Article "LADIES' EVENING" OF THE SKELMERSDALE LODGE, No. 1658. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC AND GENERAL TIDINGS Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC AND GENERAL TIDINGS Page 1 of 1
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"Ladies' Evening" Of The Skelmersdale Lodge, No. 1658.
The special meeting , or " Ladies' Evening , " of the above lodge under the arrangements of the VV . M ., Bro . J . Hill , took place on Thursday , the 2 Sth ult . The lodge was opened at 4 . 30 , and after reading and confirming the minutes , Bro . G . Whitlock was passed to the Second Degree . Bro . W . WILI . EShaving proposed a newmember ,
who was seconded by the WORSHIPFUL MASTER , a dispensation from the M . W . G . M . for the brethren of this lodge to wear Craft clothing and jewels was read , and the lodge was closed . The guests having arrived , followed the W . M . and Mrs . Hill to the banquet room , the following being present : Bros . A . Storr , Sec ; G . J . Earney , Treas . ; W . S . Harvey , S . D . ; H . Cohen , J . D . ; E . A . Francis , D . C ; R . Walden , A . D . C ; E . Shrimpton , I . G . ; A .
Norman aud A . J . Shore , Stwds . ; W . H . Boys , P . M . ; J . D . Smith , P . M . ; John Cox , P . M . ; R . Rowlands , acting S . VV . ; H . Buckeridge , acting J . W . ; C J . Pigeon , J . Letchford , G . S . Whitlock , W . Willes , R . Carter , E . M . Gibson , F . J . Tull , F . Whitlock , S . F . Bygrave , C . J . Smith , C . Pinnoch , A . O . Side , F . Mackway , E . D . Side , E . A . Swan , J . W . Newell , S . Zucker , B . Cohen , E . J . Harvey , W . Barringer , A . J . Shore , L . Sigle , T . Williams ,
J . George , J . Austin , M . Syer , H . Vickey , 1475 ; George VVhite , 975 ; G . Rawll , 1042 ; H . Cooper , 1567 ; G . Stokes , I . P . M . 155 S ; S . Reeles , 204 S ; John Howard , 1692 ; Dr . VV . Little , J . VV . 1706 ; F . Mead , 212 ; and J . Porter , S 04 . The ladies were Miss Linnell , Mrs . Little , Miss Bones , Mrs . Boys , Miss M . J . Smith , Mrs . H . Tull , Mrs . Bygrave , Mrs . Howard , Miss Howard , Mrs . C . J . Smith , Mrs . H . Vickery , Mrs . Mackway , Miss Ayling , Mrs .
Norman , Miss Crazier , Miss Rose , Miss Brotherton , Mrs . Francis , Mrs . Storr , Mrs . Rowlands , Miss Needham , Miss Whitlock , Mrs . Carter , Mrs . Gibson , Miss Side , Mrs . Cox , Mrs . Harvey , Mrs . S . A . Newell , Mrs . Rawll , Miss Shrimpton , Mrs . Zucker , Mrs . B . Cohen , Mrs . H . T . Cooper , Mrs . H . Cohen , Mrs . VV . Mead , Mrs . T . Williams , Mrs . J . George , Mrs , E . J . Harvey , Mrs . Barringer , Mrs . M . Syer , Mrs . Swan , and Mrs . J . Porter .
After the banquet , which was admirably served by Bro . G . Venables , the WORSHIPFUL MASTERgave the toast of "The Queen , " which was enthusiastically received by all present . " God save the Queen " being sung , The WORSHIPFUL MASTER then proposed "The Ladies , " and stated he was pleased to see them , and the pleasure would be enhanced by their enjoying themselves . He had invited them so as to bind one and all in the
principles of pleasing each other and uniting in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness . This being the first " Ladies' Evening " ever held by the lodge he had had some anxiety at lirst , but that had disappeared . Bro . A . STORR , P . M ., having replied for the ladies , The I . P . M ., Bro . J . D . SMITH , proposed the toast of " The W . M ., " who had devoted his time and energies to the lodge . His kind , genial , and affable but firm manner
had cemented all the brethren to him in past years , and would do so in the future . The WORSHIPFUL MASTER replied in a few words by expressing his hope that as this was the first meeting of the kind so it would not be the last . The company then rose , and the dancing commenced in
the large hall , which had been engaged , with " Sargoo *' s " good quadrille band . During an interval several s , r gs were sung , and a splendid entertainment by Professor Norman , the Royal Jester Ventriloquist , was given . Dancing was then resumed and terminated at 12 . 30 , and the guests separated , delighted with their entertainment , and only too anxious for its repetition at an early date .
Obituary .
