Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC SERVICE. Page 1 of 1 Article Lodges and Chapter of Instruction. Page 1 of 1
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Craft Masonry.
"The Prov . Grand Officers" was proposed by the W . M ., who referred to the several Prov . Grand Officers present , and said that Masonry in Surrey was bound to go forward with such good men at the head . Bro . C . Tyler , Prov . G . Sec , returned thanks , and said he expressed the feelings of all Prov . Grand Officers present when he said how pleased they were at tin' manner in which the work was done in the lodge . It was a great treat , and he could safely say having visited a great marly , that each lodge in the province tried to outdo the others .
The Prov . Grand Master , in proposing the next toast— " The Health of the W . M . " —said he had known the W . M . for too short a time to enable him to prognosticate what would be the result of his year of office , but he could say the W . M . had taken no small pains in the interest of the lodge to see that everything was in decency and order . As a W . M . Bro . Berry had a high standard to live up to , for the work he had seen that day was as good as any to be found in the province . It had been often said— " That which
becomes a man most is his manner of leaving it , " and that which became a W . M . most was the manner in which he installed his successor , and no brother present would contradict him when he said that the manner in which tho W . M . had been installed was worthy of the traditions of that lodge . He gave them " The Health of the W . M ., " wishing that his year of office would be as successful , and that he might instal his successor in as admirable a manner as had been clone that night .
Bro . E . L . Berry , W . M ., expressed his thanks for tli ; way in which tlia toast had been proposed and received . He had indeed a very difficult task to perform for the next 12 months to try to get "one better" than the I . P . M . He would do his best to be their W . M . as a W . M . should be , and carry out the work to the b . ; st of his ability , and endeavour to make them happv and their meetings as genial as possible . That
lodge was formed with the idea of being charitable , and be hoped that , although many were London Masons , they would not forget the Province of Surrey . They bad a Charity Association formed with the idea of Worshipful Masters of the lodge going up as Stewards with good lists . He again thanked them for the manner in which they had received him , and for the kindness with which they had placed him in the chair . "The Initiate " was next given and responded to , after which
The W . M . submitted " The Installing Master and Past Masters . " The I . P . M ., Bro . Cleave , was a man of sterling worth , and when he ( the W . M . ) asked that brother to join that lodge , they would give him credit for introducing a worthy Mason . The Prov . Grand Master had referred to the perfect rendering of the installation ceremony , which was done after the three Degrees had been performed . Bro . Langton had done good suit and service in Masonry , especially as Secretary of the Charity Committee , and liro . C . O . Burgess ' s work had been recognised by Prov . Grand Lodge .
Bro . J . R . Cleave , I . P . M ., returned thanks for the reception accorded him , and also for the jewel presented by the lodge . Bros . J . D . Langton , D . G . D . C , and C . 0 . Burgess , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., also replied . "The Visitors " was given by Bro . Burge's , P . P . G . D ., and responded to by Bros . Gardiner , P . S . G . W . Berks ; W . B . Fendick , P . S . G . D . Betks ; F . Kedge , P . M . ; and ColyerP . M .
, Other toasts were given before the Tyler ' s tcast closed a successful gathering , that will doubtless be regarded as a red-letter day in the history of this young and successful lodge . Bro . Foan , Org ., presided in a brilliant manner at the pianoforte , and was ably assisted in the musical arrangements by Bros . Stuart Walker , Masters , Read , and Sergeant Lee .
A GRAND MASONIC TEMPLE IS being arranged for at the new Trocadero Restaurant which Messrs . J . Lyons & Co . are now completing at Piccadilly Circus . Special and complete accommodation will be provided for large and small lodges , and the tariff will be strictly in accord with the moderation which has hitherto characterised J . Lyons and Co . ' s charges . The cuisine will fully sustain the high reputation this company have already earned , and the decorations and comforts of Ihe whole place will mark a new era in the record of Masonic gatherings . Inquiries as to particulars , should he addressed to the proprietors , J . Lyons & Co ., Limited , Cadby Hall , Kensington . — ADVT . 1
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Moira Chapter , No . 92 . The installation of Piincipals took place on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . The following are the oilicers for the year : Comps . Sir Norman Pringle , Bart ., M . E . Z . ; G . Greiner , II . ; E . D . Oppert , J . ; Berlram Noakes , P . Z ., S . E . ; R . Phillips , P . Z ., S . N . ; J . M . Mitchell , P . S . ; Sir Alfred Dent , K . C . M . G ., P . Z ., A . S . ; K . VV . Tweedie , P . Z ., A . S . ; and T . L . Wilkinson , P . Z ., Treas . Those present were duly invested , and after the installation of the First Principal by Comp . VV . Hooker , I . P . Z ., the ceremonies of installing H . and J . were very ably performed by the new M . E . Z .
