Article Scotland. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF DEVON. Page 1 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF DEVON. Page 1 of 2 →
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, 1 inking the Union Lodge for the kind reception they had , ct with , "The Health of the Presiding R . W . M . " was „ iveii , and warmly responded to . Bro . Mitchell , in reply , Zive some interesting information about lodges in Canada "lid the States while he was visiting them some years ago . i | c concluded by saying he had not yet lost taste for Masonic working : although he had six sons Freemasons , four
0 f then 1 holding office , he must say he still felt at home when he was in the chair of a lodge . " Happy to meet and ] iappy to part " brought the night to a close . All went away p leased . RUTHERGLEN . —LODGE ST . J ( NO . 347 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in Read ' s Hall , Huthcrglen , on the 30 th ult . There were present in their
respective places , the R . W . M ., the Wardens , Treasurer , Secretary , and a number of well-qualified brethren to constitute a lodge , which was opened in the E . A . Degree , and the minutes were read and confirmed . An application for admittance was read frcm Mr . Thomas Brown ; this was favourably entertained , and he received the First Degree . Bio . lohn Templeton , a member of Lodge Commercial ,
No . 180 , Oben , was then affiliated as a joining member of St . John ' s Rutherglen , No . 347 . The lodge was passed to the F . C . Degree , when Bros A . Robertson and Dougald JIcLarplan were instructed in that degree . The lodge being raised to the Sublime Degree , the same brothers received that , the R . W . M . officiating through the three degrees . After an intimation that the next meeting would
be held in their new hall , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGI ; CAI . F . DONJAN RAILWAY ( NO ^ 4 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , 30 , Hope-street , on the 6 th inst . The R . W . M . was in the chair , supported by his Wardens and other office-bearers , together with a goodly number of
brethren . The only business was the reading of the minutes , which were confirmed , and the installation of Bro . Colquhoun as Treasurer , which was done by the R . W . M . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGE COMMERCIAL ( NO . 300 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , situated at 30 , Mope-street , on the 23 rd ult . The object
• of the meeting was to confer the Sublime Degree upon those brethren who were prepared to receive it , so as to leave the business before the next regular meeting no more than what can be got through in one night . The lodge was opened , Bro . Monro , R . W . M ., presiding , aided by Bros . J . M . Oliver , S . W . ; Reid , acting J . W . ; together with a sufficient number of well qualified brethren to constitute a
lodge . There was only one brother forward for the Master Mason Degree , viz ., Bro . Brash , who received it , Bro . Monro officiating in his usual able manner . The regular meeting of this lodge took place on the 6 th inst ., in their lodge-room , 30 , Hope-street . The meeting was well attended by members and visitors , among whom were the following : —J . Monro , R . W . M . ; J . M . Oliver ,
S . W . ; T . Graham , acting J . W . ; Dr . Alex . Morton , l . P . M .: J . D . Porteous , P . M . ; J . Brodie , ' VM . ; J . E . Spiers , S . M . ; S . J . McGeorge , P . M . 241 , E . C . ; James Wilson , 915 , E . C . ; J . W . Burns , R . W . M . 87 ; and others . The minutes of the previous meetings being read anil confirmed , a cenversation took place regarding some diplomas , which appear to have been so carefully laid past , that
they cannot now be found ; but no doubt they will turn up after another careful search , which was ordered to be made again . A pretty lengthy correspondence ensued between Bros . Lamb , Treas . ; P . M . Sage , and Monro , R . W . M ., anent the Cummings testimonial . After various brethren having expressed their opinions upon it , the Secretary was instructed to communicate with Bro . Sage , and request him to be
present at the next meeting , in order to get the matter satisfactorily arranged . The lodge was then raised to the Master Mason Degree , when Bro . Couper was raised to that flegrcc , P . M . J . Brodie working the First Section ; Bro Monro , R . W . M ., the Second , which work was gone through in excellent style by those two able brothers . This finished Ihe business before the lodge , and it was closed in due and
