Article PROGRESS OF FREEMASONRY IN SCOTLAND. ← Page 2 of 2 Article A MIGHTY COOL SUGGESTION. Page 1 of 1 Article A MIGHTY COOL SUGGESTION. Page 1 of 1 Article A MIGHTY COOL SUGGESTION. Page 1 of 1 Article CREDULITY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Progress Of Freemasonry In Scotland.
ship from the lodge he was connected with , and by receiving this certificate he ceases to be a member of it . Each lodge , when this rule is attended to , can tell the number of its living members ; for a Mason in connection with a lodge is not allowed to die and be buried like a
do "" . But does the brother who leaves the town join another lodge ? Are all the Masons in any town members of lodges ? Not at all . It is but a very small fraction of the men who could work their way into the mystic presence of a Right Worship ful Master .
" It is mere guess work , but some who have the means of making a very good guess estimate that in England , Ireland , and Scotland there cannot be less than three millions of living Freemasons . Happily it is a fundamental principle of their organization not to meddle with politics
in any of the protean forms of that practical study . If it were otherwise the results would be very bad for either the country or Masonic Craft . All would depend on the strength or weakness of the force of cohesion among the
members of lodges and between the lodges . As it is , Freemasonry exercises an untold control over hundreds of thousands of our countrymen . This is not a suitable occasion for referring to its influence all over the world . In that
respect it is powerful enough to render the head of the Roman Catholic Church uneasy about it in the countries where he is supposed to be regarded as a Pope—a father in religious reality . But in our own country the social influence of Masonry is immense , and as things go , is maudy for the
good of its members . It promotes personal intercourse and kindly feeling . It brings men together who would otherwise remain not only strangers but aliens to each other . The genialities of our nature find a free scope and cordial greeting in a Masonic lodge—so testify many of the
wisest and best of men . " We agree with the writer . We believe that Freemasonry has a great future before it among the Scottish people , if only its Grand Lodge can muster up courage to tighten up , so to say , the private lodge system , which , in our opinion , is in
Scotland greatly behind ours in England . Many Scotch brethren are sensible of the fact , many Scotch lodges are moving on in aright direction ; but three points press upon . them , , and hinder their reforms and impede their advance . The first is the lowness of the initiation fee in many
lodges , the second is the want of a greater interval between each degree as the normal regulation of the Scottish lodges , and thirdly , the want of a compulsory subscription in every lodge , under the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Were these reforms at once carried out , the status of
Scottish Freemasonry would be immediatel y raised , more so we believe , than many of us even suppose . But we do not want to seem to be too dogmatic , and we rather , following in the wake of the Edinburgh Courant , support the very
intellig ible points and suggestions of a " Scottish Brother , " and wo shall be glad to insert any letters on the subject , which , moderate in tone , and fraternal in spirit , seem to merit the consideration and perusal of our numerous readers .
A Mighty Cool Suggestion.
We find the following striking little article in the Weekly Examiner and Ulster Observer , a Roman Catholic journal , published at Belfast , of July 24 th . We have thought it well to transfer it to our columns , as it may interest some of our readers .
"The question of Freemasonry in the Royal Irish Constabulary has been dealt with alread y by one of the Dublin journals . Freemasonry is undeniably present in the ranks of this force , and it is important in proportion to the duties of the body in which it is noticeable .
The Prince of Wales is the Grand Master of the Freemasons , and he is the coming King . The King can do no wrong , but a policeman can do wrong . He is the immediate guardian of society , and as such should
preserve the confidence of society ' s humblest member . By binding him up with a small section of the people , Freemasonry must have the effect of lessening the confidence of the great mass in theji individual . Confidence is also
A Mighty Cool Suggestion.
