Article Mark Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article QUARTERLY MEETING OF GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article QUARTERLY MEETING OF GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF GLASGOW. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF GLASGOW. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC PRESENTATION. Page 1 of 1 Article The Craft Abroad. Page 1 of 1
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Mark Masonry.
P . G . I , of VV . ; J . H . Hartley , P . P . G . I . G . ; P . Wedgewood , George Dalrymple , P . G . A . D . C . Eng ., P . G . Sec . ; James Dickinson , P . M . 151 , P . G . J . D . ; and others . Two notices ot motion were left over t \ U the nest regular meeting . The members of this lodge that had received provincial distinction were presented with their certificates
when , with other business and " Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed , and , at the invitation of the newly-installed Master , the brethren adjourned to the Green Dragon Hotel , where an excellent banquet was prepared . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed , and a very agreeable evening was spent .
Quarterly Meeting Of Grand Lodge.
Scotland .
A Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., Bro . Sir Archibald Campbell of Blythswood , Bart ., M . P ., Grand Master Mason of Scotland , on the throne . Bro . F . E . Villiers of Closeburn acted as G . S . D . ; and Bro . James J . S . Elliott , jun ., of
Wolfelee , as G . J . W . Amongst the other office bearers present were Bros . D . Murray Lyon , Grand Secretary ; David Kinnear , Grand Cashier ; Rev . John Watt , Grand Chap . ; Rev . John Ritchie , James Caldwell , acting Grand S . D . ; George Fisher , Grand J . D . ; Major F . W . Allan , Grand Bible Bearer ; Col . John Campbell , Grand Swd . Br . ; W . Maun , Proxy Prov . G . M . of all India ; Dr . Falconer , Proxy District Grand Master of New South
Wales ; and VV . Officer , Representative from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania . Several visitors from a distance were present , and they were introduced by the Grand Master , and addressed the brethren . Amongst them were Bros . T . J . Harries , Prov . Grand Master of Gibraltar , who was called on to act as Substitute Grand Master ; Bro . Kerr , Prov . Grand Master of Canada ; and Bro . Burwell , Grand Steward of the
District Grand Lodge of New Zealand ( South ) . Apologies for absence were intimated from Bros , the Earl of Kintore , Substitute Grand Master ; Lieut .-Col . Drummond Moray , Prov . Grand Master of Perthshire West ; F . A . Barrow , Past G . W . ; J . Graham , Proxy P . G . M . of Bermuda ; Col . James T . Steuart , Proxy P . G . M . of Perth ; David Rtid , Grand I . G . ; Dr . James Middleton , Prov . G . M . of Roxburgh and Selkirk ; VV . Edwards , Vice-President of the
Board of Grand Stewards ; and others . A vidimus of the income and expenditure for the quarter ending 24 th July was submitted by the Grand Cashier , from which it appeared that the income for that period had been £ 4196 , and the expenditure £ 3853 , showing and excess of income to the extent of ^ 343 . There had been S 30 entrants to the Order . It was reported that the income for the past eight months had been £ 3131 , compared with £ 2534 for
the corresponding period of last year—increase ^ , 597 . A report as to the fund of Scottish Masonic Benevolence snowed that £ 140 had been voted in Charity during the quarter . It was reported that Bro . James Caldwell had been appointed Chairman of the Finance Committee , and that Bro . William Maclean had been elected a member of the same Committee in succession to the late Bro . James Turner , in regard to whom Grand Committee had adopted
a resolution expressive of regret and sympathy with his widow and daughter in their bereavement . Bros . John Davidson , 467 , and Colin Gellatly , 362 , had been appointed interim members of Grand Committee in room of Bro . J . D . Hedderwick , resigned , and the late Bro . Turner . It was reported from Grand Committee that the Grand Secretary had certified that in accordnce with the instructions of Grand Lodge at last Communication he had
destroyed all the copies of the pretended ritual with which he had been entrusted . A report by the Provincial Grand Master of Aberdeen in connection with the management of the Masonic Hall , was reported to have been remitted to the Laws Committee to consider and report to the Special Committee appointed in January last to formulate a skeleton constitution and regulations as to the distribution of grants , & c , for the " proposed scheme of extended
Masonic benevolence , " had submitted a provisional scheme for carrying out the " proposed extension of the existing scheme ; " and Grand Committee reported that copies thereof had been circulated among the members of the Committee , and that it had been resolved to defer consideration of the matter to the September meeting . It was also reported that the Supreme Council of the Thirtythird and last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite" had resolved to contribute 100 guineas towards the extended scheme when formed . A report was submitted from the Grand Committee , in which it was recommended that the jubilee of Grand Lodge be celebrated by a banquet and the striking of a memorial jewel . It was proposed that the banquet take place at the annual festival of St . Andrew , on the 30 th November ; that the Most Worshipful the Grand Master be asked to invite
