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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , ano South Coast Railways . '"PHIS Hotel has great facilities for Meetings Charitahle Institutions , Wedding Breakfasts , Public Dinners Balls , Soirees , and is allowed to be in real domestic con . fo . t , one o the Best in the Metropolis , the tariff on application to JOSEPH H . SPENCER .
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . " \\ 7 "ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateu . Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelvt Hundred people . SYDNEY SI EKIR , Propricto
Masons' Hall Tavern , MASONS' AVENUE , BAS 1 NGHALL-STREET , CITY . 'T'HE above old-established Tavern is NOW - - OPEN , newly decorated , hy Bro . CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the Freemasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will he found lor I . odges , Thapters , Mark and other degrees for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , Sec , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor .
The Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private Dining Rooms First-class Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers alter the Theatres . Bro . F . HIUKEICH , Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROBF . RT STRF . F . T , ADliLPHl TERRACE , STRAND OENTLEMEN and Families visiting London ^ - " will tind every accommodation , combined witli comfort and moderate charges , at ihe above Hotel . JJc ds from 2 s . ; silting Rooms from js . ; Breakfasts from 2 s . Table d'lloie 0 . 30 , 3 s . od . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquets lor the Craft , Arch and High Grade ; ,. A Spacious and Chitrful Co / tea Room overlooking the I'ictoria Embanker ! : ! . BRO . GLORGE ST ^ Tl ^ S ^ Iannger ^ EOitGE ' REES MAPLE and ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS , best in tondon pEORGE REES ' yj GILT MOULDINGS , cheapes in the Trade . EO RGK " ' REES 7 ' " 100 , 000 feet of GILT KOO . M ISOilDKKIXG in stock , fiom id . per font . EO RGE ~ uT-: T « nr First - class ENGH A VINGS , hum 2 s . vacli . OEORGEREKS * ITIROMOS , from the Best Masters , at ictiuced piices . 57 , DHURV-I . ANE , W . C , opposite Diury-lane Theatre .
CITY SHOW ROOMS . T DEL- 'LUES atul SONS , J * jiAXiii ' At TIIKLKS OF CRYSTAL , I ' . KOX / El ) , and ORMOLU rii WIH-. I . H- ' . , KEROSLVF and . M ( iDI- 'RA T < IR L \ . M ! 'S lor INDIA . VKSllill'l . K . ii .. l I . II' . IIAKV 1 . 1 GH IS in OKI . \ I' Y . NKIKTY . T DEKR 1 ES and SONS ' THINNER SERVICES , GILT PIECES , 1 J It lOs . 1 Alll . l . C . l . AsS and ( 1 I 1 NA . t'l . lICK ¦ ' , IIK ( IN / . !" . S and ( 11 \ N I ) l-1 . 1 l-KS . ORNAMENT \ I . « iL \ SN ENGLISH and FOREIGN , MESS , I ' . Xl'oK 1 , ai ., 1 l- 'l'KMSIIlN ' d ORDI-1 RS I'ROMP'II . Y
I .. M . 1 s l 1 . 1 ' . " ' tjiims iTlAS ~ "Fl ( KSLV [ s . " —GlitAT . N ' () VKI . TV 7 " " ATEW DECORATIONS lor the DINING L ^ TAIil . K . I . iii" . i' : ; ::- >; .-,,,, 1 siss , . \ LUII : I . U-II , IX-,-S „ I SKIRI - ' . ' S I'A ' ONl I'KM ' I-. 'IIIAI . ami I'DUTAHLL I ' KS ' s-IA I . "I'A . 'll . i . ! i'l' . N l . M . N " . ¦•¦ KimiNi ; rm- ' . sKNTs . POUNTAINS . in CRYSTAL and GILT wliii . il , wl . cn 01 . 11 . j . ! . H- \ silll l- ' liiM-rs . tii . l | . ' iuit , li . iln the , nuifl , li- | Miil l in ,. 11 , mil lur lliiiiin : Kuciiii-., Hull Kci . iiiis D 1 .. U iu . l Ui . onis , ; iinl I sii-rr \ , itnni .-s . liIH'I ,. lJ . \ V i'lll-. SLN'rs . POUNTAINS lor tlie CONSERVATORY , lo . ' i : i : ' < pij ; c imh-j 'vMt-H -. fa ¦ ¦•!vi . e o ! water j-ipc « , tatik ^ ami other ev ] ieii-i \ t-. n ., ' . ¦ - ¦ : i ! ie-: and ha \ in . ; no median irin , tannot po-. idly ;; e ! out ol order . POUNTAINS in ' <; i \ at Variety . For lVr-( unieil Waters-, luno Cz i ;> . in ! , to 100 * ( iuii'ias . A lar . ; c variet \ tan he --een at ihe Shnv Kooms and (' rvstal ( iaM . i ' y , | . lie . !