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GEORGE KENNING , MASONIC PUBLISHER . One vol . 800 pages Svo ., with an Index , Cloth gilt . Price IOS . 66 . j The Freemason . The History of Freemasonry , from its Orig in to the Pre- Vols . I ., 4 s . 6 d . ; II ., 7 s . 6 d . ; III ., 15 s . ; 17 ., tjs . ; v ., s . r . r A . 1 . u c J ^ 1 1 1- „* •„„! . o Now Ready , No . 12 ( Tune ) . Price 6 d . Post Free , 7 d . Annual Sub-Drawn from the best sources and the most recent investigations . ... •" . , .. VJ / TT . , .,. , ' / , „ T „ ...,. „ . „ , „ ... . . , . ° r „„ scnption , including postage r United Kingdom , is .: America , os . By Bro . J . G . FINDEL , Second Edition , revised and preface p l ' , „ , n ° A ° ° ' ' l " yb > written by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON , P . M . and P . Z . rpi ivr , A A "A > . 7 _ . Ihe Masonic Magazine , a Monthly Digest of Freemasonry Imperial Octavo , bound in cloth , richly ornamented , price £ \ us . 6 d . ai all its . Branches . History of the Lodgeof Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Chapel ) No . 1 , , „ , """¦„" . ' „ " 7 r , ¦ ' . ^ ovy ± •* ^ ^ £ \ o \ v Iveacly . i rice 2 s lost rree 2 s . 2 d Embracing an account of the Rise and Progress of Freemasonry in n ^ i , rt n ^ ,, r * . i \/ t o i 1 -rv * i ™ i Scotland , by Bro . David Murray LyoS , P . M . & P . Z . With 1 he Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , Diary , and Pocket Twenty-six Fac-similes of Ancient Statutes , Minutes of various Book for 1074 . Lodges , Seals , and Orders , & c ., and Authentic Portraits and Containing list of Lodges , Chapters , K . T . Preceptories , Red Cross Autographs of Sixty eminent Craftsmen of the past and present Conclaves , and Grand Councils , with tho names of Officers in all time . parts of the world . The London Meetings of every degree are given in the memorandum space of each day . The Country Now Ready . Fourth Edition . Price is . Post Free is . ld . ^ Lodges appear in towns alphabetically arranged . It also contains Reflected Rays of Li g ht upon Freemasonry ; or , the Free- the Charge and Entered Apprentice ' s Song . masons ' Pocket Compendium . n „„ .. r „ m „ „„ Q „ ., „ AA i \ T ' , ,, , lxr-tv . IT 11 , ¦ , o ' • \ tr , T , 1 . „ r fi . „ iv ,,-,,. ; -Demy i 2 mo , 208 pages , handsomel y bound , price 2 s . 6 d ., post free With an Emblematical Frontispiece . A Hand-Book 01 tne Innci- * ° A pies of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mecum and Guide to the r r \ , „ Tc ,. ^„! : < - „ ,. u 1 .. 1 " \ 1 ' c various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the X \\ Sl ™ llt % . ? ound in the Anglo-Saxons , same are allowed to be communicable . | l , VJ len _ lnbes supposed to be lost traced from the Land of their i Captivity to their occupation of the Isles of the Sea . With an Second Edition . Price is ., Post Free . Revised and Enlarged . exhibition or' those traits of Character and National Charac-Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family teristics assigned to Israel in the Books of the Hebrew prophets ; c - 1 J J by Bro . William Carpenter , P . M ., P . Z ., Author of " Scientia Allele . . Biblica , " " Scripture Natural History , " " Guide to the Reading B 0 ™ - CHALMERS I PAION ( Past Master No . 393 > U-ng land ) . of lhe Biw ., " and of the Abridgement ofthe same , etc ., etc ., etc . bound . —w ^_ - ^_^ =- ^—r ^ _ -- -.-.- The Life of Constantine . AMERICAN Written in Greek , by EUSEBIUS PAMPHILUS ( Bishop of Csv . sarea in Palestine ) . Done into English from that edition , set forth by ^ With Illustrations , Price 38 s ., 42 s ., and 46 s . VA . LESIUS , and printed in Paris iu the year 1659 . Prefaced by An Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences , Bros . R . WENTWORTH LITTLE , Treas . Gen ., and the Rev . Comprising the whole range of Arts , Sciences , and Literature , a « A . F . A . WOODFORD , P . G . C . With Engravings of Constantine , connected with the Institution . By Bro . Albert G . Mackay , the Duke of Sussex , Lord Rancliffe , Earl Bective , M . P ., Sir M . D ., author of " Lexicon of Freemasonry , " " A Text Book Frederick Martin Williams , M . P ., Bart ., & c , & c . j 0 f Masonic Jurisprudence , " " Symbolism of Freemasonry , " Re-issue . Now Ready . Price 5 s . Post Free 5 s . 