Article Multum in Parbo ;or Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article LONDON MASONIC CHARITY ASSOCIATION. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEETINGS IN WEST LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Multum In Parbo ;Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo ; or Masonic Notes and Queries .
OLD LONDON LODGES . No . V . No . 55 and 5 6 of 1738 , seem to be wanting in 1763 , while No . 51 in 1738 , seems to be No . 59 in 176 S . No . 5 8 in 1736 is 51 in 1763 , while No . 59 in 173 S is out in 17 ( 13 . No . 60 in 1738 isclearly 52 in 1763 . Nos . 61 , 62 , 63 , 64 , seem all to be missing in 1763 , while No . 05 in 1738 ,
appears to be No . 53 of 17133 . No . . 67 , 69 , of i 73 Sare wanting in 1763 , thus the 70 of 173 8 appears to be No . 5 8 of j 763 , and the 71 of 1738 the 60 of 1763 . Either 72 , or 73 , of 1738 , is the 6 3 of 1763 , while the 68 of 173 S , is clearly the 68 of 1763 , curiously enough . This mystery of numbers is hard to explain . No 74 and 7 r in 1738 , seem
to be missing in 1763 , while No . 76 of 173 8 is No . 61 ) of 1763 . No . 77 of 173 8 is No . 70 of 1763 , though Nos . 78 , 79 , and 80 , are out in 1763 . No . 81 of 1738 is No . 79 of 1763 , and No . 82 of 173 81 s No . 82 of 1763 . No . 83 of 1738 appears to have become 84 in 1763 . No . 85 and 86 in I 758 are respectively 8 i ; and 86 in 1763 , though
No . 87 in 173 8 is out in 1763 . No . 88 , 89 , and 90 , in 1738 are all missing in 1763 , but No . 91 of 173 8 is No . 89 of 1763 . No . 92 and 93 in 1738 are wanting in 1763 , though No . e > 4 of 1738 is No . 90 of 1763 . No . 95 in . 1738 is No . 91 of 176 3 and No . 9 6 of 1738 is No . 92 of 1763 . Nos . 97 , 08 , and 99 in 1738 seems to be out in 1763 , and
it may be said that Nos . too , 101 , 102 , 103 , 104 , 10 ; , 106 , in 173 8 are difficult to trace in 1763 . No . 9 6 in that year , conseciated May , 3 , 1738 , and No . 100 consecrated Jan , 27 th , 1738 , anil mentioned also in 1763 , as existing arc probably represented by two of the lodges of 1730 , though all but impossible seemingly to identify . The next
London lodge enumerated in 1738 is No . 108 Playhouse yard , Blackfriars , consecrated August 24 , 1739 . A question has occurrcd ' to me during these studies , how far the dates of consecration of lodges given by Anderson and Cole are correct . 1 doubt their absolute correctness for various reasons , though probably they are approximately right . I hope to conclude these notes in the next Freemason . MASONIC STUDENT .
QUERY FOR BRO . D . MURRAY LYON . I do not know whether my eUcemed friend , Bro . D . Murray Lyon , is too busy to attend to archaelogical matters , but I would fain ask him a question , which , perhaps , he best can reply to of any . Does he know ol any historical evidence for the alleged meeting of the 'Templar
Order ; it Ilolyrood Palace , in 1 745 , ( September 24 th ) , " ut dicitur , " when Charles Edward Stuart was admitted and elected Grand Master of the Order ? Do any minutes exist of such an event ? Is it true that he retained the Grand Mastership of Scottish Templarism until his death ? Like Bro . D . Murray Lyon , I am , 1 confess , very doubtful of a Scottish Jacobite use of Masonry at any rate . MASONIC STUDENT .
STATIONERS' MASONIC CALENDAR . Many thanks to Bro . Gould , for bis information . MASONIC STUDENT .