ancient form . GLASGOW . —LoDOE ST . ANDIIF . W ( NO . 465 ) held their regular meeting on the 5 th inst ., in their hall , Garngadroad : present , Bros . Read , R . W . M . ; Clark , S . W . ; Davidson , J . W . ; W . Campbell , Sec ; & c . The meeting was a large one . The lodge being opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . An application
lor Freemasonry was read from Mr . Daniel McMnstcr , which met with the approval of the assembled brethren , and he received the First Degree . The lodge was then passed to the Second Degree , when Bros . Milliken and Davidson received that degree . When the lodge was raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M ., Bros . Davidson , Milliken , Wilson , and Steward , were completed in their
Masonic desires . It was then proposed by Bro . Charlton , 3 ml seconded Bro . Herron , that Bro . Rotheram receive honorary affiliation into St . Andrew Lodge as a mark of heir appreciation of his services to the Craft , which was agrreed to , he stepping to the altar and receiving the Usual obligation . Bro . Read , R . W . M ., went through the work of the evening in capital ' style . There being no further
business , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —Lonou ST . VINCENT ( NO . 553 ) . —The JJ- 'gular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , Kent j ! ° ad , on the evening of the 5 th inst . The R . W . M . was '" his own place , supported by Bros . J . B . McNaught , » 'W . ; J . Best , J . W . ; R . Bell , R . W . M . 3 J- ; Dick , Sec . 3 I ; f-trnb , D . M . 360 , & c . The meeting was well attended
" 1 the members of the lodge , and a considerable number ° ' visiting brethren were present . The lodge was opened , *\" - 'n , as usual , the first business was the reading of the "" lutes . Besides those of the regular meeting , there were s ° nic emergency meetings , all of which were approved and ^ "firmed . The bye-law question was then brought up ' settlement . The R . W . M . said he had a proof copy , Sl i as the three degrees were to be worked that night , it
was resolved to have a special meeting that day fortnight ,, to settle that and any other business standing over . Trier ., were two candidates for the First Degree , which was ver cleverly given by Bro . D . Lamb , D . M . 3 60 . When th lodge was passed to the Second Degree three broth crs ap peared for that degree , which was given by Bro . Bell , W . M-3 V , in his usual solid way . For the Sublime Degree four brethren were presented . In this degree Bro . Lamb again was
placed at the altar to officiate , his exertions 111 this giving evident satisfaction to the brethren present . This young lodge has been working very hard since its establishment . Its members seem to be endowed with a great deal of Masonic enthusiasm . We trust its office-bearers will take advantage of this , and by their smoothly working together they will "flourish' like a green bay tree . " The business being ended , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Devon.
The annual Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire Freemasons was held on Tuesday , August 3 rd ., at the Victoria Hall , Exeter , the Right W . Brother , the Rev . J . Huyshc , Prov . Grand Master , presiding . Amongst a large attendance of brethren were the following : — PROVINCIAL GRAND OFFICERS . —L . P . Melham , P . G .
Deacon of England , and D . P . G . M . of Devon ; II . W . Hooper , P . P . G . R . ; Samuel Jew , P . P . G . T . ; Rev . T . Lemon , P . G . S . Chap . ; Rev . W . Whittley , P . G . 1 . Chap . ; W . Browning , P . P . G . D . C . ; J . Way , P . P . G . T . ; the Rev . W . Lmigley Pope , D . D . P . P . G . C . ; H . Welch , P . G . P . ; Walter G . Rogers , P . G . S . W ., and P . G . Sec . ; W . Trevena , P . P . G . D . C . ; F . Aubrey Thomas , P . G . S . D . ;
G . N . Burden , P . G . S . Works ; J . Gambell , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; W . T . Mnynnrd , P . P . G . Treasr-, 1 . R . Price , P . P . G . S . B . ; II . Bartlett , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; J . F . Hiffley , P . P . G . A . D . C ; C . J . Harland , P . P . G . J . D . ; W . Easton , P . P . G . S . W . ; John Rogers , P . A . G . Tyler ; the Rev . J . Dickenson , P . P . G . Chap . ; J . Chapman , P . G . J . D . ; W . II . Reed , P . P . G . J . D . ; W . Cann , P . P . G . S . W . ; J . Ingram , P . D . G .
