Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Corresponents. Page 1 of 1 Article Births, Marriages and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article IN MEMORIAM. Page 1 of 1 Article LIST OF CANDIDATES FOR THE GIRLS' SCHOOL ELECTION, OCTOBER, 1878. Page 1 of 1 Article LIST OF CANDIDATES FOR THE GIRLS' SCHOOL ELECTION, OCTOBER, 1878. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEST LANCASHIRE MASONIC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TO OUR READERS . The FREEMASON is a Weekly Newspaper , price AQ . It is published every Friday morning , and contains the most important , interesting , and useful information relating to Freemasonry in every degree . Subscription , in eluding postage : United America , India , India , China , & c Kingdom , the Continent , Sec . Via Brindisi . Twelve Monties 10 s . 6 d . 12 s . oil . 17 s . 4 el . Six „ 5 s . , e » el . 6 s . 61 I . 8 s . 8 ( 1 . Three ,, 2 s . 8 d . 3 s . ejel . 4 s . 6 el . Subscriptions may be paid for in stumps , but Post Office Orders or Chcejucs are preferred , the former payable to GEOKGE KENNING , CHIEF OFFICE , LONDON , the latter crossed London Joint Stock Bank . Advertisements and 1 thtr business communications should be addressed to the Publisher . Communications on literary subjects and books for review are to be forwarded to the Editor . Anonymous correspondence will be wholly disregarded , and the return of rejected MSS . cannot be fiuaranteed . Further intormation will be supplied on application to the Publisher , 1198 , Fleet-street , London .
TO ADVERTISERS . The FREEMASON has a large circulation in all parts of the Globe , its advantages as an advertising medium can therefore scarcely be overrated . ADVERTISEMENTS to ensure insertion in current week ' s issue should reach the Office , 198 , Fleet-street , by 12 o ' clock on 'Wednesdays . 3 CAI . E OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Whole of back page £ 12 12 o Half , „ 6 10 o Inside pages ... ... ... ... 7 7 o Half of ditto 400 Quarter < ilto ... ... ... ... 2 10 o Whole column ... ... ... 2 10 o Half „ 1 10 o Quarter „ 100 Per inch 040 These prices are for single insertions . A liberal reduction is made for a series of 1 ej , 26 , and . 152 insertions . Furthtr particulars may be obtained of the Publisher , 198 , Fleet-street , London .
Answers To Corresponents.
Answers to Corresponents .
CORRESPONDENTS are respectfully requested to write their communications on one side of the paper only . Will W . M ., of Dudley , favour us with his name and addiess , in coi lidencc .
BOOKS , & c , RECEIVED . " La Chaine el'Union ; " " Bulletin du Grand Orient de France ; " "Young Folks Weekly Budget ( Monthly part );" 'Annual report of the Newspaper Press Fund ; " " Hull Packet ; " "Memfi Risorta ; " " Bolletino Officiale del Grande Oriente Nazionale Egiziano ; " "Night and Day ; " "Citizen ;"
" West London Express ; " " Broad Arrosv ; " " BauliiHte ;" " Corner Stone ; " "New York Dispatch ; " " Masonic Monthly ; " "New Yorker Bundcs Presse ; " " Canadian Crafisman ; " " Hebrew Leader ; " " Watchmaker and Jeweller ; " " European Mail ; " "Commission Agent ;" " Medical Examiner . "
Births, Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
BIRTHS . BIGOS . —On the 4 th in t ., the wife of Mr . T . Biggs , of London-street , Reading , of a daughter . GOULD . —On the 7 II 1 inst ., at 12 , Sussex-square , Brighton , the wife of Captain Charles OsLorne Gould , 18 th Hussars , of a son . HCVSHE . —On the 9 th inst ., at Bedwin-strcet , Salisbury , the wife of the Rev . Francis J . Hujshe , of a daughter .
