Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Harmonic Lodge of Instruction ( 216 ) , Mona Hotel , James-street , Liverpool , at 8 . Thursday , February rq . "LotWe 203 , Ancient Union , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 .
„ 343 , Concord , Qjeen ' s Arms Hotel , Church-strecr , Preston . „ 605 , Combermere , Seacombe I Iotel , Seacombe , at 6 . „ 1299 , Pembroke , West Derby Hote ) , West Derby , at 5 .
Friday , February 20 . Lodge 1330 , Fermor-I les ' keth , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 .
MASONIC MEETINGS IN GLASGOW . For the week ending Saturday , February 3 t , 1874 . AU the Meetings take place at 8 o ' clock . Monday , February 16 . juidsre 332 , Union , 170 , Buchanan-sticet . iit . Mungo Encampment , K . T ., 213 , Buchanan-street .
Tuesday , February 17 . Lod ^ e 3-I , St . John ' s , St . John ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan-st . „ " 73 . Thistle and Rose , 170 , Buchanar .-st . „ 87 , Thistle , 213 , Buchanan-st . „ 437 , Govandale , Portland Hall , Govan .
Wednesday , February 18 . Lodge 117 , Partick St . Mary ' s , Freemasons' Hall , Partick . j . 354 , Caledonian Railway , 213 , Buchanan-st . Thursday , February iq . Lodge 27 , St . Mungo , 213 , Buchanan-street . „ 167 , Free Operative , Masons' Hall , Biggar .
„ 46 ; , St . Andrew ' s , Masons' Hall , Garngad-road .
Friday , February 20 . Ledge 31 , Sf . Mary Cotness , Scott Hall , Wishaw . „ 42 , Kilwinning , Town HaU , Greenock . „ 3 60 , Commercial , 19 , Croy-place . „ 47 r , St . John , Stone Inn , bhotts .
MASONIC MEETINGS IN EDINBURGH . For the Week ending Saturday , February 21 , 1874 . Monday , February 16 . Lodge 44 , St , Luke ' s , Freemason ' s Hall , George-st ., at 8 . Tuesday , February 17 . Lodge 36 , St . David's , Ship Hotel , £ . Register-street , at 8 . „ 405 , Rifle , Freemasons' Hall , George-street , at 8 . 30 .
Wednesday , February 18 . Lodge 160 Roman Eagle , Iona Hotel , Nicolson-strcet , at 8 . Thursday , February 19 . Lodge 48 , St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall , George-street , at 8 . Red Cross Conclave , 103 , St . Giles ' , Masonic Hall , Blackftiars-street , at 8 .
Friday , February 20 . Chapter S 3 , St . Andrew ' s , Freemasons' Hall , Georgestreet , at 8 .
iikrtismcnts .
MAY EU-XTION , 1 S 74 . T ? OYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT IN-- * -v ST 1 TUT . ON 1-OR WIDOWS OV I'RKKMASOXS . The favour of tho Votes anil Interest of the Governors ami Subfccubersto the above Institution is earnestly solicited on behalf ol ' J KM IMA S 1 MC 1 CR , Widow of the late Iiro . Walter S picer , of ths Lodge of Science , 437 , Hourton , Dorset , to which he subscribed 30 years , lie was elected to the above Institution in 1857 , where he ' died last year . Mrs . Spicer ' .. only means of support , is one half tbe Annuity ronncviy allowed licr late husband , which will be ultimately discor . iii . ued in accordance with tbe laws of tbe Institution . The case is strongly recommended by 1 ' ro . IJ . Head , V . P , P . G . D ., 12 , Karls-tcrraoe , Kensington . „ Dr . Strong , KM ., 453 , 463 , I ' . Z ., 453 , 403 l' . KG . W ., Surrey ; 64 , North-end Crovdt . n . „ Price , P . M . 463 , I' . ' / . 4 63 , P . G . Treasurer , Surrey , 114 Highstreet , Crovdon . „ Pratt , P . M ., ' 7 , -Malvern House ; Bedford Park , Croydon . ,, W . Mastcrman , P . M ., I' . Z . 410 . Wellesley-road , Croydon . Proxies will be thankfully received by Mrs . Spicer at the . Masonic Institution , Crovdon .
"Vy ANTED by a M . M ., an Engagement as Messenger , Timekeeper , or any situation of trust . Middle-aged and active . Excellent testimonials , cVc . W . C . R . Post Office , North Woolwich .
