Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Rome and Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 2 →
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Provincial Meetings.
» r f-nlf IG . ; T . Richardson , Tyler ; J . Barr , P . M ., oPSGW . j Wm . Pagen , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W . ; Thos . iitfnwn , P-M-, P . P . G . P . ; George Dalrymple , P . A . G . q . W . Gaffney , J . Lachilson , A . Sisson , J . Woodley , W Thornburrow , arid others . "the lodo -e having been opened , the minutes were read and nfirmedr There being no other business of importance f ° („ ,. p flie ' lodrrethe W . M . invited the brethren's attention before mc b >
, '" u circular from the R . M . I . B ., and said he was much leased that Bro . Dalrymple—a member of that lodge—was Jroing to represent the province at Bro . McLeod ' s lirst Fes-Pval as a Steward , and felt sure there could only be one li ' nion amongst the members—that was to make his list as fin " " and heavy as possible , which was unanimously agreed to ° The lodge having been closed , a pleasant hour was subsequently spent in the banquet hall .
YORK . York Lodge ( No . 236 ) . —A regular meeting , oresided over by Bro . Thomas S . Brogden , the W . M ., Las held at the Masonic Hall , Duncombe-place , on the 16 th ult ., the W . M . being supported by his officers as follows : Bros . E . W . Purnell , S . W . j J . B . Sampson , I W .: A . Laughton , acting S . D . j M . Bryson , J . D . j H .
Foster , P . M ., Sec ; C . Lmley , I . G . j Archeyand Laughton , Stwds . j and J . Hall , Tyler . Also the following Past Masters : Bros . J . Todd , P . P . S . G . W ., Treas . j S . Border , PG R .: G . Kirby , P . P . G . D . C . j A . Buckle , B . A ., P . P . G . D . j C . F . M . Forbes , I . P . M . ; G . Garbutt , P . P . G . D . ; andT . G . Hodgson , P . P . G . D . The following members of the lod ° 'e were also present : Bros . A . F . King , P . S . W . ; John
Biscomb , W . Douglas Rudgard , S . G . Crummack , VV . F . Hey , C . Henderson , T . Smith , A . Jones , R . H . Oakley , and VV . N . Stimpson . The visitors included Bros . W . C . Forster , P . M . 24 ; and J . Horner , 1 G 11 . _ The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last regular lodge having been confirmed , the report of the Refurnishing Committee was submitted and discussed .
"Notes on the Early Records and Proceedings of the York Lodge ( 1777-S 7 ) , " embracing the first 10 years of its history , was next the subject of an able and exhaustive paper by Bro . Josh . Todd , P . M , Treasurer , in the course of which it was stated that nearly 114 years had elapsed since the lodge , under whose banner they were privileged to meet , was constituted in the ancient , historic , and
Masonic city of York , under the title of the " Union " Lodge . That was in the " good old days when George the Third was King , " but he ( the lecturer ) thought none of them would care to exchange the present period of progress and scientific culture for the so-called " good old days " in which our forefathers delighted . After referring to that period being interrupted by such stirring events as the
War of American Independence , the French Revolution , the Irish Rebellion , and the Peninsular War , the lecturer said that at the time the lodge was formed , England was in the _ thick of the American War , and the thought had sometimes struck him as to whether the founders of the lodge bearing that in mind , had appropriately adopted the name of the " Union " Lodge , not only in resrard to the union of
the brotherhood , but in the hope that the union of the two countries might be maintained . The States had gained their independence , and there was no country where Freemasonry had made such progress , or where the bond of Masonic brotherhood was more faithfully carried out than amongst their American brethren , whose veneration for York Masonry and for the city of York , as the mother city of
Freemasonry in this country , was something remarkable . Only recently he had been told by an American Grand Master when visiting the York Lodge that the ceremonies in his jurisdiction were worked in accordance with the old "Vork" ritual . Touching upon the meeting places of Masons at that period , which were generally at inns or coffee houses , and the apparently free and easy manner in
which the proceedings in the early days of the lodge were conducted , the lecturer said that if the founders could be present that day to see the Masonic work as now carried out m the magnificent hall in which they were assembled , they would scarcely be able to realise it as the outcome of the Union " _ Lodge of long ago . At the time ofthe formation 0 the Union Lodge , the only other Masonic organisations in Wit
were "the Grand Lodge of All England" and the Apollo " Lodge , of which lodge an admirable history had oeen recently written by Bro . VV . J . Hughan . After remarking upon the constitution of other lodges in York , the lecturer discussed some of the customs prevailing at the period under review , and entered into particulars of the py-laws and management of the lodire . intersoersed with
numerous and interesting references relating to several of its earl y members and of the great services rendered by two of them in particular , to whom a well deserved tribute was paid . 'The lecture , which occupied an hour in delivery , was listened to with marked attention , and at the close was 1 1 . " - " ¦»• " .- . * . « U , H , VIII . IUII , ttllU CH , L 11 V * l , llJOU WO . D
