Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templars. Page 1 of 2 →
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Table Of Contents.
( -Fi'tiRi s OF M ASONIC MEETINGS : — /¦ raft Masonry 3 SS Knig hts Templar 3 J 5 Gotland 856 ,, ovincial Grand Lodge of Devon 857 irr ccmnsonry in New Zealand 358 ...... masonvv at the River Plate 3 jS District Grand Lodge of New South Wales 358 . tannic Notes and Queries 3 ? S
v ; : e « -s : 3 S s itrv - ' 59 i ;( i \ -ai Masonic Institution for Boys 359 Uo ' val Masonic Benevolent Institution 359 Masonic Tidings 859 Hairy Gravitation Waterworks Jg'J Another Ritualistic Attack 36 o Proijress of Freemasonry in Scotland 360 A Miulitv Cool Suggestion 36 l
Credulity 36 i Masonic bnthusiasm 003 C ' oKRESrON'DENCF . : — Minutes and tlieir Confirmation 303 Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight 362 Papal Power in Temporals 36 l ijro . Burgess and the Mark Degree 363
Oiiiru . ii" : — ] lro . B . H . Finney , jun 363 Bro . G . Jones 3 (\} Masonic Meetings for next week 3 G 4 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
€ x \\ tt Utosonrjj .
METROPOLITANPERFECT ASHLAR LODGE ( No . 117 S ) . —An emer-¦ a-i : cy meeting of this well established and prosperous lodge was held on Thursday , August 5 th , at the Bridge House Hotel , High-street , Borough . There were present Bros . C . Deakin , W . M . ; J . Ruse , S . W . ; F . A . Smith , J . W . ; F . H . Ebsworth , P . M ., Treas .: F . Walters , P . Piov . G . P .
Middlesex , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Batchelor , S . D . ; J . Stock , as J . D . ; I ' . Garbelt , I . G . ; F . II . Hebsworth , P . M . ; and many others . The ballots , taken separately , were unanimous in favour of the admission of Messrs . J . Savage and E . Morlcy , as candidates for initiation , and Bro . J . Mclntyrc , St . John ' s Lodge , 73 , Ireland , as a joining member . 'I he work done was raising Bro . R . Sparks to the Third Degree ; passing
Bros . J . K . Deakin and S . E . S . Shaw to the Second Degree ; initiating Mr . J . Savage and Captain E . Morlcy into the mysteries of Freemasonry . Bro . F . 11 . Ebsworth , P . M . and Treas ., did the raising and passings , and Bro . C . Deakin , W . M ., did the initiations . All the work was beautifully rendered and solemnly done , each candidate
being doneseparately added to the impressive nature of each ceremony . The usual five guinea Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted from the lodge funds . The other business on the agenda paper being disposed of , the lodge was closed , and is adjourned until Thursday , Sei-. ^ mber 2 nd . Slight refreshment followed the hard labour \ so well done .
PROVINCIAL . LIVERPOOL . —Ai . i . i . vxci : LODGE ( NO . 667 ) . —The members of this ancient and honourable body Masonic , which holds its meetings in Liverpool , had their third annual " garden party" in the pleasant gardens and grounds < f the Rock Ferry Hotel , Rock Ferry , Cheshire , on the 28 th ult . ; and as the weather was delightful , the company of
Ihc most brothcily and sisterly character , and the arrangements quite up to the " Alliance " mark ( which is saying a gnat deal ) , the enjoyment of the large merry gathering was general anil complete . The festival originated with , but was not confined to , members of 66 ; , and therefore ether lodges were well represented , there being altogether about 120 present . The committee consisted of Bros . II .
