Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 4 Article Craft Masonry. Page 2 of 4 →
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Craft Masonry.
so few present oF those whom 1 left in 1 S 74 , more especially when we learn many of them have joined the " great majority . " VVe sincerely trust they have entered " The Grand Lodge above , where the World ' s G ' -eat Architect lives and raigns for ever . " Your W . M . has alluded to the fact that I initiated his father into Masonry in this lodge in 1 SG 9 , and now my first act on returning in 1901 is to instal him ( the ron ) into the chair , and pleasing it is to find the father looking in such excellent health , and willing to assist his son in the work if necessary , but judging from what we have seen to-night .
he is not likely to be called upon frequently for any aid , and we can but hope the W . M . will have a successful year of office , and then take his place amongst the Past Masters respected as much as his good father now is . It is gratifying in the extreme to find No . 92 in such a flourishing condition , and keeping up its old tradition for both work and hospitality . Since my return to Shanghai , in 1 S 74 , I have had rather an unique experience as a Mason . When I left , in 1 SO 4 , there were only two Masonic lodges in Shanghai . On my return I found six , viz ., three English , one Scotch , one American ,
and one German , betides chapters , Knight Templars , etc ., and I felt particularly honoured by my Shanghai brethren when I was asked to consecrate The Orient Mark Masters Lodge . I am a Mail . Master , but have not passed the chair , and I explained I could not therefore comply , butthe brethren requested the W . M . to ask for a dispensation for me to perforin this ceremony . 'This was done , a favourable reply wis received , and I was thus enabled to comply with their request . It was my painful duty to read the Masonic Burial Seivice over brethren , as lollows : K . W . Bro . C . M . Donaldson , the
Senior Master in China at that time , a member or the Supreme Grand Lodge of Scotland , ard Senior Past Master and founder ol the Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 42 S , S . C ., Shanghai ; R . W . Bro . Dallas , Past District Grand Master of Japan ; R . W . Bro . Janser , Deputy District Grand Master of Massachusetts , assisting the Rev . J . Stevens , Chaplain to the Antient Landmark Lodge ( Mass . ); and R . W . Bro . Miller , District
Grand Master of Northern China—who was my immediate successor , and whom I had installed into his ollice in lSSi'i . He is succeeded by K . W . Bro . L . Moore , whom I als 1 had the privilege of installing . The brethren of all Constitutions in Shanghai have been exceedingly kind to me , and gave many proofs of their esteem and affection . Brethren , time is short , so I detain you no longer , but thank you most heartily again for your very kind reception .
Then followed the toasts of "The Initiate , whom the W . M . described as one of his greatest friends ; " The Past Masters , " among whom were present the father , two uncles , and the elder brother of the W . M . . coupled with the name of Sir Norman R . Pringle , Bart ., I . P . M . ; " 'The Visitors , " acknowledged by Bros . Hamilton Scott , W . M . 2741 ; C . F . Stoetzer , W . M . 23 S ; and George Humphreys , P . M . 2597 ( New Zealand ) ; and " The Officers , " replied to by the Senior and Junior Wardens . The Tyler ' s toast brought a most agreeable evening to a close .
The musical programme was of an unusually attractive character , and all the songs were listened to with keen marks of appreciation by the brethren . The vocalists were Miss Florence Dewhurst , Miss Jenkins-Colyer , Messrs . William Hubbard and Percy Kobson , and Bro . Herbert Harden . Bro . Harry _ Cullman presided at the pianoforte . The entire musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Herbert Harden .
Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 . " 1 his lodge held its regular meeting at Camion-strcat Hotel on Thursday , the 5 H 1 inst . Present : Bros . A . Fergutson , W . M . ; A . J . Rippin , S . W . ; K . F . Roche , I . W . ; T . Cohu , P . M ., Treas . ; | . Smith , P . M ., Sec . ; W . | . Lockett , S . D . ; W . ' ) . Fishlcigh , | . D . ; T . Stokes , I . P . M . ; William Baker , P . M ., D . C . ; 1 . Collins , I . G . ; K . Chattcrlon , P . M . S 79 , Org . ; F . 11 . Fair and W . Lloyd , Stwds . ; John G . Robeson , P . M . ; Isaac M . Mower , P . M . ; Frederick Hughes , P . M . ; Dearslev , Allerton , Meers , Adams , Bassett , Grimes , Philpot , Durrant , Preston , Dickson , J . W .
Fishleigh , Thomson , Stevenson , Press , Willey , Mills , Cashinan , Brough , Hipwell , Ellis , Mcin , Barclay , Grimsdale , Browse , Back , Prcvost , Purbrook , Auckland , A . A . Jones , Robinson , Crawshaw , Ullmann , Jackson , Cowderoy , S . Rippin , and Ward . The visitors were Bros . Fishenden , P . M . 706 ; J . O . Lewis , I . P . M . 2 S 0 S ; J . A . Webb , J . D . 1549 ; Stovcll , 1556 ; Grimes , 1 S 1 S ; Odell , 1549 ; and March , 1185 . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last regular meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . Dickson and Philpot were passed to the Degree of F . C ., and Bro . Stevenson raised to that of M . M . Bro . D . T . Jackson was elected a member of the lodge .
