Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Births, Marriages and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article CHARITY VOTING. Page 1 of 2 Article CHARITY VOTING. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is notu IOS . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . IL , ditto 7 s . 6 ( 1 . Vol . s HI ., IV ., and V . ... each 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 25 . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered ftee in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason Is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the earlv trains .
The pviee ol the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , ios . { payable in advance . ) All communications , leitei ' s , Ike ., to be addressed to the Editor , I ) S , i- ' leel-slieet , li . ( J . The Editor will pay careful attention to all RISS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
P . G ., Harrow . —Ceitainly , if requested so to do by the Master in the chair . The following communications stand over : — Reports of Lodges 302 , 1331 , 1230 ; , 3 , S . C ; Victoria Chapterlto . se Croix ; Kcstoiatiou of Waltham Abbey . EttiiAToM . —Page J 83 , Dec . fi , under United Grand Lodge , for "Col . Whitwell , M . P ., the | . \ V ., " read "Capt . William I'lalt , J . W . "
Births, Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
U 1 HT 1 I . STEVENS . —On the Sth in t ., at Clapham Common , die wife of 15 ro . James Stevens , W . M . Great City Lodge , No . 142 ( 1 , of a daughter .
BALLS , D I N N £ K S , M E E T 1 NGS IN ELEGANT ROOMS , AT The Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , W . C . Apply to C . E . FRANCATELLI .
THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY , FROM ITS ORIGIN TO THE PRESENT DAY . Drawn from the best sources and the most recent investigations . BY J . G . FINDEL , Second Edition , Revised , and Preface written by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON . One vol ., 800 pages Svc , with an Index . Cloth gilt . Price , 10 s . 6 d . "This volume is the hhtoiy of Masonry par excellence Kvcry inteicstcil person may regard it , therefore , as the present text-book on the subject . "—Manchester Guardian "The author seems to have fairly exhausted the subject . "— The Athenaeum . "Of its value to Eiecmasons , as a detailed history of their Brotherhood , it is not possible to speak too hig hly . "I ' iil-lic Upiitiim . Bro . GEORGE KENNING , iyS , FLEET STREET , LONDON ' , K . C .
Second Edition , Now Ready , J / fi . A MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE . hi the key of C . for A ., T ., T ., 11 . Opening" and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony , ¦ Ginre before and alter Meat . CO . MPJSEO BV Dli ., 1 . C . RAKER , NO . 241 . KDON . —Geo . kenning , iyS , Fleet-sticct ; and 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Uiit . iin . „ li . Spencer , 20 , Gu . it Qucen-. 'lrcct . J . iv EH root .. —Geo . Knining , 2 , . Mur . unie . it-placc . M . ts'ciirisriiit . —It . Jlcnry . v Co ., 51 J , Dcansgate . JJi'iii . jN . —C . liedirelnni ; , .: 6 , Gr . ilii . n-Miect Gi .. \ s . ia >\ v . —Geo . iseimiii _; , 14 : ; , Argvle-Mictt . KlilNiit'iifiii . —Geo . Kenning , ( 1 7 , I binen'r-strcet .
NOW READY . Roan , Gill Edges , Elastic Band , Price 2 s ., Post Free 2 v . xd . THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY . AJMD POU-KLCT-UOOK , FOR . 18 / 4 , CONT . M MNI ; — Lists of Lodges , Chantd * , Conclaves , Grand Councils and K . T . i ' rea'pun ies with the names of Officers in England and Wales , Scotland Ireland , and abroad . AJa ;/ l \ tialufi . lt / W . vc'i . vy , 7 } , / ITS , Janitors , Se / iliiich ; I ' . ' fjiirric .. , & c , Office , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C ,
Noiv Ready . THE NEW
3 6111 . by 23111 . Price 42 s . To be had at Bio . Kcnntng ' s Masonic Depots , Little Britain and Fleet-street , London .
A monthl y digest of Freemasonry in all its Branches . NOW READY No . 6 , DECEMBER . Price Sixpence , L ' ost free Sevenpence ; Annual subscription , including postage : United Kingdom / ? ., America 9 s . ( Payable in advance ) . Office , 198 , Fleet Street .
RE-ISSUE . Now Reaily , price 5 s ., post-free , ; s . 41
EDITED nv Bun . GEORGE TAVLOR . Containing I listorical Records of Freemasonry from the earliest to the present time , tic , etc . OFFICE , lyS , FLEET-STREET .
I . ,
NOW READY , Price 25 . 6 d . ; Post Free , 2 S > Sd . Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged A FULL COLOURED ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF
From Master Mason to the 30 th Degree ( inclusive ) Office , 198 , Fleet-street .
, .