Cregory , W . Doyle , H . Firth , A . Morrison , E . Carter , W . Brittain , 11 . Douglas , H . Eve , and Dr . Joyce , the diice of Hon . Sec . being admirably filled by Bro . A . liucknall . The fete was of the most enjoyable kind , and proved even more successful than its two predecessors at Hoby . aJancing to Martin ' s quadrille band , croquet , bowling , and other games formed the bulk of the
aftericon ' s amusements , and the catering was most satisfactory there was all the greater enjoyment . Besides the members of the Alliance Lodge , there were numerous risitors , including Bros . II . Nelson , W . M . 1505 , P . M . 6 73 ; I ) . Pearson , P . M . 249 ; It . Brown , W . M . 241 , Hon . Sec . W . L . Masonic Educational Institution ; J . Skellccom , I ' . M . 667 ; A . P . Fabian , P . M . 48 ; . P . P . S . G . W . Hants . ;
- \ . Sirolhcr , 821 ; W . Nash , 823 ; Gallagher , P . M . ion , Salfordj P . M . Larsen , P . M . 594 ; Witldows , I . G . fl 7 . '„ & c . After a pleasant " garden party " the company 'Uurncd to Liverpool by special boat at eleven o ' clock . LIVERPOOL . —DKIUIV LODGI : ( No . 724 ) . —The usual "unrtcrly meeting of this lodge was held on the 28 th ult ., ; 't the Masonic Hall , Liverpool . The chair was occupied
¦ mil the lodge was opened by Bro . J . W . Ballard , W . M ., ''ml amongst the ofiiccrs and " privates " present were Bros . W . Vaughan , S . W . ; G . Beeckcn , J . W . ; Thomas Chesworth , P . M ., Treas . ; A . 1 lart , Sec . ; McSwiney , S . D . ' , Crisp , J . D . ; M . 1 lart , I . G . ; II . Trevitt , S . S . ; Armstrong , J . S . ; William-• ¦ *" , Tyler ; J . Davison , l . P . M . ; W . Shortis , P . M . ; Cain , P . M . Bros , Ellis , Jacobs , Marcus , Gordon , Hawksworth ,
(; evcs , Sherrington , Ellison , Evans , and others . The visitors for the evening were Bros . T . Shaw , W . M . 823 ; ^ ' . Coltrell , l . P . M . 823 ; J . Holland , P . M . 823 ; W . Lunt , P -M ., P . G . S . Cuthbcri , 823 ; Somcrs , 1502 ; Bryan , Org . 'o . i . i ; G . Maxwell , S . 594 ; and others . The minutes , v ere read and passed , and the ballot for a candidate being t
: " '> icil , he was solemnly initiated . I he lodge was then '' pencil in the Second Degree , and Bros . Gordon and Hawks-[ "rth were examined and found " efficient . " The lodge li : »\ ing been opened in the Third Degree , these brethren J ^ rc duly and impressively raised to the sublime degree of . Master Mason . The working of both degrees was done 111 a trul y masterly style by the W . M , The lodge having
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
been closed to the First Degree , Bro . J . W . Ballard , W . M ., rose and said that he had a pleasing duty to perform , in presenting a testimonial to Bro . Thos . Chesworth , P . M ., Treas . The lodge had voted a sum of money for the testimonial , and the brethren had supplemented it with further subscriptions for the purpose of doing justice to the presentation to such a worthy brother as Bro . Chesworth . The
brethren were aware , he said , of the various offices Bro . Chesworth had filled . He was for two years its Master ; and at a time when the lodge was not in affluent circumstances he , together with the other P . M ., had worked laboriously to retrieve its fortunes . He was happy to say that its present flourishing condition was in a great measure due to the untiring exertions of Bro . Chesworth , who had
held the responsible office of Treasurer for about six years . The testimonial the committee agreed upon was a piano , which he ( the W . M . ) had now great pleasure in presenting in the name of the officers and brethren of the Derby Lodge , 724 ; and he hoped that Bro . Chesworth would long live with his wife and children to enjoy its melodious tones . Bro . Chesworth said he had not sufficient words to thank
the members of the Derby Lodge for this token of appreciation of the few services he had rendered to the lodge . Any other brother who might have been placed in the same position would have acted in a like manner . He was glad to state , as Treasurer , that the lodge was in a very flourishing condition , mainly due to the affability and influence of its members , and hoped that it would long
continue to enjoy the appellation it had achieved outside the building amgngst those who visited it , viz ., that of the " Happy Derby Lodge . " So long as he had health and strength , he would continue to act with the same zeal for the lodge as he had hitherto done . After some propositions for initiation , the lodge was duly closed . The brethren then proceeded to refreshment , and the usual toasts were given .
The musical portion of the evening was pleasantly furnished through the exertions of Bro . Jacobs , M . Hart , Ellis , Cottrell , Shortis , and others . Bro . Bryan presided at the instrument , in the absence of Bro . Veale , the Organist . The piano which was presented was a splendid walnut cottage , by an eminent maker , and attached to it was a suitable inscription .
