Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY, Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article IN MEMORIAM. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Subscription lo THE FREEMASON is now 10 s . per annum , post-free , payable in advance .
Vol . I ., bound in cloth ... ... 4 s . 6 d . Vol . IL , ditto js . Cd . Vol . s III ., IV ., V . and VI each 15 s . od . Reuling Cases to hold 52 numbers ... as . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . Gd .
United States of America . THE FUEEMASON is delivered free in any part of the ( Jnited States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in lime for the earlv trains .
The price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , ros . ( payable iu advance . ) AU communications , letters , Pec ., lo be addressed to the Editor , i $ 8 , Fk-ct-slreet , K . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted tohim , but cannot under take to return them unless accompanied bypostatp Btamus .
Now Ready . INDEX to Vol . VI . of "THE FREEMASON . " May be had at the Publishing O . Kce , KJS , I- 'lcetslreet .
Now ready , with Index and Preface , in Twelve Imperial Folio Paits , 5 s . each , or bound in one handsome . volume , £ 3 . THE FREEMASONS' LIBER MUSICUS , Dedicated by express permission toll . It . II . THE PRINCE OF WALES , Past Grand Master of England and Wales . Edited by Dn . WILLIAM SIWHK , P . P . G . O ., W . Y . —29 S . This Work contains 215 pp . and 11 S Musical Compositions suitable for all the Ceiemonics of the Masonic Order ; First , Second , and Thiid Degiees ; Consecration and Dedication of Halls and Lodges ; Programmes , Toasts , Songs , Trios , Choruses , < Ve \ , for Banquets and other Festive Gatherings ; Laying Foundation or Corner Stones ; Installation ; Mark Masonry ; Koyal Arch ; Masonic Funerals ; Voluntaries ; Matches , tec , He . Notice from the Evening Mail . " Onr Masonic renders are nn strangers In lire- name of Uro . William Spark , the tnk-ntcil musician and Organist nf the Town Hall , Leeds . In llris rcallv great work , now completed , Dr . Spark , has shown his i ; rcat tact anil jiidgmen by completing and compiling for the Masonic brethren a complete library nf mnsical , compositions ol lire choicest Knidi >! i anil loiciirn works , ancient , traditional , -. nndc-rn , vocal , anil ii ^ tnrinciitnl , by the- best composers . It comprises Masonic anthems , installation odes , dedication music , responses , opening , closing , and intermediate mnsic for all degrees , Thanksgivings , funeral odes , ni . irchcs , songs , duets , banquet music , programmes , vnlunlarics , and erencral musical directions , arranged fur vniccs and organ , ph . nolorte , or harmonium . "The Freemasons' Liber Musicus " is issued wilh thc concurrence of many inlluential Masonic Lodges , and under the distinguished patvouage and support of flic Most Worshipful thc Grand . Masters of Kngland , Wales , Scotland , ami Ireland . It forms a complete library of the choicest and rarest Masonic music , in aword . it is indispensable load Masonic Unites . The worthy brother editor , moreover , has bail ihe valuable co-nperarion anil assist ince ol the uros ! di tinguished ami experienced composers and or , aui > ts , members of lire i r . ifl . It is brough ! our in lhc highesi -lyle ol an , i .- printed Irom large engraved music plalcs , umllnrm > a ven hanilsonie lolin volume ot " ncarh luo hundred and twenty pages ! " It de-encs lb ; - patronage of every Masonic Lodge , both at home and abroad and lor it- , met its alone it ought to he zealously prized by even bright r . As a present to a lodge , nothing an \] d he more u .-e : nl , valuable , aird appropriate . HANDSOME CLOTH COVERS , wilh gilt lines , and lettered , for Binding ( similar to those used for the Graphic and Illustrated lWics ) , piice 5 s . each . LONDON : GEORGE KENNING . io , S , Fleet-street .
Second Edition , Now Ready , 1 / 6 . A MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE . In the key of C . for A ., T ., T ., li . Opening and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony . Grace before and after Meat . COMPOSED UV DR . , | . C . BAKER , NO . 241 , LONDON . —Geo . Kenning , 19 8 , Fleet-street ; and 1 , 2 , r . nd 3 , Little Britain . „ R . Spencer , 26 , Great Queen-street . LivEiirooL . —Geo . Kenning , 2 , Mor-. umcnt-placc . MANCIIKS-I'F . II . —li .. Henry < . V Co ., jrj , Deansgate . DUBLIN . —C . llcdgeloug , 20 , Grattcm-sticct GLASGOW . —Geo . Kenning , 145 , Argjle-sticct .