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One 8111111118 ; , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , Rv BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . 31 ) 3 , England . ) ''PHIS work is a perfect handbook of the ¦ ^ principles of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Office , 19 S , Fleet-street .
Now Ready Post Free 1 / 7 . THE MARK MASONS' SONG Dedicated by permission to the Right lion , the Earl Percy , M . P ., 30 ° , Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Noithumberlaw' Moot Worshipful Grand Mark Master Mason of England . Wouls by liro . T . liuidctt Yeoman , Oiiginal Maik Lodge No . 1 ., composed by liro . Henry J'arker , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 . Office , iyS , Fleet-street .
Now Ready , price 1 / - post-free 1 / 1
THE HON . MRS . ALDWORTH , The Female Freemason , LONDON : 1118 , FLEET-STREET .
BAKER STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS of the SHAH of PERSIA , Marshal Mae . Mahon , M . Thiers , and the late Chatlcs Dickens . The ori ginal autograph anil testimonial iviitten and presented by tlie Shah to Messrs . Tussaud , uly 3 , 18 73 , is exhibited . Admission is . Childrc . i under ten , Gd . Extra Rooms , 6 d . Open from ten a . m . till ten p . m .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , & c , intended for insertion in the A ' uinlcr of the following Saturday , must reach the Office not later than 6 o ' clock on IVednesday evening .
TheFreemason, SATURDAY , DECI : MJU ; R 13 , 1873 .
Charity Voting.
Wc should not have returned lo this subject , as we believed , that , enough had been said about it , had it not been for the report of a meeting
which took pl .-ico at ihe WettiiiKister Palace Hotel , on the 2 nd int ., Sir R . A . Alcock , in the chair . At that meeting , it appears from the fuller report in The limes , resolutions were even-
Charity Voting.
tually agreed to , or rather perhaps a resolution , embodying the following point : — 1 . That in electing candidates to charitable institutions , it is desirable , in order to prevent trafficking in votes , that voting papers should be
forwarded to each subscriber a short time before the elections , and that all such voting papers be returned direct to the managers of the charities j a , that , as far as possible , canvassing for votes should be discouraged , but that the full descrip- '
tion of each case and the names of the subscribers nominating the case be inserted in the voting paper ; it is moreover expedient that the names of the candidates so nominated should be classified , after investigation , according to the
best judgement of the Committee on , their relative claims ; 3 , that the public polling day , involving the attendance of the candidates and their relatives and friends , should be discontinued , and that the result of each election , having been
duly arrived at by proper scrutiny , be declared by publication in one or more of the principal journals , and by special circular addressed to each candidate , or to the nearest relative of each
candidate . " During the discussion , a speech was made by Dr . Jabez Hogg , which is as follows , and which we consider deserves notice for his allusion to a Masonic Charity .
Bro . Jabez Hogg , in seconding the resolution , dwelt upon the demoralizing effect of the existing method of conducting the elections of charities . He pointed out that in the case of an institution with which he was connected , for the
relief of the widows and orphans of medical men , the most deserving cases were selected for relief without any reference to the subscribers , adding that the charity was distributed in the most satisfactory manner . He mentioned also
the case of a charity connected with the Masonic body , in which the system of open voting and that of selection of applicants by a committee prevailed , observing that the work done by the Committee was far more efficient where the sole object was to afford relief in the most deserving cases .
We should be extreml y glad to know to which Masonic Charity Dr . Jabez Hogg alludes , as the fact , if it be a fact , is entirely new to us . We do not see that much of what is new or important was brought forward b y the promoters of the meeting .
Our worthy Bro . R . J . Simpson , P . 'G ; C : ^ made , we note , a very energetic speech-, " more stio , " but , which appears to us rather an undeserved attack on the managers of our charities , and the present voting system .
Hs said that in dealing with so grave a question , involving as it did , the happiness of their fellow-creatures , it was most desirable to avoid anything like petty personalties . It was by abstaining from all irritating language that
they could best secure the co-operation of managers of the charities . A great many persons felt—and among the number was the Earl of Derby , whom he had seen onl y a few hotirs before—that it was not desirable , at all
events for the present , to do anything more than to endeavour to remove the great abuses which attached to the system of working and which prevented anything like a healthy action . As to the system itself , he did not think any manager
would contend that it was a pure and simple charity . It was , perhaps , at the same time necessary to make allowance for a system which hail grown up for many years , and not at once to produce a revolution , which would not only
unsettle the charities themselves , but which might diminish to some extent the sympathy with which they were regarded . Besides , the legal difficulties in the way of abolishing the existing system were very great , if not insuperable ^
Under those circumstances , thi obvious course for those who were in favour of a change was simply to seek to reform that which they could not destroy . IJe must at the same time point out that those were no mete theorists who maintained that charities could stand without the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is notu IOS . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . IL , ditto 7 s . 6 ( 1 . Vol . s HI ., IV ., and V . ... each 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 25 . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered ftee in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason Is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the earlv trains .