wiaiy applauded . A hearty vote of thanks was passed to | i ' ' \ v ' on tne moc ' ° f Bl"o . Anderson , seconded by ''? , w - - > and supported by Bro . Buckle . Bro . Todd Mutabl y acknowledged the compliment . Bro . Rymer pre-,, nir 1 t 0 , , od £ e a C 0 Py of the Masonic work recently «¦ * ' , 1 titled " Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty , " and r-inrr 1 * " r d bv the lod S - A £ ter the proposition of a Has I 1 lmtiation and of a joining member , the lodge
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
mr . f ., \ , ? l lty Chapter ( No . 3 ) . —This old chapter . ' = at freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on the Gth M K y ° 2 S those Present were Comps . W . J . Collens , S F . k Capt ' ' Williams , H . ; Birch , J . ; Radcliffe
pc ! ^ cvens , S . l \ . ; Fleming , F . Z ., Treas . ; Larcomb , p ' / f Lapt Walls , D . C . ; Cordwell , P . Z . ; McDougal , K / ' ^ ' 1 ' Pearce , P . Z . ; H . J . Lardner , Birch N-if * , . £ d- Br - Surrey ; Mapleton , Fleming , avisiMr ' others . Comp . Epstein , P . Z . 119 G , was
Th ' - readan !? ? the P revl 0 us convocation having been Strettnn c . ° " llrmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Bros . s 'anceV 7 h y ' Pratt > but from unavoidable circumnon-artn , ? y Were Prevented from attending . Apologies for P . 7 . £ dance were received from Comps . C . Greenwood ,
The rh ' a f VES ' ' ' Kinse y > Cochrane , and others , turned £ ft 1 . £ hen clo 5 ed , and the companions ad-Uno ft banc l ueL ( , ul . y honoured remOVal ° f the C' ° th the usual toasts were
Royal Arch.
"The Health of the M . E . Z . " was fluently proposed by Comp . F . McDougal , P . Z . He said that they all regretted that from circumstances of an untoward nature , the candidates were not able to attend that evening . The M . E . Z . in particular had been most anxious and ready to give the companions an exposition of his working . The old Chapter of Fidelity had had many good workers in the
past , but he ( the speaker ) felt confident that the present occupant of the First Principal ' s chair was quite equal to his predecessors in every respect . This toast having been honoured , the M . E . Z ., in response , briefly said that he certainly felt disappointed that night by the non-advent of the three brethren for exaltation . Fie was particularly fond of the Royal Arch Degree , and
he had been at some pains to perfect himself in the work . However , he trusted that on the next occasion all of the candidates would find it convenient to attend . In proposing "The Flealth of the Past Principals , " the M . E . Z . passed some very flattering remarks on the good qualities of those distinguished companions . Fie was pleased , he said , that evening with the support that they
had given him , and he particularly greeted one , namely , Comp . Weeks , who had been too long an absentee . This toast was acknowledged by Comps . Cordwell , McDougal , and Weeks . The toast of "The Treasurer , S . E ., and Officers" terminated the proceedings , which were throughout most successful .
Empire Chaptei 1 ( No . 2108 ) . —The installation meeting of this young chapter was held on Monday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Criterion , Piccadilly , when the chapter was opened by Comp . Lennox Browne and other Past Principals . Subsequently Comp . C . Moser was installed M . E . Z . ; Comp . II . Shurmur , IT . ; and Comp . Andrew MillerJ . Comp . W . Shurmur , P . Z ., P . G . P . S . Essex , was
, invested as Treasurer ; Comps . E . C Berlandina , S . E . ; G . C . Herbert , S . N . ; Frank Jameson , P . S . ; Dr . George Welldon , ist A . S . ; C . Flarrison , 2 nd A . S . j and Evenden , Janitor . There were present , among others , the following : Comps . C . W . Randolph , Grand Superintendent Sussex ; E . Monteuuis , P . D . G . D . C ; Sir J . B . Monckton , P . G . P . S . ; H . Mackintosh , P . Z . S ; Wilhelm Ganz ,
P . G . Org . ; and T . H . Gardiner , Z . S . After the investiture of officers , Bro . Walter Clifford was exalted into R . A . Masonry by the new Principals and officers . A banquet followed , and the toasts were proposed . Comp . General Randolph , in responding , said he was very happy to come and be of any service he could to the chapter , and he hoped the companions would go away from
the chapter believing that Sussex was proud and happy to come and help . Comp . Sir John Monckton proposed "The Principals , " and was pleased to find they were burning to do work . Comp . Moser hoped the remarks of Sir John Monckton would bear fruit . The Principals were anxious to do work and exalt brethren in that chapter . He was sorry that during the last 12 months , owing to no fault of the
Principals , they had had a dull year , there being no exaltees . This year he hoped it would be different , and that there would be a large accession of members of the chapter . It would be no fault of the officers of the chapter if the work was not done well . When their term of office expired he trusted the companions would have no cause to regret the present Principals' year of office . Comp . Sinauer also replied , and endorsed the words of the M . E . Z .