"pOR SALE , a complete set of R . A . Furniture , A Ate , almost new . Apply to the Janitor , Bowles Chapter , Royal Hotel , Ross .
JS ^ BROTHER , a skilled Accountant , seeks employment in checking , making up , or auditing books and accounts , lie is a Mark and R . A . Mason , also II . K . T . Address F . W ., 26 , Southampton-row , Holborn .
TO BE vyANTED , Hands for the Gold , Silk and Worsted Embroidery . Geo . Kenning , Little Britain . Apprentices taken .
^ yAREHOUSES LET , occupying about 6 , 000 feet , 100 yards from the General Post Office . A pply , Messrs . Debenham , Tewson , and Farmer , Cheapside .
'pO TAILORS . —Wanted , a [ Foreman Cutter for a good general trade , not above 35 years of age , of good address and ability . Apply , stating age and salary , Wm . Loye , St . Austell .
ISSUE OF JCI , OOO , Five Per Cent . Sterling Sinking Fund Donds OF THE Illinois Central tl . nko . rtr Comptij . Of £ 200 each . Payable ist April , 1903 , if not previously redeemed by the action ofthe linking Fund . Interest and Principal payable in Loudon . Interest payable rst April and ist October , in each year , at the Counting-bouse of Messrs . Morton , Rose , and Co . The first Coupon payable October r , 1874 . Redeemable in London by a Sinking Fund of at least 2 per cent , pur annum—viz . ; 1 per cent , bv Drawings at Par , and 1 per cmt . by purchases by tender in London , at not exceeding p- ' ir . The first drawing will take place in August next , and the Bonds drawn will be paid at par in London on the ist October following ; the first purchase will be in . March 1 S 75 . Trice of Issue , 84 pel Cent , or ; Ci 6 S per £ zco Bond . Payable 10 per Cent , or £ 20 per Bond on Allotment . „ 40 ,, 80 „ 1 Gth March . „ 34 ,. oS „ 15 th April . 84 per Cent , or , £ i 6 S per Bond . Rebate on anticipated Pnyment nf Instalments will be allowed at the rate af 4 per Cent , per Annum . Messrs . Morton , Rose , nnd Co ., are prepared to receive subscriptions for the above £ 1 , 000 . 000 Bomls , which are issued under the provisions of ara Act of tbe Legislature of the State of Illinois , dated February 12 th , 1855 , entitled s < An Act to enable Railroad Companies to enter into operative contracts , and to borrow money . " The loan is raised for the purchase of an equal amount of New Orleans , Jackson , and Great Northern Railroad , and Mississippi Central Railroad , Seven Per Cent . Bonds , by which means tbe Illinois Company will gain 2 per cent , annually , thereby providing a Sinking Fund * sufficient tn redeem the whole of this issue in about twenty-six years . The Bonds oi" the above Railroads so purchased are to be held by the Illinois Company as security for the payment of this loan . The Illinois Company covenant to apply the whole ofthe interest received from the Southern Bonds , afrer providing for the interest on the present issue , to the Sinking Fund , thus making it accumulative . The surplus beyond the sum required for the Interest and the Sinking Fund above provided , will be applied to purchases or drawings , at the option ol the Company , the numbers of the Bonds so purchased or drawujwill be advertised , and the Bonds cancelled . Tbe arrangements with the abr-ve-r . amed Companies afford the Illinois Company direct through communication between Chicago and New Orleans , which , it is expected , will add largely to its traffic . Through trains are now running over a distance ol 1 , 650 miles . Tbe net receipts from the local traffic only of the Southern lines , according to the returns for 1 S 71 and 1872 ( before the connection was made ) showed even then more than sufficient io pay the interest on their Bonds . The Illinois Company covenants that this Issue shall be included in any future mortgage whi . h hereafter may bc created , and that such mortgage shall be made to secure no more than 15 , 000 , 000 , dols . which sum shall include all prior liens on th « mortgage property , and without preference . The following is an extract from the last published Report of the Illinois Company , for the year 1872 , showing its position : — " During this period" ( last ten years ) "dividends have regn " " larly been paid amounting , in the aggregate , to 22 , 583 , 407 * 07 " dols ., and the debt has been reduced to the amount of 8 , 390 , 500 "dols . Of the debt outstanding , 3 , 590 , 500 dols . ofthe Construction " Bonds , and 2 . 