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Now Ready , Post Free 1 / 7 . THE MARK MASONS' SONG . Dedicated by permission to the Kight Hon . the Earl " Percy , M . P ., 30 ° , Right Worship ful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Noithumberland , Moit Worshipful Grand Mark Master Mason of England . Wolds by Bro . T . Burdett , Yeoman , Original Mark Lodge No . r ., composed by Bro . Henry Parker , Orig inal Mark Lodge No . 1 . London , George Kenning , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , and J 98 , Fleet-st . Liverpool , 2 , Monument Place . Glasgow , 19 , Sauchiehall-st .
THE BIRKBECK Is the nnly Building Societv whose Annual Receipts exceeds ONE " MILLION ! How to Purchase a House for Tiro Guineas per Month , With immediate possession and no Rent to pa v . Applv at the Office of the BIRKUECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . How to purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shillings per Month , With immediate possession , either lorBiiildingorGardening purpose ? , apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND bOCIETY , 2 g & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . How to Invest Money with safety at £ 4 per cent Interest , Apply to the Oilice of the BIRKBECK BANK . All sums under £ : o repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , " may he obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVEXSCROFT , Manager .
THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE , LOMBARD STREET , LONDON , E . C . TERMS . £ s . d . Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 ° Annual Subscription ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 0 Membns resiclint ; and carrying on business at a distance . of titlv miles and upwards ftom London , Merchant-Captains , and Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) r o Tbe room is well supplied with newspapers , telegrams , and books of reference . It includes a Post-ollite , Poste Kestaute , Tclegraph-olfice , Reading ami Writing Koom , Restaurant , Lavatories , & r . ; also copving machines for the use of Subscribers . Ilro . 1011 X II . YOL'NCilll'SIiAXI ) , l' . M ., I' , Z ., 1 ' !• :. (; ., P . l ' . J . d . W ., Sec , Manager .
RAYNHAM STEWART AND CO . COAL MERCHANTS AM ) COLLIKRY AOKN'TS , CUPPLY BEST WALL-SEND COAL ° only , as supplied to HER MAJESTY , 3 6 s . PER TON CASH . The CLEANEST burning , and tbc most DURAHI . E of anv liest Coal brought into tbe PORT of LONDON . N . B . —Commands tbe HIGHEST MARKET prices on the LONDON COAL EXCHANGE . Real Old Silkstone Coal , 33 s . od . | Best Derby 31 s od . Wallsend International j „ Nuts 29 s od . Prize Coal 34 s . od . | „ Small igs . ou . Coke ( 10 large Sacks ) , iSs . od . N . B . —LOWER PRICE COALS are simply I- ' 1 , 'RXACK COAL . Welsh Smokeless Coal , Powell ' s Dullryn , 31 s ; Nuts , 39 s . Hard Steam , 2 Ss ; Smokeless Hartlevs , ; lis fid . ¦ CHIEF OFFICE . 26 =, CALEDONIAN ROAD , N . South'Olfiec , 27 , Metbley-street , Kenuington-park-road , S . E . Rast Oilice , 5 , Clarance-strcct , Waterloo Town , E .
BRO . MOSES MAWSON , Tea Dealer and Family Grocer , 5 , RANKI . AGII PLACE , ( Opposite Adelphi Hotel ) , LIVERPOOL . TEAS , COFFEES . SUGARS , & c , at lowest Cash Prices . Dessert Frnit . Figs , Muscatels , French Plums , Almonds , & c . A liberal discount allowed for Cash to Families and Hotel-keepers .