H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , patron of the Scottish Craft , Prince Albert Victor , and other distinguished Masons . Further , that the Provincial Grand Lodges be urged to send up as large deputations as possible , and that , to enable the brethren from a distance to remain to the end of the meeting , the time of the meeting be two hours earlier than usual , and that , if necessary , a larger hall be engaged . To mark the special nature of the Festival , the
report proposed to empower the Committee , or Grand Stewards , to expend such extra sum , not exceeding £ 250 , as might be required . It was proposed that the memorial jewel be silver gilt , that the design be competed for by Craftsmen and none others . It was further recommended by Grand Committee , on motion of Bro . Fisher , to the Committee of the extended scheme of benevolence , that the present celebration of the jubilee be utilised to the
advantage of the scheme by holding a fancy bazaar , or sale , in Glasgow , as soon as the same can be organised , and that the co-operation of the District and Prov . Grand Lodges be solicited thereto . Bro . ELLIOT , in referring to this report , said the Grand Committee did not wish to spend the amount of money
mentioned , but rather to make some ; but that they wished that the third juhilee of the Grand Lodge of Scotland should be a Festival that they could look back upon as worthy of the country and the Craft , and as something that might be regarded as a decided advance in strengthening Freemasonry in Scotland . ( Applause . ) He hoped
Quarterly Meeting Of Grand Lodge.
Grand Lodge would request the Grand Master to invite the Prince of Wales , Prince Albert Victor , and other distinguished brethren who might be in the country at the time . The GRAND MASTER , in reference to suggestion by Bro . OFFICER , said he would have much pleasure in inviting his Royal Highness Prince Albeit Victor to Hon . Membership of the Grand Lodge . His Royal Highness
expressed himself on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition as exceedingly sorry that it was impossible for him to come to Grand Lodge , when he asked him , seeing that it was sitting that afternoon , and that he had said he would be very glad indeed to take the earliest opportunity of becoming more intimately acquainted with the Scottish Craft . ( Applause . ) The report was then unanimously adopted , and the
Grand Master was requested to invite Prince Albeit Victor to receive Honorary Membership . GRAND SECRETARY reported the demise of Bro . Tucker , Prov . G . M . of Bermuda , and that a brother had been recommended for the post ; and on the motion of the G . M ., seconded by the ACTING SUBSTITUTE GRAND MASTER , it was resolved that , in the interest of the Grand Lodge of Bermuda , it be remitted to Grand Committee , with powers
to arrange for the filling up of the vacant post . GRAND SECRETARY submitted a letter from the Earl of Rosslyn , Past Grand Master , in which he stated that , as representative of Scotland to the Grand Lodge of England , his lordship had the honour of attending his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Grand Master of England , at the ceremony of installing the Duke of Connaught as Provincial Grand Master of Sussex . " The ceremony , " the
Earl added , " was most impressively performed by his Royal Highness , and at luncheon , where there were no formal toasts , except the loyal ones and the health of the Duke of Counaught , his Royal Highness , in taking wine with me , drank to the prosperity of " the Scottish Craft , and desired me to convey this expression of his regard to the Grand Lodge , which I now have the pleasure of doing . " Grand Secretary had been directed by Grand Committee to
warmly thank the Earl for his communication and attention to the interests of the Scottish Craft . —This was approved . On petitions reported in order it was resolved to grant charters to the new lodges in Blythswood , Addington , South-East Africa , and St . Ninian , Alyth . It was reported by the Grand Secretary that Provincial Grand Masters of Perthshire East and Stirlingshire respectively approved of the petition of St . John Tullialan , No . 59 S , to be removed
from the jurisdiction of the former and placed in the Stirlingshire Province . The Grand Lodge gave effect to the petitions accordingly . It was resolved that a replica of the bust of the Past Grand Master , presented to the Countess of Mar and Kellie , be placed in the Freemasons' Hall , and unveiled at the banquet on St . Andrew's Day . Grand Lodge adopted a report as to the revised edition of the Constitution and laws of Grand Lodge . The convener of the Laws Committee
, Bro . Alex . Hay , was reported to Grand Committee , on a final proof copy being submitted , that Bro . Fisher and he had been associated with the Grand Secretary in preparing the new edition for the press , and that great care had been bestowed on the work . The Grand Secretary was desired to have the book issued as soon as possible . It was reported
that the Grand Master had fixed 6 th August for the installation of Bro . Dr . James Middleton as Prov . Grand Master of Roxburgh and Selkirkshires , and the Grand Secretary had been _ instructed to arrange for the Grand Master Mason being supported on the occasion by a deputation from the Grand Lodge . The Grand Lodge was then closed .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Glasgow.
