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Knights Templars.
Preccptory was held under the banner of the Alpass Preccptory . The Alpass Preccptory was opened at one o ' clock , by Sir Knight W . Doyle , E . P . of the Alpass Preccptory , and shortly afterwards the Provincial Officers entered in procession , and were received under the arch of steel . The Provincial Priory was then opened in form by Em .
Sir Knight A . H . Royds , Prov . Prior . I he Registrar then called over the muster roll of Prov . Officers anil of the Priories in the province , when it was found that only one preccptory ( the Plains of Tabor , Colnc ) was unrepresented . The Chancellor ' s report was read and confirmed , and the accounts of the Prov . Grand Treasurer , which had been audited , were passed . Sir Knight Birch , was unanimously
re-elected P . G . Treasurer , and Sir Knight Lawson , the P . G . Equerry . The Committee of General Purposes was reelected , with the exception of one member who retired , Sir Knight \ V . Doyle being substituted in his place . The following officers were appointed and invested for the ensuing year : —Sir Knights A . 11 . Royds , Prov . Prior ; C . R . N . Beswiekc-Royds , Sub . Prov . Prior ; J . B . Phillips ,
Prelate ; W . Ashworth , Chancellor ; W . Doyle , Constable ; J . A . Hall , Marshal ; Birch , Treas . ; J . Chadwick , Registrar ; S . H . Smith , Sub-Marshal ; T . Clark , Herald ; T . II . Jenkins , Warden of Regalia ; J . Greaves , Almoner ; C . Jones , ist Standard Bearer ; J . Worsley , 2 nd Standard Bearer ; J . E . Hall , ist Aide-de-camp ; J . B . Carr , 2 nd Aide-de-camp ; J . W . Taylor , Captain of Guards ; J . E .
Jackson , Sword Bearer ; J . L . Goodwin , Org . ; J . K . Smith , ist Purst . ; II . Thomas , 2 nd Purst . ; G . Turner , Vicc-Chanccllor ; J . Lawson , Equerry . The next meeting was appointed to be held at Oldham . The sum of £ 10 was voted out of the Almoner ' s fund for the Masonic charities , the division being left in the hands of Prov . Prior , Treas ., and Almoner .
A vote of thanks was cordially passed to the Provincial Prior ( Sir Knight A . II . Royds ) for the great amount of labour he had used in promoting the interests of the Order . In acknowledging the vote the Prov . Prior thanked the Sir Knights for the support he had received in connection with his office , and trusted they would continue to render him the same warm and continuous support in the fulfilment of
his duties . The Provincial Priory was then closed , and the officers retired under the arch of steel . The E . P . of the Alpass Preccptory afterwards closed that encampment in due form . The hall was beautifully and most effectively decorated with flags and banners , including three very large Grand Lodge , Knight Templars , and Red Cross flags , sent from
the well-known establishment of Sir Knight G . Kenning , the genccal arrangement being under the superintendance of Sir Knight J . VVood , who is at the head of the Liver-]) o . ol section of the business . The banners of many Sir Knights gave increased and striking effect to the tout ensemble . A banquet was , after business , served in the large
banquet hall oi the Masonic leniple , the chair being occupied by Sir Knight A . II . Royds , Prov . Prior . After banquet he ga 1 c the toasts of " The Queen , Patroness of the Order , " "Their Royal Highnesses the Princess of Wales , and the Rest of the Royal Family , " " The Prince of Wales , Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , " and "The Right Hon . the Karl of Limerick , the Very High and Eminent
Great Prior of England . " Sir Knight Captain T . Berry , P . G . C ., proposed "The Very Eminent Prior of Lancashire , Sir Knight A . II . Royds ; " and Sir Knight Pierpoint , " The Eminent Sub-Prior of Lancashire , Sir Knight C . II . N Bcswickc-Hoyds . " The Sub-Prior gave " The Very
Eminent Priars and Officers of the Neighbouring Provinces ;" find Sir Knight II . Brown , Reg ,, " The P . G . Officers of Lancashire , Past anil Present , " which was responded to by Sir Knight J . A . Hall . The P . Prior proposed "The E . P . of this Preccptory , " which was responded to bv Sir Knight Doyle , E . P .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF RENFREWSHIRE EAST . A communication of this ledge was held in Paisley , on Saturday , the 7 II 1 inst . Bro . Col . Campbell , of Blythswood , the Provincial Grand Master , presided ; Bro . James Caldwell acted as S . W ., and Bro . James Gilmour as J . W .
