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SURREYMASONICHALLCOMPANY( LIMITED . ) Incorporated under the Companies Acts 1863 and 1867 . CAPITAL ^ 2 ,500,IN 500SHARES OF .£5EACH .Ten Shillings per Share to be paid on application ; Ten Shilings per Share on Allotment ; the Balance by Calls of ££ per Share each at intervals of Three Months each from the date of Allotment . givectors : E . WORTHINGTON , P . M ., P . Z ., Loughborough'Park , Chairman . M . S . LARLHAM , York Street , Walworth . JOHN THOMAS , P . M ., P . Z ., P . G . D . C , G . C , Denmark Street , Cam- H . C . LEVANDER , M . A ., P . M ., P . Z ., P . P . G . S . D ., Wilts , North Villas , berwell , Deputy Chairman . Camden Square . J . S . ABBOTT DUNBAR , Clement ' s Inn , Strand . E . PINDER , M . D ., Wilby Lodge , Camberwell . E . J . BAILEY , W . M ., 1329 , Lordship Lane , Dulwich . N . RITHERDON , Wellington Road , West Hackney . T . L . GREEN , Marlborough Street , Blackfriars . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., Clapham . jankers : THE LONDON AND COUNTY BANK . J & ffHcitor : PERCEVAL A . NAIRNE , P . M ., P . Z ., Grove Hill , Camberwell ; and 3 , Crosby Square , Bishopsgate . ^ ertctaviv : HENRY ALLMAN , P . M . « Mres : 47 , LEIPSIC ROAD , CAMBER . WELL . S . E . PROSPECTUS.The Surrey Masonic Hall Company has been formed with the object of providing a Building specially adapted to the requirements of Masonic Lodges , Chapters , and Conclaves , held in the South Metropolitan District ; and in connection therewith , a large Hall , for the general use of the public when not engaged for Masonic purposes . This project has met with the approval of Brethren high in the Craft , and been very favourably received at the several Public Meetings that have been held . The Site for the Building is in the Camberwell New Road , lying between the Post Office and the County Court , close to the Station of the London , Chatham , and Dover Railway , and to the Tramways from Brixton , Yauxhail , Westminster , Blackfriars , Peckham , and Greenwich . It possesses a frontage of about . 70 feet , with a depth of about 150 , and has been secured for a term of Ninety-nine Years , at a very low Ground-rent . The plans have been prepared by a well-known Architect and Member of the Craft , and embrace every convenience that long experience could possibly suggest . The propriety of holding Masonic Meetings in buildings devoted to the purpose is universally acknowledged by the Craft , and the advantages have been fully proved in many provincial towns where Alasonic Halls have been erected . It will also supply a want , long felt in this neighbourhood , of a commodious Public Building . Although the chief object of the Company is to promote the good of Freemasonry , the Directors are of opinion , from estimates carefully prepared , that the Shareholders will also derive a very fair return in a commercial point of view . They therefore , with full confidence , invite the active support of their Brethren . A large number of shares have already been subscribed for . f The estimated annual expenditure for Ground-rent , Taxes , Gas , Coals and sundries about .- £ 200 . The estimated annual receipts from Lodges , Chapters , Lodges of Instruction , Conclaves , kc , including rent of Wine cellars , about ., £ 220 ; and from rental of Hall for Concerts , Public Meetings , J , x \ , about .-. £ 300 . And the estimated cost of building and furnishing the Hall , capable of accomodating about 700 persons , in addition to spacious Alasonic Rooms , from . £ 2 , 500 to . £ 3 , 000 , thus shewing 10 per cent , interest on the capital . The Directors , however , fairly anticipate a larger return from public lettings . The Company is registered under Table A of the Companies Act , 1862 . A copy of the Memorandum of Association can be seen at the Offices of the Company . Form of ylpplication jor Shares . No . TO BE RETAINED BY THE BANKERS . To THE DIRECTORS oi- THE SURREY MASONIC HALL COMPANY , LIMITED . •Gentlemen , Having paid to your Bankers , The London and County Bank , the sum of £ being a deposit of Ten Shillings per share on Shares in the above Company , I hereby request that you will allot me that number ; and I agree to accept such Shares , or any less number you may allot to me , and to pay the deposit on Allotment and to sign the Articles of Association of this Company when required ; and I authorize-, you to insert my name on the Register of Members , for the number of Shares allotted to me . Name in Full Address in full Profession ¦ * i ¦ ' .-. , . ' . ¦ Signature Date . r . jucu aitil 1 ' tl . iii . lifii liyllie Proprietor , Urothcr UteRGt KE . INI . NO , at his OHiccs , 19 H , l- ' k-ct-strcct , and 2 , 3 , ami 4 , Little Britain , in the City of London , and 3 , Monument-place , Liverpool , in the roiintv nf l . anrriot .. r . __ S . T--i . „ . v . , \ l . pi 11 Ti . ' ° -:.