Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 789 Royal Arch 791 Mark Masonry 791 Ancient and Accepted Rite . 791 Red Cross of Constantine 791 Masonic Tidings 793
Charity Voting 794 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 795 Irish Grand Lodge Constitution ,... „ ... 795 Weekly Summary of News 795 Freemasonry in the Mauritius 796 Consecration of the Burdett Chapter 79 6 Provincial Grand Lodtre of Armagh 797
Masonic Orphan Boys' School , Dublin .., 797 CORRESPONDENCE : — Bro . Bigg and the Middlesex Lodge 797 Honorary Members 797 Frugality and Philanthropy 797
Surreptitious Craft Ritual 797 Reading the Scriptures 798 Not Generally Known 79 8 Consecration of a New Masonic Hall , Glasgow 798 Lodge Meetings for next week 799 Advertisements 787 788794 800801 802
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
BOLTON . —Anchor and Hope Lodge ( No . 37 ) - —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held in Freemasons' Hall , Bolton , on Monday , 1 st inst ., when there were present Bros . J . Pilkington , W . M . } W . Slater , S . W . ; J . Walker , J . W . ; J . Tunnah , P . M ., Prov . G . Sec . ; G . P .
Brockbank , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . ; T . B . Winder , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Purst . ; Knowles , Robinson , Isherwood , Newton , Harwood and Wilson , P . M . ' s j Sharpies , Treas . ; E . Ains . vorth , Sec . 5 Horricks , S . D . ; Freeman , J . D . ; Brown l . G . ; and others . The lodge was opened in the first
degree , and the minutes of the preceaing meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for the W . M ., for the ensuing year , the result being the unanimous election of the S . W ., Bro . Wm . Slater , to that office . The lodge was passed to the second degree , when Bro . Rooke
Pennington was passed to the degree of I * . C . by Bro . Robert Harwood , P . M . The lodge was then opened up in the third degreee , when Bro . Wm . J . Challinor , was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by Bro . Samuel Isherwood , P . M . The annual festival of the lodge was
lixed to be held on the hrst Monday in January , when it was understood the ceremony of installing the W . M ., would be performed by Bro . W . Romaine Callendar , Dep . Prov . G . Master . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , and after a portion of the ancient charges
had been read , was then closed . MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 7 , 3 ) . —At the Bridge House Hotel , Borough High-street , Southwark , on Tuesday , November 18 th , this old lodge met . Bros . G . J . Grace , W . M . ; A . L . Dussek , S . W . } J . S . Grame , S . D . ; T . J . H .
Wilkins , J . D . ; J . H . Butten , LG . } C . Rayden , D . C . ; E . Harris , P . M . Treasurer ; G . Free , P . M . Secretary ; G . Morris , P . M . ; D . Rose , P . M . ; F . H . Ebsworth , P . M . ; and others , were present . The visitors were Bros . A . Morgan , 3 S 4 ; J- w- Avery , P . M . 619 ; W . Angus ,,
919 ; E . Wright , 619 ; II . Meggitt , 890 ; J . Nutton , 890 ; and others . Bros . E . W . Sutton and E . Buckland were passed , and Mr . W . J . Heritage initiated , the work being done well . The usual six-guinea Past Master ' s jewel , was voted from the lodge funds to Bro . G . J . Grace ,
W . M . A banquet was served after the lodge was closed . IPSWICH . —British Union Lodge ( No . 114 ) . — The usual monthly meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on the 4 thinst ., present—Bros . E . J . Lockwood , D . P . G . M . j C . F . Long ,
P . M . ( in the chair ); Peter de Lande Long , P . M . ; W . Boby , P . G . S . W . ; Rev . R . N . Sanderson , P . P . G . C ; A . J . Barber , P . G . O . ; P . Cornell , P . P . J . D . ; Rev ; T . G . Beaumont , P . G . C . ; H . Moore , P . M . ; W . Spalding , P . M ., Sec . ; S . Wright , S . W . ; A . D . George , J . W . ;
J . Burton , S . D ., and others . Visitors—Bros . J . D . Huson , P . P . G . W . ; W . Stafford ; A . Gamman , W . M . Perfect Friendship Lodge ; and S . D . King . The lodge having been opened and the minutes read , Bro . C . F . Long , I . P . M ., resigned the gavel to Bro . Sanderson . The ballot was taken for Mr . Sturgeon . Nunn Brewster , gentle-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
man , proposed by Bro . Emra Holmes , seconded by Bro . George , which was unanimous , and the candidate being in attendance , he was duly initiated into the mysteries of Masonry . On the lodge being raised to the third degree , Bro . Allen , having first proved his proficiency in the
former degrees , was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason ; both ceremonies being most impressively performed by Bro . Sanderson , who is the life and soul of Masonry in Suffolk . Bro . Peter de Lande Long was afterwards installed with all ceremonial into the chair of K . S . by
Bro . Lockwood , D . P . G . M .. and proceeded to appoint the following as officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . A . D . George , S . W . ; J . Burton , J . W . ; Rev . A . W . G . Moore , S . D . ; H . Miiler , J . D . ; Rev . J . Tweed , l . G ;} Rev . R . N . Sanderson , Chap . ; Emra Holmes , M . C .