JERSEY . —ST . AUBIN ' LODGF . ( NO . 958 ) . —This flourishing lodge assembled on Tuesday , the 20 th July , in great force at the Masonic Temple . There was , as usual , a numerous attendance of brethren . The lodge was opened by Bro . Ed . Martel , W . M ., supported by Bros . A . Dawson , S . W . ; H . W . Chapman , J . W . ; J . Oatley , P . M ., & c , Sec Amongst the visitors were Bro . A . Schmitt , P . P . G . S . W . ;
f . O . Le Sueur , P . M ., P . G . Sec . ; C . Kingsnorth , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; Thos . Shattock , W . M . 322 ; J . R . Pickford , P . M . 491 , P . G . Treas . ( Monmouthshire ); F . P . Le Marquand , P . M . 491 , P . P . G . D . ; Dr . Thos . Aubin , J . W . 491 ; Gen . Thos . C . Kelly , C . B ., J . W . 877 ; Ed . Gilley , W . M . 491 , & c . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge being opened in the
Second Degree , Bios . Fox , Riddle , and Dolbcl were examined as to their proficiency and retired . During their absence the lodge was opened in the Third Degree , when the candidates were duly received and raised . The whole of the ceremony was most impressively rendered by the W . M ., and in that peculiarly quiet manner of his so highly appreciated by the brethren . Bro . J . Renouf , after
the necessary preliminaries , was passed to the Second Degree . The lodge was lowered to the First Degree . Bro . John Oatley , on rising , said : —W . M ., —In conformity with the resolution unanimously passed in open lodge , I feel much satisfaction in presenting you on its behalf this gold Secretary ' s jewel , as a small token of how much we all appreciate your zealous endeavours towards the
progress and advancement of the lodge , you have evinced in your faithfully and earnestly discharging the duties of Secretary during a period of three years , as to your indefatigable exertions the concord and prosperity of the lodge arc mainly owing ; and may your zeal still continue in favour of our fraternity . The inscription is as follows : — " Presented by the St . Aubin ' s Lodge , No . 95 8 , to Bro . Ed .
Martel , W . M ., P . M . 491 , P . G . D . C , in recognition of his unwearied , valuable , and faithful services , both as its Secretary and Preceptor . " The worthy recipient , upon rising to return thanks , was received with a burst of applause . He was evidently much affected , and expressed himself in truly appropriate Masonic terms that will not be forgotten by those who had the pleasure of hearing
them , especially dilating on the unity and concord existing between St . Aubin ' s Lodge and all her sisters in the Province . The brethren adjourned , when the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to . The toast of the evening , proposed by Bro . A . Schmitt , " Bro . E . Martel , W . M ., " was warmly received and effectively acknowledged . The brethren separated about eleven o ' clock , after having
spent a very pleasant evening . DERBY . —HAHTINGTON LODGE ( No . 1085 ) . —On Wednesday evening , the 4 th of August , the regular meeting of this lodge was holden at the Masonic Hall . The brethren present were : Bros . Henry T . Bobart . W . M . ; S . Pipes , S . W . ; W . Heathcote , J . W . ; M . H . Bobart , P . M ., Treas . ; James Worsnop , P . M ., Secretary ; Thos . Gadsby , J . U . ;
G . Pipes , D . of C . ; Jos . Heathcote , I . G . ; T . Slum , Tyler ; J . M . Moore , P . M . ; Jos . Shaw ; J . W . Shepherd , J . II . Biggs , J . D . 802 ; J . H . Hcpworth , Edgar Taylor , J . O . Manton ; visitor , Thomas Cox , P . P . S . G . W ., P . M . 253 The lodge was opened in due form , and with solemn prayer , at 7 p . m . The circular convening the lodge was read , and also the minutes of the previous meeting , which
were confirmed . The sum of five guineas was voted to be presented to Bro . Stone on retiring from his duties of Tyler to the lodge , s a small token of appreciation of the zealous manner in which he has fulfilled the duties of the office for so many years . There being no other business , the lodge was closed in ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to the usual quarterly supper , when the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to by appropriate speeches .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
PAIGNTON . —ToniiAY LODGI- ( No . 1358 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge took place at the lodge-rooms , Town Hall , Paignton , 011 Monday , 2 nd inst ., when Bro . W . E . Warren , the W . M . elect , was installed by Bro . Rev . R . Bowden , P . M ., P . P . G . C . ; the Board of Installed Masters comprising Bros . J . T . Goodridgc , I P . M . 135 S ; S . Cash , P . M . 328 ; T . Oliver , P . M . ^ 28 ; [ . C . C .
Piller , P . M . 13 : 58 ; Jas . Greenfield , P . M . S 2 S , 1358 , P . P . G . J . D . ; Harland , P . M . ^ 28 , P . P . G . ] . D . ' ; Dr . Colston , l . P . M . 248 , P . G . S . ; Law , 1358 , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . Herts . There was a numerous attendance of the lodge members , among whom , in addition to those above mentioned , were Bros . Couldrey , Pope , Chinnock , T . Tozcr , W . Windram , II . Jackson , Hunt , King , Palk ,
Crutc , Evans , Gordon , Campbell , West , Bridgeman , Brooks , Bovey , and Rev . N . Piatt . The visitors were Bros . Hurrell , Hawley Lodge ; Dr . Colston , 248 , and Harland , 328 . Too much praise cannot be given to Bro . Bowden for the effective manner in which the ceremony was performed . After the usual salutations , the W . M . proceeded to invest his officers , viz ., Bros . 1 . T .
