Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents
RsroRTs OF M ASONIC M EETINGS : — Craft Masonry 173 Royal Masonic Institution for Boys' 175 Notes on the United Orders of Temple and Hospital ... 179 The Boys ' and Girls ' Schools 180 Benevolent Fund Festival IS ° Grand Lodge ( Continued ) 181 District Grand Lodge of Bengal 182 Bro . Holmes Lecture on the Orders of the Temple
and Hospital 183 OBITUARYBro . S . Wittey , D . P . G . M . of Wiltshire 1 S 4 Scotland—Meeting of the Prov . G . L . of Ayrshire ... 185 Masonic Presentation and Supper 1 S 5 Circulars issued by the Grand Lodge of Scotland 1 S 6 CORRESPONDENCE : —
So-cailed , " Miraculously Discovered " 186 Notitiae Tem plana ? 187 The Orders of theTemple and Hospital 187 Bro . Holmes ' s Notes 187 Benevolent Fund Festival 187 Masonic Halls 187
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 18 7 Unauthorised Offices 187 A Musical Ritual 188 Masonic Tidings 1 S 8 Masonic Notes and Queries 188 Masonic Meetings for next week 188 Advertisements 169 170 171 172 189 190 rqi 192
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Utasontiv .
LION AND LAMB LODGE ( NO . 192 ) . —The last regular monthly meeting of this lodge took p lace at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., presided over by Bro . F . Trott , W . M ., the officers present being : — Bros . Geo . Abbott , S . W .: Geo . Newman , J . W . ;
W . Goodyear , P . M ., Treasurer ; J . G . Marsh , P . M , Secretary ; Thos . Cohtt , S . D . ; Chas . Arkell , J . D . ; E . Jones , l . G . ; G . Parker , D . C . The remaining Past Masters present were Bros . J . J . Harris , E . King and G . Kenning . Bro . Henry jarvis was raised to the degree of M . M .,
and the following gentlemen were initiated into the Order , viz ., Messrs . Barclay , Perkins , J . G . Marsh , jun ., W . Alflatt and E . Hunter . The ceremonies were worked by the W . M . in a perfect and satisfactory manner . Sundry business before the lodge having been disposed of ,
the lodge was closed in due form and adjourned . The brethren , numbering about seventy , then retired to a sumptuous banquet , served in the Pillar Room , in Bro . Spencer ' s well-known excellent style , and was presided over by Bro .
Trott the W . M ., who presented to the brethren the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , to which ample justice was done , the last toast of the evening bringing a most agreeable evening to a close . Amongst the members present were : —Bros . W .
Figes , C . Cann , A . G . Marks , F . Fellowes , F . Baker , W . R . Baker , A . E . Bright , S . Haynes , T . Fisher , E . Taylor , Geo . Taylor , S . T . Lucas , W . Smale , S . Edwards , D . McVicar , J . Curie , T . Perom , W . Ramsey , J . Hyde , I . Kent , J . Elliott , A . C . Payne , W . F . Bates , C . Grainderge ,
J . D . Fawcet , A . Lewis , R . G . Putnam , Chas . Selby , T . Layborn , H . Davis , B . Marsland , J . Cook , A . J . Garnet , W . Donne and H . Jarvis . The visitors present were : —Bros . David Evans ,
38 ; W . Donald , 712 ; B . B . Brayshaw , W . M ., 1076 ; W . Kindon , S . W ., 1297 ; Chas . Jardine , J . W ., 140 ; J . Cooper , 7 . 3 . 3 ; C . G . Hill , I . G ., 1366 ; H . C . Soper , 704 ; J . A . Brading , 781 ; W . Hobbs , 1 ice ; E . W . Garden , 04 Q ; Chas .
Woodman , 157 ; Henry Dyne , 39 6 ; and Bro . Sidney Spencer , Belvedere Lodge and City Terminus Hotel .
