Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
sumptuous banquet was excellently served , "he chair was of course occupied by the newly-installed W . M ., Bro . H . Ranlhiucll , who was supported rig ht and left bv the R . W . Bro . Colonel Whitwel ' l , M . P . D . P . G . M ., Bros . Edward Bushcr , P . G . S . B . of England , Henry Cook , P . P . G . Reg ,.
Capt . Mott , Prov . S . G . W ., John Bowes , P . Prov G . Reg . ; Henry CartmcII , P . M . ; John Holme , P . M . ; Dr . Noble , Dr . Lceming . Dr . Page ( Kirkb y Lonsdale ) , H . Dodd , P . M P ., Prov . G . D ., and about fifty others . After dinner the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were duly
honoured , introductorp to those of a purel ) Masonic character . Excellent speeches were delivered by several of the brethren , and tin health of the W . M . was most enlhusiasticall ) drunk on the proposition of R . W . Bro . Whitwell . The Masonic gatherings at Kendal are
at all times popular , and the last one seems to have been 110 exception to the general rule , for we heard but one expression of opinion , and that altogether favourable , LOUGHBOROUGH . —Charnwood C'tapler ( No . 1007 ) . —The first meeting of this voting chapter
since the consecration , was held on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., when the Right Hon . Earl Ferrers was installed in the chair of Z . The chapter was opened at 3 o ' clock by Ex Com ]) . W . Kelly , Prov . G . Snpt . ; Ex Comp . Rev . W . Langley , Prov . G . P . S ., and P . Z . of 1130 ; and Ex Comp .
Weare , Prov . G . Standard Bearer , ¦ P . Z . 279 . Lord Ferrers was th . en passed through the chairs of J . and H ., and installed as first M . E . Z . of the Charnwood Chapter . Several exaltations of brethren of the Howe and Charnwood Lodge followed . Comp . Kelly , at the desire of the
M . E . Z ,, taking the ceremonies and delivering flic lectures ; Corp . Amatt acted as Prin . Soj ., and performed his duties very creditably . Tlie following officers were elected . —Comps . Bought ™ Smith , Scribe E . ; Dobell , Scribe N . ; Amott , P . S . The bye-iaws were receive )) , and the
chapter fairl y launched upon what ma ) be hoped will be a very prosperous career , as several brethren are read y for advancement at the next meeting , and the officers are very well up to their work , from the M . E . Z . to tlie Janitor . At the close ol the chapter the Prov . G . Supt . invested Comp .
Lord Ferrers with the collar ol Prov . G . H . A vote of thanks was proposed b y Ex Comp . Deane , seconded by the Prov . G . Supt ., to Ex . Comps Langley and Weare , for their attendance , at considerable inconvenience , for the installation
of the M . E . Z ., to winch Comp . Langley briefl y responded . The chapter was then closed , and a meeting of the Howe and Charnwood Lodge was held . We regret to state that Com ]) , the Rev . Dr . Haycroft , D . D ., Prov . G . Chaplain , is in a very critical elate .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
HULL . —Mi / terra Lt , < lge ( No . 12 ) . —This oh ! lodge held its annual meeting lor the installation of Worship ful Master in the Masonic Hall , Prince-street , on Monday evening , February 3 rd , 1873 , when the lodge was opened by Bro .
William Tessyman , \\ . M ., assisted by his officers Amongst those present were , Bro . Walter Reynolds , P . M , P . G A . D . of C . ; Bro . George Hardy , P . M ., P . G . S . O . ; Bro . John Thompson W . M . of the Minerva Craft Lodge , No . 2 : 9 ;
Bro . John Hudson , ol" the Humber Craft Lodge . No . , 57 ; and about thirty brethren , members ol the lodge . "Ihe Treasurer presented his balancesheet , which showed a handsome balance in favour of" the lodge , out of which the sum of . i ' 2 was voted as a donation to the Royal Masonic
Benevolent Institution lor Aged freemasons . Six brethren were ballottcd for as candidates for advancement , Ji \ e ol" whom being present were admitted and rcgulaily advanced to the honourable degrio of Mark Master . The Wor . sLi p ful Master then called upon Bro . Waller Reynolds , P . M ., P . G . A ., D . of C , to install the
Worshipful Master . Bro . J . N . Scherling , the W . M , elect , having been presented , a Board of Installed Masters was formed ; and he was installed according lo aucit nt form . The Worshi pful Master appointed and invested his officers as follows : —C . ( . Todd , S . W . ; F . Jacks ; n , | . '\ V . ; 11 . ilaigli , TriaMiur , W . Kc " ) Holds , P . M .,
Mark Masonry.