A regular quarterly communication of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Glasgow was held on the 3 rd inst ., in the Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street . In the absence of Bro . Wm . Pearce , M . P ., R . W . Prov . G . M ., the chair was occupied by Bro . Thomas Johnstone , R . W . M . Lodge Glasgow St . John ' s ,
No . 3 bis , his acting R . W . P . G . M ., who was supported by Bros . John Gordon , R . W . M . No . 4 , acting P . G . S . W . ; John White , R . W . M . No . 27 , acting P . G . J . W . ; David Reid , P . G . Sec . ; Wm . Phillips , P . G . D . of C . ; D . Gill , P . G . Swd . Br . ; A . M . Smith , P . G . Jeweller ; G . Galletly , P . G . I . G . ; and Thomas Halket , P . G . Treasurer of Benevolent Fund . Apologies for absence were received
from Bros . John Graham , S . P . G . M . ; Charles Wilson , R . W . M . 102 ; and F . W . Allan , J . W . The P . G . SECRETARY , on behalf of Bro . Charles Wilson , R . W . M . 102 , and President of the Masonic Bowling Match Committee , intimated that the contest for the silver cup presented by Bro . Pearce , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master , for competition annually amongst the brethren of the province ,
would take place on the 12 th inst ., at half-past fouro'clock , on the following greens : Bellahouston , St . Vincent , Burnbank , Bridgeton , Whitevale , Wellcroft , Hutchesontown , and Belvedere . The ACTING R . W . M . expressed a hope that there might be a good turn-out of the brethren , and that next to Lodge Glasgow St . John's , No . 3 bis , the best lodge may win .
Bro . THOMAS HALKET , P . G . Treasurer of Benevolent Fund , read the minutes of Committee , which showed that during the past quarter of the year the sum of £ 23 3 s . had been granted for charitable and benevolent purposes to the widows and families of deceased members of the Craft . ( Applause . ) After the transaction of some routine businessBro . Capt .
, WM . TUTTXE , from America , was introduced , and briefly addressed the Provincial Grand Lodge . He conveyed to the brethren the kindly greeting of the Craft in America . In that great country , he said , Freemasonry stands pre-eminent , Masonry comes first , and the churches second . He also expressed his hieh sense of the courtesv
and kind attentions which he had received in Scotland when travelling on the streets , in steamers , or on the railways , and seeking for information , as an American will do . In conclusion he assured the brethren that any of them visiting America will be kindly and cordially received by the Craft there , ( Applause . ) Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in due form .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Glasgow.
PAISLEY . —St . Mirrin Lodge ( No . 129 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , High-street , on Monday , the 2 nd inst ., Bro . John Caldwell , R . W . M ., presiding , supported by Bros . James Cunningham , S . W . ; Rolit . C . Kilgour , Secretary , acting J . W . ; M . Jamison , [ . P . M . ; Alex . Macpherson , P . M . ; John Carswell , P . M . ; Hugh Allison , D . M . ; Jas . Adams , Treasurer ; William B . BarbourMPM'Gown
, .. ; , Treasurer 370 ; VV . Gemmell , I . P . M . 370 ; and others . The lodge was opened in due form , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted . Thereafter the R . W . M . introduced Bro . VV . B . Barbour , M . P ., and in doing so referred to the philanthropic spirit exhibited by him to his native town , and concluded by moving that he be affiliated an honorary member , which was seconded by
Bro . Hugh Allison , D . M ., and unanimously agreed to . The O . B . was administered by Bro . John Caldwell , R . W . M ., in his usual able and masterly style , at the close of which Bro . Barbour most cordially thanked the brethren for the honour done him , and assured them he would always remember St . Mirrin Lodge with sincere esteem and affection .
