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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
JOHN GOW , y \ $ * ' NEW BROAD ST ., E . C . -rf ( Outside Railway Station ) . nrrfWl ^ ' 0 NEY LANE MAKKET CHEAPSIDE . yVi" 93 , THEOBALD'S ED ., HOLBORN , W . C . . ^ 125 , BROMPTON ROAD , S . W . 0 " vW- JOHN GOW always has on sale the jit * Largest Stock in London of thc Very Dcst — Quality at Lowest Prices . Barrelled 0 t $ *^ PERFECTLY-FITTED OYSTER SALOON Now Open at New Broad Street .
TIU ' I . BEASLEY'S BOOTS , BOOTS ! And ensure Ease and Elegance , combined with TRUE FIT , BOOTS ! 28 , QUEEN VICTORIA ST . Ticar the Mansion House ) . Specialities—Hand-Sewn . Special Orders in ROOTS I a few days . Large Stock to select from . Gold 3 tednl Awarded at the London International Exhibition , Crystal Palace , ISSt .
ARTIFICIAL TEETH JC *** Such as have been found to be the most useful * > yv aM tUiraVAt . * , S \ 3 VVL \ K 1 > Vy the attwal makers St *[> * A . from "is . ( U . each ; an upper or lower set from y ^ Y S ^ W - "> - upwards . Teeth extracted by -jas . War-. . XA ^ O X" ^ ranted to Kive perfect s-alisfcu-tUm . No pain < £ ) A . JL * fflvcn . Advice free . Mr . STENT , Dental S ^ v Surgeon , r » Coventry Slrcet , \ V ., aiidSW 7 , Fulliam * Sp Itoad , S . W . Established SO years . Numerous < V , testimonials may be seen from ladies and gentieinen . ___ GREAT CLEARANCE SALE 01 * CMA , GLASS & EARTHENWARE NOW ON . Great Bargains to be had in Dinner , Dessert Sets , & c . «/ . B , KORNER , 351 , Oxford St , London , W .
cg > ^ J . & W . TOLLEY , - ^ < Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , 4 . V CV PIONEER "WORKS , BIRMINGHAM ) cX Jjsjy 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , london , Vv ^ \^ ° NEW LISTS FREE . > X ^ r \) Sole Makers of the " STANDARD " x ^ HAMMERLESS GUN . " siftJIATTIITUITTEA T AT Two Shillings & Half-a-Drown . I , COVENTRY ST ., LONDON , W .
Estab . l THE [ 1804 . <(&> 4 * " DUMENLY" CIGARETTES . " * <\ vV Possessing an aroma of passing excellence , -VV \ V and unequalled in thc world . Manufac < -y »> > tured by A . C . PARASCHO & CO ., of . A ' vvV - * Dumenly . Yenljeh , Turkey . Each Cigarette ^ SA > ^\ C . bears the Trade Mark , "DUMENLY , " V - A'CYV' antl Moiosrams . None others are gen-, ^\< YV nine . One sample box ( sent post free cf \> for ss . 6 d . ) is sufficient to convince an ) Vy * " connoiseur of their superiority , jV yyr Sole address in the United Kingdom—V ) v 57 , Pall Mall , London , W
By Appointment to the Royal Family SPECIALITY— ^ WEDD 1 NG _ CAKES . 1 | HERBERT and JONES £ , x 3 . J- ' rojn Onntcr'n ) ( l'rojn H . M . Kjti-lji > ji ) ITCj Y * " ^\ Cooks and Confectioners . ^ ^ Dinners , Wedding Ilreakfasts , and Ball V / J Sappers supplied . 48 , KENSINGTON HIGH STREET , W . Ettiililielied 3 ( MJ i / eare .
