Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
T .,. » Freemason" Indian Famine Fund 4 'S S PORT , or M ASONIC M ININGS : - Craft Masonry 4 > The Moons of Mars 4 £
E riar : ? JwlGrandTod . ^ . ' ... .. ' . ' . ' . ' 4 ' 7 S ° rK Grand Lodqe of West Yorkshire 41 S FS Masonic Institution for Boys 418 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 419 Ireland •*' ?
ConseCTation ' oY ^ 4 " Public Amusements 4 " Notes on Art 4-Masonic and General Tidings 4 = ' Enlargement of the Freemason 4 « The Boys' School 4 " I odce Arrears 4 " It ' s a Queer World My Masters ; 4 * 3
C ORRESPONDENCE : — A Query 4 * 3 Cleopatra ' s Needle „ . 4 = 3 Lodges meeting in Taverns 423 War Victims 4 = 3 London Roughs .... 4 24 Consecration of the Wiibraham Lodge No . 1713 , 424 Consecration of the Albert Edward Lodge No . 1714 424 of tht Arthur John Lod 1715 435
Consecration Brogden ge No . ... Consecration of the New Concord Chapter No . S 13 , 426 Consecration of the Holmesilale Chapter No . S 74 426 Consecration of the Islington Chapter No . 1471 426 Sketches of Masonic Character—Bro . Smythe at Paris 426 The Ouccn and Royal Family .- 427 Lodge Meetings for Next Week 427 Advertisements 4 = 7 , 4 38 > U il . HI . 'V . v . vl .
The "Freemason" Indian Famine Fund.
Bro . George Kenning having consented on request to act as Treasurer to the above important Fund , has the great pleasure of announcing the following subscriptions received up to the time of going to press :
Amount paid to the Lord Mayor , Oct ., 6 th 1877 a £ l 20 1 3 Sandgate Lodge , 1 4 , 3 6 r 3 6 Bro . J . Cole , High-street , Petersfield ... 1 1 o
Intending subscribers ( lod ^ esor individual members ) this fuml are earnestly rc < juestcd ( tu send iu their | subscription-, large or small , at as early a date as convenient . A li-t will be published each week of all amounts received at the Ollice , ( ig < S , FJeet-atreet ) , up to 0 o'clock , p . m ., on Thursday .
INDIAN FAMINE FUND . The Lord Mayor acknowledges the receipt of the following subscriptions in aid of the Indian Famine Fund : — Prov . Grand Lodge of VV . Lancashire ... £ 200 o o Supreme Council , A . and A . Rite ... 100 o o Prov . Grand Lodge of Westmoreland and
Cumberland ... ... ... 20 o 0 Egyptian Lodge , No . 27 ... 10 10 0 Prosperity Lodge , No . 6 5 10 18 0 Adam ' s Lodge , No . 158 ... ... ... 13 °
Hundred of Lllor , No . 4 6 9 ... ... 15 15 c Triumph Lodge , 1061 ... ... ... 10 10 0 Wharncliffc Lodge , No . 1462 ... ... 5 5 ° Athenaeum Lodge , No . 14191 ... ... 10 10 0 Watling St . Lodge , No . 16 35 500
The "Freemason" Indian Famine Fund.
