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would be his study to take care of the lodge funds and do everything for the well-being of the lodge . At the end of his year he hoped they would be able to show as good a balance as they did at the present time . Bro . J . D . Collier , P . M ., Secretary , thanked the W . M . for re-appointing him as Secretary , and assured the brethren that nothing should be wanting on his part to carry out
his duties to the satisfaction of the lodge . As one of the lodge , he believed they were bound to do everything they could to be worthy of the name they bore . He believed they would do all they could for the Charities , which was their intention from thefirst . Hewas quitesuretheywould endeavour to do so , and in their prosperity would never forget those in adversity .
The W . M . proposed a special toast in honour of Bro . Howard , who had journeyed from the Province of Dorset to be present at this meeting . Bro . Howard responded , and said he felt proud of his province in having achieved such success as had been won by the Montague Guest Lodge . Bro . Dean was an excellent specimen of a Dorsetshire Mason . The province
had many such good Masons . Bro . F . R . W . Hedges , S . W ., in responding for " The Officers , " said he would not at that late hour detain the brethren with any lengthened remarks , but he assured the W . M . that the officers felt very much indeed the way the brethren had drunk their health , and they appreciated in
all sincerity the hearty reception that had been accorded to them . Anything the officers were able to do to promote the interests of this lodge would be done . The Tyler ' s toast was then honoured , and concluded the proceedings . A beautiful selection of music was performed by Bros . Albert James , Robert de Lacy , and Herbert Schartau , under he direction of Bro . E . Moss , VV . M . 1929 .
CHICHESTER . —Lodge of Union ( No . 38 ) . — A very successful meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 5 th inst ., the W . M ., Bro . the Earl of March and Kinrara , M . P ., P . G . W ., was unavoidably absent , and the chair was filled by the l . P . M ., Bro . R . G . Raper , P . P . J . G . W . All the other officers were at their posts , and the brethren in attendance numbered between
thirty and forty , the Past Masters present including Bros , the Rev . H . M . Davey , P . P . G . C . ; G . Smith , P . P . G . D . ; G . Molesworth , P . P . G . D . ; G . Gatehouse , P . P . G . D . ; O . N . Wyatt , P . P . G . Supt . of W . ; J . St . Clair , P . P . J . G . W . ; J . M . Percival , and others . The chief business of the evening was the raising of three brethren to the Sublime Degree of M . M . The candidates were Bros , the Very Rev . E , R . Currie , Dean
of Battle ; the Rev . E . Meredith-Brown ; and T . Jarman . The working of the lodge was never seen to greater advantage . Bro . Raper fairly surpassed himself in the Master ' s chair ; and , indeed , all the officers displayed the greatest efficiency . At the close of the raising the brethren adjourned to partake of light refreshments , at the invitation of Bro . Kaper ; and , on the lodge being called to resume labour , the candidates were invested , and the ceremony carried to a conclusion .
NOTTINGHAM . —Newstead Lodge ( No . 47 ) . —This lodge resumed working after the summer vacation on Tuesday last . I he W . M ., Bro . Toplis , occupied the chair , supported by the following officers , viz .: Bros . G . Chapman , S . W . ; E . C . Patchitt , J . W . ; H . Vickers , S . D . ; A . J . Barber , J . D . ; and H . E . Wilson , I . G . There was a very good muster of the brethren of the lodge and also
several visitors . Amongst tne latter Deing oro . <_ ,. o . vvragg , P . M ., P . G . S . ; and other Present and Past Prov . Grand Officers . There being one candidate for initiation , the ceremony was most abl y and efficiently performed by the W . M . After the closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned to supper , which was well served in the banqueting-room of the Masonic Hall .
The cloth being drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured . Bro . Wragg , P . G . Sec , responding to the toast of " The Prov . G . M . and the Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge , " said he remarked that as a province they were highly favoured by the appointment of both the Prov . G . M . and the D . P . G . M ., they being brethren who were anxious for the welfare and prosperity of Masonry , and , therefore ,
had used the powers of their high and important office to the advantage of the lodges throughout the province . He also paid a well-earned tribute of praise to the efficiency of the whole of the Prov . Grand Officers . The toast of " The Visitors" was responded to by Bro . M . Vowles , P . M ., who , after acknowledging the courteous and hearty manner with which the visitors had been
received , said that he had much p leasure in offering his testimony to the very able manner in which the business of the lod ge was conducted . While unwilling to make invidious comparisons , he could not but remark that , speaking from along experience of Masonic working , the Newstead would bear favourable comparison with any other lodge lie had ever seen .
