Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Cemplar. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 2 →
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RETORTS or MASCNIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 445 Royal Arch -MS Maik Masonry 445 Knights Templar 44 S Red Cross of Constantine 445 Provincial drar . il I . oilg ^ or Somerset 44 " Oliitnarv 4 * 9
Scotland 44 ° Consecration of the Kldon Lodge , No . 1753 447 Mas-. mic Hall at Natal 447 Royal Masonic Institntiou for Boys 447 The Loss of the Princess Alice 447 . " nuthampton Masonic Benevolent Institution 44 ° Masonicand General Tidings 44 ^ Reviews .., 449 Letters from Our IrrcpressihleCorrespondent 449
The Cutlers' Festival at Sheffield 449 Notes on Art , & c 449 In Munnriam 45 ° l . bt of Candidates for ihe Girls" School 45 ° The Wes-l Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution 450 The Gran 1 Lodge cf Scotland and the Grand Lodge ol Quebec 45 > ' 1 lu Catastrojiheon the Thames 45 Report of the Metropolitan Police 45 1 Ci * : tKF . SPO \ I ) KNCR : —
Itto . Findel on Frtemasonry , 45 Invasion of Masonic Jurisdiction 4 S 'I'lie Limdon Masonic ' Charity Association 45 3 T'liro Cathedral 45 a Oviiiinal Research 45 The Charity Organization Society 453 Feis for lniihtion in England 453 Old l . i . t of Lodges 453 Freemasonry in Ceylon - » 53
Was the late Pope a Freemason ? 453 Prin incinl Grand Lodge of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight : 453 Chamber ' s Index to Next of Kin 453 Grand Orient of France 453 Masonic Notes and Queries 454 R- » yal Masonic lleiuvolent Institution 454 Ku \ al Masonic Institution lor Boys 454 Luiigc Meetings for Next Week 454 Advertisements ' ii .. "i . » iv ., v ., vi .
REPORTS , etc ., intended for insertion in current number , should reach the Office , ( 198 , Fleet-street ) , by 12 o ' clock noon , on Wednesdays .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
CwH ISbnumts .
• DERBY . — Tyrian Lodge ( No . 25 . 1 ) . — A . nutting was held 011 August 28 th , at the Derbyshire Masonic I lall , present Bros . A . G . Taylor , W . M . j E . . 11 . Ward , S . W . ; \ V . C . Watson , J . W . ; F . J . Robinson , Sec . ; \ V . Naylor , Prov . G . S ., Treasurer ; T . Hall , Prov . J . G . W . asS . D . ; T . Horsley , Jun . J . D . ; J . S . Hockey , : P I . G " . ; pist Master ? , T . Cox , P . P . S . G . W ., and present
Prov . Treasurer ; and W . II . Marsden , l ' . P . J . G . W . ; visitor Hro . J . O . Manton , Secretary , 1085 , Tyler ; E . Iloliltn . The lodge was opened at 7 . 43 p . m . After tin reading of the circular and minutes , Bro . Ward , S . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Nay lor re-elected Treasurer . The lodge was then advanced , and Hro . Beatson raised to the rank of a M . M ., in the course
if which ceremony he gave involuntary evidence of its impressive character . The lodge was closed at 9 p . m ., and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , when the usual toasts were duly honoured . The W . M . elect , when called upon , expressed his intention to endeavour to uphold the prestige of the lodge . The retiring Master bore testimony to the support given him by his officers and
brethren generally . The acting S . D . of the evening , in bis character of Prov . J . G . W ., responded to the Prov . Grand Officers' toast , and the visitor made a pissing allusion to the newly raised brother ' s display of feeling , showing what the impression caused was , in contradiction to what the impression would have been if his manner had been inattentive , and . finally , the initiate expressed
himself as very anxious to adhere to the great principles 1 if Freemasonry , and thus proved that the favours he hail leceived had not been undeservedly bestowed , ft should also be stated that there was a very interesting discussion , relative t" the origin of Freemasonry , and its identity with Jewish and other customs , Bro . P . M . Hall , Bro . Davis , and Bro . Manton Contiibutingjsome very interesting facts .
