Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ing the feelings of the brethren towards ourW . M ., ;; nd I trust he will long live in their hig h estimation . Well , brethren , I am asked to propose the ladies , and can there be any more agreeable subject to talk about r Bro . Broughton says " No , No ; " well there is no one had more
experience than he- You know there is only one handsome child iu the world , and every man has that one ; and so [ believe there is but one handsome woman in the world and every man in his w ife bi lieves he has the happiness of possessi ' . iL ' - her . I recommend vou wlio ar ° not married to
make all speed and lollow the W . M ' s example . I have much p leasure in calling upon you to drink to " The Health of Mrs . George Richardson and the Ladies . " Bro . George Richardson , W . M ., in responding , said I have very great pleasure in replying to the last toast , I can tell
you that I have got an excellent wife , and can support the recommendation of Bro . McGowan , and wish all who have not entered the blissful state of matrimony to do so . I have travelled through many years with my friends upon the dusty road of life , ami from time to time seen
lirst owe and then the other turn nil to enjoy thiins .-lvvs in their little garden of matrimonial bliss , anil now 1 have gut one of my own , and 1 may tell you my wile is ofa real good Masonic stock , her sire being a highly distinguished and respected Alason . I can assure you that both
she and I ( as Bro . McGowan , said ) will value the gift you have made us , not so much for itself as for the spirit in which it is g iven , and if it should be so that we should have successors it will be handed down to them as a great ti . kt-n of vuiir esteem and regard . Allow me again on the pari
of my wile and the lai ' iias , to thank you most heartil y on their behalf for the compliment you have paid them . Alter the usual concluding toast this highly interesting and most agreeable evening ' s entertain ment was brought to a close .
We feel it thu * lo Bros . J . Rhodes , P . M ., R . Richardson , P . M . ; A . Hunter P . M . ; J . Brigg , W . Branland , P . M . ; and C . Pratt , P . M ., to say th . t their very excellent harmony , contributed greatly to the enjoyments of the evening .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
IPSWICH . —Chajiter of Perfect Friendship ( No . 600)—The ustihl quarterl y convocation of the Royal Sussex Chapter of Pel feet Friendship was held at the Alasonic Hall , Ipswich , on
Wednesday , the jrd inst ., present AL K . Comps . Stephen Burdett King , P . Z . as ist Principal Z ; G . S . Findley , P . Z . as 2 nd Principal 11 ., and P . Cornell , | . ; J . Franks , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; W . Fraser , Act . N . ; A . Tracy , P . Soj . ; Dr . Mills , P . Z . ; N . A . Smith , J . Flicker , P . Z . ; W . Taylor ,
and others . Visiting companions , Emra Holmes , and Geo . Abboit , ' . Lukes Chapter ; W . T . Westgate , of the Alexandra Chapter , and W . Spalding . Tlie chapter having been opened in due form and the minutes read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bros . Henry George
Bishop and Charles liarfoot , of the Faithful Lodge No . 85 , llarlestone , Norfolk , and Bro . W . Whitmore of the Fidelity Lodge , No . 555 , Framlingham , who were unanimously elected . Bros . Bishop and Barfoot , and liro . Scopes , of the Perfect Friend-hi p Lod ;•;•• , who had been
previousl y elected , being in attendance , were severally introduced , obligated , and exalted to the Sublime ilegice of Koyal Arch Mason , the ceremony being most mipp-ssively performed by Coui i'S {'' ranks and King , a-sisled bv Comp-. Title ,, Pii : j . Soj ., the bi-aiiufiii Mystical Lirlur
..-b-. ng g iven !> y Com ; ,. King , with hi- c . s' . oinary tioi uiiiyinii - y power , aim the Historical b y Comp . Milk , 'lne caiiili . j . iirs and visitors amongst whom vve milliner oUiselviS , weie greatly struck at the admii . ible way in which the des-vce vvas woiked , and al the solemnity and decorum whicii
pervaded the proceedings . 'I he election ol officers was then proceeded with , when tinfollowing was the i .. sult . — -Comp . King , Z ; P . Cornell , II . ; N . Tracy , j . ; W . Fraser . Prin . Soj . ; W . J * . Mills , P . Z ., Scribe Ji . Scopes , N . ;
W . Townsend , Treas . ; Syer , Janitor ; Comp . Franks retired from office as Scribe Ji . on account of age and infirmity , and a hearty vole of thanks was accorded to him , and ordered to be put upon the minutes , for his great services to
Royal Arch.
the chapter , coupled with regrets that the companions should lose the benefit of his valuable assistance . A companion having been proposed for exaltation at the next meeting , the chapter was closed and the brethren retired for refreshment .