"The toasts of "The W . M ., " "The Officers of the Lod ge , " and "The Initiate" were duly honoured and responded to . Bro . A . R . Watson contributed largely to the enjoyment 01 the evening by giving some choice selections of instrumental music , the Tyler ' s toast bringing a most agreeable evening to a close .
SOUTH SHIELDS . —St . Hilda Lodge ( No . ^ 4 o ) .-On Monday night last the regular meeting of [ he above strong and nourishing lodge was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Fowler-street , when there was a numerous assemblage of brethren . The lodge was opened in due form by Bro . G . S . Shotton , W . M ., assisted to the following officers : Bros . Thos . Potter , P . M . ; [ . H . '" ompson , S . W . ; Thos . Binks , J . W . ; J . S . Wilson , f' ^ 'i Secretary ; Geo . Davison , S . D . ; Geo . Robson , J - ; I . Cnwlinir . I . G . : 1 . A . Hall . Actinir Or < ranist :
sndjohn Hunter , J . S . Among others present were Bros . - « ¦ Morton , P . M . ; Geo . Lawson , P . M . and P . P . G . P . ; J . Abbey , P . M . j John Stokoe , P . M . 4 S , and P . P . G . b . Y ' 5 Hugh Colder , W . M . 1119 ; Joseph Robert-on , {/ if . ; Thos . Coulson , P . M . and P . G . J . D ., & c ; J . T . ( " v "sorJ > l . P . M ., & c . ; John Heppell , Secretary 1970 ; % ?• Davidson , J . W . 1970 ; and others . » "e minutes of the previous meeting having been read
and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . John Marshall , which proving favourable , the candidate and Mr . Thos . Richardson Dowson , previously balloted for , were initiated . The ceremony was performed very effectively and impressively by the W . M ., Bro . Shotton . The working tools were explained to the newly-initiated brethren by Bro . Thomas Binks , J . W ., in a careful manner .
Bros . Lawrence Inkster , Henry Hinde , J . Henderson , and John 'Thos . Lee were raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . 's by Bro . J . T . Wilson , l . P . M . The W . M . announced that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham would be held on Tuesday , the 17 th inst ., at Darlington , when a good attendance was requested to support the Marquis of Londonderry , the P . G . M ., and his
officers . The Secretary , Bro . J . S . Wilson , P . M ., announced that the W . M . had donated from the funds of the lodge £ 2 to assist the widow of a deceased brother . There being no other business the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , over which Bro . J . T . Wilson presided . The usual Masonic toasts were
duly honoured . The I . P . M ., in proposing"The Newly-Raised Brethren , " referred to the fact that Bro . Henry Hinde , son of Bro . John Hinde , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Treasurer of the lodge , was about to leave his native town for Texas , there to embark in farming . He wished him every success and happiness in the new country .
Bro . Hinde , in returning thanks , said had he stayed in South Shields it was his intention to work himself up in Masonry ; and as soon as he got settled in America he would connect himself with the Freemasons there . He was quite proud of having been admitted among them , and he could assure them he would often think of his brethren of St . Hilda ' s .
A very pleasant evening was spent . MANCHESTER . —Affability Lodge ( No . 317 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge since July , was held on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street . The lodge was compelled to adjourn last July , nolens volens , consequent upon the Hall undergoing a thorough cleansing and beautifying ; and it is pleasing to
record that during the recess a grand transformation has taken place in the various rooms , especially in the lodgeroom , which now presents a marked contrast with its former appearance . The following members were present : Bros . H . Walmsley , W . M . ; W . Nicholl , l . P . M . ; R . Tomlins , S . W . ; J . Wilson , J . W . ; j . Smethurst , P . M . Treas . ; J . Dawson , P . M . Reg . ; VV . J . Cunliffe , S . D . ;
R . R . Lisenden ( Freemason ) , J . D . ; J . Bladon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , D . of C ; J . R . Lever , P . M . Org . ; J . Smith , I . G . ; J . Garside , and J . G . Elderton , Stewards ; J . Sly , Tyler ; D . Donbavand , P . M . ; Mark Vickers , P . M . ; Dr . Chas . Jas . Rix , Ezra Cohen , A . Wild , R . Bradshaw , and W . D . Nelson . Visitors : Bros . [ . M . Sinclair , W . M . 163 ; Matthew Owen , 163 ; D . Begis ,
i 7 gS ; and A . E . Jones , 5 S 1 . The lodge was opened in the usual manner , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Mr . Thomas Lees Holden , and being unanimous in his favour he was declared elected . The candidate however was unable to put in an appearance , the cause of which was exolained satisfactorily fiv his
proposer . There being no further business upon the circular , the lodge , after " Hearty good wishes " had been expressed by the visiting brethren , was closed in peace and harmony . The brethren afterwards sat down to supper , and a very agreeable evening was passed .
