Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights of Malta. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Treasurer , said that in proposing the health of our aged companion , it naturally leads the mind back to the early history of man , when our mysteries were blended in the secret rites and ceremonies of that worship rendered to the Deity in all the various forms then practised by the
priests and magii of the different sects of philosophers , in the early ages ; these handing them down through the long vista of time , were taken hold of by those craftsmen of the middle ages to bind themselves together for one grand object . Those men who erected those glorious
cathedrals throughout Europe , and that stand to this day as monuments of their talents and zeal , and in later times these mysteries were made the foundation of this grand superstructure of morality and virtue now held by us . This toast
was received with great applause , and feeling , responded to by Comp . S . L . Townsend , P . Z ., and who is the next oldest member of the Chapter , in his usual excellent style . After spending a pleasant evening together , the companions separated , well pleased with their entertainment .
IPSWICH . —Royal Sussex Chapter ( No . 376 ) . — The usual quarterly convocation of the chapter was holden at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , Dec . 3 rd , when there was an unusuall y large number of companions present . Comps . Cornell and Tracy were duly installed into the chairs of H .
and J . ; Comp . King remaining Z ., Bros . A . Gam man , W . M ., and E . Godbold . of the Perfect Friendshi p Lodge , were elected , received , obligated , and exalted as companions of the Holy Royal Arch , the deeply impressive ceremony being performed with his usual skill by
Comp . S . B . King , M . E . Z ., assisted by Comps . Cornell and Tracy , who gave the symbolical and historical lectures . Amongst others present were Comps . Lucia , P . Z . ; S . H . Wright . P . Z . ; Marriott , P . Z . ; Dr . Mills , P . Z . J . Pitcher ,
P . Z . } G . S . Finchley , P . Z . j D . Fraser , P . Z . } A . Smith , Richmond , & c . The usual supper was afterwards done ample justice to by the companions , and as is customary in meetings of the Royal Sussex , a most agreeable evening was enjoyed by all present .
WHITTINGTON CHAPTER ( NO . 862 ) . —This new chapter held its first meeting since consecration , on the 28 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel . Comp . J . Weaver , M . E . Z ., officiated as Z ; W . Hurlestone , H , ; R . Wentworth Little , P . Z ., as J . 5 W . F . Smith , P . Z ., N . 5 T . Kingston , P . S . Bros . Alfred Moore , 862 } G . C . Pritchard , 862 :
W . A . Tinney , 1319 ; and Pritchard , 1319 , were duly exalted into the Royal Arch Chapter . Comps . Tinney and Pritchard were appointed Assistant Sojourners , and Comp . Little was elected honorary member . The chapter was then closed , and the companions sat down to a comfortable supper , and enjoyed a very pleasant evening .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LEICESTER . — Fowlte Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —The bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , the 27 th uJt ., for the transaction of the regular lodge business , and also for the reception of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge . The Chair of A .
was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . William Wearc , who was supported by his I . P . M ., Bro . S . S . Partridge , Prov . G . Sec . } the S . and J . Wardens , Bros . Toller , and McAlister ; the Treasurer , Bro . C . Stretton , Grand Steward ; the Hon . Sec . Bro . Baines , and a fair attendance
of the other officers and members . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge was received , and the business of that lodge was proceeded with , the present Provincial Grand Master , Bro . VV . Kelly , whose time of office expires on the 5 th inst ., being unanimousl y chosen
for re-appointment by the M . W . G . M . M . M . After the Grand Lod ge had been closed , the Fowke Lod ge was resumed and the remaining business of the meeting disposed of . Two brethren were proposed for advancement , and a vote of two guineas as a donation to the Girls ' School , was voted to be placed on Bro . Waite ' s list , he having undertaken to represent the Craft
Mark Masonry.
Provincial Grand Lodge as Steward at the next festival of the above Institution . The lodge was then closed indue form and in perfect harmony ,
Knights Of Malta.
Knights of Malta .
IPSWICH . —Priory of Prudence . '—On Wednesday the 29 th ult ., the annual meeting of this old priory was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , present Sir Knights Emra Holmes . Past Grand Provost of England } Prov . Rev . R . N . Sanderson , Sub Prior , Norfolk and Cambridge ; T .
