A QUARTERLY MAO AZ INF .. We have perused with gratification thc new issue of the " Rosicrucian . " It is edited by Bros . W . R . Woodman and jj \ V . Little , both well known in Masonry as well as in the Hig h Grades , and is , we think , likely to find much f vour as well among those for whom it is mainly intended as among the Masonic-reading public . Not being of these exalted
member ourselves grades , for which our two confreres so ably cater in thc " Rosicrucian , " we feel much difficulty and some diffidence in approaching the subject of Rosicrucian literature ! The editors express their hope that they are to be assisted by " some of the best and brig htest Masons in Great Britain" in the future numbers af the " Rosicrucian , " and only humble Craft Masons ,
ourselves , as the Frenchman said , " Rien dc moins and rien eic plus , " we still deem it to be right to call attention to this addition , or rather restoration , to our Masonic serial literature . We therefore are very glad to mention the subject of this fresh effort of . our enterprising publisher , as many , no doubt , do not know of its existence . Tbe articles are interesting and varied , and such as will
sustain the editorial character of the magazine . We alvvavs feel how deferentially we poor Craftsmen should speak of those so-called Higher Grades , vvhich have so much attraction for many . For us , rightly or wrongly , we will not pause to consider , Freemasonry ends with the Royal Arch , and beyond its broad basis and its wide limits we find no standing point for ourselves , wc do not feel disposed to go . But others have done so , ant ! do so daily ,
in their full liberty on the subject . For them a magazine is needful and rightful as is for us our "Masonic Magazine ;" for them it may be , let us hope , also as helpful as for us , and sure we are that in no better hands could the editorial pens be placed of the " Rosicrucian . " So we wish it all success , anel we congratulate Bro . Kenning both on its neat appearance and its literary value , as a very fitting representative of the High Grades . w . v . , \ .
INDIAN NUMIIER OF THE "GRAPHIC . " Wc commend this paper , full of most interesting engravings , to our numerous readers , as a pleasant souvenir of cur Royal Master ' s visit to India . w . v . . v .
Testimonial And Dinner To Bro. Wm. Herbage.
On Wednesday week a number of gentlemen assembled at dinner at thc City United Club , Ludgate Circus , to present a testimonial to Bro . Wm . Herbage , late the manager of the Ludgate Hill Branch ofthe City Bank . The testimonial consistcel cf an epergue and plateau , to-•rcthcr with a silver tea and coffee service , manufactured
by Messrs . Martin , Hall , tc Co ., ( Limited ) , at a Cost of ibout £ 140 . Bro . Herbage was for many years general manager at the City Bank , Ludgate Hill , and left there to become joint general manager of the London and South-Western Hank . The Chairman of the committee was Bro . Alderman S . C . Hadley ; the Vice-Chairman , N . Salamon , Ksci . ; and the Hon . Secretary , Bro . F . Kent , C . C ., P . M ,
< 77-The committee were Alderman Hadley ( Hadley Brothers ) , Henry Jeffery , Esq . ( Cassell , Petter , and Galpin ) , Messrs . Chant and Crawford ( Messrs . Dollonel ' s ) , Chas . Samuel , Esq . ( Samuel Brothers ) , F . Kent , C . C . ( Kent and Kent , parliamentary agents ) , Dr . Wilson , Henry liarben , Esq . ( Prudential Assurance Office ) . N . Salamon ,
Esq ., Alfred Pearce , Esq ., Bro . Henry Mathew , J . J . Merriman , Esq ., T . W . Braithwaite , Esq . ( Rccorel anel Writ Clerks' Office , Chancery Lane ) . The donors were over fifty in number , and their names were set out on the menu card , which was designed by the Hon . Secretary , Bro . F . Kent , C . C , anel printed by Messrs . Jones and Cuthbertson , of Friday Street .