TORQUAY—St . John ' s Lodge ( No . , 328 ) . — The monthly meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , on Monday , March the 3 rd , when there was a good attendance of upwards of 30 ,
including four visitors , among whom were Bros . Higgins , an old and distinguished Provincial Officer for West Yorkshire , and Dr . Hopkins , P . Prov . G . S . W . for Warwickshire . At the
urgent requsst of the W . M . and officers , the last named brother took the chair and opened the lodge in the first degree . The minutes of the previous meeting were read aud confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second and third
degrees , and there being no ceremonies topeeform , was closed down to the first degree . There was however an important duty mentioned on the circular of summons , ^ no less than the presentation of a handsome ^ P . M . ' s , jewel to
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . Watson , I . P . M . It was intended that this should be performed by the Rev . Bro . Bowden , P . M . and Chaplain , who , however , was prevented from attending by illness . Bro . jHarland , P . M ., therefore took the chair of W . M . and addressing Bro . Watson , paid a just tribute to his merits as a
ruler in the Craft , m regard to his efficient working , his courtesy to the brethren , and specially his tact and judgment in guiding the lodge through times of trouble and difficulty , but still securing to himself the respect and good-will of the members by his impartiality and kindness .
Though on previous occasions jewels had been presented to brethren who had rendered services , on their removal from the district , this was the first instance of such a presentation at the close of a year of office , but on all hands it was considered to have been most honourabl y merited .
Bro . Watson replied with much effect but still with great emotion , owing to the heartiness with which the gift had been bestowed and the enconiums and marks of approval which had been so worthily expressed b y Bro . Harland . A plan was propounded by Bro . Carkeek with a view to
the presentation of a Masonic Surgical bed to the Torquay Infirmary . He proposed that a course often lectures on Freemasonry should be given b y members of the Craft , in the hope that sufficient money would be raised by the sale of tickets for
the course and by single admission fees . Some discussion ensued , and a Committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements . The lodge was finally closed soon after 8 o ' clock , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was presided over by Bro . Richardson , W . M .
OXFORD . —Churchill Lodge ( No . 478 ) . —On the 3 rd inst ., the brethren of this lodge met at Alfred-street Masonic Hall . •The chair was filled by the W . M ., Bro . Eord'Burlei gh , ( P . Prov G . Sec . Oxon . ) S . W ., and Bro . E . 'M . Wakeman . as J . W . The . meeting was well attended ,
Amongst others , Bro . Rev . A . B . Frazer the . Grand Chaplain of England ; Bro . R . J . Spiers . D . P . G . M . ; Bro . Reginald Bird , ( Prov . S . G . w ! Oxon ) W . M . of the Apollo University Lodge , and Bro . Nicolas Tindal , of the Argenta Lodge , Salt Lake City . The business was of a purely
formal nature . The election of officers took place , when Bro .. Rev . A . B . Frazer , Grand Chaplain , was elected to succeed Bro . Lord Burleigh as W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . F . P . Morrell , ( P . Prov . G . Sec . Oxon ) was elected to fill the office of Treasurer , in the
room of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master . The brethren then adjourned for refreshment , and the proceedings were of a very festive nature , as Bros . Plowman , G . Gumbleton and Neville delighted the company with a variety of songs , and the Grand Chaplain was in his usual vein of eloquence .
FILEY . —Royal Lodge ( No . 643 . )—The regular monthly meeting of the Royal Lodge , 643 , was held at Ford ' s Hotel , Filey , on the 1 oth of February . After the general business of the lodge had been disposed of , Bro . Walter Fisher ,
P . S . W ., was installed W . M . for the current year by P . M . Bro . J . Woodall Woodall , P . P . G . S . W . Old Globe , 200 , who kindl y attended for that purpose , and performed the interesting ceremony in his usual efficient manner . The newly installed Master then proceeded to invest his
officers as under : —Bros . S . Rimmington , S . W . ; R . Simpson , J . W . ; H . Blane , P . M ., Chaplain ; W . Hankes , P . M ., Treas . ; H . A . Darby , Sec . ; C . Beck , S . D . ; H . Simpson , J . D . ; J . Cocksworth , C . Reynolds , Stewards ; W . Budd , l . G . ;