By Appointment to H . E , II , thc Princess of Wales . g MAISON ISIDORE , g rr \ ( EsTAi ) LisiiED 1827 ) , /¦* ^* Ladies' and Children ' s Haircutting on Scientific il ^ Principles . Latest improvements In Coverings O ^ J for Baldness . Hnunie ' s . Medical lixtrait Vegetal 5 > Pommadc a la Heine for the Hair . ( f ) 14 , BEHITIIVCK STREET , MANCHESTER SQUARE , 1 / 1 / ~
A NEW VARNISH * * ( A SPIRIT COPAL ) , ¦ % £ > Clear as water or plate-glass ; never before - < y-. *^ £ i produced ; dries in five minutes . Hard , V *>> 1 + durable , nnd brilliant . A bottle , post free , ¦ & ¦ 13 * : stamps . —Mr . STKNT , J , Coventry < Street , London , W . I ' stablished joyearsj
SMITH'S LONDOH BLUE IS Unequalled for Laundry Work . Sold by Oilmen , in bottles , id . and Od . each , or by the Gallon , at Estab . 1879 . j No . 2 , Finsbury Sq ., London .
INTERNATIONAL COOKERY AND FOOD EXHIBITION , 1886 . DECEMBER 1 to iS . ROYAL AQUARIUM , WESTMINSTER , LONDON , S . XV . FOOD in process of Manufacture , Preparation and Decoration ; food ready for use and uncooked , preserved foods and food extracts , charcuterie , cereals , utensils used in the preparation of food , articles of utility , fancy goods , presents and Tit-bits for the Christmas Season , dining-room accessories , kitchen requisites , stoves , ranges , & c . Lectures and Demonstrations twice daily . Applications for space for the exhibition and sale of any article bearing upon the subject of Food and Cookery should at once be made to Hon . Secretary , Cookery and Food Exhibition , Royal Aquarium , London , S . W .
GREAT ARTISTIC COOKERY EXPOSITION , ST . STEPHEN'S HALL , Broad Sanctuary , Westminster , London , S . W ., DEC . S and 9 , 1886 , open to cooks ( male and female ) of all nationalities . 40 gold , silver , and bronze medals , together with 35 guineas in cash and other extra prizes , are offered in competition . No entry fees . Special section for female cooks . —For particulars and entry forms address Hon . Sec , St . Stephen's Hall , Westminster , S . W .
1 KQfi - 1 Q «« POTATO TERCENTENARY J'JOU AUUUI Exhibitions Conference ST . STEPHEN'S HALL , Broad Sanctuary , Westminster , S . W ., DEC . 1 to 4 , 1 SS 6 . —Sections I . and II .: Loan Collection of Books , Maps , and Engravings , & c . Section III .: Potato Products of any kind . Section IV .: Competitive Exhibition of Potatoes . ( In this section gold , silver , and bronze medals will be awarded . )—For particulars and entry forms , address Hon . Sec , St . Stephen ' s Hall , Westminster , S . W . FUNERAL REFORM . Simple , Reverent , and Inexpensive Funerals . Explanatory Pamphlet gratis , LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 2 , LANCASTER PLACE , STRAND , W . C . PATENT EARTH TO EARTH PERISHABLE COFFINS .
co - J . C . CORDING AND Go , £ *¦? FOR THE BEST ^ WATERPROOFS J ?^ <§> O SHOOTING , A ? $ FISHING , § J TRAVELLING . £ 7 ^ Only Address—£ ? Corner of AIR STREET , ^ PICCADILLY .
METROPOLITAN FREE HOSPITAL , KINGSLAND ROAD . City Offices : 163 , Bishopsgate Street Without , E . C . The Committee earnestly APPEAL for FUNDS in AID of the NEW BUILDING which is intended to supply the sorely needed want of Hospital accommodation in the North of London and for current expenses . Contributions will be most thankfully received by the Bankers , Messrs . Glyn , Mills , and Co ., 67 , Lombardstreet , E . C . ; by the Chairman , " oseph Fry , Esq ., 21 , Gresham House , Old Broad-street , " E . C . ; and by GEORGE CROXTON , Secretary .
