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Prov. Grand Lodge Of South Wales
Talbot with regard to the Noble Earl , he said that the pleasure of doing so , however , was enhanced greatly by having an opportunity of witnessing the hearty reception which his dear friend ( Bro . Talbot ) had received that day , from brethreu who had assembled from this , and the neighbouring
province to do him honor . This gathering , delightful though it was , made his mind revert to the days when Bro Talbot and himself were fellow collegians at Christ church , and members of the Churchill Lodge , since that timo tbey had been bound by ties of the closest friendship and brotherly regard , and
he had determined that nothing should prevent him from being present that day , to witness the gathering of the province , who paid fealty to bis distinguished friend . The Very Worshipful brother explained that he was not a sailor , in fact the sight of water of large quantities gave him singular qualms , however
as he resided in Devonshire there was no help for it , but to screw up his courage , which he did manfully , and was fortunate enough to cross the " briny deep , " between Burnham and Cardiff , without experiencing the slightest sea sickness , or being overtaken by a gale or shipwreck , as he bad quite anticipated .
Bro . AIORRIS , Dep . P . G . A 1 . then proposed "The health of the R . W . P . G . A 1 . " which it is needless to say was received with great enthusiasm . Bro . TALBOT made a suitable response , and proposed "The health of the Deputy Provincial Graud Master , Bro . Alorris . " Bro . AIURRAY , District Grand Alaster of China ,
in the course of Ins response , expressed himself highly gratified at the gathering which he had witnessed , and the reception which the " Cambrian Lodge " had given to their esteemed Grand Alaster . "The health of the visiting brethren from the •western division r-f South Wales" was then
proposed , and responded to by Bro . SMITH , Prov . Grand Secy . Then followed , " The visiting brethren from the Province of Alonmouth , " which was responded to by Bro . HOMFRAY , Prov . J . W . "The health of the Prov . Grand Officers , " was responded to by Bro . BELL , Prov . S . W ., and Bro .
BROCK , Prov . J . W ., then followed , "The Alasonic Charities , " responded to by Bro . BINCKES , in a speech of considerable length , characterised by the usual fervour of his well-known eloquence . "The health of the Cambrian Lodge " was next proposed by Bro . Talbot ; and Bro . ROWLAND responded in suitable terms .
A number of other speeches followed , and the meeting , which was of a most satisfactory character , terminated at an early hour . The speeches were interspersed with vocal and instrumental music , which was ably conducted by Bro . Aliddletou , Prov . G . Organist .
Several reviews and other interesting articles stand over till next week . —ED . F . ROYAL COMPLIMENT TO Bito . J . L . TOOLE A gratifying circumstance , showing the high respect in which the theatrical profession is held by Royalty , took place in connection with the recent Dramatic
College Fete . After the dramatic entertainment had been given in the l . irge theatre of the Crystal Palace , a special einninunicatioii was sent to Air . " j . L . Toole , stating that their Koyal Highnesses would be gild to receive that popular comedian at Itockhills . In the most courteous manner the Prince and Princess of
Wales then requested Air . Toole to oblige them with so ' me songs and imitations given on the occasion of their visit to the theatre some three years since . It is sijid that Bro . Toole was deeply impressed with his gracious reception , the applause he elicited , and the high appreciation of his profession thus evinced by the Royal party .
( MKKTI . NHS OP LODGES , & C—Alacdonald Lodge , No . 1210 , meets at Head-quarters ofthe First Surrey Rifles , Brunswick-road , Camberwell , on the Second Wednesday in every month throughout the year ( not on the Fir > t Wednesday , as hitherto ) , at G p . m . — Macdonald Alark Masters' Lodge , No . 101 , meets
at Head-quarters of the First Surrey Rifles , Brunswick-road , Camberwell , on the Second Saturday in the months of August , October , December , February , April and June , at 5 p . m . —Macdonald Lodge of Improvement , No . 1210 , meets every Wednesday evening from September to . May ( except on the
occasions of the Mother Lodge Meetings ) , at the lodge rooms , at 7-30 p . m . BREAKFAST . —Em ' s COCOA . —Grateful and Comforting . The wry agreeable character of this preparation lias rendered it a general favourite . The Civil Service Gaattc remarks-. — ' •The singular sneecis which Mr . Kpps
attained hy his homoeopathic preparation of cocoa has never been surpassed hy any experimentalist . By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern " the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of tlie fmepropeitus of well-selected cocoa , Mr . Kpps has provided
our hrcal . fast tallies with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctor's hills , '' Made simply with boiling water or milk . Sold by the Trade only in \ lb ., { lb , and I 11 ) . tin-lined packets , labelled—J AMICS Eri's & . Co ., Hoinccopiitliic Chemists , London . —Aim .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending August 21 , 1869 . Monday , August 16 . Lodge No . 720 , « ' Panmure , " Balham Hotel , Balham .