Goodridge , l . P . M . ; J . Couldrey , S . W . ; T . Pope , | . W . ; Jas . Greenfield , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D ., Treas . ; W . Windram , Sec ; Rev . N . Piatt , Chaplain ; fas . Chinnock , S . D . ; T . Tozcr , J . D . ; 1-1 . Jackson , I . G . ; C . II . Law , P . M ., Dir . of Cer . ; Brooks , Org . ; Maunder and Evans , Stewards , and Tozcr , Tyler . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the Gcrston Hotel
and , under the presidency of the newly installed W . M ., partook of a magnificent banquet , provided by the manager , Mr . Codner . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to by the brethren , the reply of Bro . Colston to the toast of " The Visitors " being an eloquent outburst of Masonic feeling . After one of the most enjoyable evenings ever spent by this young
lodge , the brethren separated early , expressing , themselves much delighted with the day's proceedings and with high hopes of the ensuing year being equally as prosperous as the past . DAWLISH . —SAI . KM LODGE ( NO . 1443 ) . —At the last regular meeting of this lodge there was one passing and two raisings . The ballot was taken for one joining
member , which proved unanimous . Bro . W . Ball was elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . J . S . Whidborne , the Treasurer , and Bro . Haggarty , the Tyler , were also elected . The banquet will take place at Bro . Ball ' s on August 18 th , at 6 p . m . The installation will take place at the Town Hall , at 3 p . m . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . P . G . S . W . for Warwickshire , an hon . member of the lodge , took part in the
proceedings . MANCHESTER . —Louoii oi' TRUTH ( No . 1458 ) . — The members of this lodge held their regular meeting at the house of Bro . Potts , Royal Archer Hotel , Dale-street , Manchester , on Saturday , the 7 th August . Amongst the brethren present we noticed Bros . Henry Smith , W . M . ; Charles Pearson , S . W . ; Charles Joel Kent , J . W . ;
John Knidcr , P . M ., Sec . ; Thomas Tycrs , P . M . Treas . ; J no . W . Turner , l . P . M . Visitors : John Croll , 25 ; Daniel Lomas , 823 ; John II . Walton , 412 , Oswego , United States America ; R . Dottie , 1161 ; J , Pinpoint , f' 4 S i John Hey , S . W . 387 . Business commenced by punctually opening the lodge at 4 . 50 p . m . The minutes of previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the
W . M . proceeded to pass Bro . Oldham to the Second Degree . Business being concluded the lodge was closed in the two degrees , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The cloth being drawn the W . M . proceeded with the Masonic toasts , which were enthusiastically responded to . Bro . Turner , I . P . M ., proposed "The Health of the Visitors , " and said on that occasion he was
especially gratified to have that toast entrusted to him by the W . M ., as hs had two intimate friends there , in Bro . Jno . H . Walton from America , and Bro . John I ley , S . W . 387 , from Bradford , the first of whom had rendered them assistance during the formation of the lodge , and to whom it would be a special pleasure to see them so prosperous and happy . Respecting Bro . I ley , he
( the l . P . M ) said he was proud to have him for a friend , knowing him to be such a good and conscientious Mason , and one who had made his position in Masonry by his abilities and perseverance . In responding Bro . Walton said it was a very great pleasure to him to be amongst them that evening , and the greatest pleasure he had enjoyed for a very long time to sec the members work in
unison with each other , and vie to make every one happy amongst them . Bro . Hey also congratulated the members on the prosperous appearance of the lodge , and said it had certainly been a great pleasure to be amongst them , and he should carry into Yorkshire the kindest feelings for his reception that evening . The other visitors responded in suitable terms to the toast and expressed their pleasure at the efficient working and brotherly reception . " The
Health of the W . M . " was proposed in glowing terms by Bro . Tyers , P . M . The W . M . responded by expressing his wish to be of more service to the lodge ( which was not necessary as all the members arc aware of his anxiety for their comfort and the prosperity of the lodge ) . After the toasts of "The P . M . ' s and the Officers" had been responded to , the S . W . and J . W . were called upon for their respective toasts , and the brethren separated about 9 pm ., after spending an entertaining and agreeable evening .
Knights Templars.
Knights Templars .