Tilbury ' s Warehouses , n ^ % MARYLEBONE . LONDON & ^ * ( Oldest Store Warehouse for Storing . . ¦ t'C ^ < f Furniture and Household Effects , Plate , < J \ J K ' V *" Luggage , & c . DRY DISTRICT , HIGH v ^ -. tj P * AliOVETHAMUSLI'VliL . andrestrictcd V >* to storage purposes only , so avoiding many QJO * risks . Office—EuWD . Tn . mjRV 8 c Co ., 3 j , ° " High-street , St . Marylebone , XV . O LET—The UPPER " PA ^ TToTa HOUSE near thc General Post Office . Eight Rooms , together or separate . —Apply B . J ., Office of this Paper .
CLOSE to Piccadilly and West End Clubs . APARTMENTS FURNISHED with Attendance for Gentlemen . Terms moderate . —IT . AMELOT , 45 , Brick-street , Piccadilly . . ANTED— A Respectable ~ M ar ried Couple to reside at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester . The Husband to act as HALLKEEPER and to wait at Entertainments , the Wife to be an edicicnt COOK . For full particulars as to duties and emoluments—Apply by letter only to the H ON . SEC . COMMITTEE , Freemasons ' Hall , Leicester .
A CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE rP . M . and P . Z . ) . —PRIVATE TUITION in the CLASSICS , MATHEMATICS , ENGLISH , & c . Lectures on various subjects . Schools visited . Foreigners taught English by means of French . —Address , F . D ., G 2 , Lancaster-road , Notting-hill , W . CCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 10 , ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . G'neral Accidents . I Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . I Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manager . ,
BRO . BINCKES * PRESENTATION FUND . President—THE EARL OF LATHOM , D . G . M ., & Prov . G . M . W . Lancashire . Treasurer—" Bro . GEORGE PLUCKNETT , P . G . D . England , and Treasurer of the R . M . I . B . Hon . Secretary—Bco . C . F . HOGARD , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . Subscriptions to the above Fund will be received by Bro . GEO . PLUCKNETT , 4 6 , Connaught-sq ., W ., or by Bro . C . F . HOGARD , 45 a , Cheapside , London , E . G ., by whom also all further particulars will be furnished .
Eslab . D U E R , [*?« . '/ -Or" u 6 , NEW B 0 ND ST -W- ' <&> CALLARD & ° CALLABD , ,-Vk Y Queen ' s Terrace , St . John ' s ^ Yood . f ^ J / ' Vanstoall parts Daily . Hampers & Tins £ \ / packed for thc country with Biscuits , & c . > / / French & Vienna Fancy Rolls & Bread . WEDDING BEEAKFASTS SUPPLIED . B R E E CTTTTOADERS . LARGEST STOCK IN LONDON . All thc Latest Improvements . HAMMERLESS GUNS . The Anson and Deely patents , and other well-made toplevers at reduced prices . 15 guineas and upwards . THE NEWLY-IMPROVED AND PERFECTED EJECTOR HAMMERLESS , So highly approved of late . PI & EON GrUNS oi wonderful shooting power . EXPRESS DOUBLE RIFLES , the light , handy 400 , and all other calibres . The best ROOK and RABBIT Rifles . £ A / . REILLY and Co ., 16 & 277 , Oxford St ., London ; and Paris .
4 £ & CHARLES LANCASTER , fc " o * u ™ 3 | ( A-waided 15 Prizes and Medals . ) \ taovAL ° 0 * BE / ' | . INVESTOR AND rATKSTBB OP TUB * *^|| MF * 4-BARREL BREECHLOATDTG HAHHERLESS FOB BOOK , GUN , RIFLE , & PISTOL RABBIT , ( Weight 71 b . 4 oz . ) ( Weight 101 b . ) ( M ? 0 bore , 21 b . Doz . ) ANTEIOPE , « COLINDIAN , " MmT iRT A BIFLED GUN F 0 R SH 0 T AND BALL . ttn J * llluatrated Detailed Price Liste Free on Application . LAKGE BOKE S " Kia ! *"" "" Ca , h--ft-CPL-Eii . 5 I , NEWBONDST ., W . KstaUidied 18 i «
^ S Mou le ' s EARTH System , ^ ° ^\\ J . W . Girdlestotte ' s Patent , £ ^ * •& ' 5 a ' ^ ARRICK : STREET , ^ ^ COYEMT GARDEN , LONDON .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
THE FOLLOWING UNAVOIDABLY STAND OVERNew Masonic Hall at Beverley . Grand Lodge ot Scotland . Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow . Provincial Grand Lodge of North Wales . Provincial Grand Marie Lodge of South Wales . Provincial Grand Chapter of Monmouthshire . Centenary o £ St . John ' s Lodge , No . 16 G , Airdrie ( S . C . )
Centenary Meetingof the Antiquity Lodge , No . 178 , Wigan . Waveney Lodge , No . 929 , Bungay . Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 . Windsor Lodge , No . 1754 , Penarth . Cholmondeley Lodge , No . 190 S , Frodsham . Alliance Lodge , No . 1827 . West Lancashire Mark Lodge , No . 65 . India—Carnatic Lodge , No . 2031 . Chapter of Nativity , No . 12 G .