GRANT'S MORELLA CHERRY ^ \ i RANDY . SUPPLIED TO HER MAJESTY THE ( JUEEN . This delicious Liqueur , from the famous Rent Morclla , supersedes wine in many households , is much favoured by sportsmen , and is also recommended by the medical profession asa valuabletonic in cases of weakness . —Order of any Wine Merchant , or direct ol T . GRANT , Distillery , Maidstone , ' 42 s . per do / en , Cash . Carriage pai
J ^ FARMER , aged nearly 50 , with a large family , a Freemason ol" some years standing , has , through adverse circumstances , lost all his capital , and will be turned adrift without any means of maintaining bis children . He asks no charity , but should any brother be aide to assist him in obtaining any situation by which' he could earn a living lor himself and the smaller children " he would feel most grateful . He has been fanning about 300 acres of land , and is well acquainted with all the practical part of the business relaling to the cultivation of both light and heavy soils , and the breeding and rearing of all kinds ol " stock . Also well acquainted with book-keeping . Can give th * highest references as to character and ability . Apply to H . lUirrell , Newton Wisbech .
A M . M . is desirous of obtaining employment , " ^ as Collector of Hints cvc . ( useful in smill repairs ) , Traveller , or any situation of trust . Excellent references ami security if required . Vf . C , \ i ., care of Mr . Ware , 28 , Chapel-road , Islington .
O LD COINS FOR SALE CHEAP ; Gold , Silver , and Cppper , in Greek , Roman , Early British , English , Scotch , etc . Lists Free . Ai-plv —\ V . LUOLSSTON , London Houjc , Dtwsburyi
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , Q , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . JOSEPH RANKIN STEBBING , Esq ., P . G . D ., Chairman . This Company was the first to adopt the new and popular system of POSITIVE ASSURANCE . The policies being payable to bearer , render assignments , stamps , legacy duties , & c , nuuecessary , and they have at all times an immediate , puichaseable value . See detailed prospectus . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager .
T 3 RITISI-I EQUITABLE ASSURANCE U COMPANY . 4 , Queen-street-plnce , London , E . C . SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT . New business , 1 , 934 policies for ^ " 320 , 319 . New anuual income , X ' 9 , S 20 . r ; 2 death claims paid for X ' 28 , 487 iSs . id . 20 claims for matured policies , £ 2 , 155 8 s . 4 d . Paid for surrenders , £ 1 , 777 . Laid by in year , £ 36 , 307 . In force 17 , 009 policies for £ 2 , 930 , 210 . Annual premium income , . £ ' 93 , 99 8 . Paid for death claims in 17 years , under 1 , 17 ? policies , £ 187 , 558 . Accumulated fund increased to £ 273 , 073 . W . S . COVER " , Managing Director
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTABLISHED I S ^ G . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CHIEF OFFICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . Losuos : 49 , MOORGATE-ST . Secretary : CHAKLHS R . OILMAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . GEORGE POWELL .
LOSS OF LIFE OR LIMB , WITH THE CONSEQUENT LOSS OF TIME AND MONEY , ACCIDENTS " OF ALL KINDS , PROVIDED IDIt IIV A POLICY OF THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY An Annual Payment of £ 3 to £ 6 5 s . Insures £ 1 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at the rate of £ 6 per Week for Injury . £ 725 , 000 have been paid as Compensation , ONE out of every Twelve Annual Policy Holders becoming . 1 Claimant EACH YEAR . For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 64 , CORNI 11 LL , and 10 , REGENT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
AIT ONE Y . —LOANS granted immediately , ftrvm £ 100 to £ 2 , 000 at 5 percent ., repayable over Three , Four , or Five Years , on IVrsonal Security and Life Policy effected with the WFSTOF ENGLAND INSURANCE CO ., ( Established 1807 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , J . CROCKER , Neville Street , Newcastle . Agents Wanted .
OUTFITS FOR INDIA . ryHE attention of the Nobility and Gentry - * - about to visit India andtheColonies , also those arriving in England , is respectfully directed to S . S . DOW , ( FROM STONE ' , OXI-ORD-ST ) . Riding Belt , Elastic Stocking and Knee-Cap Manufacturer , 20 a , Hyde Park Place , W . ( NEAR THE MARBLE AUCH ) . Belts madeto measure or pattern in a very superior manner THE JEWISH WORLD . Published Every Friday . PRICE ONE PENNY . Ollkt ; 8 , South-strcet , Finsbury , London E . C .