HORNCASTLE . —Olive Union Lodge ( No . 1304 ) . —On the 5 th inst ., the brethren of this lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John , when Bro . the Rev . J . A . Chalmers was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Henry Sharp , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . Lincolnshire , impressively performed the ceremony , and was afterwards highly complimented by the W . M . The newly-installed Master of
the lodge then appointed his officers as follows : Bros . S . Pinches , l . P . M . ; Joseph Walter , S . W . ; W . S . Clitherow , J . W . ; James Ward , P . M ., Treas . ; C . Dixon , Sec . ; W . Taylor Sharpe , S . D . ; S . Pollcxfen , J . D . ; J . C Osborne , P . P . G . O ., Org . ; A . W . Healey , I . G . ; and H . B . Farnsworth , Tyler .
After the closing of the lodge , the brethren adjourned to the Ball Hotel , where the annual banquet was provided in Bro . Caswell ' s usual sumptuous style . Bro . J . A . Chalmers occupied the chair , and Bro . Joseph Walter the vicechair . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the brethren spent a very harmonious
evening . NORTH WOOLWICH . —Henley Lodge ( No . 1473 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of the above pleasant little lodge took place at Bro . E . West ' s comfortable hostelry , the Three Crowns , on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst . 'The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., Bro . J . O . Elder , the following Past Masters and officers were present : Bros .
E . West , P . M ., P . P . G . P . Herts ; A . J . Manning , P . M ., P . G . J . D . Essex ; W . Vance , P . M . ; W . J . Burgess , I . P . M . ; V . J . Holloway , S . W . ; C . T . Lewis , J . W . ; J . Ives , P . M ., Sec ; A . Ives , S . D . ; C Jolly , J . D . ( Freemason ); J . C . Smith , Org . ; C . Guy , I . G . ; W . Page , P . M ., Tyler ; C . W . Smith , P . M . S 31 ; and T . Welch , 1327 . The business before the lodge consisted of the balloting
for of Mr . Charles Hifford , who was unanimously accepted and initiated . Bros . Jones and Canning were then passed , and Bros . Turner , Humphrey , Harding , and Elves raised in the several Degrees . The whole of the work was done by the W . M . in a most admirable manner , although he was suffering from recent severe indisposition . After the usual business the lodge was closed , and the
brethren adjourned to a nice little supper , such as Bro . West so well knows how to make acceptable , and , having supplied the inner man , returned to the lodge-room , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The toast of "The W . M . " was proposed by the ( . P . M ., who said that those who had had the privilege that
night of hearing Bro . Elder work the Three Degrees , would not readily forget the impression created ; notwithstanding the fact that he was suffering from a severe chest complaint . It was a great trial of fortitude , and while they rejoiced at having him with them that nighi , he trusted yet to see him restored to health so as to be able to take his place among the Past Masters , and continue to render the
assistance to the lodge which had so well distinguished him hitherto . The toast was received with applause , and in response , Bro . Elder thanked them all for their hearty support and good wishes , especially under the sickness that had
overtaken him . He thanked Bro . Manning for the services rendered the lodge at their last meeting , and could only wish that he had the health and strength to be as useful and zealous in the cause of Masonry as Bro . Manning "as . "The Initiate , " "Visitors , " "Past Masters" and I Officers , " were the concluding toasts .
MANCHESTER . —Trafford Lodge ( No . 1496 ) . —The installation meeting and Si . John ' s Festival of this lodge was held on Monday , the 9 th inst ., at the Alexandra Hotel , Moss-side . Lodge was opened shortly after three o ' clock by the W . M ., Bro . David Johnson . There were also present Bros . James McGrath , S . W . ; J . T . Bnerly , J . W . ; W . S . Watson , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Burslem , ? £ \ h H P" J ° nesPMDof C SDM'Kellen
V > -- > - -: . . , l . P . M . ; J . Atkinson , S . D . ; G . Johnson , J . D . ; B . Halli-™ "> '; £ •> ' w - Hi » . Tyler ; J . G . Gillman , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . West Lancashire ; W . Patterson , P . M . ; C . H . Matthews , R . Dronsfield , W . Biggs , T . Carter , F . Pugh , Org . ; J . Cowgill , C . W . Maybury , and others . Visitors : Bros . S . lttmas , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . East Lancashire ; VV . Potts . l . P . M . 4 G 7 ; R . White , S . W . 1052 ; J . Boult , P . M . 1055 ; J . Dawson , P . M . 317 : R . B . Carmichael . 1021 : I .