COCKERMOUTH . — Skiddaw Lodge ( No . 1002)— ' 1 lie monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesi ' ay evening , the 3 rd inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Station-stiett . The W . M ., Bro . James Black , opened the lodge , in foim , at 7 . 30 , the following officers and past ¦ .. Hirers being present : —Bros . Capt . Sewell , S . W . ; Tom bird , J . W . ; W . Shilton , P . M . ; R . Robinson , P . M ., and
Tieas . ; W . 11 . Lewthwaitc , P . M ., and Org . ; W . F . I . amoiby , P . M ., ( Frecmaa . n ); T . C . Robinson , Sec , H . Ptncrck , I . G . ; Jos . Hewson , Tyler ; and fourteen or liftcin other ? . The minutes having been read and confirmed , Bro . II . Ritson gave evidence of his proficiency , claimed preferment , and subsequently was passed to the define <> f l ' . C , Bros . W . Shilton and T . C . Robinson acting
as Deacon , The lodge having been reduced , a ballot v / as taken for the admission cf Mr . Thomas Carter Kearon , which being unanimous , he was initiated into Freemasonry by Bro . \ V . F . Lamonby , P . M ., at the request of the W . M . The E . A . 'scharge , was very creditably delivered by Bro . Bird , J . W ., for the first time . Upon the proclamation being put , Mr . William Paisley , and Mr . Joseph
Nicholson were prope sed as candidates for initiation into the my sit rits and ijrivilegcs cf Freemasonry . The secretary reported that he had received the names of sixteen members of Skiddaw Lodge , who had signified their intention of attending the annual meeting of the province , at Millom , on the 13 th inst ., On the motion of Bro . Lamonb y , seconded by the W . M ., Bro , Capt . Sewell was appointee !
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to represent the lodge on the Provincial Charity Committee . Bro . R . Bailey next rosf , and , in alluding to the many pictorial embellishments of the lodge room , including H . R . I-f . the M . W . Gtand Master , Bro . Harry ' s historical engraving , and Bro . Lemon , the Prov . Grand Treasurer , said there was one important omission , a portrait of their late ever-to-be-lamented and distinguished
brother , the Earl of Mayo , Governor General of India , who was for some years a member of Skiddaw Lodge . It woulei afford him ( Bro . Bailey ) the greatest pleasure in supplying such an omission , and he begged the W . M . and brethren ' s acceptance of a framed photographic portrait of his lordship . A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Bro . Bailey for his kind present , after which the lodge was closed in form .
DERBY . —Havtington Lodge ( No . 1085 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 4 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , when there were present Bros . G . Pipes , W . M . ; [ . Heathcote , S . W . ; W . B . Hcxtall , f . W . j W . Heathcote , P . P . G . D . of C , I . l ' . M . ; W . H . Bobart , P . P . S . G . W ., Treas . ; W . H . Biggs , W . M . 8 o > , a * Sec . ; J . O . Manton . Sec , as I . D . ; W . Butterficld , I . G . Past Masters
W . H . Brindley , P . P . J . G . D ., and F . Worsnop , P . P . G . P ., and other brethren . The proceedings iver _ " commenced in due form at 7 . 40 p . m . The ballot was taken for Mr Edwin Belfield „ ef Belper , and found clear . A letter from the W . M . of the Belper Lodge , in reply to foimal enquiries , was previously read , saying that there was no objection to Mr . Belfield , as a resident of the district represented by the Belper Lodge , being accepted by the Hartington ; also
speaking in commendatory terms of the candidate . Mr . Henry Carr was initiated , the ceremony being very impressively performed . A quarterly communicati m from Grand Lodge was presented , and then the enquiries eif the W . M . clewed the labours of the evening . The hall is at present in the hands of painters and decorators , which precluded the working of the Fourth Degiee , and the zeal of the brethren in the matter of the loyal toasts .
HALLIFORD . —Thames Valley Lodge ( No . 14 60 . )—The last meeting for the year of this lodge was held at the Ship Hotel , Halliford , on Srturd . iy , 7 th the inst . The members present incluiled Bros . T . Buidett Yeoman , W . M . ; the Rev . W . W . Martin , P . M ., Chaplain ; W . Paas , P . M ., Treasurer ; J . G . Marsh , P . M ., P . G . P ., Sec ; Major the Hon . O . G . Lambert , J . D . ; S . J . Tyler , I . G . ;
E . F . Thomas , D . C . ; W . T . Howe , I . l' . M ., G . P . Eng . ; Rev . E . Brette , P . M ., P . G . C . ; J . L . Jones , P . M ., I ' . G . D . ; J . H . Southwood , P . M . ; J . R Boor , P . M . ; Pennistou . Dunn , R . Stone , Alfied Brookman , and J . J . Jolliffe . Bros . Brookman and Joll ffc , of the Aldersgate Lodge , were unanimously elected joining members . Bro . W . T . Howe undertook to represent the lodge at the next fes ival of the Koval Benevolent Institution , and five guineas was voted
in aid of this list , which it is hoped will be well supported by the members cf this lodge . The business agenda having been disposed of , the lodge was closed till the next regular meeting in March next ensuing . The brethren sat down to an excellent dinner , as it is invariably provided by Bro . Stone , the proprietor . The absence of Bro . Colotu 1 Peters , P . M ., the first Master in this popular lodge , was much regretted through illness . The T y ler ' s t-jast brought to a close a most agreeable meeting .