OLD LONDON LODGES . Could ' Bro . Hughan give me a list in the Christmas Number of the Masonic Magazine of the 106 London Lodges of 1738 , and how far they are represented by existing lodges in 1878 . How many are still extant , if under different names , how many are absorbed in either lodges , how many are defunct . If he could , it would be a very valuable contribution to our lodge life-history . MASONIC STUDENT .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The attention of the Subscribers of this Institution is requested to the fact that Harry Newboult ' s canelidature at the next election is withdrawn , he having obtained a presentation for the Blue Coat School . On reference to the list of candidates it will be seen that he is third on the list .
London Masonic Charity Association.
We have been reijuesteil to state that by a slight erratum in our last report of the meeting the committee of the above association , Bro . Charles Atkinson is stated to be merely elected a member of the association , whereas , he was also added to the committee .
A meeting of the committee is about to take place , we are informed , to elect new members , and add fresh names to the committee . Any brethren who approve of the plans of the Association should at once apply to Bro . A . Tisley , St . Dun-Stan ' s vestry , Fleet-street , E . C .
The second day ' s festival of the Three Choirs , at Worcester was as successful as Tueselay ' s . 'The oratorio was Mendelssohn ' s " Elijah , " and the principal parts were taken by Madame Alhani , Madame Paley , Miss Griflilh " , Air . Lloyd , Mr . Guy , and Mr . Stanley . Last etcning the first of the two secular conceits was given at the
College 1 lall . The first day's collection reached nearly £ s °° - The editor of llie Kentish Mera / n / lias received a letter from Bro . Benin ! , M . P . for the borough ol Gicenwich , expressing his sympathy with the bereaved , and enclosed £ 2 ; for the relief fund .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The monthly meeting of the Committee of this Institution was held on Wednesday at Freemasons' Hall . Col . Creaton presided . Bros . W . Stephens , Raynham W . Stewart , James Brett , L . Stean , J . G . Steven .-, F . Adlard , C . A . Cottcbrune , Hyde Pullen , Capt . N . G . Phillips , J . M . Case ,
S . Rawson , J . Newton , Ja ' iez Hogg , C . F . Hogard , W . II . Main , James Terry , ( Secretary ) ; and H . Massey , { Freem aso / i ) , also attended . The report of the House Committee was received and adopted . The chairman rcfering to a recommendation in the report that a greenhouse was much required at the asylum at
Croydon , it was ordered that estimates should be prepared for carrying out the work . The chairman also reported that the gardener ' s cottage was in a favourable state of progiess , and on the architect ' s report a cheque for £ 140 was oidcred to be signed as a payment on account to the builders . It was also resolved to insure the new building to the extent of £ 300 . The Chairman , on this question of
insurance , said the asylum was now insured for £ 3800 , which he thought was not enough , and Bro . Terry was instructed to get an estimate from the Westminster Fire Office for the whole premises . Five petitions were received , and the petitions placed on the list for next May ; after which a notice of motion was given by Bro . Raynham Stewart for next meeting , and the Committee then adjourned .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
Fot the Week ending Friday , September 20 , 1878 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Encampments , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place or day of meeting .
SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 14 . Lodge 1361 , United Scrvic .-, Greyhound , Richmond . ,, 1446 , Mount Edgcumbe , Swan Tav ., Battersea . „ 1607 , Loyalty , Alexandra Palace , N . „ 1681 ; , Guelph , Red Lion , Ltytom-tone . Chap . 1293 , Burdett , Mitre Hot , Hampton Court . „ 1423 , Era , Island Heit ., Hampton Court .
LODGES Of iNSTltUCTiOS . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Manchester , 77 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd . Ecclcston , St . George's Club , Victoria Station . Percy , 113 , Southgate-road , N .
MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 16 . Lodge 720 , Panmure , Balham Hot ., Balham . LODGES OF INSTIIUCTION . Wellington , White Swan Hot ., High-st ., Deptford . Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley 'Tav ., Kingsland . Strong Man , Old Rodney ' s Head , Old-st ., E . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station . Camden , 174 , High-st ., Camden Town , at 8 .
