Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents
REPORTS OF M ASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry IO 3 Royal Arch io 4 Mark Masonry I 0 . i Knicfhts Templar IO S
Scotland I 0 7 Obituary IO ? Notes on the United Orders of the Temple and Hospital IoS Masonic Notes and Queries m
C ORRESPONDENCE : — Status of Past Masters m The Masonic Charities I » I The House of Bonaparte and Freemasonry 112 Cityof London Masonic Lifeboat Ball 112 Masonic Meetings for next week 112 Advertisements 101 , 102 , 113 , 114 , 115 , 116
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft ifasontir .
IPSWICH . —British Union Lodge ( No . 114 ) . — The monthly meeting of this prosperous and exclusive lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., when there were present a large number of the brethren , including Bros . Dr .- Beaumont , R . N ., W . M . ; the
Rev . E . J . Lockwood , D . P . M . ; Clement Cobbold , K . M . C . S ., 33 ° of Brazil ; the Rev . R . W . Sanderson , P . P . G . Chap . ; Emra Holmes , P . G . Reg . j P . Cornell , P . G . S . D . ; A . J . Barber , P . G . O . ; S . Wright , S . W . ; A . D . George , J . W . ; W . Spalding , Secretary ; F . C . Orel , R . J . ; Capt .
Saxton , R . A . ; S . G . Fairtlough , R . A ., P . Prov . S . G . D ., Malta , & c . ; Dr . Clarke , R . J . ; H . Miller , I . G . ; W . Boby , P . M . ; the Rev . T . G . Beaumont , the Rev . J . Tweed , and others . The lodge having been opened with the first degree , was raised to the third , when Bro . Sanderson
having assumed the gavel raised Bro . Tweed to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . On resuming in the second , Bro . Orel was passed as an F . C , Bro . Cornell performing the ceremony , and on the lodge being closed down to the first , Mr . Benjamin Spurling , of Shortley , was initiated
as an E . A . P . The labours of the evening having been brought to a close , the brethren sat down o an excellent repast , served in Bro . G . Spalding ' s best style . After the usual Masonic toasts had-been given by the W . M ., Bro . Emra Holmes brought forward the subject of a Masonic ball ,
and proposed that one should be held at Easter , under the auspices of the British Union Lodge . The motion was warmly seconded by Bro . Clement Cobbold , and was carried nem . con ., but the brethren appearing somewhat apathetic in the matter , and the Prov . Grand Master , Sir Shafto Adair having expressed an opinion that it
was unnecessary and unmasonic to ask for the names of lady patronesses , without whom Bro . Holmes felt it would be impossible to secure success , he withdrew his motion and the subject dropped . Much regret was expressed by some of the brethren that the matter should fall through . The party separated at a late hour .
LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Lodge ( No . 249 ) . — By far the largest and most influential assembly in connection with this lodge which lias ever been held , took place on Thursday evening , the 6 th inst ., at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , when and where Bro . E . Hughes , the present
esteemed W . M ., took occasion to present the lodge with a handsome banner in commemoration of his year of office . The banner—on which is depicted an ancient Craft in full sail , supposed to be the first bearer of Freemasonry to this country—is a magnificent specimen of
art—bold in its worked outlines , harmonious in its colours , and striking in the general effectand was especially manufactured by Bro . G . Kenning , of London and Liverpool . The interest in the presentation of this banner was shown by an attendance of about 100 brethren ,
amongst whom were an unusually strong representation of leaders in the Craft . The lodge was opened in due form by Bros . Edwin Hughes , W . M . ; who was supported by Bros . J . J . Rose , S . W . ; J . Lloyd , J . W . ; the Rev . P . Hains , C . ; H . Pearson , P . M . ; J . K . Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; R . Collings , Sec .: W . Crane ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . M ., D . C . ; J . Hamer , P . M . ; G . dela Perelle , P . M . ; A . Humphreys , S . D . ; J . Hayes , J . D . ; C . Leighton , I . G . j H . N . Price , S . R . Carter , S . ; W . G . Veale , O . ; W . H . Ball . Tyler ; and others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . C . H . Hill , P . M ., 724 ; J . Holland , W . M ., 82 , 3 ; J . E .
