Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article SOUTH AFRICA. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
R . Darke , S . W . ; G . Pimm , P . M ., J . W . ; J . Smith , P . G . P ., P . AL , Treasurer ( re-invested ) ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ( re-invested ) ; G . F . Guest , S . D ; J . J . Limebeer , J . D . ; W KippsJ . G ., and Organist ; S . Homewood , D . C . ; J . Gilbert , Tyler . The address to the W . AI . was given
by the Installing Alaster ; to the Wardens and brethren , by Bro . W . Ough , P . G . P ., P . AL One gentleman was proposeel for initiation . The lodge was duly adjourned until Friday , December 6 th , at three o ' clock . The banquet was served np punctually at half-past five
o ' clock , p . m , which gave universal satisfaction ; it vvas of the usual first-class style . After the banquet , and during dessert , the W . AL , on behalf of the lodge , presented Bro . C . J . Hogg , P . G . S ., P . M . 5 8 , and I . P . AL , with a handsome Past Alaster ' s jewel , who , in a suitable speech ,
acknowledged the gift . The harmonium was well played by the Organist , Bro . W . Kipps , some good songs sung , aud recitations given . The lodge was opened at New Cross on September 3 rd , 1 S 68 . There were but seven founders , six locals and one from town . Two founders
resigned before second meeting was held , and one died , leaving but four members on October 1 st , 1869 , to make the loelge . How they succeeded is proved by the fact that forty-two members are on the list , furniture paid for , and good funds in hand .
GtoucESTKR . — The Royal Gloucestershire Lodge ( No . 839 ) . —This young and flourishing lodge held "its first meeting this session , on Friday , the 6 th inst ., in the lodge room ofthe Bell Hotel , in this city , T . W . Nelson Foster , W . AL , presiding- : Bro . T . Taylor , P . M . After the minutes
had been rcael and confirmed , Brother Foster proceeded to initiate four candidates , which he did in his easy and perfect manner , affording much pleasure to all who heard him . The lodge being closed , twenty-two of the brethren sat down to banquet and passed a most delightful evening .
litis lodge took the initiative in the restoration of the " Reretlos" in the Cathedral , during the Alastership of Brother Tnvnton , and subscribed Aioo , one-third ofthe cost then estimated ; but when it was understood that this did not include the figures , and that the cost of those would be
an additional nearly UCioo , and thebrethren resolved , rather than not complete thework . they would endeavour to raise the sum required r this lodge has again come forward with over one hunelred guineas . The" Reretlos is now fast approaching completion , but there is much to be done : and
the Dean has decided the ceremony of unveiling shall not now take place until the whole- shall be finished . So that , as the davs are drawing in , and will be shoiter , which would render it difficult for manv of the brethren residing at a distance to attend , the event may not lake place till the spring of next year .
Al . JiirusiioT . —Aldershot Camp Lodge ( No . 1331 ) . — -The regular monthly meeting of this loelge was he-lel in the Roval Hotel , on Thursday , 3 th inst . In the absence of the W . AL , who , with a great many of the brethren , was
absent at the autumn mamruvres , the chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . C . Carnegie , LP . AL , P . P . G . Purst , Hants , supported by the following officers : —Bros . Capt . Richardson , R . E ., S . W . A . AI'Kcnzic , [ AY . ; f . Alarversley , as
S . D . J . Smith , as J . D . ; W . J . Osmond . P . AI , as Secretary ; F . Anderson , I . G . : L . Lucas , O . G . The lodge was opened in form in the lirst degree , and the minutes of the last regular and emergency meetings were severally read and
confirmed . Bros . Alunro and Thomas , candidates lor the Fellow Craft de-gre-e , were questioned j respecting their know ledge of the previous degree , which , proving satisfactory , tiie ) were e-n- 1 trusted with a test of merit , aud retired . The !
lodge was then openeel in ihe M-cond degree , and those brethr-cu v . ere ] i : is--i d ia that derive , the S . \\ are : 11 explaining the working tools- . ' ! ' |_ c ; lodge was closed down lo tile first tie'gr .-e . 'lire ' re-signal ] .. n o ! Bro . Swain , 107 th Regiment , who ! ha ; iff : , \ i . lfrth-j * ., v . a-.- u * . * ¦ - ej-ted . SiAerAir-ns
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
having been received for the Charitable Association , and other business transacted , the lodge was closed in peace , harmony , and brotherly love .
