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TJ URNTTURE m . cox & Co ., Iffl lU FINSBURY SQUARE BUILDINGS , M W CHISWELL ST ., LONDON , E . C . m *» COX & Co ' s . JM CATALOGUE , Q 9 R & Showing the advantages of their Cash bystem , | F ^ Forwarded Post Free . A Kour . roomed House furnished complete , £ 10 o o A Six-roomed , including Drawing-room , do . 26 6 6 A Single Parlour do . 500 A Drawing-room , of Italian Walnut do . 17 60 A Dining-rooom of solid Mahogany , do . 15 o o All articles warranted , and of the best workmansip . A single article of Furniture at equally low prices . The only house in the trade supplying the public direct from the workshops . Carriage paid to any Railway Station in the Kingdom . ftlW
^^ flfiEffl ^ * ** JUW ^ JIBB ^ MMWWIMJUa j ^ J ^ lJWit ^ ^
TOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S J " CHERRY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all other preparations for the Teeth . " AGUA AMARELLA" restores the Human Hair to its pristine hue , no matter at what age . "TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifull y perfumed and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR JOHN GOSNELL and CO . ' s . AND SEE THAT YOU HAVE NONE OTHER than their GESuiNEAiticles . Sold by all respectable CHEMISTS and PERFUMERS . Wholesale , Angel Passage , 93 , Upper Thames-st , London
MELLIN'S EXTRACT For preparing LIEBEG'S FOOD FOR INFANTS . 'J'HE onlygenuinesubstitute for Mother ' s Milk , and recommended by tile highest Medical Authorities , as the test Food for Infants and Invalids . SOLD AT , 55 , CHARING CROSS . Opposite "Olson's Monument .
ELSTOB'S CELEBRATED Riding , Hunting and Lumbago Belts . Sitt of waist and P . O . O . for 20 s . to be sent with order . The best fitting Hiding Trousers and Breeches Maker in London r elsewhere . N . B . —Morning Trousers of Best West of England Wool . Established 1830 . ELSTOB , 44 , MADDOX-STREET , BOND STREET .
S . YARDLEY , ESTABLISHED 1830 . SHOP FRONT BUILDER , SHOP FITTER , A . VD J Air Tight Show Case Manufacturer , 8 , LOWER WOOD STREET , CLEK KEN WELL , LONDON , E . C Eveiy description of fittings manufactured for Jewellers , Cutlers , Stationers , Offices , Drapers , Museums , l ) anl . s , ° Libraries , Outfit ' crs and Hosiers , Fancy Trades , kc . Plans and Estimates provided for shop fronts and internal ( ittings , in Town orany part of the Country . Outside Lamps ( silver plated ) from lis . Ditto , with arms and fittings complete , from facia , from 43 s , Superior Jewellers' ditto , with extra illuminating power , from ' ijs , Pitto , with . arms and / ittings complete , from facia , fiom 505 ,
Guaranteed all Cocoa . Jim ^ SCHWEITZER'S COCOATINA , W f SSI \« f Anti-Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate Powder . I 3 l Ps ^ lli I *! This unique pure preparation is ; pronounced bv the Faculty " the most nutritious perfectly digestible bever * . 1 * 1 I © = 1 _/| f aue for URliAKFAST , LUNCHEON , or SUPPER , and invaluable for Invalids and Children . " (^^ gTwi ^ SB ^ y ~ lc IS made instaneonslv with boiling water or milk ; being without sugar it suits all palates . ^ c ^ i £ § Sli *^ y l ' * packets at is . 6 d ., 3 s ., & c , By Chemists ami Grocers . ( Samples gratis . J \ CQ ^ W' Cocoatina a la Vanille , at Same Prices . It is superior to the best Vanilla Chacolate , much cheaper , perfectly ^*^ - - —^ digestible , and made instantaneously . Rg . ured . Sole proprietors : H . SCHWEITZER & Co ., 10 , Adam St ., Adelphi , London
NOW READY , PRICE £ 4 / 4 THE PAIR , OR £ 2 / 10 SINGLE . SIZE 32 m . BY 20 in . AUTOTYPES OF BRO . SIGISMUND ROSENTHAL ' S CELEBRATED PAINTINGS . The Reception qfH . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Past Grand Master , At Freemasons' Hall , on December ist , 1869 , containing upwards of 120 Figures and Portraits-. The Reception of H . R . H , the Prince of Wales at the Grand Conclave of Knights Templar , May 13 th , 1870 , containing nearly 100 Figures and Portraits . Sold by BRO . G . KENNING , 1 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , E . C Branches : 198 , Fleet-street , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool .
IRON MESSRS . BORN & Co ., XX \^ 1 V ^ BERNERS-STREET , W ., ¦ pT A TVTQQ Beg to call attention to their IRON COTTAGE PIANOS , celebrated ¦ *¦ J-- " -- - *^ ' ^ for their power and beauty . These Pianos are unsurpassed in elegance of design and brilliancy of tone , are unequalled for the elegance of their T ^ C ^ T ? A . LL construction , and for the musical effect which they produce . The Manufacturers pay special attention to the peculiarities of various cli-^_ -TTV / r X m ~ n o ni-ates , and construct their instruments accordingly . Persons proceeding C _ xXuXJ \ lA . jL JlrfO to India and the Colonies are specially invited to inspect these Pianos . MANUFACTORY : BERLIN . EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS .
MESSRS . DARLOW & Co 7 ~ Inventors , Patentees , and Sole Manufacturers of the Original Skeuasma Magnetic Appliances , solicit the attention of the Public to their recently patented and greatly improved article , MAGNETINE . Which , from its extreme lightness and perfect flexibility , will commend itself for Hot Climates , Summer Wear , and for Persons of delicate constitution . As a curative agent , the original SKEUASMA appliances have been remarkably successful in the relief and cure of ailments hitherto deemed almost unapproachable . The new artijle , MAGN'ETINE , whilst possessing an equal amount of curative properties , has the additional advantages of softness , lightness , and entire flexibility , combined with a permanent unchangeable Magnetic influence . The most successful cases hitherto treated for having been Spinal , Liver , and Kidney Affections ; also Sciatica , Neuralgia , Dyspepsia , General Debility , and the various forms of Nervous , Rheumatic , and Bronchial complaints The Magnetine substance is encased in Silk , Jean , Flannel , and otiier soft articles , and is made up into appliances to meet the various local ailments . It does not contain any sharp-cutting material , and cannot by any possibility do injury to the wearer . Messrs . DARLOW are in constant receipt of Testimonials of the curative effects of these gentle , soothing , and vitalising appliances for the relief of human suffering . DARLOW and Co ., Inventors and Patentees , 63 , North Woolwich-road , E . Illustrated Pamphlets Post Free . COMMUNICATIONS RESPONDED TO WITHOUT ANY CHARGE WHATEVER TEMPORARY CITY DEPOT , 29 , Farringdon-ssreet , E . C . Also at 28 , PATERN'OSTER-ROiV ; and upwards of 150 established Agents in the United Kingdom .
Now ready . Demy 121110 , 208 pages . Handsomely bound in Cloth , price 2 s . 6 d . Post free , as . 8 d . THE ISRAELITES FOUND IN THE ANGLO-SAXONS . The Ten Tribes supposed to have been Lost , traced from the Land of their Captivity to their Occupation of the ISLES OF THE SEA , With an Exhibition of those Traits of Character and National Characteristics assigned to Israel in the Books of THE HEBREW PROPHETS . BY WILLIAM CARPENTER , Author of " Scientia Biblica , " " Scripture Natural History , " " Guide to the Reading of the Bible , ' " Lectures on Biblical Criticism and Interpretation , " A Popular Introduction to the Bible ' . " The Biblical Companion , " " Critica Biblica , " " Calendarium Palestine . " "An Introduction to the Reading and Study of the English Bible , " and Editor of the Fifth Large Edition of " Calmet ' s Dictionary of the Bible " and of the Abridgment of the same , & c , & c . & c . London : GEOIIOE REUSING , 198 , Fleet-street , & 2 , 3 , 4 , Little Britain . Liverpool : 2 , Monument-place . MACKINTOSH & Co ., 44 , Paterncster Row .