The lodges represented were—Royal Arch , Rutherglen , 116 ; St . Mirrcn , Paisley , 129 ; Royal Arch , Pollokshaws , i fl . i ; St . B . 'irchau , Kilharchan , 15 6 ; Prince of Wales , Renfrew , 24 6 ; Renfrew County , Kilwinning , Paisley , 370 ; and St . John ' s , Rutherglen , 374 . The Grand Master made a statement in ciiiiiiccti ' . m with the meeting , and thereafter installed Bro . lames Gilmour into the office of
J . W . of the lodge . It was arranged that the consecration of the new hall for Rutherglen St . John ' s Lodge take place un the jth of November prox . A conversation took place regarding the consecration of the Pollokshaws Lodge , but no definite resolution was come to , though it was understood that the ceremony would take place shortly before or after the consecration of St . John ' s .
Nuriri :. —The mcnioml stone of the new public school at Old Cuminoclt , Ayrshire , will be laid with full Misonie honours by liro . Col . . Mure , M . P ., R . W . Prnwucinl Grind Master for Ayrshire , on Thursday , the 19 th inst .
The brethren arc to assemble in the Black Bull llutel sat a . < iuarlcr-p : ist one o ' clock p . m . The Pi ' iivincial Grand Lodge of Ayishire will be opened in 1 he lod ^ e . room of Si . Ii . 1 n 1 . 1 h is , 0 | d Ciininioik , at hall ' - na * i one . o ' clock precisely .
' ULASGOW . —LODGI . ST . J ( NO . 3 J ) . —The regular meeting of this most ancient and nourishing lodge % vas held in their hall , a 3 , Buchanan-street , Glas-
gow , on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., Bro . Wm . Bell , R . W . M ., in the chair , Bro . J . B . Young , S . W . ; Bro . D . Horn , J . W . ; with a large attendance of members o f the lodge and visitors . Among the visitors were Bros . George Kenning , 30 E . C . ( proprietor of the Freemason ); W . II . Bickcrlon ' Freemason ) ; J . Wallace , R . W . M ., Lodge Athole , and others . The lodge was opened by the R . W . M ., Bro .
William Bell , and the Secretary , Bro . John Dick , read the minutes of the last regular meeting , also of an emergency meeting . The minutes of the emergency meeting brought up a discussion as to whether it was not detrimental to the Order to get up these hurried meetings , after which the minutes were confirmed . The lodge was then raised to the degree of F . C , when the following brethren were
passed to that degree , viz ., Bros . Pcddie , Neilson , Blackwood , Clark , and Allan , Bro . John Dick officiating . The lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , and the usual loyal anil Masonic toasts given anil responded to , " The Queen , " and " Three GramfLodges , " by the R . W . M ., Bro . Bell ; " The Prince of Wales , " by Bro . J . B . Young , S . W . ; "United Brethren , " by Bro . D . Horn , J . W . ;
and "Sister Lodges" by Bro . G . Park , P . M . The R . W . M ., in proposing " The Three Grand Lodges , " called upon Bro . George Kenning to respond on behalf of England . Bro , George Kenning rose and spoke at length , and in the course of his remarks alluded to the various Masonic Charities they had in England , also to the different working , and that it would give him great pleasure
to sec the brethren putting their shoulder to the wheel , and have something to show for Freemasonry in Scotland in the way of a home for decayed Freemasons , their willows , and orphans ; also that he should like to see those hurried initiations and emergency meetings done away with , for , as the Senior Warden , Bro . Young , had justly remarked , it was detrimental to the Order . Before sitting down he
would thank them kindly on behalf of the English Constitution for the kind manner in which the toast had been proposed and responded to . Bro . Wallace , R . W . M ., Lodge Athole , in responding for the Sister Lodges , said—In respect to what Bro . Kenning hail said respecting Masonic charities , and the system of hurrying the degrees , he was sorry to say it was the truth , and a
disgrace to Scottish Freemasonry , and hoped th't the brethren would start with heart and will at once , and see whether they could not , like other countries , show what the beauties of the Order were in the way of Masonic institutions for the aged , the widow , and the orphan . After a few remarks from several of the brethren , the lodge was called to labour , when Bro . Horn , J . W ., reminded them of
his motion for raising the fees . The R . W . M . said , before closing the lodge , he had a pleasant duty to perform , that of proposing a worthy and highly-cstccmed brother , who had come amongst them that evening for affiliation into this lodge , Bro . George Kenning , proprietor of the Freemason . Bro . Park seconded the proposition , which was received by all with acclamation . Bro . W . Bell , R . W . M .,
performed the ceremony of affiliation . The lodge was then closed . GLASGOW . —LODGI ; KILWINNING ( NO . 4 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , on the 4 U 1 inst . In the absence of the R . W . M ., Bro . S . Henderson , S . W ., presided , and was well supported by the other office-bearers present . There
