Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Public Amusements. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article LIVERPOOL THEATRES , &c. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article BRO. EMRA HOLMES'S LECTURE ON THE "UNITED ORDERS OF THE TEMPLE AND HOSPITAL." Page 1 of 2 Article BRO. EMRA HOLMES'S LECTURE ON THE "UNITED ORDERS OF THE TEMPLE AND HOSPITAL." Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
RtCHAR n Si'Rtxo . U . S . A . —Wc have been successful in discovering ONE of vour brothers . Your address has been sent , and we have no doubt \ on will hear from him by this mail . GEO . L . umt . —The annual subscription lo Constantinople is 17 s . . pi ,, the postage en each copy being 2 d . The following communications stand over : — Letters from Civis ; F . K . E . ) . ; G . S . ; " Additional Notes , " by Bro . l- ' . mra Holmes ; Oliituaries of Bro . G . Thoniber , ISro . II C . Bicbncr , and Cap . G . J . Freer ; Masonic Ball at Waierlrce Reiews .
Public Amusements.
Public Amusements .
Sadler ' s Wells Theatre . Fverv Satnrdav Murium ; at :, and everv livening at 7 , will be rodue ' ed ISAliLLLA , characters in- the company ; alter which the Pantomime , entitled GOODY TWO-SIIOFS ; or , Harlequin King Gold and live World of Coins . Written and adapted by . ) . Strachan from the late \ V . liromjh ' s Burlesi | ne openini ; . Supported by Messrs Hudspeth , Leigh , Leans , .- 'kinncr , Cullen , Helasco , Howard ¦ Sidnev , Tower , Gale , Bramah , Bousfeld , ( alio ' ) loupe , & c .: iWcsilames " lir .-tm . ihRainbow Kcriide ; c , Newton , Florence , & c ;
, Masters Holland and Stevne . Clown , Mr . (" .. W . Galc ; Pantaloon , Mr . Bouslield ; Harlequin . Mr . linker ; Columbine , Miss Florence ; Ilarlcnnina ( bv desire ) Mdlle . Kosiue ; Sprites , The Carlo Troupe : Policeman , Mr . | . Wilson . " I he Fnchanted Wood . " ' ¦ foliage of Goodv Two Shoes . " " Beauty'sllou . loir . ( . rand Ballet , bv Mademoiselle Ko-inc , supported bv an extensive troupe ol corvphecs , " The Realm of Tovs IPeacel . " " Knglish Homestead n ' the Olden Time . I lie i ' av ilion of King Gold in the \\ olid
of Coin-. " "Capital Citv of the Counteifeils . " I ' he Magnihcent and l ) a / -.. inulv llrilliant Tran .-formaiion Scene , the "Judgment of Paris , " Designed and l-Aecnled by K . M . Hyde . Doors open at half-past 6 , commence at 7 o ' cl . uk . Stage Manager , Mr . ( T . BnvleigH . C . aUevv , jd . ; Pit . ti . t . ; Pie Stalls , is . ; Bows , is . ( id . Reserved " Circle , ; s . '(» i . ; 1 'iivale l ! o \ es , One Guinea . l-l .-ill- |> riee : lioves , yd . ; Keseived Circle , is . I'livate Knliancc—Open 011 Saturdays and Mondays at tialf-past j , Gallery 7 d ., audall otbei parts of the house lid . extra .
