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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
"The Health of the W . M . " was given by Bro . George Everett , his utterances , as usual , being marked by originality and humour . The W . M . briefly thanked the proposer of the toast for the flattering manner in which he had mentioned his poor services to the lodge . He did not pose as an after-dinner speaker ; it was not his forte to possess a splendid flow of
language such as they had heard that night from the lips of Bro . Eve . However , he would continue to do his best , and , with the assistance of the Past Masters and officers of the lodge , he believed that his year of office would be not altogether an uneventful one . Bro . G . Gardner , among others , responded on behalf of " The Visitors . " In the course of his remarks he
congratulated the lodge upon its efficient working and great financial prosperity . He was particularly interested in the lodge , because it contained so many members whom it was his pride to call personal friends . Bro . R . La Feuillade replied on behalf of " The Past Masters " in a neat speech . In giving " The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary , " the VV . M . said that No . 1381 owed a great debt of gratitude
to those worthy brethren , particularly to Bro . George Everett , by whose exertions the lodge had attained , as one of the visitors pointed out , a most prosperous position . Bros . Everett and Stuart having responded , the toast of " The Officers , " coupled with the names of Bros . Dennis and Lundie , terminated the proceedings . During the evening some beautiful selections of harmony were given by members and guests .
Royal Kensington Lodge ( No . 1627 ) . — A regular meeting of this lodge was held at Freemasons ' Hall , Great Oueen-street , on Friday , the 6 th inst ., when Bro . H . T . Pitt was installed as the W . M . for the ensuing year . The members present were Bros . H . G . Hale , VV . M . ; H . T . Pitt , S . W . ; VV . Bellamy , l . W . ; J . B . Stevens , P . M ., Treas .: H . P . Hay , P . M ., Sec ; E .
Daoust , S . D . ; E . E . Pouard , J . D . ; J . Broughton , I . G . ; Percy Leith , P . G . D . ; C . Took , P . M . ; A . A . Rumsey , P . M . ; E . Delacoste , P . M . ; and W . Hudson , P . M . Visitors : Bros . J . L . Mather , P . A . G . D . C . ; J . J . Thomas , P . M . 753 , 2150 ; W . H . Wills , J . D . 753 i F . Haine , 193 ; W . Taylor , 133 ; VV . J . Forscutt , P . M . 144 ; A . Laurence , P . P . G . D . Surrey ; J . Gordon Langton , P . M . 9 6 ; E . Caxton , P . M . 63 ; A . Sly , 147 S ; A . Hudson , P . M . 1627
H . D . Willoughby , P . M . 73 , G . Stwd . ; J . Curr , 55 ; G . Ridout , S . D . 12 S 7 ; T . Covill , P . M . 1733 ; D . J . Luckhurst , 2021 ; A . Romano , 1351 ; and VV . VV . Lee , S . W . 23 S 1 . The lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed , after which the report of the Audit Committee was received and adopted . Ballot was taken for several gentlemen as
candidates for initiation , and Mr . Fergus Lamb being in attendance , was duly initiated . Bros . O . Heinemann , 1791 ; C . H . Bull , 1791 ; F . W . Goswin , 1 G 4 ; and I . Ouincey , 166 S , were unanimously elected joining members . Bro . Stevens , P . M ., Treas ., assumed the chair , and installed Bro . H . T . Pitt as VV . M . The following officers were invested : Bros . H . G . Hale , l . P . M . ; VV . Bellamy , S . W . ;
E . Daoust , J . W . ; J . B . Stevens , P . M ., Treas . ; H . P . Hay , P . M ., Sec ; E . E . Pouard , S . D . ; J . Broughton , J . D . ; C F . Bennewitz , I . G . ; and E . Delacoste , P . M ., D . C . A handsome Past Master's jewel was presented to Bro . Hale , I . P . M ., and was duly acknowledged , and the lodge was formally closed . After banquet the customary toasts received hearty
recognition . Bro . Percy Leith , P . G . D ., responded for "The Grand Officers , " and having returned thanks , said he hoped the brethren would give the Grand Officers credit for performing their duties to the best of their ability . It was a pleasure on all occasions to have the toast received with such enthusiasm , and the Grand Officers appreciated - the
compliment . Bro . H . G . Hale , I . P . M ., then gave "The Worshipful Master , " and said the toast was always received with enthusiasm . He was sure their Worshipful Master was a man of sterling business capabilities , who would do his best to further the interest of the lodge . He knew they could rely upon Bro . Pitt , W . M ., to follow in the steps of those
who had gone before , who had done their work well . It gave him pleasure to propose the Worshipful Master ' s health , and he hoped Bro . Pitt would be spared for many years to study the welfare of the lodge which he had so much at heart . Bro . H . T . Pitt , W . M ., thanked the I . P . M . for the cordial manner in which his health had been proposed and
received , and said he hoped that at the end of his year he should be received in the same hearty manner as now . The Worshipful Master next proposed " The Installing Master , " and remarked that there was no more worthy or more appreciated brother than Bro . Stevens , P . M ., Treas . 'I hat brother was an especial favourite in the lodge and wherever he went .
