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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BRIGHTON GRAND HOTEL . This magnificently-appointed Hotel occupies an unrivalled position in the centre of the Sea Front . ELECTRIC LIGHT THROUGHOUT . HOT AND COLD SEA WATER BATHS . INCLUSIVE TARIFF ( if preferred ) from 10 s . 6 d . per day ( the months of October , November , and December excepted ) . S 1 LENDID PRIVATE DINING HALL SUITABLE FOR MASONIC AND OTHER BANQUETS . FOR ILLUSTRATED TARIFF AND GUIDE APPLY TO A . D . HOOK , Manager .
A NDERTON'SHOTEL & TAVERN Cx FLEET STREET , LONDON . F . H . CLEMOW , Proprietor . In conniction with the Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position of Anderton ' s is unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations , 81 c . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side of Hotel Entrance is open to the public from 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . for Breakfasts , Luncheons , Teas , and Dinners . The 2 s . Hot Luncheon , from I p . m . to 3 p . m ., in Coffee Room , unequalled . Registered Address for Telegrams : — CLEMOW , LONDON .
WASHINGTON HOTEL , VV LIVERPOOL . ' OPPOSITE LIME STREET STATION , L . & N . W . RAILWAY . Centrally situated , comfortable beds , and every accommodation . Parties catered for on reasonable terms . Proprietor , Bro . J B . J OHNSTON .
HADLEY HOTEL , NEW BARNET in the MASONIC PROVINCE OF HERTFORDSHIRE . NEWLY ARRANGED ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC MEETINGS . The Bar . quet Room will comfortably seat So , with dialler rooms in communication . One of the most attractive pomrs around London , clost to Hadley Wood ; 25 Minute * Rail fiom Broad Street and King ' s Cross . ' Ihe Hroxbtmrne Lodge recently removed here . ORDINARY ON SUNDAYS AT 2 O ' CLOCK . BRO . W . BENNETT , Proprietor , ( many years with th ; Ute Mr . Hlanchard , Beak Street and Regent Street ) .
BREE'S ROYAL HOTEL , JERSEY Healthiest sit uation in St . Helier . 20 degrees ' . uulcr than the sea front . BED AND BREAKFAST 5 / 6 AND 6 / -. FULL BOARD , ROOMS & SERVICE , 8 / 6 $ 9 / - per day . Telegraphic Address— " BREES , J ERSEY . "
npHK ~ fc > HIP AND TURTLE . Propiietor , Bro . C . J . PAINTER . Best and oldest house in London for recherche Masonic Banquets , Private Parties , and Dinners . OUR TURTLE "THE ELIXIR OF LIFE , " Vide faculty . Puivcyors to H . R . H . Prince of Wales , H . I . M . Emperor of Russia , Dukes of Saxe Cotha , Connaught , Cambridge . Manager , Bro . E . ASHDY .
1 1 VERPOOL—COMPTON HOTEL ¦*— ' UNRIVALLED FOR ITS COMFORT . E XCELLENT CUISINE , & MODERATE FIXED CHARGES . Adjacent to best shops , shipping offices , stations , etc .
BOURNEMOUTH— "SOUTHCLIFFE . "—A HEALTH RESORT , under lli « residential management of E . P . PHILPOTS , M . D ., F . R . G . S . ( formerly of Bourne Hall ) , and author i , l thi ; Masonic Song Book ( see page vi . ) . Opposite <> ::: Pier and Club , and directly facing sea . Fifty visitors received en pension . Billiard-room , & c . Fixed if-inperature . Five hundred feet of sea front . Prospectus free .
MONEY ! ADVANCES MADE UPON ri PERSONAL SECURITY , LULLS OF SALE , OR OTHERWISE , A moderate interest , without delay . No FI : I : S FOR I NQUIRY . l \ uiifde Applicants only in tied . il . HART , 14 , GLASSHOUSE STREET , PICCADILLY CIRCUS , LONDON , W .