Bro . Herbage has greatly distinguished himself as a student of the " Theory and History of Banking , " anel some 5 ears ago , when public lectures vvere delivered in the City of Lonelon on the subject , nnd certificates of proficiency offered , Bro . Herbage was one of the competitors , anil was ' " 'he of the three who obtained the certificates . The list of donors to the testimonial consisted of Bro
Alderman Hadley ( Messrs . Hadley Bros . ) , the Municipal Permanent Building Society , Messrs . Cassell , Petter , and Gal pin , Dr . Wilson , Messrs . Kent and Kent , T . W . Braithwaite , Esq ., A . B . Pearce , Esq ., Messrs . Dollond and Co ., Messrs . Judd and Co ., G . H . Judd , Esq ., Charles Samuel , Esq ., N . Salamon , Esq ., British Mutual Investment Co ., s - Whitaker , Esq ., Bro . Henry Mathew , Messrs . Tiice
and Chapman , Thos . Ingram , Esq ., J . It . Burchett , Esq ., . !• Jones , Esq ., Prudential Assurance Co ., W . J . Villars , ^ l- > W . J . Twigg , Esq ., James Green , Esq ., Rev . C . Rogers , LL . D ., W . J . Almond , Esq ., ] ohn Galpin , Esq ., « . Hall , Esq ., A . Berkett , Esq ., F . Martin , Esq ., A . W . Martin , Esq ., H . W . Minter , Esq ., F . Hancock , Esq ., Henry Watts , Esq ., C . Binyon , Esq ., Messrs . Keene and Rogers
, G . XV . Dray , Esq ., John Hurren , Esq ., the Royal Historical Society , W . Liebeskind , Esq ., Amity Investment Co ., Limited , S . E . Fox , Esq ., W . Barwell , Esq ., J . H . Grain , Esq ., U C . Alexander , Esq ., LL . D ., John Marshall , Esq ., A . ' merry , Esq ., Miss Connop , F . Walton , Esq ., S . B . Gwynn , Esq ., and the General Mutual Investment Buildingsociety . *
Bro . Alderman Hadley took the chair , and , alter a very choice banquet had been partaken of , proposed "The Queen , the Prince and Princess of Wales , and the other Members of the Royal Family . " He then proposed the toast of the evening , " Mr . Herbage , " and presented the testimonial , which was displayed at one end of the room , m presenting it , he said that the donee was a gentleman whom they all appreciated and admired . The Citv of
Testimonial And Dinner To Bro. Wm. Herbage.
London for many , many generations had been renowned for producing great men , whom it had brought to the front not only in its own internal management and direction , but also those who had stepped outside , after being nurtured and cultured in it , to rule and destine thc world . The gentleman whom they were then assembled to honour had in •his dwn sphere and in the particular locality to
which all the gentlemen present belonged acquired to himself an amount of friendship and esteem vvhich few had achieved in the short space of time during vvhich he had been located in that neighbourhood . As men of business , they knew perfectly well what it was to contend with al ) the various vicissitudes and turmoil and changes of a mercantile life . They also knew how great a thing it was
for them to meet with friends in such circumstances who could lend a helping hand . Such a friend and such a man was Mr . Herbage , and throughout his business career he had shown great ability , energy , and talent . It was for this that they as business men . understanding what business was , wished to show their appreciation of these qualities . Mr . Herbage had been associated with the City Bank for
20 years , and there was not a single customer of that bank but would bear testimony to his unswerving fidelity , his great ability , his kindness and courtesy at all times . While faithful to his duties to his employers he was ready with his assistance as bank manager to the customers ; and while bidding him farewell , as he was going into another sphere o * -usefulncss , they all wished him every success in
it , assuring bim all the while that they would never forget the friendship vvhich had sprung up between them . Bro . Herbage , who was received with loud applause , expressed his great gratification at such a recognition of his endeavours to win the confidence and esteem of those with whom he was brought into business relations . In the neighbourhood west of St . Paul's , where he had been
engaged for seven years as bank manager , there was as large an amount of important business carried on as there was cast of that centre , although people living eastwards were not disposed to recognise the fact ; and in confirmation of his opinion he referred to the very large establishments which had risen of late years to colossal dimensions . With reference to the testimonial , he said it would
leave an indelible impression on his mind , and it would be transmitteei to his children , he hoped , as an incentive to them to follow in the path whichhe had tried to walk in . ( Cheers . " ) Mr . Judd proposed "The Chairman ' s Health , " anel Mr . Braithwaite that of " Thc Vice-Chairman , " to vvhich two toasts Bro . Alderman Hadley anil Mr . N . Salamon re
spnndc d . Dr . Rogers responded for " Thc Royal I listoiical Society . " . , Mr . Dimsdale y roposcd " The Committee and Secretory , ' to wbich Bro . V . Kent replied , stating with how much pleasure he had performed his duties , which were certainly of a somewhat onerous character . The meetimr shortly afterwards broke up .