Inconsequence of a death in the family of the W . M ., St . John ' s Festival , which was to have been celebrated on this occasion , was postponed sine die , but the usual supper was numerously attended . WINDSOR . —Etonian Lodge ( No . 209 ) . —The
regular meeting of this old and improving Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Royal Adelaide Hotel . At the request of the W . M ., Brother J . Wilson , P . M ., presided . The lodge having been opened in the' first degree , the minutes of the two previous meetings having
been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro . A . Pears as a candidate for initiation , which having been unanimous , he was duly admitted into the lig ht of Freemasonry . The ballot was then taken for Bros . Webster and B ^ ker as joining members , which was declared
by the W . M . to be unanimous . The lodge was then opened in the second degree when Bros . VV . S . Nicholls andC . Barkshire were examined in the usual questions and intrusted with the passing grip and word leading from the second to the third degree . They then retired to be
prepared . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and they were re-admitted and most impressively raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree when the ballot was taken for the W . M . for the ensuing year . As Bro . W . Bladon
the S . W ., expressed a wish not to go into the chair on the present occasion , the ballot ended in favour of Bro . G . W . Dixon , Prov . G . Steward , Berks and Bucks , and J . W . of the lodge . Bro . Dixon then thanked the W . M . and brethren for the honour they had shewn him , and at the
same time expressed his regret that Bro . Bladon had not accepted the honour he had so fairly earned . The ballot was then taken for the Treasurer , when Bro . J . S . Pnllin , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected . It was then proposed by Bro . Dixon and seconded by the W . M ., Bro .
J . Rein , that Bros . J . O . Carter and C . D , Hume be elected auditors of the current year ' s accounts . This was carried nein . con . The lodge was then closed in due form by the W . M ., and the brethren adjourned for refreshments . There were present Bros . J . S . Reid , W . M . ; W . Bladon ,
S . W . ; J . W . Dixon , P . G . S . Berks and Bucks ., J . W . ; J . O . Carter , P . G . S . Berks and Bucks , S . D . ; W . Denne , J . D . ; J . Crowhurst l . G . ; J . R . Gibbons , Sec . ; G . Stacey , Organist . [ . Strange , P . M . ; J . Wilson , P . Mi ; L . Bryan , W . M . 785 ; C . D Hume , R . Roberts , W . S .
Nicholls , C . Barkshire , and A . Pears . Visitors , Bros . T . Hiscock , l . G . 865 ; W . E . Chorley , 865 . RII ' . —Da Grey and Ripon Lodge ( No . 837 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Town Hall , Ripon , on the 5 th December , 1873 . Present Captain George
Kearsley , W . M . ; Past Masters Evans , Colhnson . Herring , and Ripley ; Bros . Bradvvell , Mountain , McConochie , Dunnington , Harrison , Smith , Calvert , Colley , J . Kearsley , Donaldson , Moss , Robinson , Sayer , James , Pratt , Harland , and Stork . Visitors Brothers Akrill , W . M . , Pullan ,
P . M ., Skiolan , England , P . M , and J . Pullan , of Lodge 1008 . The lodge was opened in due form at 6 p . m ., and after the minutes of the last meeting had been rea # and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , and then
raised to the third degree . The W . M ., Capt . Kearsley , then proceeded to install his successor , the S . W ., Bro . T . II . Bradvvell , in the E . chair . The ceremony was admirably done , and the addresses to the W . M . and Wardens given
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in'his usual impressive manner . Brother Mountain was appointed S . W . ; Harrison , J . W . ; Smith . S . D . ; Calvert , J . D . ; Dunnington , Secretary , McConochie , Steward ; Harland , Organist ; and James , l . G . Bro . Stock , who was at the last meeting re-elected Tyler , was invested .
