Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
APRIL KLKCTION , 1 S 73-p . OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR li BOYS . The favor . r of vour Vote and Interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of AI . UKRT EDWARD ROWLSTONK , ACKI ) TKN YKARS , Son of HRO . MEXKV WILLIAM R OWLSTOXE , late of the Union Waterloo l . otljjc , No . 13 , anil of No . 13 , Kent Terrace , Lower Svdenhnm , S . K . " llro . Kmvi . sTnxK , the Father of the Candidate , for many years held a good position in the town of Woolwich , as Estate Aircnt and Builder . Through nnfmtilnntc land and building speculations he lost the greater part oi his property , and paralysis of the brain and other alllictions nvcrtakini ; him , rendered him quite unlit for business . i ' mlcr these circumstances your Vote and Interest is earnestly snlicheil to ensure for one of his sons the benefit of the Masonic Institution for Hoys . The case is recommended hy the following hrethren .- — Bro . Captain Barlow , Conservative Club , of 321 and 13 S 3 . „ Charles Bennett , 30 , Gloucester Street , South Belgravia , P . M . : ; . „ 1 . W . HevitiKlnn , Malvern House , Sydenham . . , Thomas A . Chubb , So . lia . Ry . Co ., P . G . S ., P . M . r . Sec . 3-,. „ I .. Cromhie , Esq ., E . G ., P . G . S . D ., P . G . S ., and P . P . G . M ., Aberdeen . „ Isaac Croukenden , Plui'uix Gas Co ., Bankside . „ Fred . Geo . Finch , I I . S ., S . W . 33 , ami | . \ V . 5 S . ., | ohn S . Gissine ; , Woodbridge , l ' . M " . SI , and P . P . G . | . W . Suffolk . „ James Glaisher , E . G ., P . M ., 33 , P . C . S . W . Midillesex . „ -John ( ireen , Greenwich , P . M . 79 . ' „ ~ Rev . W . Tavlor | oues , Sydenham , l' . M . l . Si , ~ 7 oS 7 awl P . G Cli .-ipl . mi . ' . Middlese . v . „ Gcoree Kcunine :, Sydenham , V . P ., P . M . inn , Hon . Sec . 1293 . and P . G . I ) . Middlesex . „ R . Wentworth Little , E . G ., P . M . 9-3 and 1293 , and P . G . Secretary for Middlesex . ,, George l-mibert , 13 , Coventrv-street , V . P ., P . M . 19 S , ; ai , nnil P . G . | . W . Herts . „ Rev . (' . ' | . Martvn , V . P ., P . G . Chaplain of England . „ Mai ; nus ' Ohren , E . G ., P . M . 453 , V . P . as W . M . of Britannic 33 ; ,, Edward Palmer , Seven Oaks , E . G ., W . M . Knowle , 1414 . ., [ . C . Parkin-uu , Reform Club , V . l > ., I'M . I « i . „ W . Ihde Pullen , -, 3 , Golden-square , E . G ., P . G . S . B ., P . Dj ' . G . M . I . of \ V . „ I ) . W . Pcaise , 25 , Great Winchester-street . E . G .. P . M . 6 s . „ Waller Richardson , 3 S , Golden-square , E . G ., P . M . r 4 . „ Theodore A . Roehus > cn , 23 , Abehurch-lane . „ S . Rosenthal , 2 , Red Eion-sqeare , V . P ., P . M . 43 * , P . G . W . for Middlesex ' . „ Alderman 1 ) . II . Stone , 13 , Poultry , E . G ., P . M . „ W . Stigf ., \ 'inccnt-. strccl , Westminster , E . G ., W . M . 4 ^ 3 . „ James Stevens , Ciaplum Common . L . G ., P . M . 720 , 1216 , 70 , 105 , 771 . * ,, W . Tongue , Woolwich , P . M . gn , anil P . G . | . W . Kent . „ Sir F . Wyatl Truscott , E . G ., l ' . G . S ., P . M . 1 ' . ,, Professor Erasmus Wilson , E . G ., J . I ) . Antiquity , 2 . „ Dr . Woodman , P . M . Grenadiers , 66 . Nurx . —Any of the brethren named above will receive Proxies for the Candidate , or thev can be scut direct to Bro . Magnus Ohren , hv Look Post , addrcVscd " Lower Sydenham , London , S . E . "
