Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TO WORSHIPFUL MASTERS . The attention of Worshipful Masters is specially directed to the following advertisement , with a suggestion from the Publisher that they should cause a proposition to be made that their Lodges should become subscribers to THE FOUR MASONIC PUBLICATIONS . It is doubtless desirable that every Mason should have a knowledge of the proceedings at the Quarterly Communications of Grand Lodge , and it is especially the duty of thc Worshipful Master to be well posted up in such matters , and as there is no better means of obtaining such information than the columns of the Freemason , which gives verbatim reports of thc Grand Lodge proceedings , and a full account of all the meetings of the Board of Benevolence , and the various Committees of our Great Masonic Charities , the Publisher feels justifieel in making this recommendation , with the full assurance that such an investment of a small portion of the ledge funds will be productive of beneficial results . ^ . The Four Masonic Publications . T HE FREEMASON . WEEKLY , TWOPENCE . ANNUALLY , 10 s . < 5 d . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , MONTHLY , SIXPENCE . ANNUALLY , 7 s . THE ROSICRUCIAN , QUARTERLY , ONE SHILLING . ANNUALLY , 4 s . d . THE C OSMOPOLITAN MASONIC POCKET BOOK , POST FREE , 2 s . 2 d . ANNUALLY , TWO SHILLINGS . The above four Works sent post free to any part of England , Ireland or Scotland for 12 Months , for 24 * . Address : PUBLJSHER , 198 , Fleet Street , London .
TO THE ELECTORS OF THE "WARD OF FARRINGDON WITHOUT . Gentlemen , — A vacancy having occurred in the representation of this Ward , through the death of Mr . Howell , I beg to offer myself as a Candidate . Having had the honour of asking for your esteemed support when comparatively a stranger , and having then received nearly two hundred votes , emboldens me again to solicit your suffrages . Many years' experience in parochial administration , the departments of which are very similar to those of the Corporation , has , I trust , qualified me for so high and important a position . In the event of being honoured with your confidence to represent you in the Common Council , I shall devote my best abilities to the discharge of the duties of the office . Your Obedient Servant , WILLIAM MALTIIOUSE , West Smithfield Lodge , No . 1623 . Liveryman of the Butchers' Company . Central Meat Market , Smithfield .
A DISTRESSED MA . SON requiring help - respectfully solicits his Brothers to patronize him by giving him Orders for Meat . He has had 40 years ' experience of the markets , and will guarantee first-class quality , full weight , and prompt returns . Orders b y Post will be attended to . id . per lb . cheaper in every article than any shop in London , and the best that money can buy . Sent by Parcels Delivery Company . —Address A . ANDRAOE , 17 , Longley Street , Blue Anchor Road , Bermondsey .
A MASON who has been greatly reduced by misfortune will be glad if any Brethren would Buy Sh 11 s of him ( in a sound and very lucrative Company ) , at par , to save their being sold at a sacrifice to pay a mortgage . Hundreds would be saved if the shares were bought at par , as the Company having opened fresh capital there is no quotation for the Shares , and if a sale is forced the loss on them would be ruinous . —Address W . HAMILTON , Post-office , Norfolk-terrace , Notting-Hill , W .
DR . J . COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE . THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE . CHLORODYNE is admitted by the Profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered CHLORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs , Consumption , Bronchitis , Asthma . CHLORODYNE effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases—Diphtheria , Fever , Croup , Ague . CHLORODYNE acts like a charm in Diarrhcea , and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery . CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy , Hysteria , Palpitation , and Spasms . CHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neuralgia , Rheumatism , Gout , Cancer , Toothache , Meningitis , & c . Extract from " INDIAN ECONOMIST . " "We direct the attention of the medical men to a fact observed some years since by ourselves , and corroborated by our subsequent experience , that Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne is in many cases of Low Fever immensely superior to Quinine in curative power . We cannot persuade ourselves that the true value of Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne is yet properly appraised in India . . . It may be given with absolute safety even to a child three days old . Were medical men but to make a fair and exhaustive trial of it we are persuaded that it would work a revolution in the treatment of two-thirds of the diseases to which children are subject . Its curative power is simply amazing . " " Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians that he had received a despatch from her Majesty's Consul at Manilla the effect that Cholera had been raging fearfully , and that the ONLY remedy of any service was CHLORODYNE . " —See Lancet Dec . 