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City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-streot LONDON . ^ W 7 "ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entcrtainn . cnts , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The Ia ge Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelvt Hundred people . SIOSEY SI ' . VCER , Proprietor .
Tlie Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private Dining Rooms . First-class Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers after the Theatres . Bro . F . HiLFREica , Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROBERT STREET , ADELPHI TERRACE , STRAND QENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will find every accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charges , at the above Hotel . Beds from as . ; Sitting Rooms from 3 s . ; Breakfasts from as . Table d'Hote 6 . 30 , 3 s . 6 d . F . vcry accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquets for tlie Craft , Arch and High Grades . Spacious and Cheerful Coffee Room overlooking the Victoria Embankment . BRO . GEORGE STATES Manager .
, . THE NEW MASONIC CANDLESFOR CRAFT LODGES , Ionic , Doric and Corinthian , I EMBLEMATICALLY ARRANGED FOR TIIE WORSHIPFUL MASTER , SENIOR AND JUNIOR WARDENS . 6 s . 6 d . PER SKT OF . 3 ONE POUND CANDLES . Pricking C ; i : cs 6 d . each . DITTO FOR ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS , 1 os . 6 d . PER SET OF 6 CANDLES . Pricking Cast's is . i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Bro . GEORGE KENNING'S Masonic Depots , LONDON r—2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , ancl ujS , ' Fleet-street . LIVERPOOL : —2 , Monument-place . GLASGOW : —145 , Argyle-street . (
Guildhall Tavern , GRESIUM-STKEET , E . C . Chop and Steak Room fitted with the Silver Gridiron . Spacious Dining-rooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smokingrooms . Rooms of all sizes suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Building Societies , & c . ; also for rreemasons' Lodges and Banquets , Private Dinners , & c . GUILDHALL TAVERN COMPANY ( Limited ) . S 2 and 33 , GRESHAM-STREET , E . C . JOSEPH CORBhV , Manager . I
Masons' Hall Tavern , MASONS' AVENUE , DASINGHALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW ¦ *¦ OPEN , newly decorated , by Uro . CHARLES GOSUEM , late Manager of thc Freemasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be fonnil for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor .
TRAMORE . TRAMORE . TRAMORE . COUNTY WATERFORD , IRELAND . THE GREAT HOTEL The Great Hotel atTramoreis the only first-class Hotel , on the Southern Coast , It commands a magnificent view of tbe bay and surrounding' country . Tramore Bay and Stiand ( the latter is 4 miles long ) , is said to be the finest in the world . Intending tourists to Ireland will find Tramore worthy of being known as a watering place . Its advantages arc a delightfully mild climate , splendid bathing , ) acliting , bunting , and a modern hotel , conducted on thc most approved principles , and the most moderate of any similar house in the kingdom . Bro-James Hearne , It . A ., 642 and 196 , Proprietrr-
Rosherville Hotel . ( NEAR GRAVESEND . ) FOR MASONIC BANQUETS , SUMMER FESTIVALS , DEJEUNERS , FISH DINNERS , AND WHITEBAIT TEAS . The Hotel is charmingly situated upon thc banks ofthe Thames , and thc splendid vicw . oY the river it com > : ands . whh the continually passing shipping , renders it particularly agreeable . Thc wines have been carefully selccred , and thc varied excellence f the vintages will be found amply sullicicr . t to satisfy every diversity of taste . The Hotel is about ten minntes' walk from the Grave-semi station , l ' asscngers by water land on the pier of the Hotel . BROS . H . J . W , | . KOIIKRTW , Proprietors , t ? ASTBOURNE . —The South Down Mansion , Howard-square , being now quite complete and superbl y furnished is now opened as a Private Hotel and Boarding Establishment . It is delightfully situated , abutting on the Grand Parade , near the new Burlington Park and Swimming Baths . Numerous suites of lofty rooms , spacious coffee-room , Arc , replete with every accommodation to insure comfoit . Fine sea view . Suuih aspect . Lawn in front . Cuisine excellent . Visitors at fixed weekly charges . Tariff on application to Mr . Thomas Morris , Proprietor , at Sou'h Down . Mansion , or at bis Confectionery Establishment , 2 , Tei minus-toad , Eastbourne .
QNGAR GRAMMAR SCHOOL , -10 miles from London . Specially devoted to mercantile education . Great advantages offered to pupils wailing or preparing for appointments . References to parents and former pupils now holding good positions . A preparatory class for little boys , who receive careful attention . Twenty acres of ground for football , cricket , ice . The domestic arrangements include a dairy farm . Diet unlimited and of the best . Locality most healthy . Prospectus should Deseen for details . 'Perms very moderate . Principal , D ; . Clark .