THE FOLLOWING HOTELS OF THE MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANY will be found complete in all the arrangements , and the charges moderate . MIDLAND GRAND ( St . Pancras Station ) London , N . W . The new VENETIAN ROOMS at this Hotel are available for Wedding Breakfasts , and Public and Private and Masonic Banquets . ADELPHI ( Near Central Station ) , LIVERPOOL . QUEEN'S , LEEDS . MIDLAND , BRADFORD . MIDLAND , DERBY . MIDLAND , MORECAMBE .
Tariffs on application . Telegraphic Address— " MIDOTEL . " WILLIAM TOWLE , liotils , & i ., Manager . Dining a > -d Luncheon Carriages ( istand 3 rd class ) are atiacl'e'ri in rxpress trains between London ( St . Pancras ) and Clasv" » ' ( St . I'noch ; . Luncheons , Teas , Dinners and other refreshments' served en route at Midland Railway Buffet prices . Fur times of departure and other particulars see Midland and other Time Tables .
THE FINEST OF SPIRITS IS OLD GRANS SPECIAL TODDY , THE CREAM OF HIGHLAND WHISKIES ( Registered ) , carefully blended under our own supervision . Guaranteed Ten Years Old . See Rrpoti of ARTHUR HILL HASSALL , M . D ., London , Author of ' F iod and its Adulteration ; " EDWVN GODWYN CLAYTON , r ' . I . C , F . C . S . ; Dr . GILBERT D . SUTHERLAND , F . E . I . S ., Consulting Analyst and Food Expert , . specially utained by the National Food Reform Association . 48 s . per Dozen . Five per Cent . Discount allowed for Cash . Carriage paid on one doz . and upwards . LODGES SUPPLIED UPON SPECIAL TERMS . CHARLES WRIGHT & SON ( Established 1795 . ) VVIRKSWORTH and LONDON . BONDED STORES—LEITH .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION ( Adjoining the R AILWAY , and facing the RIVER and PALACE ) . BRO . JOHN MAYO has ample accommodation in the new wing ol this oldestablished and noted Riverside Hotel for Banquets for any number up to 11 o . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Specimens' of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Five Lodges meet at the Castle Hotel , and relerence may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & c .
MONEY LENT PRIVATELY , AT A FEW HOURS' NOTICE . A Private Gentleman is prepared to MAKE ADVANCES from i . 10 to ^ 2 , 000 , at 5 per cent ., to male or female , on their PROMISSORY NOTE ALONE ( without loan office formalities or Bill of Sale ) , and so long as the interest is paid the capital can remain . IMMEDIATE Advances also made upon Life Policies , Deeds , furniture ( without removal ) , stocks , crop : , & c . ; and to assist persons into business . Distance no object . Call or write to the actual lender , CECIL G . COURTENAY , Fsq ., 11 , Stroud Green Road , Seven Sisters' Road , London , N .
CANVASSERS and COLLECTORS Wanted by the London and Manchester Industrial Assurance Company in London and country ; life and medical life assurances ; liberal terms to suitable men , Apply by letter to MANAGING DIRECTOR , 42 to 47 , Southwark Exchange , London .
FRIENDS & FOES . A MASONIC SONG ( suitable for any Masonic occasion ) . Words by W . Bro . NELSON PROWKR , M . A . Music composed and inscribed to Ihe Rt . Hon . Lord George Francis Hamilton , M . P ., by W . Bro . I . W . HisroN , Mus . lXc . Sung by W . Bro . 1-GiJEkT RoiiEKTS , at the banquet of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex , June 2 yth , 1 S 95 . Price 2 s . Messrs . WEICKES & Co ., l ' ubhsncrs , 14 Hanover-street . W .
AS DRILL MASTER , HALL PORTER , or any place of Tiusi . 21 years in the Grenadier Guards . Over five years' character as Drill Master at Royal Masonic School for Boys . IVtal abstainer . Address , THOMAS , Lodge , Royal Masonic School , ' , Woodgreen .