shaken in the entire constabulary . We do not mean to say that Freemasonry is , at present at least , of much political significance or power in this country ; but it is well-known that the Society of Freemasons is a powerful political organisation in other countries . We have
admitted the thin end of the wedge , and the Prince of Wales has assisted his own and his house ' s downfall . There can be no doubt that the diametric opponent of Freemasonry "is the Catholic Church . The Society of Freemasons is a secret one , bound by oaths , and the members
of which owe im , -licit obedience to the chiefs of the Craft . The Catholic Church is open , and proclaims its objects on its banners and from its lips . No Catholic can be a Freemason . He puts off his Catholicity as soon as he puts on its bado-e and learns " the grip . " It is said that
there are 17 , , 000 Freemasons . There are 200 , 000 , 000 ot Catholics in the world . Which is likely to win—the secret society or the frank and open presence of the Catholic Church ? It is not too much to say that even already English Masonry has begun to assume the aspect of that
foreign branch of the society from which the Bishop of Orleans stripped the veil in his "Etude sur la Franc Maconnerie . " A good deal of light has been let in by the publication of a little book by a German author , which has now been translated into English , entitled "The Secret
Warfare of Freemasonry against Church and State . " Yet even if Masonry in the police were of no actual danger , the force ought to be , like Citsar ' s wife , above suspicion , and in a purel y Catholic country like this the people ought not to be made distrustful by the committal of their
persons and property to the care of men whom they believe to be secretly banded together in hostility to the great institution to which they belong . We are sure that the matter has only to be brought under the notice of the authorities , when it will be as compatible to be a
policeman and a Freemason as it now is to be a Catholic and a Freemason . " Is it not almost pitiable to see to what lengths so called religious fanaticism and unreasoning Intolerance will lead
rational beings ? Here is a writer not probabl y unkind or unbrotherly in private life , pointedly putting forth in type the most cruel and unthinking theories of deliberate persecution . He has nothing to allege against Freemasonry . It is too absurd in Great Britain to talk of
Freemasonry as having anything to do with politics , and this writer therefore can only appeal to that sectarianism which is always deplorable , and to that want of charity which is always hurtful . Because the Pope has condemned Freemasonry " proprio niotu" unheard , and undefended ,
because the present prossessor of the " Chair of St . Peter" has suddenly evoked from the dust of years the allocutions of Clement and Benedict , which some Roman Catholic authorities have held are obsolete , all Freemasonry is to be condemned . In Great Britain , in England , and
Ireland , the Masonic body is undeniabl y composed of most respectable , religious , loyal citizens , and despite their social position and their benevolent undertakings , they are to be held up to the religious (?) hatred of all firm Roman Catholics , because former Popes condemned the
Carbonari , and P 10 Nono , has excommunicated the Communists ! The best of the joke is , that in all probability the good old Pope himself is a Carbonari . He was in his "hot youth" a great friend of Mazzini and Co ., and all the stories current about his being
a Freemason probably resolve themselves into this , that when an ardent Liberal , and opposed actually to the then Papal Government , he was admitted into the "Carbonari" or "Madre Natura . " Surely it is time that Roman Catholic scribes , like this ardent young man in the
columns of the JVeeld y Examiner , & c , should give up attacking alike the religious aud the loyal character of Freemasons . It says a great deal for the cool assurance , and not a little for the extreme violence of the Ultramontane party , that
they should venture to put forth openly such a demand , or even make such a suggestion . Let us hope that the Irish Government ; happily presided over by our noble brother , its most distinguished head , will , on the contrary , turn a deaf ear to all similar requests , whether
A Mighty Cool Suggestion.