1 , 1864 . " From W . VESALIUS PETTIGREW , M . D ., Hon . F . R . C . S ., England , Formerly Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology at St . George ' s School of Medicine . "I have no hesitation in stating , after a fair trial of Chlorodyne , that I have never met with any medicine so efficacious as an Ami Spasmodic and Sedative . I have tried it in Consumption , Asthma , Diarrhcea , and other diseases , and am most perfectly satisfied with the results . " From Dr . THOMAS SANDIFORD , Passage West , Cork . " I will thank you to send me a further supply of Chlorodyne . It was the most efficacious re medy I ever used , affording relief in violent attacks of Spasms within a minute after being taken . One patient in particular , who hassuilered for years with periodical at . tacks of Spasms of a most painful nature , and unable to obtain relief from other remedies , such as opium , & c , finds n jthing so promp t and efficacious as Chlorodyne . " From J . E . GOULSTONE , M . D ., late Principal Surgeon to the Steamship Great Eastern . " I can confidently state that Chlorodyne is an admirable Sedative and Anti-Spasmodic , having used it in Neuralgia , Hysteriai Asthma , and Consumption , with remarkably favourable results . It relieved a fit of Asthma in four minutes , where the patient had suffered eleven years in a most distressing manner , no previous remedy having had so immediate and beneficial an effect . From Dr . B . J . BOULTON and Co ., Horncastle . " We have made pretty extensive use of Chlorodyne in our practice lately , and look upon it as an excellent Sedative and Anti . Spasmodic . It seems to allay pain and irritation in whatever organ , and from whatever cause . It induces a feeling of comfort and quietude not obtainable by any other remedy , and it seems to possess this great advantage over all other sedatives , that it leaves no unpleasant aftereffects . " J . C . BAKER , Esq ., M . D ., Bidcford . "It is , without doubt , the most valuable and certain Anodyne wc have . " CAUTION . —BEWARE OF PIRACY AND IMITATIONS . CAUTION . —Vice-Chancellor Sir W . PAGE WOOD stated that Dr . J . COLLIS BROWNE was undoubtedly the Inventot of CHLORODYNE ; that the story of the Defendant , Freeman , was deliberately untrue , which , he regretted to say . had been sworn to . —See "Times , " 13 th July , 1864 . Sold in Bott'es at is . 1 Jd ., 2 s . od ., 4 s . 6 d . each . None is genuine without the words " Dr . J . COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE " on the Government Stamp . Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each Bottle . SOLE MANUFACTURER —J . T . DAVENPORT , 33 , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbury . London .
OLDRIDGE'S BALM OF COLUMBIA , Prevents Baldness z . nd the Hair turning Grey , and forms the Basis of a Magnificent Head of Hair . Strengthens Weak Hair , and Causes the BEARD , WHISKERS , AND MOUSTACHIOS TO GROW FREELY . Sold everywhere , 3 s . 6 d ., 6 s .. and us ., Wholesale and Retail . 22 , WELLINGTON-STREET , STRAND , LONDON , W . C . ESTABLISHED SJCTY YEARS .
33 , NEW BRIDGE STREET . TO BE LET , The SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS ; Light offices ; frontage 22 feet , depth 34 feet . Adapted for Educational or Masonic meetings . Apply to Mr . Mackey , 2 , Bouverie Street , Fleet street .
LONDON LIBRARY , 12 , ST . JAMES'S SQUARE , LONDON . Founded 1841 . PATRON—H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES . PRESIDENT—THOMAS CARLYLE , ESQ . This Library contains 90 , 000 Volumes of Ancient and Modern Literature , in various Languages . Subscriptions £ 3 a year , or £ 2 , with entrance fee of £ 6 ; Lite Membership , £ 26 . Fifteen volumes are allowed ? o country , and ten to town members . Reading-room open from Ten to half-past Six . Prospectus on application . RODERT HARRrsoN , Secretary and Librarian .
5000 BOXES IN FINE CONDITION ( for Cash ) . BEST HAVANA CIGARS at IMPORT PRICES . —Fine old Foreign Principes 15 s . per lb . superior to most cigars at two guineas—sample five for is . ( 14 stamps ) . FOREIGN TRABUCOS ( rough but good ) , 12 s . per lb . ( 100 ) , sample seven for is . —BENSON , Importer , 80 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London . Depot open from Eleven to Five .
&Jh&CITY IllPKB'PTflPTf iilffCOMPANY I' |^^^ ^ > ' "' ! Ma ^ CLOCKS A SPECIALITY . li ; IJ ^^^^^ MII They buy largely and sell at l ^^^ ffimnv' tne smallest possible profits , ^ l / r ^ Rr ^ K \; | g ' £ a Two Years' War-? lilllifSllii * H ranty . 1000 Clocks of every I H ^^ % H 9 B > ' I description to select from . A j' 1 ] IliP ^ fill ' [ discount to brethren of 2 S . in I ! iifif *^\ ll ' J ' tl , e P ound 5 extra discount for Jffl ^^^ j jE . 7 . CULLUM STREET , T ^^^ S ^ S ^^ J' FENCHURCH STREET , CITY , . ^^ p ^ r ^^^ J ^ LONDON . JS ^ St !^^ ' •£ &•B RO . G . P . WEIILEN—Estab-» ^ . . . * VishediSsg .