P . G . D . C , Secretary ; A . W . Ansel ! , M . O . ; J . Py buin , M . D ., S . O . ; f . G . Sherwood . f . O ! ; John Walker , P . M ., V . G .. IG ., Registrar ; II . E . Voight , S . D . ; C . W . Ansell , ) . D . ; James Walker , D . C . ; Thos . Gates , Organist ; J . Hutchinson , E . Kidd , J . Peascgjod , jun ., R . A .
Medd , Stewards ; W . Steneker , I . G . ; Thos . 1 ' edd , J . Faulkner , W . Johnson , f . Norton , Tyler . After a cordial vote of thanks to the installing officers and , the Immediate Past Master had been passed , and three brethren
proposed for ballot at the next meeting , the lodge was closed in ancient form and with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet hall , and the remainder of the evening was spent in harmony .
BRIGHTON . —Royal Sussev Lodge ( No . 75 ) . — The usual bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Royal Pavilion , Brighton , on Tuesday , the nth inst . The Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . John Robinson , and after the minutes of tile previous
meeting were read and confirmed , Bro . root was regularl y introduced and advanced to the degree of a Mark Master Mason , the lecture of the degree being most impressively given b y P . ? . J . Bro , T . Cooke . The Treasurer of the lodge , Bro . L Lockver , was unanimous ! \ elected W . M .
for the year ensuing , and Bro . George Emery unanimously elected Treasurer . A Past Master ' s jewel wis voted to the out-going W . M ., and several announcements of Masonic importance were made . This closed the business of the lodge , which was adjourned until the second
Tuesday in March , which is installation ni g ht . The following members were in attendance : — Bro . T . Chandler ; f . R . Lockyer , Treasurer ; Bra . T . Sabine . 1 S , P . M . 22 , P . A . G D . of C ; Bro . Murdav , Bro . Foot , Bro . G . Emery , Bro . T . Cook , P . M ., Bro . J . Ebberall , Bro . Lni g ht , Bro . J . X . Stoner , Bro . John Robinson , Jtc
MACDONAEU LODGE ( An , 104 ) . — i'his lodge met at the head-quarters of the First Surrey Riiks , at Camberwell , on Saturday , the 8 th inst . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Charles Hammerton , Grand Steward , the chair of A . was occupied by theV . W . Bro .
Thomas Meggy , P . G . O ., who was supported bv the WW . Bro . James Stevens , P . G . O ., ami Provincial Grand Mark Secretary for Middlesex and Surrey ; the W . Bro . Dr . Eugene Cronin , P . G . D . ; the P . M . ' s of the lodge ; and also by Bros . A- Wolton , S . W . ; W . Worrell , J . W . ' ;
Berridge , M . O . ; White , S . O ., Secretary Drewett , I . G . ; Ritherden , S . D . ; O'Neill , J . D . ; Cozens . Org . ; and several other members . Bro . T . Y . Strachan , Provincial Grand Mark Secretary for Northumberland . Aid Durham attended as visitor . The lodge having been
duly opened , and previous minutes confirmed , ballots were taken for Bros . W . P . Collins , Sprague , Crtimmelin , and Basnet , which proving unanimous , they were severally introduced , and advanced into the honorable degree with full ceremonial , in accordance villi the new ritual ,
and with musical service . The work was most abl y conducted by the acting W . M . and his officers , and on tho conclusion of the advancements the Lecture of the Degree was delivered by Bro . Stevens . The great improvement in the Ritual was manifested b / the ea-e and
smoothness with which each portion of tin work was carried out by the respective officers , and Bro . Strachan subsequentl y informed the lodge that he felt assured that the alterations and additions , would meet with cordial approval by the lodges in his province . Notices ol
motion for consideration at next meeting wen given , and , the wages haying been ilulv paid , the lodge was closed in due form . The usual moderate supper followed business , at'd a pleasant hour or uvo was spent before separation . AI . N'w 1 { ¦ .:.-1 lulspw / . ' /''/ c ( No . 13- ) .- -At a
At a legtllar meeting of the Hotspur Lodge of Mark Master . Masons , held oil the 1 , -jth ult ,, at the Masonic I hill , Alnwick , ihoiker Edward Thew Ttirnbull , banker , Alnwick , S . W . and Treasurer ( P . P . ( J . I . G . Northumberland and
Durham ) was unanimously elected Worshipful Master . Brother Turnhuil is also W . M . of tin Alnwick Craft Lodge , 1 167 . Since he was proclaimed W . M . of 1 16 7 , at every meeting he hahad the countenance ami :, upj > un of hi .-, fellows .