Wild , 277 ; G . Chadderton , I . G . S 54 ; T . Ward , I . G . ion ; j . D . Bamford , S 54 ; S . Siddall , 277 ; J . G . Elderton , 317 ; J . Seamor , 1219 ; and A . Kenworthy , 277 . The Auditors' report having been presented and passed , Bro . Gillman took the chair , and Bro . McGrath was then , with due rite and ceremony , inducted into the chair of K . S ., and then proceeded to invest his officers as follows : Bros . Brierley , S . W . ; G . Burslem , J . W . ; D . Johnson ,
l A \ , \! U b- Watson > P-M ., Treas . ; H . P . Jones , P . M ., Secretary ; S . D . M'Kellen , D . of C ; J . Atkins ° ' . - , P- ; G . Johnson , J . D . ; B . Halliwell , I . G . ; W . Hill , lyler ; VV . Biggs , Senior Steward ; G . Ainscotv , J . Blum , andC . W . Mavbury , Assistant Stewards . The address to the W . M . was delivered by the I . P . M ., that to the Wardens b y Bco . Jones , P . M ., and that to the brethren by Bro . VV . S . Watson , P . AI . The whole of the
wcrk was done in a most efficient and impressive manner , and well sustained the reputation which the Trafford Lodge has earned for its excellent working . A candidate having been proposed , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony . Later in the evening the brethren assembled at a banquet , the provision and serving of which reflected the highest credit upon the host , Bro . Wood . The W . M . presided .
Ihe toasts of "The Oueen and the Craft , " " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Master of England , " and The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , " having been honoured in true Masonic fashion , The W . M . proposed "The Earl of Lathom , P . G . M . of West Lancashire ; Col . the Right Hon . F . A . Stanley , M . P ., Deputy P . G . M . ; and the rest of the P . G . Officers , Present and Past , " coupled with the names of Bros . Titmas and Gillman .
Bro . Iitmas , P . P . G . D . C . East Lancashire , in responding , said that the Prov . Grand Lodge of which he was a Past Officer had ever done all in its power to promote the interests of Freemasonry , and especially the welfare of the Masonic Charities . He expressed the belief that the Provinces of East and West Lancashire were second to none for the way in which they supported the benevolent institutions of the Order .
Bro . Gillman , P . P . S . G . D . West Lancashire , also responded . He was , he said , greatly pleased to find that notwithstanding his long but unavoidable absence from the Trafford Lodge , of which he is " father , " he still occupied a warm place in the hearts of the brethren , to whom he should always be ready to render any Masonic services in his power . It must not be supposed that because provincial officers did not always attend lodge that they were neglectful of their duties . If thev were not nresent thpv \ VPI-P
generally engaged elsewhere upon Masonic business . Bro . Johnson , I . P . M ., then proposed "The Health of the Newly . Elected W . M . " An initiate in the lodge , his conduct , said Bro . Johnson , had on every occasion been of a character which deserved the approbation of the brethren . He hoped Bro . McGrath would have a most successful year of office , and if he found that he had more work than he could manage he ( Bro . Johnson ) , would be glad at any time to render his assistance .
The W . M . ( the toast having been honoured with much enthusiasm ) returned thanks . He said that when he looked round , and saw the Past Masters who had served before him , and when he took into consideration their abilities as compared with his own , he realised the responsibilities of his high office . He would only say , that he would do everything to maintain the name and reputation which the Trafford Lodge had borne for past
many years , and he hoped , when his term of office expired that the lodge would be an even more prosperous lodge than it was f'P , res ? nt- , il 9 VV-M- then , in felicitous terms , proposed ' . lhe Health of the l . P . M . Bro . Johnson , and presented him in the name of the brethren with a handsome Past Master s jewel , bearing an inscription commemorating the fact that he was the first initiate in the lodge who had attained to its chair .
1 he toast was honoured in a manner which evinced the high esteem m which the l . P . M . is held by the brethren , and Bro . Johnson responded in a few well-chosen sentences , Bro . Watson , P . M ., gave "The Health of the Installing Master , Bro . Gillman , " who was , he said , one of the lounders of that lodge , and had supported it in more ways than one . He thought it was only due to Bro . Gillman to say that the lodge would not have attained the position it now occupied but for his efforts . In that connection he might be allowed to mention another Past Master ivhr . h * J
sent a telegram regretting his inability to be present , Bro . U B . Harding , P . P . S . G . D ., to whom the lodge was also much indebted . Bro . Gillman , in responding , said it was a great pleasure to him to find the lodge holding the position it did . It already had two Provincial Officers amongst its members , and he thought he should not be very far wrong if he expressed the belief that before long they would have a
} , „ , Y , ' ? lt , n S Brethren" having been toasted , Bro . M'KELLEN , P . M ., proposed " The Masonic Charities . He said that although they all felt that they had
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
would be his study to take care of the lodge funds and do everything for the well-being of the lodge . At the end of his year he hoped they would be able to show as good a balance as they did at the present time . Bro . J . D . Collier , P . M ., Secretary , thanked the W . M . for re-appointing him as Secretary , and assured the brethren that nothing should be wanting on his part to carry out
his duties to the satisfaction of the lodge . As one of the lodge , he believed they were bound to do everything they could to be worthy of the name they bore . He believed they would do all they could for the Charities , which was their intention from thefirst . Hewas quitesuretheywould endeavour to do so , and in their prosperity would never forget those in adversity .