^^^ - ^ TTREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE , the / JBIJKERSSg ?^ *• Original and Only true . —Hundreds of IflsalfiifciPsliF mcJical practitioners testify to its marvellous IBS ^ 'K ?? < t 3 eacy in the cure of Asthma , Bronchitis , Eairfti Coughs , Neuralgia , Fevers , Cholera , Dyse-n-( feSSSi ^ tJ-reS 5 * terv i Spasms , and all Nerve Pains . Lord 7 S'n ,. ' . r » nVS Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice James , nn 0 E »* " and Lord [ ustice Mcllish , decided in favour ot FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and against Brown and Davenport , compcllingthem to pay all costsin the suits . See Times of July 34 , 1873 . Bottles is . lid ., as ; od ., 4 s . od ., ns ., and 20 s . Sold by all chemists . The following testimonials are taken from many others . THE "TIMES , " AUGUST 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Army : " Okoum . July sjth , 1877 . "The want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we remained there a few weeks longer , a >' J' ° tcryand typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our raiiKs than thc bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviaoie reputation as a doctor owing to my being provided with a sma bottle of CHLORODYNE , with which I EFFECTED MIRACULOUS CURES . " From Mons . Btnjour Barthdemy , Delegate of the Society for the Relief of the ll'oundei . Decorated with the Cross of the Convent ' " . of Geneva . ••Le Caillon , pres Mining sur Loir , France , June 18 th , 'W " 1 hereby attest that the Chlorodyne manufactured bv liK , 'f " FREEMAV , Pharmacist , of London , is the best remedy as »""» CHOLERA , and DYSENTERY , and further affirm , as M > «'" of the Anglo-American Ambulances and of French P" » ° " , during the War of 1870 to 1871 , that a large number of those un my care were attacked with Dysentery , and that bv means o , Chlorodyne they were in a few days perfectly cured . ' Signed ) BONJOUR BARTiii «> 'V
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TO WORSHIPFUL MASTERS . The attention of Worshipful Masters is specially directed to the following advertisement , with a suggestion from the Publisher that they should cause a proposition to be made that their Lodges should become subscribers to THE FOUR MASONIC PUBLICATIONS . It is doubtless desirable that every Mason should have a knowledge of the proceedings at the Quarterly Communications of Grand Lodge , and it is especially the duty of thc Worshipful Master to be well posted up in such matters , and as there is no better means of obtaining such information than the columns of the Freemason , which gives verbatim reports of thc Grand Lodge proceedings , and a full account of all the meetings of the Board of Benevolence , and the various Committees of our Great Masonic Charities , the Publisher feels justifieel in making this recommendation , with the full assurance that such an investment of a small portion of the ledge funds will be productive of beneficial results . ^ . The Four Masonic Publications . T HE FREEMASON . WEEKLY , TWOPENCE . ANNUALLY , 10 s . < 5 d . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , MONTHLY , SIXPENCE . ANNUALLY , 7 s . THE ROSICRUCIAN , QUARTERLY , ONE SHILLING . ANNUALLY , 4 s . d . THE C OSMOPOLITAN MASONIC POCKET BOOK , POST FREE , 2 s . 2 d . ANNUALLY , TWO SHILLINGS . The above four Works sent post free to any part of England , Ireland or Scotland for 12 Months , for 24 * . Address : PUBLJSHER , 198 , Fleet Street , London .
TO THE ELECTORS OF THE "WARD OF FARRINGDON WITHOUT . Gentlemen , — A vacancy having occurred in the representation of this Ward , through the death of Mr . Howell , I beg to offer myself as a Candidate . Having had the honour of asking for your esteemed support when comparatively a stranger , and having then received nearly two hundred votes , emboldens me again to solicit your suffrages . Many years' experience in parochial administration , the departments of which are very similar to those of the Corporation , has , I trust , qualified me for so high and important a position . In the event of being honoured with your confidence to represent you in the Common Council , I shall devote my best abilities to the discharge of the duties of the office . Your Obedient Servant , WILLIAM MALTIIOUSE , West Smithfield Lodge , No . 1623 . Liveryman of the Butchers' Company . Central Meat Market , Smithfield .