4 d . '' ^ Masonic Gatherings . ' Rituals of Freemasonry , Edited by Bro . GEORGE TAYLOR , P . M . Containing Historical Comprising the Degrees of Entered Apprentice , Fellow Craft , and Records of Freemasonry ftom the earliest to the present time , Master Mason , in the Lodge . Mark Master , Past Master , Most & c ., Sec . * Excellent Master , Royal Arch , and the Order of Hi gh Priesthood , - . in the Chapter . Royal Master , Select Master , and Super-Excellent In the Press , Third Edition . Revised and Enlarged . Price . 5 s . 6 d . Master in the Council . Red Cross , Knights Templar , and A Full Coloured Illustrated Book of Masonic Clothing and Knights of Malta in the Commandery . Together with the Tewels Ceremonies of Dedication , Consecration , and Installation of From Master Mason to the 30 th Degree ( inclusive ) . ° 11 kers in the sevcran ) ranches _ o ^ e _ Order . 18 s . 8 d . ... . . . ... ^ Guide to the Royal Arch Chapter , Now " iteady , with Index and Preface , in 12 Imperial Folio Parts , 5 s . A complete Monitor for Royal Arch Masonry . With full instruccach , or bound in One Handsome Volume , £ 3 . Handsome Cloth 1 tions in the degrees of Mark Master , Past Master , & c . According Covers , with Gilt Lines , and Lettered , for Binding ( similar to those , lo the Manual of the Chapter , together with an historical introused ^ for the Graphic and Illustrated A \ -u-s ) , price 5 s . each . j duction , explanatory notes , and critical emendations . 6 s . gd . The Freemasons' Liber Musicus , Dedicated by expressed permission to H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF The Royal Arch Companion , WALES , Past Grand Master of England and Wales . Edited b y A Manual of Royal Arch Masonry . Containing monitorial instruc-DR . WILLIAM SPARK , P . P . G . O ., W . Y . —ac / 8 . tions , together with tlie ceremonies of Constituting and Dedicating This work contains 215 pp . and 1 18 Mnsical Compositions Chapters and Installing Ofiicers . 4 s . 6 d . suitable lor all thr ; Ceremonies of the Masonic Order ; First , ' Second , and Third Degrees ; Consecration and Dedication of The Ori gin and Earl y History of Masonry , Halls and Lodges ; Programmes , Toasts , Songs , Trios , Choruses , Containing various responses to the question , " What is Masonry r " & c , for Banquets and other Festive Gatherings ; Laying Foun- the true aim , purport , and mission of the same , 4 s . 6 d . dation or Corner Stones ; Installation ; Mark Masonry ; Royal ... _ Arch ; Masonic Funerals ; Voluntaries ; Marches , & c , Krc . Masonic Trials , rr ,. ,-, i r 1 r ' A . " " "" A Treatise npon the Law and Practice of Masonic Trials in the Lodge , lllC Lrrancl Lodge Constitutions , Chapter , & c , with forms and precedents . Containing also tlie With the Three Charges and the Entered Apprentice s Song , 2 s . Constitutions and Edicts of the General Grand Bodies ; the ,,.., „ , , , , A T ~ r ' ,, , A 11 r i ^ Ancient Landmarks : Ancient Constitutions , Charges , and Regu-Richly Coloured , 9 ! by 6 , arranged for locket , in Book lorm , puce , . d ' . of gL , nc ,, u formS | -s . 6 d . 7 s . 6 d . A ° L ' Craft Tracing Boards . Masonic Law and Practice , Larger Sizes in Stock , from 18 by 10 to 40 by 27 inches . With forms , & c . ? s . __ JFFICE , JSO LEET-ST ., _ L0 ND 0 N, EC . , Printed and Vublislicd by tlie 1 'roprk-lur , Brolbci GEUKCK KEXMX ; , at his Offices , rrjS , t ' leet-slrcet , and 2 , 3 , ar . d -t , Little Britain , in tin- City cf London , j 2 , MonnnM : nt-i > lacc , Liverpool , in l '"' County of Lancaster ; and 145 , Arijvle-atreet , Glasgow . —SVIUUDA " , . ITNIC 13 , 1 ^ 7 . 1 . i !