man , and seconded by Bro . George Abbott , P . M ., that the bye-laws be revised , printed , and circulated among the members of the lodge—carried unanimously . Four gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren numbering about 40 then adjourned to a well-served banquet , under the able superintendence of Bro . E . H . Rand . The usual
toasts were ably given by the W . M ., and heartily responded to by the brethren . Bros . Newton , Worrell , Farthing , and Walkin , replied for " The Visitors . " The W . M . made an earnest appeal to the brethren on behalf of the Indian Famine Fund , resulting in the collection of £ 1 which was handed to the Treasurer
, of the Freemason Fund . MARQUESS OF RIPON LODGE ( No . 1489 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Fridav , thc 5 th inst ., at the hall of the Metropolitan Benefit Societies' Asylum , Ball's-pond-road . The lodge was
summoned for four o ' clock , and shortly after that hour Bro . William Stephens , P . M ., in the absence of Bro . Thomas Edward Jessett , W . M ., opened the lodge . The minutes were first confirmed . The Audit Committee ' s
report , showing receipts for past year of £ 139 os . c ) A . and a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of £ 31 ! 5 S- 7 l' - > was read by ^ 0- Murlis , the Secretary , and ad ' opted . Bro . John Edward Walford , C . C ., S . W . and W . M . elect , P . M . 177 , and P . Z . 145 , was then presented to Bro . William Stephens , and by him formally installed in thc chair of the lodge for the ensuing year . The
officers invested were Bros . Dr . John Symonds , S . W . ; lohn High , J . W . ; W . Stephens , P . M ., Treasurer ; W . [ . Murlis , P . M ., Secretary ; T . Hastings Miller , P . G . Organist , Middlesex , S . D . ; J . Glaskin , J . D . ; W . Grist , I . G . ; Charles Smith , D . C ; A . J . Stanton , W . S . ; John Tovell , Assistant W . S . ; P . A . Coard , Organist , and W . Gilchrist , Tyler . Bro . Stephens afterwards delivered
the charges , and completed a very able performance of the ceremonies amidst the hearty cheers of the brethren . A vote of thanks was subsequently passed to him for his performance , and in returning his acknowledgments for the vote Bro . Stephens said he was proud to be the father of the lodge , although it was not an old lodge , and he trusted he would be spared for many years to be amongst
the brethren . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren partook of a choice banquet , supplied in Bro . Grist ' s best style . After the dinner had been disposed of , and grace said , the W . M proposed the usual toasts . In proposing "The Earl of Carnarvon , " ire , the W . M . said it was very pleasing to him to know that several of thc Grand Ofiicers had honoured him with a visit that evening ,
and he thanked them on behalf of the lodge for their kindness and consideration in coming . Bro . John Boyd , l ' . G . P ., replied . He said he was present when the lodge was consecrated , and he was much pleased at the way in which Bro . Stephens had performed the installation ceremony in inducting Bro . Walford in the chair . There was a large amount of credit due to Bro . Stephens for doing so . There were in some lodges men who took a
lead , and those men were looked up to , and he advised the brethren to look up to such brethren if they were capable of imparting instruction and to be guided by them . In Bro . Stephens they had a brother whom they could look up to and be guided by . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Boyd concluded by passing a high compliment to the lodge on the manner in which the banquet had been placed on the table . The W . M . next proposed " The Health of the Visitors , " offering them a hearty welcome to the lodge and thanking
them very sincerely for the honour they had done him by coming among the brethren to witness his installation . He was very pleased to see Bro . Michael Haydon present , who saw him installed in Lodge 177 , his mother lodge . Bro . Haydon having said a few words in reply , Bro . Pearson , P . M . 119 ( 1 , a ' replied , and said he always felt when he went into a Freemasons' lodge as if he went into a
haven of rest . Other brethren no doubt had the same feeling , and would acknowledge that after the great strain there was upon everybody in business it was a great relaxation and a great treat to spend a few hours with the Masonic brotherhood . He had had much pleasure in accepting Bro . Murlis ' s invitation , and he hoped sincerely that this would not be the last occasion when he might
have an opportunity of witnessing the working . He felt sure that the W . M . would have a pleasant year of office . Bro . Stephens proposed " The Health of the W . M . " Bro . Walford , he said , was an old Past Master of a very old lodge , which he believed was the most numerous as to members of any of the lodges on the roll of Grand Lodge . He had occupied the
position of W . M . in years gone by ; he had ably fulfilled his duties , and he was quite capable of discharging them again to the satisfaction of the brethren of the Marquess of Ripon Lodge . Bro . Walford was a founder of this lodge , and he had worked through the offices till he had attained the position he now filled . Bro . Walford was well connected with the City of London , and might
be looked upon as a future Lord Mayor . ( Cheers . ) The W . M ., in acknowledging the toast , which was most heartily received , said that though Bro . Stephens had spoken of him in far too flattering terms , he hoped at the end of the year he would be found in a measure deserving of them . Bio . Stephens had said that he ( the W . M . ) was an old P . M ., and this was the real truth ; consequently
he was acquainted with the way in which lodges should be conducted , and he should ask the brethren to be particularly attentive to the sound of his gavel , and to respond to it as all good Masons should . Having been one of the founders of the lodge , it was his ambition to
become its Master and one of the P . M . ' s . Twelve months hence he hoped to be enrolled amongst those brethren , should it be the pleasure cf Providence to spare him to go through his year of office . He thanked the brethren for having elected him to the high position of W . M ., and while he was in possession of the chair he would endea-
The "Freemason" Indian Famine Fund.