J £ MOSES and SON'S PRICE LIST of QENTLEMENS' CLOTHING : s . ( I . s .. d . Business Suits 23 o to 6 3 o Walking Suits 23 o to 63 o Overcoats 13 6 to 51 } o Oxford Coats 18 o to 45 o Cambridge Coats 19 o to 50 o Frock Coats 250 to 6 3 o Dress Coats 25 o to 6 3 0 Kei tch Jackets 100 to 35 o Sutherland Jackets 16 0 to 40 o Di ess Trousers 12 6 to 26 o Doeskin and Tweed Trousers 96 to 21 o
to UOYS' CLOTHING : - s . d . s . d . The "Knickerbocker" Suit 8 6 to 44 o Ditto of Holland or Linen ... 4 9 to 15 o The "Zouave" Suit 13 o to 44 o The "Sailors '" Suit , from 14 6 The "Eton" Suit 14 o to 52 o The "Imperial" Suit 25 o to 5 6 o The "Brighton" Suit 14 o to 52 o The Dress Suit 21 o to 63 o The " Belgian Suit" 16 6 to 44 o For the convenience of ladies accompanying their sons there is a distinct department for Boys' Clothing .
" ^ yiNTER OVERCOAT S 19 s . £ 5 . T ? MOSES and SON desire to call attention - * - ' * to their stock of Winter Overcoats , which surpasses in magnitude , variety , and excellence , any that they have hitherto offered to the Public . ]? MOSES and SON have always on hand a large stock of ai tides required for Mourning . Mourning Suits 35 / - to 90 / -
T ? MOSES nnd SON supply every description of clothing , ready made , or made to measure , for all ages , all occasions , and all ( . lasses ; also Hosiery and Drapery , Hats and Caps , Hoots and Shoes , and complete outfits for all climates . Prices based on ready-xioney system . All Goods marked in plain figures . Any Article exchanged if not worn or injured . List of Prices , with llules for Self-measure , Patterns , and Fashion-sheet , gratis and post-fiee . ]? MOSES and SON'S easy and accurate " system of self-incasuienient enables titer , to execute orders by post , with the guarantee of a faultless fit . J £ MOSES and SON'S Establishments are closed every Fiiclay evening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed ur . ttl 11 o'clock . The following are the only Addiesses of E . MOSF . S and SON : — Loxnos . Corner of Minories and Aldgate . New Oxford-street , comer of Hart-street . Corner of Tottenham Court-road and liuston-roatl . COUSTHY BRANCH . Bradford , Yorkshire .
HERALDIC , WRITINGS MONOGRAM ENGRAVING i : xL . n"i KJ > L'i'o . v SHw , Gold , Metals , Gem * , and Shines ( for Sealing ) , In the verv highest Mvle of ait and workmanship ; also upon STEEi . Ul ' ES , tor . Stamping Note Paper and Envelopes ; OFFICIAL SEALS designed , made and lilted into Treves , lor Public Companies and Societies ; PERFORATED ( or pierced ) and CARVED CRESTS , I . ETTERS , or . MASONIC EMBLEMS made forsook tc / ers , Cigar Cases , Albums , kc ; and every branch connected with Engraving , all executed o . \* TNK I'KEMIM : N , at Bro . JAMES B . SLY'S ENI ; . \ VINI ; > DIK-SINKINU Oiiiciis . 9 RATHBONE PLACE OXFORD-ST , LONDON , W .
