Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 1 Article Agents. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For ihe Week ending November 20 , 1869 . Monday , November 15 . ¦ IiOQge'No . 8 , "British , " Freemasons'Hill . " 21 , "Emulation , " Albion Tav . / Aldersgate-st . „ •58 , " Felicity , " London Tav ., Bishopsgatest ,
, „ 185 , "Tranquillity , " Radley ' s Hotel . Blackfriara „ 720 , "Pamliure , " Balhiiin Hotel , Balham . „ 862 , " Wbittington , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st . „ 901 , "City of London , ' Guildhall Coffee House Gresham-street .
„ 1201 , '"Eclectic , " Freemasons' Hall . Chapter 12 , " Prudence , " Ship & Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . . 'Kent Mark Masters' Lodge of Instruction , Lyceum Tavern , 354 , Strand , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . C . Swan , Preceptor .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 , Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-street Station , at 7 . Camden Lodge of Instruction , No . 704 , Adelaide Tavern , Haverstock Hill , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction , No . 95 , Royal Hotel , Mile-end-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . K . Gottheil , Preceptor .
Tuesday , November 16 . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . lodge No . 73 , "Mount Lebanon , '' Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . „ 95 , "Eastern Star , " Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadonhall-street , „ 162 , " Cadogan , " Freemasons' Hall . „ 165 , " Honour and Generosity , " London . Tavern
Bishopsgate-street . „ 194 , " St . Paul ' s , " Terminus Hotel , Cannon-st . „ 435 , "Salisbury , " 71 , Dean-street , Soho . „ 704 , " Camden , " York & Albany , Regent ' s-park . „ 857 , " St Mark's , " Horn ' s Tavern , Kennington . „ 917 , " Cosmopolitan , " Terminus Htl ., Cannon-st Chapter 19 , " Mount Sinai , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st
„ 186 . " Industry , " Freemasons' Halt Metropolitan Chapter of instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction , Ko . 79 , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 . Domatic Lodgeof Instruction , Palmerston Tavern ,
Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Metropolitan Railway , Victoria Station , at 8 . Bro . C . A Cottebrune , Preceptor . Tarborough Lodge of Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui Preceptor . Prince Frederick William Lodge of Instruction , No . 753 , Knights of St . John's Tavern , St . John ' s-wood ; Bro . F . G . Baker , Preceptor .
Wednesday , November 17 . General Committee of Grand Lodgeand Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 precisely . Lodge No . 30 , " United Mariners , " George , Aldermanbury . „ M 0 , •' St . George ' s , " Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich . „ 174 , " Sincerity , " Cheshire Cheese Tav ., Crutched Friars .
„ 190 , " Oak , " Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . „ 700 , " Nelson , " Masonic Hall , Woolwich . „ lloO , "Buckingham & Chandos , " Freemasons' Hall . United Strength Lodge of Instruction , 228 , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town road , at 8 ; liro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 , Railway Tavern , Railway-place , Fcnchnrcli-street , at 7 . Hew Concord Lodge of Instruction . Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , at 8 . Sydney Lodge of Instruction , No . 829 , Cambridgo Hotel , Upper Norwood , at 7 . 30 .
Thursday , November 18 . Bouse Committee , Girls' School , at 4 . Lodge No . 23 , "Globe , " Freemasons'Hall . „ 49 , " Gilinn , " Guildhall Coffee House , Grcshamstrect . „ 55 , " Constitutional , " Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet .
„ 63 , " St . Mary ' s , " Freemasons' Hall . „ lfiit , "Temperance , " White Swan , Deptford . „ 179 , " Manchester , ' ' Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-st . „ 1139 , " South Norwood , " Goat House Hotel , South Norwood . Finsbury Club of Instruction , " Jolly Anglers'Tavern , " 42 , Bath-street , City-road . United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tav ., Mile-end-road , at 8 ; T . J . Barnes , Preceptor .
Friday , November 19 . House Committee , Hoys' School . Lodge No . ll . 'l , ' Middlesex , " Albion Tavern , Aldcrsgatcsireet .
„ 20 ] , "Jordi . n , " Freemasons Hall . „ 813 , " New Concord , " Rosemary Branch Tavern , 11 ( 1 X 101 ) .