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GEORGE KENNING , MASONIC PUBLISHER . One vol . 800 pages Svo ., with an Index , Cloth gilt . Price IOS . 66 . j The Freemason . The History of Freemasonry , from its Orig in to the Pre- Vols . I ., 4 s . 6 d . ; II ., 7 s . 6 d . ; III ., 15 s . ; 17 ., tjs . ; v ., s . r . r A . 1 . u c J ^ 1 1 1- „* •„„! . o Now Ready , No . 12 ( Tune ) . Price 6 d . Post Free , 7 d . Annual Sub-Drawn from the best sources and the most recent investigations . ... •" . , .. VJ / TT . , .,. , ' / , „ T „ ...,. „ . „ , „ ... . . , . ° r „„ scnption , including postage r United Kingdom , is .: America , os . By Bro . J . G . FINDEL , Second Edition , revised and preface p l ' , „ , n ° A ° ° ' ' l " yb > written by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON , P . M . and P . Z . rpi ivr , A A "A > . 7 _ . Ihe Masonic Magazine , a Monthly Digest of Freemasonry Imperial Octavo , bound in cloth , richly ornamented , price £ \ us . 6 d . ai all its . Branches . History of the Lodgeof Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Chapel ) No . 1 , , „ , """¦„" . ' „ " 7 r , ¦ ' . ^ ovy ± •* ^ ^ £ \ o \ v Iveacly . i rice 2 s lost rree 2 s . 2 d Embracing an account of the Rise and Progress of Freemasonry in n ^ i , rt n ^ ,, r * . i \/ t o i 1 -rv * i ™ i Scotland , by Bro . David Murray LyoS , P . M . & P . Z . With 1 he Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , Diary , and Pocket Twenty-six Fac-similes of Ancient Statutes , Minutes of various Book for 1074 . Lodges , Seals , and Orders , & c ., and Authentic Portraits and Containing list of Lodges , Chapters , K . T . Preceptories , Red Cross Autographs of Sixty eminent Craftsmen of the past and present Conclaves , and Grand Councils , with tho names of Officers in all time . parts of the world . The London Meetings of every degree are given in the memorandum space of each day . The Country Now Ready . Fourth Edition . Price is . Post Free is . ld . ^ Lodges appear in towns alphabetically arranged . It also contains Reflected Rays of Li g ht upon Freemasonry ; or , the Free- the Charge and Entered Apprentice ' s Song . masons ' Pocket Compendium . n „„ .. r „ m „ „„ Q „ ., „ AA i \ T ' , ,, , lxr-tv . IT 11 , ¦ , o ' • \ tr , T , 1 . „ r fi . „ iv ,,-,,. ; -Demy i 2 mo , 208 pages , handsomel y bound , price 2 s . 6 d ., post free With an Emblematical Frontispiece . A Hand-Book 01 tne Innci- * ° A pies of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mecum and Guide to the r r \ , „ Tc ,. ^„! : < - „ ,. u 1 .. 1 " \ 1 ' c various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the X \\ Sl ™ llt % . ? ound in the Anglo-Saxons , same are allowed to be communicable . | l , VJ len _ lnbes supposed to be lost traced from the Land of their i Captivity to their occupation of the Isles of the Sea . With an Second Edition . Price is ., Post Free . Revised and Enlarged . exhibition or' those traits of Character and National Charac-Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family teristics assigned to Israel in the Books of the Hebrew prophets ; c - 1 J J by Bro . William Carpenter , P . M ., P . Z ., Author of " Scientia Allele . . Biblica , " " Scripture Natural History , " " Guide to the Reading B 0 ™ - CHALMERS I PAION ( Past Master No . 393 > U-ng land ) . of lhe Biw ., " and of the Abridgement ofthe same , etc ., etc ., etc . bound . —w ^_ - ^_^ =- ^—r ^ _ -- -.-.- The Life of Constantine . AMERICAN Written in Greek , by EUSEBIUS PAMPHILUS ( Bishop of Csv . sarea in Palestine ) . Done into English from that edition , set forth by ^ With Illustrations , Price 38 s ., 42 s ., and 46 s . VA . LESIUS , and printed in Paris iu the year 1659 . Prefaced by An Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences , Bros . R . WENTWORTH LITTLE , Treas . Gen ., and the Rev . Comprising the whole range of Arts , Sciences , and Literature , a « A . F . A . WOODFORD , P . G . C . With Engravings of Constantine , connected with the Institution . By Bro . Albert G . Mackay , the Duke of Sussex , Lord Rancliffe , Earl Bective , M . P ., Sir M . D ., author of " Lexicon of Freemasonry , " " A Text Book Frederick Martin Williams , M . P ., Bart ., & c , & c . j 0 f Masonic Jurisprudence , " " Symbolism of Freemasonry , " Re-issue . Now Ready . Price 5 s . Post Free 5 s . 