Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Kirro^FOR THE TEETH . QUM ^ A BREATH / vsfp Afty dhprvfUT ot \ PE ^ UMER _ FOR KQWLAN D'S ODQNTO .
:f|URNITUREIM . COX & Co ., 1 ) 1 . KlNSBUhV SQUARE BUILDINGS , HW CFUSWKLL ST ., LONDON , E . C . M C () * & Cn ' s . JHd ' . 'ATA LOG UE . Kjjfflr ^ Showing the advantages of their Cash System , Tj ^ Korvvaided Post Free . A .,-roomed House [ ui nibbed complete , £ 10 o o , ' . -..--loomed , including Diawing-room , do . 26 6 6 A Single Parlour do . coo A Drawing-room , ol Italian Walnut , do . 1760 A Dining-rooom oi solid Mahogany do . 15 o o All aitielcs WM minted , and of tlie best workmansip . A single article of l- ' umiture at equall y low prices . The only bouse in tlie trade « up < i ) : big tlie public direct from the workshops . ' " aniage paid to any Rr . ilw . iv Station in the Kingdom .
TOTiN GtVsNirifL & CO . 'S J " CI IKKRY 'I OOTII PASTK" greatly excels all other picpar . itions for the Teeth . " AGUA AMAIiKI . LA" , csto . es the Human Hair-to its pii-tine hue . no matter at what age . "TOIL " ! I' and NUKSI ' . RY I'OWDKK" ) x-autifull y I i-ifni'iicd and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR JOHN GOSNKLLand CO . 's . AND SEE THAT VOU HAVE NONK OTHER than then oi : MisK . \ it ' hles . Sold bv ail ie-pe ( table CHKMIS'l ' . s and PKRI'UMERS . Wholesale , Angel Passage , 95 , Upper Thames-st , London , MELI . INS EXTRACT Ki > r prfpariii ^ LIKHEC'S FvHJD FOR , V "FANTS . ^ HK oiil ygciiuiiicsulislilute for Mother ' s Milk , and rei-i . inii ..-nili-. l t . i ilit hi ,. h ,: l Mi-. li . al Authorities , . is ( lie I . CM Komi fur 1 wants a ' u . l ! n % sli . i-.. SOLD AT 55 , CHARING CROSS . t •jjpijsiiir Nelson ' s . Mcmuiui-iii . I KLSTOBS CELEBRATED Riding , Hunting : and Lumbago Belts . Si / .- M wniM . 11 ; . 1 l ' . i ) . (> . i '„ r ; o- t » l , c . t-nt vmli , » i , kr . the bcit riltiiij . Ki , lii , lioM-ris ami lirec .-hcs . Makcrin London « r cUcwlicrc . N . U . Mcrniiit lruusrrM . t l ' A-st W . sl nf Kmdrniil Wiinl . KLSTOB , 44 , ^ MADDUX-STREET , BOND STKKKT . S . YARDLEY , KSTAUUSIIlil ) j 8 , JO SHOP FRONT BUILDER , SHOP FITTER , A > l ) ' Air Tight Show Case Manufacturer , « , LOWER WOOD STKKKT , C'l . F . li KKNWKLL , J LONDON , E . C . r . vei ) ik-frriiiiiniKil ' littiiiuMiiiiKuractiircU for | cwellcrs . Cullers Maliuiicrs , Otl , iv > , Drajicr .-, Aidfeinii ! ,, liauks , ' t . (( vr »( ic » , Ouvtii- ' trt anil I louc ^ , Taney'I ' railf ., & t . I Plant and i-. slimau-s proviilcl lor » lm |> Ironts anil internal fit- I J toci ;* -, in 1 own or any pan ol ilic 1 ounlrv . 1 Oultiilt Ump (> iht : r plated ) Imni jlis . I Li : to , with arms ami li . iini ; s toinplcie , from facia , from 43 s . Superior Jewelln * ' ilinn , Willi extra ilhiminatiiin power , from i <« _ JJilto . Mitll aim * an . l fittirit ^^ aprnjilctt :, from f »< i ; v , Hum IOK . ' COACHMEN'S WIGS ; WHOLESALE md Rr-tail . with all the modern Improvements , supplied hy Joshua Taylor , Coachmen ' s Wig Maker to the Queen , JI . RJl . the Prince , of Wales and the Royal Kamily , 2 , Swallow-sticet Piceadilly , London .