There were also present Comps . R . F . Gould , P . Z ., and W . Bohm , P . Z . Visitors Comps . John E . Lovett , 1414 , and Andrew C . Durrant , 12 . Comp . W . J . Ilughan , P . A . G . S ., was prevented by a previous engagement from being present . The companions afterwards dined together .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Love and Honour Lodge , No . 94 . The annual meeting of the above lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 4 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Falmouth , when Bro . J . M . Carne , P . M ., was installed W . M . for the second time . He appointed his officers as follows : Bros . W . W . J . Sharpe , S . W . ; W . Wickett , J . W . ; VV . F . Newman , P . M ., Treas . ; B ruce Gregg , M . O . ; J . M . Blarney , S . O . ; W . Nicholls , J . O . ; J . Rowe , S . D . ; T . G . Holder , J . D . ; J . H . Peters , I . G . ; W . Gundry , Sec . ; A . Smith , D . C . ; G . Carter , Org . ; and J . Frances , Tyler .
After business the brethren retired for refreshment to the Royal Hotel , where a very pleasant evening was spent .
Tun GLOKIES of the old Trocadero in its best days are to be more than revived , as Messrs . J . Lyons & Co . have erected upon its site at Piccadilly Circus one of the grandest restaurants to be found in Europe . For elegance and convenience of construction , splendour of decoration , and the comfort and completeness of the general appointments it would be difficult to find its peer . The cuisine of J . Lyons & Co ., Ltd ., has earned for this Company the title of The Only Perfect Caterers , and the Trocadero Restaurant will be a distinct acquisition to Masonic lodges . Applications respecting bookings should be made to the proprietors , J . Lyons & Co ., Ltd ., Cadby Hall , Kensington , W . —[ ADVT . ]
Masonic Service.
On Tuesday afternoon , the 2 nd instant , a Masonic service was held in Manchester Cathedral in connection with the Yarborough Lodge , No . 633 , Assembling in the Derb y Chapel , the brethren walked in procession to the northdoor and took the seats assigned to them in the centre of the building . An appropriate sermon was preached by the Dean , who , in commending Masonic objects and Charities , dwelt on the fact that Ihe special teaching of Trinity Sunday was that of unity , which was also the feature of Freemasonry .
Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapter of Instruction .
PROSPERITY LODGE , No . G 5 . The usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 13 th ult ., at the Weavers' Arms , London Wall , K . C ., when there were present Bros . William Baker , W . M . ; VV . J . Greig , Asst . Preceptor , S . W . ; Spencer , | . W . ; D . Harlow , P . M ., Preceptor ; II . T . Meadows , Sec ; Jas . Smith , P . M ., S . D . ; I ' . mden , J . D . ; Butcher , I . G . ; Harris , P . M . ; Drake , Rev . Selby-Henrcy , Scott , Holmes , and Knight .
The lodge having been opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , the ceremony of initiation was very successfully rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Drake being the candidate . The W . M . then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Meadows , who worked the ceremony of raising , Bro . Rev . SelUy-Uenrey being the candidate . Bro . Baker then resumed the chair , and closed the lodge in due form after liro . Greig had been unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting .
LA TOLERANCE LODGE , No . 53 S . A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Frascati Restaurant , Oxford-street , VV ., when there were present Bros . II . C . Parker , W . M . ; T . L . Goldstein , S . W . ; F . Jackson , P . M ., J . W . j J . Paul , P . M ., Preceptor ; F . Thorn , P . M ., Asst . Preceptor ; Geo . Hill , P . M ., Treas . ; W . E . Willhy , P . M ., Sec ; F . G . Evans , S . D . ; M . Beedle , J . D . ; A . G . Sturgess , I . G . ; W . Proctor , P . M ., Tyler ; A . Terry , T . H . Clear , and J . Mason .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes were read . The 1 st Section of the Lecture was worked by Bro . Thorn , P . M ., and the 2 nd by Bro . Jackson . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . A . Terry being the candidate . The W . M , rose for the first time , and the dues were collected . At the second rising , Bro . J . L . Goldstein was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his oilicers in rotation . After the third rising , all Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
RANELAGH LODGE , No . S 34 . A meeting was held on Friday , the 29 th ult ., at the Six Bells Hotel , Oueen-street , Hammersmith . Present : Bros . K . Phillips , W . M . ; Wm . Hide , S . W . ; " VV . Hinds , J . W . ; A . Williams , P . M ., Preceptor ; T . Jobson , Treas . ; F . Craggs , P . M ., Sec ; P . Cronin , S . D . ; A . J . Clayton , J . D . ; T . Knights , I . G . ; ) . H . King , Steward ; VV . J . Coplestone . P . M . ; VV . VV . Williams , P . M . : R . II . Williams , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . Middx . ; Barton Jones , P . M ., W . M . 452 ; Hans Scharien , P . M ., W . M . S 34 ; A . J . Dalton , E . H . Tompsett , R . Reid , H . Sellick . J . Worth , J . Banks , and Webb .
The lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Tompsett acting as candidate . Bro . Banks offered himself as a candidate for passing , and he was examined and entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremi . ny of passing rehearsed . The lodge was then resumed to the First Degree . Bros . Barton Jones and Frederick Webb were elected joining members . The lodge was thm closed .
HARROW LODGE , No . 1310 . A meeting ot this lodge was held on Friday , the 29 th ult ., at the Waterloo Arms , High-street , Marylebone , VV ., when there were present : Bros . Weston , W . M . ; E . Lewis , S . W . ; Rudrum , J . W . ; Geo . Wood , P . M ., Preceptor ; Jabez Mason , Sec ; T . West , S . D . ; Rowe , J . D . ; Eardley , I . G . ; Lynn , P . M . ; Ellis , P . M . ; Brown , P . M . ; C . E . Mulvey , P . M . ; Jones , Johnstone , Drewell , Roberts , and Dingley .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Johnstone having been examined and entrusted , the lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , liro . Johnstone acting as candidate . Bro . Roberts having been examined and entrusted , the lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Roberts
acting as candidate . The lodge having been resumed to the First Degree , the W . M . rose for the first time , when Bro . Ellis , 1310 , was elected a joining member . Bro . T . West , I . P . M . 1310 , was presented with a Past Master ' s jewel on his vacating the chair in the Harrow Lodge , and replied in a neat speech , thanking the oilicers and brethren of the mother lodge , The W . M . having risen for the second and third times , the lodge was closed .
CITY OF WESTMINSTER LODGE , No . 15 G 3 . A meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Cafe Royal , Regent-street , VV ., when there were present : Bros . VV . M . Marks , W . M . ; Ashplant , S . W . ; Taylor , J . W . ; Smith , P . M ., Preceptor ; II . T . Culliford , S . D . ; Stewart , J . D . ; Flood , I . G . ; Long , Tvler ; and others . The lodge was opened in due lorm , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Smith , P . M ., Preceptor , assisted by the brethren , worked the ist Section of the Lecture , the ceremonies of initiation and passing were next rehearsed , Bros . Marks and Neilson acting as candidates . The loelge was subsequently closed .
KENSINGTON LODGE , No . 17 G 7 . A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 2 Gth ult ., at the Town Hall Tavern , High-street , Kensington , when there were present Bros . II . J . Seal , W . M .: H . G . Danby , P . M ., S . W . ; R . Liddiard , J . W . ; R . II . Williams , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . Middx ., Dep . Preceptor ; F . Craggs , P . M ., Sec ; Barton Jones , W . M . 452 , S . D . ; R . N . Carter . W . M . 1791 , J . D . ; Hillier , P . M . ; VV . B . Neville , P . M . ; C G . Hart , P . M . ; J . H . Neville , P . M ., W . M . 17 G 7 ; A . J . Clayton , and VV . H . Marler .