NOW HEADY , Price 2 s . 6 d . ; Post Free , 2 S . 8 d . Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged A FULL CO LOUHKD ILLUSTHATKD BOOK OF MASONIC CLOTHING AND JEWELS , From Master Mason to the 30 th Dcgiee ( indusUc ,.. Published by Bro . GLOHGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C , and may be had of all Booksellers- ana News Agents , by giving address of publishing offic ; .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Now Ready , Post Free 1 / 7 . THE MARK MASONS' SONG . Dedicated by permission to the Kight Hon . the Earl " Percy , M . P ., 30 ° , Right Worship ful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Noithumberland , Moit Worshipful Grand Mark Master Mason of England . Wolds by Bro . T . Burdett , Yeoman , Original Mark Lodge No . r ., composed by Bro . Henry Parker , Orig inal Mark Lodge No . 1 . London , George Kenning , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , and J 98 , Fleet-st . Liverpool , 2 , Monument Place . Glasgow , 19 , Sauchiehall-st .
THE BIRKBECK Is the nnly Building Societv whose Annual Receipts exceeds ONE " MILLION ! How to Purchase a House for Tiro Guineas per Month , With immediate possession and no Rent to pa v . Applv at the Office of the BIRKUECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . How to purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shillings per Month , With immediate possession , either lorBiiildingorGardening purpose ? , apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND bOCIETY , 2 g & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . How to Invest Money with safety at £ 4 per cent Interest , Apply to the Oilice of the BIRKBECK BANK . All sums under £ : o repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , " may he obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVEXSCROFT , Manager .
THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE , LOMBARD STREET , LONDON , E . C . TERMS . £ s . d . Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 ° Annual Subscription ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 0 Membns resiclint ; and carrying on business at a distance . of titlv miles and upwards ftom London , Merchant-Captains , and Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) r o Tbe room is well supplied with newspapers , telegrams , and books of reference . It includes a Post-ollite , Poste Kestaute , Tclegraph-olfice , Reading ami Writing Koom , Restaurant , Lavatories , & r . ; also copving machines for the use of Subscribers . Ilro . 1011 X II . YOL'NCilll'SIiAXI ) , l' . M ., I' , Z ., 1 ' !• :. (; ., P . l ' . J . d . W ., Sec , Manager .
RAYNHAM STEWART AND CO . COAL MERCHANTS AM ) COLLIKRY AOKN'TS , CUPPLY BEST WALL-SEND COAL ° only , as supplied to HER MAJESTY , 3 6 s . PER TON CASH . The CLEANEST burning , and tbc most DURAHI . E of anv liest Coal brought into tbe PORT of LONDON . N . B . —Commands tbe HIGHEST MARKET prices on the LONDON COAL EXCHANGE . Real Old Silkstone Coal , 33 s . od . | Best Derby 31 s od . Wallsend International j „ Nuts 29 s od . Prize Coal 34 s . od . | „ Small igs . ou . Coke ( 10 large Sacks ) , iSs . od . N . B . —LOWER PRICE COALS are simply I- ' 1 , 'RXACK COAL . Welsh Smokeless Coal , Powell ' s Dullryn , 31 s ; Nuts , 39 s . Hard Steam , 2 Ss ; Smokeless Hartlevs , ; lis fid . ¦ CHIEF OFFICE . 26 =, CALEDONIAN ROAD , N . South'Olfiec , 27 , Metbley-street , Kenuington-park-road , S . E . Rast Oilice , 5 , Clarance-strcct , Waterloo Town , E .
BRO . MOSES MAWSON , Tea Dealer and Family Grocer , 5 , RANKI . AGII PLACE , ( Opposite Adelphi Hotel ) , LIVERPOOL . TEAS , COFFEES . SUGARS , & c , at lowest Cash Prices . Dessert Frnit . Figs , Muscatels , French Plums , Almonds , & c . A liberal discount allowed for Cash to Families and Hotel-keepers .