W . Jefferson , O . G . After the ceremony had been performed , the lodge was closed in the usual form , and the brethren adjourned to a most excellent banquet , provided by Bro . H . Kilby in his usual profuse and liberal manner . The
newly installed W . M ., Bro . Fisher , presided , and the lately invested S . W ., Bro . Rimmington , occupied the vice-chair . After the cloth was drawn , the W . M . gave in succession the Queen and the Craft , His Royal Highness the Prince
of Wales , P . G . M ., the Princess of Wales , and all the Royal Family . The most noble the Marquess of Ripon , Grand Master of England ; the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , P . G . M , the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , D . G . M ., and Bro . I . P . Bell , D . P . G . M . Bro . Fisher then proposed , in a speech of great
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
eloquence and Masonic feeling , the health of the Past Masters , alluding in terms of the warmest approbation to the praiseworthy manner in which they had severally performed their arduous duties when in office , and pointing them out as examples to be followed by those younger members of
the lodge who mi ght aspire to occupy that chair which they in turn had filled so gracefully . The next toast was that of the newly invested S . W ., Bro . Rimmington , who replied in a very brilliant speech , pledging himself to use every exertion to promote the interests and well-being of the lodge , and he followed up his able reply by
singing an excellent song in first-rate style , and which was greatly applauded . Bro . Long , I . P . M . and P . G . S . B ., then proposed in his well-known witty and humorous style the health of the outgoing officers , thanking them for their very efficient support during his occupation of the Master ' s chair , and hoping that the newly invested officers would exert themselves to the utmost to
uphold and sustain his successor . Bro . Hankes , Treasurer , returned thanks pithil y but briefly . Bro . P . M . the Rev . J . Witford Taylor , gave the S . W . and Officers of the lodge , which was most ably replied to by the S . W ., Bro . Rimming , Bro . P . M . Dobson , in a most masterly speech ,
gave the Visiting Brethren , which called up Bros . Walshaw , Pencock , Mervyn , and Smailes , all of the Old Globe , 200 , who severally responded , making many pertinent remarks and observations on the great benefits arising from Freemasonry , and wishing every success and
much prosperity to the Boyal Lodge . Bro . Blane , the highly esteemed Chaplain of the lodge , was , to the great regret of the brethren , unavoidably absent , but his health having been most enthusiastically drank , Bro . P . M . Taylor , eloquently and feelingly returned thanks for him ,
justly praising the worthy Chaplain for the warm interest which he took in Masonry , and for his untiring exertions to promote its general interests . Several other toasts having been giren and duly responded to , the Secretary , Bro . H . Darby , rose and proposed that the health of Bro .
Hankes , the respected Treasurer of the lodge , be drank with all the honours , as the most useful member of the Royal Lodge , and as a brother who spared neither time nor trouble in giving the most efficient aid and valuable advice toe \ ery brother who required it . It is almost superfluous
to add that iko . Hankes , in responding , spoke most fluently and earnestly , giving much sound and reliable advice to the members of the lodge , and more especially to those who had but recently joined it . Bro . Mervyn , 200 , in quaint and appropriate terms , gave the health of Bro .
Cocksworth , pointing him out as a genuine specimen of the true British farmer . Bro . Cocksworth replied with much weight and feeling . Bro . Walshaw , 200 , with a just appreciation of the good things that had heen placed upon the table , proposed the health of Bro . Kilby , the
worth y host , and that of his wife , the much esteemed hostess . Bro . Kilby made a very suitable and sensible reply on behalf of himself and wife , regretting that the weather had been so unpropitious as to deter many brethren from other lodges from putting in in appearance .
ihe health or the Secretary having been d > ank and duly responded to the Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings of a most deli ghtful and enjoyable evening , which had been much enhanced b y some , first-rate songs by Bro ; . Reck , Mi-rvyn , Walshaw , Pencock , and others , the gem of the
whole being a splendid song by Bro . P . M . Dobson , who was in fine voice , and whose performance was loudly applauded . The brethren thin separated without requiring the services of the local P . C . to point out the legal hour at which conviviality should cease .