Pimlico Lodge , No . 1772 . INSTALLATION OF BRO . W . HANCOCK . 1 lie installation meeting of this well-known and prosperous lodge was held at the HolLoin Restaurant on I hursday , the sth instant , when there were present Bros . F . Napoli , W . M . ; W . Hancock , S . W ., W . M . elect ; J . Crane , | . W . ; G . ) . White , P . M ., Treas . ; A . J . Ingram , P . M ., Sec ; C Riley , S . D . ; W . Willson , J . D . ; G . Le Brun , Org . ; W . Husk , I . G . ; E . T . Folley , Stwd . ; R . Shaw , P . M . ; T .
Holmes , P . M . ; Win . Oliver , P . M . ; E . De Vere , P . M . ; W . 11 . Shaw , P . M . ; J . IP Drackford , A . South , W . Jewers , E . Cadle , A . Briskey , J . Marshall , T . II . Brooke , T , Hick , \ V . II . Lamberts , J . A . Newton , A . R . Ackerman , Marquess de Leuvilie , J , Bryant , C . Knight , 1 ) . G . Cameron , W . E . Willson , A . Bright , and T . Bowler , P . M ., Tyler . Visitors : Bros . II . Fonseca , P . M . 15 C 13 ; W . Serjeant , P . M . 1227 ; G . Price 2632 ; J . A . Athciton , W . M . 2652 ; T . W . J . Ellis , 1339 ; H . E . Pollard , F . C Gregory , 2455 ; and R . T . West , 1744 .
The lodge was duly opened , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M ., Bro . Napoli , then vacated the chair , which was taken by Bro . Robert Shaw , P . M ., and DM . A . J . Ingram , P . M ., presennted the W . M . elect , Uro . W . Hancock , and he was installed as W . M . by Bro . Robert Shaw , P . M . The newly-installed W . M . then invested his officers for the ensuing year . 'They were as lollows : Bros . F . Napoli , I . P . M . ; J . Crane , S . W . ; C . Riley , J . W . ; G . | . White , P . M ., Treas . ; A . J . Ingram , P . M ., Sec ; W . Willson , S . D . ; W . Husk , J . D . ;
E . 'T . Folley , I . G . ; A . Brisker and G . Le Brun , Stwds . ; T . Hick , Org . ; | csse Burton , D . C . ; and T . Bowler , P . M ., Tyler . Bro . Robert Shaw , P . M ., gave the customaiy addresses with marked elfect . The W . M ., liro . W . Hancock , initiated Messis . Alfred Wright and Chas . Knight in a manner that should leave a lasting impression upon the initiates , so well was il done , and it proved beyonj doubt that the members had elected one most able and competent to carry out the onerous duties of W . M . 1 he I . P . M ., Bro . Napoli gave the antient charge in a most able manner .
'The lodge was then closed , and the brethren pai iook of an excellent and well-served banquet . At the conclusion of the icpast the W . M ., liro . Hancock , gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were duly honoured . Bio . F . Napoli , I . P . M ., said it gave him great pleasure to propose "The Health
of the W . M ., Bio . Hancock , " as bis working ot the ritual that evening was grand , and he had no doubt that as he had begun so well , so he would continue during his year ol ollice , and be as good as those who bad gone , before him , and mike one of the successes of their old lodge . The toast was diunk with acclamation , and
Bro . Hancock , W . M ., received a hearty greeting on rising to respond , lie said that his very best thanks were due to them for their inanifc Nation , and he felt deeply his position and the kindnc . i he had received that evening and ever since he was initiated in the lodge . He hoped during - his term of ollice to keep up the traditions of the lodge , and if when the time arrived lor him to vacate the chair he received their commendations he would be more than gratified .
In giving the least of " The Initiates , " the W . M . stated that he was bono ured to have two initiates at his installation . I le expected others that evening , but they would be there at the next meeting . The two he had initiated were of excellent q-ulit y , and he felt that they would be a credit to the I nlgeandtheCralt . The lodge had always been fortunate in getting their share of initiates , with the result thittiey hid one of the best ol lodges . Ihe initiates , 011 lising , were received with repeated cheers .
Bru . Alfred Wngrit responded , ub-. erviii . ij that be appicciited the kind way they fad received the tojst , and lie liuped lo prove as go-id a Mason as those tluietlat tvening , and it would be his aim and wish lo be some day worthy ot the honour conferred on Ihe W . M ., Bio . Hancock . Bio . CI . 1 ,. knight remarked thai his Lo-iniiiate hid well said all thai be thought was necessary , but might he add that he also hoped SIIII ; diy to be W . M . He could not make a long speech as he felt nervous , that being hislii st appearance in the Mison ' e ; world .