BALL FAVOURS , NEWEST DESIGNS . MASONIC DEPOTS 1 , 2 , & . 3 , LITTLE BRITAIN , 1 198 , Fleet-street , London , BKANCIIHS : < 2 , Min > iment- ) ilace . Liverpool . C U-. i AiIJv Ic-stifct , Glasgow .
/ $£ && SCHWEITZER'SCOGOATINA , 7 s / pllS Kf ANTI-DYSPEPTIC COCOA OR CHOCOLATE POWDER . (<( fel ») Guaranteed Pure Soluble Cocoa , without Sugar or any admixture . J £ i _ rpSESsiS / This unirine pure preparation is pronounced bv the Facultv " the mnst nutritious perfectly digestible hcver-\ To ds | lllpvy arte for URKAKKAST LUNCHEON ' , or SUPPER , and invaluable for Invalids and Children . " XPjp & SsBFttJ ^ It is made instaiieoiisly with boiling wa ter or milk ; being without sugar it suits all palates : > s * PA * 0 ^ In tin packets at is . 61 ., js ., % c . Ily Chemists ancl Grocers . ( Samples gratis . ) Reqiiteml . Cocoatina a la Vanille , at Same Prices . It is superior to thc best Vanilla Chocolate , mnch cheaper , perfectly digestible , and made instantnneouslv . J SOLE PROPRIETORS : H . SCHWEITZER & Co ., 10 , ADAM-STREET , ADELPHI , LONDON .
LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER . Is Ihe best , safest , and cheapest , ll restores the former colour to grey hair in a few days , is quite harmless , and Ihe best hair-dressing that can he used . Large Ironies , is . fid each . Sold by all Chemists and Hairdressers evervwherc , and | . PEPPER , -3 % TOTTEN ' - HAM-COURT-ROAD , LONDON , whose name and address are on the label , or it is spurious . Cases of three bottles , packed for country , sent on receipt on 54 stamps .
HEALTH , STRENGTH , ENERGY . PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC . Strengthens the nerves , enriches , purities , and greatly improves ihe blood , ami vital secretions , Rives a Rood appetite , overcomes indigestion , animates tlic spirits , counteract- ; the ed ' jets of weakness , and restores perfect robust health , lie sure I'epper ' s Quinine and Iron Tonic is supplied , iki ingredients !> ein ^ cbemicnllv pure . Hottlcs , -js . 6 d ; next size , us . ; stone jars , 22 s . Order " it from any Chemist , or get direct from J . PKLU'KK , 237 , TO LTEXKAM-COLJKT-ROA 1 ) , LONDON , b ' orwarded " , safelv packed , on receipt of stamps or P . O . O .
MASONIC FLAGS FOR HIRE . Freemasons' Arms 15 ft . by 12 ft . Knights Templar Arsis 15 K l-y 12 ft . Red Cross of Home and Constantine Arms lift , by 12 ft . Square aud Compasses , with Priuceof Wales ' s Feathers iii Centre 12 ft . by rift . City of London Anns 10 ft . by 7 ft . Union Jack 10 ft . by 6 ft . Duke of Edinburgh oft . by 4- \ ft . Russian ij ( t . by 4 ^ ft KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . itjS , FLKI . T-STREET , LONDON . • •
FU . N'KRALS . BROS . SERVANTS & FERRYMAN , Complete Funeral Furnisbeis , 2 . ? 2 , HIGH 1 I 0 LLOHN , Corner of New Turnstile , leading into Lhicoln's-Inn-tiekls . Funerals conducted in the best manner , with choice appointments and great economy . Distance no object . Price book free . Established nearly 130 years f
CAUTION . GENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT . CJisialili ^ eil upwards of 35 vcarsj Bros . SINCLAIR ' & SOW , J « w Fl'RV . " . ¦ : •! :. !• U . VDLIirAKBKS AM ) FUNERAL gl % ^ 1-EATIIKHMKX , . ^ fjL ^ fii , City Road , Pins-hnry Apiare , opposite the I'insbury School ? , ICC , ami 24 , . S < nul > :. ' , ; itc ' ' i ! mi ) Uuv . uUain-ioad , nc ; ir the U . o :-. cm ;; rv fJranch Ihul ^ c , > . ' . (>' , ' ) connect ion wilh any other critaMUh men ! of t lie same name , ) Onlj al thc above nilihvs .-e-, iiroy Funeral al Mated charges—See Illurvtiated J'ro > pectii . s .