Pitcher , Captain General ; Dr . Mills , Lieutenant General ; G . S . Findley , Chancellor , S . B . King , 2 nd Lieutenant , & c . The minutes of the last meeting having been accepted as correctly recorded , the priory having first been duly opened and the muster roll called , the Sir Knights
proceeded to ballot for Sir Knight George Richard Scopes , of the Prudence Preceptory , who being accepted , was duly admitted to the Mediterranean Pass , and afterwards conducted by the Marshal , was received and installed a Knight of Malta , the interesting ceremony being
performed in his usual impressive manner by Sir Knight Sanderson . The Sir Knights having resumed their stalls the usual business was proceeded with , and Sir Knight Holmes suggested to the Fratres that after the next meeting of the Prudence Preceptor / in January next , when Sir
Kni g ht Mills would be installed as Preceptor , a Priory should be holden for the purpose of installing him as Prior at the same time , as by the new statutes of the Convent General the Preceptor for the time being is ipso facto Prior of the Priory , if a Knight of Malta . The Sir Knights afterwards assembled lound the festive board
when the Prior proposed in due course "The Queen , Patron of the United Orders of the Temple and Hospital ; " " The Prince of Wales , Grand Master , " " The Earl of Limerick , Great Prior of England ; " and "Captain Philips , " the popular Prior of Norfolk and Cambridge ,
all of which toasts were duly honoured . He afterwards gave "The Health of the Sub-Prior , Sir Knight Sanderson , " and spoke in the most eulogistic terms of that worthy and distinguished member of the Order , who replied as modestly as is his wont , and deprecated the flattering
terms in which his health was given . Sir Knight Holmes then proposed the newly installed Companion-in-arms of the Order of Malta , Sir Knight Scopes , and impressed upon him the dignity of the Order he had now been privileged to join . Sir Knight Scopes responded briefly ,
and expressed the great pleasure he felt in being admitted as a Knight Templar and Knight of Malta . A very pleasant hour or two was spent discussing matters of interest to the assembled Fratres as to the regulations of Convent General and Great Priory , & c , and the Sir Kni ghts separated at a reasonable hour .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
PALESTINE ROSE CROIX CHAPTER . —This chapter celebrated its third anniversary at the Masonic Hall , Golden-square , on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., when the following members of the Order were present : —111 . Bros . Capt . N . G . Philips , 33 ° , Lieut . G . Com . } Major-Gen . H .
Clerk , 33 ° , G . Chan . ; R . Hamilton , M . D ., G . Sec . Gen . ; Major S . W . Clerke , 33 ° , Dep . Sec . Gen . ; Hyde Pullen , 33 ; also—Colonel F . Burdett , 32 ( Ireland ) , M . W . S . ; J ohn Hervey , P . M . W . S ., and Treas . ; R . Wentworth Little , 30 ° , P . M . W . S , and Rec , and many members of 0
the 18 . Bro . George Kenning , 30 ° , M . W . S . Elect , was duly installed into the chair for the ensuing year , and the officers invested were as follows : —Bros . H . C . Levander , H . P . ; T . L . Fox , 1 st Gen . } C . Hammerton , 2 nd Gen . ; J . Hervey , Treas . } R . Wentworth Little , Rec . } S . Leith Tomkins , G . M . ; J . T . Moss . Raph . ;
J . Dyer , Almoner ; T . B . Yeoman , Herald ; T . Cubitt , E . C ; E . Stanton , Org . } J . Dixon , M . D ., D . C . Bro . J . Read , 30 , officiated at the organ during the ceremony of perfecting Bro . Rev . J . Marychurch Vaughati , P . M . 907 , Prov . G . Chap ., Middlesex , which was the next business , and after a vote of thanks to the mem-
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
bers of the council for their attendance and assistance , the chapter was closed in due form , and the brethren proceeded to the new Royal Masonic Hall { Cafe Royale ) . where a splendid banquet was served , the menu surpassing ' anything of the kind usuall y provided at Masonic
banquets . Several toasts were given during the evening , including the " Supreme Council , " fir whom Capt . Philips responded ; the" Past M . W . Sovereigns , " acknowledged by Col . Burdett ; the "Visitors , " by Major Clerke ; and tlie
" Officers , " by Bros . Levander , Fox , and Little . During the financial year ending November , this chapter has given ten guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , constituting the M . W . S . a Governor in perpetuity .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
ORIGINAL OR PREMIER CONCLAVE or ENGLAND . —This conclave held its quarterly meeting at Freemasons' Tavern on Alonday , the 1 st inst ., and was well attended , amongst those present being Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bait . G . V . ; Colonel Francis Burdett , G . S . G . ; W . E .