Mark Masonry.
whilst , assisted by his officers , he has performed tlie duties pertaining to his hi gh office thoroughly , and we are sue he will be equally well assisted and upheld by bis his brethren of the Hotspur . Brother the Rev . Edward Lawrence Ma-rett , M . A ., Vicar of Lesbury and Alnmouth ( P . P . G . C . and Prov . G . J . W . Northumberland and Durham ) the present W . M . was elected treasurer .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
IPSWICH . —Prudence Preceptory—An emergency meeting of this old preceptory was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Wednesday , the , 7 th inst ., under dispensation [ : l > m the Provincial Prior , Sir Knt . Capt . Phillips , for the purpose of proceeding to the election of a Preceptor in the
room of Sir Knt . G . S . Gokling , who was unanimously elected to that important oilice , but through ill-healtli had been compelled to retire . There were present Sir Knts . Emra Holmes , Grand Provost of England , Preceptor ; the Rev . l > -V' C ! 11 . ' . -. 1 r" -1 11 ' . SandersonProvincial SubPrior
R . A . , - , Acting rstCapt . ; Dr . Beaumont , R . M ., 2 nd Capt . ; J . Pitcher , P . P . G . Capt .. P . E . C ; G . S . Findley . P . L . S ., Reg ., Dr . Mills , P . E . C ; P . Cornell , Almoner , and others . 'I'he Preceptory having been opened ami the muster roll called , the
dispensation was read by the Preceptor , Sir Knt . Holmes , and the Sir Kni ghts proceeded to ballot lor a Preceptor for the ensuing year . Sir Knt . Dr . Beaumont , R . N ., was unanimously elected to fill that hi gh ami important post . Sir Knt . Holmes then proceeded to read the circular on
tlie " object and scope of the Convent General " ( which has already appeared in our pages ) and reminded the Sir Kni ghts of the important alterations which now required that candidates should not only be R . A . Masons , but Master Masons of
two years standing , that they should be unanimousl y elected , and approved by the Provincial Prior , previous to installation . No other business being entered on the agenda , the Preceptory was closed and the Sir Kni ghts retired for refreshment .
ROCHDALE . —Albert Encampment . —The regular meeting of this encampment was held in the Masonic Hall , Ann-street , Rochdale , on Thursday , the 30 th day of Jan . The Eminent Commander , Sir Kni ght William Ashworth , Provincial First Captain , Lancashire , opened the
encampment in person at 7 . 30 , when the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . After the regular disposal of sundry matters , Sir Kt . Herod Turner , 1 st Captain , and Prov . Grand Herald , was unanimously elected Eminent Commander for the ensuino- twelve months . Sir Kt .
C . M . Jones , P . K . C ., was , with many complimentary expressions from the E . C . and Sir Kts ., re-elected Treasurer , and Frater John Ashworth , sen ., equerry of the encampment . Companion J . Bell having been proposed for installation as a Sir Kt . of the Order , and the business of the
evening being ended , the eminent Commander proceeded to close the encampment , and had great pleasure in receiving the hearty congratulations of several Sir Kni g hts , amongst whom were Sir Kni ght Clement , R . N . ; Beswicke-Roytis , Eminent Commander United , First
Grand Captain ot England , and Prov . Grand Prior of Lancashire ; and Sir Kni ght W . Roberts , Prov . Grand Prior of West Yorkshire . The encampment having been closet ! the Sir Kni ghts adjourned to banquet , after which tlie usual toasts wen- dul y honoured , those of the " Very Eminent
Provincial Grand Commander , Sir Kni ght Albert lludsoi ! Royds , " and his worthy deputy , " eminent Sir Kni g ht W . Henry Wri ght , " two as good anil worthy knights as can be found , were severall y received and specially honoured as Lancashire Knights know how to honour those
unomtliey love and revere . The Eminent Commander , in proposing the officers , \ -c ., of the Albert Encampment , alluded in very graceful U mis to the great assistance he had received in the discharge of his duties during the past year ,
specially mentioning and sincerel y thanking Sit Knights Jones and W . Davies for their untiring energy and perseverance to benefit the encampment , and their anxious readiness at all times to conliibiile io the Good of Knight Teniplarism , lor which services they are eminentl y deserving
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
sumptuous banquet was excellently served , "he chair was of course occupied by the newly-installed W . M ., Bro . H . Ranlhiucll , who was supported rig ht and left bv the R . W . Bro . Colonel Whitwel ' l , M . P . D . P . G . M ., Bros . Edward Bushcr , P . G . S . B . of England , Henry Cook , P . P . G . Reg ,.