was very little business before the meeting . lhe minutes of the previous meeting , also of an emergency meeting , were read and confirmed , Bro . J . Curric , Sec , read a letter from the widow of the late Bro , Capt . F . Elliott , who , it appeared , was not in pleasant circumstances , her eyesight failing , and her means being scant . After a conversation among the brethren present , it was agreed , on the
motion of Bro . Adams , that the R . W . M , and his Wardens lose no time in making the necessary enquiry into tHe case , they having the authority of the lodge to grant immediate assistance until proper arrangements can be made for her support . Bro . Henderson then intimated that as soon as the summer holidays were over the usual fortnightly meetings for instruction would be commenced ,
which he hoped would be well attended . I here being no further business , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGI : TIIISTLI ; AND RO . SI ; ( N O . 73 ) . — The monthly meeting of this old lodge was held on the 3 rd inst . in the Masonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan-st , The R . W . M ., Bro . G . McDonald , presided , supported by his
Wardens , Bros . W . MacGcorge , S . W . ; J . F . llanbridge , J . W . ; James Baiinernian , D . M . ; . J . S . Amplcford , Sec , iVc . The lodge was opened , and the minutes ot the previous meeting read and confirmed , when the lodge was passed to the Square Degree , The Secretary said that lie would have a proof of the new bye-laws to submit to the lodge for approval at next meeting . It was then agreed
to order icoo copies . 1 he R . W . M . then said he had seen one of the wry old members of ( lie ledge , who , he was sorry to say , was not in the most prosperous circumstances . He , therefore , took the liberty to ask the brethren present to vote some assistance to him to help him over his present difficulty , which was at once done in a handsome manner . The lodge was then raised to the Siiblirp . e Degree , when
Bros . McLeoil ai ) d Cameron received that degree , Bro . McDonald officiating with his usual ability , While the candidates were being prepared for the Third Degree , Bro . McDonald read a circular from Bro . G . Kenning , of London , I iv . rpool , and Glasgow , which had been handed to him by Bro , G . B , Adams ( of the I'riemiifim ) , who was present , Jt referred to a new work being brought out
by Bro . G . Kenning , \\/ ., a new Masonic " Encyclopedia , " which lie recommended to their favourable consiilcr . iiiui ! . llicthivn could get fuitns lor intending subscribers filling up ( roi >) Bio , Adanis , or at the establishment of Bio , Kenning , 9 , West l | ow . i | d-st . The lodge was then reduced to the degree of E . A ., and applications from two gentlemen were read , craving admission into the Order , viz ., Mr . John Thomas Crome and Mr . Joseph
Solomons . They were proposed and seconded by Bro . C T . Owen and H . McKean . They were approved " of , and received the First Degree , Bro . McDonald officiatino-There being no further business , the lodge was closed m due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —Lonoi ; T 11 isTi . K ( No . 87 ) . —The monthl y meeting of this lodge took place on the 3 rd inst ., in the
Masonic Hall , 30 , Hope-street . The meeting was very well attended . Bro . James W . Burns , R . W . M ., took the chair and was supported by Bros . J . Booth , S . W . ; \ Y . Wilson , J . W . ; John Miller , P . M . ; John Frnscr , P . M . ( acting Sec ); Arch . McTaggart , M . A ., P . G . Sec . Thos . Paton , Treas . ; Walter Stewart , S . D ., Sec , Sec . The lodge was opened , , ind the minutes of the previous
meeting read and confirmed . Bros . John Kirkland and David Marr , both of Lodge Baron of Paisley , No . 114 , were affiliated members of Lodge Thistle , No . 8 7 , Bro . A . idcTaggart performing the ceremony in his usual minutely correct way . The office of J . D . having become vacant , Bro . Eraser , P . M ., proposed that Bro . McLauchlnnc be elected to fill the duties of that office . This was seconded
by bro . Wilson , and unanimously agreed to , and he was declared elected , anil was installed into office by Bro . Mc-Taggart . No business of further importance being brought up , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . RUTHERGLEN . —LODGI ; ROYAI . ARCH ( NO . 116 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , Rutherglen , on the 6 th inst . Bro . W . Ferguson , R . W . M .,
presided , supported by Bros . W . Mc . Gavcny , S . W . ; Jas . Gilmour , J . W ., and a large number of brethren . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and passed . The R . W . M . said that the widow of the late Bro . A . Park was in very straitened circumstances , and he called the earnest attent on of the brethren to the case . After some little conversation it was resolved that , in the mean time .