Gumbleton , J . P ., G . H . Chancellor ; R . Went worth Little , G . Treas . ; VV . II . Hubbard , P . G Treas . ; J . G . Marsh , P . G . Architect ; H . C Levander , M . A ., G . H . Almoner ; ] . Boyd G . Hist . ; T . W . White , G . A . Treas . ; J . ' T Moss , G . Herald : H . Parker , G . Org . ; R . \ V
Stewart , G . O . ; G . Kenning , G . Insp . <; t Regalia ; T . Cubitt , G . P ., Sir Gilbert K . Campbell , Bart . Int . Gen ., Hants ; E . SiJlif .-mt . V . E . ; Rev V . H . Ernest Brette , D . D ., II . Prelate ; Colonel James Peters , Hon . Sov . ; John Dyer , K . G . C . ; jas . Pettengell , Hon . Sov . ; T . Kingston , Hon .
Sov . ; Alfred Moore , Hon . Sov . ; Herbert Dicketts , Treas . ; No . 2 ; Charles Horsley , S . G . Bective Conclave , No ., 2 . 1 ; J . Wootlwaul Barrett , G . S . B . ; Clement Stretton , V . No . 44 ; C . Hammerton , S . G . No . 2 ; K . S . Norris , No . 2 ; S . | Muggeridge , No . 14 , & c . The conclave having
been duly opened ballots were taken for several candidates , and the following brethren being in attendance , were introduced and installed as Knights of the Order , viz ., the Rev . Phili p M . Holden , 90 "; Thomas Massa , P . M . 59 ; and Jean V . P . Crexhc , 142 . 'Ihe honorary grade
of Viceroy was subsequently o . interred upon Sir Knts . Horsky , Hammerton , Norris , and Cerexhe , and that of Sovereign jpon Sir Knts . C . Stretton , Uor . siey , Haiiiinerton , Norris , and Cerexhe . It was intended to confer the K . H . S , and St . John degrees , but owing to the
lateness of the hour , those ceremonies had to be omitted . The conclave was then closed , ; md the Knig hts adjourned to the banquet , after which the following toasts were duly hoiioim d : —The Queen and the Christian Orders ; The Earl of Bective , M . 111 . G . Sov . ; The Grand Vioerov ,
Sir F . Williams , Bart . ; The Grand Council , responded to by Colonel Burdett ; Tlie Ititeudant-General and Grand Senators ( Sir G . li . Campbell ) ; The M . P . S . ( Sir Kt . Moss ); The newl y Installed Companions in Arms ( Sir Knts . Rev . P . M . Holden , Massa , and Cerexhe ) ; The
Visitors ( Sir Knts . Horsley , Hyde Pullen , Boyd , Stretton . Norris , & c . ) ; The Past Sovereigns ( Sir Knts . Hubbard , Kenning , Marsh , Are . ) ; The Viceroy antl Officers ( Sir Knts . Sillifant , and Rev . Dr . Brette ) ; The Hon . Soven igus ( Sir Knt . Col . Peters ) , The Organist ( Sir Knt .