Capt . Mott , Prov . S . G . W ., John Bowes , P . Prov G . Reg . ; Henry CartmcII , P . M . ; John Holme , P . M . ; Dr . Noble , Dr . Lceming . Dr . Page ( Kirkb y Lonsdale ) , H . Dodd , P . M P ., Prov . G . D ., and about fifty others . After dinner the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were duly
honoured , introductorp to those of a purel ) Masonic character . Excellent speeches were delivered by several of the brethren , and tin health of the W . M . was most enlhusiasticall ) drunk on the proposition of R . W . Bro . Whitwell . The Masonic gatherings at Kendal are
at all times popular , and the last one seems to have been 110 exception to the general rule , for we heard but one expression of opinion , and that altogether favourable , LOUGHBOROUGH . —Charnwood C'tapler ( No . 1007 ) . —The first meeting of this voting chapter
since the consecration , was held on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., when the Right Hon . Earl Ferrers was installed in the chair of Z . The chapter was opened at 3 o ' clock by Ex Com ]) . W . Kelly , Prov . G . Snpt . ; Ex Comp . Rev . W . Langley , Prov . G . P . S ., and P . Z . of 1130 ; and Ex Comp .
Weare , Prov . G . Standard Bearer , ¦ P . Z . 279 . Lord Ferrers was th . en passed through the chairs of J . and H ., and installed as first M . E . Z . of the Charnwood Chapter . Several exaltations of brethren of the Howe and Charnwood Lodge followed . Comp . Kelly , at the desire of the
M . E . Z ,, taking the ceremonies and delivering flic lectures ; Corp . Amatt acted as Prin . Soj ., and performed his duties very creditably . Tlie following officers were elected . —Comps . Bought ™ Smith , Scribe E . ; Dobell , Scribe N . ; Amott , P . S . The bye-iaws were receive )) , and the
chapter fairl y launched upon what ma ) be hoped will be a very prosperous career , as several brethren are read y for advancement at the next meeting , and the officers are very well up to their work , from the M . E . Z . to tlie Janitor . At the close ol the chapter the Prov . G . Supt . invested Comp .
Lord Ferrers with the collar ol Prov . G . H . A vote of thanks was proposed b y Ex Comp . Deane , seconded by the Prov . G . Supt ., to Ex . Comps Langley and Weare , for their attendance , at considerable inconvenience , for the installation
of the M . E . Z ., to winch Comp . Langley briefl y responded . The chapter was then closed , and a meeting of the Howe and Charnwood Lodge was held . We regret to state that Com ]) , the Rev . Dr . Haycroft , D . D ., Prov . G . Chaplain , is in a very critical elate .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
HULL . —Mi / terra Lt , < lge ( No . 12 ) . —This oh ! lodge held its annual meeting lor the installation of Worship ful Master in the Masonic Hall , Prince-street , on Monday evening , February 3 rd , 1873 , when the lodge was opened by Bro .
William Tessyman , \\ . M ., assisted by his officers Amongst those present were , Bro . Walter Reynolds , P . M , P . G A . D . of C . ; Bro . George Hardy , P . M ., P . G . S . O . ; Bro . John Thompson W . M . of the Minerva Craft Lodge , No . 2 : 9 ;
Bro . John Hudson , ol" the Humber Craft Lodge . No . , 57 ; and about thirty brethren , members ol the lodge . "Ihe Treasurer presented his balancesheet , which showed a handsome balance in favour of" the lodge , out of which the sum of . i ' 2 was voted as a donation to the Royal Masonic
Benevolent Institution lor Aged freemasons . Six brethren were ballottcd for as candidates for advancement , Ji \ e ol" whom being present were admitted and rcgulaily advanced to the honourable degrio of Mark Master . The Wor . sLi p ful Master then called upon Bro . Waller Reynolds , P . M ., P . G . A ., D . of C , to install the
Worshipful Master . Bro . J . N . Scherling , the W . M , elect , having been presented , a Board of Installed Masters was formed ; and he was installed according lo aucit nt form . The Worshi pful Master appointed and invested his officers as follows : —C . ( . Todd , S . W . ; F . Jacks ; n , | . '\ V . ; 11 . ilaigli , TriaMiur , W . Kc " ) Holds , P . M .,
Mark Masonry.