Craft Masonry.
The W . M . gave " The Visitors . '' He said they were always welcome , and the more they had the better they liked it . He was honoured with the attendance of Bros . H . Fonseca . P . M ., and R . T . West , who were present when he ( the W . M . ) wis initiated by Bro . R . Wake , P . M ., who was known as the resuscitator ot the lodge . He sent a special invitation to Bro . Wake and he regretted that he was not there that evening , but the following letter , which he read , explained the reason of his absence :
" 72 , Marina , St , Leonards-on-Sea , " Dear Bro . Hancock , _ " December 3 rd , 1901 . "With much pleasure I received your kind invi ' e to the Pimlico Lodje installation meeting , Thursday next , and I thank you v ^ rv much indeed , but owing to indifferent health I cannot accept that honour , much as I should like to be there . Dear old lodge notice , I was pleased to see it , and the StandirJ and the Pillirs and the name ; thereon .
"Give all the brethren my very ' Hearty good wishes , ' and may the Pimlico Lodge prosper and llourish for many years to cime ! This is the sincere wish of " Yours fraternally , " R . WAKE . " The W . M . associated with the toast the names of Bros . II . Fonseci P . M . 1503 ; I . A . Atherton , W . M . 2652 ; and R . T . West , 1744 . Bro . Fonseca responded in very suitable terms , remarking that it wis 14 vcirs a TO since he first visited the Pimlico Lodge at the invitation of Bro . R . Wake , P . M ., and he regretted not seeing him that evening .
Bro . Atherton also responded , and slid the members were favoured with a W . M ., who would do well , lie was very much impressed with the grand wodiiog of th : I od ^ e . He finished his remarks in a very humorous strain , which elicitej much laughter . Bro . R . T . West also acknowledged the toast . The next toast was " The I . P . M ., Bro . F . Napoli , " the W . YI . stating that he wis
" able and willing to execute his own work , " What more could hesiy , except thit h-. had given them every satisfaction ; and if the Masters foil iwing him were as good , the lodge would go on in the right way . He took that opportunity of presenting him with a Past Master ' s jewel , and they were all agreed that he had thoroughly aid honestly earned it , and he hoped he would be with them for very many yeirs .
In replying , Bro . F . Napoli , I . P . M ., said he was a poor speaker , but he thanked them from the bottom of his heart for their kindness to him , and for the handsome jewel , which he should ever prize . He was proud to have hid the honour of filling Ihe chair of such an excellent lodge , and if he had done any good during his happy year of odice he was very glad . The W . M . submitted the toast of "The Past Masters . " He slid that since the time Bro . R . Wake , P . M ., resuscitated the lodge , the Past Masters had done everything , and its present success was due to their great efforts - ; and he had much pleasure in coupling with the toast the name of Bro . E . De Vere , P . M .
Bro . De Vere said he was highly llittered to have his name coupled with the toist . The Past Masters had done their duty , and were ever ready to do anything to prim ) te the interests of their good lodge . The hour being late , the W . M . gave as one toast " The Treasurer , Secretary , and the Ofiiccrs , " in becoming terms , and he joined with it the name of the Treasurer . Bro . G . 1 . White , P . M .
liro . G . J . White , P . M ., responded . He said the lodge was in a good condition , and its prosperity would no doubt confirms during the reign of the W . VI . and h- h iped afterwards . The Past Masters were very proud ot the lodge and of the new W . M . and the clliccrs invested that evening would be a credit to the lodge and to the W . M . ( Great applause . ) The Tyler ' s toast brought to a close a most liarmoni HIS and delightful evening . lod
In a ge of which the members arc so closely connected with the musical profession , it was expected that an excellent entertainment would be provided , and in this respect the brethren were not disappointed . The following contributed : Bros . George Le Brun , Will Serjeant , James Norrie , and Marquess de Leuvilie , but speciil mention should be made of the two Cavaliers ( Bros . Warles Uul : r An \ Join J > sey ) , from th ; Palace Theatre , who were the success of the evening . Mr . Singlet in , who mi a g > id baritone voice , is a miner , and was working in a colliery the previous Mondiy , mide his dchiil in Masonic circles , was well received , and we hope to hear mgre of him . Bro . F . Eplctt was an able accompanist .
Gallery Lodge , No . 192 S . INSTALLATION OF BRO . ALFRED F . ROBBINS . The 21 st installation ceremony in connection with the above lodge was held at the Ciiteiion , Piccadilly , on the evening of Saturday , the 7 th instant , this being the first installation ceremony held in the lodge ' s new quirtcrs . Bro . Li inel F . Goving , W . M ., presided , and was supported by several of the Past M isters of the lodgr , including Bros . J . Minstree , P . G . T , II . Wright , W . T . Perkins , II . Mas ey , P . VV . Husk , W . M . Duckworth , G . Tarran , L Manning , and S . Iimis .