KLECTION , MAY , JS 73 . ROYA L MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR AGi : i > FKKKMASOXS . The Votes and Intce-I of ihe Governors and Subscribers are earnestly scliciled on behalf of lino . WILLIAM JOHNSON , P . G . Tyler , , \ . ami li . Ridings Yorkshire . lie was initiated in the Number K'odge , Hull , in Fcbrunrv , 1 S 32 , and has continued a Subscribing Mcinbtrcver since . He is nowabove Seventy-one years of age , and is unable to follow anv o : cuii . uion [ or . 1 living having only a small animal income from the I lumber Lodge fund , lie was fo-merlv Steward and Capiainof a River Steamer , ami has uspcual . ly brought up a large family . The case i * strongly recommended by the following brethren : — J . P . Pell . 1 / . /) ., . D . P . G . M . X . & I ! . Yorks ., S . G . D . of Kngland , Hull . h George . Mnrwnod , P . I ) . P . G . M . X . & ]•; . Yorks , llusbv Hall . * C . Welis . I . P . G . W ., X . & K . Yoifcs ., P . M . 2 .-0 , Hull . | . Ilud-c . n , W . M . ; 7 , Hull . R . Glover , P . M . .. 7 ' . Hull . Kd . Mason , P . M . i ~ t , Richmond . Rev . I-I . V . Palmer , . 1 / .. ; .. W . M . 236 , York . *| . Thompson , W . M . no , Hull . W . G . Long , W .. M . 041 , Pilee . G . Russell , W . M . 6 ( 10 . . Malum . G . K , Harding , W . M . 7 Ui ilridliugton Oiiav . *| . Pyburn , M . D .. W . M . IOIO , Hull . " ' C . Sykes-, J / j ' ., P . M . 1040 , Driffield . John Turner , P . M . 1040 , Driffield . John Sutclille , P . M . 121 J 4 , Grimshv . II . Me mum , M . D ., W . M 1244 , Redear . * J . jT . Robinson , Lauul liank , Stceles-roid , Haverstock-h'Il . fe .- London . The brethren marked thus (*) will be happv to receive Voting lapers : which with any communication or assistance will he tbanMuJly received , or totes for exchange bv .,, , ,. Uxo- JOI-IN WAI . KKR , P . M . ,-7 ; < 6 , I . ISTEIt SIIII ; KT , Ihl . r . P . P . G . Supt . Wks . N . & li . Yorks
NOW HEADV . Vol . V . of THE FREEMASON , from January to December , 1872 . Bound in cloth , with richly embossed device on cover . Price 15 shillings . The above forms a first-class reference and chronology of the leading < tveuts in Masonry during the past year . OKIICE : 108 , Fleet-street .
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , 0 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . JOSEPH RANKIN STEBBING , Esq ., P . G . D ., Chairman . This Company was the first to adopt the new and popular system of POSITIVE ASSURANCE . The policies being payable to bearer , "" icier assignments , stamps , legacy duties , & c , uunecessary , and they have at all times an immediate purchaseable value . See detailed prospectus . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager .
-RRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE - ° COM PAN V . 4 , Queen-street-place , London , E . C . SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT . New business , 1 , 934 . policies for £ 320 , 311 ) . New anuual income , . 820 . r 72 deatli claims paid for . £ 28 , 48 7 18 s . id . 20 claims for matured policies , £ 2 , 155 Ss . 4 d . Paid for surrenders , f ^ , " i " i " c Laid by in year , £ 3 6 , 307 . In force 17 , 009 policies for £ 2 , 1 ) 30 , 210 . Annual premium income , £ ' 93 , 99 8 . Paid for death claims in 17 years , under 1 , 173 policies . £ > 87-5 a S . Accumulated fund increased to £ 273 , 073 . \ V . S . GOVER , Managing Director
Norwich and , London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTABLISHED 18 5 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CHIEF OF . ' ICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : 49 , MOORGATE-ST . Secretary : CIIAHI . ES R . GII . MAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . GEOHOE POWELL .