Thc inscription on the salver presented roBro . I / eib . igc was as follows r— "This salver , with an epergnc and a tea and coffee service in silver , was presented to Mr . William Herbage by customers of the City Bank , Ludgate HiU , on his retiring from the management of that bank , as a mark of their friendship and appreciation ofthe
ability and uniform courtesy shewn by him at all times in his conduct of business during the seven 3 'cars of his management . Committee : Alderman S . C . Hadley , Chairman ; T . W . Braithwaite , Henry Mathew , J . R . Chant , Hon . Treasurer ; N . Salamon , J . J . Merriman , Tyson Craw lord , Henry Harbcn , Henry jeffery , Fred . Kent , Alfred Pearse , Charles Samuel , F . W . Wilson , M . D . "
Ancient And Primitive Masonry.
The * following has been forwarded to us for publication : — In consequence of enquiries and suggestions emanating from Canada and various parts of this kingdom , I am instructed by the G . M . to promulgate the following oreler
anel elecree . S . P . LEATIIF . R , 33-95 ° , Sec .-Genl . pro tem ., Burnley , Lancashire . " In the name ot the Sovereign Sanctuary of Ancient and Primitive Masonry in and for Great Britain and Ireland . Salutation on all points of the Triangle . Respect to the Order .
" Peace . Tolerance . Truth . 1 ' Whereas the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Masonry , of , rj . 7 ° represents the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis , embracing 9 6 degrees ; and whereas the Grand Master and officers of the Sovereign Sanctuary in and for Great Britain and Ireland , duly constituted , are also certified
members of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Mizraim , embracing 90 degrees , of which there is no governing body within the limits of the jurisdiction of the said Sovereign Sanctuary , and whereas a large number of holders of the degrees of the said Rite of Mizraim have elected to work under the said Sovereign Sanctuary : Be it known ,
therefore , that at the request of the said members the Grand Master has decreed : That it is lawful for the Sovereign Sanctuary in and for Great Britain and Ireland , and its dependencies , or any subordinate body thereof , to grant by communication any or all corresponding elegrees of the Oriental Rites of Mizraim and Memphis of 90 and qg degrees respectively , or by request to work any of the
discarded degrees of the Ancient Rite of Memphis , and that upon payment of the fees the same may be endorsed upon the certificates of the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Masonry in and for Great Britain and Ireland . ( Signed ) "J OHV YARKER , G . M . "April 28 th , 1876 . "
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Thc General Committee of this institution met on Saturday , the Gth ult ., at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . RaynhamW . Stewart in the chair . There vvere also present Bros . Benj . Head , H . W . Hunt , Jesse Turner , J . G . Chancellor , S . Rosenthal , A . Durrant , Capt . J . Wordsworth , Hyde Pullen , Alex . Wallace , John Symonds , Alfred H . Diaper , Robt .. B .
Webster , S . S . Cooper , J . Terry , W . F . C . Moutrie , Frederick Adlard , Charles Horsley , Ii . Norman , J . W . Dosell , H . Massey ( "Freemason" ); F . Binckes , Secretary . Seven cases for election were before the committtee , of these , four were accepted , two deferred and one rejected . There were two cases of purchase , vvhich were recommended to tbe House Committee for report . Four outfits were
granted to boys who had left the institution and obtained situations . The following brethren were nominated for the Audit Committee whose election will be held at next meeting of the General Committee , nine to be elected : —Bros . John Boyd , J . W . Dosell , Benj . Head , W . Mann , D . W . Pearce , Hyde Pullen , James Terry , Jesse Turner , Robt . B . Webster , A . Wallace , G . P . Row , and A .