THU MARK . MASONS' SONG . "COME , BRETHREN , OF THE MYSTIC TIE . ' Dedicated by permission to the Right Hon . the Karl Percy , M . P ., 30 ° , Right Woishipful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Noithumbcrland . Mail Worshipful Grand Mark Master Masc . e of England . VVouls b y Bio . T . Burdett Yeoman , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 ., composed by Bro . Henry Parker , Original Mail ; Lodge No . 1 . Office , ii ) 8 . Fleet-street .
MADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION , BAKER STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS of SfR GARNET WOLSELEY , the Tluee Judges in the Tichborne Trial , C . ickbum , Mellor , and Lush ; tlie Shah of Persia , Marshal MacMahon , M . Thiers , and the late Air . Chailes Dickens . Admission is . Childien under ten , Od . Extra Rooms , fid . Open from ten a . m . to ten p . m .
Now ready , 12010 ., 20 S pages , handsomely bound in cloth price 2 S- ( id ., post free 2 s . Sd . THE ISRAELITES FOUND IN THE AW GLO-S AXONS . The Ten Tribes suppored to have been lott traced from ihe land of their captivity to their occupation of the Isles of tlic Sea- Wilh an exhibition of those traits of character and national characteristics assigned to Israel irr thc Rooks of the Hebrew Prophets , by Bro . WM . CAIITENTEH , Author of " Seientia Biblica , " " Scripture Natural 1 listory , " " Guide to thc Reading of thc Bible , " " Lectures on Biblical Criticism aud Interpretation , " "A Popular Introduction to thc Bible , " "Thc Biblical Companion , " " Critiea Biblica , " " Calendarium Palestinarr , " "An Introduction to thc Reading and Study of the English Bible , " and Editor of thc fifth large edition of " Calmct's Dictionary of the Bible , " and of the abridgement ol the same , etc ., etc ., etc . LONDON : ' GEORGE KENNING , 10 S , Fleet-street , E . C . ~~ SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One Shilling , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and . the Family Circle , BY BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . 393 , England . ) r PHIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Office , 108 , Fleet-street .
The History Of Freemasonry,
FROM ns ORIGIN r ro TIIE PRESENT DAY . Drawn from the best sources and thc most recent investigations .
BY J . G . FINDEL , Second Edition , Revised , and Preface wiitten by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON .
One vol ., Seo pages Svo ., wilh an Index . Cloth gilt . Price , i os . fid . " Ti . is book is a stiietly historical one , from which all is excluded that is not based upon ascertained or probable fact . "—flttildtr .
" Of its value to Freemasons , as a detailed history of their brotherhood , U is not possible to speak too hig hly . "Puilic Opinion . "Thc author seems to have fairly exhausted the sub-: ect . " — The Athenaeum .
" the edition wc arc now considering- is a second English edition , which had the great advantage of Bro . D . M . Lyon ' s able superintendence and editorshi p in its English dress . There can be no doubt but , that so far , Bro . Findel ' s work is the most complete work on Freemasonry which has yet appeared , and that he deserves thc greatest credit for his careful and accurate treatment of all evidence
ou the subject , and for his honest desire after truth . Bro . Findel gives up in the view he has so clearly and consistently put forth our early Masonic history , the older theoiy ,-f the Roman Colleges , So ., and limits the origin of Freemasonry to about the twelfth century , ami as then arisiinr from the operative Masons , and specially thc " Sieinmeitzeii" aird " Bauhutten" of Germany . Bro .