500 , 000 dols . ofthe Redemption Bonds , will become " payable April ist , 1875 . Von have set apart a Trust or Sinking " Fnnd of 3 , 761 , 500 dols which , with its interest , will nearly provide " for the Construction Bonds , leaving 2 , 500 , 000 dols . Redemption , f Bonds to be provided for . The residue of the debt will then con * " sistof 2 , 50 o , ooodols . of Bonds , payable in iSyo . * ' "The entire cost " of the property has been 34 , 061 , 15 6 * 56 dols . It iu now represented by " a Share Capital of 35 , 000 , 000 dots ., and a debt , which , after " deducting the existing Sinking Fund , leaves 5 , 629 , 000 dols ., mak" hue the aggregate 3 , 933 , 196-50 l . vs than the actual cost ofthe " whole . " JOHN ; NE \ Vl £ LL , President " March 20 th , 1873 . " Since the above report new Shares were authorised to be created , to the extent of 5 , , 000 dols . The net earnings for 1 S 73 are stated to be 2 , 530 , 891 dols . The revenue lrom other sources is stated ft 329 , 851 dols ., making the Total Income for the year 2 , 860 , 742 dols . ) jScrip Certificates to bearer will be issued against Allotment Letters , and will be exchanged for definitive Bonds as soon as possible after all payments are completed . In cases where no answer to applications is returned , it will be understood that it bas not been practicable to make an allotment . Default of payment of any instalment when due will render all previous payments liable to forfeiture . Copies of the Acts of the Legislature and other Documents may be inspected at the Office cf Messrs . Bischoll " , Bompas , and Bischoti " , Solicitors , Great Winchester Street-buildings , London , F . C Applications , which must be made on the annexed form , will be received at the Counting-house of Messrs . Morton , Rose , and Co ., on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., and the Subscription List will be closed at or before 4 p . m ., on Monday , the 16 th inst , Bartholomew-lane , icth February , ' 1874 . FORM OF APPLICATION . ILLINOIS CFNTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY . Issue of £ 1 , 000 , 000 in Five Per Cent . Sterling Sinking Fund Bonds of £ 300 each . TO MESSRS . MORTON , ROSE , & CO . GENTLEMEN , Request ' you to aM « t the sum of £ of the above Issue , in accordance with the terms of your Prospectus , dated 10 th February , 1874 , and engage to accept that or any smaller amount you may allot , and to pay the Instalments due thereon , in accordance with the terms of the Prospectus . Name in Full Residence Profession or Description Date T Usual Signature
Bro ; W . R . JONES , HAT MANUFACTURER , 7 3 , LONG ACRE , WILL SEND CARRIAGE FREE TO ANY ADDRESS , A Splendid Paris Hat for NEW ] 10 / 6 [ SHAPES A good Silk Umbrella , 126 Or tbe two together for One Guinea , on receipt of P . O . Order , payable at DIIURY LANE OFFICE .
THE GOOD TEMPLARS' PURE TEA . Specially selected cf Finest Qualities for the I . O . G . T . THIS TKA WILL BE FOUND REFRESHING , INVIGORATING , & AN EXCELLENT TONIC . " Once used , always used " For Agencies : Apply to Brother E . JOTICS , 17 , Snow--hill , Birmingham ; or to the Company ' s Offices , 59 ,,. Soutlnv .-irk-s ^ e . t , London , S . E .
" FOR THE 3 LOOD IS THE LIFE . " WORLD FAMED TRADE MARK , — " BLOOD MIXTURE . " THE GREAT BLCOD PURIFIER -VND RESTORER ,. For cleansing ami clearing the blood from all impurities , cannot be too high I v recommended . ForScroiuh , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Sores of all kinds , it is a never-failing and permanent cure . It Cures old Sores . Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck . Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs . Cures Blackheads , or Pimples 01 . the Face . Cures Scurvy Sores . Cures Cancerous Ulcers . Cures Blood and Skin Diseases . Cures Glandular Swellings . Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this mixture is pleasant to tbe taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution ol" either sex ,, the Proprietor solicits sulVerers to give it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles 2 s . jd . each , and in Cases , containing six times the quantity , ns . —sufficient to elVect a permanent cure in the great majority ol" long-standing cases , —IVY ALL CHEMISTS AND VATlltiT MEDIC ) XE VKNDORS throughout the United . Kingdom and the world , or sent to any address on receipt of 27 or 132 stamps bv F . J . CLARKE , Chemist High-street , Lincoln . Wholesale : AU Patent Medicine Houses .