a sum of money he granted from the lodge funds , and her case brought up before the Provincial and Grand Lodge Benevolent Committees , the R . W . M . undertaking to sec this done . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form . SI 1 ETTLESTON , —LODGI ; ST . J ( NO . 12 S ) held its monthlv meeting on the 4 U 1 inst ., in the Masonic Hall , at
Shetllestcn , the R . W . M ., Bro . Campbell , presiding , supported by Bros . C . Webster , S . W . ; Jas . Miller , J . W . ; and , 1 large number of well qualified brethren . The minutes of the last meeting were Ircad and confirmed . Bro . Geo . McLeod called the attention of the brethren to the fact that it was now nearly twelve months since the last pic-nic of the lodge took place . Many of the members of the Icufe
thought that now , when we had splendid weather * was the time to arrange about the getting up of one , He vvouM therefore propose that the 28 th of August be fixed as the day for that purpose , and the place of resort be " Barr , " a beautiful spot of romantic vcrdunc . This was seconded by Bro . John Allan , and supported by the brethren present , and a committee appointed to see the arrangements
foinplctcd . After some further business of the usual character , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGI ; UNION ( NO , 332 ) . —The rcgulav meeting of this lodge was held in the Freemasons' 1 lall , 170 , Buchanan-street , on the 2 nd inst . The attendance oi members was very good indeed , but the attendance of visiting brethren was much more than a 11 average ' . The
R . W . M ., Bro , J . B . Macnair , was unable to he present on account of the quarterly meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland being held on the same evening , which he had to attend , in Edinburgh . In his absence Bro . Mitchell , P . M ., look the chair , and was very ably supported by many brethren of ability and popularity . Among those present , were Bros . Murray , acting S . W . ; A . Connchie , I . W . 5
John Mclnncs , Sec ; J . Balfour , P . M . ; J . Laurie , Treas . ; Thomson , R . W . M , 333 ; Forsyth , S . W . 333 ; R . Andrews , J . W . 333 ; R , Campbell , St . John's , New Brunswick , No . 22 ; J . Stewart , 3 60 ; James Crabbe , 242 ; Jas . Wilson , 169 , and others . The Judge was opened and the minutes of the previous meeting were rend and confirmed . There being no more business in this
degree the lodge was passed to the F . C . A request from the R . W . M . of Lodge ' Union and Crown , 103 , to pass a , brother of that lodge to the Fellow Craft on ' their beha' , 1 was at once complied with . Bros . W . G , Burns and T . H . Gill , of Lodge Union , and Bro . John Campbell , Lodge Union and Crown , then received that degree ; it was most ably given by Bro . Mitchell in his best style , and was
much admired by the brethren present . Tlvts . finished the pressing bua ' ness before the lodge , nn < l it was cilled to harmony under the care of the J , Yv ., when a really pleasant and profitable hour way . "pent , Bro . Mitchell , who was in excellent form for the chair , brimfull of good humour and common jenue , gave the customary loyal nj" ! Ala sonic toasts , which were loyally and Masonirjojly
responded to by the brethren , lie then in a 1110 , 1 able and eloquent speech gave " The Press , " pa ? swg 3 high culogiuni 011 the manner in which the y . iess was conducted in this country . Touching on >\ 'C Masonic press , he paid a high compliment to the energy , great ability , and nersevcrnnct of 5 > ro , O . Kenning , proprietor of the Freemason and Masojiie Mapi' . ine . He said ( He endeavours of Bro . Kenning
to meet the wants of the brethren were beyond all praise , and lie hoped , soon to see the circulation of these papers ir . tiltiji ' ied a bunked fedd . Bro . Stewart replied for the Local Press , ;\ nd Bro , Aikuus for the Masonic . He lint g . iv 2 the to > t of "The Visiting Brethren . " He s . Yiit It . afforded him much pleasure to sec so many nit'Sent ; it . was at all times pleasant and profitable to meet together ,
and hoped the visiting brethren had iil ' i enjoyed their visit to the Union l . ' . 'ilge llnl ni ;; hi , Several brothers replied mi behiiK ol llvti i ^ vu lidgi ' . i , Bro . J . Wilson , ilii ) , n > marking that though lie might be . the oldest Mason among them , he was no speaker ; lie would therefore only thank them foe the kind reception he had met with . After a few remarks from Bros . James Crabbe , 242 ; Thomson , 333 ; Robt . Campbell , St . John's , New Brunswick , warmly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templars.