Parker ); and the Sentinel ' s toast by Comp . J . Gilbert . During the evening Sir Knt . Parker performed most brilliantly on the pianoforte and sang several songs . Sir Knts . Dyer and Marsh also favoured the company with some choice vocal harmony , and all three were very heartily
applauded for their kind exertions to phase . The next meeting of this conclave will be held on the 2 nd March , 1874 , 011 the same day that the Annual Assembly of the General Grand Conclave is convened , previous to which date : i Red Cross Ball will take place for the benefit of the Masonic Charities and the Almoner ' s Fund
ot the Order . LIVERPOOL . —Sie / mersdale Conclave ( No . 77 ) , —An assembl y of the Skelmersdale Conclave , was held on Monday , the 1 st inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , and was one of the most successful which has yet been held in this section of the country . Eminent
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Treasurer , said that in proposing the health of our aged companion , it naturally leads the mind back to the early history of man , when our mysteries were blended in the secret rites and ceremonies of that worship rendered to the Deity in all the various forms then practised by the
priests and magii of the different sects of philosophers , in the early ages ; these handing them down through the long vista of time , were taken hold of by those craftsmen of the middle ages to bind themselves together for one grand object . Those men who erected those glorious
cathedrals throughout Europe , and that stand to this day as monuments of their talents and zeal , and in later times these mysteries were made the foundation of this grand superstructure of morality and virtue now held by us . This toast
was received with great applause , and feeling , responded to by Comp . S . L . Townsend , P . Z ., and who is the next oldest member of the Chapter , in his usual excellent style . After spending a pleasant evening together , the companions separated , well pleased with their entertainment .
IPSWICH . —Royal Sussex Chapter ( No . 376 ) . — The usual quarterly convocation of the chapter was holden at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , Dec . 3 rd , when there was an unusuall y large number of companions present . Comps . Cornell and Tracy were duly installed into the chairs of H .
and J . ; Comp . King remaining Z ., Bros . A . Gam man , W . M ., and E . Godbold . of the Perfect Friendshi p Lodge , were elected , received , obligated , and exalted as companions of the Holy Royal Arch , the deeply impressive ceremony being performed with his usual skill by
Comp . S . B . King , M . E . Z ., assisted by Comps . Cornell and Tracy , who gave the symbolical and historical lectures . Amongst others present were Comps . Lucia , P . Z . ; S . H . Wright . P . Z . ; Marriott , P . Z . ; Dr . Mills , P . Z . J . Pitcher ,
P . Z . } G . S . Finchley , P . Z . j D . Fraser , P . Z . } A . Smith , Richmond , & c . The usual supper was afterwards done ample justice to by the companions , and as is customary in meetings of the Royal Sussex , a most agreeable evening was enjoyed by all present .
WHITTINGTON CHAPTER ( NO . 862 ) . —This new chapter held its first meeting since consecration , on the 28 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel . Comp . J . Weaver , M . E . Z ., officiated as Z ; W . Hurlestone , H , ; R . Wentworth Little , P . Z ., as J . 5 W . F . Smith , P . Z ., N . 5 T . Kingston , P . S . Bros . Alfred Moore , 862 } G . C . Pritchard , 862 :
W . A . Tinney , 1319 ; and Pritchard , 1319 , were duly exalted into the Royal Arch Chapter . Comps . Tinney and Pritchard were appointed Assistant Sojourners , and Comp . Little was elected honorary member . The chapter was then closed , and the companions sat down to a comfortable supper , and enjoyed a very pleasant evening .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LEICESTER . — Fowlte Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —The bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , the 27 th uJt ., for the transaction of the regular lodge business , and also for the reception of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge . The Chair of A .
was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . William Wearc , who was supported by his I . P . M ., Bro . S . S . Partridge , Prov . G . Sec . } the S . and J . Wardens , Bros . Toller , and McAlister ; the Treasurer , Bro . C . Stretton , Grand Steward ; the Hon . Sec . Bro . Baines , and a fair attendance
of the other officers and members . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge was received , and the business of that lodge was proceeded with , the present Provincial Grand Master , Bro . VV . Kelly , whose time of office expires on the 5 th inst ., being unanimousl y chosen
for re-appointment by the M . W . G . M . M . M . After the Grand Lod ge had been closed , the Fowke Lod ge was resumed and the remaining business of the meeting disposed of . Two brethren were proposed for advancement , and a vote of two guineas as a donation to the Girls ' School , was voted to be placed on Bro . Waite ' s list , he having undertaken to represent the Craft
Mark Masonry.
Provincial Grand Lodge as Steward at the next festival of the above Institution . The lodge was then closed indue form and in perfect harmony ,
Knights Of Malta.
Knights of Malta .
IPSWICH . —Priory of Prudence . '—On Wednesday the 29 th ult ., the annual meeting of this old priory was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , present Sir Knights Emra Holmes . Past Grand Provost of England } Prov . Rev . R . N . Sanderson , Sub Prior , Norfolk and Cambridge ; T .