ROSE OF DENMARK CHAPTER ( NO . 1194 ) . — This chapter met at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , on Saturday , the 6 th inst ., Comp . fames Brett , P . Z ., P . G . D . C , presided as Z . ; Comp . R . Wentworth Little , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . E . Middlesex as H . ; and Comp . Fred . Smith , P . Z ..
as J . Two brethren , namely , Bros . M . Solomon , of a Scotch Lodge , and J . Hillhouse , S . W . 228 , were exalted , the work of P . S . being well done by Comp . Dodd , the Scribe E . ( H . . 194 ) . The mystical , symbolical , and historical lectures were finely delivered b y Comps . Brett , Little , and
Dodd respectively . A proposition for joining was made and the chapter was closed . \ t the banquet Comp . Terry , P . Z ., presided , as owing to his absence at Comp . Sheen ' s funeral , he was unable to attend the working in chapter . A very pleasant evening was spent , the usual festive
masts being given with gieat geniality by the acting Z . Comps . Brett responded for the Grand Officers ; Little for the P . Z . ' s ; Hillhouse for the Exaltees ; Terry for the Chair ; Lane , King , and others for the Visitors ; Buss , Treas ., tor the Officers . About twenty-live companions
were present including , besides those na med , Comps . Newton , P . Z . ; Jesse Owens , T . IT . P . Hartley , G . C . Banks , Martin , Hicks , Everett , and others . Comp . Fred . Smith , P . Z ., agreed io accept the position of Steward at the next festival of the Royal Alasonic Institution for Girls .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
ST . AIARK ' J ^ OJIGE ( No . 1 ) . —This lodge held its installation meeting on Tuesday the 2 P . d inst ., at the Alasons' Hall Tavern , Alasons ' Avenue . Bro . the Rev . W . B . Church , M . A ., P . M ., P . G . C .. presided , supported by Bros . Binckes ,
P . G . W ., G . Sec ; R . W . Little , IT . C . Levander , T . Cubitt , and J . G . Marsh , P . AI . ' s , T . W . White , of No . 104 , and about a dozen other brethren . Bro . H . A . Dubois , S . W . 1326 and 1415 , P . G . Steward , Aliddlesex , was dul y
advanced . Bro . G . Kenning , S . W ., was then installed as W . M ., and the officers were invested as follows . —Bros . S C . Davison , S . W . ; T . B . Yeoman , J . W . ; T . H . Edmands , AI . O . ; Rev . P . H . E . Brette , D . D ., S . O . ; J . W . Barrett ,
J . O . ; Rev . W . B . Church , M . A ., V . M ., Chaplain ; H . C . Levander , P . M ., Treas . ; R . W . Little , P . AL , Sec . ; John Boyd , R . of M . ; C . Horsley , S . D . ; E . H . Thiellay , J . D . ; H . A . Dubois , I . G . ; H . Parker , Organist ; and J .
Gilbert , Tyler . 'The name of a brother was erased for non-payment of dues , and P . M . jevvels vvere voted to Bn-s . Marsh and Cubitt , P . M . ' s . The lodge was then closed , and a capital supper was served , after which the loyal and Masonic
toasts were proposed and heartil y accepted . TJie new Master , Jko , George Kenning , stated that he intended to represent the Iodge as a Steward , at all the Festivals of the Alasonic Institutions in
1874 . Bros . Binckes and Little , in responding , trusted that the Members of the lodge would give the W . M . their best support in such a good cause . After a very pleasant evening th * : brethren separated .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
An adjourned special meeting of the Grand Council was held at Freemasons' Tavern , on the ist instant , under the presidency of the High Chancellor , Sir Knt . W . E . Gumbleton , J . P .,
for the consideration of important business . A letter from Sir Knt . S . K . Herrick , Intendant General for Massachusetts , U . S . A ., was read , iu which he conveyed the views of the Conclaves in his Division , —their desire being to remain under the jurisdiction of the Grand ' Council of
England , and to conform to the Statutes which declare that Master Alasons are eli gible for admission into the Order , as in some of the American States Kni ghts Templar only are admitted as candidates . Sir Knt . Herrick ' s action was approved , and a
Red Cross Of Constantine.