P . G . D . C , Secretary ; A . W . Ansel ! , M . O . ; J . Py buin , M . D ., S . O . ; f . G . Sherwood . f . O ! ; John Walker , P . M ., V . G .. IG ., Registrar ; II . E . Voight , S . D . ; C . W . Ansell , ) . D . ; James Walker , D . C . ; Thos . Gates , Organist ; J . Hutchinson , E . Kidd , J . Peascgjod , jun ., R . A .
Medd , Stewards ; W . Steneker , I . G . ; Thos . 1 ' edd , J . Faulkner , W . Johnson , f . Norton , Tyler . After a cordial vote of thanks to the installing officers and , the Immediate Past Master had been passed , and three brethren
proposed for ballot at the next meeting , the lodge was closed in ancient form and with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet hall , and the remainder of the evening was spent in harmony .
BRIGHTON . —Royal Sussev Lodge ( No . 75 ) . — The usual bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Royal Pavilion , Brighton , on Tuesday , the nth inst . The Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . John Robinson , and after the minutes of tile previous
meeting were read and confirmed , Bro . root was regularl y introduced and advanced to the degree of a Mark Master Mason , the lecture of the degree being most impressively given b y P . ? . J . Bro , T . Cooke . The Treasurer of the lodge , Bro . L Lockver , was unanimous ! \ elected W . M .
for the year ensuing , and Bro . George Emery unanimously elected Treasurer . A Past Master ' s jewel wis voted to the out-going W . M ., and several announcements of Masonic importance were made . This closed the business of the lodge , which was adjourned until the second
Tuesday in March , which is installation ni g ht . The following members were in attendance : — Bro . T . Chandler ; f . R . Lockyer , Treasurer ; Bra . T . Sabine . 1 S , P . M . 22 , P . A . G D . of C ; Bro . Murdav , Bro . Foot , Bro . G . Emery , Bro . T . Cook , P . M ., Bro . J . Ebberall , Bro . Lni g ht , Bro . J . X . Stoner , Bro . John Robinson , Jtc
MACDONAEU LODGE ( An , 104 ) . — i'his lodge met at the head-quarters of the First Surrey Riiks , at Camberwell , on Saturday , the 8 th inst . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Charles Hammerton , Grand Steward , the chair of A . was occupied by theV . W . Bro .
Thomas Meggy , P . G . O ., who was supported bv the WW . Bro . James Stevens , P . G . O ., ami Provincial Grand Mark Secretary for Middlesex and Surrey ; the W . Bro . Dr . Eugene Cronin , P . G . D . ; the P . M . ' s of the lodge ; and also by Bros . A- Wolton , S . W . ; W . Worrell , J . W . ' ;
Berridge , M . O . ; White , S . O ., Secretary Drewett , I . G . ; Ritherden , S . D . ; O'Neill , J . D . ; Cozens . Org . ; and several other members . Bro . T . Y . Strachan , Provincial Grand Mark Secretary for Northumberland . Aid Durham attended as visitor . The lodge having been
duly opened , and previous minutes confirmed , ballots were taken for Bros . W . P . Collins , Sprague , Crtimmelin , and Basnet , which proving unanimous , they were severally introduced , and advanced into the honorable degree with full ceremonial , in accordance villi the new ritual ,
and with musical service . The work was most abl y conducted by the acting W . M . and his officers , and on tho conclusion of the advancements the Lecture of the Degree was delivered by Bro . Stevens . The great improvement in the Ritual was manifested b / the ea-e and
smoothness with which each portion of tin work was carried out by the respective officers , and Bro . Strachan subsequentl y informed the lodge that he felt assured that the alterations and additions , would meet with cordial approval by the lodges in his province . Notices ol
motion for consideration at next meeting wen given , and , the wages haying been ilulv paid , the lodge was closed in due form . The usual moderate supper followed business , at'd a pleasant hour or uvo was spent before separation . AI . N'w 1 { ¦ .:.-1 lulspw / . ' /''/ c ( No . 13- ) .- -At a
At a legtllar meeting of the Hotspur Lodge of Mark Master . Masons , held oil the 1 , -jth ult ,, at the Masonic I hill , Alnwick , ihoiker Edward Thew Ttirnbull , banker , Alnwick , S . W . and Treasurer ( P . P . ( J . I . G . Northumberland and
Durham ) was unanimously elected Worshipful Master . Brother Turnhuil is also W . M . of tin Alnwick Craft Lodge , 1 167 . Since he was proclaimed W . M . of 1 16 7 , at every meeting he hahad the countenance ami :, upj > un of hi .-, fellows .