I . OMION ;\ . m .: t \ . w . n . m . n . m . a . m . ' iiwii v . m . i » . in . p . 111 . > ( ST . PANCRAS ) dpji . 5 15 0 010 5 , 10 SO 10 35 12 Oil' . ' 1012 35 ¦> 0 S arrive i I I ; T Matlock llatlm R J ? 1 S 1 . 12 I n 5 11 - ° lluxtu" 0 So ! i 20 } i to' 5 50 $ . Anhliourne 10 20 : 31 ) 25 | 'I (| 2 0 42 -J . Liverpool 10 50 , 3 35 5 20 , J 15 , " Kmithjiort 12 lo ; 4 13 ' I II 0 ' £ ' Illlickpwl 12 15- 5 0 015 IS 85 " Ilklcy 2 20 i 0 5 HI ™ Harrogate 11 27 : S-W 4 28 5 531 o Morcciunbt ) 1 15 i 0 4 42 | = Grange 1 3 ; 1 8 -5 S 5 . 113 ; 7 30 S p . m .. ' I ta Windermere 140 4 50 n o a . 10 a i . v 2 Barrow-in-Furness 2 t 0 4 42 ...... 5 57 5 . 15 , 8 5 ...... -z Belfast 1050 j = I 0 i a
LONDON p . m . p . m . p . m . p . m . p . m . p . m . p . m . p . in . r ' ( ST . l'ANCRASl ilep . 2 10 3 0 4 0 5 0 5 40 0 15 0 2012 0 arrive Matlock Until 7 4 ( 1 3 53 Iluxlon S 15 0 13 j Ashbourne SV 30 ! Liverpool ' . « 35 10 40 t 5 v .... 5 55 A i Soutliport 10 71120 81 ) 35 Blackpool 1135 81 ) 52 Ilklcy S 5 II 55 7 55 ' Harrogate 8 14 S 20 12 0 51 ) 50 8 II ...... .. Morccumbe 8 35 ; i 8 5 ( 1 , Grange 8 SS 8 38 1 0 33 D I Windermere 0 47 11 0 ... llarrow-in-Funicss 0 . 35 5 30 10 50 Belfast 5 . 30 II I "'
For Scotch Service , see other Advertisements mid Midland Time Tables . A—On Mondays , Tuesdays , and Saturdays , passengers arrives at Soutliport at 11 . 56 p . m . U—Via Barrow : on certain dates ( for which sec special notices ) the Steamer arrives at Belfast ' later . C—Via Stranraer and Lame . D—No connection to these Stations on Sundays hy this train . I—On Saturdays passengers arrive Blackpool ( Central ; at 6 . 50 , and Talbot Road at 7 . 5 p . m . J—These times only apply during July and August only , tl— : i . 53 vj . m . on Saturdays . V—8 . 5 !) p . m . on Thursday and Saturdays . t In connection with Steamer to the Isle of Man by the short sea route .
ISLE OF MAN . Via Barrow , Shoit Sea and Picturesque Route . Until September 28 th , a First Class Paddle Steamer will sail daily ( Sundays excepted ) from Barrow to Douglas at 2 . 0 p . m ., and until September 30 th , from Douglas to Barrow at g . o a . m ., in direct connection with trains from and to St . Pancras and all parts of the Midland Railway System . PEAK OF DERBYSHIRE .
DORE AND CHINLEY NEW LINE . This line is now open for THROUGH and locatl traffic , and EXPRESS TRAINS are run daily , at convenient hours , between SHEFFIELD and BUXTON , MANCHESTER . - LlVERPOOL , and the LANCASHIRE and YORKSHIRE LINE , with connections to and : from LONDON ( St . Pancras ) , and other principal Midl & nd Stations . SOUTHEND-ON-SEA BY THE NEW AND
SHORTER ROUTE . THROUGH FAST TRAINS are run on week-days and on Sundays between LONDON ( St . Pancras ) and SOU I'HEND-ON-SEA , via the Tottenham and Hampstead and Forest Gate Railways , calling at intermediate stations as announced . CHEAP DAY . AND WEEK-END TICKETS are issued to Southend-on-Sea ..