DEATHS . BILTOK . —On the 3 rd inst ., drowr . ed in the collision on the Thames , between the Princess Alice and By well Castle , James Read Bilton , cf West Ham , Essex , aged 39 years ; his wife , Margaret , and their only surviving child , Beatrice . Newcastle papers please copy . GI , . I ) SMITII . — In Panama , suddenly , David Goldsmith ' of r , Colville-Kaniens , London , W . Foreign papers , 111
pleasccojy . ( Uy t-le ^ r . ) RAMSI HN . —On the yth inst , at Brighton , Emma Mary , the beloved wi c of Win . John Rami den , Esq ., aged 47 , R . I . I ' . RICA . —On the ( iih inst ., at Patk-stiiet , Kenuinglon-cross , William Richard Hei , Esq ., aged 72 , elieply legretled . Friends will please acecpt U / is iiiiiu >» lii > i > . WIIITH . —On the Kill inst ., at Wiliiloii , Si mcrset , II my White , Esq ., solicitor , aged 72 , e ' crply regretted .
In Memoriam.
Freemasonry has suffered greatly by the loss of two distinguished members of the Fraternity , if of somewhat divergent careers , yet equally valuable to the Craft , of which they were ever loyal and attached brethren . In Sir F . M . Williams , M . P ., the Province of Cornwall has lost a
" shining light , " one . who by practice as well as profession vindicated the usefulness and importance of Freemasonry . He will be a greatly '' missed man " by our Cornish brethren , as well as by English brethren , and his many services to Masonry will long be gratefully
remembered , while his kindly presence and warm heart will long linger in the warm sympathies of those who kne-w his worth , and who participated in his labours . In Bro . P . M . Cowling of the York Lodge , No . 236 , Freemasonry and his lodge lose the services of a most hard-working ,
zealous and devoted Mason . Always ready for Masonic duty , he was always kindly and conciliating , friendly and agreeable , and no one more strenuously sought to maintain the " good report " of Masonry in the old cathedral city , just as no one more zealously strove to uphold
the prestige of the York Lodge . Ihe writer of this brief and inadequate notice had occasion , like Bro . Hughan and others , to invoke his kindly assistance in opening out the valuable "Arcana " of the Yoik Lodge , and to no one does Masonic archaeology owe more in this country than to our
late Bro . Cowling , who showed on all such occasions a largeness of heart , and a breadth of Masonic goodwill , —greatly commended and to be recommended to all who are placed in a similar position . In him Freemasonry has lost a mest hard woiking member , the York Lodge a most zealous and distinguished officer .
List Of Candidates For The Girls' School Election, October, 1878.
There are 29 candidates and 19 vacancies to be filled up in October . Of these 8 are London and 21 are provincial casts . We must always , however . bear in mind , that such epithets are often
only relatively used ; and as candidates are sometimes partly provincial and partly metropolitan , so candidates , though provincial , are often made London cases practically , and vice veisii . Let us take the London cases—The fiist is Gertrude
Alice Jay , ( No . 1 ) , her sixth application . Her father was initiated in 186 9 , and died in Masonry in 18 / 1 . She has two sisters in the School , and has received 500 votes . The next is Ethel Frances Alison , No . 14 , her first application , ( we may remark that 24 of the 27 are first
applications . ) She has also two sisters in the Institution , and her father was initiated in 18 , 5 , 5 , subscribed 13 ! years , and died out of Masonry in 1877 , live years subsequently to his last subscription . He was a Life Governor of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Ethel Stone , No . ic ,
has a brother in the Boys' School . Her father has subscribed for 32-j - ) ears , is afflicted with spasmodic asthma and heart disease , and is a Life Governor of the Boys' School . We consider this a very strong case , and are g lad that the London Masonic Charity Association has taken it up as
their case No . 1 . The next is Agnes Deelly , No . 20 . Her father was initiated in 1870 , and died in 1873 . The next is Florence E . M . Palmer , No . 22 . Her father was initiated in 1873 , and died in 1 S 76 , subscribing nntil death . She is one of five children dependent on the mother , and has a strong case and claim . Eva H . Hart , No . 23 ,
is the next . Her father was initiated in J 86 < 5 , subscribed 5 } years , and died in 18 ; 8 , being nearly seven years out of Masonry . Juliet S . H . Priestly , No . 25 , her father was initiated in 1869 , died in iS 75 > subsciibing to death . The next anel last London case is Emma Eliza Williams , N 0 . 29 . Her father was initiated in 186 9 , subscribed for 3 J years , and then became Treasurer . Dining
List Of Candidates For The Girls' School Election, October, 1878.