Through the unavoidable absence of Bro . P . M . Kendall , who had been re-elected Treasurer , the W . M . was obliged to postpone the investing of him with the badge of his office . The lodge having been closed down to the first degree , the ballot was then taken for Lieutenant E .
Fletcher , R . N ., of Lodge Union of Malta , 407 , and he was unanimously elected a joining member . The new W . M . at once proceeded to show his fitness for office by initiating in excellent style Captain J . S . Brougham . It could not have been better done , and the newly appointed
officers also proved that they were up in their work . Captain Kearsley presented the lodge with a copy of the photographic group of the brethren , taken by Bro . Skeolan during last summer : it is in an appropriate frame of oak , carved with Masonic emblems . The lodge
was closed about S . 30 in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the Unicorn Hotel , where an excellent supper was provided , and the evening passed off in the usual happy manner . ST . HELEN ' . —Lodge of Loyalty ( No . 897 ) - — The annual Installation meeting of this lodge
was held on Tuesday , 2 nd ult ., at the Fleece Hotel , St . Helen ' s , when a good attendance of members and visitors evinced the high esteem and respect in which is held the re-elected W . M ., Bro . William Lesther . The lodge having been duly opened and sonic routine business
disposed of , Bro . J . Hamer , P . P . G . I ., proceeded to re-install the W . M . elect , and at its close received a warm vote of thanks for his efficient rendering of the ceremony . The W . M . then named and invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year . Bros . P . P .
Dunn , S . W . 5 H . S . L . Gurney , J . W . j C . C . Wilson , S . D . ; J . S . White , J . D . ; W . J . Marion , Sec ; H . Rawlinson , S . S . ; J . Molyneux , J . S . The banquet , which gave every satisfaction in its arrangements , was then held , and closed at about nine o ' clock p . m . The W . M . in responding to
the toast of the evening alluded to the great honour done to the lodge by the recent visit of Prov . G . Lodge , and spoke very hopefully of a successful future for Lodge 89-2 . "The Visitors " was acknowledged by Bro . L . W . P .
Fowler , P . P . A . D . C ; Bro . R . Young , W . M ., 1384 ; and Bro . Cadman . DENHIGII ( NORTH WALES ) . —Royal Denbig h Lodge ( No . 1143 ) . —Ihe brethren of this lodge held their installation meeting at the Town Hall , Denbigh , on the 28 th ult ., a large
number of brethren greeting this important occasion by their presence . During the Mastership of Bro . Martin Underwood , the lodge has had the pleasure of obtaining for the widow and children of a gallant British officer named Rainer a grant of ^ 20 fro m the Grand Lodge Fund of
Benevolence , although the deceased brother had no connection with Denbigh , but had become a Freemason in England before going to Jamaica , and the famil y had recently come to reside in the town with a view to educational conveniences . Again , the oldest son of a deceased brother of
the Lodge of St . Tudno , and a well-esteemed Welchman in Denbigh , as elsewhere ( the late Mr . J . Willmott Rees ) . on the application of his devoted mother , Mrs . Wilmot Rees , obtained the unanimous vote of the lodge for admission to that noble Masonic Institution for orphan
children at Wood . green , with best wishes for success . The lodge also for the first time became a subscriber to the funds of that institution during the past year . Bro . M . Underwood can , therefore , upon leaving Denbigh for London , look with satisfaction to his period of office as
having been a truly Masonic year , and as having brought into play all those qualities for which the Craft is so justly noted . The W . M . elect , - Bro . Robert James Sisson , of Talardy , Flintshire , is really a Mason born of the Royal
Denbigh Lodge , and a most worthy successor of those excellent Masters who have from the first installation filled the chair , once occupied by the illustrious Grand Master of England , the late Duke of Sussex , grand uncle to H . R . H . the Past Grand Master . That which speaks
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 789 Royal Arch 791 Mark Masonry 791 Ancient and Accepted Rite . 791 Red Cross of Constantine 791 Masonic Tidings 793
Charity Voting 794 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 795 Irish Grand Lodge Constitution ,... „ ... 795 Weekly Summary of News 795 Freemasonry in the Mauritius 796 Consecration of the Burdett Chapter 79 6 Provincial Grand Lodtre of Armagh 797
Masonic Orphan Boys' School , Dublin .., 797 CORRESPONDENCE : — Bro . Bigg and the Middlesex Lodge 797 Honorary Members 797 Frugality and Philanthropy 797
Surreptitious Craft Ritual 797 Reading the Scriptures 798 Not Generally Known 79 8 Consecration of a New Masonic Hall , Glasgow 798 Lodge Meetings for next week 799 Advertisements 787 788794 800801 802
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
BOLTON . —Anchor and Hope Lodge ( No . 37 ) - —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held in Freemasons' Hall , Bolton , on Monday , 1 st inst ., when there were present Bros . J . Pilkington , W . M . } W . Slater , S . W . ; J . Walker , J . W . ; J . Tunnah , P . M ., Prov . G . Sec . ; G . P .
