Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF DORSET. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE FIRST GRAND STEWARDS AND THEIR LODGES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Dorset.
on the social , moral , and intellectual education and culture which Masonry affords to its earnest and zealous disciples . The PROV . GRAND MASTER then delivered his annual address , reviewing the work of the Grand Lodge during the past year , and noting with special emphasis the installation , at Brig hton , by the M . W . G . M ., of the Duke of Connaught as Provincial Grand Master of Sussex . He then reviewed the past year ' s Masonic work in his own province , and congratulated the brethren of the Sherborne Lodge on having secured private premises in
which to hold their meetings . The Charity work of the province was next reviewed , and satisfaction expressed at the support given to the Roya \ Masonic Benevolent Institution at the last Festival , when Dorset was placed ninth on the list of provinces in order of merit , the sum of ^ iSo being handed in by the Steward for the province , Bro . E . T . Budden , P . P . G . S . W . The Girls' School had also been well supported , and the Stewards—Bros . Dugdale and Milledge—had handed in a joint list of over ^ 130 . He then alluded to the work of the Dorset Masonic Charity , and called on the honorary Secretary to read the annual report , which was as follows : —
The Sixth Annual Report 0 ! the General Committee of the Dorset Masonic Charity to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorset , holden at Blandford , Thursday , August 5 th , 1 SS 6 . R . W . Prov . Grand Master and Brethren—In pur last report it was our pleasing duty to congratulate the province on the completion of the first stage of the financial
work of the Dorset Masonic Charity , viz .: the attainment and investment of £ 2125 as a permanent endowment for the Charity . The past year may be considered as the first year of our normal work , unembarrassed by any anxiety as to the Endowment Fund , and relieved from the duty of making appeals to the lodges and brethren for the accomplishment of that object .
We have had to solicit for nothing more than a subscription of 5 s . a year from every brother to make up an adequate revenue for our operations of relief to distressed brethren , assistance to widows of Dorset Masons , and help towards the education and advancement in life of the children of poor or deceased Dorset Masons . The brethren on the whole fairly responded , and one lodge has especially distinguished itself bthe number of subscribers in to its
y very large proportion roll of members . The Manor Lodge , Beaminster , out of a roll of 2 S members has sent in alistof 21 subscribers , or 75 per cent ., which is by far the largest per centage yet reached by any lodge in the province , and is an earnest of what we may hope for , if in every lodge we could secure the co-operation of so zealous and ardent a Mason as W . Bro . Baskett , to whose admirable energy this success is mainly due .
The" total amount received from the . lodges and brethren during the financial year just closed is as follows : — £ s . d . Lodge 1367 ,-Beaminster , 19 subscriptions for 18 S 5 ... ... 4 15 o „ ,, 21 subscriptions , iSSG ... ... ... ... 5 5 o „ 622 , Wimborne ... ... ... ... ... 7 5 o „ 116 S , Sherborne ( Bro . White , \ V . M ., £ s ) ... ... 6 2 6
,, 170 , Weymouth , for 18 S 5 ... ... ... ... 3 15 o „ 3 S 6 , Wareham , „ 1 SS 5 ... ... ... ... 3 10 0 „ 1146 , Swanage , „ 1 S 8 G ... ... ... ... 300 „ 372 , Shaftesbury „ 1 SS 6 ... ... ... ... 2 1 5 o ,, 137 , Poole , „ 1 SS 6 ... ... ... ... 200 „ 707 , Bridport , VV . Bro . Montagu's subscription for 1 S 85-6 200 „ 6 G 5 , Lyme Regis , for 1 SS 6 ... ... ... ... 1 1 7 0 „ 417 , Dorchester „ 1 SS 6 ... ... ... ... o 15 o
„ 1266 , Blandford , „ iSSG ... ... ... ... o 15 o „ 1037 , Portland , ... ... ... ... ... Nil . The total contributions for the year amount to £ 56 5 s . 6 d ., of which £ 43 3 s . 6 d . are annual subscriptions , and £ 13 2 s . 6 d . arc donations . Annual subscriptions form part of the revenue , and are applied to relief , assistance , and education . Donations go ( o the capital account , and are invested as opportunity offers . The revenue for the year ending June 30 th , 1 SS 6 , is as follows : —
Interest and dividends ... ... ... .,. ... 91 16 10 Annual subscriptions ... ... ... ... ... 43 3 6
Total revenue ... ,., ... £ 135 o 4 available for the objects of the Charity . N . B . —If the other lodges and brethren in the province will only imitate the example of Beaminster , the revenue will be brought up to about £ 200 a-year , and the Charity will then be able to carry out fully its educational objects . Five petitioners have been relieved during the year , viz . : — £ s . d . Widow , 472 ... ... ... ... ,., ... 20 o o
Mrs . S . j 1 iGS ... .,. ... ... ... 20 o o Mrs . S ., 116 S ... ... ... ... ... 500 Bro . 1037 ... ... ... ... ... 20 o o A . Lewis , G 22 ... ... ... ... ... 20 o o for his advancement in life . This sum is now applied for the lad ' s board and lodging
as an out-of-door . apprentice to a chemist and druggist ; his parents not having a home , and living with friends at a distance from the lad ' s place of employment . It is to the education and advancement in life of the children of our more unfortunate brethren that the efforts of the Dorset Masonic Charity might be more especially directed , with a prospect of ever increasing usefulness ; for no other object affords so good a return for charitable work as giving to the young a good preparation for the battle of life .