Steward of Malta ; R . Rodda , P . P . G . R . ; H . B . Stark , P . P . G . O . ; C . II . Law , P . P . J . G . W . ; C . Leigh , P . P . G . Sec ; J . A . Orchard , P . G . Steward ; G . Bignell , P . G . Steward ; J . Greenfield , P . P . G . J . D . ; Attwood , P . G . Steward ; | . Gould , P . G . Steward ; J . B . Gover , P . P . G . A . D . C ; M . C . J . Harris , P . P . G . J . D ., Somerset ; Rev . T . Russell , P . P . G . Chap . Oxon ; W . B . Hambly ,
P . G . Treas . ; V . Bird , P . P . G . T . ; E . A . Davies , P . P . G . S . Works ; Isaac Watts , P . P . G . T . ; The Rev . W . H . Carwithen , P . P . G . Chap . ; J . H . Wcstlakc , P . P . G . S . ; J . Du Pre , P . P . G . D . C ; H . Miller , P . P . G . D . C ; W . E . Stone , P . P . G . J . W . IMMEDIATE PAST MASTERS . —T . Goodall , 954 ; J . E , Curteis , 18 9 ; J . II . Blackell , 1099 ; A . Thomson , 39 ;
S . B . Harvey , 1255 ; J . II . Warren , 1254 . PAST MASTERS . —E . Roseveare ri 099 ; H . Minell , 202 ; W . T . Pilditch , 156 ; II . Dubosc , 156 ; H . Davey , 1128 ; W . Amery , 159 ; J . J . Shapland , 421 ; W . Joll , 230 ; W . Quicke , 39 ; J . May , 223 ; J . P . Phillips , 223 ; II . Cole , 1091 ; W . Dodd , ri 94 ; G . Hilson , 105 ; P . D . Michelmorc , 1138 ; Alfred Bodley , 39 ;
G . E . Stentiford , 159 ; J . H . Tonkin , 282 ; J . Page , 39 ; J . S . Short , 1443 ; J . J . Drake , 1396 ; A . Wolf , 223 ; W . S . Passmore , 444 ; T . W . Caird , 444 ; H . A . Pattinson , 1181 ; T . G . Sutton , 847 ; G . Evans , 1181 ; J . Chadwick , 444 ; T . Freeman , 106 ; G . P . Allen , 100 ; S . Willoughby , 1099 ; J . Bristow , 106 ; Bishop , 106 ; P . Sherwin , 106 ; W . Cuming , 710 ;
R . Brewin , 112 ; C Stnbhng , 70 . WORSHIPFUL MASTERS . —T . Higgs , 106 ; W . Fowler , 1212 ; F . Hall , 156 ; W . B . Maye , 710 ; S . P . Anniss , 23 ?; T . Parkhouse , 1125 ; S . Loram , 1443 ; W . E . " Warren , 1358 ; E . A . Collings , 303 ; F . ' j . Pratt , 139 6 ; W . H . King , 1138 ; F . Sowdon , 372 ; J . J . Avery , 70 ; W . Silter , 1181 ; A . R . Lethbridge ,
' 59 i J- Norman , 954 ; W . Moore , 202 ; A . F . Luke , 112 ; A . Latimer , 189 ; J . Murch , 1099 ; H . Woodgate , 847 ; R . G . Bird , 550 ; J . Rendle , 1247 . SENIOR WARDENS . —E . Patten , 223 ; J . H . Toms , S . W . ; C . S . Richardson , 1212 ; E . Hawkc , 159 ; H . W . Thomas , 70 ; C . Pinn , 1284 ; E . H . Edmonds , 444 ; W . II . Terrell , 202 ; J . Gould , 1099 ; J . Walke , 109 ; B . Barber ,
12 . 54 ; J- S . Hearle , 1255 ; J . C . Fly , 1247 ; J . S . Smith , P . S . W . 1125 . J UNIOR WARDENS . —H . Bailey , 203 . W . Boon , 223 ; W . Glover , 1201 ;' , O . Stephens , 954 ; F . Pollard , 1284 ; J . I ) . Keats , 1247 ; T . B . Purnell , 139 6 ; S . D . Nicholls , 282 ; G . Huxham , 1254 ; J . Woodman , 444 ; J . Pearse , 1255 ; C . Adams , 39 ; j . H . Stephens , 159 ; J . P . Rogers ,
1550 . After the minutes of the previous Provincial Grand Lodge meeting had been read and confirmed , BRO . Rogers read the Secretary ' s report , which showed that returns had been received from all the lodges in the province , and that the total amount of dues was £ 278 19 s .
Bro . I lambley read the Treasurer ' s report . The balance in hand from the last account was £ 209 9 s . 8 d . The fees of honour amounted to £ 27 10 s . ; the dues from lodges , as stated above , £ 278 19 s . ; dispensation , 10 s . ; proportion of expenses received from Cornwall on account of the visit of the Prince of Wales , £ 47 17 s . 4 d . ; total £ 563 13 s . id . The expenditure included £ 15 to the widow of a deceased
brother ; £ 105 to the Female Orphan Asylum , Stoke ; £ 50 to the Fortescue Annuity Fund ; £ 10 to the Torbay Infirmary Fund ; £ 95 12 s . gd . expenses incurred in connection with the visit of the Prince of Wales ; £ 19 10 s . 8 d . for printing and advertising ; £ 49 14 s . 6 d . dues in respect of
the Fortescue Annuity Fund ;) £ i 5 voted by the Committee of Petitions , and other smaller items . The balance now in the hands of the Treasurer is £ 176 5 s . 7 d . The reports were received and adopted . Bro . Gover brought up the report of the Committee of Petitions , which was as follows : —The Committee of Peti-
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Devon.