The M . E . Z . proposed "The Exaltee , " whom he did not know personally , but as he had been introduced by Comps . Lennox Browne and Jameson , there was no doubt he was a good and worthy companion . Comp . Walter Clifford responded , and hoped he would improve in Masonry , to do which he would follow in the footsteps of his proposer and seconder .
Comp . Sinauer proposed The P . Z . 's . Although the I . P . Z . was not present , his heart was in the work . But they were fortunate in having Comp . Lennox Browne with them , of whom it was impossible to speak too highly . The companions had to thank him for a great deal , not only in the chapter , but in the mother lodge , of which he was the life and soul . He loved doing plenty of work , and there
were few in the world who knew how to do it so well . Comp . Lennox Browne , replying , said the M . E . Z . had spoken of him very kindly and affectionately , but it was all very well to talk of love of work . He had received every encouragement , and it was his duty to work . To say he did not try to work would be affectation , but it was true he felt a pleasure in it , and he was delighted to see the chapter progress .
Comp . Gardiner replied to the toast of "The Visitors , " which was proposed by Comp . Miller . Comp . Mackintosh also replied , and praised highly the working of the chapter , and the hospitable banquet . Comp . Berlandina , S . E ., responded to the toast of "The Officers , " and was followed by Comp . Jameson , P . S ., who received just praise for the excellent way in which he performed his duties for the first time . The Janitor ' s toast closed a charming evening .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
TENBY . Five Arches Lodge ( No . 256 ) . —The annual installation meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 2 nd instant , at the Masonic Rooms , South Parade . The lodge was opened by Bro . F . E . Remfry , P . J . G . W ., W . M . The Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . Rev . J . Marsden , P . G . C , was announced and received according- to custom .
After the regular business had been finished , the retiring W . M ., Bro . F . E . Remfry , installed his successor , Bro . John Bancroft , in a most impressive manner , the charges being given by Bro . Gilbertson , P . M . Bro . Bancroft invested his officers as follows : Bros . F . E . Remfry , I . P . M . j A . T . Lewis , S . W . ; C . W . Rowland , J . W . ; H . E . J . Smith , M . O . ; Rev . D . Bowen , S . O . ; G . Freeman , J . O . ; VV .
H . Richards , P . M ., Treas . ; J . G . Lock , P . M ., R . of M . ; J . A . Jenkins , P . M ., Sec ; Col . VV . Lewes , S . D . ; C Mathias , P . M ., J . D . ; R . Lock , P . M ., D . C ; R . D . Gilbertson , P . M ., Org . ; and Pratt , Tyler . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the Cobourgh Hotel , where a capital dinner was provided . A good number of guests came to partake of it , and to congratulate the new W . M ,
Mark Masonry.
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and "The Mark Benevolent Fund" well proposed , and the appeal heartily responded to in the practical manner of a substantial sum for that fund . The toasts were interspersed with many good songs , and the brethren spent a most enjoyable evening .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . Royal Kent Chapter ( No . 8 ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held on Friday , the 27 th ult . The usual preliminary business being transacted , E . and P . Bro . Dr . Flill Drury , M . W . S . elect , was presented for installation . The ceremony was performed , in the unavoidable absence through ill-health of the S . G .