vour to do his duty . He hoped that all matters comin before the lodge would be conducted in a judicial way ; that the initiations , passings , and raisings would be performed in such business-like style as to be generally approved of ; and that at the termination of his Mastership no brother would have reason to complain . He was not going to extend his remarks ; he would simply say he
would try to do his duty , and he trusted that the result of the year would show that the brethren had put the right man in the right place , and that he had won their confidence . ( Hear , hear . ) In proposing " The Health of the P . M . ' s , " the W . M . regretted the absence of Bro . Jessett , for whom they had a Past Master ' s jewel for presentation . Bro . Murlis , P . M ., having
replied , " The Health of Bro . Stephens , P . M ., Treasurer , and Installing Master , " was proposed by the W . M . Bro . Stephens , in reply , said that although the lodge was not a very old one they had endeavoured to do something for the good of the Craft . During his year they did something . £ 300 was collected in one year for the Masonic Charities , and he should always look upon that with a
great deal of pride . Since then they had done something further , and they had sent up a Steward each year . Next time he hoped to represent the Girls , and having served the other Institutions , he would have reached the climax of his Masonic career . He should call un all the brethren to support him , and he should be satisfied if he took up £ 100 , not like Bro . Murlis , who was not satisfied with less
than £ 300 . ( Hear , hear . ) After proposing the Masonic Press , the W . M . proposed "The Officers , " who he felt sure would be zealous in the discharge of their important duties . In appointing the officers he had followed the wish of the lodge , but he had satisfied himself first of all that they were not only capable but anxious , and that they would faithfully and efficiently discharge their duties .
He looked upon these brethren as aspiring to the chair to which he had been that night honourably elected and installed , and he couli assure them that the only way to attain that dignity was by the efficient performance of thc duties of their several offices . He would give the Wardens a word of advice . Let them be attentive and punctual , always at their posts at the commencement of
business ; and if they were they would be co-operating with the Master , giving pleasure to him , satisfaction to themselves , at the same time that they would be forwarding the interests of the Marquess of Ripon Lodge . Bro . Dr . Symonds , S . W ., replied , and the brethren shortly afterwards separated . ALDERSGATE LODGE ( No . 16 : 7 ) . —A meeting
of thc above lodge was held on Monday last , at the Castle and Falcon , Aldersgate-strcet . Brethren present : Bros . John Derby Allcroft , W . M . ; Dr . Ernest Brette , S . W . ; Dr . Charles Hogg , J . W . ; George Kenning , Treasurer j P . Saillard , S . D . ; Wm . H . Froom , J . D . ; Thomas Benskin , D . C . ; A . J . Altaian , I . G . ; W . Landell , S . Benton , E . Jolliffe , W . S . Chapman , Alfred Brookman , John
Hervey , Grand Secretary ; Hyde Pullen , Richard Lee . Visitors : Bros . S . Martel Davies , Fidelity , 231 ; Henry J . Reynolds , P . M . Temple , 101 ; A . J . Prothero , Neptune , 22 ; Ernest W . Ledger , P . M . Moira , 92 ; G . J . Atkins , P . M . Moira , 92 ; J . Bergmann , Mizpah , 1671 ; and W . Steedman , P . M ., Tyler . The minutes of the regular meeting , held March 12 th ,
were read and confirmed . The minutes of the lodge of emergency , held May 7 th , were read and confirmed . Bro . Alfred Brookman was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason . Bro . Dr . Samuel Benton was passed to the Second Degree . Bros . Lee , Dr . Smith , and Chapman were elected for the Committee of Finance , after which the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
LIVERPOOL . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 673 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Tuesday the 2 nd inst ., the attendance of members and visitors numbering about iog . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Henry Burrows , assisted by the whole of his officers , and a considerable number of P . M . ' s . After the minutes had
been read and the balloting completed , the W . M . gave the First and Second Degrees in a very effective manner . During the general business a vote of £ sf 5 s . was passed to thc Indian Famine Fund , supplemented by private subscriptions , making the sum up to £ 8 8 s . After business , the brethren adjourned to an excellent repast , thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts being given and responded to .