„ 975 , " Rose of Denmark , White Hart Hotel , Ibll'IK'S . " 1118 , " University , " Freemasons'Hall . Chapter 5 , "St . George ' s , " Freemasons' Hall . „ 92 , " Jloira , " London Tavern , Hisliopsgatc-strcet . Knights Tcniphir Encampment , No . 47 , " Kcmcys Tynte , "
Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich . Stability Lodge of Instruction , Guildhall Coffee House , at 6 . Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons ' Hall , at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; liro . Brett , Preceptor .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , Horns Tavern , Kennington at 7 . Bclgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Cliaiingcross ; Preceptor , Bro . Pulsford , Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Mile-end . road , at 8 : Hro . Isaac Saqui , Precentor .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
Date of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , The Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Temperance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tavern , Victoria'rdad / 'Deptford , at 8 . Saturday , November 20 . Lodge No . 715 , " Panmure , " George Hotel , Aldermanbury .
Agents .
- _ - _ - » AMERICA- Bro . J . FLETCHER BRENNAN , 114 , M-ingtreet , Cincinnati , Ohio . „ Messrs . WOODRUFF and BLOC ' , Little Rock , Arkansas , U . S .
CANADA : Messrs . DEVRIE & Son , Ottawa . CAPE OF GOOD HOPE : Bro . GEORQS BWTTAIH , C-pe Town . CEYLON : Messrs . W . L . SKEENE & Co ., Columbo . CONSTANTINOPLE : Bro . J . L . HANLT , Levant Times . EAST INDIES :
Allahabad : Messrs . - \ y-TM _ N •BRO _ .-Byculla : Bro . GEO . BEASE . Central Provinces : Bro . F . . T . JORDAN . Kurrachee : Bro . Q . C . BRAYSON . Madras : Mr . CALEB FOSTER . Mhow : Bro . COWASJEE NUSSERWANJEB . Poona : Bro . W . WELLIS .
GALATA : IFSIOK KAHN , Perchembe ' -Bajar . LIBERIA : Bro . HBNRT D . BROWN , Monrovia . PARIS : M . DECHIVAUX-DUMESNIL , Rue de Harlay-du-Palais , 20 , near the Pont Neuf ; Editor Le Franc-Macon . And all Booksellers and Newsagents in England , Ireland , and Scotland .
% ' isiftxtmmtxitB . ST . JOHN'S GATE , CLERKENWELL . FOUNDED A . D . 1100 . Itfif- $ ||| flpl RESTORED 1504 . S . WICKENS , PROPRIETOR . THIS interesting relic of antiquity , which haB so long survived the destroying hand of time , was formerly the Grand Preccptory of the Knights of St . John of Jerusalem , & e . Within these walls the Gentleman ' s Magazine was published . Here , also , Dr . Samuel Johnson wrote , and Garrick made his debut as a Comedian in London . Bro . S . WICKEN 3 begs to call the attention of LODGES , CHAPTERS , and especially K . T . ENCAMPMENTS , and R .+ CHAPTERS , to the convenient and appropriate rooms of the above building for such Meetings . He will be happy at any time to show Visitors over this interesting specimen of l ? c JULtodt of jtc & Titsonjj of j » e olJreit time . S . W . also calls attention to his large Stock of Fine Old Ports , other Wines , Spirits & Liqueurs Of premier quality . A good CofTee Room and private Luncheon Bar on th « West side .
Bro . HENRY SMITH , Poulterer and Game Salesman , 3 , 4 , and 5 , LEADENIIALL MARKET , E . C , TTAVING every facility for supplying MASONIC BANQUETS , begs to inform tbo Brethren who cater for the same , that every delicacy in Game and Poultry can be furnished at the LOWIST MARKET miens and of the FINEST QUALITY .
NOW READY , NOTE PAPER & ENVELOPES Made expressly for tho Craft , Mark , Royal Arch , Knights Templar , Rose Croix , Red Cross of Rome & Constantino , and Thirtieth Degree . STAMPED IN RELIEF IN THE CORRECT COLORS , AND WITH PROPER EMBLEMS . Tlie Paper is of very superior manufacture , packed in boxes , tontaining 5 quires , emblematically labelled , Price 3 s . Every Freemason should order a sample , cither direct or through any Stationer . Masonic Depot , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London .