Tredegar , Royal Hot ., Milc-cnd-road . St . James ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ,, Rotherhithe . Upper Norwood , White Hart Hot ., Church-rd . Marquis of Ripon , Pembury 'Tav ., Amherst-rd ., Hackney . Loughborough , Warrior Hot ., Brixton . West Smithfield , New Market Hot ., West Smithfield . St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Greenwich .
TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 17 . Board of General Purposes , at 3 . Lodge 704 , Camden , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town . „ 1420 , Earl Spencer , Swan Hot ., Battersea . Chap . 933 , Doric , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . K . H . S . 1 , Mount Carmel , F . M . Tav .
LOOQHS OF INSTRUCTION . Metropolitan , 269 , Pentonville-rd . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Domatic , Surrey M . H ., Cambcrwcll New-road . Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st . Prince Fredk . Wm ., Lord's Hot ., St . John ' s Wood . Dalhousie , King Edward , Yrianglc , Hackney .
Prosperity , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st . Florence Nightingale , F . M . H ., William-st ., Woolwich . Constitutional , Bedford Hot ., Southampton Bdgs ., at 7 . Israel , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe Road . Royal Arthur , Prince ' s Head , York-road , Battersea . Beacontree , Red Lion , Leytonstone .
Excelsior , Commercial Dock Tav ., Rotherhithe . St . John of Wapping , Gun Hot ., High-st ., Wapping . Three Bucks , Islington , 23 , Gresham-st ., at 7 p . m . Leopold , Woolpack Tavern , Bermondsey-st . Metropolitan Chapter , Jamaica Coffee Ho ., Cornhill . Mount Edgcumbe , irj , Jermyn-st ., St . James's . Sir Hugh Myddelton , 162 , St . John ' s-st .-rd .
WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 18 . Lodge of Benevolence . „ 700 , NeUon , M . H .. William-st , Woolwich . „ 1044 , Wandswerth , Spread Eagle Ho ., Wandsworth . „ 1382 , Corinthian , George Inn , Cubitt Town . „ 1624 , Eccleston , Grosvenor Hall , Ebury-pl ., S . W .
LODGES or INSTIIUCTION . New Concorel , Jolly Farmers , Southgatc-rd ., N . Mt . Lebanon , Horse Shoe Tav ., Stones-End , E . Pythagorean , Portland Hot ., London-st ., Greenwich . New Concord , Rosemary Branch 'Tav ., Hoxton . La Toleiancc , Horse and Groom , Winsley-st ., Oxfrrd-st .
Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Pcckham . Stanhope , 'Thicket Hot ., Anerley . Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park 'Tav ., Seven Sistcrs ' -rd . Southwark , Southwark ' Park Tav ., Southwark Park . Duke of Connaught , Havelock'Tav ., Dalston , E . United Strength , Hope and Anchor , Crowndale-id , N . W .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
Whittington , Red Lion , Poppin ' s-court , Fleet-st ., at 8 . Lewis , King ' s Arms Hot ., Wood Green . Royal Jubilee , 81 , Long Acre . Langthome , Swan Hot ., Stratford . Temperance in tbeEast . George the 4 th , Ida-st ., Poplar , 7 . 3 o THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 19 . House Com ., Girls' School , at 4 .
Lodge 1076 , Capper , Marine Hot ., Victoria Docks , E . ,, 1278 , Buidett Coutts , Approach Tav ., Approach-rd . „ 1320 , Blackheath , Crown Hot ., Blackheath . „ 1363 , Clapton , White Hart Tav ., Clapton . „ 1623 , W . Smithfield , Market Hot ., W . Smithfield . LODGES OF INSTIIUCTION . Union Waterloo , Chatham Arms , Thomas-st ., Woolwich .
Egyptian , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., W . Finsbury , Jolly Anglers' Tav ., Bath-st ., City-road . Ebury , 12 , Ponsonhy-st ., Milbank . Highgate , Bull anel Gate , Kentish-town . The Great City , M . H ., Masons' Avenue .