tt > ^ s ' -- ~ . y > : ^ -r >< - ^ . Q > . o .. ^ -iM + M & Vlx & i ^ rn * s i ^^^ ' ^ i ^^^ r-XA m Q rn < ^^ Ml ^^^ m ^ mi L . sliailgfp-Q -J ' v ^^ wifcaua * *^ £ OOOQRVQ Ws 'iV _> 00 { o BALSAMIC GOUGH ELIXIR , Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills are too often invoked to give relief iiv Coughs , Colds , and aU Pulmonary diseases . I nstead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense ol ' enfeebhng' . the digestive organs , and thus increasing that debility which liesat the root of the malady , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author ofthe "Anti-Lancet / " says : " I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and irritation of thechest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and lean , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment fo this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the iocal irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , In ;; aen / . a , Night Sweats of Consumption , Quinsey . and all affections of tlie throatand ' chest . Sold in bottles at is . o ' d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and us . each , bv all re * spectahle Chemists , and wholesale by Jas . M . Crosby , Chemist , Scarborough . *» * I nvaiids should read Crosby's Prize Treatise on "Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can bc had Gratis of all Chemists .
QUINTJSSCENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER V : * ' and CAMOMILE . WILKINSON'S Preparation cf Ginger and Camomile has long been deservedly known as an excellent domestic medicine . It is a most efficient Stomachic Tonic , and tlie best remedy for Flatulency and disorders arising from impaired digestion , and is not atl ' ected by climate . No European in Indiaortropical climates should be without it . In one-eighth , quarter , and half-pint bottles .
SARSAPARILLA . "WILKINSON'S ESSENCE , OR FLUID * EXTRACT OF RED JAMAICA SARSAPARILLA , pre * scribed by the Faculty for PURIFYING TUB BLOOD , DEMMTY , LIVER COMPLAINTS , and freeing the system from eflects of Mercury . Exclusively used in India and the Colonies as a prevention to Tro * pical diseases . "Superior preparations that may always be relied upon . ' *—Sir Astley Cooper , " "We are in every respect satisfied with it . "—Lancet . "We recommend yours as the best . " —Medical Review . In Quarter , Half , and Pint Bottles . CAUTION . ' —Spurious and injurious preparations are offered to the public . Sec that Bottle and Label have the name and Address , "T . Wilkinson , late Wilkinson , Bridge , and Co ., No . 270 Regent-street , London . "
WHITMORE'S STOMACHIC DINNER VV PILLS . No PiU is so efficacious in promotingdigestion , strengtheningthe Stomach , correcting acidity , preventing or removing Headache , Giddiness , & c , arising from a Costive Habit , Debilitated Stomach ,. or Torpid Liver . They require no change of diet , and those of the most delicate constitution can take them with safety . Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson ' s Sarsaparilla with tha . greatest success .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Harmonic Lodge of Instruction ( 216 ) , Mona Hotel , James-street , Liverpool , at 8 . Thursday , February rq . "LotWe 203 , Ancient Union , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 .
„ 343 , Concord , Qjeen ' s Arms Hotel , Church-strecr , Preston . „ 605 , Combermere , Seacombe I Iotel , Seacombe , at 6 . „ 1299 , Pembroke , West Derby Hote ) , West Derby , at 5 .
Friday , February 20 . Lodge 1330 , Fermor-I les ' keth , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 .
MASONIC MEETINGS IN GLASGOW . For the week ending Saturday , February 3 t , 1874 . AU the Meetings take place at 8 o ' clock . Monday , February 16 . juidsre 332 , Union , 170 , Buchanan-sticet . iit . Mungo Encampment , K . T ., 213 , Buchanan-street .
Tuesday , February 17 . Lod ^ e 3-I , St . John ' s , St . John ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan-st . „ " 73 . Thistle and Rose , 170 , Buchanar .-st . „ 87 , Thistle , 213 , Buchanan-st . „ 437 , Govandale , Portland Hall , Govan .
Wednesday , February 18 . Lodge 117 , Partick St . Mary ' s , Freemasons' Hall , Partick . j . 354 , Caledonian Railway , 213 , Buchanan-st . Thursday , February iq . Lodge 27 , St . Mungo , 213 , Buchanan-street . „ 167 , Free Operative , Masons' Hall , Biggar .