BRO . R J . THURSTON , HOPKINS , & Co ., ('• iu ' ct :--.-a- to i ! u-,: I . in * : iud :- ' lc ]! Hv ' . v- ; , ISII . UAMI i'Airl . i ' . ; M ANITAC I inri-. U :-:, lo , Little Si . Ai . drcv . ' .-- > lr . vt , l '; . ]" - ' M- M . miii ' s-iai . c , I . ondcr \ Y . < . III . 1 . 1 AK 1 I TABLES COMPLETE FROM £$ u , £ 60 , | ¦ : I , EXJAM kneed M' -n sent lo all parts for Repairs , _ ~ _"' . T Established 30 Years ,
JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S "CHERRY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all other preparations for the Teeth , price is . 6 d . per pot . "AGUA AMARELLA" restore the Human Hair to its pristine hue , no matter at what age , price 3 s . per bottle . "TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifully perfumed and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S , And see that you have none other than their genuins Articles . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Perfumers . Wholesale , Angel-passage , 93 , Upper Thames-street , London .
, HYDE , ISLE OF WIGHT . fJ Ol'GOOD cSr CO . ' S NUTRITIVE and SEDATIVE HAIR CREAM . s supplied in lire Trade hy all Patent . Medicine Hniiscsnnd Whole , ¦ ale fVrtiiim-rs . Tliis ( ream li .-is lire testimony ol' EMINENT IIYSICIANS tn il » " surprisini ; " and " nnl ' ailini ; success . " Also SEDATIVE COLD CREAM . Sold liv all Chemists and Perfumers .
, ' TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . ( U-imps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fcmlcrs anil Fire Irons , Electro " plale and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . DTPARR , General Houso Furnisriing Ironmonger , 42 , BI . ACKRIAN STRIJKT , BOROUGH . QFFKRS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He dees not keep an " Immense Stock , " hut sulliciently large for any person to select from . He ibes not sell cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " hut < pute as cheap as any . A viart wil ) , al all limes , he very . nnch appreciated .
. . . . [ IMPROVED and ECONOMIC COOKERY . L UscLIEUIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT as " stock" for beef lea , soups , made dishes , and sauces , Gives fine flavour anil great strength , luvariably adopted in households when ( airly itied . Caut ' u ., —Genuine only with Baron Liebi g's facsimile across label POR FISH . Try GOW . pOR POULTRY . Try GOW . f'pOR GAME . I Try GOW . IpoR BARRELLED OYSTERS . Try GOW . I GOW . J ' ; , MONliY-LANX MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . special quotations to large consumers , I Iotels , Caterers , & c . Country Orders promptly executed . ONE ORDER WILL SECURE FUTURE PATRONAGE
s & LEA & PERRINS' SAUCE . Yrffif THE "WORCESTERSHIRE . " iii !!] Pronounced by Connoisseurs " TUB ONLY GOOD - | j ! SAUCII . " Its use improves appetite and diges-A | A $ S L tion . Unrivalled for piquancy and flavour . §§| lASK FOR LEA & PERRINS SAUCE . [< - ^?? ~? jj BEWAIII : or IMITATIONS A-Avillo avoid which see tbe names , , ^ MfT" | I . EAA . PEKRINS , liS ' - rHil ^ n all k , ttli-saiid labe ' s . 'l-irr-i'Sflij Ager . ts--C ' lmssr . . \; BLACKWISI-L , London , and sold AiBi' l . y all Dealers in Sauces throughout theworld .
( j LENFJIAD S'J'Al- 'CII is the only kind mol in ] In * . V . \ jc : t \ V I . numiry , 'I ho' -e I n < lk ' - ; wlm hnvc nut w ' l iu = t ; il thu ( Jiciitii'Ul Starch , arc ( . >| n . 'cilully ^ olkitcd le [; uc ii ; i Iii . il , : tinl circlully follow out > . }) v iljiciiion . s /» i ! : t'Jii t > n cvvyv j .,- ! . k : i ^( .-. ) l is i : \ thvriiuiYv dilljcult n m ; ike than otlur r ' larthty , but when this is ovcriomc , tlu *\ will say , like tlic Onccn ' s I .:: uinliv :,: r , lltal il i . ; th * . finest Starch ' they ever used . " \ Vhcu vuiu . l . Euv lhc Ulcr . li . hl , VJC that vou i ; ct it , "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-streot LONDON . ^ W 7 "ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entcrtainn . cnts , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The Ia ge Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelvt Hundred people . SIOSEY SI ' . VCER , Proprietor .