HAMPTON . —Hemming Lodge ( N ' c i s f 2 ) . — An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Lion Hotel on Monday , the 2 nd inst ., when there were present amongst others Bro . J . Hurst , I . P . M . acting W . M . ; in the absence of Bros . John Hammond , P . G . S . of Middlesex ; E . Hopwood . P . P . G . S . U . of Middlesex , P . M . and Treasurer , acting S . W . ; Jessett , J . W . ; W . Hammond ,
P . P . G . D . of Middlesex , Sec ; Raw , P . \ f . " Canonburv " acting I . P . M . ; T . C . Walls , P . I ' . G . O . of Middlesex , J . b . ; Davey , acting I . G . ; Gilbert , P . G . T . of Middlesex , Tyler . The visitors were Bro . H . Jones , " Lebanon , " and Masters , " Wolsey . " The I . P . M . having initiated Mr . Thomas Hanlon , vacated the chair in favour of Bro . W . Hammond ,
who p-. sstd Brcs . Cole , Cox , and Carpenter , and raised Bro . Patey , the ceremonies being well performed . There being no other business before the lodge it was duly closed , and the brethren partook of a collation . There were no toasts . The next meeting of the lodge will be held on the third Thursday inOcte > ber next .
GREAT STANMORE .- Abercorn Lodge ( No . 1549 ) . —An emergency meeting of this summer lodge was held on the 4 th inst , wh en the W . M ., Bro . G . Tidcombe , presided , ably supported by his officer- -. The ledge was opened at 4 . 15 , and the usual preliminary business disposeel of . Bros-. Schmidt and Tyrrell , proving themselves efficient , were entrusted to the Tyler for
preparation , and on the lodge being opened in the Second Degree , were duly passeel to the degree of Fellow Craft , the W . M . resuming his lodge tothe First Degree , announced the ballot unanimous in favour of Mr . Re > bcrt Banting Paton , of St . \ lban ' s , as a candidate for initiation , and that gentleman he then duly enlightened to the ancient mysteries and privileges of the First Degree . In the absence of another candidate , the W . M . having received hearty
good wishes from Bro . Maple-son , J . D . 95 . and from 733 , the lodge closed in peace and harmony , at 6 o'clock . The brethren adjourned to the usual banquet , and under the generous management of Bro . G . H . Hall , W . S ., the customaiy toasts were fully honoured . Bro . Paton very appropriately replied as initiate . The W . M . was , as usual , equal to the duties of the chair , and the brethren separated at 9 . 30 , with best wishes to all poor and distresseel Masons .
YORK . —Eboracum Lodge ( No . 1 O 11 ) . —On Monday the regular meeting of this lodge was held at the I Queen's Hotel , present Bros . T . B . Whytehead , W . M . ; J . S . 'I
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Cumberland , S . W . ; James Kay as J . W . ; and a number of officers and brethren . A successful ballot was taken for a candidate , and Bro . Hollon , P . M . 236 , was elected a joining member . Bro . the Rev . P . T . Triment was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , after which there was an initiation . The W . M , presented two old
Masonic books to the lodge library on behalf of Bro . A . T . B . Turner , and a scarce engraving of Bro . Francis Drake , on behalfof Bro . T . W . Wilson , of the York Lodge 236 . The lodge was then closed . During the evening the subscribers to the last list for the Boys' School , drew for two life subscriberships , the winners being Bro . T . Cooper , P . M ., and Bro . J . Keswick .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
GOSPORT . —Gosport Chapter . —( No . 903 ) . — The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the India Arms Hotel , High Street , Gosport , on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., when there were present , Comus . E . S . Miin , P . Z ., Z . pro tern , G . F . Lancaster , U . K . Turney , f . pro tern , N . Page , E ., C . Whitcombe , N . J . Powell , and Brown , A . Soj ; Strouel , Treas . ; Downing , Org . ; and many other
companions , including Comps . George Augustus Green , Z . 309 , H . 342 . & c , and Comp . Emanuel , S 04 . The business included the election of a joining companion , and a cindidate ; who was duly exalted into this supreme elegree ; the officers performing their several duties , with commendable zeal and attention . A resolution expressing the sympathy cf the companions with their Excellent Z ., Comp . William H . Sleeman , in consequence of his