Victoria Theatre . F . very Monday at i , and everv eiening at 7 . will be produced a Grand , * Gliueiing , Gorecou-, ( omie ( lni .-tnias I ' anlomime , entitled GL'I . LIVF . R AND Till ' . Hilt IT . RSIAN ; or llai'levpiin King l . iliipul and the Magic Balm ! Written , lie Flank W . Green , Lsq . " I'he K el real of Past Pantomimes , Illuminated by the Light of Other Day :-. " Messrs Prescott , Swill , and Talker ; Mvsdanu-s Maude , l ollins , Miiiilslnnl , Flton , Montague , Collier , Fisher , and liuileigti . "Hall in the
Palaceof King Rampageous , tbe Reckless . " Messis Shepherd , Duillev , and l . ukson ; Mcsdamcs Harrington , 1 ' airen , Cooke , Maitland , Turkey , Leonard , l- ' Ueu Leonard , and Brian . Clown , lean Lcmaire ; ' l'antaloon , Harry C ' . Taiker ; Sprites , by the F'lving Wonders , Brolhers de Y ' ere ; Harlequin ; W . W . Lacy Harlequina , Miss Lottie Mvnmtl ' ord ; Columbine , Miss Rose Fuller No . 91 ) 91 of the X T C Force , Mr . Hicks . Gland Ballet , by Mdlle Kosiue , supported by Corps ot Coryphees . " Haunt of the Wil flies . ' " Diana ' s liunling Gmivnds in | inni-uin . " " Cnuntvy Fund leading lo the Citv of Ibobdigua :. "" Kitchen in theGiunt ' s House . '
"Gates ot the Lilliputian Citv . " "imperial ( itv of" l . illiput . "On tbe Road . " "Fortress of tbe King ot ' l . vobdigiiag . " "Chamber in the Palace of King Kampn ¦ . eons the Reeklcs-. " "Shades of F . vening . " Glorious Tniiistonnalinn Scene— " The Temple ol lupber , " De-igncd and Painted bv R . M . llvdc . To conclude vvilb ihe drama of LORD DARNLHV : supported b > ' ihe Company . Prices ; — Privite Boxes , £ 2 2 s ., Z , ' i lis . nd ., and 10 s . od . ; Stalls , ; s . ; Promenade , is . ; I ' ll , I'd . ; Gallery ,, ; d . , 'Motid . ivs and Salmdai s , . pi , ) . Hallprice I * Stalls only at 9 o ' clock . I loots open at hall-past d , commence at 7 .
Royal Polytechnic . Great Programme for Clni-tinas . 1 . The llistorv ol a PI . L'M PL'DDING , ' with sinking experiments in Profcs-or Gardner . :. A t br ' isim . is lale ; or , ' HOW | AS K ' t ON < if F . ST RANG Tl Hi IIFJ . L : an III 11 . tr . ne . l Poem , with remarkable elicits . 2 . lhe" / O 0 " AT IIII- ; "POLY , " an anecdolal discourse about tbe Zoological Garden-, be Mr . | . L . Kin-, Willi Photographs bv Mr . York , J . Ihe IIIKI' . I ' . Kl ' lNl . S ; or , Ihelmisible
I ' lince in a New Light : a I . lire tale , mii-icnllv narrated bv Mr . Grnivc Bucklnu ! , a-.-i-te-t hi ' Miss Alice liarih , M i-s Piiiham , and Miss Line ll . utlcll . ; . i ' he Will 1 p . LADY OT AVF . X 111 ., the new : nd beaulilul t iiio-t lllu-ion . o . New ( IIARAI IFR FNTFRl ' AlXMFXl , he Mr . Perce \ civ . 7 . The wondcilul SWIMMING FF . ATS of Marquis P . ibbero in the Great Tank . S . The MAGIC TCP , full of Toys , 1 ,, be di-iibmcd on spccilicd o'casions , to good t'hildivn . M ., uy mher Folerlaininent .-. Open dai ' v , at 12 and 7 . Admission is .
Madame Tussiiuus Exhibition . On view a M . mniticcnt M . ini : i . ; e l . ' niiipol U . K . II TIIK I'KI . VCFSS l . Ol'ISi- ; and the MA Kt IT IS 1 ) 1- l . OKNll , al-o a new portrait . Model ol UK . I . I \ I N ( I . 1 I INK , the meat Al- 'Uli AX KXI'I . ORKU ; Till-: " CLAIMANT , SIR iUKiLK lit IIHORN ; IlinSON . the "RAILWAY KIN ' ti ; " and 1 I . R . II . Till-: I'KIN ' IT : OF WALKS , in the Kobe-, ol the tinier ol ' the ("¦ alter . 0 | ieii Ivoni ioj . ni . to 10 p . m . Admission ! -., ( tiiidivn under to , ltd . J " . \! ia Rooms lid .
Liverpool Theatres , &C.