Tlie Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private Dining Rooms . First-class Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers after the Theatres . Bro . F . HiLFREica , Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROBERT STREET , ADELPHI TERRACE , STRAND QENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will find every accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charges , at the above Hotel . Beds from as . ; Sitting Rooms from 3 s . ; Breakfasts from as . Table d'Hote 6 . 30 , 3 s . 6 d . F . vcry accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquets for tlie Craft , Arch and High Grades . Spacious and Cheerful Coffee Room overlooking the Victoria Embankment . BRO . GEORGE STATES Manager .
, . THE NEW MASONIC CANDLESFOR CRAFT LODGES , Ionic , Doric and Corinthian , I EMBLEMATICALLY ARRANGED FOR TIIE WORSHIPFUL MASTER , SENIOR AND JUNIOR WARDENS . 6 s . 6 d . PER SKT OF . 3 ONE POUND CANDLES . Pricking C ; i : cs 6 d . each . DITTO FOR ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS , 1 os . 6 d . PER SET OF 6 CANDLES . Pricking Cast's is . i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Bro . GEORGE KENNING'S Masonic Depots , LONDON r—2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , ancl ujS , ' Fleet-street . LIVERPOOL : —2 , Monument-place . GLASGOW : —145 , Argyle-street . (
Guildhall Tavern , GRESIUM-STKEET , E . C . Chop and Steak Room fitted with the Silver Gridiron . Spacious Dining-rooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smokingrooms . Rooms of all sizes suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Building Societies , & c . ; also for rreemasons' Lodges and Banquets , Private Dinners , & c . GUILDHALL TAVERN COMPANY ( Limited ) . S 2 and 33 , GRESHAM-STREET , E . C . JOSEPH CORBhV , Manager . I
Masons' Hall Tavern , MASONS' AVENUE , DASINGHALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW ¦ *¦ OPEN , newly decorated , by Uro . CHARLES GOSUEM , late Manager of thc Freemasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be fonnil for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor .
TRAMORE . TRAMORE . TRAMORE . COUNTY WATERFORD , IRELAND . THE GREAT HOTEL The Great Hotel atTramoreis the only first-class Hotel , on the Southern Coast , It commands a magnificent view of tbe bay and surrounding' country . Tramore Bay and Stiand ( the latter is 4 miles long ) , is said to be the finest in the world . Intending tourists to Ireland will find Tramore worthy of being known as a watering place . Its advantages arc a delightfully mild climate , splendid bathing , ) acliting , bunting , and a modern hotel , conducted on thc most approved principles , and the most moderate of any similar house in the kingdom . Bro-James Hearne , It . A ., 642 and 196 , Proprietrr-
Rosherville Hotel . ( NEAR GRAVESEND . ) FOR MASONIC BANQUETS , SUMMER FESTIVALS , DEJEUNERS , FISH DINNERS , AND WHITEBAIT TEAS . The Hotel is charmingly situated upon thc banks ofthe Thames , and thc splendid vicw . oY the river it com > : ands . whh the continually passing shipping , renders it particularly agreeable . Thc wines have been carefully selccred , and thc varied excellence f the vintages will be found amply sullicicr . t to satisfy every diversity of taste . The Hotel is about ten minntes' walk from the Grave-semi station , l ' asscngers by water land on the pier of the Hotel . BROS . H . J . W , | . KOIIKRTW , Proprietors , t ? ASTBOURNE . —The South Down Mansion , Howard-square , being now quite complete and superbl y furnished is now opened as a Private Hotel and Boarding Establishment . It is delightfully situated , abutting on the Grand Parade , near the new Burlington Park and Swimming Baths . Numerous suites of lofty rooms , spacious coffee-room , Arc , replete with every accommodation to insure comfoit . Fine sea view . Suuih aspect . Lawn in front . Cuisine excellent . Visitors at fixed weekly charges . Tariff on application to Mr . Thomas Morris , Proprietor , at Sou'h Down . Mansion , or at bis Confectionery Establishment , 2 , Tei minus-toad , Eastbourne .
QNGAR GRAMMAR SCHOOL , -10 miles from London . Specially devoted to mercantile education . Great advantages offered to pupils wailing or preparing for appointments . References to parents and former pupils now holding good positions . A preparatory class for little boys , who receive careful attention . Twenty acres of ground for football , cricket , ice . The domestic arrangements include a dairy farm . Diet unlimited and of the best . Locality most healthy . Prospectus should Deseen for details . 'Perms very moderate . Principal , D ; . Clark .