this time he qualified as Life Governor in the Boys' School . The London Masonic Charity Association taking this fact into consideration as well as his present affliction , wisely , in our opinion , make it their second case for October 1878 , though carefully noting Florence Palmer ' s
case , and other interesting cases on the London list . The provinces have 21 cases . Of these 3 cases are from W . Yorkshire ; Monmouthshire has 2 cases ; Yorkshire , ( Eastern Division ) , has i ; Bristol has 1 , Hants i , Essex 1 , Somersetshire r , Cambridgeshire 1 , Calcutta r , Durham 1 ,
Wiltshire J , Warwickshire 1 , Kent j , Glouceste rshire 1 , South Wales ( W . D . ) 1 , Lancashire ( W . ) 1 , Devonshire 1 , Cheshire 1 . Meta Bell Brasier , No . 1 , ( Kent ) , seems to have slronoclaims , as her father subscribed for 26 years , was a Prov . Grand Officer of Kent . She has lost
both her parents , and this is her last chance . Her father was a Life Governor of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . She has properly received large promises of support . May Eliza Mott , No . i 8 ~ ( S . Wales , W . D . ) Her father was initiated in 1838 , subscribed for 1 t
years , and died in 1874—2 jyears out of Masonry . This , we suppose , can be explained . Her father was a Life Governor of the Girls' School . Rosamond ¥ . A . Laybourne , No . 26 ( Monmouthshire . ) Her father subscribed 15 yearsinitiated in 1857 and died in , 1872—subscribed
till death . Ellen Mary Busher is the daughter of Bro . Busher , Past G . S . B . of England . He has been Steward to all the charities , Those who remember his former services to Masonry will take note of this case . Two of his children are being educated in our Institutions . This is a
West Lancashire case . Marian Selina Cooper , No . 2 ( from Bristol . ) Her father subscribed 10 J years , being initiated in 1856 , and dying in 1866 , but 10 years out of Masonry . So , again , Mabel Jane Simpson , No . 5 . Her father was initiated in 1859 , subscribed 10 } years , is still living ,
though out of Masonry since i 860 . We must always remember in these cases , absence from Masonry may proceed from inability to pay the lodge subscription , and that , therefore , as regards non-payment of dues it may be their" misfortune and not their fault . " Ihere is
also Edith Corall Williams , No . 28 , ( from Monmouthshire ) , whose father was initiated in 1864 , subscribed loj years until death . Of the remainder , West Yorkshire has three good cases , Nos . 7 , 10 , and 11 , all subscribing till death , the highest 8 . ! years , the lowest 71 , Gloucestershire
has a case . No . 17 , 7-J years subscription , until death ; Devonshire , No . 2 , 5 years ; Durham , No . 9 , 3 } years ; and Essex , No . 4 , 2 i years ; all subscribing until death . Calcutta has a case , No . 8 , of 52 years' subscription , but to years out of Masonry , which can probably be explained .
Cambridgeshire has a case , No . 6 , of 8 years subscription , and 3 years out of Masonry . Wiltshire has a case , No . ia , of 7 ] years' subscription , but 6 years out of Masonry ; and Cheshire has a case of 3 } years' subscription and
6 years out of Masonry . We have thus run through the list , and if by any chance we have made a little mistake or omission , we must ask our kindly readers to be good enough to point out our " errata . "
The West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution.