The W . M . proposed a special toast in honour of Bro . Howard , who had journeyed from the Province of Dorset to be present at this meeting . Bro . Howard responded , and said he felt proud of his province in having achieved such success as had been won by the Montague Guest Lodge . Bro . Dean was an excellent specimen of a Dorsetshire Mason . The province
had many such good Masons . Bro . F . R . W . Hedges , S . W ., in responding for " The Officers , " said he would not at that late hour detain the brethren with any lengthened remarks , but he assured the W . M . that the officers felt very much indeed the way the brethren had drunk their health , and they appreciated in
all sincerity the hearty reception that had been accorded to them . Anything the officers were able to do to promote the interests of this lodge would be done . The Tyler ' s toast was then honoured , and concluded the proceedings . A beautiful selection of music was performed by Bros . Albert James , Robert de Lacy , and Herbert Schartau , under he direction of Bro . E . Moss , VV . M . 1929 .
CHICHESTER . —Lodge of Union ( No . 38 ) . — A very successful meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 5 th inst ., the W . M ., Bro . the Earl of March and Kinrara , M . P ., P . G . W ., was unavoidably absent , and the chair was filled by the l . P . M ., Bro . R . G . Raper , P . P . J . G . W . All the other officers were at their posts , and the brethren in attendance numbered between
thirty and forty , the Past Masters present including Bros , the Rev . H . M . Davey , P . P . G . C . ; G . Smith , P . P . G . D . ; G . Molesworth , P . P . G . D . ; G . Gatehouse , P . P . G . D . ; O . N . Wyatt , P . P . G . Supt . of W . ; J . St . Clair , P . P . J . G . W . ; J . M . Percival , and others . The chief business of the evening was the raising of three brethren to the Sublime Degree of M . M . The candidates were Bros , the Very Rev . E , R . Currie , Dean
of Battle ; the Rev . E . Meredith-Brown ; and T . Jarman . The working of the lodge was never seen to greater advantage . Bro . Raper fairly surpassed himself in the Master ' s chair ; and , indeed , all the officers displayed the greatest efficiency . At the close of the raising the brethren adjourned to partake of light refreshments , at the invitation of Bro . Kaper ; and , on the lodge being called to resume labour , the candidates were invested , and the ceremony carried to a conclusion .
NOTTINGHAM . —Newstead Lodge ( No . 47 ) . —This lodge resumed working after the summer vacation on Tuesday last . I he W . M ., Bro . Toplis , occupied the chair , supported by the following officers , viz .: Bros . G . Chapman , S . W . ; E . C . Patchitt , J . W . ; H . Vickers , S . D . ; A . J . Barber , J . D . ; and H . E . Wilson , I . G . There was a very good muster of the brethren of the lodge and also
several visitors . Amongst tne latter Deing oro . <_ ,. o . vvragg , P . M ., P . G . S . ; and other Present and Past Prov . Grand Officers . There being one candidate for initiation , the ceremony was most abl y and efficiently performed by the W . M . After the closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned to supper , which was well served in the banqueting-room of the Masonic Hall .
The cloth being drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured . Bro . Wragg , P . G . Sec , responding to the toast of " The Prov . G . M . and the Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge , " said he remarked that as a province they were highly favoured by the appointment of both the Prov . G . M . and the D . P . G . M ., they being brethren who were anxious for the welfare and prosperity of Masonry , and , therefore ,
had used the powers of their high and important office to the advantage of the lodges throughout the province . He also paid a well-earned tribute of praise to the efficiency of the whole of the Prov . Grand Officers . The toast of " The Visitors" was responded to by Bro . M . Vowles , P . M ., who , after acknowledging the courteous and hearty manner with which the visitors had been
received , said that he had much p leasure in offering his testimony to the very able manner in which the business of the lod ge was conducted . While unwilling to make invidious comparisons , he could not but remark that , speaking from along experience of Masonic working , the Newstead would bear favourable comparison with any other lodge lie had ever seen .