Bro . J . B . Stevens , P . M ., Ireas ., returned sincere and hearty thanks for the kind reception given his name . It was now about 16 years since he was initiated in this lodge , and that day was the anniversary of the day when the principles of Freemasonry first made such an impression on him . He considered the installation ceremony the very essence of Freemasonry , and he recommended it to all who aspired to
he workers of the ritual . In the capacity of Treasurer , the W . M . Could rest assured of his earnest support during the coming > ear , and he would continue to do his best for the lodge as long as the Great Architect spared him . "The Initiate" having been coidially given and received , the W . M . submitted the toast of "The I . P . M . and Past Masters . "
Bro . H . G . Hale , l . P . M ., said he hoped the Past Masters had done their duty in the past , and he felt sure that those who were following on were equally expert and would devote their attention and ability to the lodge . Bro . T . Covill , P . M . 1733 , ieplying for " The Visitors , " thanked the VV . M . for the cordial reception given them , and said he was personally indebted to the VV . M . for his invitation . He was pleased to be present to see the work ,
and from what he knew of the VV . M . he was sure that during the coining year that brother would endeavour to do as well as his predecessors . "The Masonic Charities" and "The Officers" were given , and the Tyler ' s toast terminated the proceedings . An excellent programme of music was carried out , under the direction of Bro . Hy . Prenton , assisted by Miss Jessie Hotine , Miss Hamilton Smith , Miss Maud Prenton , Mr . J . B . liardwickc , and Bro , Roland Henry .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Trinity College Lodge ( No . 1765 ) . —The installation meeting- of this lodge was held at 13 , Mandevilleplace , VV ., on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . T . E . Biddlecombe , W . M ., supp > rted by Bros . E . Burritt Lane , I . P . M . ; F . VV . Plant Martin , P . M . ; Aubrey F . Howard , P . M . and D . C ; J . B . Sargeant , S . W . and W . M . elect ; C J . Ozanne , J . W . ; J . A . Hammond ,
Treas . ; S . J . Wilford , S . D . ; J . T . Hutchinson , J . D . ; VV . C . Hutchinson , I . G . ; L . J . Van der Heyden , Stwd . ; and G . Harrison , Tyler . The members present were Bros . H . V . Geary , J . Bennett , F . Robinson , Scott Hatley , Sinclair Dunn , E . C M . Fischel , H . Robertson , B . S . Reed , R . Sladdin , J . S . Eidmans , VV . L . Cotton , C . J . Comerford , A . Carnall , and VV . S . Holder . Visitors : Bros . J . A .
Norton , P . M . 370 ; R . H . Harland , P . M . 1716 ; C . Wakefield , P . M . and Treasurer 1259 ; F . Swinford , 2272 ; Karl Krifert , 1319 ; J . D . Hartley , 19 S 6 ; A . W . Lane , W . M . 1 O 7 ; VV . J . Rundell , 1716 ; C . VV . Dixon , 1366 ; J . E . Hopgood , late 1765 ; F . A . Warner , C 57 ; and A . R . Bishop , 1872 . The lodge being opened , the minutes were read and
confirmed , and the Auditors' report was then presented by Bros . Geary , F . Robinson , and Bennett , and read by Bro . Geary , and on its being put to the brethren it was unanimously adopted by them . Bros . Scott Hatley and F . Robinson were then raised , and Bros . R . Sladdin and B . S . Retd were passed . Bro . J . S . Eidmans was balloted forasa joining member , and was unanimously elected . Messrs . C . 1 .
Comerford , VV . H . Wells , and W . Lynch Cotton were then balloted for as candidates for initiation , and being unanimous , Messrs . Comerford and Cotton were initiated , Mr . Wells being absent . The chief business of the evening then took place . A Board of Installed Masters was formed , and the Installing Officer , Bro . J . A . Hammond , installed Bro . Sergeant into the chair of K . S ., and appointed
his officers as follows : Bros . C . J . Ozanne , S . W . ; S . J . Wilford , J . W . ; | . A . Hammond , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Mills , Sec . ; j . T . Hutchinson , S . D . ; VV . C . Hutchinson , J . D . ; L . J . Van der Heyden , I . G . ; F . W . Rant Martin , D . C ; A . Carnall , Org . ; E . C . M . Fischel and Sinclair Dunn , Stewards ; and U . Harrison , Tyler . The Installing Officer then addressed the W . M ., Wardens , and brethren .
Bro . Hammond , although well known for his working of the installation ceremony , on the present occasion seemed to eclipse all his past efforts in the impressiveness of the addresses and the precise manner in which all parts of the ceremony were performed . Among the items of business that followed £ 20 was voted to a distressed brother , and several candidates were proposed for initiation and joining .
lhe lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been proposed and honoured , the toast of "The W . M . " was given by Bro . Biddlecombe , who expressed the views of all present when he said that the chair could not be filled more worthily . Bro . Sargeant briefly responded .
The hour being advanced , the other toasts and replies were as short as possible to allow time for the performance of the admirable musical programme provided and conducted by Bro . Sinclair Dunn . The proceedings were terminated by the Tyler's toast . The following entertained the company during the evening : Madame Worrell , Miss busetta Fenn , Bro . Sinclair Dunn and Bro . Frank Swinford .