Tuesday , August 17 . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Ho . ll , at 3 . Lodge So . 435 , "Salisbury , " 71 , Dean-street , Soho . Chapter 186 , " Industry , " Freemasons' Hall . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Alder
manbury at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatio Lodge of Instruction , Palmerston Tavern , Grosvcnorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Metropolitan Railway , Victoria Station , at 8 .
Wednesday , August 18 . General Committe of Grand Lodge , and Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 precisely . Lodge No . 619 , " Beadon , " Greyhound Tavern , Dulwich . „ 1150 , "Buckingham & Chandos , ' 'Frecmasons'Hall United Strength Lodge of Instruction , No . 228 , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town-road .
Thursday , fAugust 19 . House Committee , Girls' School , at i . Lodge No . 733 , " Westbourne , " Lords' Htl ., St . JohnWood „ 917 , " Cosmopolitan , " Terminus Htl ., Cannon-st Eed X Preceptory , "Plaiitagenet , " Lyceum Tav ., Strand , at 7
Friday , August 20 . House Committee of Boys' School . Lodge No . 813 , " New Concord , ' ' Rosemary Branch Tavcm , Hoxton . Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons '
Hall , at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor , Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross . Saturday , August 21 . Lodge No . 1185 , " Lewis / ' Nightingale Tav ., Wood Green .
% \ jb £ xtx $ mtixt & . GEORGE KENNING , 3 and 4 , Little Britain , London , E . C . MASONIC DEPOTqiHE LARGEST STOCK in the WORLD Jewels , Clothing , Furniture , Banners , Books , & Requisites For all Degrees in Freemasonry . Price Lists on application . GEORGE KENNING , 3 and 4 , Little Britain , London , E . C .
A GENTLEMAN , a Freemason , who can give first-class references , KEQUIIiES the LOAN of £ 350 to enable him to retain and carry on successfully a business upon which he lias expended a considerable amount of labour and capital—J . L ., care of Mr . W . J . Clarke , jun ., i , Corbet Court , Gr . icechureli-strcet , London .
OO NS IT MPTIO N " is C IT R A BL E . — To CONSUMPTIVES . —A Clergyman , whose son bas been miraculously cured of deep consumption , desires in gratitude , and for the benefit of the alllictcd , to send full particulars of the remedies used in his son ' s case , so that all may participate iu this providential discovery . S'int to any address free of charge . —Address the Secretary , 48 , George street , Portman-souare , London ,
EDUCATION . —CROOM'S-HILL SCHOOL , Blackheath , near London , PRINCIPAL , Rev . T . GOODWIN , M . A ., D . C . L ., LL . D . Parents in searcli of a School combining the conscientious care of a home and the thorough efficiency of education iu its several departments , are requested to apply for a Prospectus to the Principal , who is ready to submit to applicants all information concerning the School , the testimony of parents in its favour , and an account of the uniformly distingnished position its pupils have achieved in commercial pursuits , in the Civil Service , the Medical , the Army and Navy , and the University Examinations .