High Cross , Coach & Horses , High-road , Tottenham . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Southern Star , Crown Hot ., Blackfriars-rd . Great Northern , Berwick Arms , Berners-st ., Oxford-st . Rose , Walmer Castls Hot ., Peckham-road , at 8 . Prince Frederick William Chapter , St . John ' s Wood .
FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 . House Com ., Boys' School , at 4 . Lodge 975 , Rose of Denmark , White Hart Hot ., Barnes . Encampment 6 , St . George , Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc-st . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regcnt-st . Belgrave , Harp Tav ., Jermyn-st ., W .
Unions Emulation ( for M . M . ' s ) , F . M . H . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford . Clapton , White Hart , Clapton . Metropolitan , Portugal Hot ., Fleet-st ., at 7 . St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John ' s Wood . Westboume , Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood . United Pilgrims , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road .
St . James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-road , S . E . Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Doric , 79 , Whitechapel-road , at 8 . Burgoyne , The Red Cap , Camden Town , N . W . St . Luke ' s , White Hart , King ' s-rd ., Chelsea . Chigwell , Prince ' s Hall , Buckhurst-hill .
Royal Standard , The Alwyne Castle , St . Paul ' s-rd ., N . Ranelagh , Bell anel Anchor , Hammersmith-rd . William Preston , FcathersTav ., Up . George-st ., Edgware-r d . Hervey , 99 , Fleet-street , at 8 . Earl of Carnarvonshire Hot ., Goulborne-rd ., Notting-hill Pythagorean Chapter , Portland Hot . London-st ., Greenwich "
Masonic Meetings In West Lancashire And Cheshire.
For the Week ending Saturday , September 21 , 1878 .
MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 16 . Lodge 1502 , Israel , M . H ., Liverpool . Everton L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER . 17 . Lodge 667 , Alliance , M . H ., Liverpool .
„ 1225 , Hindpool , Hartington Hot ., Barrow . i > ! 325 , Stanley , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1370 , Prince Arthur , M . H ., N . Hill-st ., Liverpool . Bootle L . of I ., 146 , Berry-st ., Bootlc . Merchants L , of 1 ., M . H ., Liverpool .
WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 18 . Lodge 178 , Antiquity , M . H ., Wigan . „ 428 , Sincerity , Angel Hot ., Northwich . „ 537 , Zetland , M . R ., Birkenhead . „ 823 , Everton , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1086 , Walton , Skelmersdale H ., Kirkdale . „ 1276 , Warren , Queen ' s Arms Hot ., Liscaid .
11 i . ? 4 S > Victoria , Cross Keys , Eccles . » ' 353 > Duke of Lancaster , Athenaeum , Lancaster . „ 1730 , Urmston , Lord Nelson Hot ., Urmston . Mark Loelge 31 , Fidelity , Norfolk Arms , Hyde . De Grey and ' Ripon L . of I ., M . R ., N . Hill-st ., Liverpool . Downshire L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 19 .
Lodge 203 , Ancient Union , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 343 , Concord , Militia Mess Rooms , Preston . ,, 425 , Cestrian , M . U ., Chester . „ 605 , Combermere , Seacombe Hot ., Seacombe . ,, 1299 , Pembroke , Riwlinson ' s Hot ., West Derby . Chap . 249 , Mariners , M . H ., Liverpool . Duke of Edinburgh L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . St . John ' s L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 . Hamer L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Jacques de Molay Encampment , M . H ., Liverpool .
For Masonic Meetings throughout Scotland see Scottish Freemason , which can be obtained at the Office of this paper , 198 , Fleet-street , London .
- — A Gentleman of mature age , who can be well recommended , desires entire or partial employment as SECRETARY , MANAGER , or FACTOTUM to a Company , Firm , or Institution . Being at present entirely disengaged , he will gladly accept a temporary engagement to fill a vacancy caused by illness or otherwise . —Kindly adelress Mr . I Iowarel , care of Messrs . Procktor anel Forth , High-streel , Cheltenham .