proffered with unadulterated " cheek " or genuine " blarney , " and refuse in the slightest measure to interfere with the sacredness of liberty of conscience , or by unwise concessions pave the way for universal religious persecution . Everywhere the Church of Rome , just now supposed to be wise in her freneration , in her attacks on
Freemasonry , and especially in Great Britain , is demonstrating to all clear-minded observers how unchanged she is , and that , despite her profession of liberal ideas , she has " rien appris " and " rien oublie . " Her voice may perhaps be heard in favour of what she terms toleration and religious
freedom , but her acts too clearly evince , that still before her glowing mind are looming in the distance visions of delightful " Auto-da-Fes , " and of those better and happier days when the brave , the faithful , the virtuous and the chaste , were at the cruel mercies of the familiars of the
Holy Inquisition . However , save the mark ! Let us hope that a brighter future is in store for poor " Ould Ireland , " and that Irish Freemasonry , despite its intolerant opponents and vilifiers , may "go on and prosper , " upholding manfully the
rights of conscience , proclaiming peace and toleration , loyalty and charity , and demonstrating even to its bitterest and most foul-mouthed opponents , that its great abiding anthem is " Glory to God" in the highest , and on earth "Peace and good-will towards men . "
What a wonderful history is that of the human race . As we look back on the fact today , and study the veracious annals of history , notwithstanding Sir R . Walpole ' s condemnatory dictum , we see how each successive age has been marked in many things by a spirit
ot hopeless credulity . Men have believed without thought , without reason , and without logic , alike the assurances of the charlatan , and the announcements of the impostor . The most idle stories have been propagated by the perverse or the fanatic , the most ridiculous
allegations have been made by the interested or the " intriguant , " and have found favour with that countless horde of " gobemouches " of all ages , lands , and tongues , which has thronged the Vanity Fair of life in past ages , and is neither fewer nor less credulous in every
pathway of public and private life to-day . And one of the most painful facts connected with this apparently inherent , may we not say innate , propensity of mankind , is that reli gion has sometimes called in the spirit of credulity to foster fanaticism and encourage persecution . As
Freemasons , we are not justified in dealing with the creeds or practice of reli gious denominations , qua creeds and practice , but only as facts of history to point the moral or illustrate the argument . Thus we may fairl y instance lying miracles and idle legends , by
whomsoever invented , as proofs of credulity in past ages , even alas ! in our own , just as we turn to such hopeless impostures as the " Liquifac tione " of St . Janarius , and the Greek fire at Jerusalem , with a sigh , nay , a tear , as we realize what startling evidence they afford us of the
continued credulity of our fellow-creatures . Now , just at this moment , the credulity of a large number of Roman Catholics and Ritualists , and of other denominations , and even Protestants professedly , by the way , is most remarkable in respectof Freemasonry and Freemasons . Urged onb y
their spiritual guides , who ought to know better , and do , we believe , really know better , a great many worthy and religious people have the most extraordinary notions concerning our peaceful Order . Nothing is too bad for some to say , nothing is to bad for others to believe , or
profess to believe . We published in our last impression a story taken from a Canadian Roman Catholic paper , Le Nouveau Monde , Montreal , and forwarded to us by a responsible correspondent , which serves to show what people can say and what people will believe of us wicked and
dangerous Freemasons . Yet can any one credit the statement of the sealed paper ? or the sanguinary oath ? Can any one even believe in the existence of the good " Passionist Father , " whose kindly feelings were so dreadfully hurt , by this too fearful confirmation of his
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Progress Of Freemasonry In Scotland.
ship from the lodge he was connected with , and by receiving this certificate he ceases to be a member of it . Each lodge , when this rule is attended to , can tell the number of its living members ; for a Mason in connection with a lodge is not allowed to die and be buried like a
do "" . But does the brother who leaves the town join another lodge ? Are all the Masons in any town members of lodges ? Not at all . It is but a very small fraction of the men who could work their way into the mystic presence of a Right Worship ful Master .
" It is mere guess work , but some who have the means of making a very good guess estimate that in England , Ireland , and Scotland there cannot be less than three millions of living Freemasons . Happily it is a fundamental principle of their organization not to meddle with politics
in any of the protean forms of that practical study . If it were otherwise the results would be very bad for either the country or Masonic Craft . All would depend on the strength or weakness of the force of cohesion among the
members of lodges and between the lodges . As it is , Freemasonry exercises an untold control over hundreds of thousands of our countrymen . This is not a suitable occasion for referring to its influence all over the world . In that
respect it is powerful enough to render the head of the Roman Catholic Church uneasy about it in the countries where he is supposed to be regarded as a Pope—a father in religious reality . But in our own country the social influence of Masonry is immense , and as things go , is maudy for the
good of its members . It promotes personal intercourse and kindly feeling . It brings men together who would otherwise remain not only strangers but aliens to each other . The genialities of our nature find a free scope and cordial greeting in a Masonic lodge—so testify many of the
wisest and best of men . " We agree with the writer . We believe that Freemasonry has a great future before it among the Scottish people , if only its Grand Lodge can muster up courage to tighten up , so to say , the private lodge system , which , in our opinion , is in
Scotland greatly behind ours in England . Many Scotch brethren are sensible of the fact , many Scotch lodges are moving on in aright direction ; but three points press upon . them , , and hinder their reforms and impede their advance . The first is the lowness of the initiation fee in many
lodges , the second is the want of a greater interval between each degree as the normal regulation of the Scottish lodges , and thirdly , the want of a compulsory subscription in every lodge , under the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Were these reforms at once carried out , the status of
Scottish Freemasonry would be immediatel y raised , more so we believe , than many of us even suppose . But we do not want to seem to be too dogmatic , and we rather , following in the wake of the Edinburgh Courant , support the very
intellig ible points and suggestions of a " Scottish Brother , " and wo shall be glad to insert any letters on the subject , which , moderate in tone , and fraternal in spirit , seem to merit the consideration and perusal of our numerous readers .