THE EUROPEAN MAIL . A Summary of Universal Intelligence and Exact Commercial Statistics from Mail to Mail , specially prepared for tho Colonies and Trans-Oceanic World generally . THE EUROPEAN MAIL is THB LEADING TITLE OP EIGHT TOTALLY DISTINCT NEWSPAPERS , A 3 FOLLOWs : ¦ gy § ' M § « . 29 5 Destination . g » j I •M og g , ° § Sff 6 fi 3 5 o •g p cs ap . 24 A . EuropeanMail for tho West Indies , 2 nd & 17 thof i 0 s Central America , Chili , Peru , & c . the month IA . B . European Mail for South Africa , St . IQQ ^ & 34 ^ 40 s , Helena , Ascension . & o 52 C . European Mail for North America , 1 ie ., the United States , Canadian EverySat- s 2 g _ Dominion , British America , Cuba , nrday Mexico , xc 3 G D . European Mail for the Brazils and ath , 13 th , * . Uiver Plato , Azores , & c -8 th 27 th August 180 !) , * every fortnight 30 E . European Mail tor Cliina , Japan , aftnr . by En-Ceylon , Penang , Singapore , Siam , t- 'l sli . Mail ; n Sumatra , Java , Borneo , anil the and on Sept 53 s . Philippines 2 nd , 18 ( 19 , ft every fourth Thursday bv French Mail . „ ( sept . Srd ' 69 , ,,, „ . 52 F . /? i'ro /! c « n . V . « . 'for India , Burmah , 1 and every JJ 3 - Egypt . & C . j succeeding t Friday . 13 G . European Mail for Australia atwl Every <_ , U \ , ~ NewZonland Friday . 21 K . European Mail for tho Went Coast 3 rd . V 23 rd of „ I of Africa , Madeira . Toneriffo , & o tho month . * Or with Manifest Supplement , 05 s . N . B . —All Subscriptions payablo in advanco . EACH Paper contains every item of intelligence , from JIail to Mail , specially atTecting the country or colony for which it is published , with an exhaustive summary of home and continental polities , science , art , and social news , and a retrospect of commercial transactions in Great Britain and on the Continent . Manufacturers and Merchants may command the greatest markets of tbe world for their products through the mediums of publicity afforded hy the EUKOPEAN MAIL . A demand may be created where none exists at present , or an existing demand may be sustained and increased against the most energetic competition . The EUROPEAN MAIL gives such perfect mercantile information that it is the highest commercial authority in the vast and prosperous territories through which it circulates . It is therefore an imperative necessity to the merchant who orders goods in bulk , and to the wholesale and retail distributor ; it is also the most complete newspaper despatched from England , and is eagerly sought by all classes ; it thus , unlike merely commercial newspapers , reaches and leavens the great communities who are the actual consumers of all products , and who must he acted upon by advertisement to require a special article before the merchant will venture to order a consignment . Scale of Charges for ADVERTISEMENTS each insertion per Paper a * folio as : — Fon PiPuas C , 1 \ & G OXLV . FoB . l' -triM A , B , D , E , & K OICLT £ s . d . £ s . d > Ono Pago 7 10 0 One Pago 5 0 0 Two-thirds of a Pago 5 9 0 Two . thirds of a Pago 3 13 O Half-I'ago 12 0 H . df-Pago 2 16 0 OiiH . thinl of a Pago 3 0 0 One third of a Pago ... 2 0 0 Q . ianev-Pag « 2 8 0 Quarter-Pago 1 12 0 Eighth of a Pago ... 1 7 0 Eighth of a Pago ... 0 18 0 Below an Eiyhth of a Pane . / Mow aa Eightli etf a Page . Per inch . Per inch . Across the Pace ... 0 18 9 Across the Pace ... 0 12 6 Two-thirds across tho Two-thirds across tlio Page O 12 9 Pago 0 8 0 Half across tho Pago 0 0 9 Half across thi Pago 0 0 6 One-third across tho Uuo-third acioss tho Pago 0 0 9 Page 0 i « Pago next matter , Hate aid a Half . Outsido pages , Double Hate . * * The above Scale of Charges is subject to a Discount of 10 percent , for Advertisements appearing in the consecutive issues of a paper for U months ; of IS per cent , for C months ; and L'O percent , for 12 months . When an Advertisement is ordered for insertion simultaneously in all tiie Papers , the lowest rate above is charged nil through . Post Office Orders to be made payable at the Cannon-street Post Office , London . Remittances payable to William Vaughan . Tho EUKOPEAN MAIL may be ordered through the Local Agent , direct from the London Oflico , or through any Finn having representatives in England . In the last case , the usual system is to order the ICUKOPEAX MAIL to be forwarded until conntermandedj the representative of tho Firm in England being directed , under similar conditions , to make payment annually .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prov. Grand Lodge Of South Wales
Talbot with regard to the Noble Earl , he said that the pleasure of doing so , however , was enhanced greatly by having an opportunity of witnessing the hearty reception which his dear friend ( Bro . Talbot ) had received that day , from brethreu who had assembled from this , and the neighbouring
province to do him honor . This gathering , delightful though it was , made his mind revert to the days when Bro Talbot and himself were fellow collegians at Christ church , and members of the Churchill Lodge , since that timo tbey had been bound by ties of the closest friendship and brotherly regard , and
he had determined that nothing should prevent him from being present that day , to witness the gathering of the province , who paid fealty to bis distinguished friend . The Very Worshipful brother explained that he was not a sailor , in fact the sight of water of large quantities gave him singular qualms , however
as he resided in Devonshire there was no help for it , but to screw up his courage , which he did manfully , and was fortunate enough to cross the " briny deep , " between Burnham and Cardiff , without experiencing the slightest sea sickness , or being overtaken by a gale or shipwreck , as he bad quite anticipated .