illhealth , and in-ability to attend his duties at the chapter , was unanimously adopted . An audit Committee was appointed , and the chapter closeel in the customary manner . The J . of this chapter , Comp . Wallingford , cannot attend his duties through resieling at Andover . The companions adjourned to the supper room , a'ld partoeik e > f light refreshments ; the loyal and Masonic toasts peculiar to this popular elegree , were duly honoured .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
ST . MARK'S LODGE ( No . 1 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., at Freemasons' Tavern . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . By reque « t of the outgoing Master , Bro . the Rev . P . M . Holder ? , P . M ., took the chair , and after due presentation by Bro . Levander , G . R ., proceeded to instal Bro . H . A . Dubois , P . M ., into the chair of
A ., with that ptecision of workinir so well known ami appreciated . The W . M ., Bro . Dubois , then appointeel his ofliceis for the ensuing year : Bros . G . Newman , S . W the Rev . P . M . Holden , J . W ; W . E . Newton , M . O ; W . Stephens , S . O ; Dr . Whiteway Wilkinson , J . O ; II . C . Levander , P . M ., Treasurer ; E . Shepherd . Registrar ; E . H . Thiellay , I . P . M ., Secretary ; Rev . Dr . Ph . E . Brette ,
P . M ., Chaplain ; Major W . E . Williams , S . D . ; Captain R . W . Williams , J . D ; H . Green , D . C ; II . Santer , I . G ; and Gilbert , Tyler . There were also present Bros . Thomas Cubitt , P . M ., P . G . P ; II . D'Almaine ;' and George Robinson , ( visitor ) . A distinguished brother anil member of St . Mark ' s Lodge , No . 1 , was , by acclamation , elected a life member with all privileges , for valuable services rendered . Bro . Cubitt , P . M . as Steward for the Mark Benevolent Fund
added to his list the St . Matk's donation . 1 he lodge was closed in due form and adjourned ; the brethren elineel together at Freemason ' s Tavern ; the W . M ,, Bro . H . A . Dubois , presided , and proposed the customary loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . E . II . Thiellay was presented with a P . M ' s . jewel , for his services as W . M . during his year ' of office , when the Tyler's toast brought to an end a pleasant evening .
Knights Cemplar.
Knights Cemplar .
YORK . —Ancient Ebor Proceplory ( No 101 ) . —The regular meeting of this Precrptory was held at York , on Tuesday , E . Sir Knt . W . Valentine , E . P ., presiding ; there being also present E . Sir Knts . W . Lawton , T . Cooper , T . B . Whytehead , anil Sir Knts . T . B . Prissick , J . S . Cumberland , P . H . Rowland , S . Simpson , J , Ward ,
and others . E . Sir Knt . Wooelall , P . E . P ., Prov . Granil Constable for N . and E . Yorkshire , was elected an honorary member , as were also the Americtn Knights who lately visited the prcceptory from Philadelphia . Comp . W . Varry , of the Zetland Chapter , anil Lord Mayor of York , having been elected , was installed a Knight 01 the Order .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
LEICESTER . —Byzantine Conclave ( No . 44 ) . —T he adjourned meeling of this conclave was held at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday , the 4 th inst ., and was attended by a full average numb : r of members . A Senate of Sovereigns having been formed , Sir Kt . J . T . Thorp was installed in the chair of M . P . S ., and afterwards invested his officers for the ensuing year . The V . E . elect ,
Sir Kt . R . Waite , was unavoidably absent . A ballot was taken for Bro . J . Rolleston , S . D . 1560 , as a candidate for installation , and he was unanimously elected . The onl y candidate in attendance was Bro . J . II . Hale , W . M . Wentworth Lodge , No . 737 , who was installed as a Kt . Companion of the Oreler , the ceremony being very ably