Inspector-General , Illus . Bro . Banister , by the M . W . S ., Bro . VV . F . Carmon , in a very efficient manner . The M . W . S . then appointed his officers as follows : Bros . Rev . Dr . Randell , 30 , Prelate ; M . H . Dodd , ist General ; T . J . Armstrong , 30 , 2 nd General j J . Usher , Recorder j J . J . Forster , C . M . j G . E . Macarthy , Raphael ; F . F . Schnitger , D . of C ; L . Booth , M . D ' ., 30 ° , Herald ; and J . B . Payne , C . of G . Illus . Bro . Seymour Bell , P . M . W . S .,
was invested as Treasurer . 111 . Bro . C . Fendelow , 33 ° , S . G . Inspector-General W . C . District , was then announced , and was received with full honours . The Treasurer ' s accounts were then received and adopted . On the motion of 111 . Bro . Jas . Monks , seconded by the M . VV . S ., a letter of condolence was ordered to be sent to the widow and family of the late 111 . Bro . Flenry Maddison . The M . W . S . having received the congratulations of the visitors , closed the chapter , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting
room . After dinner the usual loyal toasts having been given , the M . W . S ., Bro . Dr . Hill Drury , proposed the toast of "The Supreme Council , " to which 111 . Bro . Fendelow replied . Bro . Flill Drury , in proposing "The Health of the S . G . Inspector-General , 111 . Bro . Banister , " spoke of the indefatigable manner in which he attended to the duties of his
district , expressed his regret at his absence that evening , and assured the brethren that nothing short of his state of health would have prevented Bro . Banister being there on that occasion . '' The Health of the Visitors " was responded to by 111 . Bros . Jepps and Sheehan . 111 . Bro . T . J . Armstrong , 2 nd General , in well-chosen
terms , proposed " The Health of the M . W . S ., " and spoke of the energy and high reputation of Bro . Hill Drury . The M . VV . S . thanked the brethren for the way they had received the toast , and for the honour they had done him in electing him to so high a position in Masonry in his native town . "The Health of the Officers" and of "Bro . Carmon , I . P . M . W . S ., " brought a very pleasant evening to a close .
YORK . Hilda Chapter ( No . 23 ) . —At a meeting of this chapter , held on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , St . Saviourgate , Bro . the Rev . William Valentine , M . A ., was installed in the chair by Bro .
T . 13 . Whytehead , 30 , and appointed his officers . A vote of sympathy was passed with Bro . Banister , S . G . I . G ., who was unable to be present through illness , and with Bro . D . Grant , the M . VV . S ., who was similarly detained from duty . The brethren dined together previous to the ceremonies .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
Red Cross of Rome and Constantine .
Premier Conclave—This old and distinguished conclave met at Mark Masons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on the 2 nd instant . Among those present were Sir Knights IT . C Heard , M . P . S . j Nelson Prower , M . A ., V . E . j C . Keyser , S . G . ; T . Cubitt , P . G . G ., P . M . P . S ., Treas . j John Mason , P . G . C , Recorder ; H . H . Shirley , M . A ., P . M . P . S . ; Dr . Mickley , P . M . P . S . ;
Capt . T . C Walls , G . J . G ., P . M . P . S . ; Robinson , Scurrah , and others . Sir Knight F . W . Driver , M . A ., was a visitor . The minutes of the previous conclave having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Bro . F . E . Remfry , VV . M . 1529 , but from unavoidable circumstances he was unable to attend to be installed as a member of the Order . Sir Knights N . Prower , V . E ., was unanimously
elected M . P . S . ; C . Keyser , V . E . ; T . Cubitt , Treasurer , and Reinardt , O . S . A vote of thanks and a Past Sovereign ' s jewel were unanimously voted to Sir Knight H . C . Fleard , who duly acknowledged the compliment . Apologies for non-attendance were received from Sir Knights VV . Lake , P . M . P . S . ; H . J . Lardner , P . M . P . S . ; Purrot , J . G . ; Pakes , and others . The conclave was then closed .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution held their regular monthly meeting at Freemasons' Flail , on Wednesday , under the presidency of Bro . Jabez Hogg , P . G . D ., among those present being Bros . C . H . Webb , S . C . Haslip , A . Mullord , W . Belchamber , C . J . Perceval , G .
E . Fairchild , J . Newton , R . Griggs , G . Everett , Chas E . Keyser , Louis Stein , James P . Fitzgerald , William Fisher , Thomas G . Bullen , P . G . Std . Br . ; W . Smith , T . B . Daniell , F . Mead , P . G . S . B . ; H . J . Strong , M . D ., Charles Kempton , John Barnett , jun ., VV . H . Hubbert , W . Making , Hugh Cotter , C . F . Hogard , P . G . Std . Br . ; and James Terry , P . G . S . B . ( Secretary ) .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and verified , the SECRETARY reported the deaths of one male and one widow annuitant , and the Warden ' s report for the past month was read . The receipt of a further ^" iooo , being the balance of the Wilson legacy , was also reported . The SECRETARY announced that the Annual Festival
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Meetings.