BRO . E . F . STORR , P . M ., P . Z . The news of the terribly sudden death on Friday , the 5 th inst ., of Bro . E . F . Storr— " Charity " Storr , as he was known among his familiars—will be received with a widespread feeling of regret , especially in the metropolis , to which his Masonic duties had been mainly confined . Bro . Storr was beloved by all who knew him and respected by the many who did not enjoy the privilege of his
acquaintance . He was a most diligent Mason , and during the 15 or 16 years of his connection with the Craft , had missed no opportunity of enforcing its principles by his personal example or promoting its welfare . He was initiated in the Neptune Lodge , No . 22 , on the 26 th January , 1 S 71 , was chosen VV . M . in 1 S 77 , and had served , and at the time of his death was serving as its Treasurer . His exaltation lo the Royal Arch Degree took place on iSth Nov ., 1 S 73 , in the Lion and
Lamb Chapter , No . 192 , and ten years later we find him occupying the chair of ' * .. He was also a member of the Old Kent Time Immemorial Mark Lodge , but his interest in Masonic systems appears to have been almost exclusively limited to the Degrees included in the Constitutional system as established by the articles of union in 1813 . But the Craft and Arch Degrees did not absorb the whole of his attention . As a member of the Board of
General Purposes last year he obtained an insight into the interior economy of the Fraternity , while in his capacity of an elected member of the Board of Benevolence he was " ;"'" '" exercise a discriminating influence in alleviating the distresses of individual brethren . As to his services to our Institutions—are they not carefully recorded in the hsts of Governors and Subscribers annually issued by the executive authorities of the several Charities , and do not
we learn from those records that our deceased brother was Vice-President of , and had served five festival Stewardships for , the Benevolent Institution , and was a Life Governor of both Schools , having served . ' ° Stewardships for the Girls' Institution and three for that of the Boys' ? These alone would entitle him to our respect , and the relatives he leaves behind to mourn his ° s ?} ° our sincere sympathy with them in their sad and sudden bereavement : nor will their sorrow nml mir r »« r < . t
be less deeply felt when we remember that Bro . Storr , only th " \! v , '""mediately preceding his death—that is , on ine 2 nd November instant—was present , and not only took an active part in the constitution of the Derby Allcroft Jj ° dgc , No . 216 S , but was chosen by its members to fill 'ne important and honourable office of Treasurer , "" a that , in returning thanks for his share of the roast of "The Treasurer and Secretary , " he expressed JJ |? . !* ° P L 'hat " ai long as he was connected w * n it the lod ge would never be unrepresented at the
Charity Festivals . " Three days after this utterance , which was so thoroughly characteristic of the man and the task he had principally in view , Bro . Storr had passed away , but we are confident the members of the Derby Allcroft Lodge will not be unmindful of the hope expressed by its first Treasurer at its inauguration banquet , and that Bro . Storr ' s example and influence will be always felt in the
lodge during the years to come , though the brother himself is , alas 1 no more . The funeral took place on Wednesday in Finchley Cemetery , in the presence of a large number of his sorrowing friends , relatives , and brother Masons ; the Derby Allcroft Lodge being represented by Bros . J . P . Fitzgerald , J . VV . ; R . U . Cummings , Sec . ; and others ; the Neptune Lodge by Bros . Corbett , W . M . ; G . P . Britten , and
others ; and the Lion and Lamb Chapter by Comp . George Kenning , P . Z . and Treas . Bro . the Rev . Jackson Wray officiated at the grave , ( t is more than probable the brethren would have mustered in greater numbers had not both the death and funeral of our late brother occurred subsequently to last week's publication of the Freemason , and there was no opportunity therefore for us to announce the time and place of burial .
BRO . DAVID SMITH , M . P ., P . D . G . D . C . We referred briefly last week to the fact of Bro . Alderman David Smith , the senior M . P . for Brighton , having died suddenly of heart disease , and we will add that his funeral , which took place on Monday , was largely attended , not only by the relatives and friends of the deceased worthy , but also by representatives of the Brighton municipality ,
as well as by members of the different Masonic lodges in the province . Bro . Smith's career as a member of our Society had been of considerable length and a brilliant one likewise . He was initiated in the St . John's Lodge , No . 454—at the time No . 665—Kandy , Ceylon , in December , 1851 . In January , 1 S 5 S , he joined Old Unian , No . 4 6—a Red Apron Lodge—and on his taking up his residence at
Brighton he joined the Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 271 , in February , 1 S 69 . It will thus be seen that the late Bro . Smith ' s career included membership in three classes of lodges—Colonial , Provincial , and Metropolitan , and so ably did he fulfil his duties in connection , at all events , with the last two that both Grand and Provincial Grand Lodge honours were at different times conferred upon him . He had represented Lodge No . 46 on the Board ot Grand
Stewards . In 1 S 72 he was appointed Prov . G . J . W . of Sussex , and in 1 SS 2 , when the number of Grand Officers was increased , that of the newly-created Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies was bestowed upon him . He was also a supporter of , and had served as Festival Steward in behalf of one or more of our Institutions . The death of so conspicuous a member of our Society is a loss which is greatly to be regretted , and to his family and his brethren in Masonry we offer our most respectful sympathy .