Jones , P . M ., 724 ; J . Sellar , W . M ., 1299 ; W . Shortis , W . M ., 1325 ; S . J . McGeorge , P . M ., 241 ; J . Beesley , W . M ., 261 ; J . T . Callow , W . M . ; 673 ; T . Ashmore , P . M ., 823 ; J . M . Eccles , Sec , 132 , 5 ; T . Fozzard , P . M ., 1035 ; H . Nelson , P . M ., 673 ; and others . After two
brethren had been passed to the degree of F . C . and a substantial sum had been voted for charity , the W . M . ( Bro . Hughes ) proceeded to present the banner to the lodge . In doing so , he said he could not help expressing his heart-felt thanks for the very
large amount of symphathy and help during the time he had occupied the chair of the Mariners ' Lodsre , and out of the fulness of his gratitude he felt there could not be a more appropriate gift , as a slig ht expression of his feelings , than the presentation of a banner . He must thank every
brother for the support he had received from every brother of the Lodge in a position which had been the one great ambition of his life , and also for the kindness displayed in overlooking the many shortcomings of his work . The only stipulation he made was that his name should
not be placad upon the banner , and that no alterations should be made in connection without his consent . Bro . Hamer , ns the eldest P . M . of the lodge , accepted the handsome gift in the name of the members of the lodge , and thanked the W . M . for his trift . He trusted that banner would
be handed down from generation to generation , and that it would long be cherished as a valuable g ift from their W . M . Bro . Haines , Chaplain : May it brave a thousand years without being exposed either to the battle or the breeze . — After a most impressive consecration prayer bj
Bro . Haines , it was moved by 3 ro . P . M . Pearson , seconded by Bro . P . M . Smith , and unanimously agreed , to record a vote of thanks on the minut <><; to Brother E . Hughes , W . M ., for his handsome gift t > thi lodge . The brethren subsequently sat down to an excellent repast , and a highly enjoyable evening was spent by the numerous brethren .
LEICESTER . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 279 . )—The members of this lodge met at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday the 5 th inst ., for for the transaction of ordinary business . Bro . Clement Stretton , P . G . W ., W . M ., presiding ; A . Palmer , S . W . ; J . W . Smith , J . W .: W .
Weare , P . M ., Treasurer ; J . M . McAllister , Secretary ; G . W . Statham , S . D . ; C . E . Stretton , J . D . ; S . Tebbutt , OrganU ; S . Cleaver , Steward ; L . A . Clarke , P . P . G . W . ; L . L . Atwood , P . P . G . D . C ; George Toller , Junr ., P . P . G . R . ; S . S . Partridge , P . G . S . ; R . Waite , P . M . ;
S . P . Ekin , P . M . ; J . Adlard , J . T . Thorpe , Sec , 523 ; S . A . Wykes , 523 ; and others . The W . M . inaugurated his year of office by conferring upon Bro . G . K . Billings the sublime degree of Master Mason , in which ceremony he was assisted by Bro . Toller , P . P . G . R ., whose impressive
working evidenced his thorough understanding and appreciation of the true nature and design of Freemasonry . The W . M . intimated that George S . Widdowson had been admitted on the 24 th ult . to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ; and the sum of one hundred and fifty guineas for
his admission had been paid to the proper authorities . Bro . Smith , J . W ., who had kindl y taken the boy to London , gave an interesting description of the Institution , its management , & c , and alluded in laudatory terms to the ability and fitness of the Head Master for his important charge .
An appeal for relief was liberally responded to , and the names of two candidates for initiation were submitted for enquiry , unity and brotherly lave pervaded the business of the meeting throughout , and as our W . M . has already passed with much satisfaction , that severe test— " the
chair "—which is an important criterion of prudence , discretion , and judgment , we may safely anticipate a year of prosperity to the lodge . BRIGHTON—Royal York Lodge ( No . 315 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday , 4 th . inst ., at the Pavilion Rooms , Brig hton . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Dr . J . M . Cunningham , P . M ., S . W ., P . M .,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
916 , P . Z ., 916 , P . P . G . S . W . Sussex , at 7 o clock , P . M . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Letters from various correspondents were read and dealt with . Bro . J ones Eborall was unanimously elected to the chair of this old and flourishing lodge for the year
1873-4 . The election of Treasurer resulted in Bro . Hugh Saunders . P . M . 315 . P . P . G . D . Sussex , being unanimously chosen . Bro . Thos . Hughes was elected Tyler . Bro . W . Challen , P . M . 315 and 1141 , P . Z ., 732 , P . P . G . S . B . Sussex , announced his intention to represent the lodge at
the festival in aid of the Masonic Benevolent Institution , and made- an earnest appeal in support of his list . The lodge was closed in perfect harmony , and the brethren adjourned to the Terminus Hotel , Queen ' s Road , Brighton ( Bro .