The Abstract ot Accounts will show the exact state of the finances of the Charity . The special thanks of the General Committee and of the P . G . Lodge are due to Lady Charlotte Schreiber , for her kind donation of £ 5 ; to Bro . E . A . Hambro , for his annual subscription of ^ s ; and to VV , Bro . White , for a donation of £ 5 during his Mastership of Lodge 1168 , Sherborne .
Onr special thanks are also due to the brethren of the Manor Lodge , No . 1367 , Beaminster , for their wide and general support as subscribers , and the brilliant example they have given ' to the province of what may be accomplished by hearty and zealous cooperation . We fraternally recommend this example to the other lodges and brethren in the province , and exhort them to " go and do likewise . " , , t , „„ ( Signed ) HENKV C . BURT , Chairman . July 5 th , 1 SS 6 . E . T . BUDDEN , Hon . Sec . APPENDIX I . —SHEWING ABSTRACT OP ACCOUNTS . Cash Account for vear endhw Vui / n inth . rXXr ,.
July 1 , 18 S 5 , to June 30 , 1886 . £ s . d , To interest and dividends ... 91 16 10 „ Annual Subscriptions ... 43 3 6
„ Donations 13 2 o „ Balance of previous account 29 o 10 ,, Bond Redeemed ... ... 100 o o u Quebec Bond ditto 60 o o
iC ' 337 3 2
July 1 , 1 SS 5 , to June 30 , 1 S 8 G . £ s . d . By Mrs . Mills 20 o o ,, Mrs . Senior 20 o o
,, Mrs . Smith „ 500 „ Bro . Warren 20 o o ,, „ Arthur Bugden ... 20 o o IT c .- • 8 5 ° o „ forms of petition , printing , & c 100
„ Purchase of Stock 103 o o „ "Difference"onNorwegian Bonds ... 1 18 S „ Balance in hand , viz . : At Bank ... 142 19 G . Secretary ' s hands 350 ¦ 14 G 4 6 £ 337 3 2 " H
Relief Account .
July 1 , 1 SS 5 , to June 30 , iSSG . £ s . d . To balance of previous account 27 S 5 „ Revenue 135 o 4 £ 162 S 9
Capital A Julv 1 st , 1 SS 5 . £ s . d . To capital as per account ... 2127 5 5 June 30 th , iSSG . „ Donations 13 2 o £ 2 i 4 " 7 5
£ s . d . By Grants S 5 o o „ Sundry payments 2 18 S ,, Balance 74 10 1 £ ¦ 02 8 9
Account . June 30 th , 1 SS 6 . £ s . d . By Investments ... ,,. 206 S 13 o „ Cash at Bank * 71 14 5 £ 2140 7 5
A guineas was Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and Bro . VV . James , P . M . 707 , was appointed Provincial Steward for the next Festival . Several additions and revisions of the bye-laws were then adopted , and the usual thanks voted to the W . M . and brethren of 1266—the entertaining lodge .
donation of 10 then voted to the Examined and found correct , ( Signed ) H . GID BS , W . M . 1 70 . Weymouth , July 5 th , 1 SS 6 . ZILLWOOD MILLEDGE , P . M . 170 . The Report was approved and unanimously adopted b y P . G . Lodge , and the customary thanks voted to the supporters of the Charity .