PROVINCIAL PRIORY OF LANCASHIRE . By command of Sir Knight Albert Hudson Royds , Provincial Prior , all Preceptors , P . G . Commanders , and such companions as were entitled to be present , were summoned to attend the meeting of the Provincial Priory of Lancashire , on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool and in reply to the invitation there was a large gathering of the Knights of the Order . The Provincial
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
( -Fi'tiRi s OF M ASONIC MEETINGS : — /¦ raft Masonry 3 SS Knig hts Templar 3 J 5 Gotland 856 ,, ovincial Grand Lodge of Devon 857 irr ccmnsonry in New Zealand 358 ...... masonvv at the River Plate 3 jS District Grand Lodge of New South Wales 358 . tannic Notes and Queries 3 ? S
v ; : e « -s : 3 S s itrv - ' 59 i ;( i \ -ai Masonic Institution for Boys 359 Uo ' val Masonic Benevolent Institution 359 Masonic Tidings 859 Hairy Gravitation Waterworks Jg'J Another Ritualistic Attack 36 o Proijress of Freemasonry in Scotland 360 A Miulitv Cool Suggestion 36 l
Credulity 36 i Masonic bnthusiasm 003 C ' oKRESrON'DENCF . : — Minutes and tlieir Confirmation 303 Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight 362 Papal Power in Temporals 36 l ijro . Burgess and the Mark Degree 363
Oiiiru . ii" : — ] lro . B . H . Finney , jun 363 Bro . G . Jones 3 (\} Masonic Meetings for next week 3 G 4 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
€ x \\ tt Utosonrjj .
METROPOLITANPERFECT ASHLAR LODGE ( No . 117 S ) . —An emer-¦ a-i : cy meeting of this well established and prosperous lodge was held on Thursday , August 5 th , at the Bridge House Hotel , High-street , Borough . There were present Bros . C . Deakin , W . M . ; J . Ruse , S . W . ; F . A . Smith , J . W . ; F . H . Ebsworth , P . M ., Treas .: F . Walters , P . Piov . G . P .
Middlesex , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Batchelor , S . D . ; J . Stock , as J . D . ; I ' . Garbelt , I . G . ; F . II . Hebsworth , P . M . ; and many others . The ballots , taken separately , were unanimous in favour of the admission of Messrs . J . Savage and E . Morlcy , as candidates for initiation , and Bro . J . Mclntyrc , St . John ' s Lodge , 73 , Ireland , as a joining member . 'I he work done was raising Bro . R . Sparks to the Third Degree ; passing
Bros . J . K . Deakin and S . E . S . Shaw to the Second Degree ; initiating Mr . J . Savage and Captain E . Morlcy into the mysteries of Freemasonry . Bro . F . 11 . Ebsworth , P . M . and Treas ., did the raising and passings , and Bro . C . Deakin , W . M ., did the initiations . All the work was beautifully rendered and solemnly done , each candidate
being doneseparately added to the impressive nature of each ceremony . The usual five guinea Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted from the lodge funds . The other business on the agenda paper being disposed of , the lodge was closed , and is adjourned until Thursday , Sei-. ^ mber 2 nd . Slight refreshment followed the hard labour \ so well done .
PROVINCIAL . LIVERPOOL . —Ai . i . i . vxci : LODGE ( NO . 667 ) . —The members of this ancient and honourable body Masonic , which holds its meetings in Liverpool , had their third annual " garden party" in the pleasant gardens and grounds < f the Rock Ferry Hotel , Rock Ferry , Cheshire , on the 28 th ult . ; and as the weather was delightful , the company of
Ihc most brothcily and sisterly character , and the arrangements quite up to the " Alliance " mark ( which is saying a gnat deal ) , the enjoyment of the large merry gathering was general anil complete . The festival originated with , but was not confined to , members of 66 ; , and therefore ether lodges were well represented , there being altogether about 120 present . The committee consisted of Bros . II .