Bro . AIORRIS , Dep . P . G . A 1 . then proposed "The health of the R . W . P . G . A 1 . " which it is needless to say was received with great enthusiasm . Bro . TALBOT made a suitable response , and proposed "The health of the Deputy Provincial Graud Master , Bro . Alorris . " Bro . AIURRAY , District Grand Alaster of China ,
in the course of Ins response , expressed himself highly gratified at the gathering which he had witnessed , and the reception which the " Cambrian Lodge " had given to their esteemed Grand Alaster . "The health of the visiting brethren from the •western division r-f South Wales" was then
proposed , and responded to by Bro . SMITH , Prov . Grand Secy . Then followed , " The visiting brethren from the Province of Alonmouth , " which was responded to by Bro . HOMFRAY , Prov . J . W . "The health of the Prov . Grand Officers , " was responded to by Bro . BELL , Prov . S . W ., and Bro .
BROCK , Prov . J . W ., then followed , "The Alasonic Charities , " responded to by Bro . BINCKES , in a speech of considerable length , characterised by the usual fervour of his well-known eloquence . "The health of the Cambrian Lodge " was next proposed by Bro . Talbot ; and Bro . ROWLAND responded in suitable terms .
A number of other speeches followed , and the meeting , which was of a most satisfactory character , terminated at an early hour . The speeches were interspersed with vocal and instrumental music , which was ably conducted by Bro . Aliddletou , Prov . G . Organist .
Several reviews and other interesting articles stand over till next week . —ED . F . ROYAL COMPLIMENT TO Bito . J . L . TOOLE A gratifying circumstance , showing the high respect in which the theatrical profession is held by Royalty , took place in connection with the recent Dramatic
College Fete . After the dramatic entertainment had been given in the l . irge theatre of the Crystal Palace , a special einninunicatioii was sent to Air . " j . L . Toole , stating that their Koyal Highnesses would be gild to receive that popular comedian at Itockhills . In the most courteous manner the Prince and Princess of
Wales then requested Air . Toole to oblige them with so ' me songs and imitations given on the occasion of their visit to the theatre some three years since . It is sijid that Bro . Toole was deeply impressed with his gracious reception , the applause he elicited , and the high appreciation of his profession thus evinced by the Royal party .
( MKKTI . NHS OP LODGES , & C—Alacdonald Lodge , No . 1210 , meets at Head-quarters ofthe First Surrey Rifles , Brunswick-road , Camberwell , on the Second Wednesday in every month throughout the year ( not on the Fir > t Wednesday , as hitherto ) , at G p . m . — Macdonald Alark Masters' Lodge , No . 101 , meets
at Head-quarters of the First Surrey Rifles , Brunswick-road , Camberwell , on the Second Saturday in the months of August , October , December , February , April and June , at 5 p . m . —Macdonald Lodge of Improvement , No . 1210 , meets every Wednesday evening from September to . May ( except on the
occasions of the Mother Lodge Meetings ) , at the lodge rooms , at 7-30 p . m . BREAKFAST . —Em ' s COCOA . —Grateful and Comforting . The wry agreeable character of this preparation lias rendered it a general favourite . The Civil Service Gaattc remarks-. — ' •The singular sneecis which Mr . Kpps
attained hy his homoeopathic preparation of cocoa has never been surpassed hy any experimentalist . By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern " the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of tlie fmepropeitus of well-selected cocoa , Mr . Kpps has provided
our hrcal . fast tallies with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctor's hills , '' Made simply with boiling water or milk . Sold by the Trade only in \ lb ., { lb , and I 11 ) . tin-lined packets , labelled—J AMICS Eri's & . Co ., Hoinccopiitliic Chemists , London . —Aim .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending August 21 , 1869 . Monday , August 16 . Lodge No . 720 , « ' Panmure , " Balham Hotel , Balham .