After a candidate had been initiated by the R . W . M ., and two F . C . ' s raised to the M . M . Degree by the I . P . M ., the lodge was closed .
Masonic Presentation.
Bro . Surgeon-Major J . A . Campbell , of Manchester , was the recipient of a beautiful jewel and richly illuminated address forwarded to him by his lodge in Bermuda . The address , was as follows : —
" Right Wor . Sir , and dear Bro ., — n . . " . > llle undersigned members of Lodge 726 , Civil and Military , Bermuda , desire your acceptance of the accompanying Founders' Jewel as an expression of the great esteem and regard in which you are held by your Masonic brethren here , on account of your integrity of purpose , and consummate skill in our ancient mysteries .
VVe at the same time desire to express our hearty wishes for the future welfare of yourself and family . May you long be spared to them , and they to you , and we sincerely trust that you will remember , whenever you look upon this jewel , that a wish for your health and happiness is in the heart of every brother you have left behind . Finally , dear Bro ., we fervently desire for you every success in lifeand
, that you may live for many years to wear this slight token of our regard , and to give our Masonic institution the benefit of your talent . —We are , Rt . Wor . Sir and dear Bro ., yours faithfully and fraternally , —Bros . Frith , Durden , Duffield , Rose , Keating , Smellie , Moore , Barratt ,
Bascome , Bascome , Burrows , Dill , Austin , Smith , Gass , Carroll , Barritt , Hand , Tucker , Robinson , Thomas , Dale , Young , Toddings , Mackenzie , Graham , D'Arcy , Winter , Banks , Trott , Simons , Berg . Loomes , Robinson , Aikin , Allenby . —Past Master VV . O . F . Bascome , M . D ., Presenting Officer . "
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
NOVA SCOTIA . There was an unusually large attendance of members at the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia , in Halifax , on the 3 rd and 4 th June , when the following brethren were elected to be the principal Grand Officers for the ensuing year , namely : Bro . Lewis Johnstone , M . D G . Master .
,, Charles F . Cochran D . G . Master . „ H . T . Sutherland G . S . VV . „ A . Rogers G . J . W . „ J . Dempster G . Treasurer . „ B . Curran , D . C . L . G . Secretary . „ R . J . VVaddell G . Lecturer . „ Rev . D . C . Moore G . Chaplain .
GRAND CHAPTER OF NOVA SCOTIA . The newly-elected principal officers of the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia are as follows : — Comp . Rev . H . De Blois Grand H . P . „ S . Porter Grand K . „ H . E . Jefferson Grand Scribe „ W . A . Hesson Grand Treas . „ B . Curran , D . C . L Grand Sec .
Among the principal objects of interest to be seen at Bro . _ Paul ' s exhibition in the Euston-road , of fish and amphibious stock , is a frog house specially designed by him for the green-tree frog . This creature is spoken of as a true and trustworthy weather prophet , it being its nature to remain hidden in the grass during the wet weather , and to re-appear when a change is imminent . It then climbs the ladder which Bro . Paul has introduced
into this house , rising higher and higher as the weather improves and looks like continuing fine . Aske ' s Hatcham Boys' School , of whom Bro . Spratling , Secretary of the University of London Lodge , is head master , had a very successful gathering on Wednesday , the 4 th inst ., on the occasion of their annual distribution of prizes . There was a large muster of the friends of the boys , and the reports of the different
examiners were of a very flattering character . After some part singing , in which the boys showed considerable proficiency , an address of welcome in French very effectively delivered by E . G . Hawke , captain of the schools , and the quarrel scene from "Julius C ; csar , " in which the parts of Brutus and Cassius were carefully played by H . J . Spon and A . L . Davis respectively , the prizes were distributed—in the unavoidable absence through the death
of a relative in Wales of Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Evans —by the Chairman of the Committee of Management , who addressed a few words of congratulation to each of the recipients . At the close of the ceremony , a hearty vote of thanks was passed with acclamation to the head master , Bro . Spratling , who , in thanking those present for the compliment , spoke in terms of warm commendation of
the valuable services rendered by his staff , and expressed the hope that the school would always maintain the high character for efficiency it had secured . A scene from the "Andria" of Terence having been acted , the prize for elocution was awarded on the votes of the visitors to A . L . Davis , the representative of Cassius , and the proceedings terminated .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
P . G . I , of VV . ; J . H . Hartley , P . P . G . I . G . ; P . Wedgewood , George Dalrymple , P . G . A . D . C . Eng ., P . G . Sec . ; James Dickinson , P . M . 151 , P . G . J . D . ; and others . Two notices ot motion were left over t \ U the nest regular meeting . The members of this lodge that had received provincial distinction were presented with their certificates
when , with other business and " Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed , and , at the invitation of the newly-installed Master , the brethren adjourned to the Green Dragon Hotel , where an excellent banquet was prepared . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed , and a very agreeable evening was spent .
