Article SUMMER OUTING OF THE ROYAL ATHELSTAN LODGE, No. 19. ← Page 2 of 2 Article GOD'S FLOWERS. Page 1 of 1 Article ANNUAL EXCURSION OF THE ABBEY (WEST- MINSTER) LODGE OF INSTRUCTION, No. 2030. Page 1 of 1 Article ANNUAL EXCURSION OF THE ABBEY (WEST- MINSTER) LODGE OF INSTRUCTION, No. 2030. Page 1 of 1 Article Our Portrait of Worshipful Masters. Page 1 of 1 Article THE RECENT BOYS' SCHOOL FESTIVAL. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Summer Outing Of The Royal Athelstan Lodge, No. 19.
The company started from Paddington at 10 . 35 a . m . in reserved saloon carriages to Henley-on-Thames . Arriving there at noon , they embarked on the electric launches , " Viscountess Bury" and " Flosshilde , " for a trip down the most charming portion of the River Thames , to Windsor . An excellent luncheon and lig ht refreshments were provided during the boat journey , and on arrival in the Royal Borough the company partook of dinner at the White Hart Hotel . The return journey was made by the G . W . R . to Paddington .
Along the river the following places of interest were observed : Henley ( the Mecca of the rowing world ) , Phyllis Court , Remenham Church , Fawley Court , Regatta Island ( the regatta race-course reaches from here to Poplar Point ) , Greenlands ( formerly the seat of the late W . H . Smith , M . P . ) , Hambledon Lock , Culham Court , Medenham Abbey ( notorious in connection with the " High Jinks " of the monks of Medenham ) , Harleyford House , Hurley Lock , Temple Lock , Bisham Abbey , Bisham Old Norman Church , Marlow Church , Quarry
Wood , Bourne End , Hedson Wood ( seat of Lord Boston ) , Cookham Church , Cookham Lock , Formosa Island , Clievedon Woods , Clievedon House ( purchased by Mr . W . W . Astor in 1893 from the Duke of Westminster ) , White Place ( formerly the property of the Duke of Buckingham ) , Taplow Court ( belonging to Mr . W . II . Grenfell ) , Boulter's Lock , Maidenhead , Bray Lock , Bray Church ( made famous in song , " The Vicar of Bray " ) , Monkey Island , Down Place , Oakley Court , Boveney Lock , Surley Hall , Windsor Race-course , Windsor Castle , and Eton College .
After dinner , the toasts of "The Queen , " "The Ladies , " "The Visitors , " and " The W . M . " were enthusiastically honoured . Bro . MERRETT , in an amusing speech , responded for the ladies , and Bro . A . E . PRIDMORE , C . C ., responded for the visitors . This , it appears , is the first occasion for 11 years that the ladies have been entertained by the lodge , and the W . M . was highly congratulated on the great success of the gathering , the whole of the company having expressed the greatest delight in the day ' s proceedings .
God's Flowers.
Oh ! ' tis a beauteous thing to see , 'Neath sun and genial shower , The bud in tiny folds enwrapped , Expanding into flower ; In fancy's eye we see it bloom In colours rich and rare , Lading the breeze with sweet perfume , So lovely and so fair !
Small as the compass of the bud , Within it is enclosed The blossom , and successive fruit In perfect form disposed ; Each separate part , in season due , Fulfils its destiny ; Past , present , future—all combined—Nature's epitome !
Yet still more beauteous , lovelier far Than these , there may be found The buds of promise springing up In Life ' s vast garden ground ; Sweet , tender , frail , yet precious gems , Quickened by light divine ; Fair flowrets , lent us for awhile , From God's immortal shrine .
Fostered ' neath sunshine of our hopes , Oft watered by our tears , With anxious eyes we watch their growth , And guard their tender years ; Firmly , yet gently , do we bend The stem in right incline , Trusting God's providence will make Beauty and strength combine .