Tuesday , August 17 . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Ho . ll , at 3 . Lodge So . 435 , "Salisbury , " 71 , Dean-street , Soho . Chapter 186 , " Industry , " Freemasons' Hall . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Alder
manbury at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatio Lodge of Instruction , Palmerston Tavern , Grosvcnorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Metropolitan Railway , Victoria Station , at 8 .
Wednesday , August 18 . General Committe of Grand Lodge , and Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 precisely . Lodge No . 619 , " Beadon , " Greyhound Tavern , Dulwich . „ 1150 , "Buckingham & Chandos , ' 'Frecmasons'Hall United Strength Lodge of Instruction , No . 228 , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town-road .
Thursday , fAugust 19 . House Committee , Girls' School , at i . Lodge No . 733 , " Westbourne , " Lords' Htl ., St . JohnWood „ 917 , " Cosmopolitan , " Terminus Htl ., Cannon-st Eed X Preceptory , "Plaiitagenet , " Lyceum Tav ., Strand , at 7
Friday , August 20 . House Committee of Boys' School . Lodge No . 813 , " New Concord , ' ' Rosemary Branch Tavcm , Hoxton . Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons '
Hall , at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor , Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross . Saturday , August 21 . Lodge No . 1185 , " Lewis / ' Nightingale Tav ., Wood Green .
% \ jb £ xtx $ mtixt & . GEORGE KENNING , 3 and 4 , Little Britain , London , E . C . MASONIC DEPOTqiHE LARGEST STOCK in the WORLD Jewels , Clothing , Furniture , Banners , Books , & Requisites For all Degrees in Freemasonry . Price Lists on application . GEORGE KENNING , 3 and 4 , Little Britain , London , E . C .
A GENTLEMAN , a Freemason , who can give first-class references , KEQUIIiES the LOAN of £ 350 to enable him to retain and carry on successfully a business upon which he lias expended a considerable amount of labour and capital—J . L ., care of Mr . W . J . Clarke , jun ., i , Corbet Court , Gr . icechureli-strcet , London .
OO NS IT MPTIO N " is C IT R A BL E . — To CONSUMPTIVES . —A Clergyman , whose son bas been miraculously cured of deep consumption , desires in gratitude , and for the benefit of the alllictcd , to send full particulars of the remedies used in his son ' s case , so that all may participate iu this providential discovery . S'int to any address free of charge . —Address the Secretary , 48 , George street , Portman-souare , London ,
EDUCATION . —CROOM'S-HILL SCHOOL , Blackheath , near London , PRINCIPAL , Rev . T . GOODWIN , M . A ., D . C . L ., LL . D . Parents in searcli of a School combining the conscientious care of a home and the thorough efficiency of education iu its several departments , are requested to apply for a Prospectus to the Principal , who is ready to submit to applicants all information concerning the School , the testimony of parents in its favour , and an account of the uniformly distingnished position its pupils have achieved in commercial pursuits , in the Civil Service , the Medical , the Army and Navy , and the University Examinations .