Pitcher , Captain General ; Dr . Mills , Lieutenant General ; G . S . Findley , Chancellor , S . B . King , 2 nd Lieutenant , & c . The minutes of the last meeting having been accepted as correctly recorded , the priory having first been duly opened and the muster roll called , the Sir Knights
proceeded to ballot for Sir Knight George Richard Scopes , of the Prudence Preceptory , who being accepted , was duly admitted to the Mediterranean Pass , and afterwards conducted by the Marshal , was received and installed a Knight of Malta , the interesting ceremony being
performed in his usual impressive manner by Sir Knight Sanderson . The Sir Knights having resumed their stalls the usual business was proceeded with , and Sir Knight Holmes suggested to the Fratres that after the next meeting of the Prudence Preceptor / in January next , when Sir
Kni g ht Mills would be installed as Preceptor , a Priory should be holden for the purpose of installing him as Prior at the same time , as by the new statutes of the Convent General the Preceptor for the time being is ipso facto Prior of the Priory , if a Knight of Malta . The Sir Knights afterwards assembled lound the festive board
when the Prior proposed in due course "The Queen , Patron of the United Orders of the Temple and Hospital ; " " The Prince of Wales , Grand Master , " " The Earl of Limerick , Great Prior of England ; " and "Captain Philips , " the popular Prior of Norfolk and Cambridge ,
all of which toasts were duly honoured . He afterwards gave "The Health of the Sub-Prior , Sir Knight Sanderson , " and spoke in the most eulogistic terms of that worthy and distinguished member of the Order , who replied as modestly as is his wont , and deprecated the flattering
terms in which his health was given . Sir Knight Holmes then proposed the newly installed Companion-in-arms of the Order of Malta , Sir Knight Scopes , and impressed upon him the dignity of the Order he had now been privileged to join . Sir Knight Scopes responded briefly ,
and expressed the great pleasure he felt in being admitted as a Knight Templar and Knight of Malta . A very pleasant hour or two was spent discussing matters of interest to the assembled Fratres as to the regulations of Convent General and Great Priory , & c , and the Sir Kni ghts separated at a reasonable hour .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
PALESTINE ROSE CROIX CHAPTER . —This chapter celebrated its third anniversary at the Masonic Hall , Golden-square , on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., when the following members of the Order were present : —111 . Bros . Capt . N . G . Philips , 33 ° , Lieut . G . Com . } Major-Gen . H .
Clerk , 33 ° , G . Chan . ; R . Hamilton , M . D ., G . Sec . Gen . ; Major S . W . Clerke , 33 ° , Dep . Sec . Gen . ; Hyde Pullen , 33 ; also—Colonel F . Burdett , 32 ( Ireland ) , M . W . S . ; J ohn Hervey , P . M . W . S ., and Treas . ; R . Wentworth Little , 30 ° , P . M . W . S , and Rec , and many members of 0
the 18 . Bro . George Kenning , 30 ° , M . W . S . Elect , was duly installed into the chair for the ensuing year , and the officers invested were as follows : —Bros . H . C . Levander , H . P . ; T . L . Fox , 1 st Gen . } C . Hammerton , 2 nd Gen . ; J . Hervey , Treas . } R . Wentworth Little , Rec . } S . Leith Tomkins , G . M . ; J . T . Moss . Raph . ;
J . Dyer , Almoner ; T . B . Yeoman , Herald ; T . Cubitt , E . C ; E . Stanton , Org . } J . Dixon , M . D ., D . C . Bro . J . Read , 30 , officiated at the organ during the ceremony of perfecting Bro . Rev . J . Marychurch Vaughati , P . M . 907 , Prov . G . Chap ., Middlesex , which was the next business , and after a vote of thanks to the mem-
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
bers of the council for their attendance and assistance , the chapter was closed in due form , and the brethren proceeded to the new Royal Masonic Hall { Cafe Royale ) . where a splendid banquet was served , the menu surpassing ' anything of the kind usuall y provided at Masonic
banquets . Several toasts were given during the evening , including the " Supreme Council , " fir whom Capt . Philips responded ; the" Past M . W . Sovereigns , " acknowledged by Col . Burdett ; the "Visitors , " by Major Clerke ; and tlie
" Officers , " by Bros . Levander , Fox , and Little . During the financial year ending November , this chapter has given ten guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , constituting the M . W . S . a Governor in perpetuity .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
ORIGINAL OR PREMIER CONCLAVE or ENGLAND . —This conclave held its quarterly meeting at Freemasons' Tavern on Alonday , the 1 st inst ., and was well attended , amongst those present being Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bait . G . V . ; Colonel Francis Burdett , G . S . G . ; W . E .