Tivoli Lodge ( No . 2150 ) . —The installation meeting of this lod ge was held at the Tivoli Restaurant , Strand , on Tuesday , the 3 rd instant . There was a good attendance , and amongst the members were Bros . J . J . Thomas , W . M . ; W . J . Mason , S . W . ; H . R . Schreiber , J . W . ; J . T . Lacey , Treas . ; H . W . Davie , Sec . ; M . S . McDonnell , P . M . ; G . W . Bolton , P . M . ; I . Stephens ,
P . M . ; W . T . Farthing , P . M . ; E . H . Brown , P . M . ; and many others . Visitors : Bros . Eugene Monteuuis , P . G . S . B . ; W . J . Stratton , l . P . M . 753 J G . Davis , P . M . 167 ; G . Gardner , 1642 ; H . Holmes , P . P . G . D . Herts ; W . R . Hatton , 2246 ; G . Inglish , 901 ; F . L . Chandler , P . P . G . P . Middx . ; Julius Jonas , 239 S ; G . J . Chretien , J . W . 132 S ; T . G . Dacombe , S . W . ' 359 ; VV . H . Dipstale ,
VV . M . 55 ; E . T . Ginder , 1563 ; J . Hughes , P . P . G . D . C . Surrey ; C . T . Johnson , 170 G ; E . S . White , 902 , G . Guterbock , P . M . 173 ; D . Hoxley , P . M . 173 ; G . T . Becker , P . M , 1139 ; F . Schmitz , 907 ; W . R . Flack , 1656 ; H . F . Williams , S . W . S 34 ; C Grassi , P . M . 1559 ; L . Solomon , P . M . 1732 ; B . Kauffmann , P . M . 1732 ; E . VV . Ellis , VV . M . 1314 ; A . MooreW . M . 173 ; A . Briscoe ,
, [ . P . M . 1927 ; G . Wood , S . W . 160 S ; E . VV . Allen , P . M . 173 ; E . Rogers , P . G . Stwd . ; H . J . Thomas , 753 ; and \ M . W . Lee . S . W . 23 S 1 . The lodge was opened , the minutes confirmed , and a satisfactory balance-sheet adopted . Bro . A . H . J . Gerard , ¦ 559 ) was unanimously elected a joining member . Bro , VV . J . Mason was presented as VV . M . elect , and was
installed into the chair by Bro . j . J . Thomas , l . P . M ., who performed the ceremony in a very efficient and impressive manner . The following officers were appointed and invested : Bros . H . R . Schreiber , S . W . ; II . Grevel , J . W . ; J . T . Lacey , Treas . ; H . W . Davie , Sec . ; J . C . Radford ,
S . D . ; C . D . Lavington , J . D . ; A . F . R . Ulrich , I . G . ; W . T . Farthing , P . M ., D . C ; C . Hunter , Stwd . ; and H . 1 nomas , Tyler . Other business was transacted , and the Iodge was closed . After a recherche repast , the usual toasts were loyally honoured .
Bro . E . Monteuuis , P . G . S . B ., responding for "The Grand Officers , " said they endeavoured to merit that appreciation which was always so kindly expressed , and endeavoured to promote the advantage and good working of Masonry . He wished to have made a few remarks about the working he had seen and the great hospitality of the lodge , but he feared he should be trespassing upon the privileges of the
visitors who replied . He would simply return thanks for the opportunity afforded him of visiting the lodge and for the kind manner in which the toast had been received . Bro . J . J . Thomas , l . P . M ., in proposing "The W . M ., " said that Bro . Mason , VV . M ., was not new to the office to which he had been elevated , and had passed through that ordeal which so many coveted—the Master ' s chair . The
W . M . occupied that office two years ago , and the Tivoli Lodge would lose none of its lustre by having him in the chair . The VV . M . was a thorough Mason , and had the advantage of many in having been born a Mason , and would do honour and credit to the lodge in the admirable way he would discharge his duties . Bro . Mason , VV . M ., was one of the founders , and had worked up through the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
offices in a most creditable manner , and the brethren would therefore give him a hearty reception as W . M . They wished the W . M . a successful year , and cordially congratulated him in having arrived at that position for which he was so well fitted . Bro . W . J . Mason , W . M ., thanked the I . P . M . for the very kind way he had proposed the toast , and the brethren
for the generous reception accorded it . That was he hoped a very pleasant occasion to them all , and they need have no apprehension that he was going to mar that enjoyment by making a long speech . He was unable to acknowledge fully the great kindness he had received , but he fully appreciated the important position in which he was placed . He would endeavour to maintain the welfare and harmony
of the lodge and the comfort of the brethren , and he trusted to receive that kind assistance accorded to his predecessors . With the assistance of the brethren , and particularly of his officers , he hoped to hand over to his successor the prestige and honour of the Iodge unsullied as he received if . "The Joining Member" was next honoured and duly responded to by Bro . Gerard , after which "The Visitors "
was proposed in cordial terms by the Worshipful Master . Bro . E . Rogers , P . G . Stwd ., said he was pleased to reply , as the Worshipful Master was one of his personal friends , and he congratulated the lodge on having such a Master . The Worshipful Master was a Mason in name , but also in heart , and never studied his personal convenience if he could do anything for Freemasonry . He was proud to be
associated with the Worshipful Master in a lodge of instruction , and they were going up as Stewards to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and hoped to take up a good list . Bro . G . Davis , P . M . 16 7 , said he was pleased and delighted to see Bro . Mason installed , for he did not know in his Masonic career a more worthy' Mason . He
remembered Bro . Mason long before he was a Mason , and he always thought that if ever that brother joined Masonry he would make a good Mason . The manner in which the I . P . M . installed his successor was highly creditable to the lodge and to Bro . Thomas . The W . M . then gave "The I . P . M . and Installing Master , " and said it was nearly 40 years since his old
friend John and he were boys together , and he hoped they would enjoy each other's company for another 40 years . On his own behalf , he thanked the l . P . M . for the able manner in which he performed the duties of Installing Master . He had now to ask Bro . Thomas , I . P . M ., to allow him to pin on his br < ast a Past Master ' s jewel , which he did with the great pleasure , heartily and sincerely trusting the I . P . M .