Cregory , W . Doyle , H . Firth , A . Morrison , E . Carter , W . Brittain , 11 . Douglas , H . Eve , and Dr . Joyce , the diice of Hon . Sec . being admirably filled by Bro . A . liucknall . The fete was of the most enjoyable kind , and proved even more successful than its two predecessors at Hoby . aJancing to Martin ' s quadrille band , croquet , bowling , and other games formed the bulk of the
aftericon ' s amusements , and the catering was most satisfactory there was all the greater enjoyment . Besides the members of the Alliance Lodge , there were numerous risitors , including Bros . II . Nelson , W . M . 1505 , P . M . 6 73 ; I ) . Pearson , P . M . 249 ; It . Brown , W . M . 241 , Hon . Sec . W . L . Masonic Educational Institution ; J . Skellccom , I ' . M . 667 ; A . P . Fabian , P . M . 48 ; . P . P . S . G . W . Hants . ;
- \ . Sirolhcr , 821 ; W . Nash , 823 ; Gallagher , P . M . ion , Salfordj P . M . Larsen , P . M . 594 ; Witldows , I . G . fl 7 . '„ & c . After a pleasant " garden party " the company 'Uurncd to Liverpool by special boat at eleven o ' clock . LIVERPOOL . —DKIUIV LODGI : ( No . 724 ) . —The usual "unrtcrly meeting of this lodge was held on the 28 th ult ., ; 't the Masonic Hall , Liverpool . The chair was occupied
¦ mil the lodge was opened by Bro . J . W . Ballard , W . M ., ''ml amongst the ofiiccrs and " privates " present were Bros . W . Vaughan , S . W . ; G . Beeckcn , J . W . ; Thomas Chesworth , P . M ., Treas . ; A . 1 lart , Sec . ; McSwiney , S . D . ' , Crisp , J . D . ; M . 1 lart , I . G . ; II . Trevitt , S . S . ; Armstrong , J . S . ; William-• ¦ *" , Tyler ; J . Davison , l . P . M . ; W . Shortis , P . M . ; Cain , P . M . Bros , Ellis , Jacobs , Marcus , Gordon , Hawksworth ,
(; evcs , Sherrington , Ellison , Evans , and others . The visitors for the evening were Bros . T . Shaw , W . M . 823 ; ^ ' . Coltrell , l . P . M . 823 ; J . Holland , P . M . 823 ; W . Lunt , P -M ., P . G . S . Cuthbcri , 823 ; Somcrs , 1502 ; Bryan , Org . 'o . i . i ; G . Maxwell , S . 594 ; and others . The minutes , v ere read and passed , and the ballot for a candidate being t
: " '> icil , he was solemnly initiated . I he lodge was then '' pencil in the Second Degree , and Bros . Gordon and Hawks-[ "rth were examined and found " efficient . " The lodge li : »\ ing been opened in the Third Degree , these brethren J ^ rc duly and impressively raised to the sublime degree of . Master Mason . The working of both degrees was done 111 a trul y masterly style by the W . M , The lodge having
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
been closed to the First Degree , Bro . J . W . Ballard , W . M ., rose and said that he had a pleasing duty to perform , in presenting a testimonial to Bro . Thos . Chesworth , P . M ., Treas . The lodge had voted a sum of money for the testimonial , and the brethren had supplemented it with further subscriptions for the purpose of doing justice to the presentation to such a worthy brother as Bro . Chesworth . The
brethren were aware , he said , of the various offices Bro . Chesworth had filled . He was for two years its Master ; and at a time when the lodge was not in affluent circumstances he , together with the other P . M ., had worked laboriously to retrieve its fortunes . He was happy to say that its present flourishing condition was in a great measure due to the untiring exertions of Bro . Chesworth , who had
held the responsible office of Treasurer for about six years . The testimonial the committee agreed upon was a piano , which he ( the W . M . ) had now great pleasure in presenting in the name of the officers and brethren of the Derby Lodge , 724 ; and he hoped that Bro . Chesworth would long live with his wife and children to enjoy its melodious tones . Bro . Chesworth said he had not sufficient words to thank
the members of the Derby Lodge for this token of appreciation of the few services he had rendered to the lodge . Any other brother who might have been placed in the same position would have acted in a like manner . He was glad to state , as Treasurer , that the lodge was in a very flourishing condition , mainly due to the affability and influence of its members , and hoped that it would long
continue to enjoy the appellation it had achieved outside the building amgngst those who visited it , viz ., that of the " Happy Derby Lodge . " So long as he had health and strength , he would continue to act with the same zeal for the lodge as he had hitherto done . After some propositions for initiation , the lodge was duly closed . The brethren then proceeded to refreshment , and the usual toasts were given .
The musical portion of the evening was pleasantly furnished through the exertions of Bro . Jacobs , M . Hart , Ellis , Cottrell , Shortis , and others . Bro . Bryan presided at the instrument , in the absence of Bro . Veale , the Organist . The piano which was presented was a splendid walnut cottage , by an eminent maker , and attached to it was a suitable inscription .