Masonic And General Tidings
At a meeting of the Hilda Chapter , No . 23 , held in Freemasons' Hall , St . Saviourgate , York , on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., Bro . Martin M . Reynard was elected M . VV . S ., and Bro . T . B . Whytehead was re-elected Treasurer . At the meeting- of the King Solomon ( Craft ) Lodge , No . 2029 , at the Masonic Hall , Red Lion-square , to-morrow ( Saturday ) , the proceedings will include the election of a VV . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler for the ensuine
year . Bio . H . B . Marshall , jun ., whose father , Bro . H . 13 . Marshall , P . G . Treas ., is a member , will be balloted for as a joining member . It was , as will be seen from our report elsewhere , the Grand Council of the Allied Degrees , not that of the Royal and Select Masters , as announced last week , which was to , and did , hold its annual meeting at the Masonic Hall , Sa , Red Lion-square , on Thursday , the 4 th inst . VVe trust no Royal and Select Master was misled by our announcement .
I he 23 rd season of Smoking Concerts given at the Guildhall Tavern by the Excelsior City Musical Societywill be opened this ( Friday ) evening , at 7 p . m . A very excellent programme has been prepared , and , from past experience , we are confident that members and their friends will have every reason to be pleased with the arrangements for this entertainment . The President of the Society is Bro . James Salmon , while in the list of its numerous patrons
will be found the names of Bros . Hudson , C . C , N . B . Headon , C . C , James Perkins , C . C , J . Bamber , John Douglas , J . Pigache , R . Senecal , and James Willing , ' jun . Bro . A . Cotton is Hon . Treasurer , Bro . * R . VV . Heney , Hon . Secretary , and last , and , in the sense of most depending on his exertions and ability at the concerts , most important of all , Bro . Fred . H . Cozens is the Musical Director . VVe wish the Society an unprecedented amount of success during its new season now just commencing .
ST . MARYLEBONE AND QUEEN ' ( WESTMINSTBR ) LODGES OF INSTRUCTION , —It has been decided to unite the above lodges of instruction under the title of St . Marylebone and Queen ' s ( Westminster ) Lodge of Instruction , and to hold the meetings at the Criterion , Piccadilly , on Monday evenings , from 8 to 10 . Bro . G . Coop , W . M . 141 , will be the Preceptor ; Bro . C . Kempton , P . M . 12 S 7 , Treasurer ; Bro . C . P . (" ellerby , J . D . 2021 , and F . Smith ,
S . VV . 1305 , joint Secretaries . The opening meeting will be held on Monday evening , the 29 th inst ., at 6 . 30 p . m ., when the ceremony of consecration will be rehearsed by the cssteemed Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , Bro . J . Terry , P . P . G . D . Herts , who will also install Bro . G . Lambert , P . G . S . B ., into the chair . The musical arrangements will be under the direction of Bro . F . Delevanti , P . M . 1319 . HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS are beyond all doubt Ihe most valuable and most convenient medicines that travellers can take
across the seas lo distant climes , for change of climate and the new conditions and surroundings of life to which they will be exposed will assuredly give rise to great disbiirbanccs id tlie system and to such especial morbid states of the blood aud constitution generally as will render the use of these effectual remedies highly necessary , for ihey will lind in them a ready and safe means of relief in most of the diseases ivhich alllict the human race , and with them at hand they may be said to have a plivsician always at their call . —[ AUVT . J
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . R . Carter , of the Royal Hotel , has been reelected for the third time , Mayor of Falmouth . Bro . Frederick West , P . M . 4 63 , P . M . and Treasurer , 132 S , and P . G . Stwd ., has been appointed D . P . G . M . for Surrey . At a meeting of the Cheltenham and Keystone Mark Lodge , No . 10 , on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., the sum
of two guineas was voted to the Binckes Presentation Fund . The Four Kings' Council , No . 7 , of the Allied Degrees , will hold their annual meeting on Saturday , the 20 th inst ., when Bro . S . Barton Wilson will be installed Worshipful Master . Bro . C . F . Matier will be installed VV . M . of the Shadwell Clerke Lodge , No . 1910 , on Friday next , the ioth
inst . J he ceremony will be performed by Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Sec , assisted by Bro . J . L . Mather . The Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Oxfordshire will be held at the Masonic Hall , Alfred-street , Oxford , on Tuesday next , the iCth inst ., under the presidency of M . E . Comp . the Rev . 11 . A . Pickard , P . G . P . Soj ., Prov . G . Supt .