Brockbank , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . ; T . B . Winder , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Purst . ; Knowles , Robinson , Isherwood , Newton , Harwood and Wilson , P . M . ' s j Sharpies , Treas . ; E . Ains . vorth , Sec . 5 Horricks , S . D . ; Freeman , J . D . ; Brown l . G . ; and others . The lodge was opened in the first
degree , and the minutes of the preceaing meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for the W . M ., for the ensuing year , the result being the unanimous election of the S . W ., Bro . Wm . Slater , to that office . The lodge was passed to the second degree , when Bro . Rooke
Pennington was passed to the degree of I * . C . by Bro . Robert Harwood , P . M . The lodge was then opened up in the third degreee , when Bro . Wm . J . Challinor , was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by Bro . Samuel Isherwood , P . M . The annual festival of the lodge was
lixed to be held on the hrst Monday in January , when it was understood the ceremony of installing the W . M ., would be performed by Bro . W . Romaine Callendar , Dep . Prov . G . Master . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , and after a portion of the ancient charges
had been read , was then closed . MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 7 , 3 ) . —At the Bridge House Hotel , Borough High-street , Southwark , on Tuesday , November 18 th , this old lodge met . Bros . G . J . Grace , W . M . ; A . L . Dussek , S . W . } J . S . Grame , S . D . ; T . J . H .
Wilkins , J . D . ; J . H . Butten , LG . } C . Rayden , D . C . ; E . Harris , P . M . Treasurer ; G . Free , P . M . Secretary ; G . Morris , P . M . ; D . Rose , P . M . ; F . H . Ebsworth , P . M . ; and others , were present . The visitors were Bros . A . Morgan , 3 S 4 ; J- w- Avery , P . M . 619 ; W . Angus ,,
919 ; E . Wright , 619 ; II . Meggitt , 890 ; J . Nutton , 890 ; and others . Bros . E . W . Sutton and E . Buckland were passed , and Mr . W . J . Heritage initiated , the work being done well . The usual six-guinea Past Master ' s jewel , was voted from the lodge funds to Bro . G . J . Grace ,
W . M . A banquet was served after the lodge was closed . IPSWICH . —British Union Lodge ( No . 114 ) . — The usual monthly meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on the 4 thinst ., present—Bros . E . J . Lockwood , D . P . G . M . j C . F . Long ,
P . M . ( in the chair ); Peter de Lande Long , P . M . ; W . Boby , P . G . S . W . ; Rev . R . N . Sanderson , P . P . G . C ; A . J . Barber , P . G . O . ; P . Cornell , P . P . J . D . ; Rev ; T . G . Beaumont , P . G . C . ; H . Moore , P . M . ; W . Spalding , P . M ., Sec . ; S . Wright , S . W . ; A . D . George , J . W . ;
J . Burton , S . D ., and others . Visitors—Bros . J . D . Huson , P . P . G . W . ; W . Stafford ; A . Gamman , W . M . Perfect Friendship Lodge ; and S . D . King . The lodge having been opened and the minutes read , Bro . C . F . Long , I . P . M ., resigned the gavel to Bro . Sanderson . The ballot was taken for Mr . Sturgeon . Nunn Brewster , gentle-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
man , proposed by Bro . Emra Holmes , seconded by Bro . George , which was unanimous , and the candidate being in attendance , he was duly initiated into the mysteries of Masonry . On the lodge being raised to the third degree , Bro . Allen , having first proved his proficiency in the
former degrees , was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason ; both ceremonies being most impressively performed by Bro . Sanderson , who is the life and soul of Masonry in Suffolk . Bro . Peter de Lande Long was afterwards installed with all ceremonial into the chair of K . S . by
Bro . Lockwood , D . P . G . M .. and proceeded to appoint the following as officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . A . D . George , S . W . ; J . Burton , J . W . ; Rev . A . W . G . Moore , S . D . ; H . Miiler , J . D . ; Rev . J . Tweed , l . G ;} Rev . R . N . Sanderson , Chap . ; Emra Holmes , M . C .