JERSEY . —ST . AUBIN ' LODGF . ( NO . 958 ) . —This flourishing lodge assembled on Tuesday , the 20 th July , in great force at the Masonic Temple . There was , as usual , a numerous attendance of brethren . The lodge was opened by Bro . Ed . Martel , W . M ., supported by Bros . A . Dawson , S . W . ; H . W . Chapman , J . W . ; J . Oatley , P . M ., & c , Sec Amongst the visitors were Bro . A . Schmitt , P . P . G . S . W . ;
f . O . Le Sueur , P . M ., P . G . Sec . ; C . Kingsnorth , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; Thos . Shattock , W . M . 322 ; J . R . Pickford , P . M . 491 , P . G . Treas . ( Monmouthshire ); F . P . Le Marquand , P . M . 491 , P . P . G . D . ; Dr . Thos . Aubin , J . W . 491 ; Gen . Thos . C . Kelly , C . B ., J . W . 877 ; Ed . Gilley , W . M . 491 , & c . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge being opened in the
Second Degree , Bios . Fox , Riddle , and Dolbcl were examined as to their proficiency and retired . During their absence the lodge was opened in the Third Degree , when the candidates were duly received and raised . The whole of the ceremony was most impressively rendered by the W . M ., and in that peculiarly quiet manner of his so highly appreciated by the brethren . Bro . J . Renouf , after
the necessary preliminaries , was passed to the Second Degree . The lodge was lowered to the First Degree . Bro . John Oatley , on rising , said : —W . M ., —In conformity with the resolution unanimously passed in open lodge , I feel much satisfaction in presenting you on its behalf this gold Secretary ' s jewel , as a small token of how much we all appreciate your zealous endeavours towards the
progress and advancement of the lodge , you have evinced in your faithfully and earnestly discharging the duties of Secretary during a period of three years , as to your indefatigable exertions the concord and prosperity of the lodge arc mainly owing ; and may your zeal still continue in favour of our fraternity . The inscription is as follows : — " Presented by the St . Aubin ' s Lodge , No . 95 8 , to Bro . Ed .
Martel , W . M ., P . M . 491 , P . G . D . C , in recognition of his unwearied , valuable , and faithful services , both as its Secretary and Preceptor . " The worthy recipient , upon rising to return thanks , was received with a burst of applause . He was evidently much affected , and expressed himself in truly appropriate Masonic terms that will not be forgotten by those who had the pleasure of hearing
them , especially dilating on the unity and concord existing between St . Aubin ' s Lodge and all her sisters in the Province . The brethren adjourned , when the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to . The toast of the evening , proposed by Bro . A . Schmitt , " Bro . E . Martel , W . M ., " was warmly received and effectively acknowledged . The brethren separated about eleven o ' clock , after having
spent a very pleasant evening . DERBY . —HAHTINGTON LODGE ( No . 1085 ) . —On Wednesday evening , the 4 th of August , the regular meeting of this lodge was holden at the Masonic Hall . The brethren present were : Bros . Henry T . Bobart . W . M . ; S . Pipes , S . W . ; W . Heathcote , J . W . ; M . H . Bobart , P . M ., Treas . ; James Worsnop , P . M ., Secretary ; Thos . Gadsby , J . U . ;
G . Pipes , D . of C . ; Jos . Heathcote , I . G . ; T . Slum , Tyler ; J . M . Moore , P . M . ; Jos . Shaw ; J . W . Shepherd , J . II . Biggs , J . D . 802 ; J . H . Hcpworth , Edgar Taylor , J . O . Manton ; visitor , Thomas Cox , P . P . S . G . W ., P . M . 253 The lodge was opened in due form , and with solemn prayer , at 7 p . m . The circular convening the lodge was read , and also the minutes of the previous meeting , which
were confirmed . The sum of five guineas was voted to be presented to Bro . Stone on retiring from his duties of Tyler to the lodge , s a small token of appreciation of the zealous manner in which he has fulfilled the duties of the office for so many years . There being no other business , the lodge was closed in ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to the usual quarterly supper , when the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to by appropriate speeches .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
PAIGNTON . —ToniiAY LODGI- ( No . 1358 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge took place at the lodge-rooms , Town Hall , Paignton , 011 Monday , 2 nd inst ., when Bro . W . E . Warren , the W . M . elect , was installed by Bro . Rev . R . Bowden , P . M ., P . P . G . C . ; the Board of Installed Masters comprising Bros . J . T . Goodridgc , I P . M . 135 S ; S . Cash , P . M . 328 ; T . Oliver , P . M . ^ 28 ; [ . C . C .
Piller , P . M . 13 : 58 ; Jas . Greenfield , P . M . S 2 S , 1358 , P . P . G . J . D . ; Harland , P . M . ^ 28 , P . P . G . ] . D . ' ; Dr . Colston , l . P . M . 248 , P . G . S . ; Law , 1358 , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . Herts . There was a numerous attendance of the lodge members , among whom , in addition to those above mentioned , were Bros . Couldrey , Pope , Chinnock , T . Tozcr , W . Windram , II . Jackson , Hunt , King , Palk ,
Crutc , Evans , Gordon , Campbell , West , Bridgeman , Brooks , Bovey , and Rev . N . Piatt . The visitors were Bros . Hurrell , Hawley Lodge ; Dr . Colston , 248 , and Harland , 328 . Too much praise cannot be given to Bro . Bowden for the effective manner in which the ceremony was performed . After the usual salutations , the W . M . proceeded to invest his officers , viz ., Bros . 1 . T .