„ 46 ; , St . Andrew ' s , Masons' Hall , Garngad-road .
Friday , February 20 . Ledge 31 , Sf . Mary Cotness , Scott Hall , Wishaw . „ 42 , Kilwinning , Town HaU , Greenock . „ 3 60 , Commercial , 19 , Croy-place . „ 47 r , St . John , Stone Inn , bhotts .
MASONIC MEETINGS IN EDINBURGH . For the Week ending Saturday , February 21 , 1874 . Monday , February 16 . Lodge 44 , St , Luke ' s , Freemason ' s Hall , George-st ., at 8 . Tuesday , February 17 . Lodge 36 , St . David's , Ship Hotel , £ . Register-street , at 8 . „ 405 , Rifle , Freemasons' Hall , George-street , at 8 . 30 .
Wednesday , February 18 . Lodge 160 Roman Eagle , Iona Hotel , Nicolson-strcet , at 8 . Thursday , February 19 . Lodge 48 , St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall , George-street , at 8 . Red Cross Conclave , 103 , St . Giles ' , Masonic Hall , Blackftiars-street , at 8 .
Friday , February 20 . Chapter S 3 , St . Andrew ' s , Freemasons' Hall , Georgestreet , at 8 .
iikrtismcnts .
MAY EU-XTION , 1 S 74 . T ? OYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT IN-- * -v ST 1 TUT . ON 1-OR WIDOWS OV I'RKKMASOXS . The favour of tho Votes anil Interest of the Governors ami Subfccubersto the above Institution is earnestly solicited on behalf ol ' J KM IMA S 1 MC 1 CR , Widow of the late Iiro . Walter S picer , of ths Lodge of Science , 437 , Hourton , Dorset , to which he subscribed 30 years , lie was elected to the above Institution in 1857 , where he ' died last year . Mrs . Spicer ' .. only means of support , is one half tbe Annuity ronncviy allowed licr late husband , which will be ultimately discor . iii . ued in accordance with tbe laws of tbe Institution . The case is strongly recommended by 1 ' ro . IJ . Head , V . P , P . G . D ., 12 , Karls-tcrraoe , Kensington . „ Dr . Strong , KM ., 453 , 463 , I ' . Z ., 453 , 403 l' . KG . W ., Surrey ; 64 , North-end Crovdt . n . „ Price , P . M . 463 , I' . ' / . 4 63 , P . G . Treasurer , Surrey , 114 Highstreet , Crovdon . „ Pratt , P . M ., ' 7 , -Malvern House ; Bedford Park , Croydon . ,, W . Mastcrman , P . M ., I' . Z . 410 . Wellesley-road , Croydon . Proxies will be thankfully received by Mrs . Spicer at the . Masonic Institution , Crovdon .
"Vy ANTED by a M . M ., an Engagement as Messenger , Timekeeper , or any situation of trust . Middle-aged and active . Excellent testimonials , cVc . W . C . R . Post Office , North Woolwich .
"pOR SALE , a complete set of R . A . Furniture , A Ate , almost new . Apply to the Janitor , Bowles Chapter , Royal Hotel , Ross .
JS ^ BROTHER , a skilled Accountant , seeks employment in checking , making up , or auditing books and accounts , lie is a Mark and R . A . Mason , also II . K . T . Address F . W ., 26 , Southampton-row , Holborn .
TO BE vyANTED , Hands for the Gold , Silk and Worsted Embroidery . Geo . Kenning , Little Britain . Apprentices taken .
^ yAREHOUSES LET , occupying about 6 , 000 feet , 100 yards from the General Post Office . A pply , Messrs . Debenham , Tewson , and Farmer , Cheapside .
'pO TAILORS . —Wanted , a [ Foreman Cutter for a good general trade , not above 35 years of age , of good address and ability . Apply , stating age and salary , Wm . Loye , St . Austell .