Bro . W 0 LPERT , PRINTER , STATIONER & ACCOUNT-BOOK MAKER , 7 , St . Swithin ' s Lane , E . C . Authorised Agent to receive Advertisements for TH * FREEMASON , and all the London and Country Newspapers .
PIAKOFORTES . G . R . SAMSON , ( Successor to R . Addison cfc Co . ) , RESPECTFULLY informs purchasers that he still continues to supply the same description of Instruments for -which the above firm were justly celebrated . Prices from 20 to 60 Guineas . Pianofortes for Hire , at 8 s . per month , upon the three yextt . system . 30 , WELLS STREET , OXFORD STREET , W . AND . 2 , MADDOX STREET , W . Agent for B 0 RD , of Paris .
" TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . "— Common Seme . Lainps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Tenders & Eire Irons , Electroplate , & Nickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , GENERAL , HOUSE - FURNISHING IRONMONGER ? , 42 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but KEALLT GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an "Immense Stock , " but SUFFICIENTLY LARCH for any person to select from . He doe * not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as ANY . A visit mil , at all times , be very much appreciated .
^^^^^^ ' ^^ W a ^^ W ^ m ^^ I WWmMM/ XJ ^ HJ ^ yj ^ NS ^ KorY ( Non-Mercurial ) FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING Silver , Electro-plutc , Plate Glass , Marble , & c . Tablets ( id . each . Prepared expressly for the Patent Knife-Cleaning Machines , India-rubber and Bud' Leather Knife Boards . Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brilliant polish equal to new cutler } - . Sold in Packets , 3 d . each ; and Tins , lid ., Is ., 2 s . 6 dand 4 s . each . Prevent friction in cleaning and injury t o the knife , Pric « from Cd . each . Oakcy ' s Wellington Knife Polish should b « used wilh the boards . Sold everywhere by Grocers , Ironmongers , llrushmakei >> Oilmen , Chemists , & c . Wholesale by JOHN 0 AKEY AND SONS , MANUKACTUKKim OF 17 S , BLACKFRIARS ROAD .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For ihe Week ending November 20 , 1869 . Monday , November 15 . ¦ IiOQge'No . 8 , "British , " Freemasons'Hill . " 21 , "Emulation , " Albion Tav . / Aldersgate-st . „ •58 , " Felicity , " London Tav ., Bishopsgatest ,
, „ 185 , "Tranquillity , " Radley ' s Hotel . Blackfriara „ 720 , "Pamliure , " Balhiiin Hotel , Balham . „ 862 , " Wbittington , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st . „ 901 , "City of London , ' Guildhall Coffee House Gresham-street .
„ 1201 , '"Eclectic , " Freemasons' Hall . Chapter 12 , " Prudence , " Ship & Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . . 'Kent Mark Masters' Lodge of Instruction , Lyceum Tavern , 354 , Strand , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . C . Swan , Preceptor .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 , Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-street Station , at 7 . Camden Lodge of Instruction , No . 704 , Adelaide Tavern , Haverstock Hill , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction , No . 95 , Royal Hotel , Mile-end-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . K . Gottheil , Preceptor .
Tuesday , November 16 . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . lodge No . 73 , "Mount Lebanon , '' Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . „ 95 , "Eastern Star , " Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadonhall-street , „ 162 , " Cadogan , " Freemasons' Hall . „ 165 , " Honour and Generosity , " London . Tavern
Bishopsgate-street . „ 194 , " St . Paul ' s , " Terminus Hotel , Cannon-st . „ 435 , "Salisbury , " 71 , Dean-street , Soho . „ 704 , " Camden , " York & Albany , Regent ' s-park . „ 857 , " St Mark's , " Horn ' s Tavern , Kennington . „ 917 , " Cosmopolitan , " Terminus Htl ., Cannon-st Chapter 19 , " Mount Sinai , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st
„ 186 . " Industry , " Freemasons' Halt Metropolitan Chapter of instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction , Ko . 79 , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 . Domatic Lodgeof Instruction , Palmerston Tavern ,
Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Metropolitan Railway , Victoria Station , at 8 . Bro . C . A Cottebrune , Preceptor . Tarborough Lodge of Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui Preceptor . Prince Frederick William Lodge of Instruction , No . 753 , Knights of St . John's Tavern , St . John ' s-wood ; Bro . F . G . Baker , Preceptor .