Quarterly Meeting Of Grand Lodge.
Scotland .
A Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., Bro . Sir Archibald Campbell of Blythswood , Bart ., M . P ., Grand Master Mason of Scotland , on the throne . Bro . F . E . Villiers of Closeburn acted as G . S . D . ; and Bro . James J . S . Elliott , jun ., of
Wolfelee , as G . J . W . Amongst the other office bearers present were Bros . D . Murray Lyon , Grand Secretary ; David Kinnear , Grand Cashier ; Rev . John Watt , Grand Chap . ; Rev . John Ritchie , James Caldwell , acting Grand S . D . ; George Fisher , Grand J . D . ; Major F . W . Allan , Grand Bible Bearer ; Col . John Campbell , Grand Swd . Br . ; W . Maun , Proxy Prov . G . M . of all India ; Dr . Falconer , Proxy District Grand Master of New South
Wales ; and VV . Officer , Representative from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania . Several visitors from a distance were present , and they were introduced by the Grand Master , and addressed the brethren . Amongst them were Bros . T . J . Harries , Prov . Grand Master of Gibraltar , who was called on to act as Substitute Grand Master ; Bro . Kerr , Prov . Grand Master of Canada ; and Bro . Burwell , Grand Steward of the
District Grand Lodge of New Zealand ( South ) . Apologies for absence were intimated from Bros , the Earl of Kintore , Substitute Grand Master ; Lieut .-Col . Drummond Moray , Prov . Grand Master of Perthshire West ; F . A . Barrow , Past G . W . ; J . Graham , Proxy P . G . M . of Bermuda ; Col . James T . Steuart , Proxy P . G . M . of Perth ; David Rtid , Grand I . G . ; Dr . James Middleton , Prov . G . M . of Roxburgh and Selkirk ; VV . Edwards , Vice-President of the
Board of Grand Stewards ; and others . A vidimus of the income and expenditure for the quarter ending 24 th July was submitted by the Grand Cashier , from which it appeared that the income for that period had been £ 4196 , and the expenditure £ 3853 , showing and excess of income to the extent of ^ 343 . There had been S 30 entrants to the Order . It was reported that the income for the past eight months had been £ 3131 , compared with £ 2534 for
the corresponding period of last year—increase ^ , 597 . A report as to the fund of Scottish Masonic Benevolence snowed that £ 140 had been voted in Charity during the quarter . It was reported that Bro . James Caldwell had been appointed Chairman of the Finance Committee , and that Bro . William Maclean had been elected a member of the same Committee in succession to the late Bro . James Turner , in regard to whom Grand Committee had adopted
a resolution expressive of regret and sympathy with his widow and daughter in their bereavement . Bros . John Davidson , 467 , and Colin Gellatly , 362 , had been appointed interim members of Grand Committee in room of Bro . J . D . Hedderwick , resigned , and the late Bro . Turner . It was reported from Grand Committee that the Grand Secretary had certified that in accordnce with the instructions of Grand Lodge at last Communication he had
destroyed all the copies of the pretended ritual with which he had been entrusted . A report by the Provincial Grand Master of Aberdeen in connection with the management of the Masonic Hall , was reported to have been remitted to the Laws Committee to consider and report to the Special Committee appointed in January last to formulate a skeleton constitution and regulations as to the distribution of grants , & c , for the " proposed scheme of extended
Masonic benevolence , " had submitted a provisional scheme for carrying out the " proposed extension of the existing scheme ; " and Grand Committee reported that copies thereof had been circulated among the members of the Committee , and that it had been resolved to defer consideration of the matter to the September meeting . It was also reported that the Supreme Council of the Thirtythird and last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite" had resolved to contribute 100 guineas towards the extended scheme when formed . A report was submitted from the Grand Committee , in which it was recommended that the jubilee of Grand Lodge be celebrated by a banquet and the striking of a memorial jewel . It was proposed that the banquet take place at the annual festival of St . Andrew , on the 30 th November ; that the Most Worshipful the Grand Master be asked to invite
H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , patron of the Scottish Craft , Prince Albert Victor , and other distinguished Masons . Further , that the Provincial Grand Lodges be urged to send up as large deputations as possible , and that , to enable the brethren from a distance to remain to the end of the meeting , the time of the meeting be two hours earlier than usual , and that , if necessary , a larger hall be engaged . To mark the special nature of the Festival , the