¦ " ¦¦ : (» -S and ^) NS , 147 , HOUNS 1 " JlTCl 1 . hive niimmV waik i-om ; he UanV ; ol Ivi / land . \ DEFRIES and SON ' S , UALL ROOMS DECORATED and ILLUX - ^ MIN'A'I I'll . CONTRA ! ' TOK . lfor VV . I l-. S ami HKJOK'INfiS . TENTS , TKMl \) : ; Ai ; Y li . ' . LL-KOU . MS KKKt'TKI ) , I-LAtiS and CHANUl-. l . ll-. l ' . S , lAliLl-UiLASS . I'lllNA . Sec . Lent on 11 ifL-. OHCOKATIONS iiml II . I . l ' . M INATIONS car . icii out with an ) l- ' . lill . lulil nr Ik-siiill . Works- LONDON ' , ill KM I Mil I AM , ami "AKIS . I . ONUON -lltlW WHIMS .-147 , IIOUNll-DITCll . l ivc Miiiulrs' W ' . ijk troui llle liank ol l- ^ n ^ laml .
Q . AS CONSERVATORY APPARATUSES , Gas Ovens , Gas Baths , X ' 6 15 s . od . ( 10 per cent , a-rance . Ornamental I oils for Oilices ( Patentee ) . ^ 0 . Shrewsbury ,, . ' . surer N « I « M < I , and S 9 , iOid VlaUcjr .
THE COSMOPOLITAN . AN INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER OF NEWS POLITICS , COMMERCE , LITERATURE , ART , AND SOCIETY . ONE POUND A YEAR . THE ONLY NEWSPAPER IN EUROPE OWNED AND EDITED BY AN AMERICAN . FIRST-CLASS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER . PUBLISHED IN LONDON , PARIS , AND NEW YORK . SCALE OF ADVERTISEMENTS : — Single Advertisements is . per line . Thirteen Insertions and upwards 6 d . per line . All Advertisements must arrive at . the London Office before One o'clock on the Wednesday preceding the day ol" Publication . For single insertions payment must be made in advance , for which postage stamps may be sent at the rate of thirteen to the Shilling . All Advertisements payable after First Insertion . Cheques and Post Office Orders ( Somerset-house ) to he made payable to H . FULLER , NO , III , Strand , W . C . THE COSMOPOLITAN Is independent of Party , Sect , and Nationality . Its circulation is WORLD WIDE ., and chiefly among the highest classes—statesmen , diplomatists , hankers , elnhs , hotels , & c . ONE POUND A YEAR . SINGLE COPY FOURPENCF . A NEW VOLUME . VOLUME XV . of THE COSMOPOLITAN commenced on the 3 rd October , 1872 . SUBSCRIPTION ONE POUND A Y'EAR , Postalge ( Penny ) included . Handsomely Mound Volumes fui Sale at 20 s . each . © fee Cosmopolitan . " It 1 a a newspaper in every sense of the word , selecting from its daily contemporaries ; nearly everyhting that is of interest to the general reader , and Mipphing whai is really wanted in this country —a thoroughly impartial re Hex of public opinion . " —Standard . "The editor is a gentleman well-known lo the readers of Fraser ' s Magazine , as well as to the Tiansatlantic world , and wields a ready , graceful , and lluent pen . " —Morning Post . •' It is gaining great praise here from it * thoroughly independent tone . " - lim-cr Chionide . ONI . POUND A YF . AR . i
iwa : iaft--ttK 3 mi- < . - * aK- * .. s * . * .- ;• - »* - "' ¦»¦ - < --n—** r * ^ •¦¦» r ..--,, „ ... CT—f-. u ^ . w , §
Isl .-ibli-, licil iS ; j — l-lnlniiii-ilto 8 pages 1 S 72 . r j ' ME LEIGH CHRONICLE : TY / DESLEY , A'I ' lll-J-l'ION , S : DK'IKIt I , St sOI'TI' I . ANCASIIIKK AI )\ 'i : RI 1 > I-. K . I ul . lislie . l i-vi-rv Miuii . l . iv , t paijes , 1 ' iice One I ' en . iv . llle ll . roiii . lc U a l- ' ir > t-ti . i ..- Local anil r ' ami !> Xewsjiaiier j take-, nn jiioiiiita-ll' ; a ! t ill I'oliliial ot l \^ -ln ; ioils ( ontroi ejsies . Oii . ini . 'il l'a [ K-i ^ oiijeal iii ' i-re-I app' -ai wet kl } ' in its columns . No elloil is spainl In maintain lor me 1 laonirie llle llijill [ insilioll it lias hel . l lor \ i : ais I lie ( tironicle is lean by all ; it is snpporleil i \ tleailv e \ i . " l _ i pel-oil .. I inlnnnce in ! liei ! i > : ncl ; . in iilileslaijiel ) - anion : ; flu- tiaili -pi ople ; anil uccii es llle Mippoit oi tlie o | ieiatii ' e cashes , lis t oli . iniis oiler one of tlie Li-. sl AUVl-lK'I Lsl . N ' i ; NM- ' . mi'MS in ¦ mull Lancashire . Office , \ iclori . il'lace , l . eiiih . I ' m . ami l- ' . H . |< I « MH Ko »¦