The lodge was opened in the usual form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . VV . B . Neville acting as candidate . Bro . Clayton offered himself as a candidate for passing , and having been duly examined was entrusted . The lodge was resumed in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed . The lodge was resumed in the First Degree . Bro . Marler was elected W . M . for the next meeting , and the lodge was closed .
STAR CHAPTER , No . 1275 . A meeting was held at the Stirling Castle Hotel , Church-street , Camberwell , S . E ., on Friday , the 22 nd ult . Present : Comps . J . Loader , M . E . Z . ; J . Dunn , II . ; W . Dawson , J . ; T . Grummant , P . Z ,, Preceptor ; C . H . Stone , P . Z ., S E . ; H . Cornford , S . N . ; G . Lewis , P . S . ; North , Bailey , and Hewitt . The chapter was declared open , The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Hewitt personating the candidate . Comp . Jos . Bailey , 1901 , was elected a joining member . Comp . J . Dunn , II . was elected M . E . Z . for the next meeting , which closed the chapter for the session ( June , July , and August ) . The chapter was then closed .
TIIK Oi . u TROCADERO went the way of all things but in its stead there has been raised a Trocadero which bids fair to altogether eclipse the memories of the old favourite place of amusement . A magnificent lestaurant has been raised upon its site , and Messrs . J . Lyons and Co ., Limited , have succeeded beyond their anticipations in making this the most attractive and comfortable resort of the kind in Europe . A Masonic Temple is included in its many attractions and exceptionally good arrangements are being made for the convenience of lodges . Application lor particulars should be made to the proprietors , J . Lyons and Co . Limited , Cadby Hall , Kensington . —[ Auvr . ]
IN THE MATCH from the Noro to Dover on Saturday last , four of the largest yachts , namely , the Salanita , the Ailsa , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ' s Britannia , and the Emperor of Germany ' s Meteor , were entered , and , after an exciting contest , first prize was taken by the Meteor , the Britannia being second , the former , alter deducting the necessary time allowance , just succeeding in beating her formidable opponent . In the evening the captain of the Meteor received a telegram from the Emperor congratulating him and his crew on their success . This is the second time the Meteor has been victorious over the Britannia .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
"The Prov . Grand Officers" was proposed by the W . M ., who referred to the several Prov . Grand Officers present , and said that Masonry in Surrey was bound to go forward with such good men at the head . Bro . C . Tyler , Prov . G . Sec , returned thanks , and said he expressed the feelings of all Prov . Grand Officers present when he said how pleased they were at tin' manner in which the work was done in the lodge . It was a great treat , and he could safely say having visited a great marly , that each lodge in the province tried to outdo the others .
The Prov . Grand Master , in proposing the next toast— " The Health of the W . M . " —said he had known the W . M . for too short a time to enable him to prognosticate what would be the result of his year of office , but he could say the W . M . had taken no small pains in the interest of the lodge to see that everything was in decency and order . As a W . M . Bro . Berry had a high standard to live up to , for the work he had seen that day was as good as any to be found in the province . It had been often said— " That which
becomes a man most is his manner of leaving it , " and that which became a W . M . most was the manner in which he installed his successor , and no brother present would contradict him when he said that the manner in which tho W . M . had been installed was worthy of the traditions of that lodge . He gave them " The Health of the W . M ., " wishing that his year of office would be as successful , and that he might instal his successor in as admirable a manner as had been clone that night .
Bro . E . L . Berry , W . M ., expressed his thanks for tli ; way in which tlia toast had been proposed and received . He had indeed a very difficult task to perform for the next 12 months to try to get "one better" than the I . P . M . He would do his best to be their W . M . as a W . M . should be , and carry out the work to the b . ; st of his ability , and endeavour to make them happv and their meetings as genial as possible . That
lodge was formed with the idea of being charitable , and be hoped that , although many were London Masons , they would not forget the Province of Surrey . They bad a Charity Association formed with the idea of Worshipful Masters of the lodge going up as Stewards with good lists . He again thanked them for the manner in which they had received him , and for the kindness with which they had placed him in the chair . "The Initiate " was next given and responded to , after which
The W . M . submitted " The Installing Master and Past Masters . " The I . P . M ., Bro . Cleave , was a man of sterling worth , and when he ( the W . M . ) asked that brother to join that lodge , they would give him credit for introducing a worthy Mason . The Prov . Grand Master had referred to the perfect rendering of the installation ceremony , which was done after the three Degrees had been performed . Bro . Langton had done good suit and service in Masonry , especially as Secretary of the Charity Committee , and liro . C . O . Burgess ' s work had been recognised by Prov . Grand Lodge .