BALL FAVOURS , NEWEST DESIGNS . MASONIC DEPOTS 1 , 2 , & . 3 , LITTLE BRITAIN , 1 198 , Fleet-street , London , BKANCIIHS : < 2 , Min > iment- ) ilace . Liverpool . C U-. i AiIJv Ic-stifct , Glasgow .
/ $£ && SCHWEITZER'SCOGOATINA , 7 s / pllS Kf ANTI-DYSPEPTIC COCOA OR CHOCOLATE POWDER . (<( fel ») Guaranteed Pure Soluble Cocoa , without Sugar or any admixture . J £ i _ rpSESsiS / This unirine pure preparation is pronounced bv the Facultv " the mnst nutritious perfectly digestible hcver-\ To ds | lllpvy arte for URKAKKAST LUNCHEON ' , or SUPPER , and invaluable for Invalids and Children . " XPjp & SsBFttJ ^ It is made instaiieoiisly with boiling wa ter or milk ; being without sugar it suits all palates : > s * PA * 0 ^ In tin packets at is . 61 ., js ., % c . Ily Chemists ancl Grocers . ( Samples gratis . ) Reqiiteml . Cocoatina a la Vanille , at Same Prices . It is superior to thc best Vanilla Chocolate , mnch cheaper , perfectly digestible , and made instantnneouslv . J SOLE PROPRIETORS : H . SCHWEITZER & Co ., 10 , ADAM-STREET , ADELPHI , LONDON .
LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER . Is Ihe best , safest , and cheapest , ll restores the former colour to grey hair in a few days , is quite harmless , and Ihe best hair-dressing that can he used . Large Ironies , is . fid each . Sold by all Chemists and Hairdressers evervwherc , and | . PEPPER , -3 % TOTTEN ' - HAM-COURT-ROAD , LONDON , whose name and address are on the label , or it is spurious . Cases of three bottles , packed for country , sent on receipt on 54 stamps .
HEALTH , STRENGTH , ENERGY . PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC . Strengthens the nerves , enriches , purities , and greatly improves ihe blood , ami vital secretions , Rives a Rood appetite , overcomes indigestion , animates tlic spirits , counteract- ; the ed ' jets of weakness , and restores perfect robust health , lie sure I'epper ' s Quinine and Iron Tonic is supplied , iki ingredients !> ein ^ cbemicnllv pure . Hottlcs , -js . 6 d ; next size , us . ; stone jars , 22 s . Order " it from any Chemist , or get direct from J . PKLU'KK , 237 , TO LTEXKAM-COLJKT-ROA 1 ) , LONDON , b ' orwarded " , safelv packed , on receipt of stamps or P . O . O .
MASONIC FLAGS FOR HIRE . Freemasons' Arms 15 ft . by 12 ft . Knights Templar Arsis 15 K l-y 12 ft . Red Cross of Home and Constantine Arms lift , by 12 ft . Square aud Compasses , with Priuceof Wales ' s Feathers iii Centre 12 ft . by rift . City of London Anns 10 ft . by 7 ft . Union Jack 10 ft . by 6 ft . Duke of Edinburgh oft . by 4- \ ft . Russian ij ( t . by 4 ^ ft KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . itjS , FLKI . T-STREET , LONDON . • •
FU . N'KRALS . BROS . SERVANTS & FERRYMAN , Complete Funeral Furnisbeis , 2 . ? 2 , HIGH 1 I 0 LLOHN , Corner of New Turnstile , leading into Lhicoln's-Inn-tiekls . Funerals conducted in the best manner , with choice appointments and great economy . Distance no object . Price book free . Established nearly 130 years f
CAUTION . GENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT . CJisialili ^ eil upwards of 35 vcarsj Bros . SINCLAIR ' & SOW , J « w Fl'RV . " . ¦ : •! :. !• U . VDLIirAKBKS AM ) FUNERAL gl % ^ 1-EATIIKHMKX , . ^ fjL ^ fii , City Road , Pins-hnry Apiare , opposite the I'insbury School ? , ICC , ami 24 , . S < nul > :. ' , ; itc ' ' i ! mi ) Uuv . uUain-ioad , nc ; ir the U . o :-. cm ;; rv fJranch Ihul ^ c , > . ' . (>' , ' ) connect ion wilh any other critaMUh men ! of t lie same name , ) Onlj al thc above nilihvs .-e-, iiroy Funeral al Mated charges—See Illurvtiated J'ro > pectii . s .