ROCHDALE .- —Lodgeof Harmony ( No . 29 S ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Alasonic Rooms , Anne-street , Rochdale , on Wednesday evening last , the 4 th inst . The lodge was opened at 6 . 30 , by the W . AL ,
assisted by Bro . P . AL William Ashworth , as S . W , and Bro . P . AI . Roberts , as J . W . The minutes of the last regular meeting and lodge of emergency having been read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bros .
Crossley , Hudson , and Schofield answered the usual questions to the W . AL , and were afterwarels raised to the degree of Master Alason by Bro . P . M . Holroyd , by the kind permission of the W . AL , assisted by the 2 ' ev . Alfred Salts ,
Yicnr of Little boro ' , and Chaplain to the Lodge . The lodge was then closetl to the first degree , when Air . William Scholes was initiated into the mysteries of Alasonry by the W . AI . Bro . Jessie Forth , Bro . Oakden , S . D ., having assisted
in each ceremony . Alter some other business had been transacted , the lodge was duly closed , with hearty good wishes from several ofthe brethren . The brethren then adjourned to refreshments , after which the usual toasts were proposed
and responded to most heartily , the brethren , one and all , requesting Bro . John Higgin , of St . Chads , 11 29 , a dear friend of Bro . Collingwood ' s , who has recently left for Canada , to convey to him , Bro . Collingwood , their kind regard anel
best wishes for his happiness and prosperity , anel that he may meet nothing but friends in the country of his adoption . The brethren on this occasion seemed unusually happy , atul kept together long beyond the time allowed by Bruce ' s Act , without being any the worse for remaining .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) , LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Alasonic Rooms , Athenreum , Lancaster , on Monday , and September . In the absence of the
W . AL , the lodge was presided over by Bro . J . Daniel Aloore , M . D ., P . G . S . B . Kngland , who was supported by the following ofiicers and brethren r—William Hall , I . P . M . : W . | . Slv . S . W ; John Hatch , P . AL 281 , as J . W . : James ' Taylor ^
S . D . ; James Bolton , J . D . ; R . Hargcr , John L . Bradshaw , I'i . Airey , E . Simpson , P . AL , 281 R . Taylor , anel J . Watson . After the usual business had been transacted , the ballot was taken and proved clear in favour of W ' . Thomas
lackson . of Lancaster , book-keeeper , who beirnj in attendance was duly initialed into the mysteries of Freemasonry , by Bro . Moore , the riciinj * W . AL , the working tools being presented bv liro . Sir , S . W . As a mark of respect lo the
memory of the late Provincial Grand AIaster , Sir Thomas George Fermor Hesketh , Bart ., ALP ., the lodge was put into masonic mourning for three months , anel a resolution expressive of condolence anel sympathy with his relations was passed in open lotlge .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LANCASHIRE ( LAST ) . LiTTLiriro ROUGH . —Chapter if Benevolence ( No . 220 ) . —' ihe regular meeting of this Chapter was held at the Red Lion Hotel ,
Littleborough , on Thursday evening last , the -5 L ] 1 instant . The chapter was opened at 6 p . m ., bv Comps . William Bri ggs , P . P . Z ., as Z . ; Abraham Rigg . II . : J . W . Kershaw . J . Are other oilieers present being— Comps . " Robert
Whitworlh , Scribe | . Sti phen Kngland , Scribe \" . ; William Ashworth , P . Soj . .- William Peacocke , ist Asst . Soj , ; J oim Ashworth , 2 nd Asst . Soj . : James Mid gley , Janitor . The minutes of lasl meeting were reaii and confirmed . The
ballot was men taken [' ,, . - Bro . George Rothwell , of Lotlge Probity ami freedom , who was dul y A oie-il , and afterwards exalt- , d tothe degree o "( Holv Royal Arch . Masonry , by Comp . William Robert-, P . l' . Z . ; P . G . P ., Sty .: assisted by Gumps .