LOSS OF LIFE OR LIMB , WITH THE CONSEQUENT LOSS OF TIME AND MONEY , ACCIDENTS ^ " ALL KINDS I'llOVIDEI ) loll 11 Y A I'OI . ICY OF THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY An Annual Payment of £ 3 to £ 6 5 s . Insures £ 1 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at the rate of £ 6 per Week for Injury . £ 725 , 000 have been paid as Compensation , ONE out of everv Twelve Annual Policy I lolders becoming a Claimant EACH YEAR . For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 64 , CORNHILE , and to , REGENT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM . [ . VL >\ , Secretary .
GRATEFUL—COMFORTING : EPPS'SCOCOA.BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa , Mr . Epps , has provided our breakfast tables witli a delicatel y flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . "—Civil Service Gazette . " We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs . James Epps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic articles , at their works in the Euston-road , London . "Casscll ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Each Packet is Labelled ,
rpHE BEST AND CHEAPEST . Clothing for all Classes . ... Clothing for all occasions Clothing of every description . ' ¦ ' Hats and Caps . Boots and Shoes . Hosiery and Drapery . and Outfits for all Climates . at jg MOSES and SON'S . N . B . A distinct department for Boys' Clothing . Prices based on ready-money system . All Goods marked in plain figures . Any Article exchanged if not worn or injured . J 7 MOSES and SON'S easy and accurate " system of self-measure together with list of prices , fashion sheet , and patterns , gratis and post free . T ? MOSES and SON'S Establishments are * closed everyFriday evening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until II o ' clock . The following are the onl y Addresses of E . MOSES and SON : — LONDON- . Corner of Minories and Aldgate . New Oxford-street , corner of Hart-street . Corner ofTottenlum-Court-road , and Euston-road . COUNTIIV BllANCll . Bradford , Yorkshire .
HERALDIC , WR 1 T 1 NG & MONOGRAM ENGRAVING EXKCUTEll UPON Silver , Gold , Metals , Gems , and Stones ( for Sealing ) , In the vcrv highest stvlo or art . and workmanship * also upon I STIiliT . UIKS . torStampiiiLiXotc I' .-ipcraml Knvclopcsj OFFICIAL SIiALS designed , made and lilted into Tresses , for Public Cornpanics and Societies ; lM . lU ORATED ( or pierced ) and CARVED L'RKSTS , Lli'lTKRS , *> r . MASONIC KMIJIJiMS made for Dook Co / XT . * , Ci . i ^ ar Cases , Allnnns , & c ; and every branch connected with Ln ^ vavin ^ , all executed ON van VKKMIMLS , at Bro . JAMES B . SLY'S EXGRAVISO AND D IF .-S INKING Ol ' lUCES . 9 RATHBONE PLACE OXFORD-ST L 0 ND 0 N . W
APRIL KLICCTIO . V , iS ; j . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS The Votes ami Interest ol' the Governors and Subscribers arc earnestly solicited on behalf of OLTAVIA HKLKN WHICIiLLR , AI .:: I > Litarr Yr . Aits , Youngest il .-ine . htcr ol the late lino . THOMAS IIE . NRV WHEELKR , O £ Worcester , a subscribing member for upwards of twenty-three year .., who died in March , 1872 , alter a lore ; and painful illness , icaviiie ; a widow am ! seven children unprovided for ; his lont ^ illness inc .-ipacit . nine ; him for his business as an Auctioneer and Accountant . l ' . vo . Wuvv : i .:: n was inilhited in the Worcester Lodge ( now 2 S 0 ; in 1842 j in 1 K 43 , joined the St . John ' s Lodge , Leicester , No . : ; i ) , sewed the oiliccs , : ind was twice elected W . M ., 1 S 56 , and 1 S 57 , and continued a subscribing member until 1859 ; he was also Past X . ol the Chapter of Fortitude : Leicester , and a S . G . W . of Ihr . t Province ; in December , 1 S 5 . S , he joined the St . Tudn > Lodge , I . llandildno , No . 