"The toasts of "The W . M ., " "The Officers of the Lod ge , " and "The Initiate" were duly honoured and responded to . Bro . A . R . Watson contributed largely to the enjoyment 01 the evening by giving some choice selections of instrumental music , the Tyler ' s toast bringing a most agreeable evening to a close .
SOUTH SHIELDS . —St . Hilda Lodge ( No . ^ 4 o ) .-On Monday night last the regular meeting of [ he above strong and nourishing lodge was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Fowler-street , when there was a numerous assemblage of brethren . The lodge was opened in due form by Bro . G . S . Shotton , W . M ., assisted to the following officers : Bros . Thos . Potter , P . M . ; [ . H . '" ompson , S . W . ; Thos . Binks , J . W . ; J . S . Wilson , f' ^ 'i Secretary ; Geo . Davison , S . D . ; Geo . Robson , J - ; I . Cnwlinir . I . G . : 1 . A . Hall . Actinir Or < ranist :
sndjohn Hunter , J . S . Among others present were Bros . - « ¦ Morton , P . M . ; Geo . Lawson , P . M . and P . P . G . P . ; J . Abbey , P . M . j John Stokoe , P . M . 4 S , and P . P . G . b . Y ' 5 Hugh Colder , W . M . 1119 ; Joseph Robert-on , {/ if . ; Thos . Coulson , P . M . and P . G . J . D ., & c ; J . T . ( " v "sorJ > l . P . M ., & c . ; John Heppell , Secretary 1970 ; % ?• Davidson , J . W . 1970 ; and others . » "e minutes of the previous meeting having been read
and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . John Marshall , which proving favourable , the candidate and Mr . Thos . Richardson Dowson , previously balloted for , were initiated . The ceremony was performed very effectively and impressively by the W . M ., Bro . Shotton . The working tools were explained to the newly-initiated brethren by Bro . Thomas Binks , J . W ., in a careful manner .
Bros . Lawrence Inkster , Henry Hinde , J . Henderson , and John 'Thos . Lee were raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . 's by Bro . J . T . Wilson , l . P . M . The W . M . announced that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham would be held on Tuesday , the 17 th inst ., at Darlington , when a good attendance was requested to support the Marquis of Londonderry , the P . G . M ., and his
officers . The Secretary , Bro . J . S . Wilson , P . M ., announced that the W . M . had donated from the funds of the lodge £ 2 to assist the widow of a deceased brother . There being no other business the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , over which Bro . J . T . Wilson presided . The usual Masonic toasts were
duly honoured . The I . P . M ., in proposing"The Newly-Raised Brethren , " referred to the fact that Bro . Henry Hinde , son of Bro . John Hinde , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Treasurer of the lodge , was about to leave his native town for Texas , there to embark in farming . He wished him every success and happiness in the new country .
Bro . Hinde , in returning thanks , said had he stayed in South Shields it was his intention to work himself up in Masonry ; and as soon as he got settled in America he would connect himself with the Freemasons there . He was quite proud of having been admitted among them , and he could assure them he would often think of his brethren of St . Hilda ' s .
A very pleasant evening was spent . MANCHESTER . —Affability Lodge ( No . 317 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge since July , was held on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street . The lodge was compelled to adjourn last July , nolens volens , consequent upon the Hall undergoing a thorough cleansing and beautifying ; and it is pleasing to
record that during the recess a grand transformation has taken place in the various rooms , especially in the lodgeroom , which now presents a marked contrast with its former appearance . The following members were present : Bros . H . Walmsley , W . M . ; W . Nicholl , l . P . M . ; R . Tomlins , S . W . ; J . Wilson , J . W . ; j . Smethurst , P . M . Treas . ; J . Dawson , P . M . Reg . ; VV . J . Cunliffe , S . D . ;
R . R . Lisenden ( Freemason ) , J . D . ; J . Bladon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , D . of C ; J . R . Lever , P . M . Org . ; J . Smith , I . G . ; J . Garside , and J . G . Elderton , Stewards ; J . Sly , Tyler ; D . Donbavand , P . M . ; Mark Vickers , P . M . ; Dr . Chas . Jas . Rix , Ezra Cohen , A . Wild , R . Bradshaw , and W . D . Nelson . Visitors : Bros . [ . M . Sinclair , W . M . 163 ; Matthew Owen , 163 ; D . Begis ,
i 7 gS ; and A . E . Jones , 5 S 1 . The lodge was opened in the usual manner , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Mr . Thomas Lees Holden , and being unanimous in his favour he was declared elected . The candidate however was unable to put in an appearance , the cause of which was exolained satisfactorily fiv his
proposer . There being no further business upon the circular , the lodge , after " Hearty good wishes " had been expressed by the visiting brethren , was closed in peace and harmony . The brethren afterwards sat down to supper , and a very agreeable evening was passed .