Royal Arch.
Briggs , Rigg , and William Ashworth , P . Z . Chapter of Unity 298 , Provincial Grand ist Asst . Soj . The business of the evening beino- ended , the chapter was duly and solemnly closed , with hearty good wishes font Companions Roberts ,
Barker , and Ashworth ., representatives from neighbouring Chapters . The Companions having refreshed themselves , the usual Alasonic and other toasts , which were duly honoured , amongst which was the health and prosperity of Comp .
Collingwood , a member of his chapter , who had recently left for Canada , the country of his adoption , and where it is hoped he will make his mark , and gain the esteem of all with whom he has to do . His health was proposed by
Comp . Roberts with very great feeling , and very heartily responded by the Companions The " Visitors" was proposed by Comp . Briggs who thanked Comps . Roberts and Ashworth , for the ready assistance they were always prepared
to give . 1 he toast was heartil y received b y the Companions , and responded to b y the First Principal of Unity Chapter , 298 , who complimented the ollicers upon their efficient working ,
and expressed a hope that they would continue to work harmoniously together , and they need not fear being visited by any Arch Mason . The companions then separated at about 10 . 30 , p . m .
SUFFOLK . Ii'swicn . — Royal Sttsse . i Chapter . — Thc quarterly convocation of the Royal Sussex Chapter of Perfect Friendshi p was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich when there were present
Comps . 'S . B . King , P . Z ., Acting First Principal ; J . Pritcher , P . Z ., Acting Second Principal ; and ti . S . Findley , P . Z ., Acting Third Principal ; J . Franks , IV / ., Scribe E . ; N . Tracy , Scribe N ; P . Cornell , Prin . Soj ; Dr . Alills , P . Z . Visitino *
Bro ., Emra Holmes , St . Lukes Chapter , The minutes ofthe last chapter having been read and confirmed , the companions proceeded to ballot lor the officers for the ensuing yar , with the following result : —Comp . Long , elected Z . ; S . D .
King , P . Z ., II . : P . Cornell , J . ; J . Franks , Scribe fi ., re-elected : ¦— Townsend , Ireaurer , do . ; N . Tracy , Prin . Soj . ; — Fraser , Sciibe , N . ; — Syer , Janitor . Telegrams from the ist and 2 nd Principals , who reside at a distance , regretting their
inability to attend , and a letter from Comp , \\ ri ght to the same purport were read ; and there being no further business , the Companions shared the secrets of the Hol y Royal Arch , and the chapter was closed .
licb Cross of tfonst ' iintiiif . A 1 ETROPOLITAN . PREMIER CONCLAVE or ENGLAND .
this conclave met af freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on . Monday , the 2 nd inst ., under the presidency of Sir Knight George Kenning , AI . P . S ., wlio was suppoitcel by Sir Kni ghts Colonel Burdett , Levander , Cubitt , Little ,
Sillilant , Yeoman , Kingston , Scott , Hobson , Adams , and others . Two joining members , and one candidate were elected , anel a committee , consisting of the AI . P . S ., Treasurer , Recorder , Sir Knights Levander , and Yeoman , was appointed
to report as to removal to another place of meeting . The conclave was then closed , and the knights dined together at the Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi , where an elegant repast was provided at short notice b y Bro . George States .
South Africa.