Findel gives us a good deal of c \ idence on this head , anrl one thing is clear from his work , that the German Freemasons weie , at a very early period , organized into lodges with a Master over them , and with outward regulations anrl inner ceremonies peculiar to the Craft . Pro . Findel rejects all the views which have been from time to time put forward of ; i Templar or a Rosicrucian origin . Whether or no
Bio , Findel ' s theoiy ot the date of the list : of Freemasonry be correct , matters very little : we do not ouisclvcs profess to accept il ; but this weeait fairly say of Bro Findel ' s work , it is mat ked from first to last by the most remnikablc token of industry , ability , and care , of patient research , anp of skilful criticism . We know of no work which so clearly sets beforeus our amount of knowledge up to the present time on
the great question of Masonic Archteology , and there can be little doubt that what . l'reston ' s work is to English I ' reemasonry , Findel ' s work is to cosmopolitan Freemasonry . Indeed no student in Masonry can now dispense with it , and it is a perfect storehouse both of Masonic e \ idence and Masonic illustrations . We earnestly recommend all the lodges in this country to obtain a copy for the lodge library before the
work is bought up for America ; and we believe that no Mason will lise from the perusal of its pages without a higher idea both of the historical truth and intrinsic value of Freemasonry , and of fraternal regard and recognition to the latest aird rrot the least well-informed or effective of our Masonic historians . The present century has produced no such equal , in authoiity and usefulness , to the great
work of our Bro . Findel , aird we wish him and it , in all of fratenral sympathy and kindly intent , many earnest rcade's , and more grateful students . "—The Masonic Magazine . " This volume is the history of Masonry par excellence Every interested person may regard it , therefore , as the present text-book on the subject . "—Manchester Guardian Lor . don : GEORGE K 1 CNNING , iy 8 , Fleet Street .
THE LIFE OF CONSTANTINE . Written in Greek , by ICusEiiuis PA . MI ' . US , ( Bishop cf Carsaiea in Palestine ) . Done into English from that edition , set forth by VAI . ESIUS , and poured in Paris irr the year lG ^ ij . Preface by Bros . I ! . Wentworth Little , Treas . Gen .
and the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , Past Grand Chaplain Willi Engravings of Constantine ; the Duke of Sussex P . O . Sov . ; Lord Rancliffe , P . G . Sov . ; Earl Bective , M . P . P . G . Sov . ; Sir Fredeiick Martin Williams , Bait ., M . P . M . I . G . Sov ., Arc , & c . London : GEORGE KENNING , 10 S , Fleet-street .
giisfocni tcr ( Dtaspnkitfjj , All Communications , Advertisements , cec , intended for inseition in thc Number of the following Saturday , must reach thc . Office not later than 6 o ' clock on Wednesday evening . Thc following- stand over : —Reports of Lodge 1229 ; Chapter id ;; Mark Lodge 19 ; Red Cross Conclaves 4 + > SO-
TO FOREIGN SUBSCRIBERS . It is very necessary for our friends to advise us of all money orders they remit , more especir-rlly those from the United States of America , otherwise we cannot tell where to credit them . Several remain nncredited at the present time owing to no advice having been received .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , J 13 TH , 1874 .
In Memoriam.
One of the most affecting circumstances connected with this human life of ours , ( independently of its admitted shortness and its unsatisfying gifts , and that sense of weariness which
falls so often on the human heart , amid toil and amid success ) , is that constant separation from old companions and valued friends , which takes place every day , nay every hour , in all professions ,
and on every highway or byeway of the world . Whoever we be , wherever our lot is cast , whatever may be allotted to us as our rank or calling in society and among our fellow men , there
comes to us all equally , sooner or later , that unchanging experience of human existence , which is probably most fully and truly realized alone , in that greatest of all severances which divides
us from our mates and companions here , that sad , but common lot of us frail children of the Earth , which throws , so to say , its cloud of gloom and regret , over the pathway of our feet ,
and penetrates with sorrow , or bows down with awe , many a loving , many a friendly , many a sympathizing heart of man . Just as of old , the poet sang in solemn strain , so is it in a measure still with us all : —
" Divcsne prisco uatus ab Inacho Nil interest , an pauper et inlima De gente sub Dio moreris ,
Victima nil miserantis Orci . Omnes cbdem cogimur , omnium Versatur urna , serins , ocius Sors exitura . "
For even to day , we miss in a moment some companion of years from our very side , or we read in the daily journal of the passing away of some well known and valued fellow labourer .
Ihe active brain has ceased to work , the eloquent tongue to speak , the warm heart to beat , and we find that like a band of pilgrims , marching onward to some distant shrine , one by one ,
our fellow travellers have fallen out by the way , either in the fulness of all their powers of mind and body , because in God ' s good and inscrutable
Providence their hour was come , or because they became prematurely footsore by the way , or fainted weary with the march of life .