We alluded to the report of this successful Institution in our last Freemason , and are glad to call notice again to day . It is very satisfactory and very flourishing . We have never concealed our opinion , that these Institutions , good as they go , might yet be made more useful , and we
cannot see why they should not become subsidiary institutions , all preparatory for our great central educational institutions in the metropolis . 1 here would be no difficulty in having an uniform system of education and an uniform set of educational works . If when elected by the subscriber
as competing candidates , they are passed in by subsequentexamination by merit , we can conceive no more thorough or practical realization of the true object of onr Masonic Charities , the true end of education . In this way , perhaps , Bro . Clabon ' s idea as to Masonic scholarships mig ht be carried out for the benefit of the whole Craft .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TO OUR READERS . The FREEMASON is a Weekly Newspaper , price AQ . It is published every Friday morning , and contains the most important , interesting , and useful information relating to Freemasonry in every degree . Subscription , in eluding postage : United America , India , India , China , & c Kingdom , the Continent , Sec . Via Brindisi . Twelve Monties 10 s . 6 d . 12 s . oil . 17 s . 4 el . Six „ 5 s . , e » el . 6 s . 61 I . 8 s . 8 ( 1 . Three ,, 2 s . 8 d . 3 s . ejel . 4 s . 6 el . Subscriptions may be paid for in stumps , but Post Office Orders or Chcejucs are preferred , the former payable to GEOKGE KENNING , CHIEF OFFICE , LONDON , the latter crossed London Joint Stock Bank . Advertisements and 1 thtr business communications should be addressed to the Publisher . Communications on literary subjects and books for review are to be forwarded to the Editor . Anonymous correspondence will be wholly disregarded , and the return of rejected MSS . cannot be fiuaranteed . Further intormation will be supplied on application to the Publisher , 1198 , Fleet-street , London .
TO ADVERTISERS . The FREEMASON has a large circulation in all parts of the Globe , its advantages as an advertising medium can therefore scarcely be overrated . ADVERTISEMENTS to ensure insertion in current week ' s issue should reach the Office , 198 , Fleet-street , by 12 o ' clock on 'Wednesdays . 3 CAI . E OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Whole of back page £ 12 12 o Half , „ 6 10 o Inside pages ... ... ... ... 7 7 o Half of ditto 400 Quarter < ilto ... ... ... ... 2 10 o Whole column ... ... ... 2 10 o Half „ 1 10 o Quarter „ 100 Per inch 040 These prices are for single insertions . A liberal reduction is made for a series of 1 ej , 26 , and . 152 insertions . Furthtr particulars may be obtained of the Publisher , 198 , Fleet-street , London .
Answers To Corresponents.
Answers to Corresponents .
CORRESPONDENTS are respectfully requested to write their communications on one side of the paper only . Will W . M ., of Dudley , favour us with his name and addiess , in coi lidencc .
BOOKS , & c , RECEIVED . " La Chaine el'Union ; " " Bulletin du Grand Orient de France ; " "Young Folks Weekly Budget ( Monthly part );" 'Annual report of the Newspaper Press Fund ; " " Hull Packet ; " "Memfi Risorta ; " " Bolletino Officiale del Grande Oriente Nazionale Egiziano ; " "Night and Day ; " "Citizen ;"
" West London Express ; " " Broad Arrosv ; " " BauliiHte ;" " Corner Stone ; " "New York Dispatch ; " " Masonic Monthly ; " "New Yorker Bundcs Presse ; " " Canadian Crafisman ; " " Hebrew Leader ; " " Watchmaker and Jeweller ; " " European Mail ; " "Commission Agent ;" " Medical Examiner . "
Births, Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
BIRTHS . BIGOS . —On the 4 th in t ., the wife of Mr . T . Biggs , of London-street , Reading , of a daughter . GOULD . —On the 7 II 1 inst ., at 12 , Sussex-square , Brighton , the wife of Captain Charles OsLorne Gould , 18 th Hussars , of a son . HCVSHE . —On the 9 th inst ., at Bedwin-strcet , Salisbury , the wife of the Rev . Francis J . Hujshe , of a daughter .