lions beg to submit to the Provincial Grand Lodge a statement of their proceedings for the past year . In the first place , they have pleasure in reporting that by the exertions of the committee , and by the kind assistance of Bro . I ! . Dubosc , the election of a willow as a pensioner on the Widows' Fund was secured . By the power vested in them the committee voted X . i to the widow of a late brotlur of
Lodge 39 , Exeter , an . l they further recommend that £ \ o be voted by the Provincial Grand Lodge ; also £ 5 to ~ the widow of a late brother of Lodge 15 6 , Plymouth , and recommend that the Provincial Grand Lodge grant a further sum of £% . £ 5 was voted in aid of the education of a daughter of a late brother of Lodge 2 S 2 , Tavistock . £ 5 was contributed for the relief of a member of Lodge 1 1 ? ,
Exeter , to assist him 111 his serious illness—and the Provincial Grand Lodge was recommended to grant a further sum of £ i : „—to be given through the Provincial Grand Secretary : the committee further recommend that the sum of £$ be granted to the widow of a deceased brother of Lodge 223 , Plymouth , to be expended at the discretion of the clergyman of her parish . Also a sum of /' ^ to a
member of Lodge 106 , Exmouth . The committee vcrv much regret that they have failed to secure the election of their candidates for the Boys' and Girls' Schools . This is the more to be deplored , from the fact that there are several strong and deserving cases waiting their turn to be placed on the list of candidates . The committee ca :.-not disguise from themselves , and cannot too strongly
impress upon the Provincial Grand Lodge , that every year brings with it a greatly increased difficulty in obtaining successful results in the Masonic charity . They are willing to believe that this is owing to the increased interest felt by almost every other province , as shown by their entering the lists in the laudable effort to provide for their destitute brethren , their widows , and orphans . This is
peculiarly the case with regard to the Boys' School , to ensure success in which double the number of votes are now required than were necessary only two or three years ago . It is the duty of the committee to point out this difficulty . It rests with the Provincial Grand Lodge to provide the remedy . Its influence may possibly avail to induce a larger and more earnest support of the Masonic
charities by the lodges in the province , and greater unanimity in co-operating to secure the election of the candidates selected by the committee . ( Applause . ) Buo . Metham proposed the adoption of the report , and in so doing he congratulated the Provincial Grand Lodge that during the last year , through the agency of the Committee of Petitions , more good had been done than had formerly
been the case . Cases had been brought before them of a most distressing character , and he knew that great judgment had been exercised in apportioning relief to them . He called attention to the proposal which he made some years ago , that a Provincial Masonic fund should be raised for the purpose of educating the children of deceased and needy Masons in the province . The proposition was then
overruled , but he was still convinced that it was the right thing to be done , and would yet be done , and whoever brought it forward at a future Provincial Grand Lodge meeting , would receive his most cordial support ( hear , hear ) , for the scheme which he had proposed would , he was sure , be the only cure for the present evil . The report was adopted .
The report of the Fortescue Annuity Fund was read by Bro . Rogers . There is a balance in hand of £ 48 7 s . 6 d . The fund is made up as follows : —Invested in Consols , £ 928 1 js ., and a further sum of £ 185 15 s . ; Devon and Exeter Club , £ 400 ; in Savings' Banks , £ 215 9 s . 4 d . ; due on Williams' Mortgage , £ 140 . In accordance with a notice of motion previously given ,
Bro . S . Jew , P . P . G . Treasurer , moved the following alterations in the bye-laws : — " That every brother , on his appointment to either of the following offices , shall pay towards the Fund of General Purposes the undermentioned sums , viz .: —D . G . Master , £ 8 8 s . j G . Wardens , each £ 4 4 s . ; G . Chaplain , £ 2 2 s . ; G . Treasurer , £ 2 2 s . ; G . Registrar , £ 2 2 s . ; G . Secretary ,
£ 2 2 s . ; G . Deacons , ' each £ 2 2 s . ; G . Sup . of Works , £ 2 2 s . ; G . Director of Ceremonies , £ 2 2 s . ; G . Asst . Dir . of Ceremonies , £ 2 2 s . ; G . Sword Bearer , £ 2 2 s . ; G . Organist , £ z 2 s . ; G . Pursuivant , £ 1 is . ; G . Stewards , each £ 1 is . That every brother who may be promoted from an inferior to a superior office , or re-appointed to office in the Provincial Grand Lodge ( except the Provincial