copy of the resolution thereon was ordered to be sent to Sir Knt . Creigh , LL . D ., Chief Intendant General in America , for his guidance in future . The following Knights were elected members ofthe Executive Committee : —Colonel Burdett W . E . Gumbleton , R . W . Little , W . R . Wood '
man , M . D . ; and H . C . Levander , M . A . ; and the meetings ofthe Committee were fixed to be held on thc Monday preceding the Quarterly Communications of the Grand Lodge of Eng . land . It was resolved that the Grand Sovereign be
recommended to appoint Chief Intendants General for groups of divisions in England , and it was announced that the Right Hon , the Lord Skelmersdale , Int . Gen . unattached , had accepted the post of Chief Intendant General for Lancashire .
It was ordered that all fees payable fro m officers or conclaves now due be at once - required , and the result communicated to the Executive Committee , who were further deputed to act as a Board for revising the ritual and statutes . A letter from the Grand Secretary of the
Grand Lodge of Mark Masters was read , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . It contained an intimation from the Earl Percy , M . P ., AI . W . G . M . M . M ., to the Earl of Bective , M . P ., M . I . G . S . that the representatives of the Alark
Grand Lodge would use their best endeavours to secure the admission of the Red Cross Order into the treaty of alliance now existing between the Alark , the Knights Templar , and the Ancient and Accepted Rite .
It was reported that the Grand Recorder , Dr , Woodman , had obtained an office at No . 23 A , Great Queen-street , exactl y opposite Freemasons' Hall , where the business of the Order would be carried on from thc Sth inst .
The sanction of the Grand Council was given to a ball being held under its auspices early in the coming year , the Kni g hts to appear in full Red Cross regalia , with the jewels of any Masonic degree , except the Craft and Royal Arch .
A vote of ten guineas to the Royal AIasonic Institution for Boys was agreed to , subject to confirmation . The council was then closed . K . H . S .
A meeting of the Patriarchal Council , K . H . S ., was then held , when it was moved b y the Treasurer General , seconded b y Bro . Knight Levander , First Lieut ., and carried unanimously , that the registry fee for Knights of the Order be five shillings , instead of ten shillings and sixpence , as
previousl y resolved . The regalia of the Order is to consist of a black silk sash , with the emblem of rank embroidered thereon in front ; a black sheathed sword , and the usual jewel . It was recommended that the Red Cross sash be lined with black silk , and worn so reversed in the K . H . S .
Bro . Knight T . Cubitt , T . B ., propped , and Bro . Kni g ht S . Rosenthal seconded a vote of thanks to the Chairman , which was carried b y acclamation . Bro . Knight Gumbleton , Captain of the Guard in this Order , briefly acknowledged the compliment .
ORIGINAL OR PREMIER CONCLAVE or ENGLAND . This Conclave met when the previous business was over , and Sir Knight Charles F . Hogard , of the Plantagenet Conclave , No . 2 , was advanced to the grades of Viceroy and
Sovereign-The Rev . Dr . Smyth was approved as a candidate , and several brethren were proposed for the next meeting . The Conclave was then closed , and the Kni g hts dined together under the sceptre of Sir Kni g ht Little , who presided for Sir Knig ht Aloss , M P . S ., who is out of town . A very p
leasant evening was spent , agreeably diversified by the speeches of Sir Kni ghts John Hervey . P- «• Chancellor , E . Sillifant , Rev . Ernest Brette , D-D ; T . B . Yeoman , J . G . Marsh , and H . A . Dubois , and the musical talents of Sir Knig ht H . Parker , the Grand Organist of the Order .