Inconsequence of a death in the family of the W . M ., St . John ' s Festival , which was to have been celebrated on this occasion , was postponed sine die , but the usual supper was numerously attended . WINDSOR . —Etonian Lodge ( No . 209 ) . —The
regular meeting of this old and improving Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Royal Adelaide Hotel . At the request of the W . M ., Brother J . Wilson , P . M ., presided . The lodge having been opened in the' first degree , the minutes of the two previous meetings having
been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro . A . Pears as a candidate for initiation , which having been unanimous , he was duly admitted into the lig ht of Freemasonry . The ballot was then taken for Bros . Webster and B ^ ker as joining members , which was declared
by the W . M . to be unanimous . The lodge was then opened in the second degree when Bros . VV . S . Nicholls andC . Barkshire were examined in the usual questions and intrusted with the passing grip and word leading from the second to the third degree . They then retired to be
prepared . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and they were re-admitted and most impressively raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree when the ballot was taken for the W . M . for the ensuing year . As Bro . W . Bladon
the S . W ., expressed a wish not to go into the chair on the present occasion , the ballot ended in favour of Bro . G . W . Dixon , Prov . G . Steward , Berks and Bucks , and J . W . of the lodge . Bro . Dixon then thanked the W . M . and brethren for the honour they had shewn him , and at the
same time expressed his regret that Bro . Bladon had not accepted the honour he had so fairly earned . The ballot was then taken for the Treasurer , when Bro . J . S . Pnllin , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected . It was then proposed by Bro . Dixon and seconded by the W . M ., Bro .
J . Rein , that Bros . J . O . Carter and C . D , Hume be elected auditors of the current year ' s accounts . This was carried nein . con . The lodge was then closed in due form by the W . M ., and the brethren adjourned for refreshments . There were present Bros . J . S . Reid , W . M . ; W . Bladon ,
S . W . ; J . W . Dixon , P . G . S . Berks and Bucks ., J . W . ; J . O . Carter , P . G . S . Berks and Bucks , S . D . ; W . Denne , J . D . ; J . Crowhurst l . G . ; J . R . Gibbons , Sec . ; G . Stacey , Organist . [ . Strange , P . M . ; J . Wilson , P . Mi ; L . Bryan , W . M . 785 ; C . D Hume , R . Roberts , W . S .
Nicholls , C . Barkshire , and A . Pears . Visitors , Bros . T . Hiscock , l . G . 865 ; W . E . Chorley , 865 . RII ' . —Da Grey and Ripon Lodge ( No . 837 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Town Hall , Ripon , on the 5 th December , 1873 . Present Captain George
Kearsley , W . M . ; Past Masters Evans , Colhnson . Herring , and Ripley ; Bros . Bradvvell , Mountain , McConochie , Dunnington , Harrison , Smith , Calvert , Colley , J . Kearsley , Donaldson , Moss , Robinson , Sayer , James , Pratt , Harland , and Stork . Visitors Brothers Akrill , W . M . , Pullan ,
P . M ., Skiolan , England , P . M , and J . Pullan , of Lodge 1008 . The lodge was opened in due form at 6 p . m ., and after the minutes of the last meeting had been rea # and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , and then
raised to the third degree . The W . M ., Capt . Kearsley , then proceeded to install his successor , the S . W ., Bro . T . II . Bradvvell , in the E . chair . The ceremony was admirably done , and the addresses to the W . M . and Wardens given
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in'his usual impressive manner . Brother Mountain was appointed S . W . ; Harrison , J . W . ; Smith . S . D . ; Calvert , J . D . ; Dunnington , Secretary , McConochie , Steward ; Harland , Organist ; and James , l . G . Bro . Stock , who was at the last meeting re-elected Tyler , was invested .