Bro . J . R . Cleave , I . P . M ., returned thanks for the reception accorded him , and also for the jewel presented by the lodge . Bros . J . D . Langton , D . G . D . C , and C . 0 . Burgess , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., also replied . "The Visitors " was given by Bro . Burge's , P . P . G . D ., and responded to by Bros . Gardiner , P . S . G . W . Berks ; W . B . Fendick , P . S . G . D . Betks ; F . Kedge , P . M . ; and ColyerP . M .
, Other toasts were given before the Tyler ' s tcast closed a successful gathering , that will doubtless be regarded as a red-letter day in the history of this young and successful lodge . Bro . Foan , Org ., presided in a brilliant manner at the pianoforte , and was ably assisted in the musical arrangements by Bros . Stuart Walker , Masters , Read , and Sergeant Lee .
A GRAND MASONIC TEMPLE IS being arranged for at the new Trocadero Restaurant which Messrs . J . Lyons & Co . are now completing at Piccadilly Circus . Special and complete accommodation will be provided for large and small lodges , and the tariff will be strictly in accord with the moderation which has hitherto characterised J . Lyons and Co . ' s charges . The cuisine will fully sustain the high reputation this company have already earned , and the decorations and comforts of Ihe whole place will mark a new era in the record of Masonic gatherings . Inquiries as to particulars , should he addressed to the proprietors , J . Lyons & Co ., Limited , Cadby Hall , Kensington . — ADVT . 1
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Moira Chapter , No . 92 . The installation of Piincipals took place on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . The following are the oilicers for the year : Comps . Sir Norman Pringle , Bart ., M . E . Z . ; G . Greiner , II . ; E . D . Oppert , J . ; Berlram Noakes , P . Z ., S . E . ; R . Phillips , P . Z ., S . N . ; J . M . Mitchell , P . S . ; Sir Alfred Dent , K . C . M . G ., P . Z ., A . S . ; K . VV . Tweedie , P . Z ., A . S . ; and T . L . Wilkinson , P . Z ., Treas . Those present were duly invested , and after the installation of the First Principal by Comp . VV . Hooker , I . P . Z ., the ceremonies of installing H . and J . were very ably performed by the new M . E . Z .
There were also present Comps . R . F . Gould , P . Z ., and W . Bohm , P . Z . Visitors Comps . John E . Lovett , 1414 , and Andrew C . Durrant , 12 . Comp . W . J . Ilughan , P . A . G . S ., was prevented by a previous engagement from being present . The companions afterwards dined together .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Love and Honour Lodge , No . 94 . The annual meeting of the above lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 4 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Falmouth , when Bro . J . M . Carne , P . M ., was installed W . M . for the second time . He appointed his officers as follows : Bros . W . W . J . Sharpe , S . W . ; W . Wickett , J . W . ; VV . F . Newman , P . M ., Treas . ; B ruce Gregg , M . O . ; J . M . Blarney , S . O . ; W . Nicholls , J . O . ; J . Rowe , S . D . ; T . G . Holder , J . D . ; J . H . Peters , I . G . ; W . Gundry , Sec . ; A . Smith , D . C . ; G . Carter , Org . ; and J . Frances , Tyler .
After business the brethren retired for refreshment to the Royal Hotel , where a very pleasant evening was spent .
Tun GLOKIES of the old Trocadero in its best days are to be more than revived , as Messrs . J . Lyons & Co . have erected upon its site at Piccadilly Circus one of the grandest restaurants to be found in Europe . For elegance and convenience of construction , splendour of decoration , and the comfort and completeness of the general appointments it would be difficult to find its peer . The cuisine of J . Lyons & Co ., Ltd ., has earned for this Company the title of The Only Perfect Caterers , and the Trocadero Restaurant will be a distinct acquisition to Masonic lodges . Applications respecting bookings should be made to the proprietors , J . Lyons & Co ., Ltd ., Cadby Hall , Kensington , W . —[ ADVT . ]
Masonic Service.