Thus then in helpless infancy , In childhood ' s happy hour , Gradual in growth , at length we see Developed manhood's flower ; And when in time the blossom fades , Its waning splendour gone , God's ripening grace perfects the fruit , And plants it near His throne . F . W . DRIVER , M . A ., P . M . 62 , Lancaster Road , Notting Hill , W .
Annual Excursion Of The Abbey (West- Minster) Lodge Of Instruction, No. 2030.
On Thursday , the 27 th ult ., an excursion of the above Lodge took place under the management of Bros . Mountain Squires , and Poole ( Secretary ) . The party met at Vauxhall Station , proceeded in first-class saloon carriages to Windsor , and boarded the steam launch , Windsor Castle . Light refreshments were provided during the journey . The company , to the number of 81 , landed at the
Quarry Hotel , Bourne End , where an excellent dinner was prepared , precaution having been taken to wire the exact number on arriving at Windsor . Great credit is due to Bro . E . Butler , the proprietor of the hotel , for the manner in which the dinner was served . Bro . G . Holland , Preceptor 1604 , occupied the chair , in the unavoidable absence of Bro . J . Gibson , the Preceptor , and Bros , Mountain Squires and Poole occupying the Vice-chairs .
The toast of " The Queen' was appropriately proposed by the CHAIRMAN and suitably honoured , Bro . HAMBORG moving a vote of congratulation to the Committee , on behalf of the company , for the perfect arrangsments .
A photograph was taken of the company on the lawn of the hotel as well as on the launch , and excellent pictures were produced b y Messrs . Daniels and Blaber . The launch then continued the journey to Great Marlow , tea being provided on the return journey to Windsor , which was reached in time to catch the 8 . 33 express to London .
Annual Excursion Of The Abbey (West- Minster) Lodge Of Instruction, No. 2030.
Mrs . Gee presided at the pianoforte , and a good ' selection of songs was performed by Bros . Montague and G . Thatcher , Mr , Frank Hobbs , Mrs . Montague , and Miss Cocks . Everyone present seemed to enjoy the trip , and anxiously enquired when the next excursion would take place .
The following members of the Abbey Lodge were present : Bros . J . H . Montague , S . W . ; G . White , J . W . ; H . E . Poole , Sec . ; J . Kent , T . J . Cocks , H . 0 . Hamborg , J . Grafton , H . Cheesman , T . J . Mountain , J . Squires , W . Weeden , J . A . Jones , W . H . Pendlebury , and A . E . Green . Members of the Abbey Lodge of Instruction : Bros . G . Holland , W . Bates , W . Thatcher , G . Thatcher , E . J . Winsborrow , C . Garton , J . Roberts , W . Fletcher , and J . E . Shand . Visitors : Bros . Buxton , W . M . 2460 , P . M . 1891 , & c . ; C . D . Hume , P . M . 209 ; Crow , Forester
Walker , Beaton , Selley , J . Abbott Taylor , P . M . 1441 ; W . Dyke . H . Tull , 74 a , H , Paine , and Grahnert ; and Messrs . Barlow , Sutterby , Harold Dale , J . Daviss Wilkins , A . Aldin , East , Steel , Reading , Wittenbury , Frank Hobbs , and Daniels . Ladies . Mesdames Montague , Poole , Cocks , Hamborg , Grafton , Squires , Weeden , Jones , Green , Thatcher , Garton , Winsborrow , Roberts , Beaton , Taylor , Barlow , Sutterby , T . Cocks , jun ., Stowell , T . Bull , Steel , Middleton , Reading , Norman , and Gee . Misses : Mountain , Poole , Cocks , Grafton , Bull , Crow , Tull , Hume , Coe , Rogers , and several others ,
Our Portrait Of Worshipful Masters.
Our Portrait of Worshipful Masters .