4 d . '' ^ Masonic Gatherings . ' Rituals of Freemasonry , Edited by Bro . GEORGE TAYLOR , P . M . Containing Historical Comprising the Degrees of Entered Apprentice , Fellow Craft , and Records of Freemasonry ftom the earliest to the present time , Master Mason , in the Lodge . Mark Master , Past Master , Most & c ., Sec . * Excellent Master , Royal Arch , and the Order of Hi gh Priesthood , - . in the Chapter . Royal Master , Select Master , and Super-Excellent In the Press , Third Edition . Revised and Enlarged . Price . 5 s . 6 d . Master in the Council . Red Cross , Knights Templar , and A Full Coloured Illustrated Book of Masonic Clothing and Knights of Malta in the Commandery . Together with the Tewels Ceremonies of Dedication , Consecration , and Installation of From Master Mason to the 30 th Degree ( inclusive ) . ° 11 kers in the sevcran ) ranches _ o ^ e _ Order . 18 s . 8 d . ... . . . ... ^ Guide to the Royal Arch Chapter , Now " iteady , with Index and Preface , in 12 Imperial Folio Parts , 5 s . A complete Monitor for Royal Arch Masonry . With full instruccach , or bound in One Handsome Volume , £ 3 . Handsome Cloth 1 tions in the degrees of Mark Master , Past Master , & c . According Covers , with Gilt Lines , and Lettered , for Binding ( similar to those , lo the Manual of the Chapter , together with an historical introused ^ for the Graphic and Illustrated A \ -u-s ) , price 5 s . each . j duction , explanatory notes , and critical emendations . 6 s . gd . The Freemasons' Liber Musicus , Dedicated by expressed permission to H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF The Royal Arch Companion , WALES , Past Grand Master of England and Wales . Edited b y A Manual of Royal Arch Masonry . Containing monitorial instruc-DR . WILLIAM SPARK , P . P . G . O ., W . Y . —ac / 8 . tions , together with tlie ceremonies of Constituting and Dedicating This work contains 215 pp . and 1 18 Mnsical Compositions Chapters and Installing Ofiicers . 4 s . 6 d . suitable lor all thr ; Ceremonies of the Masonic Order ; First , ' Second , and Third Degrees ; Consecration and Dedication of The Ori gin and Earl y History of Masonry , Halls and Lodges ; Programmes , Toasts , Songs , Trios , Choruses , Containing various responses to the question , " What is Masonry r " & c , for Banquets and other Festive Gatherings ; Laying Foun- the true aim , purport , and mission of the same , 4 s . 6 d . dation or Corner Stones ; Installation ; Mark Masonry ; Royal ... _ Arch ; Masonic Funerals ; Voluntaries ; Marches , & c , Krc . Masonic Trials , rr ,. ,-, i r 1 r ' A . " " "" A Treatise npon the Law and Practice of Masonic Trials in the Lodge , lllC Lrrancl Lodge Constitutions , Chapter , & c , with forms and precedents . Containing also tlie With the Three Charges and the Entered Apprentice s Song , 2 s . Constitutions and Edicts of the General Grand Bodies ; the ,,.., „ , , , , A T ~ r ' ,, , A 11 r i ^ Ancient Landmarks : Ancient Constitutions , Charges , and Regu-Richly Coloured , 9 ! by 6 , arranged for locket , in Book lorm , puce , . d ' . of gL , nc ,, u formS | -s . 6 d . 7 s . 6 d . A ° L ' Craft Tracing Boards . Masonic Law and Practice , Larger Sizes in Stock , from 18 by 10 to 40 by 27 inches . With forms , & c . ? s . __ JFFICE , JSO LEET-ST ., _ L0 ND 0 N, EC . , Printed and Vublislicd by tlie 1 'roprk-lur , Brolbci GEUKCK KEXMX ; , at his Offices , rrjS , t ' leet-slrcet , and 2 , 3 , ar . d -t , Little Britain , in tin- City cf London , j 2 , MonnnM : nt-i > lacc , Liverpool , in l '"' County of Lancaster ; and 145 , Arijvle-atreet , Glasgow . —SVIUUDA " , . ITNIC 13 , 1 ^ 7 . 1 . i !