would be spared many years to wear it in the lodge . Bro . J . J . Thomas , I . P . M ., in reply , after thanking the Worshipful Masier and brethren , said he had had great pleasure in being a member of that lodge and one of the founders , and also in attaining the chair . His year having expired , it was right that he should retire into that happiness which the Past Masters
sought after their labours . The labours to him were most endearing , and he felt the time passed away rapidly , and that he had only just arrived at the zenith of his pleasure when it was time to be released and place another Master in the chair . The kindness he had received and the assistance given him had rendered his year one of the most pleasant he had experienced during his career . That feeling
was somewhat enhanced b y placing Bro . Mason in the chair . The friendship that had existed between them for 40 years had been cemented in a Masonic Iodge , and the cordiality with which the right hand of goodfellowship was grasped had been continued , and he hoped would long continue . His poor efforts in the lodge had been rewarded by the jewel which had been accorded to him by the unanimous vote of the members . He should wear that jewel with
great pleasure , and hoped to be with them for many years . Bro . Farthing , P . M ., replied for " The Past Masters , " and "The Treasurer and Secretary" having been honoured , the Tyler ' s toast closed a very successful meeting . The musical arrangements were in the hands of Bro . E . P . Delevanti , assisted by Miss Lizzie Holmes , Miss Agnes Wilson , Bro . Arthur Thomas , and Messrs . P . Craig and J . W . Turner .
Argonauts' Lodge ( No . 2243 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 9 th inst . at Cromwell Hall , Putney , S . W . Present : Bros . Gordon-Smith , VV . M . ; G . D . Lister , S . W . ; T . W . Willis , J . W . - ; J . F . Savory , I . P . M ., Sec ; E . T . Smith , S . D . ; H . H . Woodroffe , J . D . ; C . VV . Mapleton , Stwd . ; F . G . Mitchell , Tyler ; H . M . Watt , I . A . Drake-Smith ,
P . A . N . Thorn , and A . Thorn . The lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . Bro . G . D . Lister was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Frank Richardson , P . G . D ., reelected Treasurer . Bro . Mitchell was re-elected Tyler . There being no other business of importance , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to supper .
¦ PROVINCIAL MEETINGS . ALDERLEY . Alan Lodge ( No . 2368 ) . —The first meeting after the installation of Bro . H . Gordon Small , W . M ., was held at the Queen ' s Hotel , on Wednesday , the 4 th instant , presided over by the W . M . There were also present Bros . T . VV . Markland , P . G . S ., S . W . ; A . KeymerI . W . ; A .
, Lawley , P . P . A . G . Sec , Treas . ; W . Ramsden , P . P . G . D ., Sec ; J . B . Gemmell , S . D . ; Elliott A . Crompton , A . W . Henry , Dr . Danville Davis , E . T . Everitt . P . P . G . D . ; JLau-isch , J . Urquhart , J . Moffatt , J . Gow , and J . B . Kirk , Tyler . Visitor : Bro . Cook . The lodge was opened and closed in the three Degrees very smartly by Bro . Small .