1 , 057 , at its formation , ard centiviued to subscribe until December , ibth , 1 S 01 , when he returned to Worcester , again becoming a . subscribing member of rhe Worcester Lodge , No . 2 * 0 . and so continued until his . severe illness in lSbS , which terminated in his death . The case is strongly recommended by the following Jlrtehren : — llro . A . 11 . Kinds , Provincial Grand Master , Worcester , V . r \ „ William Kelly , l' . G . M . Leicester and Rutland . „ 11 . C . Vernon , l' . C . W . ol Kugiaml , and P . l ' . G . M ., Worcester , „ R . | . Spiers , P . C . S . B ., of i-ngland , D . P . G . M ., Oxon , V . P . ,, * R . '\ Vool , P . M . 2 .-0 , P . Z ., P . P . S . G . W ., Worcester . „ Dr . T , C . Koilen , P . M . 43 , 4 S 2 , 606 . and 77 s , P . P . S . G . W ., Warwick . „ John Preece , P . M . 755 , P . P . S . G . W ., North Wales and Shropshire . „ * C . C . Whitney Griffiths , W . M . and P . M . ; So , P . Z ., P . P . S . G . W ., Worcester . „ * Alfred Powell , P . M . = *> , P . / ., P . I \ I . G . W ., Worcester . The Ilreliiren maiked * will U « happy to receive Proxies , and Voliir , ' Capers tor either ol the oilier Institutions tviil he eililally acceptable .
jyj O N E V . —LOANS granted imnuxliately from fiooto £ 2 , 000 at 5 per cent ., repayable over Three , Four , or Five Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy effected with the WEST OF ENGLAND INSURANCE CO ., ( Established 1 K 07 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , J . CROCKER , Neville Street , Newcastle . Agents Wanted . POUND on Friday Evening , the ; th inst ., MASONIC JKWKL . The Owner can have it on descrihiu y letter , to C . T . Rubins , No . a , Tolccnhouse-yartl , K . C :, ami uay . g the txpenses of this . "( L . t-rtisLsni-n * .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
APRIL KLKCTION , 1 S 73-p . OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR li BOYS . The favor . r of vour Vote and Interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of AI . UKRT EDWARD ROWLSTONK , ACKI ) TKN YKARS , Son of HRO . MEXKV WILLIAM R OWLSTOXE , late of the Union Waterloo l . otljjc , No . 13 , anil of No . 13 , Kent Terrace , Lower Svdenhnm , S . K . " llro . Kmvi . sTnxK , the Father of the Candidate , for many years held a good position in the town of Woolwich , as Estate Aircnt and Builder . Through nnfmtilnntc land and building speculations he lost the greater part oi his property , and paralysis of the brain and other alllictions nvcrtakini ; him , rendered him quite unlit for business . i ' mlcr these circumstances your Vote and Interest is earnestly snlicheil to ensure for one of his sons the benefit of the Masonic Institution for Hoys . The case is recommended hy the following hrethren .- — Bro . Captain Barlow , Conservative Club , of 321 and 13 S 3 . „ Charles Bennett , 30 , Gloucester Street , South Belgravia , P . M . : ; . „ 1 . W . HevitiKlnn , Malvern House , Sydenham . . , Thomas A . Chubb , So . lia . Ry . Co ., P . G . S ., P . M . r . Sec . 3-,. „ I .. Cromhie , Esq ., E . G ., P . G . S . D ., P . G . S ., and P . P . G . M ., Aberdeen . „ Isaac Croukenden , Plui'uix Gas Co ., Bankside . „ Fred . Geo . Finch , I I . S ., S . W . 33 , ami | . \ V . 5 S . ., | ohn S . Gissine ; , Woodbridge , l ' . M " . SI , and P . P . G . | . W . Suffolk . „ James Glaisher , E . G ., P . M ., 33 , P . C . S . W . Midillesex . „ -John ( ireen , Greenwich , P . M . 79 . ' „ ~ Rev . W . Tavlor | oues , Sydenham , l' . M . l . Si , ~ 7 oS 7 awl P . G Cli .-ipl . mi . ' . Middlese . v . „ Gcoree Kcunine :, Sydenham , V . P ., P . M . inn , Hon . Sec . 