Bro . G . Hilditch Harding , L . DS ., of 22 , Finsbuvy-squave , has been installed as W . M . of the Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 , Middlesex , in succession to Bro . John Davies , of 5 , Finsbury-square , who was presented with a P . M . ' s jewel . We much regret that in our recent report of the consecration of the Border Chapter of Rose Croix , the 0
name of 111 . Bro . Charles Fendelow , 33 , I . G . of the W . C . District , was omitted from the list of those on whom honorary membership of the new chapter was conferred . The ceremony of installation will be worked at the Covent Garden Lodge of Instruction , No . 1 G 14 , by Bro . Ii . Farwig , P . M . 1 S 0 , V . 7 .. 1 S 0 , in the Masonic Temple , Criterion , Piccadilly , S . W ., on Thursday evening , the iSth
inst ., at eight o'clock . Bro . G . Reynolds , Secretary , 3 , St . James's-square , Pall Mall , S . VV . The new Masonic Hall Buildings in Barrow-in-Furness have been decorated by Bro . W . Ramsay , who has shown a considerable amount of taste and ability in his work . The hall is 50 feet long by 28 feet wide , and iS feet high , and the ceiling , cornices , dado , & c , have been most
artistically and delicately treated . The Onslow Mark Lodge , No . 361 , will hold its annual meeting on Monday next , the 15 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , 8 a , Red Lion-square , W . C . There are several candidates for advancement , and then Bro . Horace White , W . M . elect , will be installed in the chair of A . The banquet will take place at the Holborn Restaurant
at 7 p . m . The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the United Strength Lodge of Instruction , No . 22 S , which is held at the Hope Tavern , Stanhope-street , Regent ' s Park , on Wednesday , the ioth of November , by several well known brethren , Bros . P . M . Kew , W . M . ; Hemming , S . VV . ; and H . Palmer , Sec . The brethren of the St . Kew Lodge , No . 1222 .
Weston-Super-Mare , has presented to Bro . F . VV . S . Wicksteed a handsome P . U . J . W . 's . jewel in appreciation of his services , and to commemorate an honour conferred upon him by the R . W . P . G . M . at a recent Provincial Lodge held at Taunton . VVe congratulate Bro . Wicksteed upon being so thoroughly deserving the compliment that has been paid him . Af tho loct- ninlm ^ / , ( tUa llrnr ,, f ., ~ „ F , . T ~~ kkiw 1 UJV 111 £ \ jiiju wiui ^ Mane
, . .. , . ......, < . L . uugC No . 2127 , on the proposition uf W . Bro . Parkinson , P . G . D ., seconded by Bro . James Fernandez , it was unanimously decided to present a piece of plate to the Secretary , Bro . A . M . Broadley , and a Committee consisting of Bros . Lord Londesborough , Augustus Harris , Sir John Gorst , Q . C , M . P ., and J . C Parkinson was appointed to carry out the wishes of " the lodge .
We regret to state that our frequent contributor and genial friend , Bro . Charles Jolly , met with a rather serious accident on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst . He was returning by train from Abbey Wood soon after dusk , in company with several friends , who had been out for a day's shooting , and was alighting at the Arsenal Station ,
Woolwich , when he fell a considerable depth , owing to the part of the train in which he sat having stopped short of the platform . He sustained injuries to the leg and back , and , being partly under the wheels , was in much peril until extricated . Having been sent home in a cab , he was attended by Dr . Frank Smith . We are sorry to hear that Bro . Jolly is likely to he / aid up for some time .
Ihe annual banquet of the Faith Lodge of Instruction , No . 141 , will take place at the Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Victoria-street , S . W ., on Friday , the 26 th inst . Bro . G . Coop , VV . M . 141 , will occupy the chair , supported by the following brethren as Stewards : Bros . Collens , P . M . 76 C ; Docker , P . M . 1687 ; Lovegrove , S . W . 1139 ; Masefield , S . VV . 132 S ; H . CIoots , 2030 ; C . Wetzlar
, J . D . 141 ; A . Bassington , P . M . 205 , Treas . ; Van Joel , P . M . 957 ; Hunt , P . M . 194 ; Tacon , VV . M . 1196 ; Bull , P . M . 145 ; E . L . P . Valleriani , P . M . 1 GS 7 ; C . Fcomholi , I . P . M . 141 ; Cottebrune , P . M ., P . G . P ., Preceptor ; and G . J . Pellatt , 1194 , Sec . Dinner will be on the table at at seven o'clock p . m ., precisely . On Tuesday evening Bro . W . T . Hup-han .
P . G . D ., delivered a highl y instructive lecture on " Masonic jewels , especially in relation to Old Lodges and the Book of Constitutions , " in the Masonic Hall , Torquay , to the brethren of the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 32 S , and Jordan Lodge , No . 1402 . Bro . J . Salter , W . M . 32 S , occupied the chair , and at the close of the lecture a discussion of some length , and considerable interest , followed . The
proceedings terminated with a collection in aid of the Devon Masonic Educational Fund , and a hearty vote of thanks to Bro . Hughan . At the fureral of the late Bro . Allen Atkin , of the Feathers' Hotel , Exchange , Nottingham , and a member gf the Board of Guardians , which took place in the General Cemetery , Nottingham , on Sunday , the ist inst ; , there were present , in addition to the widow and family of
the deceased , and the representatives of the Municipality and Board of Guardians , a large number of the members of the Southwell Lodge , No . 1405 , headed by Bro . Wardley , VV . M . ; S . Bestow , S . VV . ; and G . Dominy , J . W ., as well as of the St . Alban ' s Mark Lodge , under Uro . G . Baxter , VV . M ., Bro . Lewin , LP . M ., of the Robin Hood Lodge ( Craft ) , No . 1493 , Eastwood , being also present .