TRAVELLING ACCOMMODATION , & c . Pillows may be hired by Travellers ( First and Third Class ) , by the Night Mail and Express Trains leaving London ( St . Pancras ) , and a lew other towns , at a prepaid charge of 6 d . each . First and Third Class Dining Carriages between London and Glasgow . Luncheon , Dining , and Sleeping Saloon Cars by some of the Express Trains from and to London ( St . Pancras ) . First and Third Class Lavatory Carriages on all principal Midland Express Trains . . Family Saloons , Invalid Carriages , Engaged Compartments , & c , arranged on application .
BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS . Illustrated Pocket Guide to the Midland Railway , Price 3 d . Illustrated Tourist Guide , Price 3 d . Illustrated List of Farmhouse and Country Lodgings , Price id . May be obtained on application at Midland Stations and Agencies ; to the Supeiintendent of the Line , Derby . GEO . H . TURNER , General Manager . Derby , July , 1895 .
MASONIC SONG . "TN THIS OUR CALM RETREAT , ' A By Bro . THOMAS SAMPSON , Late 329 , & c , & c . Price is . per copy net . LONDON : GEORGE KENNING , 16 Si 16 a Great Queen-street , W . C
Price is . Post Free , Is . Id . THE MASTER MASON'S HANDBOOK , by Bro . FRED . J . W . CROWE , with an Introduction by Bro . W . J . HUGHAN , P . G . D ., & c . The Master Mason's Handbook is a compendium of all information necessary to a knowledge ) English Masonry , com prising—An Historical Sketch of Freemasonry—The Grand Lodge : Its Origin and Constitution—Private Lodges , Metropolitan and Provincial—Visiting Private Lodges-Titles , their uses and abbreviations—The Great Masonic Institutions—The " Higher" or additional Degrees , and how to obtain them .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BRIGHTON GRAND HOTEL . This magnificently-appointed Hotel occupies an unrivalled position in the centre of the Sea Front . ELECTRIC LIGHT THROUGHOUT . HOT AND COLD SEA WATER BATHS . INCLUSIVE TARIFF ( if preferred ) from 10 s . 6 d . per day ( the months of October , November , and December excepted ) . S 1 LENDID PRIVATE DINING HALL SUITABLE FOR MASONIC AND OTHER BANQUETS . FOR ILLUSTRATED TARIFF AND GUIDE APPLY TO A . D . HOOK , Manager .
A NDERTON'SHOTEL & TAVERN Cx FLEET STREET , LONDON . F . H . CLEMOW , Proprietor . In conniction with the Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position of Anderton ' s is unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations , 81 c . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side of Hotel Entrance is open to the public from 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . for Breakfasts , Luncheons , Teas , and Dinners . The 2 s . Hot Luncheon , from I p . m . to 3 p . m ., in Coffee Room , unequalled . Registered Address for Telegrams : — CLEMOW , LONDON .
WASHINGTON HOTEL , VV LIVERPOOL . ' OPPOSITE LIME STREET STATION , L . & N . W . RAILWAY . Centrally situated , comfortable beds , and every accommodation . Parties catered for on reasonable terms . Proprietor , Bro . J B . J OHNSTON .
HADLEY HOTEL , NEW BARNET in the MASONIC PROVINCE OF HERTFORDSHIRE . NEWLY ARRANGED ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC MEETINGS . The Bar . quet Room will comfortably seat So , with dialler rooms in communication . One of the most attractive pomrs around London , clost to Hadley Wood ; 25 Minute * Rail fiom Broad Street and King ' s Cross . ' Ihe Hroxbtmrne Lodge recently removed here . ORDINARY ON SUNDAYS AT 2 O ' CLOCK . BRO . W . BENNETT , Proprietor , ( many years with th ; Ute Mr . Hlanchard , Beak Street and Regent Street ) .