Gumbleton , J . P ., G . H . Chancellor ; R . Went worth Little , G . Treas . ; VV . II . Hubbard , P . G Treas . ; J . G . Marsh , P . G . Architect ; H . C Levander , M . A ., G . H . Almoner ; ] . Boyd G . Hist . ; T . W . White , G . A . Treas . ; J . ' T Moss , G . Herald : H . Parker , G . Org . ; R . \ V
Stewart , G . O . ; G . Kenning , G . Insp . <; t Regalia ; T . Cubitt , G . P ., Sir Gilbert K . Campbell , Bart . Int . Gen ., Hants ; E . SiJlif .-mt . V . E . ; Rev V . H . Ernest Brette , D . D ., II . Prelate ; Colonel James Peters , Hon . Sov . ; John Dyer , K . G . C . ; jas . Pettengell , Hon . Sov . ; T . Kingston , Hon .
Sov . ; Alfred Moore , Hon . Sov . ; Herbert Dicketts , Treas . ; No . 2 ; Charles Horsley , S . G . Bective Conclave , No ., 2 . 1 ; J . Wootlwaul Barrett , G . S . B . ; Clement Stretton , V . No . 44 ; C . Hammerton , S . G . No . 2 ; K . S . Norris , No . 2 ; S . | Muggeridge , No . 14 , & c . The conclave having
been duly opened ballots were taken for several candidates , and the following brethren being in attendance , were introduced and installed as Knights of the Order , viz ., the Rev . Phili p M . Holden , 90 "; Thomas Massa , P . M . 59 ; and Jean V . P . Crexhc , 142 . 'Ihe honorary grade
of Viceroy was subsequently o . interred upon Sir Knts . Horsky , Hammerton , Norris , and Cerexhe , and that of Sovereign jpon Sir Knts . C . Stretton , Uor . siey , Haiiiinerton , Norris , and Cerexhe . It was intended to confer the K . H . S , and St . John degrees , but owing to the
lateness of the hour , those ceremonies had to be omitted . The conclave was then closed , ; md the Knig hts adjourned to the banquet , after which the following toasts were duly hoiioim d : —The Queen and the Christian Orders ; The Earl of Bective , M . 111 . G . Sov . ; The Grand Vioerov ,
Sir F . Williams , Bart . ; The Grand Council , responded to by Colonel Burdett ; Tlie Ititeudant-General and Grand Senators ( Sir G . li . Campbell ) ; The M . P . S . ( Sir Kt . Moss ); The newl y Installed Companions in Arms ( Sir Knts . Rev . P . M . Holden , Massa , and Cerexhe ) ; The
Visitors ( Sir Knts . Horsley , Hyde Pullen , Boyd , Stretton . Norris , & c . ) ; The Past Sovereigns ( Sir Knts . Hubbard , Kenning , Marsh , Are . ) ; The Viceroy antl Officers ( Sir Knts . Sillifant , and Rev . Dr . Brette ) ; The Hon . Soven igus ( Sir Knt . Col . Peters ) , The Organist ( Sir Knt .
Parker ); and the Sentinel ' s toast by Comp . J . Gilbert . During the evening Sir Knt . Parker performed most brilliantly on the pianoforte and sang several songs . Sir Knts . Dyer and Marsh also favoured the company with some choice vocal harmony , and all three were very heartily
applauded for their kind exertions to phase . The next meeting of this conclave will be held on the 2 nd March , 1874 , 011 the same day that the Annual Assembly of the General Grand Conclave is convened , previous to which date : i Red Cross Ball will take place for the benefit of the Masonic Charities and the Almoner ' s Fund
ot the Order . LIVERPOOL . —Sie / mersdale Conclave ( No . 77 ) , —An assembl y of the Skelmersdale Conclave , was held on Monday , the 1 st inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , and was one of the most successful which has yet been held in this section of the country . Eminent