BOSTON . — Franklin Lodge ( No . 838 ) . — Present : —Bros . Thomas Shuboe , W . M . ; W . Pooles , S . W . ; G . Jackson , | . W . ; Ferguson , S . D . ; Pearson , as J . D . ; Dr . \ V . Wood , as l . G . ; Radley , Treasurer ; Allen , Secretary ; Johnson , Tyler ; and Past Masters Radley , Belton , Inland ,
Crowden , Bratley , Palmer , G . Young , C . Jackson , and E . J . Smith . The minuter were read and confirmed , the ballot was then taken for Mr . John R Slator , brother of the W . M ., and Mr . W . Challaus , and being unanimous , those two gentlemen were admitted into the lodge and initiated into Freemasonry in the eloquent and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents
RsroRTs OF M ASONIC M EETINGS : — Craft Masonry 173 Royal Masonic Institution for Boys' 175 Notes on the United Orders of Temple and Hospital ... 179 The Boys ' and Girls ' Schools 180 Benevolent Fund Festival IS ° Grand Lodge ( Continued ) 181 District Grand Lodge of Bengal 182 Bro . Holmes Lecture on the Orders of the Temple
and Hospital 183 OBITUARYBro . S . Wittey , D . P . G . M . of Wiltshire 1 S 4 Scotland—Meeting of the Prov . G . L . of Ayrshire ... 185 Masonic Presentation and Supper 1 S 5 Circulars issued by the Grand Lodge of Scotland 1 S 6 CORRESPONDENCE : —
So-cailed , " Miraculously Discovered " 186 Notitiae Tem plana ? 187 The Orders of theTemple and Hospital 187 Bro . Holmes ' s Notes 187 Benevolent Fund Festival 187 Masonic Halls 187
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 18 7 Unauthorised Offices 187 A Musical Ritual 188 Masonic Tidings 1 S 8 Masonic Notes and Queries 188 Masonic Meetings for next week 188 Advertisements 169 170 171 172 189 190 rqi 192
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Utasontiv .
LION AND LAMB LODGE ( NO . 192 ) . —The last regular monthly meeting of this lodge took p lace at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., presided over by Bro . F . Trott , W . M ., the officers present being : — Bros . Geo . Abbott , S . W .: Geo . Newman , J . W . ;
W . Goodyear , P . M ., Treasurer ; J . G . Marsh , P . M , Secretary ; Thos . Cohtt , S . D . ; Chas . Arkell , J . D . ; E . Jones , l . G . ; G . Parker , D . C . The remaining Past Masters present were Bros . J . J . Harris , E . King and G . Kenning . Bro . Henry jarvis was raised to the degree of M . M .,
and the following gentlemen were initiated into the Order , viz ., Messrs . Barclay , Perkins , J . G . Marsh , jun ., W . Alflatt and E . Hunter . The ceremonies were worked by the W . M . in a perfect and satisfactory manner . Sundry business before the lodge having been disposed of ,
the lodge was closed in due form and adjourned . The brethren , numbering about seventy , then retired to a sumptuous banquet , served in the Pillar Room , in Bro . Spencer ' s well-known excellent style , and was presided over by Bro .
Trott the W . M ., who presented to the brethren the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , to which ample justice was done , the last toast of the evening bringing a most agreeable evening to a close . Amongst the members present were : —Bros . W .
Figes , C . Cann , A . G . Marks , F . Fellowes , F . Baker , W . R . Baker , A . E . Bright , S . Haynes , T . Fisher , E . Taylor , Geo . Taylor , S . T . Lucas , W . Smale , S . Edwards , D . McVicar , J . Curie , T . Perom , W . Ramsey , J . Hyde , I . Kent , J . Elliott , A . C . Payne , W . F . Bates , C . Grainderge ,
J . D . Fawcet , A . Lewis , R . G . Putnam , Chas . Selby , T . Layborn , H . Davis , B . Marsland , J . Cook , A . J . Garnet , W . Donne and H . Jarvis . The visitors present were : —Bros . David Evans ,
38 ; W . Donald , 712 ; B . B . Brayshaw , W . M ., 1076 ; W . Kindon , S . W ., 1297 ; Chas . Jardine , J . W ., 140 ; J . Cooper , 7 . 3 . 3 ; C . G . Hill , I . G ., 1366 ; H . C . Soper , 704 ; J . A . Brading , 781 ; W . Hobbs , 1 ice ; E . W . Garden , 04 Q ; Chas .
Woodman , 157 ; Henry Dyne , 39 6 ; and Bro . Sidney Spencer , Belvedere Lodge and City Terminus Hotel .