BOOKS . & c , RECEIVED . " Sunday Times" ( New York ) , " Liberal Freemason , " "The Freemason " ( Toronto ) , " Cadiz Masdnico , " " Limerick Reporter and Tippcrary Vindicator , " "Jewish Chronicle , " "Keystone , " " New York Dispatch , " " Paso a la Vcrdnd , " " Hull and East Yorkshire Times , " " Sunday Times " ( London ) , " Masonic News , " " Newcastle Daily Journal , " " Freemasons' Repository , " "Allen ' s Indian Mail , " and " Cassell ' s National Library . "
Reviews .
Bro . John Hogg has largely been known as the publisher of a series of useful and amusing books , of the class of which these under notice are characteristic specimens . His imprint on the title page is quite enough to assure one that the books in question are thoroughly good ones , —that is , good as regards the story or subject from a common-sense point of view .
A I'EW GOOIJ WOMEN , AND WHAT THEY TEACH US . A book for girls . By CATHERINE MAKY MACSOLLEV . London : John Hogg . In "A Few Good Women" the authoress has selected nine types , each one being a striking illustration of ona good quality in particular . For instance , under the heading '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
JOHN GOW , y \ $ * ' NEW BROAD ST ., E . C . -rf ( Outside Railway Station ) . nrrfWl ^ ' 0 NEY LANE MAKKET CHEAPSIDE . yVi" 93 , THEOBALD'S ED ., HOLBORN , W . C . . ^ 125 , BROMPTON ROAD , S . W . 0 " vW- JOHN GOW always has on sale the jit * Largest Stock in London of thc Very Dcst — Quality at Lowest Prices . Barrelled 0 t $ *^ PERFECTLY-FITTED OYSTER SALOON Now Open at New Broad Street .
TIU ' I . BEASLEY'S BOOTS , BOOTS ! And ensure Ease and Elegance , combined with TRUE FIT , BOOTS ! 28 , QUEEN VICTORIA ST . Ticar the Mansion House ) . Specialities—Hand-Sewn . Special Orders in ROOTS I a few days . Large Stock to select from . Gold 3 tednl Awarded at the London International Exhibition , Crystal Palace , ISSt .
ARTIFICIAL TEETH JC *** Such as have been found to be the most useful * > yv aM tUiraVAt . * , S \ 3 VVL \ K 1 > Vy the attwal makers St *[> * A . from "is . ( U . each ; an upper or lower set from y ^ Y S ^ W - "> - upwards . Teeth extracted by -jas . War-. . XA ^ O X" ^ ranted to Kive perfect s-alisfcu-tUm . No pain < £ ) A . JL * fflvcn . Advice free . Mr . STENT , Dental S ^ v Surgeon , r » Coventry Slrcet , \ V ., aiidSW 7 , Fulliam * Sp Itoad , S . W . Established SO years . Numerous < V , testimonials may be seen from ladies and gentieinen . ___ GREAT CLEARANCE SALE 01 * CMA , GLASS & EARTHENWARE NOW ON . Great Bargains to be had in Dinner , Dessert Sets , & c . «/ . B , KORNER , 351 , Oxford St , London , W .
cg > ^ J . & W . TOLLEY , - ^ < Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , 4 . V CV PIONEER "WORKS , BIRMINGHAM ) cX Jjsjy 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , london , Vv ^ \^ ° NEW LISTS FREE . > X ^ r \) Sole Makers of the " STANDARD " x ^ HAMMERLESS GUN . " siftJIATTIITUITTEA T AT Two Shillings & Half-a-Drown . I , COVENTRY ST ., LONDON , W .