WIRK-QUILTKU SOLED Boors , which save 50 per centin wear , may be had from Burgess , 29 A , Oxford-street . W ; Speak , 13 , Broadway , Ludgate-hill ; Blundell , 66 , l '' o" - - street , City ; Lewis , 2 oy , Liveipool-road , N . ; and elsewhere * N . B . —Your regular bootmaker can piocure soles rea «)' quilted in every size from the Wire Quilted Company Li mitcd ; or have his own leather quilted by forwal'dl'tf same to the Company's works , Leicester . —ADVT .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ing the feelings of the brethren towards ourW . M ., ;; nd I trust he will long live in their hig h estimation . Well , brethren , I am asked to propose the ladies , and can there be any more agreeable subject to talk about r Bro . Broughton says " No , No ; " well there is no one had more
experience than he- You know there is only one handsome child iu the world , and every man has that one ; and so [ believe there is but one handsome woman in the world and every man in his w ife bi lieves he has the happiness of possessi ' . iL ' - her . I recommend vou wlio ar ° not married to
make all speed and lollow the W . M ' s example . I have much p leasure in calling upon you to drink to " The Health of Mrs . George Richardson and the Ladies . " Bro . George Richardson , W . M ., in responding , said I have very great pleasure in replying to the last toast , I can tell
you that I have got an excellent wife , and can support the recommendation of Bro . McGowan , and wish all who have not entered the blissful state of matrimony to do so . I have travelled through many years with my friends upon the dusty road of life , ami from time to time seen
lirst owe and then the other turn nil to enjoy thiins .-lvvs in their little garden of matrimonial bliss , anil now 1 have gut one of my own , and 1 may tell you my wile is ofa real good Masonic stock , her sire being a highly distinguished and respected Alason . I can assure you that both
she and I ( as Bro . McGowan , said ) will value the gift you have made us , not so much for itself as for the spirit in which it is g iven , and if it should be so that we should have successors it will be handed down to them as a great ti . kt-n of vuiir esteem and regard . Allow me again on the pari
of my wile and the lai ' iias , to thank you most heartil y on their behalf for the compliment you have paid them . Alter the usual concluding toast this highly interesting and most agreeable evening ' s entertain ment was brought to a close .
We feel it thu * lo Bros . J . Rhodes , P . M ., R . Richardson , P . M . ; A . Hunter P . M . ; J . Brigg , W . Branland , P . M . ; and C . Pratt , P . M ., to say th . t their very excellent harmony , contributed greatly to the enjoyments of the evening .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
IPSWICH . —Chajiter of Perfect Friendship ( No . 600)—The ustihl quarterl y convocation of the Royal Sussex Chapter of Pel feet Friendship was held at the Alasonic Hall , Ipswich , on
Wednesday , the jrd inst ., present AL K . Comps . Stephen Burdett King , P . Z . as ist Principal Z ; G . S . Findley , P . Z . as 2 nd Principal 11 ., and P . Cornell , | . ; J . Franks , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; W . Fraser , Act . N . ; A . Tracy , P . Soj . ; Dr . Mills , P . Z . ; N . A . Smith , J . Flicker , P . Z . ; W . Taylor ,
and others . Visiting companions , Emra Holmes , and Geo . Abboit , ' . Lukes Chapter ; W . T . Westgate , of the Alexandra Chapter , and W . Spalding . Tlie chapter having been opened in due form and the minutes read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bros . Henry George
Bishop and Charles liarfoot , of the Faithful Lodge No . 85 , llarlestone , Norfolk , and Bro . W . Whitmore of the Fidelity Lodge , No . 555 , Framlingham , who were unanimously elected . Bros . Bishop and Barfoot , and liro . Scopes , of the Perfect Friend-hi p Lod ;•;•• , who had been
previousl y elected , being in attendance , were severally introduced , obligated , and exalted to the Sublime ilegice of Koyal Arch Mason , the ceremony being most mipp-ssively performed by Coui i'S {'' ranks and King , a-sisled bv Comp-. Title ,, Pii : j . Soj ., the bi-aiiufiii Mystical Lirlur
..-b-. ng g iven !> y Com ; ,. King , with hi- c . s' . oinary tioi uiiiyinii - y power , aim the Historical b y Comp . Milk , 'lne caiiili . j . iirs and visitors amongst whom vve milliner oUiselviS , weie greatly struck at the admii . ible way in which the des-vce vvas woiked , and al the solemnity and decorum whicii
pervaded the proceedings . 'I he election ol officers was then proceeded with , when tinfollowing was the i .. sult . — -Comp . King , Z ; P . Cornell , II . ; N . Tracy , j . ; W . Fraser . Prin . Soj . ; W . J * . Mills , P . Z ., Scribe Ji . Scopes , N . ;
W . Townsend , Treas . ; Syer , Janitor ; Comp . Franks retired from office as Scribe Ji . on account of age and infirmity , and a hearty vole of thanks was accorded to him , and ordered to be put upon the minutes , for his great services to
Royal Arch.
the chapter , coupled with regrets that the companions should lose the benefit of his valuable assistance . A companion having been proposed for exaltation at the next meeting , the chapter was closed and the brethren retired for refreshment .