The following is from the Diamond News , pub lished at Kli pdrift , the principal ofthe Diamond Diggings at the Cape of Good Hope . In all the calendar of Saints there is not one
wiro has * so manv i \ voices as St Jonn , tlie patron Saint of the Freemasons . i * A Saint ' s day is so well remembered ns Si , John ' s day , or st ) well kept . it i . r i ' l -eoneritiy urged h \ those who ii 1 i
: a . - . -.. . . .. < ' -. . eitiii-r will not become , or cannot become Alasons , that there is nothing in Masonry which is not to be found in Chris ! iriiirly , and lhat Christian bruth-f rhoud is quite as strong as that uf Masonic ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
R . Darke , S . W . ; G . Pimm , P . M ., J . W . ; J . Smith , P . G . P ., P . AL , Treasurer ( re-invested ) ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ( re-invested ) ; G . F . Guest , S . D ; J . J . Limebeer , J . D . ; W KippsJ . G ., and Organist ; S . Homewood , D . C . ; J . Gilbert , Tyler . The address to the W . AI . was given
by the Installing Alaster ; to the Wardens and brethren , by Bro . W . Ough , P . G . P ., P . AL One gentleman was proposeel for initiation . The lodge was duly adjourned until Friday , December 6 th , at three o ' clock . The banquet was served np punctually at half-past five
o ' clock , p . m , which gave universal satisfaction ; it vvas of the usual first-class style . After the banquet , and during dessert , the W . AL , on behalf of the lodge , presented Bro . C . J . Hogg , P . G . S ., P . M . 5 8 , and I . P . AL , with a handsome Past Alaster ' s jewel , who , in a suitable speech ,
acknowledged the gift . The harmonium was well played by the Organist , Bro . W . Kipps , some good songs sung , aud recitations given . The lodge was opened at New Cross on September 3 rd , 1 S 68 . There were but seven founders , six locals and one from town . Two founders
resigned before second meeting was held , and one died , leaving but four members on October 1 st , 1869 , to make the loelge . How they succeeded is proved by the fact that forty-two members are on the list , furniture paid for , and good funds in hand .
GtoucESTKR . — The Royal Gloucestershire Lodge ( No . 839 ) . —This young and flourishing lodge held "its first meeting this session , on Friday , the 6 th inst ., in the lodge room ofthe Bell Hotel , in this city , T . W . Nelson Foster , W . AL , presiding- : Bro . T . Taylor , P . M . After the minutes
had been rcael and confirmed , Brother Foster proceeded to initiate four candidates , which he did in his easy and perfect manner , affording much pleasure to all who heard him . The lodge being closed , twenty-two of the brethren sat down to banquet and passed a most delightful evening .
litis lodge took the initiative in the restoration of the " Reretlos" in the Cathedral , during the Alastership of Brother Tnvnton , and subscribed Aioo , one-third ofthe cost then estimated ; but when it was understood that this did not include the figures , and that the cost of those would be
an additional nearly UCioo , and thebrethren resolved , rather than not complete thework . they would endeavour to raise the sum required r this lodge has again come forward with over one hunelred guineas . The" Reretlos is now fast approaching completion , but there is much to be done : and
the Dean has decided the ceremony of unveiling shall not now take place until the whole- shall be finished . So that , as the davs are drawing in , and will be shoiter , which would render it difficult for manv of the brethren residing at a distance to attend , the event may not lake place till the spring of next year .
Al . JiirusiioT . —Aldershot Camp Lodge ( No . 1331 ) . — -The regular monthly meeting of this loelge was he-lel in the Roval Hotel , on Thursday , 3 th inst . In the absence of the W . AL , who , with a great many of the brethren , was
absent at the autumn mamruvres , the chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . C . Carnegie , LP . AL , P . P . G . Purst , Hants , supported by the following officers : —Bros . Capt . Richardson , R . E ., S . W . A . AI'Kcnzic , [ AY . ; f . Alarversley , as
S . D . J . Smith , as J . D . ; W . J . Osmond . P . AI , as Secretary ; F . Anderson , I . G . : L . Lucas , O . G . The lodge was opened in form in the lirst degree , and the minutes of the last regular and emergency meetings were severally read and
confirmed . Bros . Alunro and Thomas , candidates lor the Fellow Craft de-gre-e , were questioned j respecting their know ledge of the previous degree , which , proving satisfactory , tiie ) were e-n- 1 trusted with a test of merit , aud retired . The !
lodge was then openeel in ihe M-cond degree , and those brethr-cu v . ere ] i : is--i d ia that derive , the S . \\ are : 11 explaining the working tools- . ' ! ' |_ c ; lodge was closed down lo tile first tie'gr .-e . 'lire ' re-signal ] .. n o ! Bro . Swain , 107 th Regiment , who ! ha ; iff : , \ i . lfrth-j * ., v . a-.- u * . * ¦ - ej-ted . SiAerAir-ns
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
having been received for the Charitable Association , and other business transacted , the lodge was closed in peace , harmony , and brotherly love .