Pearson s ) to supper . There were present during the evening , Bros . S . R . Ade , P . M . ; Stride , I . P . M . ; W . Marchant , P . M . ; Sandman , Sec . ; W . Challen , P . M . ; Emery , Staples , Nell , J . Robinson , P . M ., H . Payne , Hailey , Hawkes and several others .
STOURBRIDGE . —Lodge of Stability , ( No . , 564 ) . —The brethren of this lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John in the commodious lodgeroom at the Talbot Hotel , on Tuesday , 28 th ult . There was a very numerous attendance , both of members and visitors . The lodge was opened
punctually at 3 o ' clock by the W . M ., Bro . Healy , who , after the usual preliminary business had been transacted , initiated Mr . H . D'Arcy Ellis into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry in such a masterly manner as to almost make the brethren regret that that was the last ceremony he would
perform as their W . M . The report of the Audit Committee was then presented , which showed the finances of the lodge to be in a most flourishing state , reflecting the greatest skill and ability of the Treasurer , who , in responding to the vote of thanks unanimously tendered to him for
his services , drew the attention of the visitors especially to the beautiful tablets recentl y placed in the lodge-room on which are recorded the names of the Past Masters , and which were a present from Bro . Westwood , P . M ., on the condition that the brethren would subscribe to make
the W . M ., for ( he time being a Vice-President of the Masonic Institution for Boys , an offer which was at once accepted and acted upon . The Lodge of Stability is the only one in Worcestershire in so proud a position ; we trust the example may be speedily followed . The W . M .
having vacated the chair , it was taken b y Bros . Mansfield , P . P . S . G . W . and P . G . Treasurer , who , we believe , has , with only one exception , installed all the Masters of this lodge since its foundation . The W . M . Elect , Bro . E . T . Wright , having been duly presented , and taken
the customary obligation , a Board of Installed Masters , at which twelve were present , was formed , and the new W . M . duly placed in the chair of K . S . The lodge being resumed , and the W . M . saluted in the three degrees , he proceeded to ' appoint his officers as follows : —Bro .
Broomhall , S . W . ; L . L . Campbell , J . W . ; F . Perks , Secretary ; C . Williams , S . D ; F . Fisher , J . D . ; F . Foley , I . G . ; F . Stringer , and B . Brooks , Stewards . Bro . Jones was unanimously reelected Treasurer . This lodge being closed in harmony the brethren adjourned to a banquet . DERBY . —Hartinglon Lodge ( No . 108 . 5 ) . —
This young and prosperous lodge held its seventh anniversary on Wednesday , the jth inst ., when the following Grand and Provincial Granc Officers and visiting brethren were among those present . Bro . Dr . Moore , Past Grand Swotc Bearer of England and Standard Bearer to the Grand Chapter . Bros . Naylor , P . G . S . W ; Cox P . P . G . S . W ., P . G . T .: Bobart . P . P . G . S . W .
Eastwood , P . P . G . R . ; Marsden , P . G . S . ; lliffe P . P . G . D . C ; Brentnale , P . P . G . S . D ., W . M 802 ; Waite , P . P . G . S of Works , W . M . 253 Worsnop , P . P . G . P ., P . M . 1085 ; Hall P . M . 47 ; Wharton , 47 ; Burn and Merry 731 TheW . M ., Bro . Webster , P . G . A . D . C , openc
the lodge , and the minutes of the previou meeting were read and confirmed . The lod g was opened in the 2 nd degree and Bro . Di Moore , P . G . S . B ., of England ( who had com specially from Lancaster for the purpose c installing his brother , James Mason Moore , a Master of the lodge ) took the chair of Kin
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents
REPORTS OF M ASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry IO 3 Royal Arch io 4 Mark Masonry I 0 . i Knicfhts Templar IO S
Scotland I 0 7 Obituary IO ? Notes on the United Orders of the Temple and Hospital IoS Masonic Notes and Queries m
C ORRESPONDENCE : — Status of Past Masters m The Masonic Charities I » I The House of Bonaparte and Freemasonry 112 Cityof London Masonic Lifeboat Ball 112 Masonic Meetings for next week 112 Advertisements 101 , 102 , 113 , 114 , 115 , 116
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft ifasontir .