H . Tattershall . The following brethren were nominated for the House Committee , whose election will be held at thc same time : —Bros . H . Browse , B . Head , J . G . Chancellor , W . F . C . Moutrie , Hyde Pullen , W . Roebuck , S . Rosenthal , R . W . Stewart , Captain J . Wordsworth , Ii . XV . Hunt , W . Paas , Dr . Charles Sanders , J . Bagot Scriven , and Alfred H . Diaper . Bros . Adlard , Durrant and Wilson were chosen
scrutineers for the election . Cheques were ordered to be signed for outstanding accounts , after the report of the Audit Committee had been adopted . The brethren then adjourned .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The Committee of this Institution met on Wednesday at Freemasons' Hall . Colonel Creaton presided , and was supported by Bros . S . Rawson , Benj . Head , Griffiths Smith , Thomas W . White , Dr . Hogg , H . M . Levy , H . G . Warren , C . A . Cottebrune , Wm . Stephens , James Brett , I . Newton , John Bellerby , G . Bolton , Raynham W .
Stewart , Hyde Pullen , John Constable , L . Stean , Captain J . Wordsworth , C . F . Hogard , W . Hale , Dr . Erasmus Wilson , Dr . Strong , H . Massey ( " Freemason " ) , and James Terry ( Secietary ) . Bro . Terry announced the death of one annuitant , who had received altogether the sum of £ 160 . He also announced that there were 23 men and 32 women on the
list for the election , 17 men to be elected and 10 women . Bro . Terry also read the report of the committee , containing a narrative of the year ' s proceedings , vvhich have been g iven from time to time in our columns . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart then gave notice of motion for the employment of Miss Norris , thc daughter of Bro . Norris , thc Warden of the asylum , to attend upon the olel
laelies there . He said that Bro . Norris was a widoivcrand his elaughter hatl resielcd with him , leaving an excellent situation to elo so . It was quite necessary that a female should be employed to look after the wants of the women , and she had been very valuable in that capacity for along time . Miss Norris ' s services were voluntary ; but he thought the Institution ought not any longer to accept
them as such . He woulel give notice of motion for her to be employed as an officer of the Institution at a salary of £ 30 per annum . Dr . Strong bore testimony to the great service Miss Norris had been in the asylum . She was exceedingly kind to the old people , and if anything ever went wrong she was always pouring oil on the troubled waters . She
frequently got up in the middle of the night when any of the female annuitants were taken ill . The brethren would allow him to say that there was nobody in the employ of the institution to do these offices . He might also add that it required a person who was in a measure in authority , and Miss "Norris ' s father being the Warden of the institution , that requisite was supplied . Bro . Norris was a good
Warden , and he exercised his office without the least show of authority . Bro . C . !•' . Hogard nominated Bros . Adlard , Bellerby , and W . Hale for re-election on the committee . Bro . Terry read a letter from Bro . Cutbush , acknowledging receipt of the vote of thanks which was passed at last meeting for his gift of shrubs to the asylum , and stating
that he should always be pleased to repeat the gift when informed that it would be acceptable . The letter was couched in most kind and graceful terms , and the writer concluded by desiring Bro . Terry to convey to the committee his thanks , and to say that he felt highly honoured by their kind resolution , and should prize it as a mark of their favour as long as he-lived . Bro . Terry then said
he was sorry to inform the committee that two days after the date of that letter Bro . Cutbush ceased to exist . This announcement was received with great regret , and a vote of condolence with Mrs . Cutbush was then passed , on the motion of Bro . John Constable , seconded by Bro .
Bellerby . Bro . Terry asked for and obtained the sanction of the committee for the use of the hall of the asylum for a summer entertainment for the inmates . The committee adjourned after passing a vote of thanks to the chairman .
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