A GENTLEMAN of excellent business habits , and considerable experience , desires ta meet with an early engagement as Book-keeper , Secretary , or Traveller . Address , J . J . II ., 146 , Kcnnington Park-road , London , S . E .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Multum In Parbo ;Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo ; or Masonic Notes and Queries .
OLD LONDON LODGES . No . V . No . 55 and 5 6 of 1738 , seem to be wanting in 1763 , while No . 51 in 1738 , seems to be No . 59 in 176 S . No . 5 8 in 1736 is 51 in 1763 , while No . 59 in 173 S is out in 17 ( 13 . No . 60 in 1738 isclearly 52 in 1763 . Nos . 61 , 62 , 63 , 64 , seem all to be missing in 1763 , while No . 05 in 1738 ,
appears to be No . 53 of 17133 . No . . 67 , 69 , of i 73 Sare wanting in 1763 , thus the 70 of 173 8 appears to be No . 5 8 of j 763 , and the 71 of 1738 the 60 of 1763 . Either 72 , or 73 , of 1738 , is the 6 3 of 1763 , while the 68 of 173 S , is clearly the 68 of 1763 , curiously enough . This mystery of numbers is hard to explain . No 74 and 7 r in 1738 , seem
to be missing in 1763 , while No . 76 of 173 8 is No . 61 ) of 1763 . No . 77 of 173 8 is No . 70 of 1763 , though Nos . 78 , 79 , and 80 , are out in 1763 . No . 81 of 1738 is No . 79 of 1763 , and No . 82 of 173 81 s No . 82 of 1763 . No . 83 of 1738 appears to have become 84 in 1763 . No . 85 and 86 in I 758 are respectively 8 i ; and 86 in 1763 , though
No . 87 in 173 8 is out in 1763 . No . 88 , 89 , and 90 , in 1738 are all missing in 1763 , but No . 91 of 173 8 is No . 89 of 1763 . No . 92 and 93 in 1738 are wanting in 1763 , though No . e > 4 of 1738 is No . 90 of 1763 . No . 95 in . 1738 is No . 91 of 176 3 and No . 9 6 of 1738 is No . 92 of 1763 . Nos . 97 , 08 , and 99 in 1738 seems to be out in 1763 , and
it may be said that Nos . too , 101 , 102 , 103 , 104 , 10 ; , 106 , in 173 8 are difficult to trace in 1763 . No . 9 6 in that year , conseciated May , 3 , 1738 , and No . 100 consecrated Jan , 27 th , 1738 , anil mentioned also in 1763 , as existing arc probably represented by two of the lodges of 1730 , though all but impossible seemingly to identify . The next
London lodge enumerated in 1738 is No . 108 Playhouse yard , Blackfriars , consecrated August 24 , 1739 . A question has occurrcd ' to me during these studies , how far the dates of consecration of lodges given by Anderson and Cole are correct . 1 doubt their absolute correctness for various reasons , though probably they are approximately right . I hope to conclude these notes in the next Freemason . MASONIC STUDENT .
QUERY FOR BRO . D . MURRAY LYON . I do not know whether my eUcemed friend , Bro . D . Murray Lyon , is too busy to attend to archaelogical matters , but I would fain ask him a question , which , perhaps , he best can reply to of any . Does he know ol any historical evidence for the alleged meeting of the 'Templar
Order ; it Ilolyrood Palace , in 1 745 , ( September 24 th ) , " ut dicitur , " when Charles Edward Stuart was admitted and elected Grand Master of the Order ? Do any minutes exist of such an event ? Is it true that he retained the Grand Mastership of Scottish Templarism until his death ? Like Bro . D . Murray Lyon , I am , 1 confess , very doubtful of a Scottish Jacobite use of Masonry at any rate . MASONIC STUDENT .
STATIONERS' MASONIC CALENDAR . Many thanks to Bro . Gould , for bis information . MASONIC STUDENT .