IPSWICH . —British Union Lodge ( No . 114 ) . — The monthly meeting of this prosperous and exclusive lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., when there were present a large number of the brethren , including Bros . Dr .- Beaumont , R . N ., W . M . ; the
Rev . E . J . Lockwood , D . P . M . ; Clement Cobbold , K . M . C . S ., 33 ° of Brazil ; the Rev . R . W . Sanderson , P . P . G . Chap . ; Emra Holmes , P . G . Reg . j P . Cornell , P . G . S . D . ; A . J . Barber , P . G . O . ; S . Wright , S . W . ; A . D . George , J . W . ; W . Spalding , Secretary ; F . C . Orel , R . J . ; Capt .
Saxton , R . A . ; S . G . Fairtlough , R . A ., P . Prov . S . G . D ., Malta , & c . ; Dr . Clarke , R . J . ; H . Miller , I . G . ; W . Boby , P . M . ; the Rev . T . G . Beaumont , the Rev . J . Tweed , and others . The lodge having been opened with the first degree , was raised to the third , when Bro . Sanderson
having assumed the gavel raised Bro . Tweed to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . On resuming in the second , Bro . Orel was passed as an F . C , Bro . Cornell performing the ceremony , and on the lodge being closed down to the first , Mr . Benjamin Spurling , of Shortley , was initiated
as an E . A . P . The labours of the evening having been brought to a close , the brethren sat down o an excellent repast , served in Bro . G . Spalding ' s best style . After the usual Masonic toasts had-been given by the W . M ., Bro . Emra Holmes brought forward the subject of a Masonic ball ,
and proposed that one should be held at Easter , under the auspices of the British Union Lodge . The motion was warmly seconded by Bro . Clement Cobbold , and was carried nem . con ., but the brethren appearing somewhat apathetic in the matter , and the Prov . Grand Master , Sir Shafto Adair having expressed an opinion that it
was unnecessary and unmasonic to ask for the names of lady patronesses , without whom Bro . Holmes felt it would be impossible to secure success , he withdrew his motion and the subject dropped . Much regret was expressed by some of the brethren that the matter should fall through . The party separated at a late hour .
LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Lodge ( No . 249 ) . — By far the largest and most influential assembly in connection with this lodge which lias ever been held , took place on Thursday evening , the 6 th inst ., at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , when and where Bro . E . Hughes , the present
esteemed W . M ., took occasion to present the lodge with a handsome banner in commemoration of his year of office . The banner—on which is depicted an ancient Craft in full sail , supposed to be the first bearer of Freemasonry to this country—is a magnificent specimen of
art—bold in its worked outlines , harmonious in its colours , and striking in the general effectand was especially manufactured by Bro . G . Kenning , of London and Liverpool . The interest in the presentation of this banner was shown by an attendance of about 100 brethren ,
amongst whom were an unusually strong representation of leaders in the Craft . The lodge was opened in due form by Bros . Edwin Hughes , W . M . ; who was supported by Bros . J . J . Rose , S . W . ; J . Lloyd , J . W . ; the Rev . P . Hains , C . ; H . Pearson , P . M . ; J . K . Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; R . Collings , Sec .: W . Crane ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . M ., D . C . ; J . Hamer , P . M . ; G . dela Perelle , P . M . ; A . Humphreys , S . D . ; J . Hayes , J . D . ; C . Leighton , I . G . j H . N . Price , S . R . Carter , S . ; W . G . Veale , O . ; W . H . Ball . Tyler ; and others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . C . H . Hill , P . M ., 724 ; J . Holland , W . M ., 82 , 3 ; J . E .