ROCHDALE .- —Lodgeof Harmony ( No . 29 S ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Alasonic Rooms , Anne-street , Rochdale , on Wednesday evening last , the 4 th inst . The lodge was opened at 6 . 30 , by the W . AL ,
assisted by Bro . P . AL William Ashworth , as S . W , and Bro . P . AI . Roberts , as J . W . The minutes of the last regular meeting and lodge of emergency having been read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bros .
Crossley , Hudson , and Schofield answered the usual questions to the W . AL , and were afterwarels raised to the degree of Master Alason by Bro . P . M . Holroyd , by the kind permission of the W . AL , assisted by the 2 ' ev . Alfred Salts ,
Yicnr of Little boro ' , and Chaplain to the Lodge . The lodge was then closetl to the first degree , when Air . William Scholes was initiated into the mysteries of Alasonry by the W . AI . Bro . Jessie Forth , Bro . Oakden , S . D ., having assisted
in each ceremony . Alter some other business had been transacted , the lodge was duly closed , with hearty good wishes from several ofthe brethren . The brethren then adjourned to refreshments , after which the usual toasts were proposed
and responded to most heartily , the brethren , one and all , requesting Bro . John Higgin , of St . Chads , 11 29 , a dear friend of Bro . Collingwood ' s , who has recently left for Canada , to convey to him , Bro . Collingwood , their kind regard anel
best wishes for his happiness and prosperity , anel that he may meet nothing but friends in the country of his adoption . The brethren on this occasion seemed unusually happy , atul kept together long beyond the time allowed by Bruce ' s Act , without being any the worse for remaining .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) , LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Alasonic Rooms , Athenreum , Lancaster , on Monday , and September . In the absence of the
W . AL , the lodge was presided over by Bro . J . Daniel Aloore , M . D ., P . G . S . B . Kngland , who was supported by the following ofiicers and brethren r—William Hall , I . P . M . : W . | . Slv . S . W ; John Hatch , P . AL 281 , as J . W . : James ' Taylor ^
S . D . ; James Bolton , J . D . ; R . Hargcr , John L . Bradshaw , I'i . Airey , E . Simpson , P . AL , 281 R . Taylor , anel J . Watson . After the usual business had been transacted , the ballot was taken and proved clear in favour of W ' . Thomas
lackson . of Lancaster , book-keeeper , who beirnj in attendance was duly initialed into the mysteries of Freemasonry , by Bro . Moore , the riciinj * W . AL , the working tools being presented bv liro . Sir , S . W . As a mark of respect lo the
memory of the late Provincial Grand AIaster , Sir Thomas George Fermor Hesketh , Bart ., ALP ., the lodge was put into masonic mourning for three months , anel a resolution expressive of condolence anel sympathy with his relations was passed in open lotlge .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LANCASHIRE ( LAST ) . LiTTLiriro ROUGH . —Chapter if Benevolence ( No . 220 ) . —' ihe regular meeting of this Chapter was held at the Red Lion Hotel ,
Littleborough , on Thursday evening last , the -5 L ] 1 instant . The chapter was opened at 6 p . m ., bv Comps . William Bri ggs , P . P . Z ., as Z . ; Abraham Rigg . II . : J . W . Kershaw . J . Are other oilieers present being— Comps . " Robert
Whitworlh , Scribe | . Sti phen Kngland , Scribe \" . ; William Ashworth , P . Soj . .- William Peacocke , ist Asst . Soj , ; J oim Ashworth , 2 nd Asst . Soj . : James Mid gley , Janitor . The minutes of lasl meeting were reaii and confirmed . The
ballot was men taken [' ,, . - Bro . George Rothwell , of Lotlge Probity ami freedom , who was dul y A oie-il , and afterwards exalt- , d tothe degree o "( Holv Royal Arch . Masonry , by Comp . William Robert-, P . l' . Z . ; P . G . P ., Sty .: assisted by Gumps .