The most important one of the evening , viz ., the J . P . M ., Bro . Thomas Roberts , was accompanied by a presentation ( subscribed for solely by the members ) , consisting of a very handsome time-piece and vases , and an illuminated address . The toast and presentation were entrusted to Bro . W . T . Merry , senior , P . M ., who , in illustrating the career of Bro . Roberts in Masonry , earnestly pointed out
to the younger members the importance of observing the tenets of Masonry , and strictly obeying all its precepts , by which means there was ample scope for obtaining the highest lodge honours that could be conferred . The toast and presentation having been heartily received by the brethren , were felicitiously acknowledged by Bro . Roberts . The remaining toasts having been given , the proceedings
were closed , and the brethren departed at an early hour . LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The regular meeting of the Rowley Lodge was held at thc Masonic Rooms , Athena ; um , Lancaster , on Monday , 1 st October , 1877 . There were present : Bros . T . Jackson , W . M . ; N . W . Hcerne , S . W . ; Alfred Sherriff , J . W . ; J . Daniel Moore , P . G . S . B . of England ; J . T . Jackson
J . D ., and others . After the preliminary business had been transacted Bro . Moore delivered a shirt lecture " On the Ethics of Freemasonry , " briefly touching on thc more salient points connected with the subject . On the proposition of the S . W ., a hearty vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Moore , accompanied by a request that he would favour the lodge with another short lecture at the next meeting .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
fltatft lfa 0 MT 2 . LION AND LAMB LODGE ( No . 102 ) . —The October meeting of the above lodge was held on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., at the Cannon-street Hotel . Brethren present : Bros . Edward Jones , W . M . ; Henry Legge , S . W . j Frank Fellows , J . W . ; George Kenning , P . M ., Treasurer ; J . G . Marsh , P . M . Secretary ; W . T . Rickwood , S . D . ; Henry Child , I . G . j E . J . Kellaway , D . C ; George Newman ,
P . M . ; Thomas Cohu , P . M . ; George Abbott , P . M . ; W . F . Bates , Thomas Agutter , W . Darnell , R . J . Dart , C . Gale Sparrow , J . Copelin , H . A . Pratt , W . F . Poulton , George Taylor , W . Figcs , Thomas Fisher , Charles Cann , H . A . Canter , J . Cook , B . Perkins , W . Allflat , G . Borer , R . H . Goddard , E . Hunter , J . G . Chillingworth , J . Lorkin , W . Waring , R . J . Sutherland , John Kent , and
others . Visitors : Bros . W . E . Newton , W . M . William Preston Lodge ; Worrell , P . M . ami Sec . William Preston Lodge ; Watkins , P . M . ; J . B . Huxtable , 1135 ; J . B . Lee , 1328 ; G . W . Chapman , 1328 ; A . Rowley , W . M . 917 ; W . Jobson , 147 ; R . Rimpont , 77 ; T . W . Farthing , and others . Thc minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . W . H . L . Davies was raised to the
Sublime Degree of a Master Mason . It was proposed by the Treasurer and seconded by the J . W ., that £ 10 10 s . be paid out of the lodge funds to the Muggeridge Testimonial , —carried unanimously . It was proposed by the Treasurer and seconded by Bro . George Newman ,
P . M ., that £ 10 1 os . be voted to Mrs Allatson , widow of the late Bro . Allatson , a member of the lodge , carried unanimousl y . It was proposed by the Tieasurcr , and seconded by Bro . George Abbott , P . M ., that £ 10 be voted to the tunds of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution—car-« ed unanimousl y . It was proposed by Bro . George New-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
T .,. » Freemason" Indian Famine Fund 4 'S S PORT , or M ASONIC M ININGS : - Craft Masonry 4 > The Moons of Mars 4 £
E riar : ? JwlGrandTod . ^ . ' ... .. ' . ' . ' . ' 4 ' 7 S ° rK Grand Lodqe of West Yorkshire 41 S FS Masonic Institution for Boys 418 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 419 Ireland •*' ?