Jones , P . M ., 724 ; J . Sellar , W . M ., 1299 ; W . Shortis , W . M ., 1325 ; S . J . McGeorge , P . M ., 241 ; J . Beesley , W . M ., 261 ; J . T . Callow , W . M . ; 673 ; T . Ashmore , P . M ., 823 ; J . M . Eccles , Sec , 132 , 5 ; T . Fozzard , P . M ., 1035 ; H . Nelson , P . M ., 673 ; and others . After two
brethren had been passed to the degree of F . C . and a substantial sum had been voted for charity , the W . M . ( Bro . Hughes ) proceeded to present the banner to the lodge . In doing so , he said he could not help expressing his heart-felt thanks for the very
large amount of symphathy and help during the time he had occupied the chair of the Mariners ' Lodsre , and out of the fulness of his gratitude he felt there could not be a more appropriate gift , as a slig ht expression of his feelings , than the presentation of a banner . He must thank every
brother for the support he had received from every brother of the Lodge in a position which had been the one great ambition of his life , and also for the kindness displayed in overlooking the many shortcomings of his work . The only stipulation he made was that his name should
not be placad upon the banner , and that no alterations should be made in connection without his consent . Bro . Hamer , ns the eldest P . M . of the lodge , accepted the handsome gift in the name of the members of the lodge , and thanked the W . M . for his trift . He trusted that banner would
be handed down from generation to generation , and that it would long be cherished as a valuable g ift from their W . M . Bro . Haines , Chaplain : May it brave a thousand years without being exposed either to the battle or the breeze . — After a most impressive consecration prayer bj
Bro . Haines , it was moved by 3 ro . P . M . Pearson , seconded by Bro . P . M . Smith , and unanimously agreed , to record a vote of thanks on the minut <><; to Brother E . Hughes , W . M ., for his handsome gift t > thi lodge . The brethren subsequently sat down to an excellent repast , and a highly enjoyable evening was spent by the numerous brethren .
LEICESTER . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 279 . )—The members of this lodge met at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday the 5 th inst ., for for the transaction of ordinary business . Bro . Clement Stretton , P . G . W ., W . M ., presiding ; A . Palmer , S . W . ; J . W . Smith , J . W .: W .
Weare , P . M ., Treasurer ; J . M . McAllister , Secretary ; G . W . Statham , S . D . ; C . E . Stretton , J . D . ; S . Tebbutt , OrganU ; S . Cleaver , Steward ; L . A . Clarke , P . P . G . W . ; L . L . Atwood , P . P . G . D . C ; George Toller , Junr ., P . P . G . R . ; S . S . Partridge , P . G . S . ; R . Waite , P . M . ;
S . P . Ekin , P . M . ; J . Adlard , J . T . Thorpe , Sec , 523 ; S . A . Wykes , 523 ; and others . The W . M . inaugurated his year of office by conferring upon Bro . G . K . Billings the sublime degree of Master Mason , in which ceremony he was assisted by Bro . Toller , P . P . G . R ., whose impressive
working evidenced his thorough understanding and appreciation of the true nature and design of Freemasonry . The W . M . intimated that George S . Widdowson had been admitted on the 24 th ult . to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ; and the sum of one hundred and fifty guineas for
his admission had been paid to the proper authorities . Bro . Smith , J . W ., who had kindl y taken the boy to London , gave an interesting description of the Institution , its management , & c , and alluded in laudatory terms to the ability and fitness of the Head Master for his important charge .
An appeal for relief was liberally responded to , and the names of two candidates for initiation were submitted for enquiry , unity and brotherly lave pervaded the business of the meeting throughout , and as our W . M . has already passed with much satisfaction , that severe test— " the
chair "—which is an important criterion of prudence , discretion , and judgment , we may safely anticipate a year of prosperity to the lodge . BRIGHTON—Royal York Lodge ( No . 315 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday , 4 th . inst ., at the Pavilion Rooms , Brig hton . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Dr . J . M . Cunningham , P . M ., S . W ., P . M .,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
916 , P . Z ., 916 , P . P . G . S . W . Sussex , at 7 o clock , P . M . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Letters from various correspondents were read and dealt with . Bro . J ones Eborall was unanimously elected to the chair of this old and flourishing lodge for the year
1873-4 . The election of Treasurer resulted in Bro . Hugh Saunders . P . M . 315 . P . P . G . D . Sussex , being unanimously chosen . Bro . Thos . Hughes was elected Tyler . Bro . W . Challen , P . M . 315 and 1141 , P . Z ., 732 , P . P . G . S . B . Sussex , announced his intention to represent the lodge at
the festival in aid of the Masonic Benevolent Institution , and made- an earnest appeal in support of his list . The lodge was closed in perfect harmony , and the brethren adjourned to the Terminus Hotel , Queen ' s Road , Brighton ( Bro .