C A i \ D L E S , OILS , AND SOAPS . KOIil-. KT s . MEM 1 F . Y , ( I . A 7 K 111111 1 ' AIEi . HM . L AM ) ( al . ) Wax and Tallow Cliandlcr , Oil and Soap Mei chant , IC () , FKNL lll-Rl ll-fcllikILT , E . C . Special Candles— . 'dasoiii ,, t hnreh and I erlnmed—in pure Wax , Spermaceti ! , and Stii . rine , l'ips and MonJcU of retined and liardened 'I ' allnw . Sprrm and snpctinr hnrning Col / a . Oil Discount for cash . Own carts deliver tiee in London and nubuiba . Wholesale , Retail and Export .
'KM JK \ y JwB \ I IL JB R ^ m nfig K ^ s * l I I ! ttwil m^^^^MM^MMl
THIRD EDITION . —JUST READY . REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : on , i Tlie Freemason ' s Pocket C ompendium Wilh . an Emblematical Frontispiece . A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mecum and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to be communicable , in accordance with the prin » ciples of the Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free for Thirteen Stamps . Sold by Bro . GEO . KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , Loudon , E . C
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One Shilling - , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , BY BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . 'T'HIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of . Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminentlypractical and useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Bro . GEO . KENNINO , IQS , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
FREEMASONS' SECRETS , EDITED BY THE REV . A . F . A . WOODFORD , M . A Rector of Swillington , Past Grand Chaplain of England , and Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden for Wes Yorkshire . Price is . 6 d . BIG . GEOHGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , London .
CHURCH SERMONS . Hy EMINENT CLERG 1 MEN . ^ yEUKLY NUMBERS contain two Sermons . Price One Penny ; Monthly Pans , Five-pence . Published by KI : I ;\ LS . SUN , , ; i .. l CO ., Playhouse-yard , Ludgate-hill , London , and may be had of all Book * sellers-
uTHE FREEMASON " OF ST . LOUIS The Lanic-t . Ma-onic . Monthly in ihe World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., hy ( ieonte Frank li ' ouk-y , llrand Secretary , and Recorder ol ihe lour liraiul Ilo . i s oi Mi :-ouri . The Freema-on contain- tiding- Ironi evei * quarter of the world and will he loiin . l o ! i ; ieai i . iianla , e 10 all Mil-ons , especially those inleie-led in Aniciican allaiis ,. Ferine S 2 per annum , and to those who -tih-eiihe lot ihe Loads .: Ficcniason the price v . ill he $ 1 . 50 currency . ! 'o-tae , e free . Sub-eii |> lions received nl the Oilice of * he l . oa-lon " I' > eemason / 10 S , Flccl-.-lrcc ' .. r r H E L ( J X I ) C ) X 31 IRllO K IMiMUlu-il - v .-: ; S ; . ur .:.. . , : ¦ 4 tl . The OIMCIM m ihis imir'i" ! i > if set forth the claims of tin ; ni ^ ny l \ eli : ; ious , l . iliu'au (> ii ; il , 1 ! CIIL \ nlent , ami I ' rutieutiat hi ^ litutinns of 1 lit . l nilctl Kin . ' . loin , ' i * ul \\ t , L'k hv week IDIVMII !! their proci : ciiin (; s , whether as Meetin . ; ' , Sermon- ; , Aii ! ii \ er > ai ie > , or I' . leetions , so as present the .-e National ln > l itut ion- , to the i ; r , rur of th , ' I ' uhlic . Otlice , zt ) , Soin ! ia ; iip ! un-i '( iW , i \ tJ > M : | l-snuare , I . oiulon , W . C .