Through the unavoidable absence of Bro . P . M . Kendall , who had been re-elected Treasurer , the W . M . was obliged to postpone the investing of him with the badge of his office . The lodge having been closed down to the first degree , the ballot was then taken for Lieutenant E .
Fletcher , R . N ., of Lodge Union of Malta , 407 , and he was unanimously elected a joining member . The new W . M . at once proceeded to show his fitness for office by initiating in excellent style Captain J . S . Brougham . It could not have been better done , and the newly appointed
officers also proved that they were up in their work . Captain Kearsley presented the lodge with a copy of the photographic group of the brethren , taken by Bro . Skeolan during last summer : it is in an appropriate frame of oak , carved with Masonic emblems . The lodge
was closed about S . 30 in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the Unicorn Hotel , where an excellent supper was provided , and the evening passed off in the usual happy manner . ST . HELEN ' . —Lodge of Loyalty ( No . 897 ) - — The annual Installation meeting of this lodge
was held on Tuesday , 2 nd ult ., at the Fleece Hotel , St . Helen ' s , when a good attendance of members and visitors evinced the high esteem and respect in which is held the re-elected W . M ., Bro . William Lesther . The lodge having been duly opened and sonic routine business
disposed of , Bro . J . Hamer , P . P . G . I ., proceeded to re-install the W . M . elect , and at its close received a warm vote of thanks for his efficient rendering of the ceremony . The W . M . then named and invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year . Bros . P . P .
Dunn , S . W . 5 H . S . L . Gurney , J . W . j C . C . Wilson , S . D . ; J . S . White , J . D . ; W . J . Marion , Sec ; H . Rawlinson , S . S . ; J . Molyneux , J . S . The banquet , which gave every satisfaction in its arrangements , was then held , and closed at about nine o ' clock p . m . The W . M . in responding to
the toast of the evening alluded to the great honour done to the lodge by the recent visit of Prov . G . Lodge , and spoke very hopefully of a successful future for Lodge 89-2 . "The Visitors " was acknowledged by Bro . L . W . P .
Fowler , P . P . A . D . C ; Bro . R . Young , W . M ., 1384 ; and Bro . Cadman . DENHIGII ( NORTH WALES ) . —Royal Denbig h Lodge ( No . 1143 ) . —Ihe brethren of this lodge held their installation meeting at the Town Hall , Denbigh , on the 28 th ult ., a large
number of brethren greeting this important occasion by their presence . During the Mastership of Bro . Martin Underwood , the lodge has had the pleasure of obtaining for the widow and children of a gallant British officer named Rainer a grant of ^ 20 fro m the Grand Lodge Fund of
Benevolence , although the deceased brother had no connection with Denbigh , but had become a Freemason in England before going to Jamaica , and the famil y had recently come to reside in the town with a view to educational conveniences . Again , the oldest son of a deceased brother of
the Lodge of St . Tudno , and a well-esteemed Welchman in Denbigh , as elsewhere ( the late Mr . J . Willmott Rees ) . on the application of his devoted mother , Mrs . Wilmot Rees , obtained the unanimous vote of the lodge for admission to that noble Masonic Institution for orphan
children at Wood . green , with best wishes for success . The lodge also for the first time became a subscriber to the funds of that institution during the past year . Bro . M . Underwood can , therefore , upon leaving Denbigh for London , look with satisfaction to his period of office as
having been a truly Masonic year , and as having brought into play all those qualities for which the Craft is so justly noted . The W . M . elect , - Bro . Robert James Sisson , of Talardy , Flintshire , is really a Mason born of the Royal
Denbigh Lodge , and a most worthy successor of those excellent Masters who have from the first installation filled the chair , once occupied by the illustrious Grand Master of England , the late Duke of Sussex , grand uncle to H . R . H . the Past Grand Master . That which speaks