BEAMINSTER . Beaminster Manor Lodge ( No . 1367 ) . — The 124 th regular meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., at the White Hart Hotel , and was attended by the following officers and brethren : Bros . H . Maunder , W . M . ; J . S . Webb , P . M .,
r . r . S . UW ., l . F . M . j K . R . Samson , S . W . ; A . Hann , J . W . ; Rev . E . G . Austen , P . P . G . C , Chap . ; J . Andrews , P . P . J . G . W ., Treas . ; O . M . Beament , Sec ; R . England , S . D . ; W . Oxley , J . D . ; R . Toleman , P . M ., P . P . G . P-, D . C . ; C . G . Purkis , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D ., Org . ; C . Hann , P . M ., Stwd . ; F . P . Kitson , I . G .: and J . Keech , Tyler-Visitors : Bros . T . Giles , P . M . 35 and 707 , P . P . G . Supt .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
"The Health of the W . M . " was given by Bro . George Everett , his utterances , as usual , being marked by originality and humour . The W . M . briefly thanked the proposer of the toast for the flattering manner in which he had mentioned his poor services to the lodge . He did not pose as an after-dinner speaker ; it was not his forte to possess a splendid flow of
language such as they had heard that night from the lips of Bro . Eve . However , he would continue to do his best , and , with the assistance of the Past Masters and officers of the lodge , he believed that his year of office would be not altogether an uneventful one . Bro . G . Gardner , among others , responded on behalf of " The Visitors . " In the course of his remarks he
congratulated the lodge upon its efficient working and great financial prosperity . He was particularly interested in the lodge , because it contained so many members whom it was his pride to call personal friends . Bro . R . La Feuillade replied on behalf of " The Past Masters " in a neat speech . In giving " The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary , " the VV . M . said that No . 1381 owed a great debt of gratitude
to those worthy brethren , particularly to Bro . George Everett , by whose exertions the lodge had attained , as one of the visitors pointed out , a most prosperous position . Bros . Everett and Stuart having responded , the toast of " The Officers , " coupled with the names of Bros . Dennis and Lundie , terminated the proceedings . During the evening some beautiful selections of harmony were given by members and guests .
Royal Kensington Lodge ( No . 1627 ) . — A regular meeting of this lodge was held at Freemasons ' Hall , Great Oueen-street , on Friday , the 6 th inst ., when Bro . H . T . Pitt was installed as the W . M . for the ensuing year . The members present were Bros . H . G . Hale , VV . M . ; H . T . Pitt , S . W . ; VV . Bellamy , l . W . ; J . B . Stevens , P . M ., Treas .: H . P . Hay , P . M ., Sec ; E .
Daoust , S . D . ; E . E . Pouard , J . D . ; J . Broughton , I . G . ; Percy Leith , P . G . D . ; C . Took , P . M . ; A . A . Rumsey , P . M . ; E . Delacoste , P . M . ; and W . Hudson , P . M . Visitors : Bros . J . L . Mather , P . A . G . D . C . ; J . J . Thomas , P . M . 753 , 2150 ; W . H . Wills , J . D . 753 i F . Haine , 193 ; W . Taylor , 133 ; VV . J . Forscutt , P . M . 144 ; A . Laurence , P . P . G . D . Surrey ; J . Gordon Langton , P . M . 9 6 ; E . Caxton , P . M . 63 ; A . Sly , 147 S ; A . Hudson , P . M . 1627
H . D . Willoughby , P . M . 73 , G . Stwd . ; J . Curr , 55 ; G . Ridout , S . D . 12 S 7 ; T . Covill , P . M . 1733 ; D . J . Luckhurst , 2021 ; A . Romano , 1351 ; and VV . VV . Lee , S . W . 23 S 1 . The lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed , after which the report of the Audit Committee was received and adopted . Ballot was taken for several gentlemen as
candidates for initiation , and Mr . Fergus Lamb being in attendance , was duly initiated . Bros . O . Heinemann , 1791 ; C . H . Bull , 1791 ; F . W . Goswin , 1 G 4 ; and I . Ouincey , 166 S , were unanimously elected joining members . Bro . Stevens , P . M ., Treas ., assumed the chair , and installed Bro . H . T . Pitt as VV . M . The following officers were invested : Bros . H . G . Hale , l . P . M . ; VV . Bellamy , S . W . ;
E . Daoust , J . W . ; J . B . Stevens , P . M ., Treas . ; H . P . Hay , P . M ., Sec ; E . E . Pouard , S . D . ; J . Broughton , J . D . ; C F . Bennewitz , I . G . ; and E . Delacoste , P . M ., D . C . A handsome Past Master's jewel was presented to Bro . Hale , I . P . M ., and was duly acknowledged , and the lodge was formally closed . After banquet the customary toasts received hearty
recognition . Bro . Percy Leith , P . G . D ., responded for "The Grand Officers , " and having returned thanks , said he hoped the brethren would give the Grand Officers credit for performing their duties to the best of their ability . It was a pleasure on all occasions to have the toast received with such enthusiasm , and the Grand Officers appreciated - the
compliment . Bro . H . G . Hale , I . P . M ., then gave "The Worshipful Master , " and said the toast was always received with enthusiasm . He was sure their Worshipful Master was a man of sterling business capabilities , who would do his best to further the interest of the lodge . He knew they could rely upon Bro . Pitt , W . M ., to follow in the steps of those
who had gone before , who had done their work well . It gave him pleasure to propose the Worshipful Master ' s health , and he hoped Bro . Pitt would be spared for many years to study the welfare of the lodge which he had so much at heart . Bro . H . T . Pitt , W . M ., thanked the I . P . M . for the cordial manner in which his health had been proposed and
received , and said he hoped that at the end of his year he should be received in the same hearty manner as now . The Worshipful Master next proposed " The Installing Master , " and remarked that there was no more worthy or more appreciated brother than Bro . Stevens , P . M ., Treas . 'I hat brother was an especial favourite in the lodge and wherever he went .