BRO . ELIAS JESSURUN , W . M . of the Columbia Lodge , was initiated in the Anglo-American Lodge , in 1889 , and , although he took no office in that lodge , he rendered very great assistance as a lay member . Our brother was the originator and founder of the Columbia Lodge , and at its consecration was made the first J . W ., and he enjoys the respect and esteem of the
members of that lodge . He is a very busy man , being the managing diiector and controlling the interest in England of the well-known firm of Gordon and Dilworth , Limited , with whom he has been associated from his boyhood . He is a most active and enthusiastic Freemason , possessing a sound knowledge of his duties , and there is no doubt that he will add to thegreat reputation of the Columbia Lodge , which is to be congratulated in having so efficient a Master .
The Recent Boys' School Festival.
The following lists , and additions to lists , have been received since the publication of our account of the Festival in last week ' s issue :
Lodge LONDON . £ s . d . 18 Bro . George Burt , additional ... ... ... 10 10 o ( raising his list to £ 30 19 s . Gd . ) 23 „ Charles Martin , additional ... ... ... 1 1 o ( raising his list to ( £ Si iSs . ) 754 > i Benjamin Stoclier , additional ... ... 330 ( raising his list to £ 126 ) . 1196 „ James S . Mountford , additional ... ... 1 1 o
( raising his list to £ 34 13 s . ) 12 S 7 „ George Ridout , additional ... ... ... 550 ( raising his list to £ 183 15 s . ) 1719 „ Hubert T . Bailey , additional ... ... 880 ( raising his list to , ( , 55 13 s . ) 2182 „ Henry T . Telling , additional ... ... 550 ,, , ( raising his list to £ S $ 1 is . ) Unattached Bro . J . M . McLeod , new list ... ... 63 o 0
THE PROVINCES . Lodge BERKSHIRE . 414 Bro . W . J . Maurice , additional ... ... ... 3 13 G ( raising his list to £ 66 13 s . Gd . ) CHESHIRE . 23 GS Sundry Stewards , additional ... ... ... 220 ( raising their joint list to £ 123 18 s . ) . GLOUCESTERSHIRE ,
S 39 Bro . R . P . Sumner , additional ... ... ... 550 ( raising his list to . £ 7 8 15 s . ) KENT . 1917 lira . John W . Elvin , _ additional ... ... ... 27 6 0 ( raising his list to £ 18 4 iGs . )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Summer Outing Of The Royal Athelstan Lodge, No. 19.
The company started from Paddington at 10 . 35 a . m . in reserved saloon carriages to Henley-on-Thames . Arriving there at noon , they embarked on the electric launches , " Viscountess Bury" and " Flosshilde , " for a trip down the most charming portion of the River Thames , to Windsor . An excellent luncheon and lig ht refreshments were provided during the boat journey , and on arrival in the Royal Borough the company partook of dinner at the White Hart Hotel . The return journey was made by the G . W . R . to Paddington .
Along the river the following places of interest were observed : Henley ( the Mecca of the rowing world ) , Phyllis Court , Remenham Church , Fawley Court , Regatta Island ( the regatta race-course reaches from here to Poplar Point ) , Greenlands ( formerly the seat of the late W . H . Smith , M . P . ) , Hambledon Lock , Culham Court , Medenham Abbey ( notorious in connection with the " High Jinks " of the monks of Medenham ) , Harleyford House , Hurley Lock , Temple Lock , Bisham Abbey , Bisham Old Norman Church , Marlow Church , Quarry
Wood , Bourne End , Hedson Wood ( seat of Lord Boston ) , Cookham Church , Cookham Lock , Formosa Island , Clievedon Woods , Clievedon House ( purchased by Mr . W . W . Astor in 1893 from the Duke of Westminster ) , White Place ( formerly the property of the Duke of Buckingham ) , Taplow Court ( belonging to Mr . W . II . Grenfell ) , Boulter's Lock , Maidenhead , Bray Lock , Bray Church ( made famous in song , " The Vicar of Bray " ) , Monkey Island , Down Place , Oakley Court , Boveney Lock , Surley Hall , Windsor Race-course , Windsor Castle , and Eton College .
