Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article Foreign Masonic Intelligence. Page 1 of 1 Article OUR EXCHANGES. Page 1 of 1 Article OUR EXCHANGES. Page 1 of 1 Article PEABODY. Page 1 of 1 Article SONG, Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
PA . OI FOREIGN MASONIC INTELLIQBNCK ' ... 211 Ouk EXCHANGESThe Craftsman and Canadian Record ... ... 213 The Voice of Masonry 213
The Monde Maconnique .. 213 The Freimaurer Zeitung 213 POKTRTPeabody 213 Soiig 213 THE CRAFT — Metropolitan , Provincial , and the
Channel Islands 214 ROTAL ARCH —Metropolitan and Provincial ... 214 MARK MASONRY—Metropolitan and Provincial ... 214 IHSTRUCI ' ION—Metropolitan 21 S KNIGHTS THMPLAR—Scotland 215
QmrnARTBrother Mie Rev . Edward Chaloner Ogle , M . A ., P . G . M . Northumberland 215 ENCOUNTER BETWEEN A BARONET AND A VALET ... 215 MASONRY AND MYSTICISM 216 MtJLTOM IN PARVO 217
DEATH or DK BURGH ADAMS , ESQ . 218 ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCEThe Masonic Lifeboat Fund . . . 218 Bros . W . J . Hughan and \ V . P . Buchan , or "The Tug o' War" 218 Res non Verba and the Good Templars ... 218 ANCIENT AND MODERN MYSTERIES ... 219
Foreign Masonic Intelligence.
Foreign Masonic Intelligence .
HUNGARY . [ F ROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT . ] I have great pleasure in informing your readers that a new Masonic lodge has been
opened at Oedenberg by sixteen brethren , having at their head M . Vogel Statt . These brethren comprise representatives of various nationalities , viz ., Hungarians eleven , Germans two , Poles
one , a Slavonian , and a Czech . We assembled about noon in the Hall which is our temporary temple , when the symbolic lodge was opened and the grand battery given . Ten profanes , including three Magyar notables were then admitted members of the Order and were addressed by the Orator on the mission of Freemasonry .
I can give you but a faint outline of his discourse , but he reminded his audience that the advancement of liberal princi ples and free thought was chiefl y due to the spread of Freemasonry . He exhorted the new members to fulfil their
duties as soldiers in the great army of Progress , And appealed to their generous sympathies to assist the efforts now being made to cast aside for ever the thrall of debasing superstition . He concluded b y elevating the banner of the lodge , which bore the word " Unity" in the centre ,
and apostrophized it as the symbol of tho future , when man rising superior to the passions of envy and hate should clasp his brother ' s hand in unchangeable friendship . The Orator ' s address was greatly applauded , and one of tho neophytes expressed his profound sense of the serious nature of the obligations into which ho had entered
and his willingness to aid the cause of Freemasonry , which was that ofhunianity . After the labours of the lod ge had ceased the brethren enjoyed the hospitality of the chief municipal officer present , and the toast of " Fraternity with all Freemasons throughout the globe " was received with repeated acclamations .
Our Exchanges.
27 ie Craftsman and Canadian Masonic Record , October , 18 G 9 . T . & E . WHITE Publishers , Hamilton , Ontario . We welcome with great p leasure this abl y edited Magazine , which now for the first time
appears in our sanctum . It opens with the commencement of a pleasing tale , entitled "Masons and Masons , " this is followed b y an article on the Kni ghts of Malta ;
then wo find a reprint from our pages of Masonry in Prussia , by " Oyptonymus , " and the remainder of tho number is filled with equally interesting matter . We hope to see the " Craftsman" regularly in future .
Our Exchanges.
T / ie Voice of Masonry . Chicago , HI . U . S ., September and October . This valuable periodical is , as usual , a pattern of neatness externally , while the intellectual banquet it provides is also worthy of its high
reputation . Bro . Rob Morris continues his series of articles on the Holy Land , which are extremely interestin g and instructive . We con-: gratulate our brethren in Illinois upon the possession of such a worthy and efficient organ .