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"Ladies' Evening" Of The Skelmersdale Lodge, No. 1658.
The special meeting , or " Ladies' Evening , " of the above lodge under the arrangements of the VV . M ., Bro . J . Hill , took place on Thursday , the 2 Sth ult . The lodge was opened at 4 . 30 , and after reading and confirming the minutes , Bro . G . Whitlock was passed to the Second Degree . Bro . W . WILI . EShaving proposed a newmember ,
who was seconded by the WORSHIPFUL MASTER , a dispensation from the M . W . G . M . for the brethren of this lodge to wear Craft clothing and jewels was read , and the lodge was closed . The guests having arrived , followed the W . M . and Mrs . Hill to the banquet room , the following being present : Bros . A . Storr , Sec ; G . J . Earney , Treas . ; W . S . Harvey , S . D . ; H . Cohen , J . D . ; E . A . Francis , D . C ; R . Walden , A . D . C ; E . Shrimpton , I . G . ; A .
Norman aud A . J . Shore , Stwds . ; W . H . Boys , P . M . ; J . D . Smith , P . M . ; John Cox , P . M . ; R . Rowlands , acting S . VV . ; H . Buckeridge , acting J . W . ; C J . Pigeon , J . Letchford , G . S . Whitlock , W . Willes , R . Carter , E . M . Gibson , F . J . Tull , F . Whitlock , S . F . Bygrave , C . J . Smith , C . Pinnoch , A . O . Side , F . Mackway , E . D . Side , E . A . Swan , J . W . Newell , S . Zucker , B . Cohen , E . J . Harvey , W . Barringer , A . J . Shore , L . Sigle , T . Williams ,
J . George , J . Austin , M . Syer , H . Vickey , 1475 ; George VVhite , 975 ; G . Rawll , 1042 ; H . Cooper , 1567 ; G . Stokes , I . P . M . 155 S ; S . Reeles , 204 S ; John Howard , 1692 ; Dr . VV . Little , J . VV . 1706 ; F . Mead , 212 ; and J . Porter , S 04 . The ladies were Miss Linnell , Mrs . Little , Miss Bones , Mrs . Boys , Miss M . J . Smith , Mrs . H . Tull , Mrs . Bygrave , Mrs . Howard , Miss Howard , Mrs . C . J . Smith , Mrs . H . Vickery , Mrs . Mackway , Miss Ayling , Mrs .
Norman , Miss Crazier , Miss Rose , Miss Brotherton , Mrs . Francis , Mrs . Storr , Mrs . Rowlands , Miss Needham , Miss Whitlock , Mrs . Carter , Mrs . Gibson , Miss Side , Mrs . Cox , Mrs . Harvey , Mrs . S . A . Newell , Mrs . Rawll , Miss Shrimpton , Mrs . Zucker , Mrs . B . Cohen , Mrs . H . T . Cooper , Mrs . H . Cohen , Mrs . VV . Mead , Mrs . T . Williams , Mrs . J . George , Mrs , E . J . Harvey , Mrs . Barringer , Mrs . M . Syer , Mrs . Swan , and Mrs . J . Porter .
After the banquet , which was admirably served by Bro . G . Venables , the WORSHIPFUL MASTERgave the toast of "The Queen , " which was enthusiastically received by all present . " God save the Queen " being sung , The WORSHIPFUL MASTER then proposed "The Ladies , " and stated he was pleased to see them , and the pleasure would be enhanced by their enjoying themselves . He had invited them so as to bind one and all in the
principles of pleasing each other and uniting in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness . This being the first " Ladies' Evening " ever held by the lodge he had had some anxiety at lirst , but that had disappeared . Bro . A . STORR , P . M ., having replied for the ladies , The I . P . M ., Bro . J . D . SMITH , proposed the toast of " The W . M ., " who had devoted his time and energies to the lodge . His kind , genial , and affable but firm manner
had cemented all the brethren to him in past years , and would do so in the future . The WORSHIPFUL MASTER replied in a few words by expressing his hope that as this was the first meeting of the kind so it would not be the last . The company then rose , and the dancing commenced in
the large hall , which had been engaged , with " Sargoo *' s " good quadrille band . During an interval several s , r gs were sung , and a splendid entertainment by Professor Norman , the Royal Jester Ventriloquist , was given . Dancing was then resumed and terminated at 12 . 30 , and the guests separated , delighted with their entertainment , and only too anxious for its repetition at an early date .
Obituary .