Royal Arch.
Briggs , Rigg , and William Ashworth , P . Z . Chapter of Unity 298 , Provincial Grand ist Asst . Soj . The business of the evening beino- ended , the chapter was duly and solemnly closed , with hearty good wishes font Companions Roberts ,
Barker , and Ashworth ., representatives from neighbouring Chapters . The Companions having refreshed themselves , the usual Alasonic and other toasts , which were duly honoured , amongst which was the health and prosperity of Comp .
Collingwood , a member of his chapter , who had recently left for Canada , the country of his adoption , and where it is hoped he will make his mark , and gain the esteem of all with whom he has to do . His health was proposed by
Comp . Roberts with very great feeling , and very heartily responded by the Companions The " Visitors" was proposed by Comp . Briggs who thanked Comps . Roberts and Ashworth , for the ready assistance they were always prepared
to give . 1 he toast was heartil y received b y the Companions , and responded to b y the First Principal of Unity Chapter , 298 , who complimented the ollicers upon their efficient working ,
and expressed a hope that they would continue to work harmoniously together , and they need not fear being visited by any Arch Mason . The companions then separated at about 10 . 30 , p . m .
SUFFOLK . Ii'swicn . — Royal Sttsse . i Chapter . — Thc quarterly convocation of the Royal Sussex Chapter of Perfect Friendshi p was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich when there were present
Comps . 'S . B . King , P . Z ., Acting First Principal ; J . Pritcher , P . Z ., Acting Second Principal ; and ti . S . Findley , P . Z ., Acting Third Principal ; J . Franks , IV / ., Scribe E . ; N . Tracy , Scribe N ; P . Cornell , Prin . Soj ; Dr . Alills , P . Z . Visitino *
Bro ., Emra Holmes , St . Lukes Chapter , The minutes ofthe last chapter having been read and confirmed , the companions proceeded to ballot lor the officers for the ensuing yar , with the following result : —Comp . Long , elected Z . ; S . D .
King , P . Z ., II . : P . Cornell , J . ; J . Franks , Scribe fi ., re-elected : ¦— Townsend , Ireaurer , do . ; N . Tracy , Prin . Soj . ; — Fraser , Sciibe , N . ; — Syer , Janitor . Telegrams from the ist and 2 nd Principals , who reside at a distance , regretting their
inability to attend , and a letter from Comp , \\ ri ght to the same purport were read ; and there being no further business , the Companions shared the secrets of the Hol y Royal Arch , and the chapter was closed .
licb Cross of tfonst ' iintiiif . A 1 ETROPOLITAN . PREMIER CONCLAVE or ENGLAND .
this conclave met af freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on . Monday , the 2 nd inst ., under the presidency of Sir Knight George Kenning , AI . P . S ., wlio was suppoitcel by Sir Kni ghts Colonel Burdett , Levander , Cubitt , Little ,
Sillilant , Yeoman , Kingston , Scott , Hobson , Adams , and others . Two joining members , and one candidate were elected , anel a committee , consisting of the AI . P . S ., Treasurer , Recorder , Sir Knights Levander , and Yeoman , was appointed
to report as to removal to another place of meeting . The conclave was then closed , and the knights dined together at the Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi , where an elegant repast was provided at short notice b y Bro . George States .
South Africa.
The following is from the Diamond News , pub lished at Kli pdrift , the principal ofthe Diamond Diggings at the Cape of Good Hope . In all the calendar of Saints there is not one
wiro has * so manv i \ voices as St Jonn , tlie patron Saint of the Freemasons . i * A Saint ' s day is so well remembered ns Si , John ' s day , or st ) well kept . it i . r i ' l -eoneritiy urged h \ those who ii 1 i
: a . - . -.. . . .. < ' -. . eitiii-r will not become , or cannot become Alasons , that there is nothing in Masonry which is not to be found in Chris ! iriiirly , and lhat Christian bruth-f rhoud is quite as strong as that uf Masonic ,