ROSE OF DENMARK CHAPTER ( NO . 1194 ) . — This chapter met at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , on Saturday , the 6 th inst ., Comp . fames Brett , P . Z ., P . G . D . C , presided as Z . ; Comp . R . Wentworth Little , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . E . Middlesex as H . ; and Comp . Fred . Smith , P . Z ..
as J . Two brethren , namely , Bros . M . Solomon , of a Scotch Lodge , and J . Hillhouse , S . W . 228 , were exalted , the work of P . S . being well done by Comp . Dodd , the Scribe E . ( H . . 194 ) . The mystical , symbolical , and historical lectures were finely delivered b y Comps . Brett , Little , and
Dodd respectively . A proposition for joining was made and the chapter was closed . \ t the banquet Comp . Terry , P . Z ., presided , as owing to his absence at Comp . Sheen ' s funeral , he was unable to attend the working in chapter . A very pleasant evening was spent , the usual festive
masts being given with gieat geniality by the acting Z . Comps . Brett responded for the Grand Officers ; Little for the P . Z . ' s ; Hillhouse for the Exaltees ; Terry for the Chair ; Lane , King , and others for the Visitors ; Buss , Treas ., tor the Officers . About twenty-live companions
were present including , besides those na med , Comps . Newton , P . Z . ; Jesse Owens , T . IT . P . Hartley , G . C . Banks , Martin , Hicks , Everett , and others . Comp . Fred . Smith , P . Z ., agreed io accept the position of Steward at the next festival of the Royal Alasonic Institution for Girls .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
ST . AIARK ' J ^ OJIGE ( No . 1 ) . —This lodge held its installation meeting on Tuesday the 2 P . d inst ., at the Alasons' Hall Tavern , Alasons ' Avenue . Bro . the Rev . W . B . Church , M . A ., P . M ., P . G . C .. presided , supported by Bros . Binckes ,
P . G . W ., G . Sec ; R . W . Little , IT . C . Levander , T . Cubitt , and J . G . Marsh , P . AI . ' s , T . W . White , of No . 104 , and about a dozen other brethren . Bro . H . A . Dubois , S . W . 1326 and 1415 , P . G . Steward , Aliddlesex , was dul y
advanced . Bro . G . Kenning , S . W ., was then installed as W . M ., and the officers were invested as follows . —Bros . S C . Davison , S . W . ; T . B . Yeoman , J . W . ; T . H . Edmands , AI . O . ; Rev . P . H . E . Brette , D . D ., S . O . ; J . W . Barrett ,
J . O . ; Rev . W . B . Church , M . A ., V . M ., Chaplain ; H . C . Levander , P . M ., Treas . ; R . W . Little , P . AL , Sec . ; John Boyd , R . of M . ; C . Horsley , S . D . ; E . H . Thiellay , J . D . ; H . A . Dubois , I . G . ; H . Parker , Organist ; and J .
Gilbert , Tyler . 'The name of a brother was erased for non-payment of dues , and P . M . jevvels vvere voted to Bn-s . Marsh and Cubitt , P . M . ' s . The lodge was then closed , and a capital supper was served , after which the loyal and Masonic
toasts were proposed and heartil y accepted . TJie new Master , Jko , George Kenning , stated that he intended to represent the Iodge as a Steward , at all the Festivals of the Alasonic Institutions in
1874 . Bros . Binckes and Little , in responding , trusted that the Members of the lodge would give the W . M . their best support in such a good cause . After a very pleasant evening th * : brethren separated .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
An adjourned special meeting of the Grand Council was held at Freemasons' Tavern , on the ist instant , under the presidency of the High Chancellor , Sir Knt . W . E . Gumbleton , J . P .,
for the consideration of important business . A letter from Sir Knt . S . K . Herrick , Intendant General for Massachusetts , U . S . A ., was read , iu which he conveyed the views of the Conclaves in his Division , —their desire being to remain under the jurisdiction of the Grand ' Council of
England , and to conform to the Statutes which declare that Master Alasons are eli gible for admission into the Order , as in some of the American States Kni ghts Templar only are admitted as candidates . Sir Knt . Herrick ' s action was approved , and a
Red Cross Of Constantine.