HORNCASTLE . —Olive Union Lodge ( No . 1304 ) . —On the 5 th inst ., the brethren of this lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John , when Bro . the Rev . J . A . Chalmers was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Henry Sharp , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . Lincolnshire , impressively performed the ceremony , and was afterwards highly complimented by the W . M . The newly-installed Master of
the lodge then appointed his officers as follows : Bros . S . Pinches , l . P . M . ; Joseph Walter , S . W . ; W . S . Clitherow , J . W . ; James Ward , P . M ., Treas . ; C . Dixon , Sec . ; W . Taylor Sharpe , S . D . ; S . Pollcxfen , J . D . ; J . C Osborne , P . P . G . O ., Org . ; A . W . Healey , I . G . ; and H . B . Farnsworth , Tyler .
After the closing of the lodge , the brethren adjourned to the Ball Hotel , where the annual banquet was provided in Bro . Caswell ' s usual sumptuous style . Bro . J . A . Chalmers occupied the chair , and Bro . Joseph Walter the vicechair . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the brethren spent a very harmonious
evening . NORTH WOOLWICH . —Henley Lodge ( No . 1473 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of the above pleasant little lodge took place at Bro . E . West ' s comfortable hostelry , the Three Crowns , on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst . 'The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., Bro . J . O . Elder , the following Past Masters and officers were present : Bros .
E . West , P . M ., P . P . G . P . Herts ; A . J . Manning , P . M ., P . G . J . D . Essex ; W . Vance , P . M . ; W . J . Burgess , I . P . M . ; V . J . Holloway , S . W . ; C . T . Lewis , J . W . ; J . Ives , P . M ., Sec ; A . Ives , S . D . ; C Jolly , J . D . ( Freemason ); J . C . Smith , Org . ; C . Guy , I . G . ; W . Page , P . M ., Tyler ; C . W . Smith , P . M . S 31 ; and T . Welch , 1327 . The business before the lodge consisted of the balloting
for of Mr . Charles Hifford , who was unanimously accepted and initiated . Bros . Jones and Canning were then passed , and Bros . Turner , Humphrey , Harding , and Elves raised in the several Degrees . The whole of the work was done by the W . M . in a most admirable manner , although he was suffering from recent severe indisposition . After the usual business the lodge was closed , and the
brethren adjourned to a nice little supper , such as Bro . West so well knows how to make acceptable , and , having supplied the inner man , returned to the lodge-room , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The toast of "The W . M . " was proposed by the ( . P . M ., who said that those who had had the privilege that
night of hearing Bro . Elder work the Three Degrees , would not readily forget the impression created ; notwithstanding the fact that he was suffering from a severe chest complaint . It was a great trial of fortitude , and while they rejoiced at having him with them that nighi , he trusted yet to see him restored to health so as to be able to take his place among the Past Masters , and continue to render the
assistance to the lodge which had so well distinguished him hitherto . The toast was received with applause , and in response , Bro . Elder thanked them all for their hearty support and good wishes , especially under the sickness that had
overtaken him . He thanked Bro . Manning for the services rendered the lodge at their last meeting , and could only wish that he had the health and strength to be as useful and zealous in the cause of Masonry as Bro . Manning "as . "The Initiate , " "Visitors , " "Past Masters" and I Officers , " were the concluding toasts .
MANCHESTER . —Trafford Lodge ( No . 1496 ) . —The installation meeting and Si . John ' s Festival of this lodge was held on Monday , the 9 th inst ., at the Alexandra Hotel , Moss-side . Lodge was opened shortly after three o ' clock by the W . M ., Bro . David Johnson . There were also present Bros . James McGrath , S . W . ; J . T . Bnerly , J . W . ; W . S . Watson , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Burslem , ? £ \ h H P" J ° nesPMDof C SDM'Kellen
V > -- > - -: . . , l . P . M . ; J . Atkinson , S . D . ; G . Johnson , J . D . ; B . Halli-™ "> '; £ •> ' w - Hi » . Tyler ; J . G . Gillman , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . West Lancashire ; W . Patterson , P . M . ; C . H . Matthews , R . Dronsfield , W . Biggs , T . Carter , F . Pugh , Org . ; J . Cowgill , C . W . Maybury , and others . Visitors : Bros . S . lttmas , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . East Lancashire ; VV . Potts . l . P . M . 4 G 7 ; R . White , S . W . 1052 ; J . Boult , P . M . 1055 ; J . Dawson , P . M . 317 : R . B . Carmichael . 1021 : I .