Grand Secretary ) shall pay the full fee as provided for in Law No . 2 . Except also in the cases of Provincial Grand Pursuivant or Provincial Grand Stewards , who shall only pay the difference between the fees due in the office which they leave and that to which they are advanced . " In proposing this motion , Bro . J said it had long been before the province , and therefore it was not
necessary that he should enlarge upon it , but he wished to point out that from the year i 860 to 1871 there were twenty-two re-appointmeuts . This he had discovered while examining the Treasurer ' s books to ascertain the names of those who had not paid theaugmented fees of honour . It would be observed , therefore , not only that twenty-two brethren were deprived of provincial honours , but that a loss
accrued to the province of £ ji 8 s . But that was not all . As well as he could remember , from 1868 to 1874 , about the same number of reappointments were made , and he should imagine that about the same amount of money was lost to the province . Thus , forty-four brethren remained undecoratcd who should have possessed purple collars , and the province had lost within the last fifteen
years about £ 140 or £ 150 simply by re-apointments . He thought it was enough for so many brethren to bear with the loss of a much coveted honour , without the funds of the P . G . Lodge suffering also . ( Hear , hear ) . If the whole of the offices were rilled ( excepting that of Secretary , who was a permanent officer ) , by new appointments , including the two P . G . Chaplains , only fifteen brethren could obtain Prov . honours , exclusive of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
, 1 inking the Union Lodge for the kind reception they had , ct with , "The Health of the Presiding R . W . M . " was „ iveii , and warmly responded to . Bro . Mitchell , in reply , Zive some interesting information about lodges in Canada "lid the States while he was visiting them some years ago . i | c concluded by saying he had not yet lost taste for Masonic working : although he had six sons Freemasons , four
0 f then 1 holding office , he must say he still felt at home when he was in the chair of a lodge . " Happy to meet and ] iappy to part " brought the night to a close . All went away p leased . RUTHERGLEN . —LODGE ST . J ( NO . 347 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in Read ' s Hall , Huthcrglen , on the 30 th ult . There were present in their
respective places , the R . W . M ., the Wardens , Treasurer , Secretary , and a number of well-qualified brethren to constitute a lodge , which was opened in the E . A . Degree , and the minutes were read and confirmed . An application for admittance was read frcm Mr . Thomas Brown ; this was favourably entertained , and he received the First Degree . Bio . lohn Templeton , a member of Lodge Commercial ,
No . 180 , Oben , was then affiliated as a joining member of St . John ' s Rutherglen , No . 347 . The lodge was passed to the F . C . Degree , when Bros A . Robertson and Dougald JIcLarplan were instructed in that degree . The lodge being raised to the Sublime Degree , the same brothers received that , the R . W . M . officiating through the three degrees . After an intimation that the next meeting would
be held in their new hall , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGI ; CAI . F . DONJAN RAILWAY ( NO ^ 4 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , 30 , Hope-street , on the 6 th inst . The R . W . M . was in the chair , supported by his Wardens and other office-bearers , together with a goodly number of
brethren . The only business was the reading of the minutes , which were confirmed , and the installation of Bro . Colquhoun as Treasurer , which was done by the R . W . M . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGE COMMERCIAL ( NO . 300 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , situated at 30 , Mope-street , on the 23 rd ult . The object
• of the meeting was to confer the Sublime Degree upon those brethren who were prepared to receive it , so as to leave the business before the next regular meeting no more than what can be got through in one night . The lodge was opened , Bro . Monro , R . W . M ., presiding , aided by Bros . J . M . Oliver , S . W . ; Reid , acting J . W . ; together with a sufficient number of well qualified brethren to constitute a
lodge . There was only one brother forward for the Master Mason Degree , viz ., Bro . Brash , who received it , Bro . Monro officiating in his usual able manner . The regular meeting of this lodge took place on the 6 th inst ., in their lodge-room , 30 , Hope-street . The meeting was well attended by members and visitors , among whom were the following : —J . Monro , R . W . M . ; J . M . Oliver ,