Bro . J . B . Stevens , P . M ., Ireas ., returned sincere and hearty thanks for the kind reception given his name . It was now about 16 years since he was initiated in this lodge , and that day was the anniversary of the day when the principles of Freemasonry first made such an impression on him . He considered the installation ceremony the very essence of Freemasonry , and he recommended it to all who aspired to
he workers of the ritual . In the capacity of Treasurer , the W . M . Could rest assured of his earnest support during the coming > ear , and he would continue to do his best for the lodge as long as the Great Architect spared him . "The Initiate" having been coidially given and received , the W . M . submitted the toast of "The I . P . M . and Past Masters . "
Bro . H . G . Hale , l . P . M ., said he hoped the Past Masters had done their duty in the past , and he felt sure that those who were following on were equally expert and would devote their attention and ability to the lodge . Bro . T . Covill , P . M . 1733 , ieplying for " The Visitors , " thanked the VV . M . for the cordial reception given them , and said he was personally indebted to the VV . M . for his invitation . He was pleased to be present to see the work ,
and from what he knew of the VV . M . he was sure that during the coining year that brother would endeavour to do as well as his predecessors . "The Masonic Charities" and "The Officers" were given , and the Tyler ' s toast terminated the proceedings . An excellent programme of music was carried out , under the direction of Bro . Hy . Prenton , assisted by Miss Jessie Hotine , Miss Hamilton Smith , Miss Maud Prenton , Mr . J . B . liardwickc , and Bro , Roland Henry .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Trinity College Lodge ( No . 1765 ) . —The installation meeting- of this lodge was held at 13 , Mandevilleplace , VV ., on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . T . E . Biddlecombe , W . M ., supp > rted by Bros . E . Burritt Lane , I . P . M . ; F . VV . Plant Martin , P . M . ; Aubrey F . Howard , P . M . and D . C ; J . B . Sargeant , S . W . and W . M . elect ; C J . Ozanne , J . W . ; J . A . Hammond ,
Treas . ; S . J . Wilford , S . D . ; J . T . Hutchinson , J . D . ; VV . C . Hutchinson , I . G . ; L . J . Van der Heyden , Stwd . ; and G . Harrison , Tyler . The members present were Bros . H . V . Geary , J . Bennett , F . Robinson , Scott Hatley , Sinclair Dunn , E . C M . Fischel , H . Robertson , B . S . Reed , R . Sladdin , J . S . Eidmans , VV . L . Cotton , C . J . Comerford , A . Carnall , and VV . S . Holder . Visitors : Bros . J . A .
Norton , P . M . 370 ; R . H . Harland , P . M . 1716 ; C . Wakefield , P . M . and Treasurer 1259 ; F . Swinford , 2272 ; Karl Krifert , 1319 ; J . D . Hartley , 19 S 6 ; A . W . Lane , W . M . 1 O 7 ; VV . J . Rundell , 1716 ; C . VV . Dixon , 1366 ; J . E . Hopgood , late 1765 ; F . A . Warner , C 57 ; and A . R . Bishop , 1872 . The lodge being opened , the minutes were read and
confirmed , and the Auditors' report was then presented by Bros . Geary , F . Robinson , and Bennett , and read by Bro . Geary , and on its being put to the brethren it was unanimously adopted by them . Bros . Scott Hatley and F . Robinson were then raised , and Bros . R . Sladdin and B . S . Retd were passed . Bro . J . S . Eidmans was balloted forasa joining member , and was unanimously elected . Messrs . C . 1 .
Comerford , VV . H . Wells , and W . Lynch Cotton were then balloted for as candidates for initiation , and being unanimous , Messrs . Comerford and Cotton were initiated , Mr . Wells being absent . The chief business of the evening then took place . A Board of Installed Masters was formed , and the Installing Officer , Bro . J . A . Hammond , installed Bro . Sergeant into the chair of K . S ., and appointed
his officers as follows : Bros . C . J . Ozanne , S . W . ; S . J . Wilford , J . W . ; | . A . Hammond , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Mills , Sec . ; j . T . Hutchinson , S . D . ; VV . C . Hutchinson , J . D . ; L . J . Van der Heyden , I . G . ; F . W . Rant Martin , D . C ; A . Carnall , Org . ; E . C . M . Fischel and Sinclair Dunn , Stewards ; and U . Harrison , Tyler . The Installing Officer then addressed the W . M ., Wardens , and brethren .
Bro . Hammond , although well known for his working of the installation ceremony , on the present occasion seemed to eclipse all his past efforts in the impressiveness of the addresses and the precise manner in which all parts of the ceremony were performed . Among the items of business that followed £ 20 was voted to a distressed brother , and several candidates were proposed for initiation and joining .
lhe lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been proposed and honoured , the toast of "The W . M . " was given by Bro . Biddlecombe , who expressed the views of all present when he said that the chair could not be filled more worthily . Bro . Sargeant briefly responded .
The hour being advanced , the other toasts and replies were as short as possible to allow time for the performance of the admirable musical programme provided and conducted by Bro . Sinclair Dunn . The proceedings were terminated by the Tyler's toast . The following entertained the company during the evening : Madame Worrell , Miss busetta Fenn , Bro . Sinclair Dunn and Bro . Frank Swinford .