OLD LONDON LODGES . Could ' Bro . Hughan give me a list in the Christmas Number of the Masonic Magazine of the 106 London Lodges of 1738 , and how far they are represented by existing lodges in 1878 . How many are still extant , if under different names , how many are absorbed in either lodges , how many are defunct . If he could , it would be a very valuable contribution to our lodge life-history . MASONIC STUDENT .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The attention of the Subscribers of this Institution is requested to the fact that Harry Newboult ' s canelidature at the next election is withdrawn , he having obtained a presentation for the Blue Coat School . On reference to the list of candidates it will be seen that he is third on the list .
London Masonic Charity Association.
We have been reijuesteil to state that by a slight erratum in our last report of the meeting the committee of the above association , Bro . Charles Atkinson is stated to be merely elected a member of the association , whereas , he was also added to the committee .
A meeting of the committee is about to take place , we are informed , to elect new members , and add fresh names to the committee . Any brethren who approve of the plans of the Association should at once apply to Bro . A . Tisley , St . Dun-Stan ' s vestry , Fleet-street , E . C .
The second day ' s festival of the Three Choirs , at Worcester was as successful as Tueselay ' s . 'The oratorio was Mendelssohn ' s " Elijah , " and the principal parts were taken by Madame Alhani , Madame Paley , Miss Griflilh " , Air . Lloyd , Mr . Guy , and Mr . Stanley . Last etcning the first of the two secular conceits was given at the
College 1 lall . The first day's collection reached nearly £ s °° - The editor of llie Kentish Mera / n / lias received a letter from Bro . Benin ! , M . P . for the borough ol Gicenwich , expressing his sympathy with the bereaved , and enclosed £ 2 ; for the relief fund .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The monthly meeting of the Committee of this Institution was held on Wednesday at Freemasons' Hall . Col . Creaton presided . Bros . W . Stephens , Raynham W . Stewart , James Brett , L . Stean , J . G . Steven .-, F . Adlard , C . A . Cottcbrune , Hyde Pullen , Capt . N . G . Phillips , J . M . Case ,
S . Rawson , J . Newton , Ja ' iez Hogg , C . F . Hogard , W . II . Main , James Terry , ( Secretary ) ; and H . Massey , { Freem aso / i ) , also attended . The report of the House Committee was received and adopted . The chairman rcfering to a recommendation in the report that a greenhouse was much required at the asylum at
Croydon , it was ordered that estimates should be prepared for carrying out the work . The chairman also reported that the gardener ' s cottage was in a favourable state of progiess , and on the architect ' s report a cheque for £ 140 was oidcred to be signed as a payment on account to the builders . It was also resolved to insure the new building to the extent of £ 300 . The Chairman , on this question of
insurance , said the asylum was now insured for £ 3800 , which he thought was not enough , and Bro . Terry was instructed to get an estimate from the Westminster Fire Office for the whole premises . Five petitions were received , and the petitions placed on the list for next May ; after which a notice of motion was given by Bro . Raynham Stewart for next meeting , and the Committee then adjourned .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
Fot the Week ending Friday , September 20 , 1878 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Encampments , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place or day of meeting .
SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 14 . Lodge 1361 , United Scrvic .-, Greyhound , Richmond . ,, 1446 , Mount Edgcumbe , Swan Tav ., Battersea . „ 1607 , Loyalty , Alexandra Palace , N . „ 1681 ; , Guelph , Red Lion , Ltytom-tone . Chap . 1293 , Burdett , Mitre Hot , Hampton Court . „ 1423 , Era , Island Heit ., Hampton Court .
LODGES Of iNSTltUCTiOS . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Manchester , 77 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd . Ecclcston , St . George's Club , Victoria Station . Percy , 113 , Southgate-road , N .
MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 16 . Lodge 720 , Panmure , Balham Hot ., Balham . LODGES OF INSTIIUCTION . Wellington , White Swan Hot ., High-st ., Deptford . Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley 'Tav ., Kingsland . Strong Man , Old Rodney ' s Head , Old-st ., E . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station . Camden , 174 , High-st ., Camden Town , at 8 .