There was a very laigi : and distinguished assemblage of visitors , including the fillowing Grand Ollicersand Past Masters : Bros . Sir J . Dirnsilale , Lord Mayor ; Alderman and Sheriff Bell , Alderman and SoeiifT Horace Brooks Marshall , Under-Sheriff Langton , Sir II . II . Crawford , P . G . D . ; Guy Kepton , S . G . I ) . ; Geo . Everett , P . G . Treas . ; John Read , P . G . Std . Br . ; Sir John Monckton , P . G . W . ; 1 . M . McLeod , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . I . B . ; T . A . Bullock , P . G . S . B . ; H . Lishmore , P . P . S . G . D . ; F .
Wolff , 1604 ; W . C . Chancy , 507 ; C . E . Courtlty , 1915 ; J . B . Booty , W . M . 142 ; II . Richards , M . P . ; W . Clcghorn , 12 S 7 ; J . II . Meyer , 1559 ; H . E . Bussey , 21 3 j C . J . Drummond , 2 S 17 ; J . Robbing , 231 ; W . Miles , 1540 ; W . L . Barrett , W . M . 2190 ; Hosker , 252 S ; llibbcrdine , 1237 and 2410 ; and Alderman Widderfield , J . P . ( Darlington ) . Apolcgies were received ( IT the unavoidableabsence of Bros . Lo-d Glenesk , Under-sheriff Phillips , Edward Terry , P . G . T ., the Hon . Mr . Justice Bucknill , the Mayci of Guildford , and others .
'Ihe lodge having been opened and formil business transacted , Brj . Lucien Wolf was passed to the Degree of a F . C . A ballut was liken for Messrs . Arthur Edwin Brown , of the Standard , and P . icy Frederick Booty , of the Uailv Graphic , which proving favourable they were initiated . Bro . Alfred F . Robins wis then instilled in the chair of K . S ., the ceremony of installation , as well as those ot the previous passing and initiations , being pciformed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Gowing , in a minnerwell meriting the encomiums bestowed thereon by Ihe brethren present . I he newlv-installed W . M . appointed and invested the following ullir / cis for the ensuing year : B ros . L . F
Gowing , I . P . M . ; G . II . Riboons , S VV . ; H . L . B .-ll , | . W . ; W . M . Duckwo th P . M ., Ireas . ; G . Tarran , P . M ., Sec . ; J . I ) . Irvine , S . D . ; VV . G . Kirby , I ) A . E . Baines , I . G . ; II . E . Peacock , Org . ; F . W . Brodie , P . M , D . C . ; RG Emery and John Martin , A . D . Cs . ; Aithui Beltany , J . Bune , C . II . Smith , and Gordon Hunter , Stwds . ; and G . A . Bill , P . M ., Tyler . The W . M . next presented Bro . Gowing , I . P . M ., on bel all of the lodge , with a very ha idsome Past Master ' s jewel in rec ignition of his seivices to the lodge during his tciuue of the chair . The presentation was acknowledged in suitable terms by the recipient .
On the lodge being closed , an adjournment was mide to the Victoria Ro ; n , where an elegant banquet had been prepared , at the conclusion of which the custom iry loyii and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured , that of ' The Grand Odicers " being coupled with the name of Sir John Monckton , to whom , the W . M . stated , the ledge had been greatly indebted in the past . Bro . Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . W ., in reply , observed that it was now neirly 21 years ago since he had been present at the consecration ol the Gillery Lodge , the members of which he knew to be worth y men and good Masons , and expresseu his pleasure at seeing the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs present on this occasion .
The W . M ., in proposing " The Health of the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs of tie City of London , " assured the Lord Mayor that nuny of the members of the lodge had appeared before his predt c : ssors ; some of them legally , others illegally—( Uugof ) — but most of them professionally . It gave him great pleasure to welometne Lor I Mayor , not only as the Chief Magistrate of the Citv , but as one of the repnsentitivei of London in Parliament , and one also who was connected with every movement for toe civic and philanthropic good of . he metropolis . He wis glad to see him supported by the Sheriffs , and trusted that Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Bell would cinceive the
ambition that night of attaining the distinction of a purple collar . Bro . H irace rtr 1 iks Marshall was one of the best known of Masons , lie had had dealings wi : h him in connection with the candidature of suns of former nirmbers of the lodge for admission to the Boys' . School , and Urn . Brooks Marshal had always aided him , often at considerable personal sacrifice ; in fact , his kindness bad been such that on the occasion of any future candidature , be should go to him again . liro . Sir J . Dimsdale , Lord Mayor , in response , thanked the W . M . for the terms 1 n which he had proposed the toast and the members for the way in which it hid been
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Craft Masonry.