S . W . ; T . Graham , acting J . W . ; Dr . Alex . Morton , l . P . M .: J . D . Porteous , P . M . ; J . Brodie , ' VM . ; J . E . Spiers , S . M . ; S . J . McGeorge , P . M . 241 , E . C . ; James Wilson , 915 , E . C . ; J . W . Burns , R . W . M . 87 ; and others . The minutes of the previous meetings being read anil confirmed , a cenversation took place regarding some diplomas , which appear to have been so carefully laid past , that
they cannot now be found ; but no doubt they will turn up after another careful search , which was ordered to be made again . A pretty lengthy correspondence ensued between Bros . Lamb , Treas . ; P . M . Sage , and Monro , R . W . M ., anent the Cummings testimonial . After various brethren having expressed their opinions upon it , the Secretary was instructed to communicate with Bro . Sage , and request him to be
present at the next meeting , in order to get the matter satisfactorily arranged . The lodge was then raised to the Master Mason Degree , when Bro . Couper was raised to that flegrcc , P . M . J . Brodie working the First Section ; Bro Monro , R . W . M ., the Second , which work was gone through in excellent style by those two able brothers . This finished Ihe business before the lodge , and it was closed in due and
ancient form . GLASGOW . —LoDOE ST . ANDIIF . W ( NO . 465 ) held their regular meeting on the 5 th inst ., in their hall , Garngadroad : present , Bros . Read , R . W . M . ; Clark , S . W . ; Davidson , J . W . ; W . Campbell , Sec ; & c . The meeting was a large one . The lodge being opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . An application
lor Freemasonry was read from Mr . Daniel McMnstcr , which met with the approval of the assembled brethren , and he received the First Degree . The lodge was then passed to the Second Degree , when Bros . Milliken and Davidson received that degree . When the lodge was raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M ., Bros . Davidson , Milliken , Wilson , and Steward , were completed in their
Masonic desires . It was then proposed by Bro . Charlton , 3 ml seconded Bro . Herron , that Bro . Rotheram receive honorary affiliation into St . Andrew Lodge as a mark of heir appreciation of his services to the Craft , which was agrreed to , he stepping to the altar and receiving the Usual obligation . Bro . Read , R . W . M ., went through the work of the evening in capital ' style . There being no further
business , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —Lonou ST . VINCENT ( NO . 553 ) . —The JJ- 'gular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , Kent j ! ° ad , on the evening of the 5 th inst . The R . W . M . was '" his own place , supported by Bros . J . B . McNaught , » 'W . ; J . Best , J . W . ; R . Bell , R . W . M . 3 J- ; Dick , Sec . 3 I ; f-trnb , D . M . 360 , & c . The meeting was well attended
" 1 the members of the lodge , and a considerable number ° ' visiting brethren were present . The lodge was opened , *\" - 'n , as usual , the first business was the reading of the "" lutes . Besides those of the regular meeting , there were s ° nic emergency meetings , all of which were approved and ^ "firmed . The bye-law question was then brought up ' settlement . The R . W . M . said he had a proof copy , Sl i as the three degrees were to be worked that night , it
was resolved to have a special meeting that day fortnight ,, to settle that and any other business standing over . Trier ., were two candidates for the First Degree , which was ver cleverly given by Bro . D . Lamb , D . M . 3 60 . When th lodge was passed to the Second Degree three broth crs ap peared for that degree , which was given by Bro . Bell , W . M-3 V , in his usual solid way . For the Sublime Degree four brethren were presented . In this degree Bro . Lamb again was
placed at the altar to officiate , his exertions 111 this giving evident satisfaction to the brethren present . This young lodge has been working very hard since its establishment . Its members seem to be endowed with a great deal of Masonic enthusiasm . We trust its office-bearers will take advantage of this , and by their smoothly working together they will "flourish' like a green bay tree . " The business being ended , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Devon.
The annual Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire Freemasons was held on Tuesday , August 3 rd ., at the Victoria Hall , Exeter , the Right W . Brother , the Rev . J . Huyshc , Prov . Grand Master , presiding . Amongst a large attendance of brethren were the following : — PROVINCIAL GRAND OFFICERS . —L . P . Melham , P . G .
Deacon of England , and D . P . G . M . of Devon ; II . W . Hooper , P . P . G . R . ; Samuel Jew , P . P . G . T . ; Rev . T . Lemon , P . G . S . Chap . ; Rev . W . Whittley , P . G . 1 . Chap . ; W . Browning , P . P . G . D . C . ; J . Way , P . P . G . T . ; the Rev . W . Lmigley Pope , D . D . P . P . G . C . ; H . Welch , P . G . P . ; Walter G . Rogers , P . G . S . W ., and P . G . Sec . ; W . Trevena , P . P . G . D . C . ; F . Aubrey Thomas , P . G . S . D . ;