Week einliii ; . r Fc-lnuaiy 2 2 . ROYAL Al . LNANDRA Ti I I ' . ATKK , Lime-street , — l . e-s-cc , llio . V .. s . ikcr . Gland t bii-tm : is I antoniime , " Cinderella ; or the Crime , tlie I'lio-nK , and Paj i 'ainpLiii . " ROYAL AMi'lll i 'UFA I Rl' ., Giea ; I halloHe-street .- Lessee . Mr . , II . I . e-lie ; . Manager , Mr . Anion- Gainer . Mdlle . Beatriice ' s Comedi -1 liama ' . ninpanv , in " \ os limine-. "
PR 1 NIF . (>)• ' WALES IT 11 ' . A'l ' RF , I la > l . aisquare . Lessee ) Mr . Sellon Parr \ . " Kadi mion , " and " Plow k . r l' ! , i \ v . " j TTl ' i-. A I Ri : " KOYAL , Wildiui-i . n-s . pi . iiv . l . es .-ee , " Iho . De ! t ' reece . Grand I'anloinim .-, " l . iicn-Laial , or llarequin .-ir ; Bluuothe Bra 'e , or the e ' airv fa-kel ot Pli :. 11 : 0111 Castle . ' " ! ST . ( A . MK .--S H-VL 1-, l . im .-slr . el .- Pi . aaiclor , Iiro . S . J lagne . Slie . i . il Cbii-lmas Priigr . iliiiiie .
C 1 RI IS , Wi . haro lirown-sireet . llohLu ' - l ' omie Maimi kins , with Paiitoinime ol " Blue B .-ard . " NI ' . U' -WII ' . s : ' 1 ! P "S , . Whil .-clia ; -. ; .-- I i <; li .-lor , Mr , Jan . es Nvv . si . mc . S | , etial Fquesli i ,, u To ; ei :.. i . mil Ml . N j-: \ V STAK Mr .-IC HALL , " Wo .... i-.-... n-: ¦ . ¦¦ ire . --. vlanagei Pro . vaumlvr-., dp :., r . n . l ' .- ' pwi-il I l- ' . i . l .. v Attvacliivis . im hiding ( -. !¦ ., nd B ., i : I I . I :..-.. 1 ¦ .: .. / . ! , Kin- < !' tb .- ' Pca ,-o , ¦ ' - "
ROILMIV I lit . VTIxi-. and MI'SK li . M . I Pr . q . tii ¦!» : ¦ , VI r . j ( I ) . Gl . iunci :. I bli-tiiia .. Pauloluiio-, " B ib .-iulbe Wo , 1 , ' ami . MisCelialieous l-. nlei lainmeias . ifNPi-. l- ' . N-S HALL , l' , old-. ireel .--l .-iinb's Duval )) i ,, i-, ima .. 1 Sco Vj lau I , v . i h lh-ll : i ¦ „;¦ ! .-, ¦ ,,::: 1 : . v . : ¦ ..-I :, ' . . \\ t ILI . ! :. l . ll )\ I : \ l I . , -: ¦¦; . . ; , .-. - I : ¦ . ., , f \ 'i 01 P .:.. I .,:.. . : I , . ' , . ,, ¦ . " i
NOTICE . The Subscription lo THE FREEMASON is now 10 s . per annum , post-free , payable in advance .
Vol . I ., bound in cloth ... ... 4 s . 6 ( 1 . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 ti . Vol . HI ., ditto 15 s . oil . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . 6 d . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The- I ' - R'eninsij !! is pnhlLsliL-d on Saturday Mornings in timt : lor the e'mly train ? . Tlu- priee ot" tlie Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual
subscription , ios . ( payable in advance . ) All communications , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , tqS , Fleet-street , K . C . The Editor will pay rare-fill attention to allMSS . entrusted toliim , nut cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stam- » s .
The Freemason , , S ATURDAY , F EBRUARY 15 , 1873 .
Bro. Emra Holmes's Lecture On The "United Orders Of The Temple And Hospital."