Tiit Monde Maconnique . Paris . This journal now reaches us regularly , and is \ replete with information . Editor Beaumont ' criticises our remarks upon the suppression of the name of the G . A . O . T . U . in French Masonic
documents , and he credits our article on a recent occurrence in Costa Rica to another source , but with all this we appreciate the ability with which the " Monde" is conducted , and look forward to its continued prosperity .
The Freimaurer-Zeitung . Leipzig . We are glad to find that our Saxon brethren are supporting this useful periodical , which appears weekly . The number for October 9 , records a meeting of the new lodge of the Three White Lilies , at Temesvar , Hungary ,
at which there were 2 G members present . This looks well for the gallant Magyars , aud we are gratified to learn that other lodges are being rapidlyjformed throughout HisApostolic Majesty ' s dominions . From the same source we glean
that the Grand Lodge of Switzerland numbers 27 lodges , with 1694 members . We want more of these reliable statistics to enable us to take a comprehensive view of the Craft as it really is , and not as we fancy it is .
From a calendar of the German lodges we reproduce the following which may prove useful to our travelling brethren , and will continue the list till completed : — Logenkalender fur den Monat October 1869 . ORT . NAME .
Aachen .. .. .. Bestandigkeit und Eintracht Altcuburg Archimedes z . d . 3 Keissbr . Altona Carl zum Felsen Alzey Carl zum neuen Lichte Anclam Julius z . d . 3 empfinds . Herzen Annaberg Zum treucu Bruderherzeu
Aruswalde .. .. Friedr . Wilh . z . lloffnung Arolsen Georg z . wnchsenden Palme Aseherslcben .. .. 3 Kleebliitter Barmen Leasing Bauzen Goldene Mauer BayreutU Eleusis z . Verschwiegenheit
Beeskow Euthanasia z . Unsterblichkoit Berlin Zur Verechwiegcnheit Zu den 3 Seraphim Zur Eintracht Zum flammeuden Stern Urania
Pythagoras Fricdricli Wilhelm Siegendo Wahrheit Pegase Goldene Sehiff Friedr . Wilh . z . Morgenrbthe
Pilgrim Bestiiudigkcft Widder 3 goldene Schiissel goldene Pflug Bernburg Alexius z . Bestandigkeit
Bielefeld Zur deutscheii Ireue Birkenfeld .. .. Zur I'llichttreuo Bochum Drei Uosenknospen Boitzeuburg .. .. Vesta z . d . 3 Thiirmen Bonu Fredr . Wilh . •/.. eiscernen Kreuz Brandenburgh a H ... Friedrich zur Tugend
Braunsberg .. .. Bruno zum Doppelkreuz Braunschweig .. .. Karl zur gekronteii Siiule Bremen Oelzwcig Bremerhaven .. .. 3 Anker Breslau Horns 3 Todtengerippe
1 ' riedr . z . gold Zepter Brieg .. Friedr . z . aufgeheuden Sonne Bromberg Janus Biickeburg .. .. Hermine zum Ncsselblatt Buuztau Goldene Kette Burg Adamus zur lieiligen Burg
Biitzow .. .. .. Urania zur Eintracht Calbo a . S Feste Ilurg an der Saalo Carlsruho Leopold zur 'frcue Cussel Zur Kintr . u . Stundhnftigkcit Cello Zum hellleuohtenden Stern Charlottouburg .. Bluchcr von Wahlstadt Chemnitz llarmonio ( To be continued . )
Soft be thy slumbers in the realms of shade , Radiant thy dreams in that divine repose , 0 thou whose kind and loving heart hath made Millions rejoice amidst the phantom-woes
That brooded o'er their being . Like a rose "Which blossoms in the wilderness , thy name Spreads fragrance o ' er the barren wastes of life , And high above the Age ' s sordid strife Is blazoned now thine honourable fame .