BRO . E . F . STORR , P . M ., P . Z . The news of the terribly sudden death on Friday , the 5 th inst ., of Bro . E . F . Storr— " Charity " Storr , as he was known among his familiars—will be received with a widespread feeling of regret , especially in the metropolis , to which his Masonic duties had been mainly confined . Bro . Storr was beloved by all who knew him and respected by the many who did not enjoy the privilege of his
acquaintance . He was a most diligent Mason , and during the 15 or 16 years of his connection with the Craft , had missed no opportunity of enforcing its principles by his personal example or promoting its welfare . He was initiated in the Neptune Lodge , No . 22 , on the 26 th January , 1 S 71 , was chosen VV . M . in 1 S 77 , and had served , and at the time of his death was serving as its Treasurer . His exaltation lo the Royal Arch Degree took place on iSth Nov ., 1 S 73 , in the Lion and
Lamb Chapter , No . 192 , and ten years later we find him occupying the chair of ' * .. He was also a member of the Old Kent Time Immemorial Mark Lodge , but his interest in Masonic systems appears to have been almost exclusively limited to the Degrees included in the Constitutional system as established by the articles of union in 1813 . But the Craft and Arch Degrees did not absorb the whole of his attention . As a member of the Board of
General Purposes last year he obtained an insight into the interior economy of the Fraternity , while in his capacity of an elected member of the Board of Benevolence he was " ;"'" '" exercise a discriminating influence in alleviating the distresses of individual brethren . As to his services to our Institutions—are they not carefully recorded in the hsts of Governors and Subscribers annually issued by the executive authorities of the several Charities , and do not
we learn from those records that our deceased brother was Vice-President of , and had served five festival Stewardships for , the Benevolent Institution , and was a Life Governor of both Schools , having served . ' ° Stewardships for the Girls' Institution and three for that of the Boys' ? These alone would entitle him to our respect , and the relatives he leaves behind to mourn his ° s ?} ° our sincere sympathy with them in their sad and sudden bereavement : nor will their sorrow nml mir r »« r < . t
be less deeply felt when we remember that Bro . Storr , only th " \! v , '""mediately preceding his death—that is , on ine 2 nd November instant—was present , and not only took an active part in the constitution of the Derby Allcroft Jj ° dgc , No . 216 S , but was chosen by its members to fill 'ne important and honourable office of Treasurer , "" a that , in returning thanks for his share of the roast of "The Treasurer and Secretary , " he expressed JJ |? . !* ° P L 'hat " ai long as he was connected w * n it the lod ge would never be unrepresented at the
Charity Festivals . " Three days after this utterance , which was so thoroughly characteristic of the man and the task he had principally in view , Bro . Storr had passed away , but we are confident the members of the Derby Allcroft Lodge will not be unmindful of the hope expressed by its first Treasurer at its inauguration banquet , and that Bro . Storr ' s example and influence will be always felt in the
lodge during the years to come , though the brother himself is , alas 1 no more . The funeral took place on Wednesday in Finchley Cemetery , in the presence of a large number of his sorrowing friends , relatives , and brother Masons ; the Derby Allcroft Lodge being represented by Bros . J . P . Fitzgerald , J . VV . ; R . U . Cummings , Sec . ; and others ; the Neptune Lodge by Bros . Corbett , W . M . ; G . P . Britten , and
others ; and the Lion and Lamb Chapter by Comp . George Kenning , P . Z . and Treas . Bro . the Rev . Jackson Wray officiated at the grave , ( t is more than probable the brethren would have mustered in greater numbers had not both the death and funeral of our late brother occurred subsequently to last week's publication of the Freemason , and there was no opportunity therefore for us to announce the time and place of burial .
BRO . DAVID SMITH , M . P ., P . D . G . D . C . We referred briefly last week to the fact of Bro . Alderman David Smith , the senior M . P . for Brighton , having died suddenly of heart disease , and we will add that his funeral , which took place on Monday , was largely attended , not only by the relatives and friends of the deceased worthy , but also by representatives of the Brighton municipality ,
as well as by members of the different Masonic lodges in the province . Bro . Smith's career as a member of our Society had been of considerable length and a brilliant one likewise . He was initiated in the St . John's Lodge , No . 454—at the time No . 665—Kandy , Ceylon , in December , 1851 . In January , 1 S 5 S , he joined Old Unian , No . 4 6—a Red Apron Lodge—and on his taking up his residence at
Brighton he joined the Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 271 , in February , 1 S 69 . It will thus be seen that the late Bro . Smith ' s career included membership in three classes of lodges—Colonial , Provincial , and Metropolitan , and so ably did he fulfil his duties in connection , at all events , with the last two that both Grand and Provincial Grand Lodge honours were at different times conferred upon him . He had represented Lodge No . 46 on the Board ot Grand
Stewards . In 1 S 72 he was appointed Prov . G . J . W . of Sussex , and in 1 SS 2 , when the number of Grand Officers was increased , that of the newly-created Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies was bestowed upon him . He was also a supporter of , and had served as Festival Steward in behalf of one or more of our Institutions . The death of so conspicuous a member of our Society is a loss which is greatly to be regretted , and to his family and his brethren in Masonry we offer our most respectful sympathy .