The pviee ol the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , ios . { payable in advance . ) All communications , leitei ' s , Ike ., to be addressed to the Editor , I ) S , i- ' leel-slieet , li . ( J . The Editor will pay careful attention to all RISS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
P . G ., Harrow . —Ceitainly , if requested so to do by the Master in the chair . The following communications stand over : — Reports of Lodges 302 , 1331 , 1230 ; , 3 , S . C ; Victoria Chapterlto . se Croix ; Kcstoiatiou of Waltham Abbey . EttiiAToM . —Page J 83 , Dec . fi , under United Grand Lodge , for "Col . Whitwell , M . P ., the | . \ V ., " read "Capt . William I'lalt , J . W . "
Births, Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
U 1 HT 1 I . STEVENS . —On the Sth in t ., at Clapham Common , die wife of 15 ro . James Stevens , W . M . Great City Lodge , No . 142 ( 1 , of a daughter .
BALLS , D I N N £ K S , M E E T 1 NGS IN ELEGANT ROOMS , AT The Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , W . C . Apply to C . E . FRANCATELLI .
THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY , FROM ITS ORIGIN TO THE PRESENT DAY . Drawn from the best sources and the most recent investigations . BY J . G . FINDEL , Second Edition , Revised , and Preface written by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON . One vol ., 800 pages Svc , with an Index . Cloth gilt . Price , 10 s . 6 d . "This volume is the hhtoiy of Masonry par excellence Kvcry inteicstcil person may regard it , therefore , as the present text-book on the subject . "—Manchester Guardian "The author seems to have fairly exhausted the subject . "— The Athenaeum . "Of its value to Eiecmasons , as a detailed history of their Brotherhood , it is not possible to speak too hig hly . "I ' iil-lic Upiitiim . Bro . GEORGE KENNING , iyS , FLEET STREET , LONDON ' , K . C .
Second Edition , Now Ready , J / fi . A MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE . hi the key of C . for A ., T ., T ., 11 . Opening" and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony , ¦ Ginre before and alter Meat . CO . MPJSEO BV Dli ., 1 . C . RAKER , NO . 241 . KDON . —Geo . kenning , iyS , Fleet-sticct ; and 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Uiit . iin . „ li . Spencer , 20 , Gu . it Qucen-. 'lrcct . J . iv EH root .. —Geo . Knining , 2 , . Mur . unie . it-placc . M . ts'ciirisriiit . —It . Jlcnry . v Co ., 51 J , Dcansgate . JJi'iii . jN . —C . liedirelnni ; , .: 6 , Gr . ilii . n-Miect Gi .. \ s . ia >\ v . —Geo . iseimiii _; , 14 : ; , Argvle-Mictt . KlilNiit'iifiii . —Geo . Kenning , ( 1 7 , I binen'r-strcet .
NOW READY . Roan , Gill Edges , Elastic Band , Price 2 s ., Post Free 2 v . xd . THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY . AJMD POU-KLCT-UOOK , FOR . 18 / 4 , CONT . M MNI ; — Lists of Lodges , Chantd * , Conclaves , Grand Councils and K . T . i ' rea'pun ies with the names of Officers in England and Wales , Scotland Ireland , and abroad . AJa ;/ l \ tialufi . lt / W . vc'i . vy , 7 } , / ITS , Janitors , Se / iliiich ; I ' . ' fjiirric .. , & c , Office , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C ,
Noiv Ready . THE NEW
3 6111 . by 23111 . Price 42 s . To be had at Bio . Kcnntng ' s Masonic Depots , Little Britain and Fleet-street , London .
A monthl y digest of Freemasonry in all its Branches . NOW READY No . 6 , DECEMBER . Price Sixpence , L ' ost free Sevenpence ; Annual subscription , including postage : United Kingdom / ? ., America 9 s . ( Payable in advance ) . Office , 198 , Fleet Street .
RE-ISSUE . Now Reaily , price 5 s ., post-free , ; s . 41
EDITED nv Bun . GEORGE TAVLOR . Containing I listorical Records of Freemasonry from the earliest to the present time , tic , etc . OFFICE , lyS , FLEET-STREET .
I . ,
NOW READY , Price 25 . 6 d . ; Post Free , 2 S > Sd . Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged A FULL COLOURED ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF
From Master Mason to the 30 th Degree ( inclusive ) Office , 198 , Fleet-street .
, .