Goodridge , l . P . M . ; J . Couldrey , S . W . ; T . Pope , | . W . ; Jas . Greenfield , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D ., Treas . ; W . Windram , Sec ; Rev . N . Piatt , Chaplain ; fas . Chinnock , S . D . ; T . Tozcr , J . D . ; 1-1 . Jackson , I . G . ; C . II . Law , P . M ., Dir . of Cer . ; Brooks , Org . ; Maunder and Evans , Stewards , and Tozcr , Tyler . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the Gcrston Hotel
and , under the presidency of the newly installed W . M ., partook of a magnificent banquet , provided by the manager , Mr . Codner . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to by the brethren , the reply of Bro . Colston to the toast of " The Visitors " being an eloquent outburst of Masonic feeling . After one of the most enjoyable evenings ever spent by this young
lodge , the brethren separated early , expressing , themselves much delighted with the day's proceedings and with high hopes of the ensuing year being equally as prosperous as the past . DAWLISH . —SAI . KM LODGE ( NO . 1443 ) . —At the last regular meeting of this lodge there was one passing and two raisings . The ballot was taken for one joining
member , which proved unanimous . Bro . W . Ball was elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . J . S . Whidborne , the Treasurer , and Bro . Haggarty , the Tyler , were also elected . The banquet will take place at Bro . Ball ' s on August 18 th , at 6 p . m . The installation will take place at the Town Hall , at 3 p . m . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . P . G . S . W . for Warwickshire , an hon . member of the lodge , took part in the
proceedings . MANCHESTER . —Louoii oi' TRUTH ( No . 1458 ) . — The members of this lodge held their regular meeting at the house of Bro . Potts , Royal Archer Hotel , Dale-street , Manchester , on Saturday , the 7 th August . Amongst the brethren present we noticed Bros . Henry Smith , W . M . ; Charles Pearson , S . W . ; Charles Joel Kent , J . W . ;
John Knidcr , P . M ., Sec . ; Thomas Tycrs , P . M . Treas . ; J no . W . Turner , l . P . M . Visitors : John Croll , 25 ; Daniel Lomas , 823 ; John II . Walton , 412 , Oswego , United States America ; R . Dottie , 1161 ; J , Pinpoint , f' 4 S i John Hey , S . W . 387 . Business commenced by punctually opening the lodge at 4 . 50 p . m . The minutes of previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the
W . M . proceeded to pass Bro . Oldham to the Second Degree . Business being concluded the lodge was closed in the two degrees , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The cloth being drawn the W . M . proceeded with the Masonic toasts , which were enthusiastically responded to . Bro . Turner , I . P . M ., proposed "The Health of the Visitors , " and said on that occasion he was
especially gratified to have that toast entrusted to him by the W . M ., as hs had two intimate friends there , in Bro . Jno . H . Walton from America , and Bro . John I ley , S . W . 387 , from Bradford , the first of whom had rendered them assistance during the formation of the lodge , and to whom it would be a special pleasure to see them so prosperous and happy . Respecting Bro . I ley , he
( the l . P . M ) said he was proud to have him for a friend , knowing him to be such a good and conscientious Mason , and one who had made his position in Masonry by his abilities and perseverance . In responding Bro . Walton said it was a very great pleasure to him to be amongst them that evening , and the greatest pleasure he had enjoyed for a very long time to sec the members work in
unison with each other , and vie to make every one happy amongst them . Bro . Hey also congratulated the members on the prosperous appearance of the lodge , and said it had certainly been a great pleasure to be amongst them , and he should carry into Yorkshire the kindest feelings for his reception that evening . The other visitors responded in suitable terms to the toast and expressed their pleasure at the efficient working and brotherly reception . " The
Health of the W . M . " was proposed in glowing terms by Bro . Tyers , P . M . The W . M . responded by expressing his wish to be of more service to the lodge ( which was not necessary as all the members arc aware of his anxiety for their comfort and the prosperity of the lodge ) . After the toasts of "The P . M . ' s and the Officers" had been responded to , the S . W . and J . W . were called upon for their respective toasts , and the brethren separated about 9 pm ., after spending an entertaining and agreeable evening .
Knights Templars.
Knights Templars .
PROVINCIAL PRIORY OF LANCASHIRE . By command of Sir Knight Albert Hudson Royds , Provincial Prior , all Preceptors , P . G . Commanders , and such companions as were entitled to be present , were summoned to attend the meeting of the Provincial Priory of Lancashire , on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool and in reply to the invitation there was a large gathering of the Knights of the Order . The Provincial