Swanage was named as the place for holding the Provincial Grand Lodge in 1887 . The officers for the ensuing year were then appointed as follows : — Bro . J . W . Luff ( Mayor of Blandford ) , P . M . 622 and 1266 ... ... ... ... p ,- . G . S . W .
„ J . Whitehead Smith , P . M . 622 ... ... Prov . G . J . VV . ,, Rev . Richard Milner , P . M . 1616 and 1266 ... Prov . G . Chap . „ Reginald D . Thornton , P . M . 1037 ( re-elected ) ... Prov . G . Treas . „ Thomas Randell , P . M . 1146 ... ... Prov . G . Reg . „ Robert Case , P . M . 417 ( re-appointed ) ... Prov . G . Sec . „ J . S . C . Hanham , W . M . 12 G 6 ... ... Prov . G . S . D .
„ W . Osmond . P . M . 417 ... ,,, ... Prov . GJ . D . „ T . W . R . White , P . M . 116 S ... ... Prov . G . S . of VV . „ H . Gibbs , W . M . 170 ... ... ... Prov . G . D . of C . „ F . G . VVheatley . W . M . 137 ... ... Prov . G . A . D . C . „ W . VV . Fooks , W . M . 386 ... ... Prov . G . S . B . „ James Ley , J . W . 472 ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . „ F . Barry , W . M . 472 ..-. ... ... Prov . G . Purst . „ J . W . Tribbett , S . W . 3 S 6 ... ... )
„ B . A . Hogg , W . M . 417 ... „ J . S . Stroud , S . W . 417 ... ... ... ID n c . J „ C . Roberts , S . W . 472 ... ... . r -Prov . G . Slwds . „ J . Stewart , S . W ! 1266 ... „ G . E . Turner , J . W . 1266 ...
„ F . Long , 707 ... ... ... ... p TOv . G . Tyler . The P . G . M . paid a graceful compliment to the town of Blandford ( as well as to Lodge 1266 ) by investing the Chief Magistrate for the year with the Collar and Jewel of Prov . Senior Grand Warden . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the well-known hostelry the Crown Hotel , where a high class banquet was well served by the widow of our late much esteemed Bro . Robert Eyers , P . M . 1266 .
The Charity box realised 10 guineas . After the usual toasts and chaff—for A little nonsense now and then Is relished by the wisest menthe day ' s proceedings were brought to a happy ending , and at six o ' clock p . m . the brethren separated , " and home went every man the rightful way . "
The First Grand Stewards And Their Lodges.
THE RED APRON LODGES PRIOR TO THE UNION . By BRO . H . SADLER . IV . { Continued from page j 6 g . ) In consequence of the gap in the register , before referred to , I am unable to complete and connect the chain of identification of Red Apron Lodges
between the earl y and the latter part of the last century with positive certainty , but I find amongst the first list of names returned by the Lodge of Antiquity ( then No . 1 ) after registration of members was resumed in 1768 , the names of Thos . Marriott Perkins , Grand Steward in 1756 . Sir Richard Glynn and Thos . Dyne , Grand Stewards , 1762 ,
and in No . 2 , now No . 4 , I find •¦ Rowland Berkeley , Grand Steward , 1760 Old King ' s Arms Lodge ... Chas . Pearce do . 1755 Do . ... John Friday do . 1760 St . Alban ' s Lodge ,,. Fleming Pinkstan do . 1 745 Do . ... Geo . Clarke do . 1747
Do , ... Dr . Manningham do . 17 . 3 7 Do . ... John Wildsmith do . 1757 Do . ,., Henry JafTray do . 1762 In the year 1775 we are on firm ground , and from that period my task is comparatively easy , for in the oldest minute book of the Board of Grand Stewards that has come under my notice , I find on the first page the following
record" Lodges that had Red Aprons in 1775 . " Somerset House Lodge ( present No . 4 ) ... ,., 3 " Royal Lodge ( united with the Al pha , No . 16 ) ... ... 2 " Lodge of Friendship ( present No . 6 ) ... ... ... 2
" St . Alban ' s ( present No . 29 ) .,, ... ... 1 * 'Pons ( present No . 28 ) ... .,. .,. ... 1 "Mourning Bush ( present No . 21 ) ,,, ... ... t "Crown and Rolls ( present No . 23 ) ... ... .,. 1 " Angel in the Minories ( erased in 1800 ) ... ... 1 " 1 J "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Dorset.