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One 8111111118 ; , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , Rv BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . 31 ) 3 , England . ) ''PHIS work is a perfect handbook of the ¦ ^ principles of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Office , 19 S , Fleet-street .
Now Ready Post Free 1 / 7 . THE MARK MASONS' SONG Dedicated by permission to the Right lion , the Earl Percy , M . P ., 30 ° , Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Noithumberlaw' Moot Worshipful Grand Mark Master Mason of England . Wouls by liro . T . liuidctt Yeoman , Oiiginal Maik Lodge No . 1 ., composed by liro . Henry J'arker , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 . Office , iyS , Fleet-street .
Now Ready , price 1 / - post-free 1 / 1
THE HON . MRS . ALDWORTH , The Female Freemason , LONDON : 1118 , FLEET-STREET .
BAKER STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS of the SHAH of PERSIA , Marshal Mae . Mahon , M . Thiers , and the late Chatlcs Dickens . The ori ginal autograph anil testimonial iviitten and presented by tlie Shah to Messrs . Tussaud , uly 3 , 18 73 , is exhibited . Admission is . Childrc . i under ten , Gd . Extra Rooms , 6 d . Open from ten a . m . till ten p . m .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , & c , intended for insertion in the A ' uinlcr of the following Saturday , must reach the Office not later than 6 o ' clock on IVednesday evening .
TheFreemason, SATURDAY , DECI : MJU ; R 13 , 1873 .
Charity Voting.
Wc should not have returned lo this subject , as we believed , that , enough had been said about it , had it not been for the report of a meeting
which took pl .-ico at ihe WettiiiKister Palace Hotel , on the 2 nd int ., Sir R . A . Alcock , in the chair . At that meeting , it appears from the fuller report in The limes , resolutions were even-
Charity Voting.
tually agreed to , or rather perhaps a resolution , embodying the following point : — 1 . That in electing candidates to charitable institutions , it is desirable , in order to prevent trafficking in votes , that voting papers should be
forwarded to each subscriber a short time before the elections , and that all such voting papers be returned direct to the managers of the charities j a , that , as far as possible , canvassing for votes should be discouraged , but that the full descrip- '
tion of each case and the names of the subscribers nominating the case be inserted in the voting paper ; it is moreover expedient that the names of the candidates so nominated should be classified , after investigation , according to the
best judgement of the Committee on , their relative claims ; 3 , that the public polling day , involving the attendance of the candidates and their relatives and friends , should be discontinued , and that the result of each election , having been
duly arrived at by proper scrutiny , be declared by publication in one or more of the principal journals , and by special circular addressed to each candidate , or to the nearest relative of each
candidate . " During the discussion , a speech was made by Dr . Jabez Hogg , which is as follows , and which we consider deserves notice for his allusion to a Masonic Charity .
Bro . Jabez Hogg , in seconding the resolution , dwelt upon the demoralizing effect of the existing method of conducting the elections of charities . He pointed out that in the case of an institution with which he was connected , for the
relief of the widows and orphans of medical men , the most deserving cases were selected for relief without any reference to the subscribers , adding that the charity was distributed in the most satisfactory manner . He mentioned also
the case of a charity connected with the Masonic body , in which the system of open voting and that of selection of applicants by a committee prevailed , observing that the work done by the Committee was far more efficient where the sole object was to afford relief in the most deserving cases .
We should be extreml y glad to know to which Masonic Charity Dr . Jabez Hogg alludes , as the fact , if it be a fact , is entirely new to us . We do not see that much of what is new or important was brought forward b y the promoters of the meeting .
Our worthy Bro . R . J . Simpson , P . 'G ; C : ^ made , we note , a very energetic speech-, " more stio , " but , which appears to us rather an undeserved attack on the managers of our charities , and the present voting system .
Hs said that in dealing with so grave a question , involving as it did , the happiness of their fellow-creatures , it was most desirable to avoid anything like petty personalties . It was by abstaining from all irritating language that
they could best secure the co-operation of managers of the charities . A great many persons felt—and among the number was the Earl of Derby , whom he had seen onl y a few hotirs before—that it was not desirable , at all
events for the present , to do anything more than to endeavour to remove the great abuses which attached to the system of working and which prevented anything like a healthy action . As to the system itself , he did not think any manager
would contend that it was a pure and simple charity . It was , perhaps , at the same time necessary to make allowance for a system which hail grown up for many years , and not at once to produce a revolution , which would not only
unsettle the charities themselves , but which might diminish to some extent the sympathy with which they were regarded . Besides , the legal difficulties in the way of abolishing the existing system were very great , if not insuperable ^
Under those circumstances , thi obvious course for those who were in favour of a change was simply to seek to reform that which they could not destroy . IJe must at the same time point out that those were no mete theorists who maintained that charities could stand without the