Preccptory was held under the banner of the Alpass Preccptory . The Alpass Preccptory was opened at one o ' clock , by Sir Knight W . Doyle , E . P . of the Alpass Preccptory , and shortly afterwards the Provincial Officers entered in procession , and were received under the arch of steel . The Provincial Priory was then opened in form by Em .
Sir Knight A . H . Royds , Prov . Prior . I he Registrar then called over the muster roll of Prov . Officers anil of the Priories in the province , when it was found that only one preccptory ( the Plains of Tabor , Colnc ) was unrepresented . The Chancellor ' s report was read and confirmed , and the accounts of the Prov . Grand Treasurer , which had been audited , were passed . Sir Knight Birch , was unanimously
re-elected P . G . Treasurer , and Sir Knight Lawson , the P . G . Equerry . The Committee of General Purposes was reelected , with the exception of one member who retired , Sir Knight \ V . Doyle being substituted in his place . The following officers were appointed and invested for the ensuing year : —Sir Knights A . 11 . Royds , Prov . Prior ; C . R . N . Beswiekc-Royds , Sub . Prov . Prior ; J . B . Phillips ,
Prelate ; W . Ashworth , Chancellor ; W . Doyle , Constable ; J . A . Hall , Marshal ; Birch , Treas . ; J . Chadwick , Registrar ; S . H . Smith , Sub-Marshal ; T . Clark , Herald ; T . II . Jenkins , Warden of Regalia ; J . Greaves , Almoner ; C . Jones , ist Standard Bearer ; J . Worsley , 2 nd Standard Bearer ; J . E . Hall , ist Aide-de-camp ; J . B . Carr , 2 nd Aide-de-camp ; J . W . Taylor , Captain of Guards ; J . E .
Jackson , Sword Bearer ; J . L . Goodwin , Org . ; J . K . Smith , ist Purst . ; II . Thomas , 2 nd Purst . ; G . Turner , Vicc-Chanccllor ; J . Lawson , Equerry . The next meeting was appointed to be held at Oldham . The sum of £ 10 was voted out of the Almoner ' s fund for the Masonic charities , the division being left in the hands of Prov . Prior , Treas ., and Almoner .
A vote of thanks was cordially passed to the Provincial Prior ( Sir Knight A . II . Royds ) for the great amount of labour he had used in promoting the interests of the Order . In acknowledging the vote the Prov . Prior thanked the Sir Knights for the support he had received in connection with his office , and trusted they would continue to render him the same warm and continuous support in the fulfilment of
his duties . The Provincial Priory was then closed , and the officers retired under the arch of steel . The E . P . of the Alpass Preccptory afterwards closed that encampment in due form . The hall was beautifully and most effectively decorated with flags and banners , including three very large Grand Lodge , Knight Templars , and Red Cross flags , sent from
the well-known establishment of Sir Knight G . Kenning , the genccal arrangement being under the superintendance of Sir Knight J . VVood , who is at the head of the Liver-]) o . ol section of the business . The banners of many Sir Knights gave increased and striking effect to the tout ensemble . A banquet was , after business , served in the large
banquet hall oi the Masonic leniple , the chair being occupied by Sir Knight A . II . Royds , Prov . Prior . After banquet he ga 1 c the toasts of " The Queen , Patroness of the Order , " "Their Royal Highnesses the Princess of Wales , and the Rest of the Royal Family , " " The Prince of Wales , Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , " and "The Right Hon . the Karl of Limerick , the Very High and Eminent
Great Prior of England . " Sir Knight Captain T . Berry , P . G . C ., proposed "The Very Eminent Prior of Lancashire , Sir Knight A . II . Royds ; " and Sir Knight Pierpoint , " The Eminent Sub-Prior of Lancashire , Sir Knight C . II . N Bcswickc-Hoyds . " The Sub-Prior gave " The Very
Eminent Priars and Officers of the Neighbouring Provinces ;" find Sir Knight II . Brown , Reg ,, " The P . G . Officers of Lancashire , Past anil Present , " which was responded to by Sir Knight J . A . Hall . The P . Prior proposed "The E . P . of this Preccptory , " which was responded to bv Sir Knight Doyle , E . P .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF RENFREWSHIRE EAST . A communication of this ledge was held in Paisley , on Saturday , the 7 II 1 inst . Bro . Col . Campbell , of Blythswood , the Provincial Grand Master , presided ; Bro . James Caldwell acted as S . W ., and Bro . James Gilmour as J . W .