ISSUE OF JCI , OOO , Five Per Cent . Sterling Sinking Fund Donds OF THE Illinois Central tl . nko . rtr Comptij . Of £ 200 each . Payable ist April , 1903 , if not previously redeemed by the action ofthe linking Fund . Interest and Principal payable in Loudon . Interest payable rst April and ist October , in each year , at the Counting-bouse of Messrs . Morton , Rose , and Co . The first Coupon payable October r , 1874 . Redeemable in London by a Sinking Fund of at least 2 per cent , pur annum—viz . ; 1 per cent , bv Drawings at Par , and 1 per cmt . by purchases by tender in London , at not exceeding p- ' ir . The first drawing will take place in August next , and the Bonds drawn will be paid at par in London on the ist October following ; the first purchase will be in . March 1 S 75 . Trice of Issue , 84 pel Cent , or ; Ci 6 S per £ zco Bond . Payable 10 per Cent , or £ 20 per Bond on Allotment . „ 40 ,, 80 „ 1 Gth March . „ 34 ,. oS „ 15 th April . 84 per Cent , or , £ i 6 S per Bond . Rebate on anticipated Pnyment nf Instalments will be allowed at the rate af 4 per Cent , per Annum . Messrs . Morton , Rose , nnd Co ., are prepared to receive subscriptions for the above £ 1 , 000 . 000 Bomls , which are issued under the provisions of ara Act of tbe Legislature of the State of Illinois , dated February 12 th , 1855 , entitled s < An Act to enable Railroad Companies to enter into operative contracts , and to borrow money . " The loan is raised for the purchase of an equal amount of New Orleans , Jackson , and Great Northern Railroad , and Mississippi Central Railroad , Seven Per Cent . Bonds , by which means tbe Illinois Company will gain 2 per cent , annually , thereby providing a Sinking Fund * sufficient tn redeem the whole of this issue in about twenty-six years . The Bonds oi" the above Railroads so purchased are to be held by the Illinois Company as security for the payment of this loan . The Illinois Company covenant to apply the whole ofthe interest received from the Southern Bonds , afrer providing for the interest on the present issue , to the Sinking Fund , thus making it accumulative . The surplus beyond the sum required for the Interest and the Sinking Fund above provided , will be applied to purchases or drawings , at the option ol the Company , the numbers of the Bonds so purchased or drawujwill be advertised , and the Bonds cancelled . Tbe arrangements with the abr-ve-r . amed Companies afford the Illinois Company direct through communication between Chicago and New Orleans , which , it is expected , will add largely to its traffic . Through trains are now running over a distance ol 1 , 650 miles . Tbe net receipts from the local traffic only of the Southern lines , according to the returns for 1 S 71 and 1872 ( before the connection was made ) showed even then more than sufficient io pay the interest on their Bonds . The Illinois Company covenants that this Issue shall be included in any future mortgage whi . h hereafter may bc created , and that such mortgage shall be made to secure no more than 15 , 000 , 000 , dols . which sum shall include all prior liens on th « mortgage property , and without preference . The following is an extract from the last published Report of the Illinois Company , for the year 1872 , showing its position : — " During this period" ( last ten years ) "dividends have regn " " larly been paid amounting , in the aggregate , to 22 , 583 , 407 * 07 " dols ., and the debt has been reduced to the amount of 8 , 390 , 500 "dols . Of the debt outstanding , 3 , 590 , 500 dols . ofthe Construction " Bonds , and 2 . 500 , 000 dols . ofthe Redemption Bonds , will become " payable April ist , 1875 . Von have set apart a Trust or Sinking " Fnnd of 3 , 761 , 500 dols which , with its interest , will nearly provide " for the Construction Bonds , leaving 2 , 500 , 000 dols . Redemption , f Bonds to be provided for . The residue of the debt will then con * " sistof 2 , 50 o , ooodols . of Bonds , payable in iSyo . * ' "The entire cost " of the property has been 34 , 061 , 15 6 * 56 dols . It iu now represented by " a Share Capital of 35 , 000 , 000 dots ., and a debt , which , after " deducting the existing Sinking Fund , leaves 5 , 629 , 000 dols ., mak" hue the aggregate 3 , 933 , 196-50 l . vs than the actual cost ofthe " whole . " JOHN ; NE \ Vl £ LL , President " March 20 th , 1873 . " Since the above report new Shares were authorised to be created , to the extent of 5 , , 000 dols . The net earnings for 1 S 73 are stated to be 2 , 530 , 891 dols . The revenue lrom other sources is stated ft 329 , 851 dols ., making the Total Income for the year 2 , 860 , 742 dols . ) jScrip Certificates to bearer will be issued against Allotment Letters , and will be exchanged for definitive