Mark Masonry.
whilst , assisted by his officers , he has performed tlie duties pertaining to his hi gh office thoroughly , and we are sue he will be equally well assisted and upheld by bis his brethren of the Hotspur . Brother the Rev . Edward Lawrence Ma-rett , M . A ., Vicar of Lesbury and Alnmouth ( P . P . G . C . and Prov . G . J . W . Northumberland and Durham ) the present W . M . was elected treasurer .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
IPSWICH . —Prudence Preceptory—An emergency meeting of this old preceptory was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Wednesday , the , 7 th inst ., under dispensation [ : l > m the Provincial Prior , Sir Knt . Capt . Phillips , for the purpose of proceeding to the election of a Preceptor in the
room of Sir Knt . G . S . Gokling , who was unanimously elected to that important oilice , but through ill-healtli had been compelled to retire . There were present Sir Knts . Emra Holmes , Grand Provost of England , Preceptor ; the Rev . l > -V' C ! 11 . ' . -. 1 r" -1 11 ' . SandersonProvincial SubPrior
R . A . , - , Acting rstCapt . ; Dr . Beaumont , R . M ., 2 nd Capt . ; J . Pitcher , P . P . G . Capt .. P . E . C ; G . S . Findley . P . L . S ., Reg ., Dr . Mills , P . E . C ; P . Cornell , Almoner , and others . 'I'he Preceptory having been opened ami the muster roll called , the
dispensation was read by the Preceptor , Sir Knt . Holmes , and the Sir Kni ghts proceeded to ballot lor a Preceptor for the ensuing year . Sir Knt . Dr . Beaumont , R . N ., was unanimously elected to fill that hi gh ami important post . Sir Knt . Holmes then proceeded to read the circular on
tlie " object and scope of the Convent General " ( which has already appeared in our pages ) and reminded the Sir Kni ghts of the important alterations which now required that candidates should not only be R . A . Masons , but Master Masons of
two years standing , that they should be unanimousl y elected , and approved by the Provincial Prior , previous to installation . No other business being entered on the agenda , the Preceptory was closed and the Sir Kni ghts retired for refreshment .
ROCHDALE . —Albert Encampment . —The regular meeting of this encampment was held in the Masonic Hall , Ann-street , Rochdale , on Thursday , the 30 th day of Jan . The Eminent Commander , Sir Kni ght William Ashworth , Provincial First Captain , Lancashire , opened the
encampment in person at 7 . 30 , when the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . After the regular disposal of sundry matters , Sir Kt . Herod Turner , 1 st Captain , and Prov . Grand Herald , was unanimously elected Eminent Commander for the ensuino- twelve months . Sir Kt .
C . M . Jones , P . K . C ., was , with many complimentary expressions from the E . C . and Sir Kts ., re-elected Treasurer , and Frater John Ashworth , sen ., equerry of the encampment . Companion J . Bell having been proposed for installation as a Sir Kt . of the Order , and the business of the
evening being ended , the eminent Commander proceeded to close the encampment , and had great pleasure in receiving the hearty congratulations of several Sir Kni g hts , amongst whom were Sir Kni ght Clement , R . N . ; Beswicke-Roytis , Eminent Commander United , First
Grand Captain ot England , and Prov . Grand Prior of Lancashire ; and Sir Kni ght W . Roberts , Prov . Grand Prior of West Yorkshire . The encampment having been closet ! the Sir Kni ghts adjourned to banquet , after which tlie usual toasts wen- dul y honoured , those of the " Very Eminent
Provincial Grand Commander , Sir Kni ght Albert lludsoi ! Royds , " and his worthy deputy , " eminent Sir Kni g ht W . Henry Wri ght , " two as good anil worthy knights as can be found , were severall y received and specially honoured as Lancashire Knights know how to honour those
unomtliey love and revere . The Eminent Commander , in proposing the officers , \ -c ., of the Albert Encampment , alluded in very graceful U mis to the great assistance he had received in the discharge of his duties during the past year ,
specially mentioning and sincerel y thanking Sit Knights Jones and W . Davies for their untiring energy and perseverance to benefit the encampment , and their anxious readiness at all times to conliibiile io the Good of Knight Teniplarism , lor which services they are eminentl y deserving