DEATHS . BILTOK . —On the 3 rd inst ., drowr . ed in the collision on the Thames , between the Princess Alice and By well Castle , James Read Bilton , cf West Ham , Essex , aged 39 years ; his wife , Margaret , and their only surviving child , Beatrice . Newcastle papers please copy . GI , . I ) SMITII . — In Panama , suddenly , David Goldsmith ' of r , Colville-Kaniens , London , W . Foreign papers , 111
pleasccojy . ( Uy t-le ^ r . ) RAMSI HN . —On the yth inst , at Brighton , Emma Mary , the beloved wi c of Win . John Rami den , Esq ., aged 47 , R . I . I ' . RICA . —On the ( iih inst ., at Patk-stiiet , Kenuinglon-cross , William Richard Hei , Esq ., aged 72 , elieply legretled . Friends will please acecpt U / is iiiiiu >» lii > i > . WIIITH . —On the Kill inst ., at Wiliiloii , Si mcrset , II my White , Esq ., solicitor , aged 72 , e ' crply regretted .
In Memoriam.
Freemasonry has suffered greatly by the loss of two distinguished members of the Fraternity , if of somewhat divergent careers , yet equally valuable to the Craft , of which they were ever loyal and attached brethren . In Sir F . M . Williams , M . P ., the Province of Cornwall has lost a
" shining light , " one . who by practice as well as profession vindicated the usefulness and importance of Freemasonry . He will be a greatly '' missed man " by our Cornish brethren , as well as by English brethren , and his many services to Masonry will long be gratefully
remembered , while his kindly presence and warm heart will long linger in the warm sympathies of those who kne-w his worth , and who participated in his labours . In Bro . P . M . Cowling of the York Lodge , No . 236 , Freemasonry and his lodge lose the services of a most hard-working ,
zealous and devoted Mason . Always ready for Masonic duty , he was always kindly and conciliating , friendly and agreeable , and no one more strenuously sought to maintain the " good report " of Masonry in the old cathedral city , just as no one more zealously strove to uphold
the prestige of the York Lodge . Ihe writer of this brief and inadequate notice had occasion , like Bro . Hughan and others , to invoke his kindly assistance in opening out the valuable "Arcana " of the Yoik Lodge , and to no one does Masonic archaeology owe more in this country than to our
late Bro . Cowling , who showed on all such occasions a largeness of heart , and a breadth of Masonic goodwill , —greatly commended and to be recommended to all who are placed in a similar position . In him Freemasonry has lost a mest hard woiking member , the York Lodge a most zealous and distinguished officer .
List Of Candidates For The Girls' School Election, October, 1878.
There are 29 candidates and 19 vacancies to be filled up in October . Of these 8 are London and 21 are provincial casts . We must always , however . bear in mind , that such epithets are often
only relatively used ; and as candidates are sometimes partly provincial and partly metropolitan , so candidates , though provincial , are often made London cases practically , and vice veisii . Let us take the London cases—The fiist is Gertrude
Alice Jay , ( No . 1 ) , her sixth application . Her father was initiated in 186 9 , and died in Masonry in 18 / 1 . She has two sisters in the School , and has received 500 votes . The next is Ethel Frances Alison , No . 14 , her first application , ( we may remark that 24 of the 27 are first
applications . ) She has also two sisters in the Institution , and her father was initiated in 18 , 5 , 5 , subscribed 13 ! years , and died out of Masonry in 1877 , live years subsequently to his last subscription . He was a Life Governor of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Ethel Stone , No . ic ,
has a brother in the Boys' School . Her father has subscribed for 32-j - ) ears , is afflicted with spasmodic asthma and heart disease , and is a Life Governor of the Boys' School . We consider this a very strong case , and are g lad that the London Masonic Charity Association has taken it up as
their case No . 1 . The next is Agnes Deelly , No . 20 . Her father was initiated in 1870 , and died in 1873 . The next is Florence E . M . Palmer , No . 22 . Her father was initiated in 1873 , and died in 1 S 76 , subscribing nntil death . She is one of five children dependent on the mother , and has a strong case and claim . Eva H . Hart , No . 23 ,
is the next . Her father was initiated in J 86 < 5 , subscribed 5 } years , and died in 18 ; 8 , being nearly seven years out of Masonry . Juliet S . H . Priestly , No . 25 , her father was initiated in 1869 , died in iS 75 > subsciibing to death . The next anel last London case is Emma Eliza Williams , N 0 . 29 . Her father was initiated in 186 9 , subscribed for 3 J years , and then became Treasurer . Dining
List Of Candidates For The Girls' School Election, October, 1878.