A DISTRESSED MA . SON requiring help - respectfully solicits his Brothers to patronize him by giving him Orders for Meat . He has had 40 years ' experience of the markets , and will guarantee first-class quality , full weight , and prompt returns . Orders b y Post will be attended to . id . per lb . cheaper in every article than any shop in London , and the best that money can buy . Sent by Parcels Delivery Company . —Address A . ANDRAOE , 17 , Longley Street , Blue Anchor Road , Bermondsey .
A MASON who has been greatly reduced by misfortune will be glad if any Brethren would Buy Sh 11 s of him ( in a sound and very lucrative Company ) , at par , to save their being sold at a sacrifice to pay a mortgage . Hundreds would be saved if the shares were bought at par , as the Company having opened fresh capital there is no quotation for the Shares , and if a sale is forced the loss on them would be ruinous . —Address W . HAMILTON , Post-office , Norfolk-terrace , Notting-Hill , W .
DR . J . COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE . THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE . CHLORODYNE is admitted by the Profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered CHLORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs , Consumption , Bronchitis , Asthma . CHLORODYNE effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases—Diphtheria , Fever , Croup , Ague . CHLORODYNE acts like a charm in Diarrhcea , and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery . CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy , Hysteria , Palpitation , and Spasms . CHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neuralgia , Rheumatism , Gout , Cancer , Toothache , Meningitis , & c . Extract from " INDIAN ECONOMIST . " "We direct the attention of the medical men to a fact observed some years since by ourselves , and corroborated by our subsequent experience , that Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne is in many cases of Low Fever immensely superior to Quinine in curative power . We cannot persuade ourselves that the true value of Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne is yet properly appraised in India . . . It may be given with absolute safety even to a child three days old . Were medical men but to make a fair and exhaustive trial of it we are persuaded that it would work a revolution in the treatment of two-thirds of the diseases to which children are subject . Its curative power is simply amazing . " " Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians that he had received a despatch from her Majesty's Consul at Manilla the effect that Cholera had been raging fearfully , and that the ONLY remedy of any service was CHLORODYNE . " —See Lancet Dec . 1 , 1864 . " From W . VESALIUS PETTIGREW , M . D ., Hon . F . R . C . S ., England , Formerly Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology at St . George ' s School of Medicine . "I have no hesitation in stating , after a fair trial of Chlorodyne , that I have never met with any medicine so efficacious as an Ami Spasmodic and Sedative . I have tried it in Consumption , Asthma , Diarrhcea , and other diseases , and am most perfectly satisfied with the results . " From Dr . THOMAS SANDIFORD , Passage West , Cork . " I will thank you to send me a further supply of Chlorodyne . It was the most efficacious re medy I ever used , affording relief in violent attacks of Spasms within a minute after being taken . One patient in particular , who hassuilered for years with periodical at . tacks of Spasms of a most painful nature , and unable to obtain relief from other remedies , such as opium , & c , finds n jthing so promp t and efficacious as Chlorodyne . " From J . E . GOULSTONE , M . D ., late Principal Surgeon to the Steamship Great Eastern . " I can confidently state that Chlorodyne is an admirable Sedative and Anti-Spasmodic , having used it in Neuralgia , Hysteriai Asthma , and Consumption , with remarkably favourable results . It relieved a fit of Asthma in four minutes , where the patient had suffered eleven years in a most distressing manner , no previous remedy having had so immediate and beneficial an effect . From Dr . B . J . BOULTON and Co ., Horncastle . " We have made pretty extensive use of Chlorodyne in our practice lately , and look upon it as an excellent Sedative and Anti . Spasmodic . It seems to allay pain and irritation in whatever organ , and from whatever cause . It induces a feeling of comfort and quietude not obtainable by any other remedy , and it seems to possess this great advantage over all other sedatives , that it leaves no unpleasant aftereffects . " J . C . BAKER , Esq ., M . D ., Bidcford . "It is , without doubt , the most valuable and certain Anodyne wc have . " CAUTION . —BEWARE OF PIRACY AND IMITATIONS . CAUTION . —Vice-Chancellor Sir W . PAGE WOOD stated that Dr . J . COLLIS BROWNE was undoubtedly the Inventot of CHLORODYNE ; that the story of the Defendant , Freeman , was deliberately untrue , which , he regretted to say . had been sworn to . —See "Times , " 13 th July , 1864 . Sold in Bott'es at is . 1 Jd ., 2 s . od ., 4 s . 6 d . each . None is genuine without the words " Dr . J . COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE " on the Government Stamp . Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each Bottle . SOLE MANUFACTURER —J . T . DAVENPORT , 33 , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbury . London .