Tredegar , Royal Hot ., Milc-cnd-road . St . James ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ,, Rotherhithe . Upper Norwood , White Hart Hot ., Church-rd . Marquis of Ripon , Pembury 'Tav ., Amherst-rd ., Hackney . Loughborough , Warrior Hot ., Brixton . West Smithfield , New Market Hot ., West Smithfield . St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Greenwich .
TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 17 . Board of General Purposes , at 3 . Lodge 704 , Camden , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town . „ 1420 , Earl Spencer , Swan Hot ., Battersea . Chap . 933 , Doric , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . K . H . S . 1 , Mount Carmel , F . M . Tav .
LOOQHS OF INSTRUCTION . Metropolitan , 269 , Pentonville-rd . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Domatic , Surrey M . H ., Cambcrwcll New-road . Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st . Prince Fredk . Wm ., Lord's Hot ., St . John ' s Wood . Dalhousie , King Edward , Yrianglc , Hackney .
Prosperity , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st . Florence Nightingale , F . M . H ., William-st ., Woolwich . Constitutional , Bedford Hot ., Southampton Bdgs ., at 7 . Israel , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe Road . Royal Arthur , Prince ' s Head , York-road , Battersea . Beacontree , Red Lion , Leytonstone .
Excelsior , Commercial Dock Tav ., Rotherhithe . St . John of Wapping , Gun Hot ., High-st ., Wapping . Three Bucks , Islington , 23 , Gresham-st ., at 7 p . m . Leopold , Woolpack Tavern , Bermondsey-st . Metropolitan Chapter , Jamaica Coffee Ho ., Cornhill . Mount Edgcumbe , irj , Jermyn-st ., St . James's . Sir Hugh Myddelton , 162 , St . John ' s-st .-rd .
WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 18 . Lodge of Benevolence . „ 700 , NeUon , M . H .. William-st , Woolwich . „ 1044 , Wandswerth , Spread Eagle Ho ., Wandsworth . „ 1382 , Corinthian , George Inn , Cubitt Town . „ 1624 , Eccleston , Grosvenor Hall , Ebury-pl ., S . W .
LODGES or INSTIIUCTION . New Concorel , Jolly Farmers , Southgatc-rd ., N . Mt . Lebanon , Horse Shoe Tav ., Stones-End , E . Pythagorean , Portland Hot ., London-st ., Greenwich . New Concord , Rosemary Branch 'Tav ., Hoxton . La Toleiancc , Horse and Groom , Winsley-st ., Oxfrrd-st .
Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Pcckham . Stanhope , 'Thicket Hot ., Anerley . Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park 'Tav ., Seven Sistcrs ' -rd . Southwark , Southwark ' Park Tav ., Southwark Park . Duke of Connaught , Havelock'Tav ., Dalston , E . United Strength , Hope and Anchor , Crowndale-id , N . W .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
Whittington , Red Lion , Poppin ' s-court , Fleet-st ., at 8 . Lewis , King ' s Arms Hot ., Wood Green . Royal Jubilee , 81 , Long Acre . Langthome , Swan Hot ., Stratford . Temperance in tbeEast . George the 4 th , Ida-st ., Poplar , 7 . 3 o THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 19 . House Com ., Girls' School , at 4 .
Lodge 1076 , Capper , Marine Hot ., Victoria Docks , E . ,, 1278 , Buidett Coutts , Approach Tav ., Approach-rd . „ 1320 , Blackheath , Crown Hot ., Blackheath . „ 1363 , Clapton , White Hart Tav ., Clapton . „ 1623 , W . Smithfield , Market Hot ., W . Smithfield . LODGES OF INSTIIUCTION . Union Waterloo , Chatham Arms , Thomas-st ., Woolwich .
Egyptian , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., W . Finsbury , Jolly Anglers' Tav ., Bath-st ., City-road . Ebury , 12 , Ponsonhy-st ., Milbank . Highgate , Bull anel Gate , Kentish-town . The Great City , M . H ., Masons' Avenue .