Z . Z : ''^^ j Guaranteed Cocoa . ^ggkT;!SCHWEITZER'SCOCOATINA,I Wj BSSS ^ ff u Anti-Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate Powder . 1 ( £ / t ^^ tffl H This unique mire preparation is pronon need hr ( lie Facultr " the mosr nutritious perfectly digestible never-Si . §® li WJ ? J a * tot BREAKFAST , LUNCHEON , or SUITKR , ami invaluable for Invalids and Children . " ^ % ^^ 2 S ^^ SK ^ ' niac * instancously with lioilinir water or milk ; being without sugar it suits al ! palates . XO ^ SSSHsi' 5 ^ * ' P ^ at : s * 6 d ., 3 s ., & c . l 5 y Chemists and Grocers . ( Samples gratis . ) xPo ATA ^^ Cocoatina . a la Vanille , at Same Prices . IT is superior to the besi Vanilia Chocolate , much cheaper , perfectly J *** " ' ¦ —7 digestible , and made instantaneously . R term . Sole proprietors ; H > SCHWEITZER & Co ., 10 , Adam St ., Adelphi , London
NOW READY , PRICE £ 4 / 4 THE PAIR , OR £ 2 / 10 SINGLE . SIZfc . - > 2 in . BY 26111 . AUTOTYPES or BRO .SIGISMUND ROSENTHAL 'S CELEBRATED PAINTINGS .The Reception of H . R . H . the Prince of JVales as Past Grand Master , At Freemasons' Hall , on December rst , rStio , containing upwards of 120 Figures and Portraits , The Reception of H . R . H , the Prince of Wales al the Grand Conclave of Knights Templar , May 1 . 3 th , T 8 / , containing nearly 100 Figures and Portraits . Sold by BRO . G . KENNING , a , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , E . C Branches -. iqS , Fleet-street , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool .
TROW MESSRS . BORN & Co ., 1 I \^ JIY ^ BERNERS-STRSET , W ., TDJ A ] VOS Beg to Ca " attcntion to tll (> ir IRON COTTAGE PIANOS , celebrated i .-rt-J-x V ^ O r their power and beauty . These Pianos are unsurpassed inelegance of design and brilliant : ) ' of tone , are unequalled for the elegance of their J 7 (~) t ? A ^ LX construction , and for the musical ellect which they produce . The Manufacturers pay special attention to the peculiarities of various cli-„ _ mates , and construct their instruments accordingly . Persons proceeding ( _/ I { J IVI A JL JliO t 0 f'lt'ia and the Colonies are specially invited to inspect these . Pianos . MAN in -ACTOR Y : BKRLIS . EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS .
MESSRS.DARLOW&Co.,Inventors , Patenters , and Sole Manufacture-is of the Original Skeuasma -Magnetic Appliances , solicit the attention ol the Public to their recently patented and greatly improved article , MAGNETINE.Which , fioni its extreme lightness and peifecl tlcxibilitv , will commend itself for Hut Climates , Summer Wear , and for Persons of delicate constitution . As a curative agent , the original SKKUASMA appliances haw been remarkably . successful in the relief and cure of ailments hitheilo deemed almost iinappinciiaMe . Tae new arti .-le , MAO . VKTI . NK , whilst possessing an «| ua ! amount of curative prupeities , has the ad litional advantages of softness , lightness , and entire fl xibility , Combined with a permanent unchangeable Magnetic intiuenve . The most successful cases liitlieito treated for a i . ing been Spinal , Liver , and Kidney Affections ; also Sciatica , Neuralgia , Dyspepsia , General Debility , and the various forms of Nervous , Rheumatic , and Bronchial complaints The Magnetine substance is encased in silk , Je in , Flannel , an I otiie . soft a / ticles , and is made up into appliances to meet the various local ailments . It d . ies not contain any ¦ . harp-cutting material , and cannot by any possibility do injury to the wearer . Messrs . DARLOW are in constant receipt of Testimonials of the curative effects of these gentle , soothing , and vitalising appliances for the iclief of human suffering . DARLOW & Co ., Inventors and Patentees , 435 , West Strand , London , W . C . ( nearly opposite Charing Cross Railway Station ) MANUFACTORY , NORTH WOOLWICH ROAD ., K . Illustrated Pamphlets Post Free . COMMUNICATIONS RESI'ONUKD TO WITHOUT ANY CHARGE WHATKVKR . TEMPORARY CITY DEPOT , 29 , Farringdon-s-reet , E . G . Also at 28 , I'ATKKNOSrKK-HO . V ; and upwards of 150 estanlished Agents in the United Kingdom .