report proposed to empower the Committee , or Grand Stewards , to expend such extra sum , not exceeding £ 250 , as might be required . It was proposed that the memorial jewel be silver gilt , that the design be competed for by Craftsmen and none others . It was further recommended by Grand Committee , on motion of Bro . Fisher , to the Committee of the extended scheme of benevolence , that the present celebration of the jubilee be utilised to the
advantage of the scheme by holding a fancy bazaar , or sale , in Glasgow , as soon as the same can be organised , and that the co-operation of the District and Prov . Grand Lodges be solicited thereto . Bro . ELLIOT , in referring to this report , said the Grand Committee did not wish to spend the amount of money
mentioned , but rather to make some ; but that they wished that the third juhilee of the Grand Lodge of Scotland should be a Festival that they could look back upon as worthy of the country and the Craft , and as something that might be regarded as a decided advance in strengthening Freemasonry in Scotland . ( Applause . ) He hoped
Quarterly Meeting Of Grand Lodge.
Grand Lodge would request the Grand Master to invite the Prince of Wales , Prince Albert Victor , and other distinguished brethren who might be in the country at the time . The GRAND MASTER , in reference to suggestion by Bro . OFFICER , said he would have much pleasure in inviting his Royal Highness Prince Albeit Victor to Hon . Membership of the Grand Lodge . His Royal Highness
expressed himself on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition as exceedingly sorry that it was impossible for him to come to Grand Lodge , when he asked him , seeing that it was sitting that afternoon , and that he had said he would be very glad indeed to take the earliest opportunity of becoming more intimately acquainted with the Scottish Craft . ( Applause . ) The report was then unanimously adopted , and the
Grand Master was requested to invite Prince Albeit Victor to receive Honorary Membership . GRAND SECRETARY reported the demise of Bro . Tucker , Prov . G . M . of Bermuda , and that a brother had been recommended for the post ; and on the motion of the G . M ., seconded by the ACTING SUBSTITUTE GRAND MASTER , it was resolved that , in the interest of the Grand Lodge of Bermuda , it be remitted to Grand Committee , with powers
to arrange for the filling up of the vacant post . GRAND SECRETARY submitted a letter from the Earl of Rosslyn , Past Grand Master , in which he stated that , as representative of Scotland to the Grand Lodge of England , his lordship had the honour of attending his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Grand Master of England , at the ceremony of installing the Duke of Connaught as Provincial Grand Master of Sussex . " The ceremony , " the
Earl added , " was most impressively performed by his Royal Highness , and at luncheon , where there were no formal toasts , except the loyal ones and the health of the Duke of Counaught , his Royal Highness , in taking wine with me , drank to the prosperity of " the Scottish Craft , and desired me to convey this expression of his regard to the Grand Lodge , which I now have the pleasure of doing . " Grand Secretary had been directed by Grand Committee to
warmly thank the Earl for his communication and attention to the interests of the Scottish Craft . —This was approved . On petitions reported in order it was resolved to grant charters to the new lodges in Blythswood , Addington , South-East Africa , and St . Ninian , Alyth . It was reported by the Grand Secretary that Provincial Grand Masters of Perthshire East and Stirlingshire respectively approved of the petition of St . John Tullialan , No . 59 S , to be removed
from the jurisdiction of the former and placed in the Stirlingshire Province . The Grand Lodge gave effect to the petitions accordingly . It was resolved that a replica of the bust of the Past Grand Master , presented to the Countess of Mar and Kellie , be placed in the Freemasons' Hall , and unveiled at the banquet on St . Andrew's Day . Grand Lodge adopted a report as to the revised edition of the Constitution and laws of Grand Lodge . The convener of the Laws Committee
, Bro . Alex . Hay , was reported to Grand Committee , on a final proof copy being submitted , that Bro . Fisher and he had been associated with the Grand Secretary in preparing the new edition for the press , and that great care had been bestowed on the work . The Grand Secretary was desired to have the book issued as soon as possible . It was reported
that the Grand Master had fixed 6 th August for the installation of Bro . Dr . James Middleton as Prov . Grand Master of Roxburgh and Selkirkshires , and the Grand Secretary had been _ instructed to arrange for the Grand Master Mason being supported on the occasion by a deputation from the Grand Lodge . The Grand Lodge was then closed .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Glasgow.