Pearson s ) to supper . There were present during the evening , Bros . S . R . Ade , P . M . ; Stride , I . P . M . ; W . Marchant , P . M . ; Sandman , Sec . ; W . Challen , P . M . ; Emery , Staples , Nell , J . Robinson , P . M ., H . Payne , Hailey , Hawkes and several others .
STOURBRIDGE . —Lodge of Stability , ( No . , 564 ) . —The brethren of this lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John in the commodious lodgeroom at the Talbot Hotel , on Tuesday , 28 th ult . There was a very numerous attendance , both of members and visitors . The lodge was opened
punctually at 3 o ' clock by the W . M ., Bro . Healy , who , after the usual preliminary business had been transacted , initiated Mr . H . D'Arcy Ellis into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry in such a masterly manner as to almost make the brethren regret that that was the last ceremony he would
perform as their W . M . The report of the Audit Committee was then presented , which showed the finances of the lodge to be in a most flourishing state , reflecting the greatest skill and ability of the Treasurer , who , in responding to the vote of thanks unanimously tendered to him for
his services , drew the attention of the visitors especially to the beautiful tablets recentl y placed in the lodge-room on which are recorded the names of the Past Masters , and which were a present from Bro . Westwood , P . M ., on the condition that the brethren would subscribe to make
the W . M ., for ( he time being a Vice-President of the Masonic Institution for Boys , an offer which was at once accepted and acted upon . The Lodge of Stability is the only one in Worcestershire in so proud a position ; we trust the example may be speedily followed . The W . M .
having vacated the chair , it was taken b y Bros . Mansfield , P . P . S . G . W . and P . G . Treasurer , who , we believe , has , with only one exception , installed all the Masters of this lodge since its foundation . The W . M . Elect , Bro . E . T . Wright , having been duly presented , and taken
the customary obligation , a Board of Installed Masters , at which twelve were present , was formed , and the new W . M . duly placed in the chair of K . S . The lodge being resumed , and the W . M . saluted in the three degrees , he proceeded to ' appoint his officers as follows : —Bro .
Broomhall , S . W . ; L . L . Campbell , J . W . ; F . Perks , Secretary ; C . Williams , S . D ; F . Fisher , J . D . ; F . Foley , I . G . ; F . Stringer , and B . Brooks , Stewards . Bro . Jones was unanimously reelected Treasurer . This lodge being closed in harmony the brethren adjourned to a banquet . DERBY . —Hartinglon Lodge ( No . 108 . 5 ) . —
This young and prosperous lodge held its seventh anniversary on Wednesday , the jth inst ., when the following Grand and Provincial Granc Officers and visiting brethren were among those present . Bro . Dr . Moore , Past Grand Swotc Bearer of England and Standard Bearer to the Grand Chapter . Bros . Naylor , P . G . S . W ; Cox P . P . G . S . W ., P . G . T .: Bobart . P . P . G . S . W .
Eastwood , P . P . G . R . ; Marsden , P . G . S . ; lliffe P . P . G . D . C ; Brentnale , P . P . G . S . D ., W . M 802 ; Waite , P . P . G . S of Works , W . M . 253 Worsnop , P . P . G . P ., P . M . 1085 ; Hall P . M . 47 ; Wharton , 47 ; Burn and Merry 731 TheW . M ., Bro . Webster , P . G . A . D . C , openc
the lodge , and the minutes of the previou meeting were read and confirmed . The lod g was opened in the 2 nd degree and Bro . Di Moore , P . G . S . B ., of England ( who had com specially from Lancaster for the purpose c installing his brother , James Mason Moore , a Master of the lodge ) took the chair of Kin