Estab . l THE [ 1804 . <(&> 4 * " DUMENLY" CIGARETTES . " * <\ vV Possessing an aroma of passing excellence , -VV \ V and unequalled in thc world . Manufac < -y »> > tured by A . C . PARASCHO & CO ., of . A ' vvV - * Dumenly . Yenljeh , Turkey . Each Cigarette ^ SA > ^\ C . bears the Trade Mark , "DUMENLY , " V - A'CYV' antl Moiosrams . None others are gen-, ^\< YV nine . One sample box ( sent post free cf \> for ss . 6 d . ) is sufficient to convince an ) Vy * " connoiseur of their superiority , jV yyr Sole address in the United Kingdom—V ) v 57 , Pall Mall , London , W
By Appointment to the Royal Family SPECIALITY— ^ WEDD 1 NG _ CAKES . 1 | HERBERT and JONES £ , x 3 . J- ' rojn Onntcr'n ) ( l'rojn H . M . Kjti-lji > ji ) ITCj Y * " ^\ Cooks and Confectioners . ^ ^ Dinners , Wedding Ilreakfasts , and Ball V / J Sappers supplied . 48 , KENSINGTON HIGH STREET , W . Ettiililielied 3 ( MJ i / eare .
By Appointment to H . E , II , thc Princess of Wales . g MAISON ISIDORE , g rr \ ( EsTAi ) LisiiED 1827 ) , /¦* ^* Ladies' and Children ' s Haircutting on Scientific il ^ Principles . Latest improvements In Coverings O ^ J for Baldness . Hnunie ' s . Medical lixtrait Vegetal 5 > Pommadc a la Heine for the Hair . ( f ) 14 , BEHITIIVCK STREET , MANCHESTER SQUARE , 1 / 1 / ~
A NEW VARNISH * * ( A SPIRIT COPAL ) , ¦ % £ > Clear as water or plate-glass ; never before - < y-. *^ £ i produced ; dries in five minutes . Hard , V *>> 1 + durable , nnd brilliant . A bottle , post free , ¦ & ¦ 13 * : stamps . —Mr . STKNT , J , Coventry < Street , London , W . I ' stablished joyearsj
SMITH'S LONDOH BLUE IS Unequalled for Laundry Work . Sold by Oilmen , in bottles , id . and Od . each , or by the Gallon , at Estab . 1879 . j No . 2 , Finsbury Sq ., London .
INTERNATIONAL COOKERY AND FOOD EXHIBITION , 1886 . DECEMBER 1 to iS . ROYAL AQUARIUM , WESTMINSTER , LONDON , S . XV . FOOD in process of Manufacture , Preparation and Decoration ; food ready for use and uncooked , preserved foods and food extracts , charcuterie , cereals , utensils used in the preparation of food , articles of utility , fancy goods , presents and Tit-bits for the Christmas Season , dining-room accessories , kitchen requisites , stoves , ranges , & c . Lectures and Demonstrations twice daily . Applications for space for the exhibition and sale of any article bearing upon the subject of Food and Cookery should at once be made to Hon . Secretary , Cookery and Food Exhibition , Royal Aquarium , London , S . W .
GREAT ARTISTIC COOKERY EXPOSITION , ST . STEPHEN'S HALL , Broad Sanctuary , Westminster , London , S . W ., DEC . S and 9 , 1886 , open to cooks ( male and female ) of all nationalities . 40 gold , silver , and bronze medals , together with 35 guineas in cash and other extra prizes , are offered in competition . No entry fees . Special section for female cooks . —For particulars and entry forms address Hon . Sec , St . Stephen's Hall , Westminster , S . W .