I'he late Duke of Sussex was no doubt a Prior of the French Ordre du Temple , and this may possibly have led to some confusion , ending in his supposed connection with the Order of
St . John , which I have proved , by the Duke ' s own letter , is an erroneous assumption . The Emperor Paul ' s name , too , has been mixed up with the Duke ' s appointment in the former
Order , for we lincl a clever correspondent of Antes and Queries writing , in reference to the Ordre du Temple , " The Duke of Sussex , our hist Grand Master , was one of its Priors , the
Patent for which was sent him by the Emperor Paul , another Hi gh-Grade Freemason . " This perhaps nuiy suggest a key to the confusion ; but whether it docs or not , it is clear that the
Duke was not a Knight of St . John . The writer in Ai >/ t ' . v and Queries was under the impression that the Ordre du' Temple was a species of High-Grade Masonry , as erroneously stated in the
pages of Ciavc'l ' s book , ft is well known that the legitimacy of this Order has been much disputed , but , without entering upon any discussion of the objections , it is fair to say that Clavel was
no doubt inspired by an expelled member of the O rder , whose name and elate of expulsion are known to me . Whence the Duke of Sussex derived his appointment as Prior of the Ordre du
Temple I cannot say , but it was certainly not from Sir Sidney Smith ( as stilted by Ilro . Hoiincs ) , as the Duke became Prior about the year 1824 or 1 S 25 , whilst Sir Sidney Smith did not become Regent of the Order until 1 . S . 5 S .
This will show that Bro . Holmes was in error too when he : > xpressed to Grand Conclave his opinion that this Oieler became extinct in 18 , 54 .
Sir Sidney Smith continued Regent until his death , on the 26 th of May , 18 40 , when he was succeeded by M . Raotil . a distinguished advocate . A Convent of the Order was established in
London , with the Duke ' s concurrence , and ant . iher was founded in Liverpool , without his sanction ; he never aeknowl celged the members
ol the- latter , and as the then ( hand Master , Palapinl ( in breach of an understanding with the !> ' : !;¦•> . wi ;;! d ivl withhold his consent to the
Bro. Emra Holmes's Lecture On The "United Orders Of The Temple And Hospital."
admissions 111 the latter Convent , a total cessation of official intercourse was the result . Both Convents died out many years since , and there are now very few of the members surviving . The
badge of the Ordre du Temple was a cross 01 eight points , enamelled white , charged with a cross patce of red enamel , and surmounted by a crown , which on the one side represented an
ecclesiastical diadem , somewhat resembling a mitre , but with an azure mound having a red cross over it , indicative of the sovereignty of the Order : and on the other side representing the
eastern crown , used by the Grand Masters of the Temple , with an ermine caul , or cap , and the icd cross patce in front . This badge ( on the singular principle of appropriation , I suppose ,
recently suggested to the Grand Conclave ) was some years since usurped by the English Alasonic Templars , greatly to the indignation of the French Order : remonstrances were made , and I
believe an apology was tendered through the then Duke of Leeds , with a promise that the infringement should be discontinued . The English Templars , however , continued the . use of the
jewel until 18 53 , when it was abandoned , to be again revived , in 1862 , for Priors of the then new Maltese invention . I have been informed by a
brother , now deceased , who had been many years a Masonic Templar , that previously to the appropriation of the French badge , the English Order nsed the same cross as still worn in
Scotland . With this digression I will address myself to the Order of the Temple in Scotland , inasmuch
as the amalgamation , in that country , of the ori ginal Templar and Hospitaller Orders , has been put forward by way of claim to a connection between the Scottish Freemasons and the
Knights of St . John . Many curious and conflicting statements have been made in regard to these Scottish claims . It seems clear that on the suppression of the Ancient Templars in Scotland ,
many of their number were received by the Knights of St . John , and some kind of combination appears to have been effected . It also seems historically admitted that after the
surrender of the Hospital lands 111 Scotland , the Knights of St . John , with their Prior , David Seton , retired to Germany , about 1 ^ 2-3 . Historians tell us that Seton was the last Prior of
Scotland , consequently there was an end of the succession ; the Masonic Templars appearing in Scotland only after the slight interregnum of 22 S years . One remarkable statement , put
forward by Alexander Deuchar , the first head of the Scottish Masonic Templars , was that a Masonic lodge at Stirling had a chapter of
Templars attached to it as early as 159 6 . I need hardly say that no foundation f" > r this assertion has ever been adduced . Several writers inform
us that Sir John Mitchell Ramsay appeared m London , offering the Masonic Templar Degree in 172 S , and that the Grand Lodge refused to have anything to do with it . This refusal is
somewhat significant , and would hardly have occurred if the Grand Lodge had not considered it spurious , thus bearing out the opinion of those
writers who tell us that Ramsay himself invented the degree . It must be remembered , too , that the combined Orders disappeared in Scotland 1 - . d years before Kamsa \ s advent .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
RtCHAR n Si'Rtxo . U . S . A . —Wc have been successful in discovering ONE of vour brothers . Your address has been sent , and we have no doubt \ on will hear from him by this mail . GEO . L . umt . —The annual subscription lo Constantinople is 17 s . . pi ,, the postage en each copy being 2 d . The following communications stand over : — Letters from Civis ; F . K . E . ) . ; G . S . ; " Additional Notes , " by Bro . l- ' . mra Holmes ; Oliituaries of Bro . G . Thoniber , ISro . II C . Bicbncr , and Cap . G . J . Freer ; Masonic Ball at Waierlrce Reiews .