TORQUAY—St . John ' s Lodge ( No . , 328 ) . — The monthly meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , on Monday , March the 3 rd , when there was a good attendance of upwards of 30 ,
including four visitors , among whom were Bros . Higgins , an old and distinguished Provincial Officer for West Yorkshire , and Dr . Hopkins , P . Prov . G . S . W . for Warwickshire . At the
urgent requsst of the W . M . and officers , the last named brother took the chair and opened the lodge in the first degree . The minutes of the previous meeting were read aud confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second and third
degrees , and there being no ceremonies topeeform , was closed down to the first degree . There was however an important duty mentioned on the circular of summons , ^ no less than the presentation of a handsome ^ P . M . ' s , jewel to
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . Watson , I . P . M . It was intended that this should be performed by the Rev . Bro . Bowden , P . M . and Chaplain , who , however , was prevented from attending by illness . Bro . jHarland , P . M ., therefore took the chair of W . M . and addressing Bro . Watson , paid a just tribute to his merits as a
ruler in the Craft , m regard to his efficient working , his courtesy to the brethren , and specially his tact and judgment in guiding the lodge through times of trouble and difficulty , but still securing to himself the respect and good-will of the members by his impartiality and kindness .
Though on previous occasions jewels had been presented to brethren who had rendered services , on their removal from the district , this was the first instance of such a presentation at the close of a year of office , but on all hands it was considered to have been most honourabl y merited .
Bro . Watson replied with much effect but still with great emotion , owing to the heartiness with which the gift had been bestowed and the enconiums and marks of approval which had been so worthily expressed b y Bro . Harland . A plan was propounded by Bro . Carkeek with a view to
the presentation of a Masonic Surgical bed to the Torquay Infirmary . He proposed that a course often lectures on Freemasonry should be given b y members of the Craft , in the hope that sufficient money would be raised by the sale of tickets for
the course and by single admission fees . Some discussion ensued , and a Committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements . The lodge was finally closed soon after 8 o ' clock , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was presided over by Bro . Richardson , W . M .
OXFORD . —Churchill Lodge ( No . 478 ) . —On the 3 rd inst ., the brethren of this lodge met at Alfred-street Masonic Hall . •The chair was filled by the W . M ., Bro . Eord'Burlei gh , ( P . Prov G . Sec . Oxon . ) S . W ., and Bro . E . 'M . Wakeman . as J . W . The . meeting was well attended ,
Amongst others , Bro . Rev . A . B . Frazer the . Grand Chaplain of England ; Bro . R . J . Spiers . D . P . G . M . ; Bro . Reginald Bird , ( Prov . S . G . w ! Oxon ) W . M . of the Apollo University Lodge , and Bro . Nicolas Tindal , of the Argenta Lodge , Salt Lake City . The business was of a purely
formal nature . The election of officers took place , when Bro .. Rev . A . B . Frazer , Grand Chaplain , was elected to succeed Bro . Lord Burleigh as W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . F . P . Morrell , ( P . Prov . G . Sec . Oxon ) was elected to fill the office of Treasurer , in the
room of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master . The brethren then adjourned for refreshment , and the proceedings were of a very festive nature , as Bros . Plowman , G . Gumbleton and Neville delighted the company with a variety of songs , and the Grand Chaplain was in his usual vein of eloquence .