OLDRIDGE'S BALM OF COLUMBIA , Prevents Baldness z . nd the Hair turning Grey , and forms the Basis of a Magnificent Head of Hair . Strengthens Weak Hair , and Causes the BEARD , WHISKERS , AND MOUSTACHIOS TO GROW FREELY . Sold everywhere , 3 s . 6 d ., 6 s .. and us ., Wholesale and Retail . 22 , WELLINGTON-STREET , STRAND , LONDON , W . C . ESTABLISHED SJCTY YEARS .
33 , NEW BRIDGE STREET . TO BE LET , The SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS ; Light offices ; frontage 22 feet , depth 34 feet . Adapted for Educational or Masonic meetings . Apply to Mr . Mackey , 2 , Bouverie Street , Fleet street .
LONDON LIBRARY , 12 , ST . JAMES'S SQUARE , LONDON . Founded 1841 . PATRON—H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES . PRESIDENT—THOMAS CARLYLE , ESQ . This Library contains 90 , 000 Volumes of Ancient and Modern Literature , in various Languages . Subscriptions £ 3 a year , or £ 2 , with entrance fee of £ 6 ; Lite Membership , £ 26 . Fifteen volumes are allowed ? o country , and ten to town members . Reading-room open from Ten to half-past Six . Prospectus on application . RODERT HARRrsoN , Secretary and Librarian .
5000 BOXES IN FINE CONDITION ( for Cash ) . BEST HAVANA CIGARS at IMPORT PRICES . —Fine old Foreign Principes 15 s . per lb . superior to most cigars at two guineas—sample five for is . ( 14 stamps ) . FOREIGN TRABUCOS ( rough but good ) , 12 s . per lb . ( 100 ) , sample seven for is . —BENSON , Importer , 80 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London . Depot open from Eleven to Five .
&Jh&CITY IllPKB'PTflPTf iilffCOMPANY I' |^^^ ^ > ' "' ! Ma ^ CLOCKS A SPECIALITY . li ; IJ ^^^^^ MII They buy largely and sell at l ^^^ ffimnv' tne smallest possible profits , ^ l / r ^ Rr ^ K \; | g ' £ a Two Years' War-? lilllifSllii * H ranty . 1000 Clocks of every I H ^^ % H 9 B > ' I description to select from . A j' 1 ] IliP ^ fill ' [ discount to brethren of 2 S . in I ! iifif *^\ ll ' J ' tl , e P ound 5 extra discount for Jffl ^^^ j jE . 7 . CULLUM STREET , T ^^^ S ^ S ^^ J' FENCHURCH STREET , CITY , . ^^ p ^ r ^^^ J ^ LONDON . JS ^ St !^^ ' •£ &•B RO . G . P . WEIILEN—Estab-» ^ . . . * VishediSsg .
^^^ - ^ TTREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE , the / JBIJKERSSg ?^ *• Original and Only true . —Hundreds of IflsalfiifciPsliF mcJical practitioners testify to its marvellous IBS ^ 'K ?? < t 3 eacy in the cure of Asthma , Bronchitis , Eairfti Coughs , Neuralgia , Fevers , Cholera , Dyse-n-( feSSSi ^ tJ-reS 5 * terv i Spasms , and all Nerve Pains . Lord 7 S'n ,. ' . r » nVS Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice James , nn 0 E »* " and Lord [ ustice Mcllish , decided in favour ot FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and against Brown and Davenport , compcllingthem to pay all costsin the suits . See Times of July 34 , 1873 . Bottles is . lid ., as ; od ., 4 s . od ., ns ., and 20 s . Sold by all chemists . The following testimonials are taken from many others . THE "TIMES , " AUGUST 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Army : " Okoum . July sjth , 1877 . "The want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we remained there a few weeks longer , a >' J' ° tcryand typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our raiiKs than thc bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviaoie reputation as a doctor owing to my being provided with a sma bottle of CHLORODYNE , with which I EFFECTED MIRACULOUS CURES . " From Mons . Btnjour Barthdemy , Delegate of the Society for the Relief of the ll'oundei . Decorated with the Cross of the Convent ' " . of Geneva . ••Le Caillon , pres Mining sur Loir , France , June 18 th , 'W " 1 hereby attest that the Chlorodyne manufactured bv liK , 'f " FREEMAV , Pharmacist , of London , is the best remedy as »""» CHOLERA , and DYSENTERY , and further affirm , as M > «'" of the Anglo-American Ambulances and of French P" » ° " , during the War of 1870 to 1871 , that a large number of those un my care were attacked with Dysentery , and that bv means o , Chlorodyne they were in a few days perfectly cured . ' Signed ) BONJOUR BARTiii «> 'V