Public Amusements.
Public Amusements .
Sadler ' s Wells Theatre . Fverv Satnrdav Murium ; at :, and everv livening at 7 , will be rodue ' ed ISAliLLLA , characters in- the company ; alter which the Pantomime , entitled GOODY TWO-SIIOFS ; or , Harlequin King Gold and live World of Coins . Written and adapted by . ) . Strachan from the late \ V . liromjh ' s Burlesi | ne openini ; . Supported by Messrs Hudspeth , Leigh , Leans , .- 'kinncr , Cullen , Helasco , Howard ¦ Sidnev , Tower , Gale , Bramah , Bousfeld , ( alio ' ) loupe , & c .: iWcsilames " lir .-tm . ihRainbow Kcriide ; c , Newton , Florence , & c ;
, Masters Holland and Stevne . Clown , Mr . (" .. W . Galc ; Pantaloon , Mr . Bouslield ; Harlequin . Mr . linker ; Columbine , Miss Florence ; Ilarlcnnina ( bv desire ) Mdlle . Kosiue ; Sprites , The Carlo Troupe : Policeman , Mr . | . Wilson . " I he Fnchanted Wood . " ' ¦ foliage of Goodv Two Shoes . " " Beauty'sllou . loir . ( . rand Ballet , bv Mademoiselle Ko-inc , supported bv an extensive troupe ol corvphecs , " The Realm of Tovs IPeacel . " " Knglish Homestead n ' the Olden Time . I lie i ' av ilion of King Gold in the \\ olid
of Coin-. " "Capital Citv of the Counteifeils . " I ' he Magnihcent and l ) a / -.. inulv llrilliant Tran .-formaiion Scene , the "Judgment of Paris , " Designed and l-Aecnled by K . M . Hyde . Doors open at half-past 6 , commence at 7 o ' cl . uk . Stage Manager , Mr . ( T . BnvleigH . C . aUevv , jd . ; Pit . ti . t . ; Pie Stalls , is . ; Bows , is . ( id . Reserved " Circle , ; s . '(» i . ; 1 'iivale l ! o \ es , One Guinea . l-l .-ill- |> riee : lioves , yd . ; Keseived Circle , is . I'livate Knliancc—Open 011 Saturdays and Mondays at tialf-past j , Gallery 7 d ., audall otbei parts of the house lid . extra .