After dinner , the toasts of "The Queen , " "The Ladies , " "The Visitors , " and " The W . M . " were enthusiastically honoured . Bro . MERRETT , in an amusing speech , responded for the ladies , and Bro . A . E . PRIDMORE , C . C ., responded for the visitors . This , it appears , is the first occasion for 11 years that the ladies have been entertained by the lodge , and the W . M . was highly congratulated on the great success of the gathering , the whole of the company having expressed the greatest delight in the day ' s proceedings .
God's Flowers.
Oh ! ' tis a beauteous thing to see , 'Neath sun and genial shower , The bud in tiny folds enwrapped , Expanding into flower ; In fancy's eye we see it bloom In colours rich and rare , Lading the breeze with sweet perfume , So lovely and so fair !
Small as the compass of the bud , Within it is enclosed The blossom , and successive fruit In perfect form disposed ; Each separate part , in season due , Fulfils its destiny ; Past , present , future—all combined—Nature's epitome !
Yet still more beauteous , lovelier far Than these , there may be found The buds of promise springing up In Life ' s vast garden ground ; Sweet , tender , frail , yet precious gems , Quickened by light divine ; Fair flowrets , lent us for awhile , From God's immortal shrine .
Fostered ' neath sunshine of our hopes , Oft watered by our tears , With anxious eyes we watch their growth , And guard their tender years ; Firmly , yet gently , do we bend The stem in right incline , Trusting God's providence will make Beauty and strength combine .
Thus then in helpless infancy , In childhood ' s happy hour , Gradual in growth , at length we see Developed manhood's flower ; And when in time the blossom fades , Its waning splendour gone , God's ripening grace perfects the fruit , And plants it near His throne . F . W . DRIVER , M . A ., P . M . 62 , Lancaster Road , Notting Hill , W .
Annual Excursion Of The Abbey (West- Minster) Lodge Of Instruction, No. 2030.
On Thursday , the 27 th ult ., an excursion of the above Lodge took place under the management of Bros . Mountain Squires , and Poole ( Secretary ) . The party met at Vauxhall Station , proceeded in first-class saloon carriages to Windsor , and boarded the steam launch , Windsor Castle . Light refreshments were provided during the journey . The company , to the number of 81 , landed at the
Quarry Hotel , Bourne End , where an excellent dinner was prepared , precaution having been taken to wire the exact number on arriving at Windsor . Great credit is due to Bro . E . Butler , the proprietor of the hotel , for the manner in which the dinner was served . Bro . G . Holland , Preceptor 1604 , occupied the chair , in the unavoidable absence of Bro . J . Gibson , the Preceptor , and Bros , Mountain Squires and Poole occupying the Vice-chairs .
The toast of " The Queen' was appropriately proposed by the CHAIRMAN and suitably honoured , Bro . HAMBORG moving a vote of congratulation to the Committee , on behalf of the company , for the perfect arrangsments .
A photograph was taken of the company on the lawn of the hotel as well as on the launch , and excellent pictures were produced b y Messrs . Daniels and Blaber . The launch then continued the journey to Great Marlow , tea being provided on the return journey to Windsor , which was reached in time to catch the 8 . 33 express to London .
Annual Excursion Of The Abbey (West- Minster) Lodge Of Instruction, No. 2030.
Mrs . Gee presided at the pianoforte , and a good ' selection of songs was performed by Bros . Montague and G . Thatcher , Mr , Frank Hobbs , Mrs . Montague , and Miss Cocks . Everyone present seemed to enjoy the trip , and anxiously enquired when the next excursion would take place .