A Mighty Cool Suggestion.
We find the following striking little article in the Weekly Examiner and Ulster Observer , a Roman Catholic journal , published at Belfast , of July 24 th . We have thought it well to transfer it to our columns , as it may interest some of our readers .
"The question of Freemasonry in the Royal Irish Constabulary has been dealt with alread y by one of the Dublin journals . Freemasonry is undeniably present in the ranks of this force , and it is important in proportion to the duties of the body in which it is noticeable .
The Prince of Wales is the Grand Master of the Freemasons , and he is the coming King . The King can do no wrong , but a policeman can do wrong . He is the immediate guardian of society , and as such should
preserve the confidence of society ' s humblest member . By binding him up with a small section of the people , Freemasonry must have the effect of lessening the confidence of the great mass in theji individual . Confidence is also
A Mighty Cool Suggestion.
shaken in the entire constabulary . We do not mean to say that Freemasonry is , at present at least , of much political significance or power in this country ; but it is well-known that the Society of Freemasons is a powerful political organisation in other countries . We have
admitted the thin end of the wedge , and the Prince of Wales has assisted his own and his house ' s downfall . There can be no doubt that the diametric opponent of Freemasonry "is the Catholic Church . The Society of Freemasons is a secret one , bound by oaths , and the members
of which owe im , -licit obedience to the chiefs of the Craft . The Catholic Church is open , and proclaims its objects on its banners and from its lips . No Catholic can be a Freemason . He puts off his Catholicity as soon as he puts on its bado-e and learns " the grip . " It is said that
there are 17 , , 000 Freemasons . There are 200 , 000 , 000 ot Catholics in the world . Which is likely to win—the secret society or the frank and open presence of the Catholic Church ? It is not too much to say that even already English Masonry has begun to assume the aspect of that
foreign branch of the society from which the Bishop of Orleans stripped the veil in his "Etude sur la Franc Maconnerie . " A good deal of light has been let in by the publication of a little book by a German author , which has now been translated into English , entitled "The Secret
Warfare of Freemasonry against Church and State . " Yet even if Masonry in the police were of no actual danger , the force ought to be , like Citsar ' s wife , above suspicion , and in a purel y Catholic country like this the people ought not to be made distrustful by the committal of their
persons and property to the care of men whom they believe to be secretly banded together in hostility to the great institution to which they belong . We are sure that the matter has only to be brought under the notice of the authorities , when it will be as compatible to be a
policeman and a Freemason as it now is to be a Catholic and a Freemason . " Is it not almost pitiable to see to what lengths so called religious fanaticism and unreasoning Intolerance will lead
rational beings ? Here is a writer not probabl y unkind or unbrotherly in private life , pointedly putting forth in type the most cruel and unthinking theories of deliberate persecution . He has nothing to allege against Freemasonry . It is too absurd in Great Britain to talk of
Freemasonry as having anything to do with politics , and this writer therefore can only appeal to that sectarianism which is always deplorable , and to that want of charity which is always hurtful . Because the Pope has condemned Freemasonry " proprio niotu" unheard , and undefended ,
because the present prossessor of the " Chair of St . Peter" has suddenly evoked from the dust of years the allocutions of Clement and Benedict , which some Roman Catholic authorities have held are obsolete , all Freemasonry is to be condemned . In Great Britain , in England , and
Ireland , the Masonic body is undeniabl y composed of most respectable , religious , loyal citizens , and despite their social position and their benevolent undertakings , they are to be held up to the religious (?) hatred of all firm Roman Catholics , because former Popes condemned the
Carbonari , and P 10 Nono , has excommunicated the Communists ! The best of the joke is , that in all probability the good old Pope himself is a Carbonari . He was in his "hot youth" a great friend of Mazzini and Co ., and all the stories current about his being
a Freemason probably resolve themselves into this , that when an ardent Liberal , and opposed actually to the then Papal Government , he was admitted into the "Carbonari" or "Madre Natura . " Surely it is time that Roman Catholic scribes , like this ardent young man in the
columns of the JVeeld y Examiner , & c , should give up attacking alike the religious aud the loyal character of Freemasons . It says a great deal for the cool assurance , and not a little for the extreme violence of the Ultramontane party , that
they should venture to put forth openly such a demand , or even make such a suggestion . Let us hope that the Irish Government ; happily presided over by our noble brother , its most distinguished head , will , on the contrary , turn a deaf ear to all similar requests , whether
A Mighty Cool Suggestion.