on the social , moral , and intellectual education and culture which Masonry affords to its earnest and zealous disciples . The PROV . GRAND MASTER then delivered his annual address , reviewing the work of the Grand Lodge during the past year , and noting with special emphasis the installation , at Brig hton , by the M . W . G . M ., of the Duke of Connaught as Provincial Grand Master of Sussex . He then reviewed the past year ' s Masonic work in his own province , and congratulated the brethren of the Sherborne Lodge on having secured private premises in
which to hold their meetings . The Charity work of the province was next reviewed , and satisfaction expressed at the support given to the Roya \ Masonic Benevolent Institution at the last Festival , when Dorset was placed ninth on the list of provinces in order of merit , the sum of ^ iSo being handed in by the Steward for the province , Bro . E . T . Budden , P . P . G . S . W . The Girls' School had also been well supported , and the Stewards—Bros . Dugdale and Milledge—had handed in a joint list of over ^ 130 . He then alluded to the work of the Dorset Masonic Charity , and called on the honorary Secretary to read the annual report , which was as follows : —
The Sixth Annual Report 0 ! the General Committee of the Dorset Masonic Charity to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorset , holden at Blandford , Thursday , August 5 th , 1 SS 6 . R . W . Prov . Grand Master and Brethren—In pur last report it was our pleasing duty to congratulate the province on the completion of the first stage of the financial
work of the Dorset Masonic Charity , viz .: the attainment and investment of £ 2125 as a permanent endowment for the Charity . The past year may be considered as the first year of our normal work , unembarrassed by any anxiety as to the Endowment Fund , and relieved from the duty of making appeals to the lodges and brethren for the accomplishment of that object .
We have had to solicit for nothing more than a subscription of 5 s . a year from every brother to make up an adequate revenue for our operations of relief to distressed brethren , assistance to widows of Dorset Masons , and help towards the education and advancement in life of the children of poor or deceased Dorset Masons . The brethren on the whole fairly responded , and one lodge has especially distinguished itself bthe number of subscribers in to its
y very large proportion roll of members . The Manor Lodge , Beaminster , out of a roll of 2 S members has sent in alistof 21 subscribers , or 75 per cent ., which is by far the largest per centage yet reached by any lodge in the province , and is an earnest of what we may hope for , if in every lodge we could secure the co-operation of so zealous and ardent a Mason as W . Bro . Baskett , to whose admirable energy this success is mainly due .
The" total amount received from the . lodges and brethren during the financial year just closed is as follows : — £ s . d . Lodge 1367 ,-Beaminster , 19 subscriptions for 18 S 5 ... ... 4 15 o „ ,, 21 subscriptions , iSSG ... ... ... ... 5 5 o „ 622 , Wimborne ... ... ... ... ... 7 5 o „ 116 S , Sherborne ( Bro . White , \ V . M ., £ s ) ... ... 6 2 6
,, 170 , Weymouth , for 18 S 5 ... ... ... ... 3 15 o „ 3 S 6 , Wareham , „ 1 SS 5 ... ... ... ... 3 10 0 „ 1146 , Swanage , „ 1 S 8 G ... ... ... ... 300 „ 372 , Shaftesbury „ 1 SS 6 ... ... ... ... 2 1 5 o ,, 137 , Poole , „ 1 SS 6 ... ... ... ... 200 „ 707 , Bridport , VV . Bro . Montagu's subscription for 1 S 85-6 200 „ 6 G 5 , Lyme Regis , for 1 SS 6 ... ... ... ... 1 1 7 0 „ 417 , Dorchester „ 1 SS 6 ... ... ... ... o 15 o
„ 1266 , Blandford , „ iSSG ... ... ... ... o 15 o „ 1037 , Portland , ... ... ... ... ... Nil . The total contributions for the year amount to £ 56 5 s . 6 d ., of which £ 43 3 s . 6 d . are annual subscriptions , and £ 13 2 s . 6 d . arc donations . Annual subscriptions form part of the revenue , and are applied to relief , assistance , and education . Donations go ( o the capital account , and are invested as opportunity offers . The revenue for the year ending June 30 th , 1 SS 6 , is as follows : —
Interest and dividends ... ... ... .,. ... 91 16 10 Annual subscriptions ... ... ... ... ... 43 3 6
Total revenue ... ,., ... £ 135 o 4 available for the objects of the Charity . N . B . —If the other lodges and brethren in the province will only imitate the example of Beaminster , the revenue will be brought up to about £ 200 a-year , and the Charity will then be able to carry out fully its educational objects . Five petitioners have been relieved during the year , viz . : — £ s . d . Widow , 472 ... ... ... ... ,., ... 20 o o
Mrs . S . j 1 iGS ... .,. ... ... ... 20 o o Mrs . S ., 116 S ... ... ... ... ... 500 Bro . 1037 ... ... ... ... ... 20 o o A . Lewis , G 22 ... ... ... ... ... 20 o o for his advancement in life . This sum is now applied for the lad ' s board and lodging
as an out-of-door . apprentice to a chemist and druggist ; his parents not having a home , and living with friends at a distance from the lad ' s place of employment . It is to the education and advancement in life of the children of our more unfortunate brethren that the efforts of the Dorset Masonic Charity might be more especially directed , with a prospect of ever increasing usefulness ; for no other object affords so good a return for charitable work as giving to the young a good preparation for the battle of life .