¦ THE ICNTK'ACTE , ^\ MUSI C AI , ami 'I'll EAT R ICA L R KV 1 EW . 1 ' iiee ( hie i ' uim , I -e »; as a programim : at the principal l . nnilon : iv . » l l ' io \ ir > i ., i N'n .-ii 'l : d ! s . ' the llnit ' acte enjoys an e \ teii ; -i \ e 1 iii-ulai ion , aini t ; .- ! - ; into 'he liamls nl ei cry theatrical ami nnic-ae-hali attiite , ! t lontai . ' . s a pleuliil « artooti ever > week . l- ' ir--I-iate ineilinin lor aiK ci 11 -ers . :-ul scr- li < r ^ can he supplied by ost at i , S per ( juarter . l , nhlihln . tl even Satnialav , . i j , Ur \ d ^; eslet-t , Co ' . fin ( ianhn . W . C .
41 THE FR ^ . KMA . lON " Sinijilied liy rp DRISCOLI W'liolcs ' iiu- Nt-wsaiit-nf , . S 7 , 1 •Faiiii'toliiii-M ., K . C . Smith London iiiancii , 410 , Wand ^ woith-iii . til , S . W eijrlit ( ItKii's from tlie Loudon Cli .-ilhani ind I . ' uver Uailwaj Station . Wholesale Publisher to Ihe I ' rade .
CITY . DOTTLE & SON , 14 ; iiul ir „ Roynl Exchange 1 City AKCIS lo ' r "THE KRLKMASON " AMI "The Israelites found in the Anglo-Saxons , " Just published , piice 2 s . Cid . DUBLIN . Bro . CHARLES HEDCELONG , NEW AND S ,. COM ) -i : Af'l . i IHH ) KSKLLKK 26 , GRAFTON STRKKT , DI'MI . IN . AGENT FOR " THE FREEMASON . "
SWANSEA Agent lor the Freemason . T 5 RO . CHAS , MAGGS . 25 , ( Ji-orge-st ., Swansea , A large stuck of Aprons , Jewels , Clothii- ; , and every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for tCenning ' s Masonic Note Paper , Knvelopes , Books , Candlew , I'erfumes , ccc . AdvextUeniexiU received for "Tho Krcooiatoii . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , ano South Coast Railways . '"PHIS Hotel has great facilities for Meetings Charitahle Institutions , Wedding Breakfasts , Public Dinners Balls , Soirees , and is allowed to be in real domestic con . fo . t , one o the Best in the Metropolis , the tariff on application to JOSEPH H . SPENCER .
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . " \\ 7 "ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateu . Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelvt Hundred people . SYDNEY SI EKIR , Propricto
Masons' Hall Tavern , MASONS' AVENUE , BAS 1 NGHALL-STREET , CITY . 'T'HE above old-established Tavern is NOW - - OPEN , newly decorated , hy Bro . CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the Freemasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will he found lor I . odges , Thapters , Mark and other degrees for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , Sec , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor .
The Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private Dining Rooms First-class Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers alter the Theatres . Bro . F . HIUKEICH , Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROBF . RT STRF . F . T , ADliLPHl TERRACE , STRAND OENTLEMEN and Families visiting London ^ - " will tind every accommodation , combined witli comfort and moderate charges , at ihe above Hotel . JJc ds from 2 s . ; silting Rooms from js . ; Breakfasts from 2 s . Table d'lloie 0 . 30 , 3 s . od . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquets lor the Craft , Arch and High Grade ; ,. A Spacious and Chitrful Co / tea Room overlooking the I'ictoria Embanker ! : ! . BRO . GLORGE ST ^ Tl ^ S ^ Iannger ^ EOitGE ' REES MAPLE and ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS , best in tondon pEORGE REES ' yj GILT MOULDINGS , cheapes in the Trade . EO RGK " ' REES 7 ' " 100 , 000 feet of GILT KOO . M ISOilDKKIXG in stock , fiom id . per font . EO RGE ~ uT-: T « nr First - class ENGH A VINGS , hum 2 s . vacli . OEORGEREKS * ITIROMOS , from the Best Masters , at ictiuced piices . 57 , DHURV-I . ANE , W . C , opposite Diury-lane Theatre .