The following members of the Abbey Lodge were present : Bros . J . H . Montague , S . W . ; G . White , J . W . ; H . E . Poole , Sec . ; J . Kent , T . J . Cocks , H . 0 . Hamborg , J . Grafton , H . Cheesman , T . J . Mountain , J . Squires , W . Weeden , J . A . Jones , W . H . Pendlebury , and A . E . Green . Members of the Abbey Lodge of Instruction : Bros . G . Holland , W . Bates , W . Thatcher , G . Thatcher , E . J . Winsborrow , C . Garton , J . Roberts , W . Fletcher , and J . E . Shand . Visitors : Bros . Buxton , W . M . 2460 , P . M . 1891 , & c . ; C . D . Hume , P . M . 209 ; Crow , Forester
Walker , Beaton , Selley , J . Abbott Taylor , P . M . 1441 ; W . Dyke . H . Tull , 74 a , H , Paine , and Grahnert ; and Messrs . Barlow , Sutterby , Harold Dale , J . Daviss Wilkins , A . Aldin , East , Steel , Reading , Wittenbury , Frank Hobbs , and Daniels . Ladies . Mesdames Montague , Poole , Cocks , Hamborg , Grafton , Squires , Weeden , Jones , Green , Thatcher , Garton , Winsborrow , Roberts , Beaton , Taylor , Barlow , Sutterby , T . Cocks , jun ., Stowell , T . Bull , Steel , Middleton , Reading , Norman , and Gee . Misses : Mountain , Poole , Cocks , Grafton , Bull , Crow , Tull , Hume , Coe , Rogers , and several others ,
Our Portrait Of Worshipful Masters.
Our Portrait of Worshipful Masters .
BRO . ELIAS JESSURUN , W . M . of the Columbia Lodge , was initiated in the Anglo-American Lodge , in 1889 , and , although he took no office in that lodge , he rendered very great assistance as a lay member . Our brother was the originator and founder of the Columbia Lodge , and at its consecration was made the first J . W ., and he enjoys the respect and esteem of the
members of that lodge . He is a very busy man , being the managing diiector and controlling the interest in England of the well-known firm of Gordon and Dilworth , Limited , with whom he has been associated from his boyhood . He is a most active and enthusiastic Freemason , possessing a sound knowledge of his duties , and there is no doubt that he will add to thegreat reputation of the Columbia Lodge , which is to be congratulated in having so efficient a Master .
The Recent Boys' School Festival.
The following lists , and additions to lists , have been received since the publication of our account of the Festival in last week ' s issue :
Lodge LONDON . £ s . d . 18 Bro . George Burt , additional ... ... ... 10 10 o ( raising his list to £ 30 19 s . Gd . ) 23 „ Charles Martin , additional ... ... ... 1 1 o ( raising his list to ( £ Si iSs . ) 754 > i Benjamin Stoclier , additional ... ... 330 ( raising his list to £ 126 ) . 1196 „ James S . Mountford , additional ... ... 1 1 o
( raising his list to £ 34 13 s . ) 12 S 7 „ George Ridout , additional ... ... ... 550 ( raising his list to £ 183 15 s . ) 1719 „ Hubert T . Bailey , additional ... ... 880 ( raising his list to , ( , 55 13 s . ) 2182 „ Henry T . Telling , additional ... ... 550 ,, , ( raising his list to £ S $ 1 is . ) Unattached Bro . J . M . McLeod , new list ... ... 63 o 0
THE PROVINCES . Lodge BERKSHIRE . 414 Bro . W . J . Maurice , additional ... ... ... 3 13 G ( raising his list to £ 66 13 s . Gd . ) CHESHIRE . 23 GS Sundry Stewards , additional ... ... ... 220 ( raising their joint list to £ 123 18 s . ) . GLOUCESTERSHIRE ,
S 39 Bro . R . P . Sumner , additional ... ... ... 550 ( raising his list to . £ 7 8 15 s . ) KENT . 1917 lira . John W . Elvin , _ additional ... ... ... 27 6 0 ( raising his list to £ 18 4 iGs . )