The Abstract ot Accounts will show the exact state of the finances of the Charity . The special thanks of the General Committee and of the P . G . Lodge are due to Lady Charlotte Schreiber , for her kind donation of £ 5 ; to Bro . E . A . Hambro , for his annual subscription of ^ s ; and to VV , Bro . White , for a donation of £ 5 during his Mastership of Lodge 1168 , Sherborne .
Onr special thanks are also due to the brethren of the Manor Lodge , No . 1367 , Beaminster , for their wide and general support as subscribers , and the brilliant example they have given ' to the province of what may be accomplished by hearty and zealous cooperation . We fraternally recommend this example to the other lodges and brethren in the province , and exhort them to " go and do likewise . " , , t , „„ ( Signed ) HENKV C . BURT , Chairman . July 5 th , 1 SS 6 . E . T . BUDDEN , Hon . Sec . APPENDIX I . —SHEWING ABSTRACT OP ACCOUNTS . Cash Account for vear endhw Vui / n inth . rXXr ,.
July 1 , 18 S 5 , to June 30 , 1886 . £ s . d , To interest and dividends ... 91 16 10 „ Annual Subscriptions ... 43 3 6
„ Donations 13 2 o „ Balance of previous account 29 o 10 ,, Bond Redeemed ... ... 100 o o u Quebec Bond ditto 60 o o
iC ' 337 3 2
July 1 , 1 SS 5 , to June 30 , 1 S 8 G . £ s . d . By Mrs . Mills 20 o o ,, Mrs . Senior 20 o o
,, Mrs . Smith „ 500 „ Bro . Warren 20 o o ,, „ Arthur Bugden ... 20 o o IT c .- • 8 5 ° o „ forms of petition , printing , & c 100
„ Purchase of Stock 103 o o „ "Difference"onNorwegian Bonds ... 1 18 S „ Balance in hand , viz . : At Bank ... 142 19 G . Secretary ' s hands 350 ¦ 14 G 4 6 £ 337 3 2 " H
Relief Account .
July 1 , 1 SS 5 , to June 30 , iSSG . £ s . d . To balance of previous account 27 S 5 „ Revenue 135 o 4 £ 162 S 9
Capital A Julv 1 st , 1 SS 5 . £ s . d . To capital as per account ... 2127 5 5 June 30 th , iSSG . „ Donations 13 2 o £ 2 i 4 " 7 5
£ s . d . By Grants S 5 o o „ Sundry payments 2 18 S ,, Balance 74 10 1 £ ¦ 02 8 9
Account . June 30 th , 1 SS 6 . £ s . d . By Investments ... ,,. 206 S 13 o „ Cash at Bank * 71 14 5 £ 2140 7 5
A guineas was Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and Bro . VV . James , P . M . 707 , was appointed Provincial Steward for the next Festival . Several additions and revisions of the bye-laws were then adopted , and the usual thanks voted to the W . M . and brethren of 1266—the entertaining lodge .
donation of 10 then voted to the Examined and found correct , ( Signed ) H . GID BS , W . M . 1 70 . Weymouth , July 5 th , 1 SS 6 . ZILLWOOD MILLEDGE , P . M . 170 . The Report was approved and unanimously adopted b y P . G . Lodge , and the customary thanks voted to the supporters of the Charity .