1 KQfi - 1 Q «« POTATO TERCENTENARY J'JOU AUUUI Exhibitions Conference ST . STEPHEN'S HALL , Broad Sanctuary , Westminster , S . W ., DEC . 1 to 4 , 1 SS 6 . —Sections I . and II .: Loan Collection of Books , Maps , and Engravings , & c . Section III .: Potato Products of any kind . Section IV .: Competitive Exhibition of Potatoes . ( In this section gold , silver , and bronze medals will be awarded . )—For particulars and entry forms , address Hon . Sec , St . Stephen ' s Hall , Westminster , S . W . FUNERAL REFORM . Simple , Reverent , and Inexpensive Funerals . Explanatory Pamphlet gratis , LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 2 , LANCASTER PLACE , STRAND , W . C . PATENT EARTH TO EARTH PERISHABLE COFFINS .
co - J . C . CORDING AND Go , £ *¦? FOR THE BEST ^ WATERPROOFS J ?^ <§> O SHOOTING , A ? $ FISHING , § J TRAVELLING . £ 7 ^ Only Address—£ ? Corner of AIR STREET , ^ PICCADILLY .
METROPOLITAN FREE HOSPITAL , KINGSLAND ROAD . City Offices : 163 , Bishopsgate Street Without , E . C . The Committee earnestly APPEAL for FUNDS in AID of the NEW BUILDING which is intended to supply the sorely needed want of Hospital accommodation in the North of London and for current expenses . Contributions will be most thankfully received by the Bankers , Messrs . Glyn , Mills , and Co ., 67 , Lombardstreet , E . C . ; by the Chairman , " oseph Fry , Esq ., 21 , Gresham House , Old Broad-street , " E . C . ; and by GEORGE CROXTON , Secretary .
Tilbury ' s Warehouses , n ^ % MARYLEBONE . LONDON & ^ * ( Oldest Store Warehouse for Storing . . ¦ t'C ^ < f Furniture and Household Effects , Plate , < J \ J K ' V *" Luggage , & c . DRY DISTRICT , HIGH v ^ -. tj P * AliOVETHAMUSLI'VliL . andrestrictcd V >* to storage purposes only , so avoiding many QJO * risks . Office—EuWD . Tn . mjRV 8 c Co ., 3 j , ° " High-street , St . Marylebone , XV . O LET—The UPPER " PA ^ TToTa HOUSE near thc General Post Office . Eight Rooms , together or separate . —Apply B . J ., Office of this Paper .
CLOSE to Piccadilly and West End Clubs . APARTMENTS FURNISHED with Attendance for Gentlemen . Terms moderate . —IT . AMELOT , 45 , Brick-street , Piccadilly . . ANTED— A Respectable ~ M ar ried Couple to reside at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester . The Husband to act as HALLKEEPER and to wait at Entertainments , the Wife to be an edicicnt COOK . For full particulars as to duties and emoluments—Apply by letter only to the H ON . SEC . COMMITTEE , Freemasons ' Hall , Leicester .
A CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE rP . M . and P . Z . ) . —PRIVATE TUITION in the CLASSICS , MATHEMATICS , ENGLISH , & c . Lectures on various subjects . Schools visited . Foreigners taught English by means of French . —Address , F . D ., G 2 , Lancaster-road , Notting-hill , W . CCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 10 , ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . G'neral Accidents . I Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . I Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manager . ,
BRO . BINCKES * PRESENTATION FUND . President—THE EARL OF LATHOM , D . G . M ., & Prov . G . M . W . Lancashire . Treasurer—" Bro . GEORGE PLUCKNETT , P . G . D . England , and Treasurer of the R . M . I . B . Hon . Secretary—Bco . C . F . HOGARD , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . Subscriptions to the above Fund will be received by Bro . GEO . PLUCKNETT , 4 6 , Connaught-sq ., W ., or by Bro . C . F . HOGARD , 45 a , Cheapside , London , E . G ., by whom also all further particulars will be furnished .