conducted by the M . P S ., Sir Kt . S . S . Partridge , K . G . C ., acting as Prefect . Sir Kt . G . Toller , jun ., after drawing attention to the fund which hail been established for the purpose of erecting a suitable memorial to the memory of the late Sir . Kt . R . W . Little , G . Treas ., who was an honorary member of this conclave , and had been the consecrating officer at its inauguration , proposed that the sum
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
RETORTS or MASCNIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 445 Royal Arch -MS Maik Masonry 445 Knights Templar 44 S Red Cross of Constantine 445 Provincial drar . il I . oilg ^ or Somerset 44 " Oliitnarv 4 * 9
Scotland 44 ° Consecration of the Kldon Lodge , No . 1753 447 Mas-. mic Hall at Natal 447 Royal Masonic Institntiou for Boys 447 The Loss of the Princess Alice 447 . " nuthampton Masonic Benevolent Institution 44 ° Masonicand General Tidings 44 ^ Reviews .., 449 Letters from Our IrrcpressihleCorrespondent 449
The Cutlers' Festival at Sheffield 449 Notes on Art , & c 449 In Munnriam 45 ° l . bt of Candidates for ihe Girls" School 45 ° The Wes-l Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution 450 The Gran 1 Lodge cf Scotland and the Grand Lodge ol Quebec 45 > ' 1 lu Catastrojiheon the Thames 45 Report of the Metropolitan Police 45 1 Ci * : tKF . SPO \ I ) KNCR : —
Itto . Findel on Frtemasonry , 45 Invasion of Masonic Jurisdiction 4 S 'I'lie Limdon Masonic ' Charity Association 45 3 T'liro Cathedral 45 a Oviiiinal Research 45 The Charity Organization Society 453 Feis for lniihtion in England 453 Old l . i . t of Lodges 453 Freemasonry in Ceylon - » 53
Was the late Pope a Freemason ? 453 Prin incinl Grand Lodge of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight : 453 Chamber ' s Index to Next of Kin 453 Grand Orient of France 453 Masonic Notes and Queries 454 R- » yal Masonic lleiuvolent Institution 454 Ku \ al Masonic Institution lor Boys 454 Luiigc Meetings for Next Week 454 Advertisements ' ii .. "i . » iv ., v ., vi .
REPORTS , etc ., intended for insertion in current number , should reach the Office , ( 198 , Fleet-street ) , by 12 o ' clock noon , on Wednesdays .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
CwH ISbnumts .
• DERBY . — Tyrian Lodge ( No . 25 . 1 ) . — A . nutting was held 011 August 28 th , at the Derbyshire Masonic I lall , present Bros . A . G . Taylor , W . M . j E . . 11 . Ward , S . W . ; \ V . C . Watson , J . W . ; F . J . Robinson , Sec . ; \ V . Naylor , Prov . G . S ., Treasurer ; T . Hall , Prov . J . G . W . asS . D . ; T . Horsley , Jun . J . D . ; J . S . Hockey , : P I . G " . ; pist Master ? , T . Cox , P . P . S . G . W ., and present
Prov . Treasurer ; and W . II . Marsden , l ' . P . J . G . W . ; visitor Hro . J . O . Manton , Secretary , 1085 , Tyler ; E . Iloliltn . The lodge was opened at 7 . 43 p . m . After tin reading of the circular and minutes , Bro . Ward , S . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Nay lor re-elected Treasurer . The lodge was then advanced , and Hro . Beatson raised to the rank of a M . M ., in the course
if which ceremony he gave involuntary evidence of its impressive character . The lodge was closed at 9 p . m ., and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , when the usual toasts were duly honoured . The W . M . elect , when called upon , expressed his intention to endeavour to uphold the prestige of the lodge . The retiring Master bore testimony to the support given him by his officers and
brethren generally . The acting S . D . of the evening , in bis character of Prov . J . G . W ., responded to the Prov . Grand Officers' toast , and the visitor made a pissing allusion to the newly raised brother ' s display of feeling , showing what the impression caused was , in contradiction to what the impression would have been if his manner had been inattentive , and . finally , the initiate expressed
himself as very anxious to adhere to the great principles 1 if Freemasonry , and thus proved that the favours he hail leceived had not been undeservedly bestowed , ft should also be stated that there was a very interesting discussion , relative t" the origin of Freemasonry , and its identity with Jewish and other customs , Bro . P . M . Hall , Bro . Davis , and Bro . Manton Contiibutingjsome very interesting facts .