The lodges represented were—Royal Arch , Rutherglen , 116 ; St . Mirrcn , Paisley , 129 ; Royal Arch , Pollokshaws , i fl . i ; St . B . 'irchau , Kilharchan , 15 6 ; Prince of Wales , Renfrew , 24 6 ; Renfrew County , Kilwinning , Paisley , 370 ; and St . John ' s , Rutherglen , 374 . The Grand Master made a statement in ciiiiiiccti ' . m with the meeting , and thereafter installed Bro . lames Gilmour into the office of
J . W . of the lodge . It was arranged that the consecration of the new hall for Rutherglen St . John ' s Lodge take place un the jth of November prox . A conversation took place regarding the consecration of the Pollokshaws Lodge , but no definite resolution was come to , though it was understood that the ceremony would take place shortly before or after the consecration of St . John ' s .
Nuriri :. —The mcnioml stone of the new public school at Old Cuminoclt , Ayrshire , will be laid with full Misonie honours by liro . Col . . Mure , M . P ., R . W . Prnwucinl Grind Master for Ayrshire , on Thursday , the 19 th inst .
The brethren arc to assemble in the Black Bull llutel sat a . < iuarlcr-p : ist one o ' clock p . m . The Pi ' iivincial Grand Lodge of Ayishire will be opened in 1 he lod ^ e . room of Si . Ii . 1 n 1 . 1 h is , 0 | d Ciininioik , at hall ' - na * i one . o ' clock precisely .
' ULASGOW . —LODGI . ST . J ( NO . 3 J ) . —The regular meeting of this most ancient and nourishing lodge % vas held in their hall , a 3 , Buchanan-street , Glas-
gow , on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., Bro . Wm . Bell , R . W . M ., in the chair , Bro . J . B . Young , S . W . ; Bro . D . Horn , J . W . ; with a large attendance of members o f the lodge and visitors . Among the visitors were Bros . George Kenning , 30 E . C . ( proprietor of the Freemason ); W . II . Bickcrlon ' Freemason ) ; J . Wallace , R . W . M ., Lodge Athole , and others . The lodge was opened by the R . W . M ., Bro .
William Bell , and the Secretary , Bro . John Dick , read the minutes of the last regular meeting , also of an emergency meeting . The minutes of the emergency meeting brought up a discussion as to whether it was not detrimental to the Order to get up these hurried meetings , after which the minutes were confirmed . The lodge was then raised to the degree of F . C , when the following brethren were
passed to that degree , viz ., Bros . Pcddie , Neilson , Blackwood , Clark , and Allan , Bro . John Dick officiating . The lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , and the usual loyal anil Masonic toasts given anil responded to , " The Queen , " and " Three GramfLodges , " by the R . W . M ., Bro . Bell ; " The Prince of Wales , " by Bro . J . B . Young , S . W . ; "United Brethren , " by Bro . D . Horn , J . W . ;
and "Sister Lodges" by Bro . G . Park , P . M . The R . W . M ., in proposing " The Three Grand Lodges , " called upon Bro . George Kenning to respond on behalf of England . Bro , George Kenning rose and spoke at length , and in the course of his remarks alluded to the various Masonic Charities they had in England , also to the different working , and that it would give him great pleasure
to sec the brethren putting their shoulder to the wheel , and have something to show for Freemasonry in Scotland in the way of a home for decayed Freemasons , their willows , and orphans ; also that he should like to see those hurried initiations and emergency meetings done away with , for , as the Senior Warden , Bro . Young , had justly remarked , it was detrimental to the Order . Before sitting down he
would thank them kindly on behalf of the English Constitution for the kind manner in which the toast had been proposed and responded to . Bro . Wallace , R . W . M ., Lodge Athole , in responding for the Sister Lodges , said—In respect to what Bro . Kenning hail said respecting Masonic charities , and the system of hurrying the degrees , he was sorry to say it was the truth , and a
disgrace to Scottish Freemasonry , and hoped th't the brethren would start with heart and will at once , and see whether they could not , like other countries , show what the beauties of the Order were in the way of Masonic institutions for the aged , the widow , and the orphan . After a few remarks from several of the brethren , the lodge was called to labour , when Bro . Horn , J . W ., reminded them of
his motion for raising the fees . The R . W . M . said , before closing the lodge , he had a pleasant duty to perform , that of proposing a worthy and highly-cstccmed brother , who had come amongst them that evening for affiliation into this lodge , Bro . George Kenning , proprietor of the Freemason . Bro . Park seconded the proposition , which was received by all with acclamation . Bro . W . Bell , R . W . M .,
performed the ceremony of affiliation . The lodge was then closed . GLASGOW . —LODGI ; KILWINNING ( NO . 4 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , on the 4 U 1 inst . In the absence of the R . W . M ., Bro . S . Henderson , S . W ., presided , and was well supported by the other office-bearers present . There