G . N . Burden , P . G . S . Works ; J . Gambell , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; W . T . Mnynnrd , P . P . G . Treasr-, 1 . R . Price , P . P . G . S . B . ; II . Bartlett , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; J . F . Hiffley , P . P . G . A . D . C ; C . J . Harland , P . P . G . J . D . ; W . Easton , P . P . G . S . W . ; John Rogers , P . A . G . Tyler ; the Rev . J . Dickenson , P . P . G . Chap . ; J . Chapman , P . G . J . D . ; W . II . Reed , P . P . G . J . D . ; W . Cann , P . P . G . S . W . ; J . Ingram , P . D . G .
Steward of Malta ; R . Rodda , P . P . G . R . ; H . B . Stark , P . P . G . O . ; C . II . Law , P . P . J . G . W . ; C . Leigh , P . P . G . Sec ; J . A . Orchard , P . G . Steward ; G . Bignell , P . G . Steward ; J . Greenfield , P . P . G . J . D . ; Attwood , P . G . Steward ; | . Gould , P . G . Steward ; J . B . Gover , P . P . G . A . D . C ; M . C . J . Harris , P . P . G . J . D ., Somerset ; Rev . T . Russell , P . P . G . Chap . Oxon ; W . B . Hambly ,
P . G . Treas . ; V . Bird , P . P . G . T . ; E . A . Davies , P . P . G . S . Works ; Isaac Watts , P . P . G . T . ; The Rev . W . H . Carwithen , P . P . G . Chap . ; J . H . Wcstlakc , P . P . G . S . ; J . Du Pre , P . P . G . D . C ; H . Miller , P . P . G . D . C ; W . E . Stone , P . P . G . J . W . IMMEDIATE PAST MASTERS . —T . Goodall , 954 ; J . E , Curteis , 18 9 ; J . II . Blackell , 1099 ; A . Thomson , 39 ;
S . B . Harvey , 1255 ; J . II . Warren , 1254 . PAST MASTERS . —E . Roseveare ri 099 ; H . Minell , 202 ; W . T . Pilditch , 156 ; II . Dubosc , 156 ; H . Davey , 1128 ; W . Amery , 159 ; J . J . Shapland , 421 ; W . Joll , 230 ; W . Quicke , 39 ; J . May , 223 ; J . P . Phillips , 223 ; II . Cole , 1091 ; W . Dodd , ri 94 ; G . Hilson , 105 ; P . D . Michelmorc , 1138 ; Alfred Bodley , 39 ;
G . E . Stentiford , 159 ; J . H . Tonkin , 282 ; J . Page , 39 ; J . S . Short , 1443 ; J . J . Drake , 1396 ; A . Wolf , 223 ; W . S . Passmore , 444 ; T . W . Caird , 444 ; H . A . Pattinson , 1181 ; T . G . Sutton , 847 ; G . Evans , 1181 ; J . Chadwick , 444 ; T . Freeman , 106 ; G . P . Allen , 100 ; S . Willoughby , 1099 ; J . Bristow , 106 ; Bishop , 106 ; P . Sherwin , 106 ; W . Cuming , 710 ;
R . Brewin , 112 ; C Stnbhng , 70 . WORSHIPFUL MASTERS . —T . Higgs , 106 ; W . Fowler , 1212 ; F . Hall , 156 ; W . B . Maye , 710 ; S . P . Anniss , 23 ?; T . Parkhouse , 1125 ; S . Loram , 1443 ; W . E . " Warren , 1358 ; E . A . Collings , 303 ; F . ' j . Pratt , 139 6 ; W . H . King , 1138 ; F . Sowdon , 372 ; J . J . Avery , 70 ; W . Silter , 1181 ; A . R . Lethbridge ,
' 59 i J- Norman , 954 ; W . Moore , 202 ; A . F . Luke , 112 ; A . Latimer , 189 ; J . Murch , 1099 ; H . Woodgate , 847 ; R . G . Bird , 550 ; J . Rendle , 1247 . SENIOR WARDENS . —E . Patten , 223 ; J . H . Toms , S . W . ; C . S . Richardson , 1212 ; E . Hawkc , 159 ; H . W . Thomas , 70 ; C . Pinn , 1284 ; E . H . Edmonds , 444 ; W . II . Terrell , 202 ; J . Gould , 1099 ; J . Walke , 109 ; B . Barber ,
12 . 54 ; J- S . Hearle , 1255 ; J . C . Fly , 1247 ; J . S . Smith , P . S . W . 1125 . J UNIOR WARDENS . —H . Bailey , 203 . W . Boon , 223 ; W . Glover , 1201 ;' , O . Stephens , 954 ; F . Pollard , 1284 ; J . I ) . Keats , 1247 ; T . B . Purnell , 139 6 ; S . D . Nicholls , 282 ; G . Huxham , 1254 ; J . Woodman , 444 ; J . Pearse , 1255 ; C . Adams , 39 ; j . H . Stephens , 159 ; J . P . Rogers ,
1550 . After the minutes of the previous Provincial Grand Lodge meeting had been read and confirmed , BRO . Rogers read the Secretary ' s report , which showed that returns had been received from all the lodges in the province , and that the total amount of dues was £ 278 19 s .
Bro . I lambley read the Treasurer ' s report . The balance in hand from the last account was £ 209 9 s . 8 d . The fees of honour amounted to £ 27 10 s . ; the dues from lodges , as stated above , £ 278 19 s . ; dispensation , 10 s . ; proportion of expenses received from Cornwall on account of the visit of the Prince of Wales , £ 47 17 s . 4 d . ; total £ 563 13 s . id . The expenditure included £ 15 to the widow of a deceased
brother ; £ 105 to the Female Orphan Asylum , Stoke ; £ 50 to the Fortescue Annuity Fund ; £ 10 to the Torbay Infirmary Fund ; £ 95 12 s . gd . expenses incurred in connection with the visit of the Prince of Wales ; £ 19 10 s . 8 d . for printing and advertising ; £ 49 14 s . 6 d . dues in respect of
the Fortescue Annuity Fund ;) £ i 5 voted by the Committee of Petitions , and other smaller items . The balance now in the hands of the Treasurer is £ 176 5 s . 7 d . The reports were received and adopted . Bro . Gover brought up the report of the Committee of Petitions , which was as follows : —The Committee of Peti-
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Devon.