GRANT'S MORELLA CHERRY ^ \ i RANDY . SUPPLIED TO HER MAJESTY THE ( JUEEN . This delicious Liqueur , from the famous Rent Morclla , supersedes wine in many households , is much favoured by sportsmen , and is also recommended by the medical profession asa valuabletonic in cases of weakness . —Order of any Wine Merchant , or direct ol T . GRANT , Distillery , Maidstone , ' 42 s . per do / en , Cash . Carriage pai
J ^ FARMER , aged nearly 50 , with a large family , a Freemason ol" some years standing , has , through adverse circumstances , lost all his capital , and will be turned adrift without any means of maintaining bis children . He asks no charity , but should any brother be aide to assist him in obtaining any situation by which' he could earn a living lor himself and the smaller children " he would feel most grateful . He has been fanning about 300 acres of land , and is well acquainted with all the practical part of the business relaling to the cultivation of both light and heavy soils , and the breeding and rearing of all kinds ol " stock . Also well acquainted with book-keeping . Can give th * highest references as to character and ability . Apply to H . lUirrell , Newton Wisbech .
A M . M . is desirous of obtaining employment , " ^ as Collector of Hints cvc . ( useful in smill repairs ) , Traveller , or any situation of trust . Excellent references ami security if required . Vf . C , \ i ., care of Mr . Ware , 28 , Chapel-road , Islington .
O LD COINS FOR SALE CHEAP ; Gold , Silver , and Cppper , in Greek , Roman , Early British , English , Scotch , etc . Lists Free . Ai-plv —\ V . LUOLSSTON , London Houjc , Dtwsburyi
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , Q , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . JOSEPH RANKIN STEBBING , Esq ., P . G . D ., Chairman . This Company was the first to adopt the new and popular system of POSITIVE ASSURANCE . The policies being payable to bearer , render assignments , stamps , legacy duties , & c , nuuecessary , and they have at all times an immediate , puichaseable value . See detailed prospectus . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager .
T 3 RITISI-I EQUITABLE ASSURANCE U COMPANY . 4 , Queen-street-plnce , London , E . C . SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT . New business , 1 , 934 policies for ^ " 320 , 319 . New anuual income , X ' 9 , S 20 . r ; 2 death claims paid for X ' 28 , 487 iSs . id . 20 claims for matured policies , £ 2 , 155 8 s . 4 d . Paid for surrenders , £ 1 , 777 . Laid by in year , £ 36 , 307 . In force 17 , 009 policies for £ 2 , 930 , 210 . Annual premium income , . £ ' 93 , 99 8 . Paid for death claims in 17 years , under 1 , 17 ? policies , £ 187 , 558 . Accumulated fund increased to £ 273 , 073 . W . S . COVER " , Managing Director
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTABLISHED I S ^ G . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CHIEF OFFICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . Losuos : 49 , MOORGATE-ST . Secretary : CHAKLHS R . OILMAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . GEORGE POWELL .
LOSS OF LIFE OR LIMB , WITH THE CONSEQUENT LOSS OF TIME AND MONEY , ACCIDENTS " OF ALL KINDS , PROVIDED IDIt IIV A POLICY OF THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY An Annual Payment of £ 3 to £ 6 5 s . Insures £ 1 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at the rate of £ 6 per Week for Injury . £ 725 , 000 have been paid as Compensation , ONE out of every Twelve Annual Policy Holders becoming . 1 Claimant EACH YEAR . For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 64 , CORNI 11 LL , and 10 , REGENT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
AIT ONE Y . —LOANS granted immediately , ftrvm £ 100 to £ 2 , 000 at 5 percent ., repayable over Three , Four , or Five Years , on IVrsonal Security and Life Policy effected with the WFSTOF ENGLAND INSURANCE CO ., ( Established 1807 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , J . CROCKER , Neville Street , Newcastle . Agents Wanted .
OUTFITS FOR INDIA . ryHE attention of the Nobility and Gentry - * - about to visit India andtheColonies , also those arriving in England , is respectfully directed to S . S . DOW , ( FROM STONE ' , OXI-ORD-ST ) . Riding Belt , Elastic Stocking and Knee-Cap Manufacturer , 20 a , Hyde Park Place , W . ( NEAR THE MARBLE AUCH ) . Belts madeto measure or pattern in a very superior manner THE JEWISH WORLD . Published Every Friday . PRICE ONE PENNY . Ollkt ; 8 , South-strcet , Finsbury , London E . C .