Wild , 277 ; G . Chadderton , I . G . S 54 ; T . Ward , I . G . ion ; j . D . Bamford , S 54 ; S . Siddall , 277 ; J . G . Elderton , 317 ; J . Seamor , 1219 ; and A . Kenworthy , 277 . The Auditors' report having been presented and passed , Bro . Gillman took the chair , and Bro . McGrath was then , with due rite and ceremony , inducted into the chair of K . S ., and then proceeded to invest his officers as follows : Bros . Brierley , S . W . ; G . Burslem , J . W . ; D . Johnson ,
l A \ , \! U b- Watson > P-M ., Treas . ; H . P . Jones , P . M ., Secretary ; S . D . M'Kellen , D . of C ; J . Atkins ° ' . - , P- ; G . Johnson , J . D . ; B . Halliwell , I . G . ; W . Hill , lyler ; VV . Biggs , Senior Steward ; G . Ainscotv , J . Blum , andC . W . Mavbury , Assistant Stewards . The address to the W . M . was delivered by the I . P . M ., that to the Wardens b y Bco . Jones , P . M ., and that to the brethren by Bro . VV . S . Watson , P . AI . The whole of the
wcrk was done in a most efficient and impressive manner , and well sustained the reputation which the Trafford Lodge has earned for its excellent working . A candidate having been proposed , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony . Later in the evening the brethren assembled at a banquet , the provision and serving of which reflected the highest credit upon the host , Bro . Wood . The W . M . presided .
Ihe toasts of "The Oueen and the Craft , " " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Master of England , " and The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , " having been honoured in true Masonic fashion , The W . M . proposed "The Earl of Lathom , P . G . M . of West Lancashire ; Col . the Right Hon . F . A . Stanley , M . P ., Deputy P . G . M . ; and the rest of the P . G . Officers , Present and Past , " coupled with the names of Bros . Titmas and Gillman .
Bro . Iitmas , P . P . G . D . C . East Lancashire , in responding , said that the Prov . Grand Lodge of which he was a Past Officer had ever done all in its power to promote the interests of Freemasonry , and especially the welfare of the Masonic Charities . He expressed the belief that the Provinces of East and West Lancashire were second to none for the way in which they supported the benevolent institutions of the Order .
Bro . Gillman , P . P . S . G . D . West Lancashire , also responded . He was , he said , greatly pleased to find that notwithstanding his long but unavoidable absence from the Trafford Lodge , of which he is " father , " he still occupied a warm place in the hearts of the brethren , to whom he should always be ready to render any Masonic services in his power . It must not be supposed that because provincial officers did not always attend lodge that they were neglectful of their duties . If thev were not nresent thpv \ VPI-P
generally engaged elsewhere upon Masonic business . Bro . Johnson , I . P . M ., then proposed "The Health of the Newly . Elected W . M . " An initiate in the lodge , his conduct , said Bro . Johnson , had on every occasion been of a character which deserved the approbation of the brethren . He hoped Bro . McGrath would have a most successful year of office , and if he found that he had more work than he could manage he ( Bro . Johnson ) , would be glad at any time to render his assistance .
The W . M . ( the toast having been honoured with much enthusiasm ) returned thanks . He said that when he looked round , and saw the Past Masters who had served before him , and when he took into consideration their abilities as compared with his own , he realised the responsibilities of his high office . He would only say , that he would do everything to maintain the name and reputation which the Trafford Lodge had borne for past
many years , and he hoped , when his term of office expired that the lodge would be an even more prosperous lodge than it was f'P , res ? nt- , il 9 VV-M- then , in felicitous terms , proposed ' . lhe Health of the l . P . M . Bro . Johnson , and presented him in the name of the brethren with a handsome Past Master s jewel , bearing an inscription commemorating the fact that he was the first initiate in the lodge who had attained to its chair .
1 he toast was honoured in a manner which evinced the high esteem m which the l . P . M . is held by the brethren , and Bro . Johnson responded in a few well-chosen sentences , Bro . Watson , P . M ., gave "The Health of the Installing Master , Bro . Gillman , " who was , he said , one of the lounders of that lodge , and had supported it in more ways than one . He thought it was only due to Bro . Gillman to say that the lodge would not have attained the position it now occupied but for his efforts . In that connection he might be allowed to mention another Past Master ivhr . h * J
sent a telegram regretting his inability to be present , Bro . U B . Harding , P . P . S . G . D ., to whom the lodge was also much indebted . Bro . Gillman , in responding , said it was a great pleasure to him to find the lodge holding the position it did . It already had two Provincial Officers amongst its members , and he thought he should not be very far wrong if he expressed the belief that before long they would have a
} , „ , Y , ' ? lt , n S Brethren" having been toasted , Bro . M'KELLEN , P . M ., proposed " The Masonic Charities . He said that although they all felt that they had