That fame shall be to man a glorious dower , A heritage of thoughts most pure and bright , - A presence that shall prove a blissful power
To scatter o ' er thy grave , like rays of light , While Honour , Truth , and Virtue shall endure , The blessings of the friendless and the poor . ' K . WENTWORTH LITTLE .
Written by Bro . J . JEWELL , and sung by Br . FRED . CLARK at the Installation Banquet of the Antient Lodge , No . 1223 , Oct . 14 , 1869 . Most Worshipful Master , you ' ve called upon me To sing you a song , so of 1223
I'll add up my numbers , and multiply some , And first iu my rhymes you will find a new sum ( NEWSOM ) . Then , Brothers assembled , join chorus with me , May success e ' er attend our Lodge 1223 .
In alluding to sums there are some better known By the name of their father , as soon can be shown—There ' s Dick's son ( DIXON ) and John's son ( JOHNSON ) and Tom ' s son ( THOMPSON ) , forsooth , While EDWARD ' S a steady aud well-governed youth .
" Antiquity ' s Pride " is a Freemason ' s toast , And a ( head ) ED-MEd-seval we surely can boast ; Though with ( Soot ) SUTT-ON the face , Dirt ' n ' all ( DURTNALL ) on the head , Some persons may say we ' ve a BLACKMAN instead .
Though the Head may be turned there ' s no madness in showing , Like the " Man of the World , " there ' s much done by Boio-ing ( BOWEN ) ; Keep in his good books , for they ' re up to the mark , And ne'er be a FRED ( afraid ) of our wanting a CLARE .
Old Shakespere ' s wise sayings are ne'er known to fail , Though in Hamlet he says that a cloud ' s like a whale " Very like to a Whale" old Polonius doth say , But some folk take no heed on ( EDEN ) the man in the play .
Now pray don t imagine a PALMER , am I Of stale jokes or bad puns , or you'll cause me to sigh , The author makes NEW-IN ( G ) this song you will see , And though frightfully bad—why , you can't appal he ( A . PAWLEY ) .
If we get out of GEER-IN ( G ) our tackle or fether , We ' ve a SMITH with a bar that can weld us together j If the TONG of a Buckle gets twisted or loose , He'll be one ( B EVON ) to make straig ht when he ' s wanted for use .
" Would I were a BIRD , " you'd be pleased with my song , But whistle or sing if I've kept you too long ; I've piped out my best , and I hope that all you will Believe that we ve caged in our lodge the right JEWEL ( L ) .
I have tried in my soDg on each brother to pun , But us all ( USSEI . L ) together will surely make one ; With Caution to guide us , and Wisdom to guard , We may treasure her ( Treasurer ) precepts aud find a re-WAiiu ( E ) .