BRO . R J . THURSTON , HOPKINS , & Co ., ('• iu ' ct :--.-a- to i ! u-,: I . in * : iud :- ' lc ]! Hv ' . v- ; , ISII . UAMI i'Airl . i ' . ; M ANITAC I inri-. U :-:, lo , Little Si . Ai . drcv . ' .-- > lr . vt , l '; . ]" - ' M- M . miii ' s-iai . c , I . ondcr \ Y . < . III . 1 . 1 AK 1 I TABLES COMPLETE FROM £$ u , £ 60 , | ¦ : I , EXJAM kneed M' -n sent lo all parts for Repairs , _ ~ _"' . T Established 30 Years ,
JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S "CHERRY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all other preparations for the Teeth , price is . 6 d . per pot . "AGUA AMARELLA" restore the Human Hair to its pristine hue , no matter at what age , price 3 s . per bottle . "TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifully perfumed and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S , And see that you have none other than their genuins Articles . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Perfumers . Wholesale , Angel-passage , 93 , Upper Thames-street , London .
, HYDE , ISLE OF WIGHT . fJ Ol'GOOD cSr CO . ' S NUTRITIVE and SEDATIVE HAIR CREAM . s supplied in lire Trade hy all Patent . Medicine Hniiscsnnd Whole , ¦ ale fVrtiiim-rs . Tliis ( ream li .-is lire testimony ol' EMINENT IIYSICIANS tn il » " surprisini ; " and " nnl ' ailini ; success . " Also SEDATIVE COLD CREAM . Sold liv all Chemists and Perfumers .
, ' TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . ( U-imps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fcmlcrs anil Fire Irons , Electro " plale and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . DTPARR , General Houso Furnisriing Ironmonger , 42 , BI . ACKRIAN STRIJKT , BOROUGH . QFFKRS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He dees not keep an " Immense Stock , " hut sulliciently large for any person to select from . He ibes not sell cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " hut < pute as cheap as any . A viart wil ) , al all limes , he very . nnch appreciated .
. . . . [ IMPROVED and ECONOMIC COOKERY . L UscLIEUIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT as " stock" for beef lea , soups , made dishes , and sauces , Gives fine flavour anil great strength , luvariably adopted in households when ( airly itied . Caut ' u ., —Genuine only with Baron Liebi g's facsimile across label POR FISH . Try GOW . pOR POULTRY . Try GOW . f'pOR GAME . I Try GOW . IpoR BARRELLED OYSTERS . Try GOW . I GOW . J ' ; , MONliY-LANX MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . special quotations to large consumers , I Iotels , Caterers , & c . Country Orders promptly executed . ONE ORDER WILL SECURE FUTURE PATRONAGE
s & LEA & PERRINS' SAUCE . Yrffif THE "WORCESTERSHIRE . " iii !!] Pronounced by Connoisseurs " TUB ONLY GOOD - | j ! SAUCII . " Its use improves appetite and diges-A | A $ S L tion . Unrivalled for piquancy and flavour . §§| lASK FOR LEA & PERRINS SAUCE . [< - ^?? ~? jj BEWAIII : or IMITATIONS A-Avillo avoid which see tbe names , , ^ MfT" | I . EAA . PEKRINS , liS ' - rHil ^ n all k , ttli-saiid labe ' s . 'l-irr-i'Sflij Ager . ts--C ' lmssr . . \; BLACKWISI-L , London , and sold AiBi' l . y all Dealers in Sauces throughout theworld .
( j LENFJIAD S'J'Al- 'CII is the only kind mol in ] In * . V . \ jc : t \ V I . numiry , 'I ho' -e I n < lk ' - ; wlm hnvc nut w ' l iu = t ; il thu ( Jiciitii'Ul Starch , arc ( . >| n . 'cilully ^ olkitcd le [; uc ii ; i Iii . il , : tinl circlully follow out > . }) v iljiciiion . s /» i ! : t'Jii t > n cvvyv j .,- ! . k : i ^( .-. ) l is i : \ thvriiuiYv dilljcult n m ; ike than otlur r ' larthty , but when this is ovcriomc , tlu *\ will say , like tlic Onccn ' s I .:: uinliv :,: r , lltal il i . ; th * . finest Starch ' they ever used . " \ Vhcu vuiu . l . Euv lhc Ulcr . li . hl , VJC that vou i ; ct it , "