this time he qualified as Life Governor in the Boys' School . The London Masonic Charity Association taking this fact into consideration as well as his present affliction , wisely , in our opinion , make it their second case for October 1878 , though carefully noting Florence Palmer ' s
case , and other interesting cases on the London list . The provinces have 21 cases . Of these 3 cases are from W . Yorkshire ; Monmouthshire has 2 cases ; Yorkshire , ( Eastern Division ) , has i ; Bristol has 1 , Hants i , Essex 1 , Somersetshire r , Cambridgeshire 1 , Calcutta r , Durham 1 ,
Wiltshire J , Warwickshire 1 , Kent j , Glouceste rshire 1 , South Wales ( W . D . ) 1 , Lancashire ( W . ) 1 , Devonshire 1 , Cheshire 1 . Meta Bell Brasier , No . 1 , ( Kent ) , seems to have slronoclaims , as her father subscribed for 26 years , was a Prov . Grand Officer of Kent . She has lost
both her parents , and this is her last chance . Her father was a Life Governor of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . She has properly received large promises of support . May Eliza Mott , No . i 8 ~ ( S . Wales , W . D . ) Her father was initiated in 1838 , subscribed for 1 t
years , and died in 1874—2 jyears out of Masonry . This , we suppose , can be explained . Her father was a Life Governor of the Girls' School . Rosamond ¥ . A . Laybourne , No . 26 ( Monmouthshire . ) Her father subscribed 15 yearsinitiated in 1857 and died in , 1872—subscribed
till death . Ellen Mary Busher is the daughter of Bro . Busher , Past G . S . B . of England . He has been Steward to all the charities , Those who remember his former services to Masonry will take note of this case . Two of his children are being educated in our Institutions . This is a
West Lancashire case . Marian Selina Cooper , No . 2 ( from Bristol . ) Her father subscribed 10 J years , being initiated in 1856 , and dying in 1866 , but 10 years out of Masonry . So , again , Mabel Jane Simpson , No . 5 . Her father was initiated in 1859 , subscribed 10 } years , is still living ,
though out of Masonry since i 860 . We must always remember in these cases , absence from Masonry may proceed from inability to pay the lodge subscription , and that , therefore , as regards non-payment of dues it may be their" misfortune and not their fault . " Ihere is
also Edith Corall Williams , No . 28 , ( from Monmouthshire ) , whose father was initiated in 1864 , subscribed loj years until death . Of the remainder , West Yorkshire has three good cases , Nos . 7 , 10 , and 11 , all subscribing till death , the highest 8 . ! years , the lowest 71 , Gloucestershire
has a case . No . 17 , 7-J years subscription , until death ; Devonshire , No . 2 , 5 years ; Durham , No . 9 , 3 } years ; and Essex , No . 4 , 2 i years ; all subscribing until death . Calcutta has a case , No . 8 , of 52 years' subscription , but to years out of Masonry , which can probably be explained .
Cambridgeshire has a case , No . 6 , of 8 years subscription , and 3 years out of Masonry . Wiltshire has a case , No . ia , of 7 ] years' subscription , but 6 years out of Masonry ; and Cheshire has a case of 3 } years' subscription and
6 years out of Masonry . We have thus run through the list , and if by any chance we have made a little mistake or omission , we must ask our kindly readers to be good enough to point out our " errata . "
The West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution.
We alluded to the report of this successful Institution in our last Freemason , and are glad to call notice again to day . It is very satisfactory and very flourishing . We have never concealed our opinion , that these Institutions , good as they go , might yet be made more useful , and we
cannot see why they should not become subsidiary institutions , all preparatory for our great central educational institutions in the metropolis . 1 here would be no difficulty in having an uniform system of education and an uniform set of educational works . If when elected by the subscriber
as competing candidates , they are passed in by subsequentexamination by merit , we can conceive no more thorough or practical realization of the true object of onr Masonic Charities , the true end of education . In this way , perhaps , Bro . Clabon ' s idea as to Masonic scholarships mig ht be carried out for the benefit of the whole Craft .