COCKERMOUTH . — Skiddaw Lodge ( No . 1002)— ' 1 lie monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesi ' ay evening , the 3 rd inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Station-stiett . The W . M ., Bro . James Black , opened the lodge , in foim , at 7 . 30 , the following officers and past ¦ .. Hirers being present : —Bros . Capt . Sewell , S . W . ; Tom bird , J . W . ; W . Shilton , P . M . ; R . Robinson , P . M ., and
Tieas . ; W . 11 . Lewthwaitc , P . M ., and Org . ; W . F . I . amoiby , P . M ., ( Frecmaa . n ); T . C . Robinson , Sec , H . Ptncrck , I . G . ; Jos . Hewson , Tyler ; and fourteen or liftcin other ? . The minutes having been read and confirmed , Bro . II . Ritson gave evidence of his proficiency , claimed preferment , and subsequently was passed to the define <> f l ' . C , Bros . W . Shilton and T . C . Robinson acting
as Deacon , The lodge having been reduced , a ballot v / as taken for the admission cf Mr . Thomas Carter Kearon , which being unanimous , he was initiated into Freemasonry by Bro . \ V . F . Lamonby , P . M ., at the request of the W . M . The E . A . 'scharge , was very creditably delivered by Bro . Bird , J . W ., for the first time . Upon the proclamation being put , Mr . William Paisley , and Mr . Joseph
Nicholson were prope sed as candidates for initiation into the my sit rits and ijrivilegcs cf Freemasonry . The secretary reported that he had received the names of sixteen members of Skiddaw Lodge , who had signified their intention of attending the annual meeting of the province , at Millom , on the 13 th inst ., On the motion of Bro . Lamonb y , seconded by the W . M ., Bro , Capt . Sewell was appointee !
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to represent the lodge on the Provincial Charity Committee . Bro . R . Bailey next rosf , and , in alluding to the many pictorial embellishments of the lodge room , including H . R . I-f . the M . W . Gtand Master , Bro . Harry ' s historical engraving , and Bro . Lemon , the Prov . Grand Treasurer , said there was one important omission , a portrait of their late ever-to-be-lamented and distinguished
brother , the Earl of Mayo , Governor General of India , who was for some years a member of Skiddaw Lodge . It woulei afford him ( Bro . Bailey ) the greatest pleasure in supplying such an omission , and he begged the W . M . and brethren ' s acceptance of a framed photographic portrait of his lordship . A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Bro . Bailey for his kind present , after which the lodge was closed in form .
DERBY . —Havtington Lodge ( No . 1085 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 4 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , when there were present Bros . G . Pipes , W . M . ; [ . Heathcote , S . W . ; W . B . Hcxtall , f . W . j W . Heathcote , P . P . G . D . of C , I . l ' . M . ; W . H . Bobart , P . P . S . G . W ., Treas . ; W . H . Biggs , W . M . 8 o > , a * Sec . ; J . O . Manton . Sec , as I . D . ; W . Butterficld , I . G . Past Masters
W . H . Brindley , P . P . J . G . D ., and F . Worsnop , P . P . G . P ., and other brethren . The proceedings iver _ " commenced in due form at 7 . 40 p . m . The ballot was taken for Mr Edwin Belfield „ ef Belper , and found clear . A letter from the W . M . of the Belper Lodge , in reply to foimal enquiries , was previously read , saying that there was no objection to Mr . Belfield , as a resident of the district represented by the Belper Lodge , being accepted by the Hartington ; also
speaking in commendatory terms of the candidate . Mr . Henry Carr was initiated , the ceremony being very impressively performed . A quarterly communicati m from Grand Lodge was presented , and then the enquiries eif the W . M . clewed the labours of the evening . The hall is at present in the hands of painters and decorators , which precluded the working of the Fourth Degiee , and the zeal of the brethren in the matter of the loyal toasts .
HALLIFORD . —Thames Valley Lodge ( No . 14 60 . )—The last meeting for the year of this lodge was held at the Ship Hotel , Halliford , on Srturd . iy , 7 th the inst . The members present incluiled Bros . T . Buidett Yeoman , W . M . ; the Rev . W . W . Martin , P . M ., Chaplain ; W . Paas , P . M ., Treasurer ; J . G . Marsh , P . M ., P . G . P ., Sec ; Major the Hon . O . G . Lambert , J . D . ; S . J . Tyler , I . G . ;
E . F . Thomas , D . C . ; W . T . Howe , I . l' . M ., G . P . Eng . ; Rev . E . Brette , P . M ., P . G . C . ; J . L . Jones , P . M ., I ' . G . D . ; J . H . Southwood , P . M . ; J . R Boor , P . M . ; Pennistou . Dunn , R . Stone , Alfied Brookman , and J . J . Jolliffe . Bros . Brookman and Joll ffc , of the Aldersgate Lodge , were unanimously elected joining members . Bro . W . T . Howe undertook to represent the lodge at the next fes ival of the Koval Benevolent Institution , and five guineas was voted
in aid of this list , which it is hoped will be well supported by the members cf this lodge . The business agenda having been disposed of , the lodge was closed till the next regular meeting in March next ensuing . The brethren sat down to an excellent dinner , as it is invariably provided by Bro . Stone , the proprietor . The absence of Bro . Colotu 1 Peters , P . M ., the first Master in this popular lodge , was much regretted through illness . The T y ler ' s t-jast brought to a close a most agreeable meeting .