1293 . and P . G . I ) . Middlesex . „ R . Wentworth Little , E . G ., P . M . 9-3 and 1293 , and P . G . Secretary for Middlesex . ,, George l-mibert , 13 , Coventrv-street , V . P ., P . M . 19 S , ; ai , nnil P . G . | . W . Herts . „ Rev . (' . ' | . Martvn , V . P ., P . G . Chaplain of England . „ Mai ; nus ' Ohren , E . G ., P . M . 453 , V . P . as W . M . of Britannic 33 ; ,, Edward Palmer , Seven Oaks , E . G ., W . M . Knowle , 1414 . ., [ . C . Parkin-uu , Reform Club , V . l > ., I'M . I « i . „ W . Ihde Pullen , -, 3 , Golden-square , E . G ., P . G . S . B ., P . Dj ' . G . M . I . of \ V . „ I ) . W . Pcaise , 25 , Great Winchester-street . E . G .. P . M . 6 s . „ Waller Richardson , 3 S , Golden-square , E . G ., P . M . r 4 . „ Theodore A . Roehus > cn , 23 , Abehurch-lane . „ S . Rosenthal , 2 , Red Eion-sqeare , V . P ., P . M . 43 * , P . G . W . for Middlesex ' . „ Alderman 1 ) . II . Stone , 13 , Poultry , E . G ., P . M . „ W . Stigf ., \ 'inccnt-. strccl , Westminster , E . G ., W . M . 4 ^ 3 . „ James Stevens , Ciaplum Common . L . G ., P . M . 720 , 1216 , 70 , 105 , 771 . * ,, W . Tongue , Woolwich , P . M . gn , anil P . G . | . W . Kent . „ Sir F . Wyatl Truscott , E . G ., l ' . G . S ., P . M . 1 ' . ,, Professor Erasmus Wilson , E . G ., J . I ) . Antiquity , 2 . „ Dr . Woodman , P . M . Grenadiers , 66 . Nurx . —Any of the brethren named above will receive Proxies for the Candidate , or thev can be scut direct to Bro . Magnus Ohren , hv Look Post , addrcVscd " Lower Sydenham , London , S . E . "
KLECTION , MAY , JS 73 . ROYA L MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR AGi : i > FKKKMASOXS . The Votes and Intce-I of ihe Governors and Subscribers are earnestly scliciled on behalf of lino . WILLIAM JOHNSON , P . G . Tyler , , \ . ami li . Ridings Yorkshire . lie was initiated in the Number K'odge , Hull , in Fcbrunrv , 1 S 32 , and has continued a Subscribing Mcinbtrcver since . He is nowabove Seventy-one years of age , and is unable to follow anv o : cuii . uion [ or . 1 living having only a small animal income from the I lumber Lodge fund , lie was fo-merlv Steward and Capiainof a River Steamer , ami has uspcual . ly brought up a large family . The case i * strongly recommended by the following brethren : — J . P . Pell . 1 / . /) ., . D . P . G . M . X . & I ! . Yorks ., S . G . D . of Kngland , Hull . h George . Mnrwnod , P . I ) . P . G . M . X . & ]•; . Yorks , llusbv Hall . * C . Welis . I . P . G . W ., X . & K . Yoifcs ., P . M . 2 .-0 , Hull . | . Ilud-c . n , W . M . ; 7 , Hull . R . Glover , P . M . .. 7 ' . Hull . Kd . Mason , P . M . i ~ t , Richmond . Rev . I-I . V . Palmer , . 1 / .. ; .. W . M . 236 , York . *| . Thompson , W . M . no , Hull . W . G . Long , W .. M . 041 , Pilee . G . Russell , W . M . 6 ( 10 . . Malum . G . K , Harding , W . M . 7 Ui ilridliugton Oiiav . *| . Pyburn , M . D .. W . M . IOIO , Hull . " ' C . Sykes-, J / j ' ., P . M . 1040 , Driffield . John Turner , P . M . 1040 , Driffield . John Sutclille , P . M . 121 J 4 , Grimshv . II . Me mum , M . D ., W . M 1244 , Redear . * J . jT . Robinson , Lauul liank , Stceles-roid , Haverstock-h'Il . fe .- London . The brethren marked thus (*) will be happv to receive Voting lapers : which with any communication or assistance will he tbanMuJly received , or totes for exchange bv .,, , ,. Uxo- JOI-IN WAI . KKR , P . M . ,-7 ; < 6 , I . ISTEIt SIIII ; KT , Ihl . r . P . P . G . Supt . Wks . N . & li . Yorks
NOW HEADV . Vol . V . of THE FREEMASON , from January to December , 1872 . Bound in cloth , with richly embossed device on cover . Price 15 shillings . The above forms a first-class reference and chronology of the leading < tveuts in Masonry during the past year . OKIICE : 108 , Fleet-street .