Swanage was named as the place for holding the Provincial Grand Lodge in 1887 . The officers for the ensuing year were then appointed as follows : — Bro . J . W . Luff ( Mayor of Blandford ) , P . M . 622 and 1266 ... ... ... ... p ,- . G . S . W .
„ J . Whitehead Smith , P . M . 622 ... ... Prov . G . J . VV . ,, Rev . Richard Milner , P . M . 1616 and 1266 ... Prov . G . Chap . „ Reginald D . Thornton , P . M . 1037 ( re-elected ) ... Prov . G . Treas . „ Thomas Randell , P . M . 1146 ... ... Prov . G . Reg . „ Robert Case , P . M . 417 ( re-appointed ) ... Prov . G . Sec . „ J . S . C . Hanham , W . M . 12 G 6 ... ... Prov . G . S . D .
„ W . Osmond . P . M . 417 ... ,,, ... Prov . GJ . D . „ T . W . R . White , P . M . 116 S ... ... Prov . G . S . of VV . „ H . Gibbs , W . M . 170 ... ... ... Prov . G . D . of C . „ F . G . VVheatley . W . M . 137 ... ... Prov . G . A . D . C . „ W . VV . Fooks , W . M . 386 ... ... Prov . G . S . B . „ James Ley , J . W . 472 ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . „ F . Barry , W . M . 472 ..-. ... ... Prov . G . Purst . „ J . W . Tribbett , S . W . 3 S 6 ... ... )
„ B . A . Hogg , W . M . 417 ... „ J . S . Stroud , S . W . 417 ... ... ... ID n c . J „ C . Roberts , S . W . 472 ... ... . r -Prov . G . Slwds . „ J . Stewart , S . W ! 1266 ... „ G . E . Turner , J . W . 1266 ...
„ F . Long , 707 ... ... ... ... p TOv . G . Tyler . The P . G . M . paid a graceful compliment to the town of Blandford ( as well as to Lodge 1266 ) by investing the Chief Magistrate for the year with the Collar and Jewel of Prov . Senior Grand Warden . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the well-known hostelry the Crown Hotel , where a high class banquet was well served by the widow of our late much esteemed Bro . Robert Eyers , P . M . 1266 .
The Charity box realised 10 guineas . After the usual toasts and chaff—for A little nonsense now and then Is relished by the wisest menthe day ' s proceedings were brought to a happy ending , and at six o ' clock p . m . the brethren separated , " and home went every man the rightful way . "
The First Grand Stewards And Their Lodges.
THE RED APRON LODGES PRIOR TO THE UNION . By BRO . H . SADLER . IV . { Continued from page j 6 g . ) In consequence of the gap in the register , before referred to , I am unable to complete and connect the chain of identification of Red Apron Lodges
between the earl y and the latter part of the last century with positive certainty , but I find amongst the first list of names returned by the Lodge of Antiquity ( then No . 1 ) after registration of members was resumed in 1768 , the names of Thos . Marriott Perkins , Grand Steward in 1756 . Sir Richard Glynn and Thos . Dyne , Grand Stewards , 1762 ,
and in No . 2 , now No . 4 , I find •¦ Rowland Berkeley , Grand Steward , 1760 Old King ' s Arms Lodge ... Chas . Pearce do . 1755 Do . ... John Friday do . 1760 St . Alban ' s Lodge ,,. Fleming Pinkstan do . 1 745 Do . ... Geo . Clarke do . 1747
Do , ... Dr . Manningham do . 17 . 3 7 Do . ... John Wildsmith do . 1757 Do . ,., Henry JafTray do . 1762 In the year 1775 we are on firm ground , and from that period my task is comparatively easy , for in the oldest minute book of the Board of Grand Stewards that has come under my notice , I find on the first page the following
record" Lodges that had Red Aprons in 1775 . " Somerset House Lodge ( present No . 4 ) ... ,., 3 " Royal Lodge ( united with the Al pha , No . 16 ) ... ... 2 " Lodge of Friendship ( present No . 6 ) ... ... ... 2
" St . Alban ' s ( present No . 29 ) .,, ... ... 1 * 'Pons ( present No . 28 ) ... .,. .,. ... 1 "Mourning Bush ( present No . 21 ) ,,, ... ... t "Crown and Rolls ( present No . 23 ) ... ... .,. 1 " Angel in the Minories ( erased in 1800 ) ... ... 1 " 1 J "