proffered with unadulterated " cheek " or genuine " blarney , " and refuse in the slightest measure to interfere with the sacredness of liberty of conscience , or by unwise concessions pave the way for universal religious persecution . Everywhere the Church of Rome , just now supposed to be wise in her freneration , in her attacks on
Freemasonry , and especially in Great Britain , is demonstrating to all clear-minded observers how unchanged she is , and that , despite her profession of liberal ideas , she has " rien appris " and " rien oublie . " Her voice may perhaps be heard in favour of what she terms toleration and religious
freedom , but her acts too clearly evince , that still before her glowing mind are looming in the distance visions of delightful " Auto-da-Fes , " and of those better and happier days when the brave , the faithful , the virtuous and the chaste , were at the cruel mercies of the familiars of the
Holy Inquisition . However , save the mark ! Let us hope that a brighter future is in store for poor " Ould Ireland , " and that Irish Freemasonry , despite its intolerant opponents and vilifiers , may "go on and prosper , " upholding manfully the
rights of conscience , proclaiming peace and toleration , loyalty and charity , and demonstrating even to its bitterest and most foul-mouthed opponents , that its great abiding anthem is " Glory to God" in the highest , and on earth "Peace and good-will towards men . "
What a wonderful history is that of the human race . As we look back on the fact today , and study the veracious annals of history , notwithstanding Sir R . Walpole ' s condemnatory dictum , we see how each successive age has been marked in many things by a spirit
ot hopeless credulity . Men have believed without thought , without reason , and without logic , alike the assurances of the charlatan , and the announcements of the impostor . The most idle stories have been propagated by the perverse or the fanatic , the most ridiculous
allegations have been made by the interested or the " intriguant , " and have found favour with that countless horde of " gobemouches " of all ages , lands , and tongues , which has thronged the Vanity Fair of life in past ages , and is neither fewer nor less credulous in every
pathway of public and private life to-day . And one of the most painful facts connected with this apparently inherent , may we not say innate , propensity of mankind , is that reli gion has sometimes called in the spirit of credulity to foster fanaticism and encourage persecution . As
Freemasons , we are not justified in dealing with the creeds or practice of reli gious denominations , qua creeds and practice , but only as facts of history to point the moral or illustrate the argument . Thus we may fairl y instance lying miracles and idle legends , by
whomsoever invented , as proofs of credulity in past ages , even alas ! in our own , just as we turn to such hopeless impostures as the " Liquifac tione " of St . Janarius , and the Greek fire at Jerusalem , with a sigh , nay , a tear , as we realize what startling evidence they afford us of the
continued credulity of our fellow-creatures . Now , just at this moment , the credulity of a large number of Roman Catholics and Ritualists , and of other denominations , and even Protestants professedly , by the way , is most remarkable in respectof Freemasonry and Freemasons . Urged onb y
their spiritual guides , who ought to know better , and do , we believe , really know better , a great many worthy and religious people have the most extraordinary notions concerning our peaceful Order . Nothing is too bad for some to say , nothing is to bad for others to believe , or
profess to believe . We published in our last impression a story taken from a Canadian Roman Catholic paper , Le Nouveau Monde , Montreal , and forwarded to us by a responsible correspondent , which serves to show what people can say and what people will believe of us wicked and
dangerous Freemasons . Yet can any one credit the statement of the sealed paper ? or the sanguinary oath ? Can any one even believe in the existence of the good " Passionist Father , " whose kindly feelings were so dreadfully hurt , by this too fearful confirmation of his