» r f-nlf IG . ; T . Richardson , Tyler ; J . Barr , P . M ., oPSGW . j Wm . Pagen , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W . ; Thos . iitfnwn , P-M-, P . P . G . P . ; George Dalrymple , P . A . G . q . W . Gaffney , J . Lachilson , A . Sisson , J . Woodley , W Thornburrow , arid others . "the lodo -e having been opened , the minutes were read and nfirmedr There being no other business of importance f ° („ ,. p flie ' lodrrethe W . M . invited the brethren's attention before mc b >
, '" u circular from the R . M . I . B ., and said he was much leased that Bro . Dalrymple—a member of that lodge—was Jroing to represent the province at Bro . McLeod ' s lirst Fes-Pval as a Steward , and felt sure there could only be one li ' nion amongst the members—that was to make his list as fin " " and heavy as possible , which was unanimously agreed to ° The lodge having been closed , a pleasant hour was subsequently spent in the banquet hall .
YORK . York Lodge ( No . 236 ) . —A regular meeting , oresided over by Bro . Thomas S . Brogden , the W . M ., Las held at the Masonic Hall , Duncombe-place , on the 16 th ult ., the W . M . being supported by his officers as follows : Bros . E . W . Purnell , S . W . j J . B . Sampson , I W .: A . Laughton , acting S . D . j M . Bryson , J . D . j H .
Foster , P . M ., Sec ; C . Lmley , I . G . j Archeyand Laughton , Stwds . j and J . Hall , Tyler . Also the following Past Masters : Bros . J . Todd , P . P . S . G . W ., Treas . j S . Border , PG R .: G . Kirby , P . P . G . D . C . j A . Buckle , B . A ., P . P . G . D . j C . F . M . Forbes , I . P . M . ; G . Garbutt , P . P . G . D . ; andT . G . Hodgson , P . P . G . D . The following members of the lod ° 'e were also present : Bros . A . F . King , P . S . W . ; John
Biscomb , W . Douglas Rudgard , S . G . Crummack , VV . F . Hey , C . Henderson , T . Smith , A . Jones , R . H . Oakley , and VV . N . Stimpson . The visitors included Bros . W . C . Forster , P . M . 24 ; and J . Horner , 1 G 11 . _ The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last regular lodge having been confirmed , the report of the Refurnishing Committee was submitted and discussed .
"Notes on the Early Records and Proceedings of the York Lodge ( 1777-S 7 ) , " embracing the first 10 years of its history , was next the subject of an able and exhaustive paper by Bro . Josh . Todd , P . M , Treasurer , in the course of which it was stated that nearly 114 years had elapsed since the lodge , under whose banner they were privileged to meet , was constituted in the ancient , historic , and
Masonic city of York , under the title of the " Union " Lodge . That was in the " good old days when George the Third was King , " but he ( the lecturer ) thought none of them would care to exchange the present period of progress and scientific culture for the so-called " good old days " in which our forefathers delighted . After referring to that period being interrupted by such stirring events as the
War of American Independence , the French Revolution , the Irish Rebellion , and the Peninsular War , the lecturer said that at the time the lodge was formed , England was in the _ thick of the American War , and the thought had sometimes struck him as to whether the founders of the lodge bearing that in mind , had appropriately adopted the name of the " Union " Lodge , not only in resrard to the union of
the brotherhood , but in the hope that the union of the two countries might be maintained . The States had gained their independence , and there was no country where Freemasonry had made such progress , or where the bond of Masonic brotherhood was more faithfully carried out than amongst their American brethren , whose veneration for York Masonry and for the city of York , as the mother city of
Freemasonry in this country , was something remarkable . Only recently he had been told by an American Grand Master when visiting the York Lodge that the ceremonies in his jurisdiction were worked in accordance with the old "Vork" ritual . Touching upon the meeting places of Masons at that period , which were generally at inns or coffee houses , and the apparently free and easy manner in
which the proceedings in the early days of the lodge were conducted , the lecturer said that if the founders could be present that day to see the Masonic work as now carried out m the magnificent hall in which they were assembled , they would scarcely be able to realise it as the outcome of the Union " _ Lodge of long ago . At the time ofthe formation 0 the Union Lodge , the only other Masonic organisations in Wit
were "the Grand Lodge of All England" and the Apollo " Lodge , of which lodge an admirable history had oeen recently written by Bro . VV . J . Hughan . After remarking upon the constitution of other lodges in York , the lecturer discussed some of the customs prevailing at the period under review , and entered into particulars of the py-laws and management of the lodire . intersoersed with
numerous and interesting references relating to several of its earl y members and of the great services rendered by two of them in particular , to whom a well deserved tribute was paid . 'The lecture , which occupied an hour in delivery , was listened to with marked attention , and at the close was 1 1 . " - " ¦»• " .- . * . « U , H , VIII . IUII , ttllU CH , L 11 V * l , llJOU WO . D