THE BLOOD IN OLD AGE As age advances , the blood becomes thin and cloudy—or , in a full habit , thick and cloudy . The failing of the powers of life requires extra nutrition and support , and the blood yielding the excess required is soon overcharged with carbon , which gives to it the cloudy appearance . Being then impure , day by day tho vitiated matter increases , nnd the hodv sutlers from a
thousand ailments . " The Blood Purifier —Old Dr . Jacob Townscnd ' s Sarsaparilla— supplies the extra nutrition to the blood , and restores to it its liorid hue , and then the progress of decay is arrested , nnd the ailments disappear ; man lives out his days , and the sunset of life is unattended with suffering . Testimonials with each bottle from Hie Hon . the Dean
of l . ismore , General Wm . Gilbert , of the Indian Army ; and Itcv . Francis Monck , of "The Gospel Kvangclist . '' Ordered nlso by the Apothecaries' Hall , London . Sold by nil Druggists , in bottles 2 s . ( id ., 4 s , Is . tfd . 7 s . Cd ., lis . Pills and Ointment each in boxes Is . 1 Jd ., 2 s . ' . Id ., Is . Gd . —Caution , Get the red and blue wrappers , with the Old Doctor's head in the centre . No other genuine . —Anvi
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
PA . OI FOREIGN MASONIC INTELLIQBNCK ' ... 211 Ouk EXCHANGESThe Craftsman and Canadian Record ... ... 213 The Voice of Masonry 213
The Monde Maconnique .. 213 The Freimaurer Zeitung 213 POKTRTPeabody 213 Soiig 213 THE CRAFT — Metropolitan , Provincial , and the
Channel Islands 214 ROTAL ARCH —Metropolitan and Provincial ... 214 MARK MASONRY—Metropolitan and Provincial ... 214 IHSTRUCI ' ION—Metropolitan 21 S KNIGHTS THMPLAR—Scotland 215
QmrnARTBrother Mie Rev . Edward Chaloner Ogle , M . A ., P . G . M . Northumberland 215 ENCOUNTER BETWEEN A BARONET AND A VALET ... 215 MASONRY AND MYSTICISM 216 MtJLTOM IN PARVO 217
DEATH or DK BURGH ADAMS , ESQ . 218 ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCEThe Masonic Lifeboat Fund . . . 218 Bros . W . J . Hughan and \ V . P . Buchan , or "The Tug o' War" 218 Res non Verba and the Good Templars ... 218 ANCIENT AND MODERN MYSTERIES ... 219
Foreign Masonic Intelligence.
Foreign Masonic Intelligence .
HUNGARY . [ F ROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT . ] I have great pleasure in informing your readers that a new Masonic lodge has been
opened at Oedenberg by sixteen brethren , having at their head M . Vogel Statt . These brethren comprise representatives of various nationalities , viz ., Hungarians eleven , Germans two , Poles
one , a Slavonian , and a Czech . We assembled about noon in the Hall which is our temporary temple , when the symbolic lodge was opened and the grand battery given . Ten profanes , including three Magyar notables were then admitted members of the Order and were addressed by the Orator on the mission of Freemasonry .
I can give you but a faint outline of his discourse , but he reminded his audience that the advancement of liberal princi ples and free thought was chiefl y due to the spread of Freemasonry . He exhorted the new members to fulfil their
duties as soldiers in the great army of Progress , And appealed to their generous sympathies to assist the efforts now being made to cast aside for ever the thrall of debasing superstition . He concluded b y elevating the banner of the lodge , which bore the word " Unity" in the centre ,
and apostrophized it as the symbol of tho future , when man rising superior to the passions of envy and hate should clasp his brother ' s hand in unchangeable friendship . The Orator ' s address was greatly applauded , and one of tho neophytes expressed his profound sense of the serious nature of the obligations into which ho had entered
and his willingness to aid the cause of Freemasonry , which was that ofhunianity . After the labours of the lod ge had ceased the brethren enjoyed the hospitality of the chief municipal officer present , and the toast of " Fraternity with all Freemasons throughout the globe " was received with repeated acclamations .
Our Exchanges.
27 ie Craftsman and Canadian Masonic Record , October , 18 G 9 . T . & E . WHITE Publishers , Hamilton , Ontario . We welcome with great p leasure this abl y edited Magazine , which now for the first time
appears in our sanctum . It opens with the commencement of a pleasing tale , entitled "Masons and Masons , " this is followed b y an article on the Kni ghts of Malta ;
then wo find a reprint from our pages of Masonry in Prussia , by " Oyptonymus , " and the remainder of tho number is filled with equally interesting matter . We hope to see the " Craftsman" regularly in future .
Our Exchanges.
T / ie Voice of Masonry . Chicago , HI . U . S ., September and October . This valuable periodical is , as usual , a pattern of neatness externally , while the intellectual banquet it provides is also worthy of its high
reputation . Bro . Rob Morris continues his series of articles on the Holy Land , which are extremely interestin g and instructive . We con-: gratulate our brethren in Illinois upon the possession of such a worthy and efficient organ .