BREE'S ROYAL HOTEL , JERSEY Healthiest sit uation in St . Helier . 20 degrees ' . uulcr than the sea front . BED AND BREAKFAST 5 / 6 AND 6 / -. FULL BOARD , ROOMS & SERVICE , 8 / 6 $ 9 / - per day . Telegraphic Address— " BREES , J ERSEY . "
npHK ~ fc > HIP AND TURTLE . Propiietor , Bro . C . J . PAINTER . Best and oldest house in London for recherche Masonic Banquets , Private Parties , and Dinners . OUR TURTLE "THE ELIXIR OF LIFE , " Vide faculty . Puivcyors to H . R . H . Prince of Wales , H . I . M . Emperor of Russia , Dukes of Saxe Cotha , Connaught , Cambridge . Manager , Bro . E . ASHDY .
1 1 VERPOOL—COMPTON HOTEL ¦*— ' UNRIVALLED FOR ITS COMFORT . E XCELLENT CUISINE , & MODERATE FIXED CHARGES . Adjacent to best shops , shipping offices , stations , etc .
BOURNEMOUTH— "SOUTHCLIFFE . "—A HEALTH RESORT , under lli « residential management of E . P . PHILPOTS , M . D ., F . R . G . S . ( formerly of Bourne Hall ) , and author i , l thi ; Masonic Song Book ( see page vi . ) . Opposite <> ::: Pier and Club , and directly facing sea . Fifty visitors received en pension . Billiard-room , & c . Fixed if-inperature . Five hundred feet of sea front . Prospectus free .
MONEY ! ADVANCES MADE UPON ri PERSONAL SECURITY , LULLS OF SALE , OR OTHERWISE , A moderate interest , without delay . No FI : I : S FOR I NQUIRY . l \ uiifde Applicants only in tied . il . HART , 14 , GLASSHOUSE STREET , PICCADILLY CIRCUS , LONDON , W .
THE FOLLOWING HOTELS OF THE MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANY will be found complete in all the arrangements , and the charges moderate . MIDLAND GRAND ( St . Pancras Station ) London , N . W . The new VENETIAN ROOMS at this Hotel are available for Wedding Breakfasts , and Public and Private and Masonic Banquets . ADELPHI ( Near Central Station ) , LIVERPOOL . QUEEN'S , LEEDS . MIDLAND , BRADFORD . MIDLAND , DERBY . MIDLAND , MORECAMBE .
Tariffs on application . Telegraphic Address— " MIDOTEL . " WILLIAM TOWLE , liotils , & i ., Manager . Dining a > -d Luncheon Carriages ( istand 3 rd class ) are atiacl'e'ri in rxpress trains between London ( St . Pancras ) and Clasv" » ' ( St . I'noch ; . Luncheons , Teas , Dinners and other refreshments' served en route at Midland Railway Buffet prices . Fur times of departure and other particulars see Midland and other Time Tables .
THE FINEST OF SPIRITS IS OLD GRANS SPECIAL TODDY , THE CREAM OF HIGHLAND WHISKIES ( Registered ) , carefully blended under our own supervision . Guaranteed Ten Years Old . See Rrpoti of ARTHUR HILL HASSALL , M . D ., London , Author of ' F iod and its Adulteration ; " EDWVN GODWYN CLAYTON , r ' . I . C , F . C . S . ; Dr . GILBERT D . SUTHERLAND , F . E . I . S ., Consulting Analyst and Food Expert , . specially utained by the National Food Reform Association . 48 s . per Dozen . Five per Cent . Discount allowed for Cash . Carriage paid on one doz . and upwards . LODGES SUPPLIED UPON SPECIAL TERMS . CHARLES WRIGHT & SON ( Established 1795 . ) VVIRKSWORTH and LONDON . BONDED STORES—LEITH .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION ( Adjoining the R AILWAY , and facing the RIVER and PALACE ) . BRO . JOHN MAYO has ample accommodation in the new wing ol this oldestablished and noted Riverside Hotel for Banquets for any number up to 11 o . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Specimens' of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Five Lodges meet at the Castle Hotel , and relerence may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & c .