Those of us who have had much to do with Lodge life especially , must know , and will admit , how true this is of those associations , which are
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Subscription lo THE FREEMASON is now 10 s . per annum , post-free , payable in advance .
Vol . I ., bound in cloth ... ... 4 s . 6 d . Vol . IL , ditto js . Cd . Vol . s III ., IV ., V . and VI each 15 s . od . Reuling Cases to hold 52 numbers ... as . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . Gd .
United States of America . THE FUEEMASON is delivered free in any part of the ( Jnited States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in lime for the earlv trains .
The price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , ros . ( payable iu advance . ) AU communications , letters , Pec ., lo be addressed to the Editor , i $ 8 , Fk-ct-slreet , K . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted tohim , but cannot under take to return them unless accompanied bypostatp Btamus .
Now Ready . INDEX to Vol . VI . of "THE FREEMASON . " May be had at the Publishing O . Kce , KJS , I- 'lcetslreet .
Now ready , with Index and Preface , in Twelve Imperial Folio Paits , 5 s . each , or bound in one handsome . volume , £ 3 . THE FREEMASONS' LIBER MUSICUS , Dedicated by express permission toll . It . II . THE PRINCE OF WALES , Past Grand Master of England and Wales . Edited by Dn . WILLIAM SIWHK , P . P . G . O ., W . Y . —29 S . This Work contains 215 pp . and 11 S Musical Compositions suitable for all the Ceiemonics of the Masonic Order ; First , Second , and Thiid Degiees ; Consecration and Dedication of Halls and Lodges ; Programmes , Toasts , Songs , Trios , Choruses , < Ve \ , for Banquets and other Festive Gatherings ; Laying Foundation or Corner Stones ; Installation ; Mark Masonry ; Koyal Arch ; Masonic Funerals ; Voluntaries ; Matches , tec , He . Notice from the Evening Mail . " Onr Masonic renders are nn strangers In lire- name of Uro . William Spark , the tnk-ntcil musician and Organist nf the Town Hall , Leeds . In llris rcallv great work , now completed , Dr . Spark , has shown his i ; rcat tact anil jiidgmen by completing and compiling for the Masonic brethren a complete library nf mnsical , compositions ol lire choicest Knidi >! i anil loiciirn works , ancient , traditional , -. nndc-rn , vocal , anil ii ^ tnrinciitnl , by the- best composers . It comprises Masonic anthems , installation odes , dedication music , responses , opening , closing , and intermediate mnsic for all degrees , Thanksgivings , funeral odes , ni . irchcs , songs , duets , banquet music , programmes , vnlunlarics , and erencral musical directions , arranged fur vniccs and organ , ph . nolorte , or harmonium . "The Freemasons' Liber Musicus " is issued wilh thc concurrence of many inlluential Masonic Lodges , and under the distinguished patvouage and support of flic Most Worshipful thc Grand . Masters of Kngland , Wales , Scotland , ami Ireland . It forms a complete library of the choicest and rarest Masonic music , in aword . it is indispensable load Masonic Unites . The worthy brother editor , moreover , has bail ihe valuable co-nperarion anil assist ince ol the uros ! di tinguished ami experienced composers and or , aui > ts , members of lire i r . ifl . It is brough ! our in lhc highesi -lyle ol an , i .- printed Irom large engraved music plalcs , umllnrm > a ven hanilsonie lolin volume ot " ncarh luo hundred and twenty pages ! " It de-encs lb ; - patronage of every Masonic Lodge , both at home and abroad and lor it- , met its alone it ought to he zealously prized by even bright r . As a present to a lodge , nothing an \] d he more u .-e : nl , valuable , aird appropriate . HANDSOME CLOTH COVERS , wilh gilt lines , and lettered , for Binding ( similar to those used for the Graphic and Illustrated lWics ) , piice 5 s . each . LONDON : GEORGE KENNING . io , S , Fleet-street .
Second Edition , Now Ready , 1 / 6 . A MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE . In the key of C . for A ., T ., T ., li . Opening and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony . Grace before and after Meat . COMPOSED UV DR . , | . C . BAKER , NO . 241 , LONDON . —Geo . Kenning , 19 8 , Fleet-street ; and 1 , 2 , r . nd 3 , Little Britain . „ R . Spencer , 26 , Great Queen-street . LivEiirooL . —Geo . Kenning , 2 , Mor-. umcnt-placc . MANCIIKS-I'F . II . —li .. Henry < . V Co ., jrj , Deansgate . DUBLIN . —C . llcdgeloug , 20 , Grattcm-sticct GLASGOW . —Geo . Kenning , 145 , Argjle-sticct .