so few present oF those whom 1 left in 1 S 74 , more especially when we learn many of them have joined the " great majority . " VVe sincerely trust they have entered " The Grand Lodge above , where the World ' s G ' -eat Architect lives and raigns for ever . " Your W . M . has alluded to the fact that I initiated his father into Masonry in this lodge in 1 SG 9 , and now my first act on returning in 1901 is to instal him ( the ron ) into the chair , and pleasing it is to find the father looking in such excellent health , and willing to assist his son in the work if necessary , but judging from what we have seen to-night .
he is not likely to be called upon frequently for any aid , and we can but hope the W . M . will have a successful year of office , and then take his place amongst the Past Masters respected as much as his good father now is . It is gratifying in the extreme to find No . 92 in such a flourishing condition , and keeping up its old tradition for both work and hospitality . Since my return to Shanghai , in 1 S 74 , I have had rather an unique experience as a Mason . When I left , in 1 SO 4 , there were only two Masonic lodges in Shanghai . On my return I found six , viz ., three English , one Scotch , one American ,
and one German , betides chapters , Knight Templars , etc ., and I felt particularly honoured by my Shanghai brethren when I was asked to consecrate The Orient Mark Masters Lodge . I am a Mail . Master , but have not passed the chair , and I explained I could not therefore comply , butthe brethren requested the W . M . to ask for a dispensation for me to perforin this ceremony . 'This was done , a favourable reply wis received , and I was thus enabled to comply with their request . It was my painful duty to read the Masonic Burial Seivice over brethren , as lollows : K . W . Bro . C . M . Donaldson , the
Senior Master in China at that time , a member or the Supreme Grand Lodge of Scotland , ard Senior Past Master and founder ol the Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 42 S , S . C ., Shanghai ; R . W . Bro . Dallas , Past District Grand Master of Japan ; R . W . Bro . Janser , Deputy District Grand Master of Massachusetts , assisting the Rev . J . Stevens , Chaplain to the Antient Landmark Lodge ( Mass . ); and R . W . Bro . Miller , District
Grand Master of Northern China—who was my immediate successor , and whom I had installed into his ollice in lSSi'i . He is succeeded by K . W . Bro . L . Moore , whom I als 1 had the privilege of installing . The brethren of all Constitutions in Shanghai have been exceedingly kind to me , and gave many proofs of their esteem and affection . Brethren , time is short , so I detain you no longer , but thank you most heartily again for your very kind reception .
Then followed the toasts of "The Initiate , whom the W . M . described as one of his greatest friends ; " The Past Masters , " among whom were present the father , two uncles , and the elder brother of the W . M . . coupled with the name of Sir Norman R . Pringle , Bart ., I . P . M . ; " 'The Visitors , " acknowledged by Bros . Hamilton Scott , W . M . 2741 ; C . F . Stoetzer , W . M . 23 S ; and George Humphreys , P . M . 2597 ( New Zealand ) ; and " The Officers , " replied to by the Senior and Junior Wardens . The Tyler ' s toast brought a most agreeable evening to a close .
The musical programme was of an unusually attractive character , and all the songs were listened to with keen marks of appreciation by the brethren . The vocalists were Miss Florence Dewhurst , Miss Jenkins-Colyer , Messrs . William Hubbard and Percy Kobson , and Bro . Herbert Harden . Bro . Harry _ Cullman presided at the pianoforte . The entire musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Herbert Harden .
Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 . " 1 his lodge held its regular meeting at Camion-strcat Hotel on Thursday , the 5 H 1 inst . Present : Bros . A . Fergutson , W . M . ; A . J . Rippin , S . W . ; K . F . Roche , I . W . ; T . Cohu , P . M ., Treas . ; | . Smith , P . M ., Sec . ; W . | . Lockett , S . D . ; W . ' ) . Fishlcigh , | . D . ; T . Stokes , I . P . M . ; William Baker , P . M ., D . C . ; 1 . Collins , I . G . ; K . Chattcrlon , P . M . S 79 , Org . ; F . 11 . Fair and W . Lloyd , Stwds . ; John G . Robeson , P . M . ; Isaac M . Mower , P . M . ; Frederick Hughes , P . M . ; Dearslev , Allerton , Meers , Adams , Bassett , Grimes , Philpot , Durrant , Preston , Dickson , J . W .
Fishleigh , Thomson , Stevenson , Press , Willey , Mills , Cashinan , Brough , Hipwell , Ellis , Mcin , Barclay , Grimsdale , Browse , Back , Prcvost , Purbrook , Auckland , A . A . Jones , Robinson , Crawshaw , Ullmann , Jackson , Cowderoy , S . Rippin , and Ward . The visitors were Bros . Fishenden , P . M . 706 ; J . O . Lewis , I . P . M . 2 S 0 S ; J . A . Webb , J . D . 1549 ; Stovcll , 1556 ; Grimes , 1 S 1 S ; Odell , 1549 ; and March , 1185 . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last regular meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . Dickson and Philpot were passed to the Degree of F . C ., and Bro . Stevenson raised to that of M . M . Bro . D . T . Jackson was elected a member of the lodge .