Eslab . D U E R , [*?« . '/ -Or" u 6 , NEW B 0 ND ST -W- ' <&> CALLARD & ° CALLABD , ,-Vk Y Queen ' s Terrace , St . John ' s ^ Yood . f ^ J / ' Vanstoall parts Daily . Hampers & Tins £ \ / packed for thc country with Biscuits , & c . > / / French & Vienna Fancy Rolls & Bread . WEDDING BEEAKFASTS SUPPLIED . B R E E CTTTTOADERS . LARGEST STOCK IN LONDON . All thc Latest Improvements . HAMMERLESS GUNS . The Anson and Deely patents , and other well-made toplevers at reduced prices . 15 guineas and upwards . THE NEWLY-IMPROVED AND PERFECTED EJECTOR HAMMERLESS , So highly approved of late . PI & EON GrUNS oi wonderful shooting power . EXPRESS DOUBLE RIFLES , the light , handy 400 , and all other calibres . The best ROOK and RABBIT Rifles . £ A / . REILLY and Co ., 16 & 277 , Oxford St ., London ; and Paris .
4 £ & CHARLES LANCASTER , fc " o * u ™ 3 | ( A-waided 15 Prizes and Medals . ) \ taovAL ° 0 * BE / ' | . INVESTOR AND rATKSTBB OP TUB * *^|| MF * 4-BARREL BREECHLOATDTG HAHHERLESS FOB BOOK , GUN , RIFLE , & PISTOL RABBIT , ( Weight 71 b . 4 oz . ) ( Weight 101 b . ) ( M ? 0 bore , 21 b . Doz . ) ANTEIOPE , « COLINDIAN , " MmT iRT A BIFLED GUN F 0 R SH 0 T AND BALL . ttn J * llluatrated Detailed Price Liste Free on Application . LAKGE BOKE S " Kia ! *"" "" Ca , h--ft-CPL-Eii . 5 I , NEWBONDST ., W . KstaUidied 18 i «
^ S Mou le ' s EARTH System , ^ ° ^\\ J . W . Girdlestotte ' s Patent , £ ^ * •& ' 5 a ' ^ ARRICK : STREET , ^ ^ COYEMT GARDEN , LONDON .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
THE FOLLOWING UNAVOIDABLY STAND OVERNew Masonic Hall at Beverley . Grand Lodge ot Scotland . Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow . Provincial Grand Lodge of North Wales . Provincial Grand Marie Lodge of South Wales . Provincial Grand Chapter of Monmouthshire . Centenary o £ St . John ' s Lodge , No . 16 G , Airdrie ( S . C . )
Centenary Meetingof the Antiquity Lodge , No . 178 , Wigan . Waveney Lodge , No . 929 , Bungay . Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 . Windsor Lodge , No . 1754 , Penarth . Cholmondeley Lodge , No . 190 S , Frodsham . Alliance Lodge , No . 1827 . West Lancashire Mark Lodge , No . 65 . India—Carnatic Lodge , No . 2031 . Chapter of Nativity , No . 12 G .
BOOKS . & c , RECEIVED . " Sunday Times" ( New York ) , " Liberal Freemason , " "The Freemason " ( Toronto ) , " Cadiz Masdnico , " " Limerick Reporter and Tippcrary Vindicator , " "Jewish Chronicle , " "Keystone , " " New York Dispatch , " " Paso a la Vcrdnd , " " Hull and East Yorkshire Times , " " Sunday Times " ( London ) , " Masonic News , " " Newcastle Daily Journal , " " Freemasons' Repository , " "Allen ' s Indian Mail , " and " Cassell ' s National Library . "
Reviews .
Bro . John Hogg has largely been known as the publisher of a series of useful and amusing books , of the class of which these under notice are characteristic specimens . His imprint on the title page is quite enough to assure one that the books in question are thoroughly good ones , —that is , good as regards the story or subject from a common-sense point of view .
A I'EW GOOIJ WOMEN , AND WHAT THEY TEACH US . A book for girls . By CATHERINE MAKY MACSOLLEV . London : John Hogg . In "A Few Good Women" the authoress has selected nine types , each one being a striking illustration of ona good quality in particular . For instance , under the heading '