On Tuesday afternoon , the 2 nd instant , a Masonic service was held in Manchester Cathedral in connection with the Yarborough Lodge , No . 633 , Assembling in the Derb y Chapel , the brethren walked in procession to the northdoor and took the seats assigned to them in the centre of the building . An appropriate sermon was preached by the Dean , who , in commending Masonic objects and Charities , dwelt on the fact that Ihe special teaching of Trinity Sunday was that of unity , which was also the feature of Freemasonry .
Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapter of Instruction .
PROSPERITY LODGE , No . G 5 . The usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 13 th ult ., at the Weavers' Arms , London Wall , K . C ., when there were present Bros . William Baker , W . M . ; VV . J . Greig , Asst . Preceptor , S . W . ; Spencer , | . W . ; D . Harlow , P . M ., Preceptor ; II . T . Meadows , Sec ; Jas . Smith , P . M ., S . D . ; I ' . mden , J . D . ; Butcher , I . G . ; Harris , P . M . ; Drake , Rev . Selby-Henrcy , Scott , Holmes , and Knight .
The lodge having been opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , the ceremony of initiation was very successfully rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Drake being the candidate . The W . M . then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Meadows , who worked the ceremony of raising , Bro . Rev . SelUy-Uenrey being the candidate . Bro . Baker then resumed the chair , and closed the lodge in due form after liro . Greig had been unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting .
LA TOLERANCE LODGE , No . 53 S . A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Frascati Restaurant , Oxford-street , VV ., when there were present Bros . II . C . Parker , W . M . ; T . L . Goldstein , S . W . ; F . Jackson , P . M ., J . W . j J . Paul , P . M ., Preceptor ; F . Thorn , P . M ., Asst . Preceptor ; Geo . Hill , P . M ., Treas . ; W . E . Willhy , P . M ., Sec ; F . G . Evans , S . D . ; M . Beedle , J . D . ; A . G . Sturgess , I . G . ; W . Proctor , P . M ., Tyler ; A . Terry , T . H . Clear , and J . Mason .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes were read . The 1 st Section of the Lecture was worked by Bro . Thorn , P . M ., and the 2 nd by Bro . Jackson . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . A . Terry being the candidate . The W . M , rose for the first time , and the dues were collected . At the second rising , Bro . J . L . Goldstein was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his oilicers in rotation . After the third rising , all Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
RANELAGH LODGE , No . S 34 . A meeting was held on Friday , the 29 th ult ., at the Six Bells Hotel , Oueen-street , Hammersmith . Present : Bros . K . Phillips , W . M . ; Wm . Hide , S . W . ; " VV . Hinds , J . W . ; A . Williams , P . M ., Preceptor ; T . Jobson , Treas . ; F . Craggs , P . M ., Sec ; P . Cronin , S . D . ; A . J . Clayton , J . D . ; T . Knights , I . G . ; ) . H . King , Steward ; VV . J . Coplestone . P . M . ; VV . VV . Williams , P . M . : R . II . Williams , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . Middx . ; Barton Jones , P . M ., W . M . 452 ; Hans Scharien , P . M ., W . M . S 34 ; A . J . Dalton , E . H . Tompsett , R . Reid , H . Sellick . J . Worth , J . Banks , and Webb .
The lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Tompsett acting as candidate . Bro . Banks offered himself as a candidate for passing , and he was examined and entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremi . ny of passing rehearsed . The lodge was then resumed to the First Degree . Bros . Barton Jones and Frederick Webb were elected joining members . The lodge was thm closed .