Pimlico Lodge , No . 1772 . INSTALLATION OF BRO . W . HANCOCK . 1 lie installation meeting of this well-known and prosperous lodge was held at the HolLoin Restaurant on I hursday , the sth instant , when there were present Bros . F . Napoli , W . M . ; W . Hancock , S . W ., W . M . elect ; J . Crane , | . W . ; G . ) . White , P . M ., Treas . ; A . J . Ingram , P . M ., Sec ; C Riley , S . D . ; W . Willson , J . D . ; G . Le Brun , Org . ; W . Husk , I . G . ; E . T . Folley , Stwd . ; R . Shaw , P . M . ; T .
Holmes , P . M . ; Win . Oliver , P . M . ; E . De Vere , P . M . ; W . 11 . Shaw , P . M . ; J . IP Drackford , A . South , W . Jewers , E . Cadle , A . Briskey , J . Marshall , T . II . Brooke , T , Hick , \ V . II . Lamberts , J . A . Newton , A . R . Ackerman , Marquess de Leuvilie , J , Bryant , C . Knight , 1 ) . G . Cameron , W . E . Willson , A . Bright , and T . Bowler , P . M ., Tyler . Visitors : Bros . II . Fonseca , P . M . 15 C 13 ; W . Serjeant , P . M . 1227 ; G . Price 2632 ; J . A . Athciton , W . M . 2652 ; T . W . J . Ellis , 1339 ; H . E . Pollard , F . C Gregory , 2455 ; and R . T . West , 1744 .
The lodge was duly opened , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M ., Bro . Napoli , then vacated the chair , which was taken by Bro . Robert Shaw , P . M ., and DM . A . J . Ingram , P . M ., presennted the W . M . elect , Uro . W . Hancock , and he was installed as W . M . by Bro . Robert Shaw , P . M . The newly-installed W . M . then invested his officers for the ensuing year . 'They were as lollows : Bros . F . Napoli , I . P . M . ; J . Crane , S . W . ; C . Riley , J . W . ; G . | . White , P . M ., Treas . ; A . J . Ingram , P . M ., Sec ; W . Willson , S . D . ; W . Husk , J . D . ;
E . 'T . Folley , I . G . ; A . Brisker and G . Le Brun , Stwds . ; T . Hick , Org . ; | csse Burton , D . C . ; and T . Bowler , P . M ., Tyler . Bro . Robert Shaw , P . M ., gave the customaiy addresses with marked elfect . The W . M ., liro . W . Hancock , initiated Messis . Alfred Wright and Chas . Knight in a manner that should leave a lasting impression upon the initiates , so well was il done , and it proved beyonj doubt that the members had elected one most able and competent to carry out the onerous duties of W . M . 1 he I . P . M ., Bro . Napoli gave the antient charge in a most able manner .
'The lodge was then closed , and the brethren pai iook of an excellent and well-served banquet . At the conclusion of the icpast the W . M ., liro . Hancock , gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were duly honoured . Bio . F . Napoli , I . P . M ., said it gave him great pleasure to propose "The Health
of the W . M ., Bio . Hancock , " as bis working ot the ritual that evening was grand , and he had no doubt that as he had begun so well , so he would continue during his year ol ollice , and be as good as those who bad gone , before him , and mike one of the successes of their old lodge . The toast was diunk with acclamation , and
Bro . Hancock , W . M ., received a hearty greeting on rising to respond , lie said that his very best thanks were due to them for their inanifc Nation , and he felt deeply his position and the kindnc . i he had received that evening and ever since he was initiated in the lodge . He hoped during - his term of ollice to keep up the traditions of the lodge , and if when the time arrived lor him to vacate the chair he received their commendations he would be more than gratified .
In giving the least of " The Initiates , " the W . M . stated that he was bono ured to have two initiates at his installation . I le expected others that evening , but they would be there at the next meeting . The two he had initiated were of excellent q-ulit y , and he felt that they would be a credit to the I nlgeandtheCralt . The lodge had always been fortunate in getting their share of initiates , with the result thittiey hid one of the best ol lodges . Ihe initiates , 011 lising , were received with repeated cheers .
Bru . Alfred Wngrit responded , ub-. erviii . ij that be appicciited the kind way they fad received the tojst , and lie liuped lo prove as go-id a Mason as those tluietlat tvening , and it would be his aim and wish lo be some day worthy ot the honour conferred on Ihe W . M ., Bio . Hancock . Bio . CI . 1 ,. knight remarked thai his Lo-iniiiate hid well said all thai be thought was necessary , but might he add that he also hoped SIIII ; diy to be W . M . He could not make a long speech as he felt nervous , that being hislii st appearance in the Mison ' e ; world .