Now ready . Demy 121110 , 208 pages . Handsomely bound in Cloth , price 2 s . 6 d . Post free , 2 s . 8 d . THE ISRAELITESFOUNDINTHEANGLOSAXONS.The Ten Tribes supposed to have been Lost , traced from the Land of their Captivity to their Occupation of the ISLES OF THE SEA , With an Exhibition of those Traits of Character and National Characteristics assigned to Israel in the Books of THE HEBREW PROPHETS . BY WILLIAM CARPENTER . Author of " Scientia Biblica , " " Scripture Natural History , " " Guide to the Reading of the Bible , " " Lectures on Biblical Criticism and Interpretation , " " A Popular Introduction to the Bible , ' ' " The Biblical Companion " " Critica Biblica , " " Calendarium Palestine . " "An Introduction to the Reading and Study of the English Bible , " and Editor of the Fifth Large Edition of " Calmet ' s Dictionary of the Bible " and of the Abridgment of the same , & c , & c . & c . London : GK S J KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , « r 2 . 3 , 4 , Little Britain . Liverpool : a , Monument-place . MACKINTOSH & Co ., 44 , Paterncster Row . ' J
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Kirro^FOR THE TEETH . QUM ^ A BREATH / vsfp Afty dhprvfUT ot \ PE ^ UMER _ FOR KQWLAN D'S ODQNTO .
:f|URNITUREIM . COX & Co ., 1 ) 1 . KlNSBUhV SQUARE BUILDINGS , HW CFUSWKLL ST ., LONDON , E . C . M C () * & Cn ' s . JHd ' . 'ATA LOG UE . Kjjfflr ^ Showing the advantages of their Cash System , Tj ^ Korvvaided Post Free . A .,-roomed House [ ui nibbed complete , £ 10 o o , ' . -..--loomed , including Diawing-room , do . 26 6 6 A Single Parlour do . coo A Drawing-room , ol Italian Walnut , do . 1760 A Dining-rooom oi solid Mahogany do . 15 o o All aitielcs WM minted , and of tlie best workmansip . A single article of l- ' umiture at equall y low prices . The only bouse in tlie trade « up < i ) : big tlie public direct from the workshops . ' " aniage paid to any Rr . ilw . iv Station in the Kingdom .