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , 0 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . JOSEPH RANKIN STEBBING , Esq ., P . G . D ., Chairman . This Company was the first to adopt the new and popular system of POSITIVE ASSURANCE . The policies being payable to bearer , "" icier assignments , stamps , legacy duties , & c , uunecessary , and they have at all times an immediate purchaseable value . See detailed prospectus . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager .
-RRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE - ° COM PAN V . 4 , Queen-street-place , London , E . C . SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT . New business , 1 , 934 . policies for £ 320 , 311 ) . New anuual income , . 820 . r 72 deatli claims paid for . £ 28 , 48 7 18 s . id . 20 claims for matured policies , £ 2 , 155 Ss . 4 d . Paid for surrenders , f ^ , " i " i " c Laid by in year , £ 3 6 , 307 . In force 17 , 009 policies for £ 2 , 1 ) 30 , 210 . Annual premium income , £ ' 93 , 99 8 . Paid for death claims in 17 years , under 1 , 173 policies . £ > 87-5 a S . Accumulated fund increased to £ 273 , 073 . \ V . S . GOVER , Managing Director
Norwich and , London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTABLISHED 18 5 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CHIEF OF . ' ICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : 49 , MOORGATE-ST . Secretary : CIIAHI . ES R . GII . MAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . GEOHOE POWELL .
LOSS OF LIFE OR LIMB , WITH THE CONSEQUENT LOSS OF TIME AND MONEY , ACCIDENTS ^ " ALL KINDS I'llOVIDEI ) loll 11 Y A I'OI . ICY OF THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY An Annual Payment of £ 3 to £ 6 5 s . Insures £ 1 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at the rate of £ 6 per Week for Injury . £ 725 , 000 have been paid as Compensation , ONE out of everv Twelve Annual Policy I lolders becoming a Claimant EACH YEAR . For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 64 , CORNHILE , and to , REGENT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM . [ . VL >\ , Secretary .
GRATEFUL—COMFORTING : EPPS'SCOCOA.BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa , Mr . Epps , has provided our breakfast tables witli a delicatel y flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . "—Civil Service Gazette . " We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs . James Epps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic articles , at their works in the Euston-road , London . "Casscll ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Each Packet is Labelled ,
rpHE BEST AND CHEAPEST . Clothing for all Classes . ... Clothing for all occasions Clothing of every description . ' ¦ ' Hats and Caps . Boots and Shoes . Hosiery and Drapery . and Outfits for all Climates . at jg MOSES and SON'S . N . B . A distinct department for Boys' Clothing . Prices based on ready-money system . All Goods marked in plain figures . Any Article exchanged if not worn or injured . J 7 MOSES and SON'S easy and accurate " system of self-measure together with list of prices , fashion sheet , and patterns , gratis and post free . T ? MOSES and SON'S Establishments are * closed everyFriday evening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until II o ' clock . The following are the onl y Addresses of E . MOSES and SON : — LONDON- . Corner of Minories and Aldgate . New Oxford-street , corner of Hart-street . Corner ofTottenlum-Court-road , and Euston-road . COUNTIIV BllANCll . Bradford , Yorkshire .