Tivoli Lodge ( No . 2150 ) . —The installation meeting of this lod ge was held at the Tivoli Restaurant , Strand , on Tuesday , the 3 rd instant . There was a good attendance , and amongst the members were Bros . J . J . Thomas , W . M . ; W . J . Mason , S . W . ; H . R . Schreiber , J . W . ; J . T . Lacey , Treas . ; H . W . Davie , Sec . ; M . S . McDonnell , P . M . ; G . W . Bolton , P . M . ; I . Stephens ,
P . M . ; W . T . Farthing , P . M . ; E . H . Brown , P . M . ; and many others . Visitors : Bros . Eugene Monteuuis , P . G . S . B . ; W . J . Stratton , l . P . M . 753 J G . Davis , P . M . 167 ; G . Gardner , 1642 ; H . Holmes , P . P . G . D . Herts ; W . R . Hatton , 2246 ; G . Inglish , 901 ; F . L . Chandler , P . P . G . P . Middx . ; Julius Jonas , 239 S ; G . J . Chretien , J . W . 132 S ; T . G . Dacombe , S . W . ' 359 ; VV . H . Dipstale ,
VV . M . 55 ; E . T . Ginder , 1563 ; J . Hughes , P . P . G . D . C . Surrey ; C . T . Johnson , 170 G ; E . S . White , 902 , G . Guterbock , P . M . 173 ; D . Hoxley , P . M . 173 ; G . T . Becker , P . M , 1139 ; F . Schmitz , 907 ; W . R . Flack , 1656 ; H . F . Williams , S . W . S 34 ; C Grassi , P . M . 1559 ; L . Solomon , P . M . 1732 ; B . Kauffmann , P . M . 1732 ; E . VV . Ellis , VV . M . 1314 ; A . MooreW . M . 173 ; A . Briscoe ,
, [ . P . M . 1927 ; G . Wood , S . W . 160 S ; E . VV . Allen , P . M . 173 ; E . Rogers , P . G . Stwd . ; H . J . Thomas , 753 ; and \ M . W . Lee . S . W . 23 S 1 . The lodge was opened , the minutes confirmed , and a satisfactory balance-sheet adopted . Bro . A . H . J . Gerard , ¦ 559 ) was unanimously elected a joining member . Bro , VV . J . Mason was presented as VV . M . elect , and was
installed into the chair by Bro . j . J . Thomas , l . P . M ., who performed the ceremony in a very efficient and impressive manner . The following officers were appointed and invested : Bros . H . R . Schreiber , S . W . ; II . Grevel , J . W . ; J . T . Lacey , Treas . ; H . W . Davie , Sec . ; J . C . Radford ,
S . D . ; C . D . Lavington , J . D . ; A . F . R . Ulrich , I . G . ; W . T . Farthing , P . M ., D . C ; C . Hunter , Stwd . ; and H . 1 nomas , Tyler . Other business was transacted , and the Iodge was closed . After a recherche repast , the usual toasts were loyally honoured .
Bro . E . Monteuuis , P . G . S . B ., responding for "The Grand Officers , " said they endeavoured to merit that appreciation which was always so kindly expressed , and endeavoured to promote the advantage and good working of Masonry . He wished to have made a few remarks about the working he had seen and the great hospitality of the lodge , but he feared he should be trespassing upon the privileges of the
visitors who replied . He would simply return thanks for the opportunity afforded him of visiting the lodge and for the kind manner in which the toast had been received . Bro . J . J . Thomas , l . P . M ., in proposing "The W . M ., " said that Bro . Mason , VV . M ., was not new to the office to which he had been elevated , and had passed through that ordeal which so many coveted—the Master ' s chair . The
W . M . occupied that office two years ago , and the Tivoli Lodge would lose none of its lustre by having him in the chair . The VV . M . was a thorough Mason , and had the advantage of many in having been born a Mason , and would do honour and credit to the lodge in the admirable way he would discharge his duties . Bro . Mason , VV . M ., was one of the founders , and had worked up through the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
offices in a most creditable manner , and the brethren would therefore give him a hearty reception as W . M . They wished the W . M . a successful year , and cordially congratulated him in having arrived at that position for which he was so well fitted . Bro . W . J . Mason , W . M ., thanked the I . P . M . for the very kind way he had proposed the toast , and the brethren
for the generous reception accorded it . That was he hoped a very pleasant occasion to them all , and they need have no apprehension that he was going to mar that enjoyment by making a long speech . He was unable to acknowledge fully the great kindness he had received , but he fully appreciated the important position in which he was placed . He would endeavour to maintain the welfare and harmony
of the lodge and the comfort of the brethren , and he trusted to receive that kind assistance accorded to his predecessors . With the assistance of the brethren , and particularly of his officers , he hoped to hand over to his successor the prestige and honour of the Iodge unsullied as he received if . "The Joining Member" was next honoured and duly responded to by Bro . Gerard , after which "The Visitors "
was proposed in cordial terms by the Worshipful Master . Bro . E . Rogers , P . G . Stwd ., said he was pleased to reply , as the Worshipful Master was one of his personal friends , and he congratulated the lodge on having such a Master . The Worshipful Master was a Mason in name , but also in heart , and never studied his personal convenience if he could do anything for Freemasonry . He was proud to be
associated with the Worshipful Master in a lodge of instruction , and they were going up as Stewards to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and hoped to take up a good list . Bro . G . Davis , P . M . 16 7 , said he was pleased and delighted to see Bro . Mason installed , for he did not know in his Masonic career a more worthy' Mason . He
remembered Bro . Mason long before he was a Mason , and he always thought that if ever that brother joined Masonry he would make a good Mason . The manner in which the I . P . M . installed his successor was highly creditable to the lodge and to Bro . Thomas . The W . M . then gave "The I . P . M . and Installing Master , " and said it was nearly 40 years since his old
friend John and he were boys together , and he hoped they would enjoy each other's company for another 40 years . On his own behalf , he thanked the l . P . M . for the able manner in which he performed the duties of Installing Master . He had now to ask Bro . Thomas , I . P . M ., to allow him to pin on his br < ast a Past Master ' s jewel , which he did with the great pleasure , heartily and sincerely trusting the I . P . M .