CITY SHOW ROOMS . T DEL- 'LUES atul SONS , J * jiAXiii ' At TIIKLKS OF CRYSTAL , I ' . KOX / El ) , and ORMOLU rii WIH-. I . H- ' . , KEROSLVF and . M ( iDI- 'RA T < IR L \ . M ! 'S lor INDIA . VKSllill'l . K . ii .. l I . II' . IIAKV 1 . 1 GH IS in OKI . \ I' Y . NKIKTY . T DEKR 1 ES and SONS ' THINNER SERVICES , GILT PIECES , 1 J It lOs . 1 Alll . l . C . l . AsS and ( 1 I 1 NA . t'l . lICK ¦ ' , IIK ( IN / . !" . S and ( 11 \ N I ) l-1 . 1 l-KS . ORNAMENT \ I . « iL \ SN ENGLISH and FOREIGN , MESS , I ' . Xl'oK 1 , ai ., 1 l- 'l'KMSIIlN ' d ORDI-1 RS I'ROMP'II . Y
I .. M . 1 s l 1 . 1 ' . " ' tjiims iTlAS ~ "Fl ( KSLV [ s . " —GlitAT . N ' () VKI . TV 7 " " ATEW DECORATIONS lor the DINING L ^ TAIil . K . I . iii" . i' : ; ::- >; .-,,,, 1 siss , . \ LUII : I . U-II , IX-,-S „ I SKIRI - ' . ' S I'A ' ONl I'KM ' I-. 'IIIAI . ami I'DUTAHLL I ' KS ' s-IA I . "I'A . 'll . i . ! i'l' . N l . M . N " . ¦•¦ KimiNi ; rm- ' . sKNTs . POUNTAINS . in CRYSTAL and GILT wliii . il , wl . cn 01 . 11 . j . ! . H- \ silll l- ' liiM-rs . tii . l | . ' iuit , li . iln the , nuifl , li- | Miil l in ,. 11 , mil lur lliiiiin : Kuciiii-., Hull Kci . iiiis D 1 .. U iu . l Ui . onis , ; iinl I sii-rr \ , itnni .-s . liIH'I ,. lJ . \ V i'lll-. SLN'rs . POUNTAINS lor tlie CONSERVATORY , lo . ' i : i : ' < pij ; c imh-j 'vMt-H -. fa ¦ ¦•!vi . e o ! water j-ipc « , tatik ^ ami other ev ] ieii-i \ t-. n ., ' . ¦ - ¦ : i ! ie-: and ha \ in . ; no median irin , tannot po-. idly ;; e ! out ol order . POUNTAINS in ' <; i \ at Variety . For lVr-( unieil Waters-, luno Cz i ;> . in ! , to 100 * ( iuii'ias . A lar . ; c variet \ tan he --een at ihe Shnv Kooms and (' rvstal ( iaM . i ' y , | . lie . !¦ " ¦¦ : (» -S and ^) NS , 147 , HOUNS 1 " JlTCl 1 . hive niimmV waik i-om ; he UanV ; ol Ivi / land . \ DEFRIES and SON ' S , UALL ROOMS DECORATED and ILLUX - ^ MIN'A'I I'll . CONTRA ! ' TOK . lfor VV . I l-. S ami HKJOK'INfiS . TENTS , TKMl \) : ; Ai ; Y li . ' . LL-KOU . MS KKKt'TKI ) , I-LAtiS and CHANUl-. l . ll-. l ' . S , lAliLl-UiLASS . I'lllNA . Sec . Lent on 11 ifL-. OHCOKATIONS iiml II . I . l ' . M INATIONS car . icii out with an ) l- ' . lill . lulil nr Ik-siiill . Works- LONDON ' , ill KM I Mil I AM , ami "AKIS . I . ONUON -lltlW WHIMS .-147 , IIOUNll-DITCll . l ivc Miiiulrs' W ' . ijk troui llle liank ol l- ^ n ^ laml .
Q . AS CONSERVATORY APPARATUSES , Gas Ovens , Gas Baths , X ' 6 15 s . od . ( 10 per cent , a-rance . Ornamental I oils for Oilices ( Patentee ) . ^ 0 . Shrewsbury ,, . ' . surer N « I « M < I , and S 9 , iOid VlaUcjr .