J £ MOSES and SON'S PRICE LIST of QENTLEMENS' CLOTHING : s . ( I . s .. d . Business Suits 23 o to 6 3 o Walking Suits 23 o to 63 o Overcoats 13 6 to 51 } o Oxford Coats 18 o to 45 o Cambridge Coats 19 o to 50 o Frock Coats 250 to 6 3 o Dress Coats 25 o to 6 3 0 Kei tch Jackets 100 to 35 o Sutherland Jackets 16 0 to 40 o Di ess Trousers 12 6 to 26 o Doeskin and Tweed Trousers 96 to 21 o
to UOYS' CLOTHING : - s . d . s . d . The "Knickerbocker" Suit 8 6 to 44 o Ditto of Holland or Linen ... 4 9 to 15 o The "Zouave" Suit 13 o to 44 o The "Sailors '" Suit , from 14 6 The "Eton" Suit 14 o to 52 o The "Imperial" Suit 25 o to 5 6 o The "Brighton" Suit 14 o to 52 o The Dress Suit 21 o to 63 o The " Belgian Suit" 16 6 to 44 o For the convenience of ladies accompanying their sons there is a distinct department for Boys' Clothing .
" ^ yiNTER OVERCOAT S 19 s . £ 5 . T ? MOSES and SON desire to call attention - * - ' * to their stock of Winter Overcoats , which surpasses in magnitude , variety , and excellence , any that they have hitherto offered to the Public . ]? MOSES and SON have always on hand a large stock of ai tides required for Mourning . Mourning Suits 35 / - to 90 / -
T ? MOSES nnd SON supply every description of clothing , ready made , or made to measure , for all ages , all occasions , and all ( . lasses ; also Hosiery and Drapery , Hats and Caps , Hoots and Shoes , and complete outfits for all climates . Prices based on ready-xioney system . All Goods marked in plain figures . Any Article exchanged if not worn or injured . List of Prices , with llules for Self-measure , Patterns , and Fashion-sheet , gratis and post-fiee . ]? MOSES and SON'S easy and accurate " system of self-incasuienient enables titer , to execute orders by post , with the guarantee of a faultless fit . J £ MOSES and SON'S Establishments are closed every Fiiclay evening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed ur . ttl 11 o'clock . The following are the only Addiesses of E . MOSF . S and SON : — Loxnos . Corner of Minories and Aldgate . New Oxford-street , comer of Hart-street . Corner of Tottenham Court-road and liuston-roatl . COUSTHY BRANCH . Bradford , Yorkshire .
HERALDIC , WRITINGS MONOGRAM ENGRAVING i : xL . n"i KJ > L'i'o . v SHw , Gold , Metals , Gem * , and Shines ( for Sealing ) , In the verv highest Mvle of ait and workmanship ; also upon STEEi . Ul ' ES , tor . Stamping Note Paper and Envelopes ; OFFICIAL SEALS designed , made and lilted into Treves , lor Public Companies and Societies ; PERFORATED ( or pierced ) and CARVED CRESTS , I . ETTERS , or . MASONIC EMBLEMS made forsook tc / ers , Cigar Cases , Albums , kc ; and every branch connected with Engraving , all executed o . \* TNK I'KEMIM : N , at Bro . JAMES B . SLY'S ENI ; . \ VINI ; > DIK-SINKINU Oiiiciis . 9 RATHBONE PLACE OXFORD-ST , LONDON , W .
NOW HEADY , Price 2 s . 6 d . ; Post Free , 2 S . 8 d . Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged A FULL CO LOUHKD ILLUSTHATKD BOOK OF MASONIC CLOTHING AND JEWELS , From Master Mason to the 30 th Dcgiee ( indusUc ,.. Published by Bro . GLOHGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C , and may be had of all Booksellers- ana News Agents , by giving address of publishing offic ; .