was very little business before the meeting . lhe minutes of the previous meeting , also of an emergency meeting , were read and confirmed , Bro . J . Curric , Sec , read a letter from the widow of the late Bro , Capt . F . Elliott , who , it appeared , was not in pleasant circumstances , her eyesight failing , and her means being scant . After a conversation among the brethren present , it was agreed , on the
motion of Bro . Adams , that the R . W . M , and his Wardens lose no time in making the necessary enquiry into tHe case , they having the authority of the lodge to grant immediate assistance until proper arrangements can be made for her support . Bro . Henderson then intimated that as soon as the summer holidays were over the usual fortnightly meetings for instruction would be commenced ,
which he hoped would be well attended . I here being no further business , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGI : TIIISTLI ; AND RO . SI ; ( N O . 73 ) . — The monthly meeting of this old lodge was held on the 3 rd inst . in the Masonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan-st , The R . W . M ., Bro . G . McDonald , presided , supported by his
Wardens , Bros . W . MacGcorge , S . W . ; J . F . llanbridge , J . W . ; James Baiinernian , D . M . ; . J . S . Amplcford , Sec , iVc . The lodge was opened , and the minutes ot the previous meeting read and confirmed , when the lodge was passed to the Square Degree , The Secretary said that lie would have a proof of the new bye-laws to submit to the lodge for approval at next meeting . It was then agreed
to order icoo copies . 1 he R . W . M . then said he had seen one of the wry old members of ( lie ledge , who , he was sorry to say , was not in the most prosperous circumstances . He , therefore , took the liberty to ask the brethren present to vote some assistance to him to help him over his present difficulty , which was at once done in a handsome manner . The lodge was then raised to the Siiblirp . e Degree , when
Bros . McLeoil ai ) d Cameron received that degree , Bro . McDonald officiating with his usual ability , While the candidates were being prepared for the Third Degree , Bro . McDonald read a circular from Bro . G . Kenning , of London , I iv . rpool , and Glasgow , which had been handed to him by Bro , G . B , Adams ( of the I'riemiifim ) , who was present , Jt referred to a new work being brought out
by Bro . G . Kenning , \\/ ., a new Masonic " Encyclopedia , " which lie recommended to their favourable consiilcr . iiiui ! . llicthivn could get fuitns lor intending subscribers filling up ( roi >) Bio , Adanis , or at the establishment of Bio , Kenning , 9 , West l | ow . i | d-st . The lodge was then reduced to the degree of E . A ., and applications from two gentlemen were read , craving admission into the Order , viz ., Mr . John Thomas Crome and Mr . Joseph
Solomons . They were proposed and seconded by Bro . C T . Owen and H . McKean . They were approved " of , and received the First Degree , Bro . McDonald officiatino-There being no further business , the lodge was closed m due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —Lonoi ; T 11 isTi . K ( No . 87 ) . —The monthl y meeting of this lodge took place on the 3 rd inst ., in the
Masonic Hall , 30 , Hope-street . The meeting was very well attended . Bro . James W . Burns , R . W . M ., took the chair and was supported by Bros . J . Booth , S . W . ; \ Y . Wilson , J . W . ; John Miller , P . M . ; John Frnscr , P . M . ( acting Sec ); Arch . McTaggart , M . A ., P . G . Sec . Thos . Paton , Treas . ; Walter Stewart , S . D ., Sec , Sec . The lodge was opened , , ind the minutes of the previous
meeting read and confirmed . Bros . John Kirkland and David Marr , both of Lodge Baron of Paisley , No . 114 , were affiliated members of Lodge Thistle , No . 8 7 , Bro . A . idcTaggart performing the ceremony in his usual minutely correct way . The office of J . D . having become vacant , Bro . Eraser , P . M ., proposed that Bro . McLauchlnnc be elected to fill the duties of that office . This was seconded
by bro . Wilson , and unanimously agreed to , and he was declared elected , anil was installed into office by Bro . Mc-Taggart . No business of further importance being brought up , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . RUTHERGLEN . —LODGI ; ROYAI . ARCH ( NO . 116 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , Rutherglen , on the 6 th inst . Bro . W . Ferguson , R . W . M .,
presided , supported by Bros . W . Mc . Gavcny , S . W . ; Jas . Gilmour , J . W ., and a large number of brethren . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and passed . The R . W . M . said that the widow of the late Bro . A . Park was in very straitened circumstances , and he called the earnest attent on of the brethren to the case . After some little conversation it was resolved that , in the mean time .