ConseCTation ' oY ^ 4 " Public Amusements 4 " Notes on Art 4-Masonic and General Tidings 4 = ' Enlargement of the Freemason 4 « The Boys' School 4 " I odce Arrears 4 " It ' s a Queer World My Masters ; 4 * 3
C ORRESPONDENCE : — A Query 4 * 3 Cleopatra ' s Needle „ . 4 = 3 Lodges meeting in Taverns 423 War Victims 4 = 3 London Roughs .... 4 24 Consecration of the Wiibraham Lodge No . 1713 , 424 Consecration of the Albert Edward Lodge No . 1714 424 of tht Arthur John Lod 1715 435
Consecration Brogden ge No . ... Consecration of the New Concord Chapter No . S 13 , 426 Consecration of the Holmesilale Chapter No . S 74 426 Consecration of the Islington Chapter No . 1471 426 Sketches of Masonic Character—Bro . Smythe at Paris 426 The Ouccn and Royal Family .- 427 Lodge Meetings for Next Week 427 Advertisements 4 = 7 , 4 38 > U il . HI . 'V . v . vl .
The "Freemason" Indian Famine Fund.
Bro . George Kenning having consented on request to act as Treasurer to the above important Fund , has the great pleasure of announcing the following subscriptions received up to the time of going to press :
Amount paid to the Lord Mayor , Oct ., 6 th 1877 a £ l 20 1 3 Sandgate Lodge , 1 4 , 3 6 r 3 6 Bro . J . Cole , High-street , Petersfield ... 1 1 o
Intending subscribers ( lod ^ esor individual members ) this fuml are earnestly rc < juestcd ( tu send iu their | subscription-, large or small , at as early a date as convenient . A li-t will be published each week of all amounts received at the Ollice , ( ig < S , FJeet-atreet ) , up to 0 o'clock , p . m ., on Thursday .
INDIAN FAMINE FUND . The Lord Mayor acknowledges the receipt of the following subscriptions in aid of the Indian Famine Fund : — Prov . Grand Lodge of VV . Lancashire ... £ 200 o o Supreme Council , A . and A . Rite ... 100 o o Prov . Grand Lodge of Westmoreland and
Cumberland ... ... ... 20 o 0 Egyptian Lodge , No . 27 ... 10 10 0 Prosperity Lodge , No . 6 5 10 18 0 Adam ' s Lodge , No . 158 ... ... ... 13 °
Hundred of Lllor , No . 4 6 9 ... ... 15 15 c Triumph Lodge , 1061 ... ... ... 10 10 0 Wharncliffc Lodge , No . 1462 ... ... 5 5 ° Athenaeum Lodge , No . 14191 ... ... 10 10 0 Watling St . Lodge , No . 16 35 500
The "Freemason" Indian Famine Fund.