Victoria Theatre . F . very Monday at i , and everv eiening at 7 . will be produced a Grand , * Gliueiing , Gorecou-, ( omie ( lni .-tnias I ' anlomime , entitled GL'I . LIVF . R AND Till ' . Hilt IT . RSIAN ; or llai'levpiin King l . iliipul and the Magic Balm ! Written , lie Flank W . Green , Lsq . " I'he K el real of Past Pantomimes , Illuminated by the Light of Other Day :-. " Messrs Prescott , Swill , and Talker ; Mvsdanu-s Maude , l ollins , Miiiilslnnl , Flton , Montague , Collier , Fisher , and liuileigti . "Hall in the
Palaceof King Rampageous , tbe Reckless . " Messis Shepherd , Duillev , and l . ukson ; Mcsdamcs Harrington , 1 ' airen , Cooke , Maitland , Turkey , Leonard , l- ' Ueu Leonard , and Brian . Clown , lean Lcmaire ; ' l'antaloon , Harry C ' . Taiker ; Sprites , by the F'lving Wonders , Brolhers de Y ' ere ; Harlequin ; W . W . Lacy Harlequina , Miss Lottie Mvnmtl ' ord ; Columbine , Miss Rose Fuller No . 91 ) 91 of the X T C Force , Mr . Hicks . Gland Ballet , by Mdlle Kosiue , supported by Corps ot Coryphees . " Haunt of the Wil flies . ' " Diana ' s liunling Gmivnds in | inni-uin . " " Cnuntvy Fund leading lo the Citv of Ibobdigua :. "" Kitchen in theGiunt ' s House . '
"Gates ot the Lilliputian Citv . " "imperial ( itv of" l . illiput . "On tbe Road . " "Fortress of tbe King ot ' l . vobdigiiag . " "Chamber in the Palace of King Kampn ¦ . eons the Reeklcs-. " "Shades of F . vening . " Glorious Tniiistonnalinn Scene— " The Temple ol lupber , " De-igncd and Painted bv R . M . llvdc . To conclude vvilb ihe drama of LORD DARNLHV : supported b > ' ihe Company . Prices ; — Privite Boxes , £ 2 2 s ., Z , ' i lis . nd ., and 10 s . od . ; Stalls , ; s . ; Promenade , is . ; I ' ll , I'd . ; Gallery ,, ; d . , 'Motid . ivs and Salmdai s , . pi , ) . Hallprice I * Stalls only at 9 o ' clock . I loots open at hall-past d , commence at 7 .
Royal Polytechnic . Great Programme for Clni-tinas . 1 . The llistorv ol a PI . L'M PL'DDING , ' with sinking experiments in Profcs-or Gardner . :. A t br ' isim . is lale ; or , ' HOW | AS K ' t ON < if F . ST RANG Tl Hi IIFJ . L : an III 11 . tr . ne . l Poem , with remarkable elicits . 2 . lhe" / O 0 " AT IIII- ; "POLY , " an anecdolal discourse about tbe Zoological Garden-, be Mr . | . L . Kin-, Willi Photographs bv Mr . York , J . Ihe IIIKI' . I ' . Kl ' lNl . S ; or , Ihelmisible
I ' lince in a New Light : a I . lire tale , mii-icnllv narrated bv Mr . Grnivc Bucklnu ! , a-.-i-te-t hi ' Miss Alice liarih , M i-s Piiiham , and Miss Line ll . utlcll . ; . i ' he Will 1 p . LADY OT AVF . X 111 ., the new : nd beaulilul t iiio-t lllu-ion . o . New ( IIARAI IFR FNTFRl ' AlXMFXl , he Mr . Perce \ civ . 7 . The wondcilul SWIMMING FF . ATS of Marquis P . ibbero in the Great Tank . S . The MAGIC TCP , full of Toys , 1 ,, be di-iibmcd on spccilicd o'casions , to good t'hildivn . M ., uy mher Folerlaininent .-. Open dai ' v , at 12 and 7 . Admission is .
Madame Tussiiuus Exhibition . On view a M . mniticcnt M . ini : i . ; e l . ' niiipol U . K . II TIIK I'KI . VCFSS l . Ol'ISi- ; and the MA Kt IT IS 1 ) 1- l . OKNll , al-o a new portrait . Model ol UK . I . I \ I N ( I . 1 I INK , the meat Al- 'Uli AX KXI'I . ORKU ; Till-: " CLAIMANT , SIR iUKiLK lit IIHORN ; IlinSON . the "RAILWAY KIN ' ti ; " and 1 I . R . II . Till-: I'KIN ' IT : OF WALKS , in the Kobe-, ol the tinier ol ' the ("¦ alter . 0 | ieii Ivoni ioj . ni . to 10 p . m . Admission ! -., ( tiiidivn under to , ltd . J " . \! ia Rooms lid .