Craft Masonry.
The W . M . gave " The Visitors . '' He said they were always welcome , and the more they had the better they liked it . He was honoured with the attendance of Bros . H . Fonseca . P . M ., and R . T . West , who were present when he ( the W . M . ) wis initiated by Bro . R . Wake , P . M ., who was known as the resuscitator ot the lodge . He sent a special invitation to Bro . Wake and he regretted that he was not there that evening , but the following letter , which he read , explained the reason of his absence :
" 72 , Marina , St , Leonards-on-Sea , " Dear Bro . Hancock , _ " December 3 rd , 1901 . "With much pleasure I received your kind invi ' e to the Pimlico Lodje installation meeting , Thursday next , and I thank you v ^ rv much indeed , but owing to indifferent health I cannot accept that honour , much as I should like to be there . Dear old lodge notice , I was pleased to see it , and the StandirJ and the Pillirs and the name ; thereon .
"Give all the brethren my very ' Hearty good wishes , ' and may the Pimlico Lodge prosper and llourish for many years to cime ! This is the sincere wish of " Yours fraternally , " R . WAKE . " The W . M . associated with the toast the names of Bros . II . Fonseci P . M . 1503 ; I . A . Atherton , W . M . 2652 ; and R . T . West , 1744 . Bro . Fonseca responded in very suitable terms , remarking that it wis 14 vcirs a TO since he first visited the Pimlico Lodge at the invitation of Bro . R . Wake , P . M ., and he regretted not seeing him that evening .
Bro . Atherton also responded , and slid the members were favoured with a W . M ., who would do well , lie was very much impressed with the grand wodiiog of th : I od ^ e . He finished his remarks in a very humorous strain , which elicitej much laughter . Bro . R . T . West also acknowledged the toast . The next toast was " The I . P . M ., Bro . F . Napoli , " the W . YI . stating that he wis
" able and willing to execute his own work , " What more could hesiy , except thit h-. had given them every satisfaction ; and if the Masters foil iwing him were as good , the lodge would go on in the right way . He took that opportunity of presenting him with a Past Master ' s jewel , and they were all agreed that he had thoroughly aid honestly earned it , and he hoped he would be with them for very many yeirs .
In replying , Bro . F . Napoli , I . P . M ., said he was a poor speaker , but he thanked them from the bottom of his heart for their kindness to him , and for the handsome jewel , which he should ever prize . He was proud to have hid the honour of filling Ihe chair of such an excellent lodge , and if he had done any good during his happy year of odice he was very glad . The W . M . submitted the toast of "The Past Masters . " He slid that since the time Bro . R . Wake , P . M ., resuscitated the lodge , the Past Masters had done everything , and its present success was due to their great efforts - ; and he had much pleasure in coupling with the toast the name of Bro . E . De Vere , P . M .
Bro . De Vere said he was highly llittered to have his name coupled with the toist . The Past Masters had done their duty , and were ever ready to do anything to prim ) te the interests of their good lodge . The hour being late , the W . M . gave as one toast " The Treasurer , Secretary , and the Ofiiccrs , " in becoming terms , and he joined with it the name of the Treasurer . Bro . G . 1 . White , P . M .
liro . G . J . White , P . M ., responded . He said the lodge was in a good condition , and its prosperity would no doubt confirms during the reign of the W . VI . and h- h iped afterwards . The Past Masters were very proud ot the lodge and of the new W . M . and the clliccrs invested that evening would be a credit to the lodge and to the W . M . ( Great applause . ) The Tyler ' s toast brought to a close a most liarmoni HIS and delightful evening . lod
In a ge of which the members arc so closely connected with the musical profession , it was expected that an excellent entertainment would be provided , and in this respect the brethren were not disappointed . The following contributed : Bros . George Le Brun , Will Serjeant , James Norrie , and Marquess de Leuvilie , but speciil mention should be made of the two Cavaliers ( Bros . Warles Uul : r An \ Join J > sey ) , from th ; Palace Theatre , who were the success of the evening . Mr . Singlet in , who mi a g > id baritone voice , is a miner , and was working in a colliery the previous Mondiy , mide his dchiil in Masonic circles , was well received , and we hope to hear mgre of him . Bro . F . Eplctt was an able accompanist .
Gallery Lodge , No . 192 S . INSTALLATION OF BRO . ALFRED F . ROBBINS . The 21 st installation ceremony in connection with the above lodge was held at the Ciiteiion , Piccadilly , on the evening of Saturday , the 7 th instant , this being the first installation ceremony held in the lodge ' s new quirtcrs . Bro . Li inel F . Goving , W . M ., presided , and was supported by several of the Past M isters of the lodgr , including Bros . J . Minstree , P . G . T , II . Wright , W . T . Perkins , II . Mas ey , P . VV . Husk , W . M . Duckworth , G . Tarran , L Manning , and S . Iimis .