MONEY LENT PRIVATELY , AT A FEW HOURS' NOTICE . A Private Gentleman is prepared to MAKE ADVANCES from i . 10 to ^ 2 , 000 , at 5 per cent ., to male or female , on their PROMISSORY NOTE ALONE ( without loan office formalities or Bill of Sale ) , and so long as the interest is paid the capital can remain . IMMEDIATE Advances also made upon Life Policies , Deeds , furniture ( without removal ) , stocks , crop : , & c . ; and to assist persons into business . Distance no object . Call or write to the actual lender , CECIL G . COURTENAY , Fsq ., 11 , Stroud Green Road , Seven Sisters' Road , London , N .
CANVASSERS and COLLECTORS Wanted by the London and Manchester Industrial Assurance Company in London and country ; life and medical life assurances ; liberal terms to suitable men , Apply by letter to MANAGING DIRECTOR , 42 to 47 , Southwark Exchange , London .
FRIENDS & FOES . A MASONIC SONG ( suitable for any Masonic occasion ) . Words by W . Bro . NELSON PROWKR , M . A . Music composed and inscribed to Ihe Rt . Hon . Lord George Francis Hamilton , M . P ., by W . Bro . I . W . HisroN , Mus . lXc . Sung by W . Bro . 1-GiJEkT RoiiEKTS , at the banquet of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex , June 2 yth , 1 S 95 . Price 2 s . Messrs . WEICKES & Co ., l ' ubhsncrs , 14 Hanover-street . W .
AS DRILL MASTER , HALL PORTER , or any place of Tiusi . 21 years in the Grenadier Guards . Over five years' character as Drill Master at Royal Masonic School for Boys . IVtal abstainer . Address , THOMAS , Lodge , Royal Masonic School , ' , Woodgreen .
I . OMION ;\ . m .: t \ . w . n . m . n . m . a . m . ' iiwii v . m . i » . in . p . 111 . > ( ST . PANCRAS ) dpji . 5 15 0 010 5 , 10 SO 10 35 12 Oil' . ' 1012 35 ¦> 0 S arrive i I I ; T Matlock llatlm R J ? 1 S 1 . 12 I n 5 11 - ° lluxtu" 0 So ! i 20 } i to' 5 50 $ . Anhliourne 10 20 : 31 ) 25 | 'I (| 2 0 42 -J . Liverpool 10 50 , 3 35 5 20 , J 15 , " Kmithjiort 12 lo ; 4 13 ' I II 0 ' £ ' Illlickpwl 12 15- 5 0 015 IS 85 " Ilklcy 2 20 i 0 5 HI ™ Harrogate 11 27 : S-W 4 28 5 531 o Morcciunbt ) 1 15 i 0 4 42 | = Grange 1 3 ; 1 8 -5 S 5 . 113 ; 7 30 S p . m .. ' I ta Windermere 140 4 50 n o a . 10 a i . v 2 Barrow-in-Furness 2 t 0 4 42 ...... 5 57 5 . 15 , 8 5 ...... -z Belfast 1050 j = I 0 i a
LONDON p . m . p . m . p . m . p . m . p . m . p . m . p . m . p . in . r ' ( ST . l'ANCRASl ilep . 2 10 3 0 4 0 5 0 5 40 0 15 0 2012 0 arrive Matlock Until 7 4 ( 1 3 53 Iluxlon S 15 0 13 j Ashbourne SV 30 ! Liverpool ' . « 35 10 40 t 5 v .... 5 55 A i Soutliport 10 71120 81 ) 35 Blackpool 1135 81 ) 52 Ilklcy S 5 II 55 7 55 ' Harrogate 8 14 S 20 12 0 51 ) 50 8 II ...... .. Morccumbe 8 35 ; i 8 5 ( 1 , Grange 8 SS 8 38 1 0 33 D I Windermere 0 47 11 0 ... llarrow-in-Funicss 0 . 35 5 30 10 50 Belfast 5 . 30 II I "'
For Scotch Service , see other Advertisements mid Midland Time Tables . A—On Mondays , Tuesdays , and Saturdays , passengers arrives at Soutliport at 11 . 56 p . m . U—Via Barrow : on certain dates ( for which sec special notices ) the Steamer arrives at Belfast ' later . C—Via Stranraer and Lame . D—No connection to these Stations on Sundays hy this train . I—On Saturdays passengers arrive Blackpool ( Central ; at 6 . 50 , and Talbot Road at 7 . 5 p . m . J—These times only apply during July and August only , tl— : i . 53 vj . m . on Saturdays . V—8 . 5 !) p . m . on Thursday and Saturdays . t In connection with Steamer to the Isle of Man by the short sea route .