A regular quarterly communication of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Glasgow was held on the 3 rd inst ., in the Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street . In the absence of Bro . Wm . Pearce , M . P ., R . W . Prov . G . M ., the chair was occupied by Bro . Thomas Johnstone , R . W . M . Lodge Glasgow St . John ' s ,
No . 3 bis , his acting R . W . P . G . M ., who was supported by Bros . John Gordon , R . W . M . No . 4 , acting P . G . S . W . ; John White , R . W . M . No . 27 , acting P . G . J . W . ; David Reid , P . G . Sec . ; Wm . Phillips , P . G . D . of C . ; D . Gill , P . G . Swd . Br . ; A . M . Smith , P . G . Jeweller ; G . Galletly , P . G . I . G . ; and Thomas Halket , P . G . Treasurer of Benevolent Fund . Apologies for absence were received
from Bros . John Graham , S . P . G . M . ; Charles Wilson , R . W . M . 102 ; and F . W . Allan , J . W . The P . G . SECRETARY , on behalf of Bro . Charles Wilson , R . W . M . 102 , and President of the Masonic Bowling Match Committee , intimated that the contest for the silver cup presented by Bro . Pearce , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master , for competition annually amongst the brethren of the province ,
would take place on the 12 th inst ., at half-past fouro'clock , on the following greens : Bellahouston , St . Vincent , Burnbank , Bridgeton , Whitevale , Wellcroft , Hutchesontown , and Belvedere . The ACTING R . W . M . expressed a hope that there might be a good turn-out of the brethren , and that next to Lodge Glasgow St . John's , No . 3 bis , the best lodge may win .
Bro . THOMAS HALKET , P . G . Treasurer of Benevolent Fund , read the minutes of Committee , which showed that during the past quarter of the year the sum of £ 23 3 s . had been granted for charitable and benevolent purposes to the widows and families of deceased members of the Craft . ( Applause . ) After the transaction of some routine businessBro . Capt .
, WM . TUTTXE , from America , was introduced , and briefly addressed the Provincial Grand Lodge . He conveyed to the brethren the kindly greeting of the Craft in America . In that great country , he said , Freemasonry stands pre-eminent , Masonry comes first , and the churches second . He also expressed his hieh sense of the courtesv
and kind attentions which he had received in Scotland when travelling on the streets , in steamers , or on the railways , and seeking for information , as an American will do . In conclusion he assured the brethren that any of them visiting America will be kindly and cordially received by the Craft there , ( Applause . ) Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in due form .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Glasgow.
PAISLEY . —St . Mirrin Lodge ( No . 129 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , High-street , on Monday , the 2 nd inst ., Bro . John Caldwell , R . W . M ., presiding , supported by Bros . James Cunningham , S . W . ; Rolit . C . Kilgour , Secretary , acting J . W . ; M . Jamison , [ . P . M . ; Alex . Macpherson , P . M . ; John Carswell , P . M . ; Hugh Allison , D . M . ; Jas . Adams , Treasurer ; William B . BarbourMPM'Gown
, .. ; , Treasurer 370 ; VV . Gemmell , I . P . M . 370 ; and others . The lodge was opened in due form , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted . Thereafter the R . W . M . introduced Bro . VV . B . Barbour , M . P ., and in doing so referred to the philanthropic spirit exhibited by him to his native town , and concluded by moving that he be affiliated an honorary member , which was seconded by
Bro . Hugh Allison , D . M ., and unanimously agreed to . The O . B . was administered by Bro . John Caldwell , R . W . M ., in his usual able and masterly style , at the close of which Bro . Barbour most cordially thanked the brethren for the honour done him , and assured them he would always remember St . Mirrin Lodge with sincere esteem and affection .