lions beg to submit to the Provincial Grand Lodge a statement of their proceedings for the past year . In the first place , they have pleasure in reporting that by the exertions of the committee , and by the kind assistance of Bro . I ! . Dubosc , the election of a willow as a pensioner on the Widows' Fund was secured . By the power vested in them the committee voted X . i to the widow of a late brotlur of
Lodge 39 , Exeter , an . l they further recommend that £ \ o be voted by the Provincial Grand Lodge ; also £ 5 to ~ the widow of a late brother of Lodge 15 6 , Plymouth , and recommend that the Provincial Grand Lodge grant a further sum of £% . £ 5 was voted in aid of the education of a daughter of a late brother of Lodge 2 S 2 , Tavistock . £ 5 was contributed for the relief of a member of Lodge 1 1 ? ,
Exeter , to assist him 111 his serious illness—and the Provincial Grand Lodge was recommended to grant a further sum of £ i : „—to be given through the Provincial Grand Secretary : the committee further recommend that the sum of £$ be granted to the widow of a deceased brother of Lodge 223 , Plymouth , to be expended at the discretion of the clergyman of her parish . Also a sum of /' ^ to a
member of Lodge 106 , Exmouth . The committee vcrv much regret that they have failed to secure the election of their candidates for the Boys' and Girls' Schools . This is the more to be deplored , from the fact that there are several strong and deserving cases waiting their turn to be placed on the list of candidates . The committee ca :.-not disguise from themselves , and cannot too strongly
impress upon the Provincial Grand Lodge , that every year brings with it a greatly increased difficulty in obtaining successful results in the Masonic charity . They are willing to believe that this is owing to the increased interest felt by almost every other province , as shown by their entering the lists in the laudable effort to provide for their destitute brethren , their widows , and orphans . This is
peculiarly the case with regard to the Boys' School , to ensure success in which double the number of votes are now required than were necessary only two or three years ago . It is the duty of the committee to point out this difficulty . It rests with the Provincial Grand Lodge to provide the remedy . Its influence may possibly avail to induce a larger and more earnest support of the Masonic
charities by the lodges in the province , and greater unanimity in co-operating to secure the election of the candidates selected by the committee . ( Applause . ) Buo . Metham proposed the adoption of the report , and in so doing he congratulated the Provincial Grand Lodge that during the last year , through the agency of the Committee of Petitions , more good had been done than had formerly
been the case . Cases had been brought before them of a most distressing character , and he knew that great judgment had been exercised in apportioning relief to them . He called attention to the proposal which he made some years ago , that a Provincial Masonic fund should be raised for the purpose of educating the children of deceased and needy Masons in the province . The proposition was then
overruled , but he was still convinced that it was the right thing to be done , and would yet be done , and whoever brought it forward at a future Provincial Grand Lodge meeting , would receive his most cordial support ( hear , hear ) , for the scheme which he had proposed would , he was sure , be the only cure for the present evil . The report was adopted .
The report of the Fortescue Annuity Fund was read by Bro . Rogers . There is a balance in hand of £ 48 7 s . 6 d . The fund is made up as follows : —Invested in Consols , £ 928 1 js ., and a further sum of £ 185 15 s . ; Devon and Exeter Club , £ 400 ; in Savings' Banks , £ 215 9 s . 4 d . ; due on Williams' Mortgage , £ 140 . In accordance with a notice of motion previously given ,
Bro . S . Jew , P . P . G . Treasurer , moved the following alterations in the bye-laws : — " That every brother , on his appointment to either of the following offices , shall pay towards the Fund of General Purposes the undermentioned sums , viz .: —D . G . Master , £ 8 8 s . j G . Wardens , each £ 4 4 s . ; G . Chaplain , £ 2 2 s . ; G . Treasurer , £ 2 2 s . ; G . Registrar , £ 2 2 s . ; G . Secretary ,
£ 2 2 s . ; G . Deacons , ' each £ 2 2 s . ; G . Sup . of Works , £ 2 2 s . ; G . Director of Ceremonies , £ 2 2 s . ; G . Asst . Dir . of Ceremonies , £ 2 2 s . ; G . Sword Bearer , £ 2 2 s . ; G . Organist , £ z 2 s . ; G . Pursuivant , £ 1 is . ; G . Stewards , each £ 1 is . That every brother who may be promoted from an inferior to a superior office , or re-appointed to office in the Provincial Grand Lodge ( except the Provincial
Grand Secretary ) shall pay the full fee as provided for in Law No . 2 . Except also in the cases of Provincial Grand Pursuivant or Provincial Grand Stewards , who shall only pay the difference between the fees due in the office which they leave and that to which they are advanced . " In proposing this motion , Bro . J said it had long been before the province , and therefore it was not
necessary that he should enlarge upon it , but he wished to point out that from the year i 860 to 1871 there were twenty-two re-appointmeuts . This he had discovered while examining the Treasurer ' s books to ascertain the names of those who had not paid theaugmented fees of honour . It would be observed , therefore , not only that twenty-two brethren were deprived of provincial honours , but that a loss
accrued to the province of £ ji 8 s . But that was not all . As well as he could remember , from 1868 to 1874 , about the same number of reappointments were made , and he should imagine that about the same amount of money was lost to the province . Thus , forty-four brethren remained undecoratcd who should have possessed purple collars , and the province had lost within the last fifteen
years about £ 140 or £ 150 simply by re-apointments . He thought it was enough for so many brethren to bear with the loss of a much coveted honour , without the funds of the P . G . Lodge suffering also . ( Hear , hear ) . If the whole of the offices were rilled ( excepting that of Secretary , who was a permanent officer ) , by new appointments , including the two P . G . Chaplains , only fifteen brethren could obtain Prov . honours , exclusive of the