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SURREYMASONICHALLCOMPANY( LIMITED . ) Incorporated under the Companies Acts 1863 and 1867 . CAPITAL ^ 2 ,500,IN 500SHARES OF .£5EACH .Ten Shillings per Share to be paid on application ; Ten Shilings per Share on Allotment ; the Balance by Calls of ££ per Share each at intervals of Three Months each from the date of Allotment . givectors : E . WORTHINGTON , P . M ., P . Z ., Loughborough'Park , Chairman . M . S . LARLHAM , York Street , Walworth . JOHN THOMAS , P . M ., P . Z ., P . G . D . C , G . C , Denmark Street , Cam- H . C . LEVANDER , M . A ., P . M ., P . Z ., P . P . G . S . D ., Wilts , North Villas , berwell , Deputy Chairman . Camden Square . J . S . ABBOTT DUNBAR , Clement ' s Inn , Strand . E . PINDER , M . D ., Wilby Lodge , Camberwell . E . J . BAILEY , W . M ., 1329 , Lordship Lane , Dulwich . N . RITHERDON , Wellington Road , West Hackney . T . L . GREEN , Marlborough Street , Blackfriars . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., Clapham . jankers : THE LONDON AND COUNTY BANK . J & ffHcitor : PERCEVAL A . NAIRNE , P . M ., P . Z ., Grove Hill , Camberwell ; and 3 , Crosby Square , Bishopsgate . ^ ertctaviv : HENRY ALLMAN , P . M . « Mres : 47 , LEIPSIC ROAD , CAMBER . WELL . S . E . PROSPECTUS.The Surrey Masonic Hall Company has been formed with the object of providing a Building specially adapted to the requirements of Masonic Lodges , Chapters , and Conclaves , held in the South Metropolitan District ; and in connection therewith , a large Hall , for the general use of the public when not engaged for Masonic purposes . This project has met with the approval of Brethren high in the Craft , and been very favourably received at the several Public Meetings that have been held . The Site for the Building is in the Camberwell New Road , lying between the Post Office and the County Court , close to the Station of the London , Chatham , and Dover Railway , and to the Tramways from Brixton , Yauxhail , Westminster , Blackfriars , Peckham , and Greenwich . It possesses a frontage of about . 70 feet , with a depth of about 150 , and has been secured for a term of Ninety-nine Years , at a very low Ground-rent . The plans have been prepared by a well-known Architect and Member of the Craft , and embrace every convenience that long experience could possibly suggest . The propriety of holding Masonic Meetings in buildings devoted to the purpose is universally acknowledged by the Craft , and the advantages have been fully proved in many provincial towns where Alasonic Halls have been erected . It will also supply a want , long felt in this neighbourhood , of a commodious Public Building . Although the chief object of the Company is to promote the good of Freemasonry , the Directors are of opinion , from estimates carefully prepared , that the Shareholders will also derive a very fair return in a commercial point of view . They therefore , with full confidence , invite the active support of their Brethren . A large number of shares have already been subscribed for . f The estimated annual expenditure for Ground-rent , Taxes , Gas , Coals and sundries about .- £ 200 . The estimated annual receipts from Lodges , Chapters , Lodges of Instruction , Conclaves , kc , including rent of Wine cellars , about ., £ 220 ; and from rental of Hall for Concerts , Public Meetings , J , x \ , about .-. £ 300 . And the estimated cost of building and furnishing the Hall , capable of accomodating about 700 persons , in addition to spacious Alasonic Rooms , from . £ 2 , 500 to . £ 3 , 000 , thus shewing 10 per cent , interest on the capital . The Directors , however , fairly anticipate a larger return from public lettings . The Company is registered under Table A of the Companies Act , 1862 . A copy of the Memorandum of Association can be seen at the Offices of the Company . Form of ylpplication jor Shares . No . TO BE RETAINED BY THE BANKERS . To THE DIRECTORS oi- THE SURREY MASONIC HALL COMPANY , LIMITED . •Gentlemen , Having paid to your Bankers , The London and County Bank , the sum of £ being a deposit of Ten Shillings per share on Shares in the above Company , I hereby request that you will allot me that number ; and I agree to accept such Shares , or any less number you may allot to me , and to pay the deposit on Allotment and to sign the Articles of Association of this Company when required ; and I authorize-, you to insert my name on the Register of Members , for the number of Shares allotted to me . Name in Full Address in full Profession ¦ * i ¦ ' .-. , . ' . ¦ Signature Date . r . jucu aitil 1 ' tl . iii . lifii liyllie Proprietor , Urothcr UteRGt KE . INI . NO , at his OHiccs , 19 H , l- ' k-ct-strcct , and 2 , 3 , ami 4 , Little Britain , in the City of London , and 3 , Monument-place , Liverpool , in the roiintv nf l . anrriot .. r . __ S . T--i . „ . v . , \ l . pi 11 Ti . ' ° -:.