Tiit Monde Maconnique . Paris . This journal now reaches us regularly , and is \ replete with information . Editor Beaumont ' criticises our remarks upon the suppression of the name of the G . A . O . T . U . in French Masonic
documents , and he credits our article on a recent occurrence in Costa Rica to another source , but with all this we appreciate the ability with which the " Monde" is conducted , and look forward to its continued prosperity .
The Freimaurer-Zeitung . Leipzig . We are glad to find that our Saxon brethren are supporting this useful periodical , which appears weekly . The number for October 9 , records a meeting of the new lodge of the Three White Lilies , at Temesvar , Hungary ,
at which there were 2 G members present . This looks well for the gallant Magyars , aud we are gratified to learn that other lodges are being rapidlyjformed throughout HisApostolic Majesty ' s dominions . From the same source we glean
that the Grand Lodge of Switzerland numbers 27 lodges , with 1694 members . We want more of these reliable statistics to enable us to take a comprehensive view of the Craft as it really is , and not as we fancy it is .
From a calendar of the German lodges we reproduce the following which may prove useful to our travelling brethren , and will continue the list till completed : — Logenkalender fur den Monat October 1869 . ORT . NAME .
Aachen .. .. .. Bestandigkeit und Eintracht Altcuburg Archimedes z . d . 3 Keissbr . Altona Carl zum Felsen Alzey Carl zum neuen Lichte Anclam Julius z . d . 3 empfinds . Herzen Annaberg Zum treucu Bruderherzeu
Aruswalde .. .. Friedr . Wilh . z . lloffnung Arolsen Georg z . wnchsenden Palme Aseherslcben .. .. 3 Kleebliitter Barmen Leasing Bauzen Goldene Mauer BayreutU Eleusis z . Verschwiegenheit
Beeskow Euthanasia z . Unsterblichkoit Berlin Zur Verechwiegcnheit Zu den 3 Seraphim Zur Eintracht Zum flammeuden Stern Urania
Pythagoras Fricdricli Wilhelm Siegendo Wahrheit Pegase Goldene Sehiff Friedr . Wilh . z . Morgenrbthe
Pilgrim Bestiiudigkcft Widder 3 goldene Schiissel goldene Pflug Bernburg Alexius z . Bestandigkeit
Bielefeld Zur deutscheii Ireue Birkenfeld .. .. Zur I'llichttreuo Bochum Drei Uosenknospen Boitzeuburg .. .. Vesta z . d . 3 Thiirmen Bonu Fredr . Wilh . •/.. eiscernen Kreuz Brandenburgh a H ... Friedrich zur Tugend
Braunsberg .. .. Bruno zum Doppelkreuz Braunschweig .. .. Karl zur gekronteii Siiule Bremen Oelzwcig Bremerhaven .. .. 3 Anker Breslau Horns 3 Todtengerippe
1 ' riedr . z . gold Zepter Brieg .. Friedr . z . aufgeheuden Sonne Bromberg Janus Biickeburg .. .. Hermine zum Ncsselblatt Buuztau Goldene Kette Burg Adamus zur lieiligen Burg
Biitzow .. .. .. Urania zur Eintracht Calbo a . S Feste Ilurg an der Saalo Carlsruho Leopold zur 'frcue Cussel Zur Kintr . u . Stundhnftigkcit Cello Zum hellleuohtenden Stern Charlottouburg .. Bluchcr von Wahlstadt Chemnitz llarmonio ( To be continued . )
Soft be thy slumbers in the realms of shade , Radiant thy dreams in that divine repose , 0 thou whose kind and loving heart hath made Millions rejoice amidst the phantom-woes
That brooded o'er their being . Like a rose "Which blossoms in the wilderness , thy name Spreads fragrance o ' er the barren wastes of life , And high above the Age ' s sordid strife Is blazoned now thine honourable fame .