Bonds as soon as possible after all payments are completed . In cases where no answer to applications is returned , it will be understood that it bas not been practicable to make an allotment . Default of payment of any instalment when due will render all previous payments liable to forfeiture . Copies of the Acts of the Legislature and other Documents may be inspected at the Office cf Messrs . Bischoll " , Bompas , and Bischoti " , Solicitors , Great Winchester Street-buildings , London , F . C Applications , which must be made on the annexed form , will be received at the Counting-house of Messrs . Morton , Rose , and Co ., on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., and the Subscription List will be closed at or before 4 p . m ., on Monday , the 16 th inst , Bartholomew-lane , icth February , ' 1874 . FORM OF APPLICATION . ILLINOIS CFNTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY . Issue of £ 1 , 000 , 000 in Five Per Cent . Sterling Sinking Fund Bonds of £ 300 each . TO MESSRS . MORTON , ROSE , & CO . GENTLEMEN , Request ' you to aM « t the sum of £ of the above Issue , in accordance with the terms of your Prospectus , dated 10 th February , 1874 , and engage to accept that or any smaller amount you may allot , and to pay the Instalments due thereon , in accordance with the terms of the Prospectus . Name in Full Residence Profession or Description Date T Usual Signature
Bro ; W . R . JONES , HAT MANUFACTURER , 7 3 , LONG ACRE , WILL SEND CARRIAGE FREE TO ANY ADDRESS , A Splendid Paris Hat for NEW ] 10 / 6 [ SHAPES A good Silk Umbrella , 126 Or tbe two together for One Guinea , on receipt of P . O . Order , payable at DIIURY LANE OFFICE .
THE GOOD TEMPLARS' PURE TEA . Specially selected cf Finest Qualities for the I . O . G . T . THIS TKA WILL BE FOUND REFRESHING , INVIGORATING , & AN EXCELLENT TONIC . " Once used , always used " For Agencies : Apply to Brother E . JOTICS , 17 , Snow--hill , Birmingham ; or to the Company ' s Offices , 59 ,,. Soutlnv .-irk-s ^ e . t , London , S . E .
" FOR THE 3 LOOD IS THE LIFE . " WORLD FAMED TRADE MARK , — " BLOOD MIXTURE . " THE GREAT BLCOD PURIFIER -VND RESTORER ,. For cleansing ami clearing the blood from all impurities , cannot be too high I v recommended . ForScroiuh , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Sores of all kinds , it is a never-failing and permanent cure . It Cures old Sores . Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck . Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs . Cures Blackheads , or Pimples 01 . the Face . Cures Scurvy Sores . Cures Cancerous Ulcers . Cures Blood and Skin Diseases . Cures Glandular Swellings . Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this mixture is pleasant to tbe taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution ol" either sex ,, the Proprietor solicits sulVerers to give it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles 2 s . jd . each , and in Cases , containing six times the quantity , ns . —sufficient to elVect a permanent cure in the great majority ol" long-standing cases , —IVY ALL CHEMISTS AND VATlltiT MEDIC ) XE VKNDORS throughout the United . Kingdom and the world , or sent to any address on receipt of 27 or 132 stamps bv F . J . CLARKE , Chemist High-street , Lincoln . Wholesale : AU Patent Medicine Houses .
tt > ^ s ' -- ~ . y > : ^ -r >< - ^ . Q > . o .. ^ -iM + M & Vlx & i ^ rn * s i ^^^ ' ^ i ^^^ r-XA m Q rn < ^^ Ml ^^^ m ^ mi L . sliailgfp-Q -J ' v ^^ wifcaua * *^ £ OOOQRVQ Ws 'iV _> 00 { o BALSAMIC GOUGH ELIXIR , Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills are too often invoked to give relief iiv Coughs , Colds , and aU Pulmonary diseases . I nstead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense ol ' enfeebhng' . the digestive organs , and thus increasing that debility which liesat the root of the malady , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author ofthe "Anti-Lancet / " says : " I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and irritation of thechest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and lean , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment fo this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the iocal irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , In ;; aen / . a , Night Sweats of Consumption , Quinsey . and all affections of tlie throatand ' chest . Sold in bottles at is . o ' d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and us . each , bv all re * spectahle Chemists , and wholesale by Jas . M . Crosby , Chemist , Scarborough . *» * I nvaiids should read Crosby's Prize Treatise on "Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can bc had Gratis of all Chemists .
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