wiaiy applauded . A hearty vote of thanks was passed to | i ' ' \ v ' on tne moc ' ° f Bl"o . Anderson , seconded by ''? , w - - > and supported by Bro . Buckle . Bro . Todd Mutabl y acknowledged the compliment . Bro . Rymer pre-,, nir 1 t 0 , , od £ e a C 0 Py of the Masonic work recently «¦ * ' , 1 titled " Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty , " and r-inrr 1 * " r d bv the lod S - A £ ter the proposition of a Has I 1 lmtiation and of a joining member , the lodge
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
mr . f ., \ , ? l lty Chapter ( No . 3 ) . —This old chapter . ' = at freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on the Gth M K y ° 2 S those Present were Comps . W . J . Collens , S F . k Capt ' ' Williams , H . ; Birch , J . ; Radcliffe
pc ! ^ cvens , S . l \ . ; Fleming , F . Z ., Treas . ; Larcomb , p ' / f Lapt Walls , D . C . ; Cordwell , P . Z . ; McDougal , K / ' ^ ' 1 ' Pearce , P . Z . ; H . J . Lardner , Birch N-if * , . £ d- Br - Surrey ; Mapleton , Fleming , avisiMr ' others . Comp . Epstein , P . Z . 119 G , was
Th ' - readan !? ? the P revl 0 us convocation having been Strettnn c . ° " llrmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Bros . s 'anceV 7 h y ' Pratt > but from unavoidable circumnon-artn , ? y Were Prevented from attending . Apologies for P . 7 . £ dance were received from Comps . C . Greenwood ,
The rh ' a f VES ' ' ' Kinse y > Cochrane , and others , turned £ ft 1 . £ hen clo 5 ed , and the companions ad-Uno ft banc l ueL ( , ul . y honoured remOVal ° f the C' ° th the usual toasts were
Royal Arch.
"The Health of the M . E . Z . " was fluently proposed by Comp . F . McDougal , P . Z . He said that they all regretted that from circumstances of an untoward nature , the candidates were not able to attend that evening . The M . E . Z . in particular had been most anxious and ready to give the companions an exposition of his working . The old Chapter of Fidelity had had many good workers in the
past , but he ( the speaker ) felt confident that the present occupant of the First Principal ' s chair was quite equal to his predecessors in every respect . This toast having been honoured , the M . E . Z ., in response , briefly said that he certainly felt disappointed that night by the non-advent of the three brethren for exaltation . Fie was particularly fond of the Royal Arch Degree , and
he had been at some pains to perfect himself in the work . However , he trusted that on the next occasion all of the candidates would find it convenient to attend . In proposing "The Flealth of the Past Principals , " the M . E . Z . passed some very flattering remarks on the good qualities of those distinguished companions . Fie was pleased , he said , that evening with the support that they
had given him , and he particularly greeted one , namely , Comp . Weeks , who had been too long an absentee . This toast was acknowledged by Comps . Cordwell , McDougal , and Weeks . The toast of "The Treasurer , S . E ., and Officers" terminated the proceedings , which were throughout most successful .
Empire Chaptei 1 ( No . 2108 ) . —The installation meeting of this young chapter was held on Monday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Criterion , Piccadilly , when the chapter was opened by Comp . Lennox Browne and other Past Principals . Subsequently Comp . C . Moser was installed M . E . Z . ; Comp . II . Shurmur , IT . ; and Comp . Andrew MillerJ . Comp . W . Shurmur , P . Z ., P . G . P . S . Essex , was
, invested as Treasurer ; Comps . E . C Berlandina , S . E . ; G . C . Herbert , S . N . ; Frank Jameson , P . S . ; Dr . George Welldon , ist A . S . ; C . Flarrison , 2 nd A . S . j and Evenden , Janitor . There were present , among others , the following : Comps . C . W . Randolph , Grand Superintendent Sussex ; E . Monteuuis , P . D . G . D . C ; Sir J . B . Monckton , P . G . P . S . ; H . Mackintosh , P . Z . S ; Wilhelm Ganz ,
P . G . Org . ; and T . H . Gardiner , Z . S . After the investiture of officers , Bro . Walter Clifford was exalted into R . A . Masonry by the new Principals and officers . A banquet followed , and the toasts were proposed . Comp . General Randolph , in responding , said he was very happy to come and be of any service he could to the chapter , and he hoped the companions would go away from
the chapter believing that Sussex was proud and happy to come and help . Comp . Sir John Monckton proposed "The Principals , " and was pleased to find they were burning to do work . Comp . Moser hoped the remarks of Sir John Monckton would bear fruit . The Principals were anxious to do work and exalt brethren in that chapter . He was sorry that during the last 12 months , owing to no fault of the
Principals , they had had a dull year , there being no exaltees . This year he hoped it would be different , and that there would be a large accession of members of the chapter . It would be no fault of the officers of the chapter if the work was not done well . When their term of office expired he trusted the companions would have no cause to regret the present Principals' year of office . Comp . Sinauer also replied , and endorsed the words of the M . E . Z .