copy of the resolution thereon was ordered to be sent to Sir Knt . Creigh , LL . D ., Chief Intendant General in America , for his guidance in future . The following Knights were elected members ofthe Executive Committee : —Colonel Burdett W . E . Gumbleton , R . W . Little , W . R . Wood '
man , M . D . ; and H . C . Levander , M . A . ; and the meetings ofthe Committee were fixed to be held on thc Monday preceding the Quarterly Communications of the Grand Lodge of Eng . land . It was resolved that the Grand Sovereign be
recommended to appoint Chief Intendants General for groups of divisions in England , and it was announced that the Right Hon , the Lord Skelmersdale , Int . Gen . unattached , had accepted the post of Chief Intendant General for Lancashire .
It was ordered that all fees payable fro m officers or conclaves now due be at once - required , and the result communicated to the Executive Committee , who were further deputed to act as a Board for revising the ritual and statutes . A letter from the Grand Secretary of the
Grand Lodge of Mark Masters was read , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . It contained an intimation from the Earl Percy , M . P ., AI . W . G . M . M . M ., to the Earl of Bective , M . P ., M . I . G . S . that the representatives of the Alark
Grand Lodge would use their best endeavours to secure the admission of the Red Cross Order into the treaty of alliance now existing between the Alark , the Knights Templar , and the Ancient and Accepted Rite .
It was reported that the Grand Recorder , Dr , Woodman , had obtained an office at No . 23 A , Great Queen-street , exactl y opposite Freemasons' Hall , where the business of the Order would be carried on from thc Sth inst .
The sanction of the Grand Council was given to a ball being held under its auspices early in the coming year , the Kni g hts to appear in full Red Cross regalia , with the jewels of any Masonic degree , except the Craft and Royal Arch .
A vote of ten guineas to the Royal AIasonic Institution for Boys was agreed to , subject to confirmation . The council was then closed . K . H . S .
A meeting of the Patriarchal Council , K . H . S ., was then held , when it was moved b y the Treasurer General , seconded b y Bro . Knight Levander , First Lieut ., and carried unanimously , that the registry fee for Knights of the Order be five shillings , instead of ten shillings and sixpence , as
previousl y resolved . The regalia of the Order is to consist of a black silk sash , with the emblem of rank embroidered thereon in front ; a black sheathed sword , and the usual jewel . It was recommended that the Red Cross sash be lined with black silk , and worn so reversed in the K . H . S .
Bro . Knight T . Cubitt , T . B ., propped , and Bro . Kni g ht S . Rosenthal seconded a vote of thanks to the Chairman , which was carried b y acclamation . Bro . Knight Gumbleton , Captain of the Guard in this Order , briefly acknowledged the compliment .
ORIGINAL OR PREMIER CONCLAVE or ENGLAND . This Conclave met when the previous business was over , and Sir Knight Charles F . Hogard , of the Plantagenet Conclave , No . 2 , was advanced to the grades of Viceroy and
Sovereign-The Rev . Dr . Smyth was approved as a candidate , and several brethren were proposed for the next meeting . The Conclave was then closed , and the Kni g hts dined together under the sceptre of Sir Kni g ht Little , who presided for Sir Knig ht Aloss , M P . S ., who is out of town . A very p
leasant evening was spent , agreeably diversified by the speeches of Sir Kni ghts John Hervey . P- «• Chancellor , E . Sillifant , Rev . Ernest Brette , D-D ; T . B . Yeoman , J . G . Marsh , and H . A . Dubois , and the musical talents of Sir Knig ht H . Parker , the Grand Organist of the Order .
WIRK-QUILTKU SOLED Boors , which save 50 per centin wear , may be had from Burgess , 29 A , Oxford-street . W ; Speak , 13 , Broadway , Ludgate-hill ; Blundell , 66 , l '' o" - - street , City ; Lewis , 2 oy , Liveipool-road , N . ; and elsewhere * N . B . —Your regular bootmaker can piocure soles rea «)' quilted in every size from the Wire Quilted Company Li mitcd ; or have his own leather quilted by forwal'dl'tf same to the Company's works , Leicester . —ADVT .