After a candidate had been initiated by the R . W . M ., and two F . C . ' s raised to the M . M . Degree by the I . P . M ., the lodge was closed .
Masonic Presentation.
Bro . Surgeon-Major J . A . Campbell , of Manchester , was the recipient of a beautiful jewel and richly illuminated address forwarded to him by his lodge in Bermuda . The address , was as follows : —
" Right Wor . Sir , and dear Bro ., — n . . " . > llle undersigned members of Lodge 726 , Civil and Military , Bermuda , desire your acceptance of the accompanying Founders' Jewel as an expression of the great esteem and regard in which you are held by your Masonic brethren here , on account of your integrity of purpose , and consummate skill in our ancient mysteries .
VVe at the same time desire to express our hearty wishes for the future welfare of yourself and family . May you long be spared to them , and they to you , and we sincerely trust that you will remember , whenever you look upon this jewel , that a wish for your health and happiness is in the heart of every brother you have left behind . Finally , dear Bro ., we fervently desire for you every success in lifeand
, that you may live for many years to wear this slight token of our regard , and to give our Masonic institution the benefit of your talent . —We are , Rt . Wor . Sir and dear Bro ., yours faithfully and fraternally , —Bros . Frith , Durden , Duffield , Rose , Keating , Smellie , Moore , Barratt ,
Bascome , Bascome , Burrows , Dill , Austin , Smith , Gass , Carroll , Barritt , Hand , Tucker , Robinson , Thomas , Dale , Young , Toddings , Mackenzie , Graham , D'Arcy , Winter , Banks , Trott , Simons , Berg . Loomes , Robinson , Aikin , Allenby . —Past Master VV . O . F . Bascome , M . D ., Presenting Officer . "
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
NOVA SCOTIA . There was an unusually large attendance of members at the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia , in Halifax , on the 3 rd and 4 th June , when the following brethren were elected to be the principal Grand Officers for the ensuing year , namely : Bro . Lewis Johnstone , M . D G . Master .
,, Charles F . Cochran D . G . Master . „ H . T . Sutherland G . S . VV . „ A . Rogers G . J . W . „ J . Dempster G . Treasurer . „ B . Curran , D . C . L . G . Secretary . „ R . J . VVaddell G . Lecturer . „ Rev . D . C . Moore G . Chaplain .
GRAND CHAPTER OF NOVA SCOTIA . The newly-elected principal officers of the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia are as follows : — Comp . Rev . H . De Blois Grand H . P . „ S . Porter Grand K . „ H . E . Jefferson Grand Scribe „ W . A . Hesson Grand Treas . „ B . Curran , D . C . L Grand Sec .
Among the principal objects of interest to be seen at Bro . _ Paul ' s exhibition in the Euston-road , of fish and amphibious stock , is a frog house specially designed by him for the green-tree frog . This creature is spoken of as a true and trustworthy weather prophet , it being its nature to remain hidden in the grass during the wet weather , and to re-appear when a change is imminent . It then climbs the ladder which Bro . Paul has introduced
into this house , rising higher and higher as the weather improves and looks like continuing fine . Aske ' s Hatcham Boys' School , of whom Bro . Spratling , Secretary of the University of London Lodge , is head master , had a very successful gathering on Wednesday , the 4 th inst ., on the occasion of their annual distribution of prizes . There was a large muster of the friends of the boys , and the reports of the different
examiners were of a very flattering character . After some part singing , in which the boys showed considerable proficiency , an address of welcome in French very effectively delivered by E . G . Hawke , captain of the schools , and the quarrel scene from "Julius C ; csar , " in which the parts of Brutus and Cassius were carefully played by H . J . Spon and A . L . Davis respectively , the prizes were distributed—in the unavoidable absence through the death
of a relative in Wales of Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Evans —by the Chairman of the Committee of Management , who addressed a few words of congratulation to each of the recipients . At the close of the ceremony , a hearty vote of thanks was passed with acclamation to the head master , Bro . Spratling , who , in thanking those present for the compliment , spoke in terms of warm commendation of
the valuable services rendered by his staff , and expressed the hope that the school would always maintain the high character for efficiency it had secured . A scene from the "Andria" of Terence having been acted , the prize for elocution was awarded on the votes of the visitors to A . L . Davis , the representative of Cassius , and the proceedings terminated .