Masonic And General Tidings
At a meeting of the Hilda Chapter , No . 23 , held in Freemasons' Hall , St . Saviourgate , York , on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., Bro . Martin M . Reynard was elected M . VV . S ., and Bro . T . B . Whytehead was re-elected Treasurer . At the meeting- of the King Solomon ( Craft ) Lodge , No . 2029 , at the Masonic Hall , Red Lion-square , to-morrow ( Saturday ) , the proceedings will include the election of a VV . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler for the ensuine
year . Bio . H . B . Marshall , jun ., whose father , Bro . H . 13 . Marshall , P . G . Treas ., is a member , will be balloted for as a joining member . It was , as will be seen from our report elsewhere , the Grand Council of the Allied Degrees , not that of the Royal and Select Masters , as announced last week , which was to , and did , hold its annual meeting at the Masonic Hall , Sa , Red Lion-square , on Thursday , the 4 th inst . VVe trust no Royal and Select Master was misled by our announcement .
I he 23 rd season of Smoking Concerts given at the Guildhall Tavern by the Excelsior City Musical Societywill be opened this ( Friday ) evening , at 7 p . m . A very excellent programme has been prepared , and , from past experience , we are confident that members and their friends will have every reason to be pleased with the arrangements for this entertainment . The President of the Society is Bro . James Salmon , while in the list of its numerous patrons
will be found the names of Bros . Hudson , C . C , N . B . Headon , C . C , James Perkins , C . C , J . Bamber , John Douglas , J . Pigache , R . Senecal , and James Willing , ' jun . Bro . A . Cotton is Hon . Treasurer , Bro . * R . VV . Heney , Hon . Secretary , and last , and , in the sense of most depending on his exertions and ability at the concerts , most important of all , Bro . Fred . H . Cozens is the Musical Director . VVe wish the Society an unprecedented amount of success during its new season now just commencing .
ST . MARYLEBONE AND QUEEN ' ( WESTMINSTBR ) LODGES OF INSTRUCTION , —It has been decided to unite the above lodges of instruction under the title of St . Marylebone and Queen ' s ( Westminster ) Lodge of Instruction , and to hold the meetings at the Criterion , Piccadilly , on Monday evenings , from 8 to 10 . Bro . G . Coop , W . M . 141 , will be the Preceptor ; Bro . C . Kempton , P . M . 12 S 7 , Treasurer ; Bro . C . P . (" ellerby , J . D . 2021 , and F . Smith ,
S . VV . 1305 , joint Secretaries . The opening meeting will be held on Monday evening , the 29 th inst ., at 6 . 30 p . m ., when the ceremony of consecration will be rehearsed by the cssteemed Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , Bro . J . Terry , P . P . G . D . Herts , who will also install Bro . G . Lambert , P . G . S . B ., into the chair . The musical arrangements will be under the direction of Bro . F . Delevanti , P . M . 1319 . HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS are beyond all doubt Ihe most valuable and most convenient medicines that travellers can take
across the seas lo distant climes , for change of climate and the new conditions and surroundings of life to which they will be exposed will assuredly give rise to great disbiirbanccs id tlie system and to such especial morbid states of the blood aud constitution generally as will render the use of these effectual remedies highly necessary , for ihey will lind in them a ready and safe means of relief in most of the diseases ivhich alllict the human race , and with them at hand they may be said to have a plivsician always at their call . —[ AUVT . J
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . R . Carter , of the Royal Hotel , has been reelected for the third time , Mayor of Falmouth . Bro . Frederick West , P . M . 4 63 , P . M . and Treasurer , 132 S , and P . G . Stwd ., has been appointed D . P . G . M . for Surrey . At a meeting of the Cheltenham and Keystone Mark Lodge , No . 10 , on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., the sum
of two guineas was voted to the Binckes Presentation Fund . The Four Kings' Council , No . 7 , of the Allied Degrees , will hold their annual meeting on Saturday , the 20 th inst ., when Bro . S . Barton Wilson will be installed Worshipful Master . Bro . C . F . Matier will be installed VV . M . of the Shadwell Clerke Lodge , No . 1910 , on Friday next , the ioth
inst . J he ceremony will be performed by Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Sec , assisted by Bro . J . L . Mather . The Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Oxfordshire will be held at the Masonic Hall , Alfred-street , Oxford , on Tuesday next , the iCth inst ., under the presidency of M . E . Comp . the Rev . 11 . A . Pickard , P . G . P . Soj ., Prov . G . Supt .