man , and seconded by Bro . George Abbott , P . M ., that the bye-laws be revised , printed , and circulated among the members of the lodge—carried unanimously . Four gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren numbering about 40 then adjourned to a well-served banquet , under the able superintendence of Bro . E . H . Rand . The usual
toasts were ably given by the W . M ., and heartily responded to by the brethren . Bros . Newton , Worrell , Farthing , and Walkin , replied for " The Visitors . " The W . M . made an earnest appeal to the brethren on behalf of the Indian Famine Fund , resulting in the collection of £ 1 which was handed to the Treasurer
, of the Freemason Fund . MARQUESS OF RIPON LODGE ( No . 1489 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Fridav , thc 5 th inst ., at the hall of the Metropolitan Benefit Societies' Asylum , Ball's-pond-road . The lodge was
summoned for four o ' clock , and shortly after that hour Bro . William Stephens , P . M ., in the absence of Bro . Thomas Edward Jessett , W . M ., opened the lodge . The minutes were first confirmed . The Audit Committee ' s
report , showing receipts for past year of £ 139 os . c ) A . and a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of £ 31 ! 5 S- 7 l' - > was read by ^ 0- Murlis , the Secretary , and ad ' opted . Bro . John Edward Walford , C . C ., S . W . and W . M . elect , P . M . 177 , and P . Z . 145 , was then presented to Bro . William Stephens , and by him formally installed in thc chair of the lodge for the ensuing year . The
officers invested were Bros . Dr . John Symonds , S . W . ; lohn High , J . W . ; W . Stephens , P . M ., Treasurer ; W . [ . Murlis , P . M ., Secretary ; T . Hastings Miller , P . G . Organist , Middlesex , S . D . ; J . Glaskin , J . D . ; W . Grist , I . G . ; Charles Smith , D . C ; A . J . Stanton , W . S . ; John Tovell , Assistant W . S . ; P . A . Coard , Organist , and W . Gilchrist , Tyler . Bro . Stephens afterwards delivered
the charges , and completed a very able performance of the ceremonies amidst the hearty cheers of the brethren . A vote of thanks was subsequently passed to him for his performance , and in returning his acknowledgments for the vote Bro . Stephens said he was proud to be the father of the lodge , although it was not an old lodge , and he trusted he would be spared for many years to be amongst
the brethren . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren partook of a choice banquet , supplied in Bro . Grist ' s best style . After the dinner had been disposed of , and grace said , the W . M proposed the usual toasts . In proposing "The Earl of Carnarvon , " ire , the W . M . said it was very pleasing to him to know that several of thc Grand Ofiicers had honoured him with a visit that evening ,
and he thanked them on behalf of the lodge for their kindness and consideration in coming . Bro . John Boyd , l ' . G . P ., replied . He said he was present when the lodge was consecrated , and he was much pleased at the way in which Bro . Stephens had performed the installation ceremony in inducting Bro . Walford in the chair . There was a large amount of credit due to Bro . Stephens for doing so . There were in some lodges men who took a
lead , and those men were looked up to , and he advised the brethren to look up to such brethren if they were capable of imparting instruction and to be guided by them . In Bro . Stephens they had a brother whom they could look up to and be guided by . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Boyd concluded by passing a high compliment to the lodge on the manner in which the banquet had been placed on the table . The W . M . next proposed " The Health of the Visitors , " offering them a hearty welcome to the lodge and thanking
them very sincerely for the honour they had done him by coming among the brethren to witness his installation . He was very pleased to see Bro . Michael Haydon present , who saw him installed in Lodge 177 , his mother lodge . Bro . Haydon having said a few words in reply , Bro . Pearson , P . M . 119 ( 1 , a ' replied , and said he always felt when he went into a Freemasons' lodge as if he went into a
haven of rest . Other brethren no doubt had the same feeling , and would acknowledge that after the great strain there was upon everybody in business it was a great relaxation and a great treat to spend a few hours with the Masonic brotherhood . He had had much pleasure in accepting Bro . Murlis ' s invitation , and he hoped sincerely that this would not be the last occasion when he might
have an opportunity of witnessing the working . He felt sure that the W . M . would have a pleasant year of office . Bro . Stephens proposed " The Health of the W . M . " Bro . Walford , he said , was an old Past Master of a very old lodge , which he believed was the most numerous as to members of any of the lodges on the roll of Grand Lodge . He had occupied the
position of W . M . in years gone by ; he had ably fulfilled his duties , and he was quite capable of discharging them again to the satisfaction of the brethren of the Marquess of Ripon Lodge . Bro . Walford was a founder of this lodge , and he had worked through the offices till he had attained the position he now filled . Bro . Walford was well connected with the City of London , and might
be looked upon as a future Lord Mayor . ( Cheers . ) The W . M ., in acknowledging the toast , which was most heartily received , said that though Bro . Stephens had spoken of him in far too flattering terms , he hoped at the end of the year he would be found in a measure deserving of them . Bio . Stephens had said that he ( the W . M . ) was an old P . M ., and this was the real truth ; consequently
he was acquainted with the way in which lodges should be conducted , and he should ask the brethren to be particularly attentive to the sound of his gavel , and to respond to it as all good Masons should . Having been one of the founders of the lodge , it was his ambition to
become its Master and one of the P . M . ' s . Twelve months hence he hoped to be enrolled amongst those brethren , should it be the pleasure cf Providence to spare him to go through his year of office . He thanked the brethren for having elected him to the high position of W . M ., and while he was in possession of the chair he would endea-
The "Freemason" Indian Famine Fund.