Liverpool Theatres , &C.
Week einliii ; . r Fc-lnuaiy 2 2 . ROYAL Al . LNANDRA Ti I I ' . ATKK , Lime-street , — l . e-s-cc , llio . V .. s . ikcr . Gland t bii-tm : is I antoniime , " Cinderella ; or the Crime , tlie I'lio-nK , and Paj i 'ainpLiii . " ROYAL AMi'lll i 'UFA I Rl' ., Giea ; I halloHe-street .- Lessee . Mr . , II . I . e-lie ; . Manager , Mr . Anion- Gainer . Mdlle . Beatriice ' s Comedi -1 liama ' . ninpanv , in " \ os limine-. "
PR 1 NIF . (>)• ' WALES IT 11 ' . A'l ' RF , I la > l . aisquare . Lessee ) Mr . Sellon Parr \ . " Kadi mion , " and " Plow k . r l' ! , i \ v . " j TTl ' i-. A I Ri : " KOYAL , Wildiui-i . n-s . pi . iiv . l . es .-ee , " Iho . De ! t ' reece . Grand I'anloinim .-, " l . iicn-Laial , or llarequin .-ir ; Bluuothe Bra 'e , or the e ' airv fa-kel ot Pli :. 11 : 0111 Castle . ' " ! ST . ( A . MK .--S H-VL 1-, l . im .-slr . el .- Pi . aaiclor , Iiro . S . J lagne . Slie . i . il Cbii-lmas Priigr . iliiiiie .
C 1 RI IS , Wi . haro lirown-sireet . llohLu ' - l ' omie Maimi kins , with Paiitoinime ol " Blue B .-ard . " NI ' . U' -WII ' . s : ' 1 ! P "S , . Whil .-clia ; -. ; .-- I i <; li .-lor , Mr , Jan . es Nvv . si . mc . S | , etial Fquesli i ,, u To ; ei :.. i . mil Ml . N j-: \ V STAK Mr .-IC HALL , " Wo .... i-.-... n-: ¦ . ¦¦ ire . --. vlanagei Pro . vaumlvr-., dp :., r . n . l ' .- ' pwi-il I l- ' . i . l .. v Attvacliivis . im hiding ( -. !¦ ., nd B ., i : I I . I :..-.. 1 ¦ .: .. / . ! , Kin- < !' tb .- ' Pca ,-o , ¦ ' - "
ROILMIV I lit . VTIxi-. and MI'SK li . M . I Pr . q . tii ¦!» : ¦ , VI r . j ( I ) . Gl . iunci :. I bli-tiiia .. Pauloluiio-, " B ib .-iulbe Wo , 1 , ' ami . MisCelialieous l-. nlei lainmeias . ifNPi-. l- ' . N-S HALL , l' , old-. ireel .--l .-iinb's Duval )) i ,, i-, ima .. 1 Sco Vj lau I , v . i h lh-ll : i ¦ „;¦ ! .-, ¦ ,,::: 1 : . v . : ¦ ..-I :, ' . . \\ t ILI . ! :. l . ll )\ I : \ l I . , -: ¦¦; . . ; , .-. - I : ¦ . ., , f \ 'i 01 P .:.. I .,:.. . : I , . ' , . ,, ¦ . " i
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The Freemason , , S ATURDAY , F EBRUARY 15 , 1873 .
Bro. Emra Holmes's Lecture On The "United Orders Of The Temple And Hospital."
I'he late Duke of Sussex was no doubt a Prior of the French Ordre du Temple , and this may possibly have led to some confusion , ending in his supposed connection with the Order of
St . John , which I have proved , by the Duke ' s own letter , is an erroneous assumption . The Emperor Paul ' s name , too , has been mixed up with the Duke ' s appointment in the former
Order , for we lincl a clever correspondent of Antes and Queries writing , in reference to the Ordre du Temple , " The Duke of Sussex , our hist Grand Master , was one of its Priors , the
Patent for which was sent him by the Emperor Paul , another Hi gh-Grade Freemason . " This perhaps nuiy suggest a key to the confusion ; but whether it docs or not , it is clear that the
Duke was not a Knight of St . John . The writer in Ai >/ t ' . v and Queries was under the impression that the Ordre du' Temple was a species of High-Grade Masonry , as erroneously stated in the
pages of Ciavc'l ' s book , ft is well known that the legitimacy of this Order has been much disputed , but , without entering upon any discussion of the objections , it is fair to say that Clavel was
no doubt inspired by an expelled member of the O rder , whose name and elate of expulsion are known to me . Whence the Duke of Sussex derived his appointment as Prior of the Ordre du
Temple I cannot say , but it was certainly not from Sir Sidney Smith ( as stilted by Ilro . Hoiincs ) , as the Duke became Prior about the year 1824 or 1 S 25 , whilst Sir Sidney Smith did not become Regent of the Order until 1 . S . 5 S .