Bro . G . Hilditch Harding , L . DS ., of 22 , Finsbuvy-squave , has been installed as W . M . of the Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 , Middlesex , in succession to Bro . John Davies , of 5 , Finsbury-square , who was presented with a P . M . ' s jewel . We much regret that in our recent report of the consecration of the Border Chapter of Rose Croix , the 0
name of 111 . Bro . Charles Fendelow , 33 , I . G . of the W . C . District , was omitted from the list of those on whom honorary membership of the new chapter was conferred . The ceremony of installation will be worked at the Covent Garden Lodge of Instruction , No . 1 G 14 , by Bro . Ii . Farwig , P . M . 1 S 0 , V . 7 .. 1 S 0 , in the Masonic Temple , Criterion , Piccadilly , S . W ., on Thursday evening , the iSth
inst ., at eight o'clock . Bro . G . Reynolds , Secretary , 3 , St . James's-square , Pall Mall , S . VV . The new Masonic Hall Buildings in Barrow-in-Furness have been decorated by Bro . W . Ramsay , who has shown a considerable amount of taste and ability in his work . The hall is 50 feet long by 28 feet wide , and iS feet high , and the ceiling , cornices , dado , & c , have been most
artistically and delicately treated . The Onslow Mark Lodge , No . 361 , will hold its annual meeting on Monday next , the 15 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , 8 a , Red Lion-square , W . C . There are several candidates for advancement , and then Bro . Horace White , W . M . elect , will be installed in the chair of A . The banquet will take place at the Holborn Restaurant
at 7 p . m . The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the United Strength Lodge of Instruction , No . 22 S , which is held at the Hope Tavern , Stanhope-street , Regent ' s Park , on Wednesday , the ioth of November , by several well known brethren , Bros . P . M . Kew , W . M . ; Hemming , S . VV . ; and H . Palmer , Sec . The brethren of the St . Kew Lodge , No . 1222 .
Weston-Super-Mare , has presented to Bro . F . VV . S . Wicksteed a handsome P . U . J . W . 's . jewel in appreciation of his services , and to commemorate an honour conferred upon him by the R . W . P . G . M . at a recent Provincial Lodge held at Taunton . VVe congratulate Bro . Wicksteed upon being so thoroughly deserving the compliment that has been paid him . Af tho loct- ninlm ^ / , ( tUa llrnr ,, f ., ~ „ F , . T ~~ kkiw 1 UJV 111 £ \ jiiju wiui ^ Mane
, . .. , . ......, < . L . uugC No . 2127 , on the proposition uf W . Bro . Parkinson , P . G . D ., seconded by Bro . James Fernandez , it was unanimously decided to present a piece of plate to the Secretary , Bro . A . M . Broadley , and a Committee consisting of Bros . Lord Londesborough , Augustus Harris , Sir John Gorst , Q . C , M . P ., and J . C Parkinson was appointed to carry out the wishes of " the lodge .
We regret to state that our frequent contributor and genial friend , Bro . Charles Jolly , met with a rather serious accident on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst . He was returning by train from Abbey Wood soon after dusk , in company with several friends , who had been out for a day's shooting , and was alighting at the Arsenal Station ,
Woolwich , when he fell a considerable depth , owing to the part of the train in which he sat having stopped short of the platform . He sustained injuries to the leg and back , and , being partly under the wheels , was in much peril until extricated . Having been sent home in a cab , he was attended by Dr . Frank Smith . We are sorry to hear that Bro . Jolly is likely to he / aid up for some time .
Ihe annual banquet of the Faith Lodge of Instruction , No . 141 , will take place at the Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Victoria-street , S . W ., on Friday , the 26 th inst . Bro . G . Coop , VV . M . 141 , will occupy the chair , supported by the following brethren as Stewards : Bros . Collens , P . M . 76 C ; Docker , P . M . 1687 ; Lovegrove , S . W . 1139 ; Masefield , S . VV . 132 S ; H . CIoots , 2030 ; C . Wetzlar
, J . D . 141 ; A . Bassington , P . M . 205 , Treas . ; Van Joel , P . M . 957 ; Hunt , P . M . 194 ; Tacon , VV . M . 1196 ; Bull , P . M . 145 ; E . L . P . Valleriani , P . M . 1 GS 7 ; C . Fcomholi , I . P . M . 141 ; Cottebrune , P . M ., P . G . P ., Preceptor ; and G . J . Pellatt , 1194 , Sec . Dinner will be on the table at at seven o'clock p . m ., precisely . On Tuesday evening Bro . W . T . Hup-han .
P . G . D ., delivered a highl y instructive lecture on " Masonic jewels , especially in relation to Old Lodges and the Book of Constitutions , " in the Masonic Hall , Torquay , to the brethren of the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 32 S , and Jordan Lodge , No . 1402 . Bro . J . Salter , W . M . 32 S , occupied the chair , and at the close of the lecture a discussion of some length , and considerable interest , followed . The
proceedings terminated with a collection in aid of the Devon Masonic Educational Fund , and a hearty vote of thanks to Bro . Hughan . At the fureral of the late Bro . Allen Atkin , of the Feathers' Hotel , Exchange , Nottingham , and a member gf the Board of Guardians , which took place in the General Cemetery , Nottingham , on Sunday , the ist inst ; , there were present , in addition to the widow and family of
the deceased , and the representatives of the Municipality and Board of Guardians , a large number of the members of the Southwell Lodge , No . 1405 , headed by Bro . Wardley , VV . M . ; S . Bestow , S . VV . ; and G . Dominy , J . W ., as well as of the St . Alban ' s Mark Lodge , under Uro . G . Baxter , VV . M ., Bro . Lewin , LP . M ., of the Robin Hood Lodge ( Craft ) , No . 1493 , Eastwood , being also present .