THU MARK . MASONS' SONG . "COME , BRETHREN , OF THE MYSTIC TIE . ' Dedicated by permission to the Right Hon . the Karl Percy , M . P ., 30 ° , Right Woishipful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Noithumbcrland . Mail Worshipful Grand Mark Master Masc . e of England . VVouls b y Bio . T . Burdett Yeoman , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 ., composed by Bro . Henry Parker , Original Mail ; Lodge No . 1 . Office , ii ) 8 . Fleet-street .
MADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION , BAKER STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS of SfR GARNET WOLSELEY , the Tluee Judges in the Tichborne Trial , C . ickbum , Mellor , and Lush ; tlie Shah of Persia , Marshal MacMahon , M . Thiers , and the late Air . Chailes Dickens . Admission is . Childien under ten , Od . Extra Rooms , fid . Open from ten a . m . to ten p . m .
Now ready , 12010 ., 20 S pages , handsomely bound in cloth price 2 S- ( id ., post free 2 s . Sd . THE ISRAELITES FOUND IN THE AW GLO-S AXONS . The Ten Tribes suppored to have been lott traced from ihe land of their captivity to their occupation of the Isles of tlic Sea- Wilh an exhibition of those traits of character and national characteristics assigned to Israel irr thc Rooks of the Hebrew Prophets , by Bro . WM . CAIITENTEH , Author of " Seientia Biblica , " " Scripture Natural 1 listory , " " Guide to thc Reading of thc Bible , " " Lectures on Biblical Criticism aud Interpretation , " "A Popular Introduction to thc Bible , " "Thc Biblical Companion , " " Critiea Biblica , " " Calendarium Palestinarr , " "An Introduction to thc Reading and Study of the English Bible , " and Editor of thc fifth large edition of " Calmct's Dictionary of the Bible , " and of the abridgement ol the same , etc ., etc ., etc . LONDON : ' GEORGE KENNING , 10 S , Fleet-street , E . C . ~~ SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One Shilling , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and . the Family Circle , BY BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . 393 , England . ) r PHIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Office , 108 , Fleet-street .
The History Of Freemasonry,
FROM ns ORIGIN r ro TIIE PRESENT DAY . Drawn from the best sources and thc most recent investigations .
BY J . G . FINDEL , Second Edition , Revised , and Preface wiitten by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON .
One vol ., Seo pages Svo ., wilh an Index . Cloth gilt . Price , i os . fid . " Ti . is book is a stiietly historical one , from which all is excluded that is not based upon ascertained or probable fact . "—flttildtr .
" Of its value to Freemasons , as a detailed history of their brotherhood , U is not possible to speak too hig hly . "Puilic Opinion . "Thc author seems to have fairly exhausted the sub-: ect . " — The Athenaeum .
" the edition wc arc now considering- is a second English edition , which had the great advantage of Bro . D . M . Lyon ' s able superintendence and editorshi p in its English dress . There can be no doubt but , that so far , Bro . Findel ' s work is the most complete work on Freemasonry which has yet appeared , and that he deserves thc greatest credit for his careful and accurate treatment of all evidence
ou the subject , and for his honest desire after truth . Bro . Findel gives up in the view he has so clearly and consistently put forth our early Masonic history , the older theoiy ,-f the Roman Colleges , So ., and limits the origin of Freemasonry to about the twelfth century , ami as then arisiinr from the operative Masons , and specially thc " Sieinmeitzeii" aird " Bauhutten" of Germany . Bro .