vour to do his duty . He hoped that all matters comin before the lodge would be conducted in a judicial way ; that the initiations , passings , and raisings would be performed in such business-like style as to be generally approved of ; and that at the termination of his Mastership no brother would have reason to complain . He was not going to extend his remarks ; he would simply say he
would try to do his duty , and he trusted that the result of the year would show that the brethren had put the right man in the right place , and that he had won their confidence . ( Hear , hear . ) In proposing " The Health of the P . M . ' s , " the W . M . regretted the absence of Bro . Jessett , for whom they had a Past Master ' s jewel for presentation . Bro . Murlis , P . M ., having
replied , " The Health of Bro . Stephens , P . M ., Treasurer , and Installing Master , " was proposed by the W . M . Bro . Stephens , in reply , said that although the lodge was not a very old one they had endeavoured to do something for the good of the Craft . During his year they did something . £ 300 was collected in one year for the Masonic Charities , and he should always look upon that with a
great deal of pride . Since then they had done something further , and they had sent up a Steward each year . Next time he hoped to represent the Girls , and having served the other Institutions , he would have reached the climax of his Masonic career . He should call un all the brethren to support him , and he should be satisfied if he took up £ 100 , not like Bro . Murlis , who was not satisfied with less
than £ 300 . ( Hear , hear . ) After proposing the Masonic Press , the W . M . proposed "The Officers , " who he felt sure would be zealous in the discharge of their important duties . In appointing the officers he had followed the wish of the lodge , but he had satisfied himself first of all that they were not only capable but anxious , and that they would faithfully and efficiently discharge their duties .
He looked upon these brethren as aspiring to the chair to which he had been that night honourably elected and installed , and he couli assure them that the only way to attain that dignity was by the efficient performance of thc duties of their several offices . He would give the Wardens a word of advice . Let them be attentive and punctual , always at their posts at the commencement of
business ; and if they were they would be co-operating with the Master , giving pleasure to him , satisfaction to themselves , at the same time that they would be forwarding the interests of the Marquess of Ripon Lodge . Bro . Dr . Symonds , S . W ., replied , and the brethren shortly afterwards separated . ALDERSGATE LODGE ( No . 16 : 7 ) . —A meeting
of thc above lodge was held on Monday last , at the Castle and Falcon , Aldersgate-strcet . Brethren present : Bros . John Derby Allcroft , W . M . ; Dr . Ernest Brette , S . W . ; Dr . Charles Hogg , J . W . ; George Kenning , Treasurer j P . Saillard , S . D . ; Wm . H . Froom , J . D . ; Thomas Benskin , D . C . ; A . J . Altaian , I . G . ; W . Landell , S . Benton , E . Jolliffe , W . S . Chapman , Alfred Brookman , John
Hervey , Grand Secretary ; Hyde Pullen , Richard Lee . Visitors : Bros . S . Martel Davies , Fidelity , 231 ; Henry J . Reynolds , P . M . Temple , 101 ; A . J . Prothero , Neptune , 22 ; Ernest W . Ledger , P . M . Moira , 92 ; G . J . Atkins , P . M . Moira , 92 ; J . Bergmann , Mizpah , 1671 ; and W . Steedman , P . M ., Tyler . The minutes of the regular meeting , held March 12 th ,
were read and confirmed . The minutes of the lodge of emergency , held May 7 th , were read and confirmed . Bro . Alfred Brookman was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason . Bro . Dr . Samuel Benton was passed to the Second Degree . Bros . Lee , Dr . Smith , and Chapman were elected for the Committee of Finance , after which the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
LIVERPOOL . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 673 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Tuesday the 2 nd inst ., the attendance of members and visitors numbering about iog . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Henry Burrows , assisted by the whole of his officers , and a considerable number of P . M . ' s . After the minutes had
been read and the balloting completed , the W . M . gave the First and Second Degrees in a very effective manner . During the general business a vote of £ sf 5 s . was passed to thc Indian Famine Fund , supplemented by private subscriptions , making the sum up to £ 8 8 s . After business , the brethren adjourned to an excellent repast , thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts being given and responded to .