f § LEA & PERRINS' SAUCE . Ijll THE "WOHCESTEHSI-UKli . " MR Pronounced by Connoisseurs " THE ONLY GOOD yJ ' ISL SAUCE . " Its use improves appetite and diges-/§ l pfflk t ' - Unrivalled for piquancy and flavour . gill ASK FOR LEA & PERRINS" SAUCEI & lgSrcijg BF . WAIIK or IMITATIONS , K : ~ : igLs || to avoid which , see the names , i ^ MSB LEA cc l'EKHINS , jffig § ljp | on all bottles and labels . tfflffflH Agents— CROSSE & BUCHVVELL , London , and sold by * 4 JJ |^ F all Dealers in Sauces throughout the world , & I
KENNING'S NEW BALLOT BOX , Price Thirty Shillings ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TJ URNTTURE m . cox & Co ., Iffl lU FINSBURY SQUARE BUILDINGS , M W CHISWELL ST ., LONDON , E . C . m *» COX & Co ' s . JM CATALOGUE , Q 9 R & Showing the advantages of their Cash bystem , | F ^ Forwarded Post Free . A Kour . roomed House furnished complete , £ 10 o o A Six-roomed , including Drawing-room , do . 26 6 6 A Single Parlour do . 500 A Drawing-room , of Italian Walnut do . 17 60 A Dining-rooom of solid Mahogany , do . 15 o o All articles warranted , and of the best workmansip . A single article of Furniture at equally low prices . The only house in the trade supplying the public direct from the workshops . Carriage paid to any Railway Station in the Kingdom . ftlW
^^ flfiEffl ^ * ** JUW ^ JIBB ^ MMWWIMJUa j ^ J ^ lJWit ^ ^
TOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S J " CHERRY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all other preparations for the Teeth . " AGUA AMARELLA" restores the Human Hair to its pristine hue , no matter at what age . "TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifull y perfumed and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR JOHN GOSNELL and CO . ' s . AND SEE THAT YOU HAVE NONE OTHER than their GESuiNEAiticles . Sold by all respectable CHEMISTS and PERFUMERS . Wholesale , Angel Passage , 93 , Upper Thames-st , London
MELLIN'S EXTRACT For preparing LIEBEG'S FOOD FOR INFANTS . 'J'HE onlygenuinesubstitute for Mother ' s Milk , and recommended by tile highest Medical Authorities , as the test Food for Infants and Invalids . SOLD AT , 55 , CHARING CROSS . Opposite "Olson's Monument .
ELSTOB'S CELEBRATED Riding , Hunting and Lumbago Belts . Sitt of waist and P . O . O . for 20 s . to be sent with order . The best fitting Hiding Trousers and Breeches Maker in London r elsewhere . N . B . —Morning Trousers of Best West of England Wool . Established 1830 . ELSTOB , 44 , MADDOX-STREET , BOND STREET .
S . YARDLEY , ESTABLISHED 1830 . SHOP FRONT BUILDER , SHOP FITTER , A . VD J Air Tight Show Case Manufacturer , 8 , LOWER WOOD STREET , CLEK KEN WELL , LONDON , E . C Eveiy description of fittings manufactured for Jewellers , Cutlers , Stationers , Offices , Drapers , Museums , l ) anl . s , ° Libraries , Outfit ' crs and Hosiers , Fancy Trades , kc . Plans and Estimates provided for shop fronts and internal ( ittings , in Town orany part of the Country . Outside Lamps ( silver plated ) from lis . Ditto , with arms and fittings complete , from facia , from 43 s , Superior Jewellers' ditto , with extra illuminating power , from ' ijs , Pitto , with . arms and / ittings complete , from facia , fiom 505 ,
Guaranteed all Cocoa . Jim ^ SCHWEITZER'S COCOATINA , W f SSI \« f Anti-Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate Powder . I 3 l Ps ^ lli I *! This unique pure preparation is ; pronounced bv the Faculty " the most nutritious perfectly digestible bever * . 1 * 1 I © = 1 _/| f aue for URliAKFAST , LUNCHEON , or SUPPER , and invaluable for Invalids and Children . " (^^ gTwi ^ SB ^ y ~ lc IS made instaneonslv with boiling water or milk ; being without sugar it suits all palates . ^ c ^ i £ § Sli *^ y l ' * packets at is . 6 d ., 3 s ., & c , By Chemists ami Grocers . ( Samples gratis . J \ CQ ^ W' Cocoatina a la Vanille , at Same Prices . It is superior to the best Vanilla Chacolate , much cheaper , perfectly ^*^ - - —^ digestible , and made instantaneously . Rg . ured . Sole proprietors : H . SCHWEITZER & Co ., 10 , Adam St ., Adelphi , London
NOW READY , PRICE £ 4 / 4 THE PAIR , OR £ 2 / 10 SINGLE . SIZE 32 m . BY 20 in . AUTOTYPES OF BRO . SIGISMUND ROSENTHAL ' S CELEBRATED PAINTINGS . The Reception qfH . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Past Grand Master , At Freemasons' Hall , on December ist , 1869 , containing upwards of 120 Figures and Portraits-. The Reception of H . R . H , the Prince of Wales at the Grand Conclave of Knights Templar , May 13 th , 1870 , containing nearly 100 Figures and Portraits . Sold by BRO . G . KENNING , 1 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , E . C Branches : 198 , Fleet-street , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool .
IRON MESSRS . BORN & Co ., XX \^ 1 V ^ BERNERS-STREET , W ., ¦ pT A TVTQQ Beg to call attention to their IRON COTTAGE PIANOS , celebrated ¦ *¦ J-- " -- - *^ ' ^ for their power and beauty . These Pianos are unsurpassed in elegance of design and brilliancy of tone , are unequalled for the elegance of their T ^ C ^ T ? A . LL construction , and for the musical effect which they produce . The Manufacturers pay special attention to the peculiarities of various cli-^_ -TTV / r X m ~ n o ni-ates , and construct their instruments accordingly . Persons proceeding C _ xXuXJ \ lA . jL JlrfO to India and the Colonies are specially invited to inspect these Pianos . MANUFACTORY : BERLIN . EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS .
MESSRS . DARLOW & Co 7 ~ Inventors , Patentees , and Sole Manufacturers of the Original Skeuasma Magnetic Appliances , solicit the attention of the Public to their recently patented and greatly improved article , MAGNETINE . Which , from its extreme lightness and perfect flexibility , will commend itself for Hot Climates , Summer Wear , and for Persons of delicate constitution . As a curative agent , the original SKEUASMA appliances have been remarkably successful in the relief and cure of ailments hitherto deemed almost unapproachable . The new artijle , MAGN'ETINE , whilst possessing an equal amount of curative properties , has the additional advantages of softness , lightness , and entire flexibility , combined with a permanent unchangeable Magnetic influence . The most successful cases hitherto treated for having been Spinal , Liver , and Kidney Affections ; also Sciatica , Neuralgia , Dyspepsia , General Debility , and the various forms of Nervous , Rheumatic , and Bronchial complaints The Magnetine substance is encased in Silk , Jean , Flannel , and otiier soft articles , and is made up into appliances to meet the various local ailments . It does not contain any sharp-cutting material , and cannot by any possibility do injury to the wearer . Messrs . DARLOW are in constant receipt of Testimonials of the curative effects of these gentle , soothing , and vitalising appliances for the relief of human suffering . DARLOW and Co ., Inventors and Patentees , 63 , North Woolwich-road , E . Illustrated Pamphlets Post Free . COMMUNICATIONS RESPONDED TO WITHOUT ANY CHARGE WHATEVER TEMPORARY CITY DEPOT , 29 , Farringdon-ssreet , E . C . Also at 28 , PATERN'OSTER-ROiV ; and upwards of 150 established Agents in the United Kingdom .
Now ready . Demy 121110 , 208 pages . Handsomely bound in Cloth , price 2 s . 6 d . Post free , as . 8 d . THE ISRAELITES FOUND IN THE ANGLO-SAXONS . The Ten Tribes supposed to have been Lost , traced from the Land of their Captivity to their Occupation of the ISLES OF THE SEA , With an Exhibition of those Traits of Character and National Characteristics assigned to Israel in the Books of THE HEBREW PROPHETS . BY WILLIAM CARPENTER , Author of " Scientia Biblica , " " Scripture Natural History , " " Guide to the Reading of the Bible , ' " Lectures on Biblical Criticism and Interpretation , " A Popular Introduction to the Bible ' . " The Biblical Companion , " " Critica Biblica , " " Calendarium Palestine . " "An Introduction to the Reading and Study of the English Bible , " and Editor of the Fifth Large Edition of " Calmet ' s Dictionary of the Bible " and of the Abridgment of the same , & c , & c . & c . London : GEOIIOE REUSING , 198 , Fleet-street , & 2 , 3 , 4 , Little Britain . Liverpool : 2 , Monument-place . MACKINTOSH & Co ., 44 , Paterncster Row .
f § LEA & PERRINS' SAUCE . Ijll THE "WOHCESTEHSI-UKli . " MR Pronounced by Connoisseurs " THE ONLY GOOD yJ ' ISL SAUCE . " Its use improves appetite and diges-/§ l pfflk t ' - Unrivalled for piquancy and flavour . gill ASK FOR LEA & PERRINS" SAUCEI & lgSrcijg BF . WAIIK or IMITATIONS , K : ~ : igLs || to avoid which , see the names , i ^ MSB LEA cc l'EKHINS , jffig § ljp | on all bottles and labels . tfflffflH Agents— CROSSE & BUCHVVELL , London , and sold by * 4 JJ |^ F all Dealers in Sauces throughout the world , & I
KENNING'S NEW BALLOT BOX , Price Thirty Shillings ,