Wednesday , November 17 . General Committee of Grand Lodgeand Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 precisely . Lodge No . 30 , " United Mariners , " George , Aldermanbury . „ M 0 , •' St . George ' s , " Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich . „ 174 , " Sincerity , " Cheshire Cheese Tav ., Crutched Friars .
„ 190 , " Oak , " Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . „ 700 , " Nelson , " Masonic Hall , Woolwich . „ lloO , "Buckingham & Chandos , " Freemasons' Hall . United Strength Lodge of Instruction , 228 , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town road , at 8 ; liro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 , Railway Tavern , Railway-place , Fcnchnrcli-street , at 7 . Hew Concord Lodge of Instruction . Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , at 8 . Sydney Lodge of Instruction , No . 829 , Cambridgo Hotel , Upper Norwood , at 7 . 30 .
Thursday , November 18 . Bouse Committee , Girls' School , at 4 . Lodge No . 23 , "Globe , " Freemasons'Hall . „ 49 , " Gilinn , " Guildhall Coffee House , Grcshamstrect . „ 55 , " Constitutional , " Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet .
„ 63 , " St . Mary ' s , " Freemasons' Hall . „ lfiit , "Temperance , " White Swan , Deptford . „ 179 , " Manchester , ' ' Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-st . „ 1139 , " South Norwood , " Goat House Hotel , South Norwood . Finsbury Club of Instruction , " Jolly Anglers'Tavern , " 42 , Bath-street , City-road . United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tav ., Mile-end-road , at 8 ; T . J . Barnes , Preceptor .
Friday , November 19 . House Committee , Hoys' School . Lodge No . ll . 'l , ' Middlesex , " Albion Tavern , Aldcrsgatcsireet .
„ 20 ] , "Jordi . n , " Freemasons Hall . „ 813 , " New Concord , " Rosemary Branch Tavern , 11 ( 1 X 101 ) .
„ 975 , " Rose of Denmark , White Hart Hotel , Ibll'IK'S . " 1118 , " University , " Freemasons'Hall . Chapter 5 , "St . George ' s , " Freemasons' Hall . „ 92 , " Jloira , " London Tavern , Hisliopsgatc-strcet . Knights Tcniphir Encampment , No . 47 , " Kcmcys Tynte , "
Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich . Stability Lodge of Instruction , Guildhall Coffee House , at 6 . Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons ' Hall , at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; liro . Brett , Preceptor .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , Horns Tavern , Kennington at 7 . Bclgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Cliaiingcross ; Preceptor , Bro . Pulsford , Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Mile-end . road , at 8 : Hro . Isaac Saqui , Precentor .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
Date of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , The Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Temperance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tavern , Victoria'rdad / 'Deptford , at 8 . Saturday , November 20 . Lodge No . 715 , " Panmure , " George Hotel , Aldermanbury .
Agents .
- _ - _ - » AMERICA- Bro . J . FLETCHER BRENNAN , 114 , M-ingtreet , Cincinnati , Ohio . „ Messrs . WOODRUFF and BLOC ' , Little Rock , Arkansas , U . S .
CANADA : Messrs . DEVRIE & Son , Ottawa . CAPE OF GOOD HOPE : Bro . GEORQS BWTTAIH , C-pe Town . CEYLON : Messrs . W . L . SKEENE & Co ., Columbo . CONSTANTINOPLE : Bro . J . L . HANLT , Levant Times . EAST INDIES :
Allahabad : Messrs . - \ y-TM _ N •BRO _ .-Byculla : Bro . GEO . BEASE . Central Provinces : Bro . F . . T . JORDAN . Kurrachee : Bro . Q . C . BRAYSON . Madras : Mr . CALEB FOSTER . Mhow : Bro . COWASJEE NUSSERWANJEB . Poona : Bro . W . WELLIS .
GALATA : IFSIOK KAHN , Perchembe ' -Bajar . LIBERIA : Bro . HBNRT D . BROWN , Monrovia . PARIS : M . DECHIVAUX-DUMESNIL , Rue de Harlay-du-Palais , 20 , near the Pont Neuf ; Editor Le Franc-Macon . And all Booksellers and Newsagents in England , Ireland , and Scotland .