High Cross , Coach & Horses , High-road , Tottenham . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Southern Star , Crown Hot ., Blackfriars-rd . Great Northern , Berwick Arms , Berners-st ., Oxford-st . Rose , Walmer Castls Hot ., Peckham-road , at 8 . Prince Frederick William Chapter , St . John ' s Wood .
FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 . House Com ., Boys' School , at 4 . Lodge 975 , Rose of Denmark , White Hart Hot ., Barnes . Encampment 6 , St . George , Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc-st . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regcnt-st . Belgrave , Harp Tav ., Jermyn-st ., W .
Unions Emulation ( for M . M . ' s ) , F . M . H . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford . Clapton , White Hart , Clapton . Metropolitan , Portugal Hot ., Fleet-st ., at 7 . St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John ' s Wood . Westboume , Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood . United Pilgrims , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road .
St . James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-road , S . E . Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Doric , 79 , Whitechapel-road , at 8 . Burgoyne , The Red Cap , Camden Town , N . W . St . Luke ' s , White Hart , King ' s-rd ., Chelsea . Chigwell , Prince ' s Hall , Buckhurst-hill .
Royal Standard , The Alwyne Castle , St . Paul ' s-rd ., N . Ranelagh , Bell anel Anchor , Hammersmith-rd . William Preston , FcathersTav ., Up . George-st ., Edgware-r d . Hervey , 99 , Fleet-street , at 8 . Earl of Carnarvonshire Hot ., Goulborne-rd ., Notting-hill Pythagorean Chapter , Portland Hot . London-st ., Greenwich "
Masonic Meetings In West Lancashire And Cheshire.
For the Week ending Saturday , September 21 , 1878 .
MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 16 . Lodge 1502 , Israel , M . H ., Liverpool . Everton L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER . 17 . Lodge 667 , Alliance , M . H ., Liverpool .
„ 1225 , Hindpool , Hartington Hot ., Barrow . i > ! 325 , Stanley , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1370 , Prince Arthur , M . H ., N . Hill-st ., Liverpool . Bootle L . of I ., 146 , Berry-st ., Bootlc . Merchants L , of 1 ., M . H ., Liverpool .
WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 18 . Lodge 178 , Antiquity , M . H ., Wigan . „ 428 , Sincerity , Angel Hot ., Northwich . „ 537 , Zetland , M . R ., Birkenhead . „ 823 , Everton , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1086 , Walton , Skelmersdale H ., Kirkdale . „ 1276 , Warren , Queen ' s Arms Hot ., Liscaid .
11 i . ? 4 S > Victoria , Cross Keys , Eccles . » ' 353 > Duke of Lancaster , Athenaeum , Lancaster . „ 1730 , Urmston , Lord Nelson Hot ., Urmston . Mark Loelge 31 , Fidelity , Norfolk Arms , Hyde . De Grey and ' Ripon L . of I ., M . R ., N . Hill-st ., Liverpool . Downshire L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 19 .
Lodge 203 , Ancient Union , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 343 , Concord , Militia Mess Rooms , Preston . ,, 425 , Cestrian , M . U ., Chester . „ 605 , Combermere , Seacombe Hot ., Seacombe . ,, 1299 , Pembroke , Riwlinson ' s Hot ., West Derby . Chap . 249 , Mariners , M . H ., Liverpool . Duke of Edinburgh L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . St . John ' s L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 . Hamer L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Jacques de Molay Encampment , M . H ., Liverpool .
For Masonic Meetings throughout Scotland see Scottish Freemason , which can be obtained at the Office of this paper , 198 , Fleet-street , London .
- — A Gentleman of mature age , who can be well recommended , desires entire or partial employment as SECRETARY , MANAGER , or FACTOTUM to a Company , Firm , or Institution . Being at present entirely disengaged , he will gladly accept a temporary engagement to fill a vacancy caused by illness or otherwise . —Kindly adelress Mr . I Iowarel , care of Messrs . Procktor anel Forth , High-streel , Cheltenham .
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