HERALDIC , WR 1 T 1 NG & MONOGRAM ENGRAVING EXKCUTEll UPON Silver , Gold , Metals , Gems , and Stones ( for Sealing ) , In the vcrv highest stvlo or art . and workmanship * also upon I STIiliT . UIKS . torStampiiiLiXotc I' .-ipcraml Knvclopcsj OFFICIAL SIiALS designed , made and lilted into Tresses , for Public Cornpanics and Societies ; lM . lU ORATED ( or pierced ) and CARVED L'RKSTS , Lli'lTKRS , *> r . MASONIC KMIJIJiMS made for Dook Co / XT . * , Ci . i ^ ar Cases , Allnnns , & c ; and every branch connected with Ln ^ vavin ^ , all executed ON van VKKMIMLS , at Bro . JAMES B . SLY'S EXGRAVISO AND D IF .-S INKING Ol ' lUCES . 9 RATHBONE PLACE OXFORD-ST L 0 ND 0 N . W
APRIL KLICCTIO . V , iS ; j . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS The Votes ami Interest ol' the Governors and Subscribers arc earnestly solicited on behalf of OLTAVIA HKLKN WHICIiLLR , AI .:: I > Litarr Yr . Aits , Youngest il .-ine . htcr ol the late lino . THOMAS IIE . NRV WHEELKR , O £ Worcester , a subscribing member for upwards of twenty-three year .., who died in March , 1872 , alter a lore ; and painful illness , icaviiie ; a widow am ! seven children unprovided for ; his lont ^ illness inc .-ipacit . nine ; him for his business as an Auctioneer and Accountant . l ' . vo . Wuvv : i .:: n was inilhited in the Worcester Lodge ( now 2 S 0 ; in 1842 j in 1 K 43 , joined the St . John ' s Lodge , Leicester , No . : ; i ) , sewed the oiliccs , : ind was twice elected W . M ., 1 S 56 , and 1 S 57 , and continued a subscribing member until 1859 ; he was also Past X . ol the Chapter of Fortitude : Leicester , and a S . G . W . of Ihr . t Province ; in December , 1 S 5 . S , he joined the St . Tudn > Lodge , I . llandildno , No . 1 , 057 , at its formation , ard centiviued to subscribe until December , ibth , 1 S 01 , when he returned to Worcester , again becoming a . subscribing member of rhe Worcester Lodge , No . 2 * 0 . and so continued until his . severe illness in lSbS , which terminated in his death . The case is strongly recommended by the following Jlrtehren : — llro . A . 11 . Kinds , Provincial Grand Master , Worcester , V . r \ „ William Kelly , l' . G . M . Leicester and Rutland . „ 11 . C . Vernon , l' . C . W . ol Kugiaml , and P . l ' . G . M ., Worcester , „ R . | . Spiers , P . C . S . B ., of i-ngland , D . P . G . M ., Oxon , V . P . ,, * R . '\ Vool , P . M . 2 .-0 , P . Z ., P . P . S . G . W ., Worcester . „ Dr . T , C . Koilen , P . M . 43 , 4 S 2 , 606 . and 77 s , P . P . S . G . W ., Warwick . „ John Preece , P . M . 755 , P . P . S . G . W ., North Wales and Shropshire . „ * C . C . Whitney Griffiths , W . M . and P . M . ; So , P . Z ., P . P . S . G . W ., Worcester . „ * Alfred Powell , P . M . = *> , P . / ., P . I \ I . G . W ., Worcester . The Ilreliiren maiked * will U « happy to receive Proxies , and Voliir , ' Capers tor either ol the oilier Institutions tviil he eililally acceptable .
jyj O N E V . —LOANS granted imnuxliately from fiooto £ 2 , 000 at 5 per cent ., repayable over Three , Four , or Five Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy effected with the WEST OF ENGLAND INSURANCE CO ., ( Established 1 K 07 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , J . CROCKER , Neville Street , Newcastle . Agents Wanted . POUND on Friday Evening , the ; th inst ., MASONIC JKWKL . The Owner can have it on descrihiu y letter , to C . T . Rubins , No . a , Tolccnhouse-yartl , K . C :, ami uay . g the txpenses of this . "( L . t-rtisLsni-n * .