There was a very laigi : and distinguished assemblage of visitors , including the fillowing Grand Ollicersand Past Masters : Bros . Sir J . Dirnsilale , Lord Mayor ; Alderman and Sheriff Bell , Alderman and SoeiifT Horace Brooks Marshall , Under-Sheriff Langton , Sir II . II . Crawford , P . G . D . ; Guy Kepton , S . G . I ) . ; Geo . Everett , P . G . Treas . ; John Read , P . G . Std . Br . ; Sir John Monckton , P . G . W . ; 1 . M . McLeod , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . I . B . ; T . A . Bullock , P . G . S . B . ; H . Lishmore , P . P . S . G . D . ; F .
Wolff , 1604 ; W . C . Chancy , 507 ; C . E . Courtlty , 1915 ; J . B . Booty , W . M . 142 ; II . Richards , M . P . ; W . Clcghorn , 12 S 7 ; J . II . Meyer , 1559 ; H . E . Bussey , 21 3 j C . J . Drummond , 2 S 17 ; J . Robbing , 231 ; W . Miles , 1540 ; W . L . Barrett , W . M . 2190 ; Hosker , 252 S ; llibbcrdine , 1237 and 2410 ; and Alderman Widderfield , J . P . ( Darlington ) . Apolcgies were received ( IT the unavoidableabsence of Bros . Lo-d Glenesk , Under-sheriff Phillips , Edward Terry , P . G . T ., the Hon . Mr . Justice Bucknill , the Mayci of Guildford , and others .
'Ihe lodge having been opened and formil business transacted , Brj . Lucien Wolf was passed to the Degree of a F . C . A ballut was liken for Messrs . Arthur Edwin Brown , of the Standard , and P . icy Frederick Booty , of the Uailv Graphic , which proving favourable they were initiated . Bro . Alfred F . Robins wis then instilled in the chair of K . S ., the ceremony of installation , as well as those ot the previous passing and initiations , being pciformed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Gowing , in a minnerwell meriting the encomiums bestowed thereon by Ihe brethren present . I he newlv-installed W . M . appointed and invested the following ullir / cis for the ensuing year : B ros . L . F
Gowing , I . P . M . ; G . II . Riboons , S VV . ; H . L . B .-ll , | . W . ; W . M . Duckwo th P . M ., Ireas . ; G . Tarran , P . M ., Sec . ; J . I ) . Irvine , S . D . ; VV . G . Kirby , I ) A . E . Baines , I . G . ; II . E . Peacock , Org . ; F . W . Brodie , P . M , D . C . ; RG Emery and John Martin , A . D . Cs . ; Aithui Beltany , J . Bune , C . II . Smith , and Gordon Hunter , Stwds . ; and G . A . Bill , P . M ., Tyler . The W . M . next presented Bro . Gowing , I . P . M ., on bel all of the lodge , with a very ha idsome Past Master ' s jewel in rec ignition of his seivices to the lodge during his tciuue of the chair . The presentation was acknowledged in suitable terms by the recipient .
On the lodge being closed , an adjournment was mide to the Victoria Ro ; n , where an elegant banquet had been prepared , at the conclusion of which the custom iry loyii and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured , that of ' The Grand Odicers " being coupled with the name of Sir John Monckton , to whom , the W . M . stated , the ledge had been greatly indebted in the past . Bro . Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . W ., in reply , observed that it was now neirly 21 years ago since he had been present at the consecration ol the Gillery Lodge , the members of which he knew to be worth y men and good Masons , and expresseu his pleasure at seeing the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs present on this occasion .
The W . M ., in proposing " The Health of the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs of tie City of London , " assured the Lord Mayor that nuny of the members of the lodge had appeared before his predt c : ssors ; some of them legally , others illegally—( Uugof ) — but most of them professionally . It gave him great pleasure to welometne Lor I Mayor , not only as the Chief Magistrate of the Citv , but as one of the repnsentitivei of London in Parliament , and one also who was connected with every movement for toe civic and philanthropic good of . he metropolis . He wis glad to see him supported by the Sheriffs , and trusted that Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Bell would cinceive the
ambition that night of attaining the distinction of a purple collar . Bro . H irace rtr 1 iks Marshall was one of the best known of Masons , lie had had dealings wi : h him in connection with the candidature of suns of former nirmbers of the lodge for admission to the Boys' . School , and Urn . Brooks Marshal had always aided him , often at considerable personal sacrifice ; in fact , his kindness bad been such that on the occasion of any future candidature , be should go to him again . liro . Sir J . Dimsdale , Lord Mayor , in response , thanked the W . M . for the terms 1 n which he had proposed the toast and the members for the way in which it hid been