That fame shall be to man a glorious dower , A heritage of thoughts most pure and bright , - A presence that shall prove a blissful power
To scatter o ' er thy grave , like rays of light , While Honour , Truth , and Virtue shall endure , The blessings of the friendless and the poor . ' K . WENTWORTH LITTLE .
Written by Bro . J . JEWELL , and sung by Br . FRED . CLARK at the Installation Banquet of the Antient Lodge , No . 1223 , Oct . 14 , 1869 . Most Worshipful Master , you ' ve called upon me To sing you a song , so of 1223
I'll add up my numbers , and multiply some , And first iu my rhymes you will find a new sum ( NEWSOM ) . Then , Brothers assembled , join chorus with me , May success e ' er attend our Lodge 1223 .
In alluding to sums there are some better known By the name of their father , as soon can be shown—There ' s Dick's son ( DIXON ) and John's son ( JOHNSON ) and Tom ' s son ( THOMPSON ) , forsooth , While EDWARD ' S a steady aud well-governed youth .
" Antiquity ' s Pride " is a Freemason ' s toast , And a ( head ) ED-MEd-seval we surely can boast ; Though with ( Soot ) SUTT-ON the face , Dirt ' n ' all ( DURTNALL ) on the head , Some persons may say we ' ve a BLACKMAN instead .
Though the Head may be turned there ' s no madness in showing , Like the " Man of the World , " there ' s much done by Boio-ing ( BOWEN ) ; Keep in his good books , for they ' re up to the mark , And ne'er be a FRED ( afraid ) of our wanting a CLARE .
Old Shakespere ' s wise sayings are ne'er known to fail , Though in Hamlet he says that a cloud ' s like a whale " Very like to a Whale" old Polonius doth say , But some folk take no heed on ( EDEN ) the man in the play .
Now pray don t imagine a PALMER , am I Of stale jokes or bad puns , or you'll cause me to sigh , The author makes NEW-IN ( G ) this song you will see , And though frightfully bad—why , you can't appal he ( A . PAWLEY ) .
If we get out of GEER-IN ( G ) our tackle or fether , We ' ve a SMITH with a bar that can weld us together j If the TONG of a Buckle gets twisted or loose , He'll be one ( B EVON ) to make straig ht when he ' s wanted for use .
" Would I were a BIRD , " you'd be pleased with my song , But whistle or sing if I've kept you too long ; I've piped out my best , and I hope that all you will Believe that we ve caged in our lodge the right JEWEL ( L ) .
I have tried in my soDg on each brother to pun , But us all ( USSEI . L ) together will surely make one ; With Caution to guide us , and Wisdom to guard , We may treasure her ( Treasurer ) precepts aud find a re-WAiiu ( E ) .
THE BLOOD IN OLD AGE As age advances , the blood becomes thin and cloudy—or , in a full habit , thick and cloudy . The failing of the powers of life requires extra nutrition and support , and the blood yielding the excess required is soon overcharged with carbon , which gives to it the cloudy appearance . Being then impure , day by day tho vitiated matter increases , nnd the hodv sutlers from a
thousand ailments . " The Blood Purifier —Old Dr . Jacob Townscnd ' s Sarsaparilla— supplies the extra nutrition to the blood , and restores to it its liorid hue , and then the progress of decay is arrested , nnd the ailments disappear ; man lives out his days , and the sunset of life is unattended with suffering . Testimonials with each bottle from Hie Hon . the Dean
of l . ismore , General Wm . Gilbert , of the Indian Army ; and Itcv . Francis Monck , of "The Gospel Kvangclist . '' Ordered nlso by the Apothecaries' Hall , London . Sold by nil Druggists , in bottles 2 s . ( id ., 4 s , Is . tfd . 7 s . Cd ., lis . Pills and Ointment each in boxes Is . 1 Jd ., 2 s . ' . Id ., Is . Gd . —Caution , Get the red and blue wrappers , with the Old Doctor's head in the centre . No other genuine . —Anvi