The M . E . Z . proposed "The Exaltee , " whom he did not know personally , but as he had been introduced by Comps . Lennox Browne and Jameson , there was no doubt he was a good and worthy companion . Comp . Walter Clifford responded , and hoped he would improve in Masonry , to do which he would follow in the footsteps of his proposer and seconder .
Comp . Sinauer proposed The P . Z . 's . Although the I . P . Z . was not present , his heart was in the work . But they were fortunate in having Comp . Lennox Browne with them , of whom it was impossible to speak too highly . The companions had to thank him for a great deal , not only in the chapter , but in the mother lodge , of which he was the life and soul . He loved doing plenty of work , and there
were few in the world who knew how to do it so well . Comp . Lennox Browne , replying , said the M . E . Z . had spoken of him very kindly and affectionately , but it was all very well to talk of love of work . He had received every encouragement , and it was his duty to work . To say he did not try to work would be affectation , but it was true he felt a pleasure in it , and he was delighted to see the chapter progress .
Comp . Gardiner replied to the toast of "The Visitors , " which was proposed by Comp . Miller . Comp . Mackintosh also replied , and praised highly the working of the chapter , and the hospitable banquet . Comp . Berlandina , S . E ., responded to the toast of "The Officers , " and was followed by Comp . Jameson , P . S ., who received just praise for the excellent way in which he performed his duties for the first time . The Janitor ' s toast closed a charming evening .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
TENBY . Five Arches Lodge ( No . 256 ) . —The annual installation meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 2 nd instant , at the Masonic Rooms , South Parade . The lodge was opened by Bro . F . E . Remfry , P . J . G . W ., W . M . The Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . Rev . J . Marsden , P . G . C , was announced and received according- to custom .
After the regular business had been finished , the retiring W . M ., Bro . F . E . Remfry , installed his successor , Bro . John Bancroft , in a most impressive manner , the charges being given by Bro . Gilbertson , P . M . Bro . Bancroft invested his officers as follows : Bros . F . E . Remfry , I . P . M . j A . T . Lewis , S . W . ; C . W . Rowland , J . W . ; H . E . J . Smith , M . O . ; Rev . D . Bowen , S . O . ; G . Freeman , J . O . ; VV .
H . Richards , P . M ., Treas . ; J . G . Lock , P . M ., R . of M . ; J . A . Jenkins , P . M ., Sec ; Col . VV . Lewes , S . D . ; C Mathias , P . M ., J . D . ; R . Lock , P . M ., D . C ; R . D . Gilbertson , P . M ., Org . ; and Pratt , Tyler . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the Cobourgh Hotel , where a capital dinner was provided . A good number of guests came to partake of it , and to congratulate the new W . M ,
Mark Masonry.
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and "The Mark Benevolent Fund" well proposed , and the appeal heartily responded to in the practical manner of a substantial sum for that fund . The toasts were interspersed with many good songs , and the brethren spent a most enjoyable evening .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . Royal Kent Chapter ( No . 8 ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held on Friday , the 27 th ult . The usual preliminary business being transacted , E . and P . Bro . Dr . Flill Drury , M . W . S . elect , was presented for installation . The ceremony was performed , in the unavoidable absence through ill-health of the S . G .