a sum of money he granted from the lodge funds , and her case brought up before the Provincial and Grand Lodge Benevolent Committees , the R . W . M . undertaking to sec this done . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form . SI 1 ETTLESTON , —LODGI ; ST . J ( NO . 12 S ) held its monthlv meeting on the 4 U 1 inst ., in the Masonic Hall , at
Shetllestcn , the R . W . M ., Bro . Campbell , presiding , supported by Bros . C . Webster , S . W . ; Jas . Miller , J . W . ; and , 1 large number of well qualified brethren . The minutes of the last meeting were Ircad and confirmed . Bro . Geo . McLeod called the attention of the brethren to the fact that it was now nearly twelve months since the last pic-nic of the lodge took place . Many of the members of the Icufe
thought that now , when we had splendid weather * was the time to arrange about the getting up of one , He vvouM therefore propose that the 28 th of August be fixed as the day for that purpose , and the place of resort be " Barr , " a beautiful spot of romantic vcrdunc . This was seconded by Bro . John Allan , and supported by the brethren present , and a committee appointed to see the arrangements
foinplctcd . After some further business of the usual character , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGI ; UNION ( NO , 332 ) . —The rcgulav meeting of this lodge was held in the Freemasons' 1 lall , 170 , Buchanan-street , on the 2 nd inst . The attendance oi members was very good indeed , but the attendance of visiting brethren was much more than a 11 average ' . The
R . W . M ., Bro , J . B . Macnair , was unable to he present on account of the quarterly meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland being held on the same evening , which he had to attend , in Edinburgh . In his absence Bro . Mitchell , P . M ., look the chair , and was very ably supported by many brethren of ability and popularity . Among those present , were Bros . Murray , acting S . W . ; A . Connchie , I . W . 5
John Mclnncs , Sec ; J . Balfour , P . M . ; J . Laurie , Treas . ; Thomson , R . W . M , 333 ; Forsyth , S . W . 333 ; R . Andrews , J . W . 333 ; R , Campbell , St . John's , New Brunswick , No . 22 ; J . Stewart , 3 60 ; James Crabbe , 242 ; Jas . Wilson , 169 , and others . The Judge was opened and the minutes of the previous meeting were rend and confirmed . There being no more business in this
degree the lodge was passed to the F . C . A request from the R . W . M . of Lodge ' Union and Crown , 103 , to pass a , brother of that lodge to the Fellow Craft on ' their beha' , 1 was at once complied with . Bros . W . G , Burns and T . H . Gill , of Lodge Union , and Bro . John Campbell , Lodge Union and Crown , then received that degree ; it was most ably given by Bro . Mitchell in his best style , and was
much admired by the brethren present . Tlvts . finished the pressing bua ' ness before the lodge , nn < l it was cilled to harmony under the care of the J , Yv ., when a really pleasant and profitable hour way . "pent , Bro . Mitchell , who was in excellent form for the chair , brimfull of good humour and common jenue , gave the customary loyal nj" ! Ala sonic toasts , which were loyally and Masonirjojly
responded to by the brethren , lie then in a 1110 , 1 able and eloquent speech gave " The Press , " pa ? swg 3 high culogiuni 011 the manner in which the y . iess was conducted in this country . Touching on >\ 'C Masonic press , he paid a high compliment to the energy , great ability , and nersevcrnnct of 5 > ro , O . Kenning , proprietor of the Freemason and Masojiie Mapi' . ine . He said ( He endeavours of Bro . Kenning
to meet the wants of the brethren were beyond all praise , and lie hoped , soon to see the circulation of these papers ir . tiltiji ' ied a bunked fedd . Bro . Stewart replied for the Local Press , ;\ nd Bro , Aikuus for the Masonic . He lint g . iv 2 the to > t of "The Visiting Brethren . " He s . Yiit It . afforded him much pleasure to sec so many nit'Sent ; it . was at all times pleasant and profitable to meet together ,
and hoped the visiting brethren had iil ' i enjoyed their visit to the Union l . ' . 'ilge llnl ni ;; hi , Several brothers replied mi behiiK ol llvti i ^ vu lidgi ' . i , Bro . J . Wilson , ilii ) , n > marking that though lie might be . the oldest Mason among them , he was no speaker ; lie would therefore only thank them foe the kind reception he had met with . After a few remarks from Bros . James Crabbe , 242 ; Thomson , 333 ; Robt . Campbell , St . John's , New Brunswick , warmly