This will show that Bro . Holmes was in error too when he : > xpressed to Grand Conclave his opinion that this Oieler became extinct in 18 , 54 .
Sir Sidney Smith continued Regent until his death , on the 26 th of May , 18 40 , when he was succeeded by M . Raotil . a distinguished advocate . A Convent of the Order was established in
London , with the Duke ' s concurrence , and ant . iher was founded in Liverpool , without his sanction ; he never aeknowl celged the members
ol the- latter , and as the then ( hand Master , Palapinl ( in breach of an understanding with the !> ' : !;¦•> . wi ;;! d ivl withhold his consent to the
Bro. Emra Holmes's Lecture On The "United Orders Of The Temple And Hospital."
admissions 111 the latter Convent , a total cessation of official intercourse was the result . Both Convents died out many years since , and there are now very few of the members surviving . The
badge of the Ordre du Temple was a cross 01 eight points , enamelled white , charged with a cross patce of red enamel , and surmounted by a crown , which on the one side represented an
ecclesiastical diadem , somewhat resembling a mitre , but with an azure mound having a red cross over it , indicative of the sovereignty of the Order : and on the other side representing the
eastern crown , used by the Grand Masters of the Temple , with an ermine caul , or cap , and the icd cross patce in front . This badge ( on the singular principle of appropriation , I suppose ,
recently suggested to the Grand Conclave ) was some years since usurped by the English Alasonic Templars , greatly to the indignation of the French Order : remonstrances were made , and I
believe an apology was tendered through the then Duke of Leeds , with a promise that the infringement should be discontinued . The English Templars , however , continued the . use of the
jewel until 18 53 , when it was abandoned , to be again revived , in 1862 , for Priors of the then new Maltese invention . I have been informed by a
brother , now deceased , who had been many years a Masonic Templar , that previously to the appropriation of the French badge , the English Order nsed the same cross as still worn in
Scotland . With this digression I will address myself to the Order of the Temple in Scotland , inasmuch
as the amalgamation , in that country , of the ori ginal Templar and Hospitaller Orders , has been put forward by way of claim to a connection between the Scottish Freemasons and the
Knights of St . John . Many curious and conflicting statements have been made in regard to these Scottish claims . It seems clear that on the suppression of the Ancient Templars in Scotland ,
many of their number were received by the Knights of St . John , and some kind of combination appears to have been effected . It also seems historically admitted that after the
surrender of the Hospital lands 111 Scotland , the Knights of St . John , with their Prior , David Seton , retired to Germany , about 1 ^ 2-3 . Historians tell us that Seton was the last Prior of
Scotland , consequently there was an end of the succession ; the Masonic Templars appearing in Scotland only after the slight interregnum of 22 S years . One remarkable statement , put
forward by Alexander Deuchar , the first head of the Scottish Masonic Templars , was that a Masonic lodge at Stirling had a chapter of
Templars attached to it as early as 159 6 . I need hardly say that no foundation f" > r this assertion has ever been adduced . Several writers inform
us that Sir John Mitchell Ramsay appeared m London , offering the Masonic Templar Degree in 172 S , and that the Grand Lodge refused to have anything to do with it . This refusal is
somewhat significant , and would hardly have occurred if the Grand Lodge had not considered it spurious , thus bearing out the opinion of those
writers who tell us that Ramsay himself invented the degree . It must be remembered , too , that the combined Orders disappeared in Scotland 1 - . d years before Kamsa \ s advent .