TOTiN GtVsNirifL & CO . 'S J " CI IKKRY 'I OOTII PASTK" greatly excels all other picpar . itions for the Teeth . " AGUA AMAIiKI . LA" , csto . es the Human Hair-to its pii-tine hue . no matter at what age . "TOIL " ! I' and NUKSI ' . RY I'OWDKK" ) x-autifull y I i-ifni'iicd and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR JOHN GOSNKLLand CO . 's . AND SEE THAT VOU HAVE NONK OTHER than then oi : MisK . \ it ' hles . Sold bv ail ie-pe ( table CHKMIS'l ' . s and PKRI'UMERS . Wholesale , Angel Passage , 95 , Upper Thames-st , London , MELI . INS EXTRACT Ki > r prfpariii ^ LIKHEC'S FvHJD FOR , V "FANTS . ^ HK oiil ygciiuiiicsulislilute for Mother ' s Milk , and rei-i . inii ..-nili-. l t . i ilit hi ,. h ,: l Mi-. li . al Authorities , . is ( lie I . CM Komi fur 1 wants a ' u . l ! n % sli . i-.. SOLD AT 55 , CHARING CROSS . t •jjpijsiiir Nelson ' s . Mcmuiui-iii . I KLSTOBS CELEBRATED Riding , Hunting : and Lumbago Belts . Si / .- M wniM . 11 ; . 1 l ' . i ) . (> . i '„ r ; o- t » l , c . t-nt vmli , » i , kr . the bcit riltiiij . Ki , lii , lioM-ris ami lirec .-hcs . Makcrin London « r cUcwlicrc . N . U . Mcrniiit lruusrrM . t l ' A-st W . sl nf Kmdrniil Wiinl . KLSTOB , 44 , ^ MADDUX-STREET , BOND STKKKT . S . YARDLEY , KSTAUUSIIlil ) j 8 , JO SHOP FRONT BUILDER , SHOP FITTER , A > l ) ' Air Tight Show Case Manufacturer , « , LOWER WOOD STKKKT , C'l . F . li KKNWKLL , J LONDON , E . C . r . vei ) ik-frriiiiiniKil ' littiiiuMiiiiKuractiircU for | cwellcrs . Cullers Maliuiicrs , Otl , iv > , Drajicr .-, Aidfeinii ! ,, liauks , ' t . (( vr »( ic » , Ouvtii- ' trt anil I louc ^ , Taney'I ' railf ., & t . I Plant and i-. slimau-s proviilcl lor » lm |> Ironts anil internal fit- I J toci ;* -, in 1 own or any pan ol ilic 1 ounlrv . 1 Oultiilt Ump (> iht : r plated ) Imni jlis . I Li : to , with arms ami li . iini ; s toinplcie , from facia , from 43 s . Superior Jewelln * ' ilinn , Willi extra ilhiminatiiin power , from i <« _ JJilto . Mitll aim * an . l fittirit ^^ aprnjilctt :, from f »< i ; v , Hum IOK . ' COACHMEN'S WIGS ; WHOLESALE md Rr-tail . with all the modern Improvements , supplied hy Joshua Taylor , Coachmen ' s Wig Maker to the Queen , JI . RJl . the Prince , of Wales and the Royal Kamily , 2 , Swallow-sticet Piceadilly , London .
Z . Z : ''^^ j Guaranteed Cocoa . ^ggkT;!SCHWEITZER'SCOCOATINA,I Wj BSSS ^ ff u Anti-Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate Powder . 1 ( £ / t ^^ tffl H This unique mire preparation is pronon need hr ( lie Facultr " the mosr nutritious perfectly digestible never-Si . §® li WJ ? J a * tot BREAKFAST , LUNCHEON , or SUITKR , ami invaluable for Invalids and Children . " ^ % ^^ 2 S ^^ SK ^ ' niac * instancously with lioilinir water or milk ; being without sugar it suits al ! palates . XO ^ SSSHsi' 5 ^ * ' P ^ at : s * 6 d ., 3 s ., & c . l 5 y Chemists and Grocers . ( Samples gratis . ) xPo ATA ^^ Cocoatina . a la Vanille , at Same Prices . IT is superior to the besi Vanilia Chocolate , much cheaper , perfectly J *** " ' ¦ —7 digestible , and made instantaneously . R term . Sole proprietors ; H > SCHWEITZER & Co ., 10 , Adam St ., Adelphi , London
NOW READY , PRICE £ 4 / 4 THE PAIR , OR £ 2 / 10 SINGLE . SIZfc . - > 2 in . BY 26111 . AUTOTYPES or BRO .SIGISMUND ROSENTHAL 'S CELEBRATED PAINTINGS .The Reception of H . R . H . the Prince of JVales as Past Grand Master , At Freemasons' Hall , on December rst , rStio , containing upwards of 120 Figures and Portraits , The Reception of H . R . H , the Prince of Wales al the Grand Conclave of Knights Templar , May 1 . 3 th , T 8 / , containing nearly 100 Figures and Portraits . Sold by BRO . G . KENNING , a , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , E . C Branches -. iqS , Fleet-street , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool .
TROW MESSRS . BORN & Co ., 1 I \^ JIY ^ BERNERS-STRSET , W ., TDJ A ] VOS Beg to Ca " attcntion to tll (> ir IRON COTTAGE PIANOS , celebrated i .-rt-J-x V ^ O r their power and beauty . These Pianos are unsurpassed inelegance of design and brilliant : ) ' of tone , are unequalled for the elegance of their J 7 (~) t ? A ^ LX construction , and for the musical ellect which they produce . The Manufacturers pay special attention to the peculiarities of various cli-„ _ mates , and construct their instruments accordingly . Persons proceeding ( _/ I { J IVI A JL JliO t 0 f'lt'ia and the Colonies are specially invited to inspect these . Pianos . MAN in -ACTOR Y : BKRLIS . EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS .
MESSRS.DARLOW&Co.,Inventors , Patenters , and Sole Manufacture-is of the Original Skeuasma -Magnetic Appliances , solicit the attention ol the Public to their recently patented and greatly improved article , MAGNETINE.Which , fioni its extreme lightness and peifecl tlcxibilitv , will commend itself for Hut Climates , Summer Wear , and for Persons of delicate constitution . As a curative agent , the original SKKUASMA appliances haw been remarkably . successful in the relief and cure of ailments hitheilo deemed almost iinappinciiaMe . Tae new arti .-le , MAO . VKTI . NK , whilst possessing an «| ua ! amount of curative prupeities , has the ad litional advantages of softness , lightness , and entire fl xibility , Combined with a permanent unchangeable Magnetic intiuenve . The most successful cases liitlieito treated for a i . ing been Spinal , Liver , and Kidney Affections ; also Sciatica , Neuralgia , Dyspepsia , General Debility , and the various forms of Nervous , Rheumatic , and Bronchial complaints The Magnetine substance is encased in silk , Je in , Flannel , an I otiie . soft a / ticles , and is made up into appliances to meet the various local ailments . It d . ies not contain any ¦ . harp-cutting material , and cannot by any possibility do injury to the wearer . Messrs . DARLOW are in constant receipt of Testimonials of the curative effects of these gentle , soothing , and vitalising appliances for the iclief of human suffering . DARLOW & Co ., Inventors and Patentees , 435 , West Strand , London , W . C . ( nearly opposite Charing Cross Railway Station ) MANUFACTORY , NORTH WOOLWICH ROAD ., K . Illustrated Pamphlets Post Free . COMMUNICATIONS RESI'ONUKD TO WITHOUT ANY CHARGE WHATKVKR . TEMPORARY CITY DEPOT , 29 , Farringdon-s-reet , E . G . Also at 28 , I'ATKKNOSrKK-HO . V ; and upwards of 150 estanlished Agents in the United Kingdom .
Now ready . Demy 121110 , 208 pages . Handsomely bound in Cloth , price 2 s . 6 d . Post free , 2 s . 8 d . THE ISRAELITESFOUNDINTHEANGLOSAXONS.The Ten Tribes supposed to have been Lost , traced from the Land of their Captivity to their Occupation of the ISLES OF THE SEA , With an Exhibition of those Traits of Character and National Characteristics assigned to Israel in the Books of THE HEBREW PROPHETS . BY WILLIAM CARPENTER . Author of " Scientia Biblica , " " Scripture Natural History , " " Guide to the Reading of the Bible , " " Lectures on Biblical Criticism and Interpretation , " " A Popular Introduction to the Bible , ' ' " The Biblical Companion " " Critica Biblica , " " Calendarium Palestine . " "An Introduction to the Reading and Study of the English Bible , " and Editor of the Fifth Large Edition of " Calmet ' s Dictionary of the Bible " and of the Abridgment of the same , & c , & c . & c . London : GK S J KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , « r 2 . 3 , 4 , Little Britain . Liverpool : a , Monument-place . MACKINTOSH & Co ., 44 , Paterncster Row . ' J