THE COSMOPOLITAN . AN INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER OF NEWS POLITICS , COMMERCE , LITERATURE , ART , AND SOCIETY . ONE POUND A YEAR . THE ONLY NEWSPAPER IN EUROPE OWNED AND EDITED BY AN AMERICAN . FIRST-CLASS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER . PUBLISHED IN LONDON , PARIS , AND NEW YORK . SCALE OF ADVERTISEMENTS : — Single Advertisements is . per line . Thirteen Insertions and upwards 6 d . per line . All Advertisements must arrive at . the London Office before One o'clock on the Wednesday preceding the day ol" Publication . For single insertions payment must be made in advance , for which postage stamps may be sent at the rate of thirteen to the Shilling . All Advertisements payable after First Insertion . Cheques and Post Office Orders ( Somerset-house ) to he made payable to H . FULLER , NO , III , Strand , W . C . THE COSMOPOLITAN Is independent of Party , Sect , and Nationality . Its circulation is WORLD WIDE ., and chiefly among the highest classes—statesmen , diplomatists , hankers , elnhs , hotels , & c . ONE POUND A YEAR . SINGLE COPY FOURPENCF . A NEW VOLUME . VOLUME XV . of THE COSMOPOLITAN commenced on the 3 rd October , 1872 . SUBSCRIPTION ONE POUND A Y'EAR , Postalge ( Penny ) included . Handsomely Mound Volumes fui Sale at 20 s . each . © fee Cosmopolitan . " It 1 a a newspaper in every sense of the word , selecting from its daily contemporaries ; nearly everyhting that is of interest to the general reader , and Mipphing whai is really wanted in this country —a thoroughly impartial re Hex of public opinion . " —Standard . "The editor is a gentleman well-known lo the readers of Fraser ' s Magazine , as well as to the Tiansatlantic world , and wields a ready , graceful , and lluent pen . " —Morning Post . •' It is gaining great praise here from it * thoroughly independent tone . " - lim-cr Chionide . ONI . POUND A YF . AR . i
iwa : iaft--ttK 3 mi- < . - * aK- * .. s * . * .- ;• - »* - "' ¦»¦ - < --n—** r * ^ •¦¦» r ..--,, „ ... CT—f-. u ^ . w , §
Isl .-ibli-, licil iS ; j — l-lnlniiii-ilto 8 pages 1 S 72 . r j ' ME LEIGH CHRONICLE : TY / DESLEY , A'I ' lll-J-l'ION , S : DK'IKIt I , St sOI'TI' I . ANCASIIIKK AI )\ 'i : RI 1 > I-. K . I ul . lislie . l i-vi-rv Miuii . l . iv , t paijes , 1 ' iice One I ' en . iv . llle ll . roiii . lc U a l- ' ir > t-ti . i ..- Local anil r ' ami !> Xewsjiaiier j take-, nn jiioiiiita-ll' ; a ! t ill I'oliliial ot l \^ -ln ; ioils ( ontroi ejsies . Oii . ini . 'il l'a [ K-i ^ oiijeal iii ' i-re-I app' -ai wet kl } ' in its columns . No elloil is spainl In maintain lor me 1 laonirie llle llijill [ insilioll it lias hel . l lor \ i : ais I lie ( tironicle is lean by all ; it is snpporleil i \ tleailv e \ i . " l _ i pel-oil .. I inlnnnce in ! liei ! i > : ncl ; . in iilileslaijiel ) - anion : ; flu- tiaili -pi ople ; anil uccii es llle Mippoit oi tlie o | ieiatii ' e cashes , lis t oli . iniis oiler one of tlie Li-. sl AUVl-lK'I Lsl . N ' i ; NM- ' . mi'MS in ¦ mull Lancashire . Office , \ iclori . il'lace , l . eiiih . I ' m . ami l- ' . H . |< I « MH Ko »¦
C A i \ D L E S , OILS , AND SOAPS . KOIil-. KT s . MEM 1 F . Y , ( I . A 7 K 111111 1 ' AIEi . HM . L AM ) ( al . ) Wax and Tallow Cliandlcr , Oil and Soap Mei chant , IC () , FKNL lll-Rl ll-fcllikILT , E . C . Special Candles— . 'dasoiii ,, t hnreh and I erlnmed—in pure Wax , Spermaceti ! , and Stii . rine , l'ips and MonJcU of retined and liardened 'I ' allnw . Sprrm and snpctinr hnrning Col / a . Oil Discount for cash . Own carts deliver tiee in London and nubuiba . Wholesale , Retail and Export .
'KM JK \ y JwB \ I IL JB R ^ m nfig K ^ s * l I I ! ttwil m^^^^MM^MMl
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