The most important one of the evening , viz ., the J . P . M ., Bro . Thomas Roberts , was accompanied by a presentation ( subscribed for solely by the members ) , consisting of a very handsome time-piece and vases , and an illuminated address . The toast and presentation were entrusted to Bro . W . T . Merry , senior , P . M ., who , in illustrating the career of Bro . Roberts in Masonry , earnestly pointed out
to the younger members the importance of observing the tenets of Masonry , and strictly obeying all its precepts , by which means there was ample scope for obtaining the highest lodge honours that could be conferred . The toast and presentation having been heartily received by the brethren , were felicitiously acknowledged by Bro . Roberts . The remaining toasts having been given , the proceedings
were closed , and the brethren departed at an early hour . LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The regular meeting of the Rowley Lodge was held at thc Masonic Rooms , Athena ; um , Lancaster , on Monday , 1 st October , 1877 . There were present : Bros . T . Jackson , W . M . ; N . W . Hcerne , S . W . ; Alfred Sherriff , J . W . ; J . Daniel Moore , P . G . S . B . of England ; J . T . Jackson
J . D ., and others . After the preliminary business had been transacted Bro . Moore delivered a shirt lecture " On the Ethics of Freemasonry , " briefly touching on thc more salient points connected with the subject . On the proposition of the S . W ., a hearty vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Moore , accompanied by a request that he would favour the lodge with another short lecture at the next meeting .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
fltatft lfa 0 MT 2 . LION AND LAMB LODGE ( No . 102 ) . —The October meeting of the above lodge was held on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., at the Cannon-street Hotel . Brethren present : Bros . Edward Jones , W . M . ; Henry Legge , S . W . j Frank Fellows , J . W . ; George Kenning , P . M ., Treasurer ; J . G . Marsh , P . M . Secretary ; W . T . Rickwood , S . D . ; Henry Child , I . G . j E . J . Kellaway , D . C ; George Newman ,
P . M . ; Thomas Cohu , P . M . ; George Abbott , P . M . ; W . F . Bates , Thomas Agutter , W . Darnell , R . J . Dart , C . Gale Sparrow , J . Copelin , H . A . Pratt , W . F . Poulton , George Taylor , W . Figcs , Thomas Fisher , Charles Cann , H . A . Canter , J . Cook , B . Perkins , W . Allflat , G . Borer , R . H . Goddard , E . Hunter , J . G . Chillingworth , J . Lorkin , W . Waring , R . J . Sutherland , John Kent , and
others . Visitors : Bros . W . E . Newton , W . M . William Preston Lodge ; Worrell , P . M . ami Sec . William Preston Lodge ; Watkins , P . M . ; J . B . Huxtable , 1135 ; J . B . Lee , 1328 ; G . W . Chapman , 1328 ; A . Rowley , W . M . 917 ; W . Jobson , 147 ; R . Rimpont , 77 ; T . W . Farthing , and others . Thc minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . W . H . L . Davies was raised to the
Sublime Degree of a Master Mason . It was proposed by the Treasurer and seconded by the J . W ., that £ 10 10 s . be paid out of the lodge funds to the Muggeridge Testimonial , —carried unanimously . It was proposed by the Treasurer and seconded by Bro . George Newman ,
P . M ., that £ 10 1 os . be voted to Mrs Allatson , widow of the late Bro . Allatson , a member of the lodge , carried unanimousl y . It was proposed by the Tieasurcr , and seconded by Bro . George Abbott , P . M ., that £ 10 be voted to the tunds of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution—car-« ed unanimousl y . It was proposed by Bro . George New-