HAMPTON . —Hemming Lodge ( N ' c i s f 2 ) . — An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Lion Hotel on Monday , the 2 nd inst ., when there were present amongst others Bro . J . Hurst , I . P . M . acting W . M . ; in the absence of Bros . John Hammond , P . G . S . of Middlesex ; E . Hopwood . P . P . G . S . U . of Middlesex , P . M . and Treasurer , acting S . W . ; Jessett , J . W . ; W . Hammond ,
P . P . G . D . of Middlesex , Sec ; Raw , P . \ f . " Canonburv " acting I . P . M . ; T . C . Walls , P . I ' . G . O . of Middlesex , J . b . ; Davey , acting I . G . ; Gilbert , P . G . T . of Middlesex , Tyler . The visitors were Bro . H . Jones , " Lebanon , " and Masters , " Wolsey . " The I . P . M . having initiated Mr . Thomas Hanlon , vacated the chair in favour of Bro . W . Hammond ,
who p-. sstd Brcs . Cole , Cox , and Carpenter , and raised Bro . Patey , the ceremonies being well performed . There being no other business before the lodge it was duly closed , and the brethren partook of a collation . There were no toasts . The next meeting of the lodge will be held on the third Thursday inOcte > ber next .
GREAT STANMORE .- Abercorn Lodge ( No . 1549 ) . —An emergency meeting of this summer lodge was held on the 4 th inst , wh en the W . M ., Bro . G . Tidcombe , presided , ably supported by his officer- -. The ledge was opened at 4 . 15 , and the usual preliminary business disposeel of . Bros-. Schmidt and Tyrrell , proving themselves efficient , were entrusted to the Tyler for
preparation , and on the lodge being opened in the Second Degree , were duly passeel to the degree of Fellow Craft , the W . M . resuming his lodge tothe First Degree , announced the ballot unanimous in favour of Mr . Re > bcrt Banting Paton , of St . \ lban ' s , as a candidate for initiation , and that gentleman he then duly enlightened to the ancient mysteries and privileges of the First Degree . In the absence of another candidate , the W . M . having received hearty
good wishes from Bro . Maple-son , J . D . 95 . and from 733 , the lodge closed in peace and harmony , at 6 o'clock . The brethren adjourned to the usual banquet , and under the generous management of Bro . G . H . Hall , W . S ., the customaiy toasts were fully honoured . Bro . Paton very appropriately replied as initiate . The W . M . was , as usual , equal to the duties of the chair , and the brethren separated at 9 . 30 , with best wishes to all poor and distresseel Masons .
YORK . —Eboracum Lodge ( No . 1 O 11 ) . —On Monday the regular meeting of this lodge was held at the I Queen's Hotel , present Bros . T . B . Whytehead , W . M . ; J . S . 'I
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Cumberland , S . W . ; James Kay as J . W . ; and a number of officers and brethren . A successful ballot was taken for a candidate , and Bro . Hollon , P . M . 236 , was elected a joining member . Bro . the Rev . P . T . Triment was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , after which there was an initiation . The W . M , presented two old
Masonic books to the lodge library on behalf of Bro . A . T . B . Turner , and a scarce engraving of Bro . Francis Drake , on behalfof Bro . T . W . Wilson , of the York Lodge 236 . The lodge was then closed . During the evening the subscribers to the last list for the Boys' School , drew for two life subscriberships , the winners being Bro . T . Cooper , P . M ., and Bro . J . Keswick .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
GOSPORT . —Gosport Chapter . —( No . 903 ) . — The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the India Arms Hotel , High Street , Gosport , on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., when there were present , Comus . E . S . Miin , P . Z ., Z . pro tern , G . F . Lancaster , U . K . Turney , f . pro tern , N . Page , E ., C . Whitcombe , N . J . Powell , and Brown , A . Soj ; Strouel , Treas . ; Downing , Org . ; and many other
companions , including Comps . George Augustus Green , Z . 309 , H . 342 . & c , and Comp . Emanuel , S 04 . The business included the election of a joining companion , and a cindidate ; who was duly exalted into this supreme elegree ; the officers performing their several duties , with commendable zeal and attention . A resolution expressing the sympathy cf the companions with their Excellent Z ., Comp . William H . Sleeman , in consequence of his