would be spared many years to wear it in the lodge . Bro . J . J . Thomas , I . P . M ., in reply , after thanking the Worshipful Masier and brethren , said he had had great pleasure in being a member of that lodge and one of the founders , and also in attaining the chair . His year having expired , it was right that he should retire into that happiness which the Past Masters
sought after their labours . The labours to him were most endearing , and he felt the time passed away rapidly , and that he had only just arrived at the zenith of his pleasure when it was time to be released and place another Master in the chair . The kindness he had received and the assistance given him had rendered his year one of the most pleasant he had experienced during his career . That feeling
was somewhat enhanced b y placing Bro . Mason in the chair . The friendship that had existed between them for 40 years had been cemented in a Masonic Iodge , and the cordiality with which the right hand of goodfellowship was grasped had been continued , and he hoped would long continue . His poor efforts in the lodge had been rewarded by the jewel which had been accorded to him by the unanimous vote of the members . He should wear that jewel with
great pleasure , and hoped to be with them for many years . Bro . Farthing , P . M ., replied for " The Past Masters , " and "The Treasurer and Secretary" having been honoured , the Tyler ' s toast closed a very successful meeting . The musical arrangements were in the hands of Bro . E . P . Delevanti , assisted by Miss Lizzie Holmes , Miss Agnes Wilson , Bro . Arthur Thomas , and Messrs . P . Craig and J . W . Turner .
Argonauts' Lodge ( No . 2243 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 9 th inst . at Cromwell Hall , Putney , S . W . Present : Bros . Gordon-Smith , VV . M . ; G . D . Lister , S . W . ; T . W . Willis , J . W . - ; J . F . Savory , I . P . M ., Sec ; E . T . Smith , S . D . ; H . H . Woodroffe , J . D . ; C . VV . Mapleton , Stwd . ; F . G . Mitchell , Tyler ; H . M . Watt , I . A . Drake-Smith ,
P . A . N . Thorn , and A . Thorn . The lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . Bro . G . D . Lister was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Frank Richardson , P . G . D ., reelected Treasurer . Bro . Mitchell was re-elected Tyler . There being no other business of importance , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to supper .
¦ PROVINCIAL MEETINGS . ALDERLEY . Alan Lodge ( No . 2368 ) . —The first meeting after the installation of Bro . H . Gordon Small , W . M ., was held at the Queen ' s Hotel , on Wednesday , the 4 th instant , presided over by the W . M . There were also present Bros . T . VV . Markland , P . G . S ., S . W . ; A . KeymerI . W . ; A .
, Lawley , P . P . A . G . Sec , Treas . ; W . Ramsden , P . P . G . D ., Sec ; J . B . Gemmell , S . D . ; Elliott A . Crompton , A . W . Henry , Dr . Danville Davis , E . T . Everitt . P . P . G . D . ; JLau-isch , J . Urquhart , J . Moffatt , J . Gow , and J . B . Kirk , Tyler . Visitor : Bro . Cook . The lodge was opened and closed in the three Degrees very smartly by Bro . Small .
BEAMINSTER . Beaminster Manor Lodge ( No . 1367 ) . — The 124 th regular meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., at the White Hart Hotel , and was attended by the following officers and brethren : Bros . H . Maunder , W . M . ; J . S . Webb , P . M .,
r . r . S . UW ., l . F . M . j K . R . Samson , S . W . ; A . Hann , J . W . ; Rev . E . G . Austen , P . P . G . C , Chap . ; J . Andrews , P . P . J . G . W ., Treas . ; O . M . Beament , Sec ; R . England , S . D . ; W . Oxley , J . D . ; R . Toleman , P . M ., P . P . G . P-, D . C . ; C . G . Purkis , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D ., Org . ; C . Hann , P . M ., Stwd . ; F . P . Kitson , I . G .: and J . Keech , Tyler-Visitors : Bros . T . Giles , P . M . 35 and 707 , P . P . G . Supt .