Findel gives us a good deal of c \ idence on this head , anrl one thing is clear from his work , that the German Freemasons weie , at a very early period , organized into lodges with a Master over them , and with outward regulations anrl inner ceremonies peculiar to the Craft . Pro . Findel rejects all the views which have been from time to time put forward of ; i Templar or a Rosicrucian origin . Whether or no
Bio , Findel ' s theoiy ot the date of the list : of Freemasonry be correct , matters very little : we do not ouisclvcs profess to accept il ; but this weeait fairly say of Bro Findel ' s work , it is mat ked from first to last by the most remnikablc token of industry , ability , and care , of patient research , anp of skilful criticism . We know of no work which so clearly sets beforeus our amount of knowledge up to the present time on
the great question of Masonic Archteology , and there can be little doubt that what . l'reston ' s work is to English I ' reemasonry , Findel ' s work is to cosmopolitan Freemasonry . Indeed no student in Masonry can now dispense with it , and it is a perfect storehouse both of Masonic e \ idence and Masonic illustrations . We earnestly recommend all the lodges in this country to obtain a copy for the lodge library before the
work is bought up for America ; and we believe that no Mason will lise from the perusal of its pages without a higher idea both of the historical truth and intrinsic value of Freemasonry , and of fraternal regard and recognition to the latest aird rrot the least well-informed or effective of our Masonic historians . The present century has produced no such equal , in authoiity and usefulness , to the great
work of our Bro . Findel , aird we wish him and it , in all of fratenral sympathy and kindly intent , many earnest rcade's , and more grateful students . "—The Masonic Magazine . " This volume is the history of Masonry par excellence Every interested person may regard it , therefore , as the present text-book on the subject . "—Manchester Guardian Lor . don : GEORGE K 1 CNNING , iy 8 , Fleet Street .
THE LIFE OF CONSTANTINE . Written in Greek , by ICusEiiuis PA . MI ' . US , ( Bishop cf Carsaiea in Palestine ) . Done into English from that edition , set forth by VAI . ESIUS , and poured in Paris irr the year lG ^ ij . Preface by Bros . I ! . Wentworth Little , Treas . Gen .
and the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , Past Grand Chaplain Willi Engravings of Constantine ; the Duke of Sussex P . O . Sov . ; Lord Rancliffe , P . G . Sov . ; Earl Bective , M . P . P . G . Sov . ; Sir Fredeiick Martin Williams , Bait ., M . P . M . I . G . Sov ., Arc , & c . London : GEORGE KENNING , 10 S , Fleet-street .
giisfocni tcr ( Dtaspnkitfjj , All Communications , Advertisements , cec , intended for inseition in thc Number of the following Saturday , must reach thc . Office not later than 6 o ' clock on Wednesday evening . Thc following- stand over : —Reports of Lodge 1229 ; Chapter id ;; Mark Lodge 19 ; Red Cross Conclaves 4 + > SO-
TO FOREIGN SUBSCRIBERS . It is very necessary for our friends to advise us of all money orders they remit , more especir-rlly those from the United States of America , otherwise we cannot tell where to credit them . Several remain nncredited at the present time owing to no advice having been received .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , J 13 TH , 1874 .
In Memoriam.
One of the most affecting circumstances connected with this human life of ours , ( independently of its admitted shortness and its unsatisfying gifts , and that sense of weariness which
falls so often on the human heart , amid toil and amid success ) , is that constant separation from old companions and valued friends , which takes place every day , nay every hour , in all professions ,
and on every highway or byeway of the world . Whoever we be , wherever our lot is cast , whatever may be allotted to us as our rank or calling in society and among our fellow men , there
comes to us all equally , sooner or later , that unchanging experience of human existence , which is probably most fully and truly realized alone , in that greatest of all severances which divides
us from our mates and companions here , that sad , but common lot of us frail children of the Earth , which throws , so to say , its cloud of gloom and regret , over the pathway of our feet ,
and penetrates with sorrow , or bows down with awe , many a loving , many a friendly , many a sympathizing heart of man . Just as of old , the poet sang in solemn strain , so is it in a measure still with us all : —
" Divcsne prisco uatus ab Inacho Nil interest , an pauper et inlima De gente sub Dio moreris ,
Victima nil miserantis Orci . Omnes cbdem cogimur , omnium Versatur urna , serins , ocius Sors exitura . "
For even to day , we miss in a moment some companion of years from our very side , or we read in the daily journal of the passing away of some well known and valued fellow labourer .
Ihe active brain has ceased to work , the eloquent tongue to speak , the warm heart to beat , and we find that like a band of pilgrims , marching onward to some distant shrine , one by one ,
our fellow travellers have fallen out by the way , either in the fulness of all their powers of mind and body , because in God ' s good and inscrutable
Providence their hour was come , or because they became prematurely footsore by the way , or fainted weary with the march of life .
Those of us who have had much to do with Lodge life especially , must know , and will admit , how true this is of those associations , which are