Inspector-General , Illus . Bro . Banister , by the M . W . S ., Bro . VV . F . Carmon , in a very efficient manner . The M . W . S . then appointed his officers as follows : Bros . Rev . Dr . Randell , 30 , Prelate ; M . H . Dodd , ist General ; T . J . Armstrong , 30 , 2 nd General j J . Usher , Recorder j J . J . Forster , C . M . j G . E . Macarthy , Raphael ; F . F . Schnitger , D . of C ; L . Booth , M . D ' ., 30 ° , Herald ; and J . B . Payne , C . of G . Illus . Bro . Seymour Bell , P . M . W . S .,
was invested as Treasurer . 111 . Bro . C . Fendelow , 33 ° , S . G . Inspector-General W . C . District , was then announced , and was received with full honours . The Treasurer ' s accounts were then received and adopted . On the motion of 111 . Bro . Jas . Monks , seconded by the M . VV . S ., a letter of condolence was ordered to be sent to the widow and family of the late 111 . Bro . Flenry Maddison . The M . W . S . having received the congratulations of the visitors , closed the chapter , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting
room . After dinner the usual loyal toasts having been given , the M . W . S ., Bro . Dr . Hill Drury , proposed the toast of "The Supreme Council , " to which 111 . Bro . Fendelow replied . Bro . Flill Drury , in proposing "The Health of the S . G . Inspector-General , 111 . Bro . Banister , " spoke of the indefatigable manner in which he attended to the duties of his
district , expressed his regret at his absence that evening , and assured the brethren that nothing short of his state of health would have prevented Bro . Banister being there on that occasion . '' The Health of the Visitors " was responded to by 111 . Bros . Jepps and Sheehan . 111 . Bro . T . J . Armstrong , 2 nd General , in well-chosen
terms , proposed " The Health of the M . W . S ., " and spoke of the energy and high reputation of Bro . Hill Drury . The M . VV . S . thanked the brethren for the way they had received the toast , and for the honour they had done him in electing him to so high a position in Masonry in his native town . "The Health of the Officers" and of "Bro . Carmon , I . P . M . W . S ., " brought a very pleasant evening to a close .
YORK . Hilda Chapter ( No . 23 ) . —At a meeting of this chapter , held on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , St . Saviourgate , Bro . the Rev . William Valentine , M . A ., was installed in the chair by Bro .
T . 13 . Whytehead , 30 , and appointed his officers . A vote of sympathy was passed with Bro . Banister , S . G . I . G ., who was unable to be present through illness , and with Bro . D . Grant , the M . VV . S ., who was similarly detained from duty . The brethren dined together previous to the ceremonies .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
Red Cross of Rome and Constantine .
Premier Conclave—This old and distinguished conclave met at Mark Masons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on the 2 nd instant . Among those present were Sir Knights IT . C Heard , M . P . S . j Nelson Prower , M . A ., V . E . j C . Keyser , S . G . ; T . Cubitt , P . G . G ., P . M . P . S ., Treas . j John Mason , P . G . C , Recorder ; H . H . Shirley , M . A ., P . M . P . S . ; Dr . Mickley , P . M . P . S . ;
Capt . T . C Walls , G . J . G ., P . M . P . S . ; Robinson , Scurrah , and others . Sir Knight F . W . Driver , M . A ., was a visitor . The minutes of the previous conclave having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Bro . F . E . Remfry , VV . M . 1529 , but from unavoidable circumstances he was unable to attend to be installed as a member of the Order . Sir Knights N . Prower , V . E ., was unanimously
elected M . P . S . ; C . Keyser , V . E . ; T . Cubitt , Treasurer , and Reinardt , O . S . A vote of thanks and a Past Sovereign ' s jewel were unanimously voted to Sir Knight H . C . Fleard , who duly acknowledged the compliment . Apologies for non-attendance were received from Sir Knights VV . Lake , P . M . P . S . ; H . J . Lardner , P . M . P . S . ; Purrot , J . G . ; Pakes , and others . The conclave was then closed .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution held their regular monthly meeting at Freemasons' Flail , on Wednesday , under the presidency of Bro . Jabez Hogg , P . G . D ., among those present being Bros . C . H . Webb , S . C . Haslip , A . Mullord , W . Belchamber , C . J . Perceval , G .
E . Fairchild , J . Newton , R . Griggs , G . Everett , Chas E . Keyser , Louis Stein , James P . Fitzgerald , William Fisher , Thomas G . Bullen , P . G . Std . Br . ; W . Smith , T . B . Daniell , F . Mead , P . G . S . B . ; H . J . Strong , M . D ., Charles Kempton , John Barnett , jun ., VV . H . Hubbert , W . Making , Hugh Cotter , C . F . Hogard , P . G . Std . Br . ; and James Terry , P . G . S . B . ( Secretary ) .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and verified , the SECRETARY reported the deaths of one male and one widow annuitant , and the Warden ' s report for the past month was read . The receipt of a further ^" iooo , being the balance of the Wilson legacy , was also reported . The SECRETARY announced that the Annual Festival