% ' isiftxtmmtxitB . ST . JOHN'S GATE , CLERKENWELL . FOUNDED A . D . 1100 . Itfif- $ ||| flpl RESTORED 1504 . S . WICKENS , PROPRIETOR . THIS interesting relic of antiquity , which haB so long survived the destroying hand of time , was formerly the Grand Preccptory of the Knights of St . John of Jerusalem , & e . Within these walls the Gentleman ' s Magazine was published . Here , also , Dr . Samuel Johnson wrote , and Garrick made his debut as a Comedian in London . Bro . S . WICKEN 3 begs to call the attention of LODGES , CHAPTERS , and especially K . T . ENCAMPMENTS , and R .+ CHAPTERS , to the convenient and appropriate rooms of the above building for such Meetings . He will be happy at any time to show Visitors over this interesting specimen of l ? c JULtodt of jtc & Titsonjj of j » e olJreit time . S . W . also calls attention to his large Stock of Fine Old Ports , other Wines , Spirits & Liqueurs Of premier quality . A good CofTee Room and private Luncheon Bar on th « West side .
Bro . HENRY SMITH , Poulterer and Game Salesman , 3 , 4 , and 5 , LEADENIIALL MARKET , E . C , TTAVING every facility for supplying MASONIC BANQUETS , begs to inform tbo Brethren who cater for the same , that every delicacy in Game and Poultry can be furnished at the LOWIST MARKET miens and of the FINEST QUALITY .
NOW READY , NOTE PAPER & ENVELOPES Made expressly for tho Craft , Mark , Royal Arch , Knights Templar , Rose Croix , Red Cross of Rome & Constantino , and Thirtieth Degree . STAMPED IN RELIEF IN THE CORRECT COLORS , AND WITH PROPER EMBLEMS . Tlie Paper is of very superior manufacture , packed in boxes , tontaining 5 quires , emblematically labelled , Price 3 s . Every Freemason should order a sample , cither direct or through any Stationer . Masonic Depot , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London .
Bro . W 0 LPERT , PRINTER , STATIONER & ACCOUNT-BOOK MAKER , 7 , St . Swithin ' s Lane , E . C . Authorised Agent to receive Advertisements for TH * FREEMASON , and all the London and Country Newspapers .
PIAKOFORTES . G . R . SAMSON , ( Successor to R . Addison cfc Co . ) , RESPECTFULLY informs purchasers that he still continues to supply the same description of Instruments for -which the above firm were justly celebrated . Prices from 20 to 60 Guineas . Pianofortes for Hire , at 8 s . per month , upon the three yextt . system . 30 , WELLS STREET , OXFORD STREET , W . AND . 2 , MADDOX STREET , W . Agent for B 0 RD , of Paris .
" TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . "— Common Seme . Lainps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Tenders & Eire Irons , Electroplate , & Nickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , GENERAL , HOUSE - FURNISHING IRONMONGER ? , 42 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but KEALLT GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an "Immense Stock , " but SUFFICIENTLY LARCH for any person to select from . He doe * not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as ANY . A visit mil , at all times , be very much appreciated .
^^^^^^ ' ^^ W a ^^ W ^ m ^^ I WWmMM/ XJ ^ HJ ^ yj ^ NS ^ KorY ( Non-Mercurial ) FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING Silver , Electro-plutc , Plate Glass , Marble , & c . Tablets ( id . each . Prepared expressly for the Patent Knife-Cleaning Machines , India-rubber and Bud' Leather Knife Boards . Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brilliant polish equal to new cutler } - . Sold in Packets , 3 d . each ; and Tins , lid ., Is ., 2 s . 6 dand 4 s . each . Prevent friction in cleaning and injury t o the knife , Pric « from Cd . each . Oakcy ' s Wellington Knife Polish should b « used wilh the boards . Sold everywhere by Grocers , Ironmongers , llrushmakei >> Oilmen , Chemists , & c . Wholesale by JOHN 0 AKEY AND SONS , MANUKACTUKKim OF 17 S , BLACKFRIARS ROAD .