ISLE OF MAN . Via Barrow , Shoit Sea and Picturesque Route . Until September 28 th , a First Class Paddle Steamer will sail daily ( Sundays excepted ) from Barrow to Douglas at 2 . 0 p . m ., and until September 30 th , from Douglas to Barrow at g . o a . m ., in direct connection with trains from and to St . Pancras and all parts of the Midland Railway System . PEAK OF DERBYSHIRE .
DORE AND CHINLEY NEW LINE . This line is now open for THROUGH and locatl traffic , and EXPRESS TRAINS are run daily , at convenient hours , between SHEFFIELD and BUXTON , MANCHESTER . - LlVERPOOL , and the LANCASHIRE and YORKSHIRE LINE , with connections to and : from LONDON ( St . Pancras ) , and other principal Midl & nd Stations . SOUTHEND-ON-SEA BY THE NEW AND
SHORTER ROUTE . THROUGH FAST TRAINS are run on week-days and on Sundays between LONDON ( St . Pancras ) and SOU I'HEND-ON-SEA , via the Tottenham and Hampstead and Forest Gate Railways , calling at intermediate stations as announced . CHEAP DAY . AND WEEK-END TICKETS are issued to Southend-on-Sea ..
TRAVELLING ACCOMMODATION , & c . Pillows may be hired by Travellers ( First and Third Class ) , by the Night Mail and Express Trains leaving London ( St . Pancras ) , and a lew other towns , at a prepaid charge of 6 d . each . First and Third Class Dining Carriages between London and Glasgow . Luncheon , Dining , and Sleeping Saloon Cars by some of the Express Trains from and to London ( St . Pancras ) . First and Third Class Lavatory Carriages on all principal Midland Express Trains . . Family Saloons , Invalid Carriages , Engaged Compartments , & c , arranged on application .
BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS . Illustrated Pocket Guide to the Midland Railway , Price 3 d . Illustrated Tourist Guide , Price 3 d . Illustrated List of Farmhouse and Country Lodgings , Price id . May be obtained on application at Midland Stations and Agencies ; to the Supeiintendent of the Line , Derby . GEO . H . TURNER , General Manager . Derby , July , 1895 .
MASONIC SONG . "TN THIS OUR CALM RETREAT , ' A By Bro . THOMAS SAMPSON , Late 329 , & c , & c . Price is . per copy net . LONDON : GEORGE KENNING , 16 Si 16 a Great Queen-street , W . C
Price is . Post Free , Is . Id . THE MASTER MASON'S HANDBOOK , by Bro . FRED . J . W . CROWE , with an Introduction by Bro . W . J . HUGHAN , P . G . D ., & c . The Master Mason's Handbook is a compendium of all information necessary to a knowledge ) English Masonry , com prising—An Historical Sketch of Freemasonry—The Grand Lodge : Its Origin and Constitution—Private Lodges , Metropolitan and Provincial—Visiting Private Lodges-Titles , their uses and abbreviations—The Great Masonic Institutions—The " Higher" or additional Degrees , and how to obtain them .