THE EUROPEAN MAIL . A Summary of Universal Intelligence and Exact Commercial Statistics from Mail to Mail , specially prepared for tho Colonies and Trans-Oceanic World generally . THE EUROPEAN MAIL is THB LEADING TITLE OP EIGHT TOTALLY DISTINCT NEWSPAPERS , A 3 FOLLOWs : ¦ gy § ' M § « . 29 5 Destination . g » j I •M og g , ° § Sff 6 fi 3 5 o •g p cs ap . 24 A . EuropeanMail for tho West Indies , 2 nd & 17 thof i 0 s Central America , Chili , Peru , & c . the month IA . B . European Mail for South Africa , St . IQQ ^ & 34 ^ 40 s , Helena , Ascension . & o 52 C . European Mail for North America , 1 ie ., the United States , Canadian EverySat- s 2 g _ Dominion , British America , Cuba , nrday Mexico , xc 3 G D . European Mail for the Brazils and ath , 13 th , * . Uiver Plato , Azores , & c -8 th 27 th August 180 !) , * every fortnight 30 E . European Mail tor Cliina , Japan , aftnr . by En-Ceylon , Penang , Singapore , Siam , t- 'l sli . Mail ; n Sumatra , Java , Borneo , anil the and on Sept 53 s . Philippines 2 nd , 18 ( 19 , ft every fourth Thursday bv French Mail . „ ( sept . Srd ' 69 , ,,, „ . 52 F . /? i'ro /! c « n . V . « . 'for India , Burmah , 1 and every JJ 3 - Egypt . & C . j succeeding t Friday . 13 G . European Mail for Australia atwl Every <_ , U \ , ~ NewZonland Friday . 21 K . European Mail for tho Went Coast 3 rd . V 23 rd of „ I of Africa , Madeira . Toneriffo , & o tho month . * Or with Manifest Supplement , 05 s . N . B . —All Subscriptions payablo in advanco . EACH Paper contains every item of intelligence , from JIail to Mail , specially atTecting the country or colony for which it is published , with an exhaustive summary of home and continental polities , science , art , and social news , and a retrospect of commercial transactions in Great Britain and on the Continent . Manufacturers and Merchants may command the greatest markets of tbe world for their products through the mediums of publicity afforded hy the EUKOPEAN MAIL . A demand may be created where none exists at present , or an existing demand may be sustained and increased against the most energetic competition . The EUROPEAN MAIL gives such perfect mercantile information that it is the highest commercial authority in the vast and prosperous territories through which it circulates . It is therefore an imperative necessity to the merchant who orders goods in bulk , and to the wholesale and retail distributor ; it is also the most complete newspaper despatched from England , and is eagerly sought by all classes ; it thus , unlike merely commercial newspapers , reaches and leavens the great communities who are the actual consumers of all products , and who must he acted upon by advertisement to require a special article before the merchant will venture to order a consignment . Scale of Charges for ADVERTISEMENTS each insertion per Paper a * folio as : — Fon PiPuas C , 1 \ & G OXLV . FoB . l' -triM A , B , D , E , & K OICLT £ s . d . £ s . d > Ono Pago 7 10 0 One Pago 5 0 0 Two-thirds of a Pago 5 9 0 Two . thirds of a Pago 3 13 O Half-I'ago 12 0 H . df-Pago 2 16 0 OiiH . thinl of a Pago 3 0 0 One third of a Pago ... 2 0 0 Q . ianev-Pag « 2 8 0 Quarter-Pago 1 12 0 Eighth of a Pago ... 1 7 0 Eighth of a Pago ... 0 18 0 Below an Eiyhth of a Pane . / Mow aa Eightli etf a Page . Per inch . Per inch . Across the Pace ... 0 18 9 Across the Pace ... 0 12 6 Two-thirds across tho Two-thirds across tlio Page O 12 9 Pago 0 8 0 Half across tho Pago 0 0 9 Half across thi Pago 0 0 6 One-third across tho Uuo-third acioss tho Pago 0 0 9 Page 0 i « Pago next matter , Hate aid a Half . Outsido pages , Double Hate . * * The above Scale of Charges is subject to a Discount of 10 percent , for Advertisements appearing in the consecutive issues of a paper for U months ; of IS per cent , for C months ; and L'O percent , for 12 months . When an Advertisement is ordered for insertion simultaneously in all tiie Papers , the lowest rate above is charged nil through . Post Office Orders to be made payable at the Cannon-street Post Office , London . Remittances payable to William Vaughan . Tho EUKOPEAN MAIL may be ordered through the Local Agent , direct from the London Oflico , or through any Finn having representatives in England . In the last case , the usual system is to order the ICUKOPEAX MAIL to be forwarded until conntermandedj the representative of tho Firm in England being directed , under similar conditions , to make payment annually .