illhealth , and in-ability to attend his duties at the chapter , was unanimously adopted . An audit Committee was appointed , and the chapter closeel in the customary manner . The J . of this chapter , Comp . Wallingford , cannot attend his duties through resieling at Andover . The companions adjourned to the supper room , a'ld partoeik e > f light refreshments ; the loyal and Masonic toasts peculiar to this popular elegree , were duly honoured .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
ST . MARK'S LODGE ( No . 1 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., at Freemasons' Tavern . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . By reque « t of the outgoing Master , Bro . the Rev . P . M . Holder ? , P . M ., took the chair , and after due presentation by Bro . Levander , G . R ., proceeded to instal Bro . H . A . Dubois , P . M ., into the chair of
A ., with that ptecision of workinir so well known ami appreciated . The W . M ., Bro . Dubois , then appointeel his ofliceis for the ensuing year : Bros . G . Newman , S . W the Rev . P . M . Holden , J . W ; W . E . Newton , M . O ; W . Stephens , S . O ; Dr . Whiteway Wilkinson , J . O ; II . C . Levander , P . M ., Treasurer ; E . Shepherd . Registrar ; E . H . Thiellay , I . P . M ., Secretary ; Rev . Dr . Ph . E . Brette ,
P . M ., Chaplain ; Major W . E . Williams , S . D . ; Captain R . W . Williams , J . D ; H . Green , D . C ; II . Santer , I . G ; and Gilbert , Tyler . There were also present Bros . Thomas Cubitt , P . M ., P . G . P ; II . D'Almaine ;' and George Robinson , ( visitor ) . A distinguished brother anil member of St . Mark ' s Lodge , No . 1 , was , by acclamation , elected a life member with all privileges , for valuable services rendered . Bro . Cubitt , P . M . as Steward for the Mark Benevolent Fund
added to his list the St . Matk's donation . 1 he lodge was closed in due form and adjourned ; the brethren elineel together at Freemason ' s Tavern ; the W . M ,, Bro . H . A . Dubois , presided , and proposed the customary loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . E . II . Thiellay was presented with a P . M ' s . jewel , for his services as W . M . during his year ' of office , when the Tyler's toast brought to an end a pleasant evening .
Knights Cemplar.
Knights Cemplar .
YORK . —Ancient Ebor Proceplory ( No 101 ) . —The regular meeting of this Precrptory was held at York , on Tuesday , E . Sir Knt . W . Valentine , E . P ., presiding ; there being also present E . Sir Knts . W . Lawton , T . Cooper , T . B . Whytehead , anil Sir Knts . T . B . Prissick , J . S . Cumberland , P . H . Rowland , S . Simpson , J , Ward ,
and others . E . Sir Knt . Wooelall , P . E . P ., Prov . Granil Constable for N . and E . Yorkshire , was elected an honorary member , as were also the Americtn Knights who lately visited the prcceptory from Philadelphia . Comp . W . Varry , of the Zetland Chapter , anil Lord Mayor of York , having been elected , was installed a Knight 01 the Order .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
LEICESTER . —Byzantine Conclave ( No . 44 ) . —T he adjourned meeling of this conclave was held at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday , the 4 th inst ., and was attended by a full average numb : r of members . A Senate of Sovereigns having been formed , Sir Kt . J . T . Thorp was installed in the chair of M . P . S ., and afterwards invested his officers for the ensuing year . The V . E . elect ,
Sir Kt . R . Waite , was unavoidably absent . A ballot was taken for Bro . J . Rolleston , S . D . 1560 , as a candidate for installation , and he was unanimously elected . The onl y candidate in attendance was Bro . J . II . Hale , W . M . Wentworth Lodge , No . 737 , who was installed as a Kt . Companion of the Oreler , the ceremony being very ably
conducted by the M . P S ., Sir Kt . S . S . Partridge , K . G . C ., acting as Prefect . Sir Kt . G . Toller , jun ., after drawing attention to the fund which hail been established for the purpose of erecting a suitable memorial to the memory of the late Sir . Kt . R . W . Little , G . Treas ., who was an honorary member of this conclave , and had been the consecrating officer at its inauguration , proposed that the sum