HARROW LODGE , No . 1310 . A meeting ot this lodge was held on Friday , the 29 th ult ., at the Waterloo Arms , High-street , Marylebone , VV ., when there were present : Bros . Weston , W . M . ; E . Lewis , S . W . ; Rudrum , J . W . ; Geo . Wood , P . M ., Preceptor ; Jabez Mason , Sec ; T . West , S . D . ; Rowe , J . D . ; Eardley , I . G . ; Lynn , P . M . ; Ellis , P . M . ; Brown , P . M . ; C . E . Mulvey , P . M . ; Jones , Johnstone , Drewell , Roberts , and Dingley .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Johnstone having been examined and entrusted , the lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , liro . Johnstone acting as candidate . Bro . Roberts having been examined and entrusted , the lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Roberts
acting as candidate . The lodge having been resumed to the First Degree , the W . M . rose for the first time , when Bro . Ellis , 1310 , was elected a joining member . Bro . T . West , I . P . M . 1310 , was presented with a Past Master ' s jewel on his vacating the chair in the Harrow Lodge , and replied in a neat speech , thanking the oilicers and brethren of the mother lodge , The W . M . having risen for the second and third times , the lodge was closed .
CITY OF WESTMINSTER LODGE , No . 15 G 3 . A meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Cafe Royal , Regent-street , VV ., when there were present : Bros . VV . M . Marks , W . M . ; Ashplant , S . W . ; Taylor , J . W . ; Smith , P . M ., Preceptor ; II . T . Culliford , S . D . ; Stewart , J . D . ; Flood , I . G . ; Long , Tvler ; and others . The lodge was opened in due lorm , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Smith , P . M ., Preceptor , assisted by the brethren , worked the ist Section of the Lecture , the ceremonies of initiation and passing were next rehearsed , Bros . Marks and Neilson acting as candidates . The loelge was subsequently closed .
KENSINGTON LODGE , No . 17 G 7 . A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 2 Gth ult ., at the Town Hall Tavern , High-street , Kensington , when there were present Bros . II . J . Seal , W . M .: H . G . Danby , P . M ., S . W . ; R . Liddiard , J . W . ; R . II . Williams , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . Middx ., Dep . Preceptor ; F . Craggs , P . M ., Sec ; Barton Jones , W . M . 452 , S . D . ; R . N . Carter . W . M . 1791 , J . D . ; Hillier , P . M . ; VV . B . Neville , P . M . ; C G . Hart , P . M . ; J . H . Neville , P . M ., W . M . 17 G 7 ; A . J . Clayton , and VV . H . Marler .
The lodge was opened in the usual form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . VV . B . Neville acting as candidate . Bro . Clayton offered himself as a candidate for passing , and having been duly examined was entrusted . The lodge was resumed in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed . The lodge was resumed in the First Degree . Bro . Marler was elected W . M . for the next meeting , and the lodge was closed .
STAR CHAPTER , No . 1275 . A meeting was held at the Stirling Castle Hotel , Church-street , Camberwell , S . E ., on Friday , the 22 nd ult . Present : Comps . J . Loader , M . E . Z . ; J . Dunn , II . ; W . Dawson , J . ; T . Grummant , P . Z ,, Preceptor ; C . H . Stone , P . Z ., S E . ; H . Cornford , S . N . ; G . Lewis , P . S . ; North , Bailey , and Hewitt . The chapter was declared open , The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Hewitt personating the candidate . Comp . Jos . Bailey , 1901 , was elected a joining member . Comp . J . Dunn , II . was elected M . E . Z . for the next meeting , which closed the chapter for the session ( June , July , and August ) . The chapter was then closed .
TIIK Oi . u TROCADERO went the way of all things but in its stead there has been raised a Trocadero which bids fair to altogether eclipse the memories of the old favourite place of amusement . A magnificent lestaurant has been raised upon its site , and Messrs . J . Lyons and Co ., Limited , have succeeded beyond their anticipations in making this the most attractive and comfortable resort of the kind in Europe . A Masonic Temple is included in its many attractions and exceptionally good arrangements are being made for the convenience of lodges . Application lor particulars should be made to the proprietors , J . Lyons and Co . Limited , Cadby Hall , Kensington . —[ Auvr . ]
IN THE MATCH from the Noro to Dover on Saturday last , four of the largest yachts , namely , the Salanita , the Ailsa , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ' s Britannia , and the Emperor of Germany ' s Meteor , were entered , and , after an exciting contest , first prize was taken by the Meteor , the Britannia being second , the former , alter deducting the necessary time allowance , just succeeding in beating her formidable opponent . In the evening the captain of the Meteor received a telegram from the Emperor congratulating him and his crew on their success . This is the second time the Meteor has been victorious over the Britannia .