FILEY . —Royal Lodge ( No . 643 . )—The regular monthly meeting of the Royal Lodge , 643 , was held at Ford ' s Hotel , Filey , on the 1 oth of February . After the general business of the lodge had been disposed of , Bro . Walter Fisher ,
P . S . W ., was installed W . M . for the current year by P . M . Bro . J . Woodall Woodall , P . P . G . S . W . Old Globe , 200 , who kindl y attended for that purpose , and performed the interesting ceremony in his usual efficient manner . The newly installed Master then proceeded to invest his
officers as under : —Bros . S . Rimmington , S . W . ; R . Simpson , J . W . ; H . Blane , P . M ., Chaplain ; W . Hankes , P . M ., Treas . ; H . A . Darby , Sec . ; C . Beck , S . D . ; H . Simpson , J . D . ; J . Cocksworth , C . Reynolds , Stewards ; W . Budd , l . G . ;
W . Jefferson , O . G . After the ceremony had been performed , the lodge was closed in the usual form , and the brethren adjourned to a most excellent banquet , provided by Bro . H . Kilby in his usual profuse and liberal manner . The
newly installed W . M ., Bro . Fisher , presided , and the lately invested S . W ., Bro . Rimmington , occupied the vice-chair . After the cloth was drawn , the W . M . gave in succession the Queen and the Craft , His Royal Highness the Prince
of Wales , P . G . M ., the Princess of Wales , and all the Royal Family . The most noble the Marquess of Ripon , Grand Master of England ; the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , P . G . M , the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , D . G . M ., and Bro . I . P . Bell , D . P . G . M . Bro . Fisher then proposed , in a speech of great
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
eloquence and Masonic feeling , the health of the Past Masters , alluding in terms of the warmest approbation to the praiseworthy manner in which they had severally performed their arduous duties when in office , and pointing them out as examples to be followed by those younger members of
the lodge who mi ght aspire to occupy that chair which they in turn had filled so gracefully . The next toast was that of the newly invested S . W ., Bro . Rimmington , who replied in a very brilliant speech , pledging himself to use every exertion to promote the interests and well-being of the lodge , and he followed up his able reply by
singing an excellent song in first-rate style , and which was greatly applauded . Bro . Long , I . P . M . and P . G . S . B ., then proposed in his well-known witty and humorous style the health of the outgoing officers , thanking them for their very efficient support during his occupation of the Master ' s chair , and hoping that the newly invested officers would exert themselves to the utmost to
uphold and sustain his successor . Bro . Hankes , Treasurer , returned thanks pithil y but briefly . Bro . P . M . the Rev . J . Witford Taylor , gave the S . W . and Officers of the lodge , which was most ably replied to by the S . W ., Bro . Rimming , Bro . P . M . Dobson , in a most masterly speech ,
gave the Visiting Brethren , which called up Bros . Walshaw , Pencock , Mervyn , and Smailes , all of the Old Globe , 200 , who severally responded , making many pertinent remarks and observations on the great benefits arising from Freemasonry , and wishing every success and
much prosperity to the Boyal Lodge . Bro . Blane , the highly esteemed Chaplain of the lodge , was , to the great regret of the brethren , unavoidably absent , but his health having been most enthusiastically drank , Bro . P . M . Taylor , eloquently and feelingly returned thanks for him ,
justly praising the worthy Chaplain for the warm interest which he took in Masonry , and for his untiring exertions to promote its general interests . Several other toasts having been giren and duly responded to , the Secretary , Bro . H . Darby , rose and proposed that the health of Bro .
Hankes , the respected Treasurer of the lodge , be drank with all the honours , as the most useful member of the Royal Lodge , and as a brother who spared neither time nor trouble in giving the most efficient aid and valuable advice toe \ ery brother who required it . It is almost superfluous
to add that iko . Hankes , in responding , spoke most fluently and earnestly , giving much sound and reliable advice to the members of the lodge , and more especially to those who had but recently joined it . Bro . Mervyn , 200 , in quaint and appropriate terms , gave the health of Bro .
Cocksworth , pointing him out as a genuine specimen of the true British farmer . Bro . Cocksworth replied with much weight and feeling . Bro . Walshaw , 200 , with a just appreciation of the good things that had heen placed upon the table , proposed the health of Bro . Kilby , the
worth y host , and that of his wife , the much esteemed hostess . Bro . Kilby made a very suitable and sensible reply on behalf of himself and wife , regretting that the weather had been so unpropitious as to deter many brethren from other lodges from putting in in appearance .
ihe health or the Secretary having been d > ank and duly responded to the Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings of a most deli ghtful and enjoyable evening , which had been much enhanced b y some , first-rate songs by Bro ; . Reck , Mi-rvyn , Walshaw , Pencock , and others , the gem of the
whole being a splendid song by Bro . P . M . Dobson , who was in fine voice , and whose performance was loudly applauded . The brethren thin separated without requiring the services of the local P . C . to point out the legal hour at which conviviality should cease .
BOSTON . — Franklin Lodge ( No . 838 ) . — Present : —Bros . Thomas Shuboe , W . M . ; W . Pooles , S . W . ; G . Jackson , | . W . ; Ferguson , S . D . ; Pearson , as J . D . ; Dr . \ V . Wood , as l . G . ; Radley , Treasurer ; Allen , Secretary ; Johnson , Tyler ; and Past Masters Radley , Belton , Inland ,
Crowden , Bratley , Palmer , G . Young , C . Jackson , and E . J . Smith . The minuter were read and confirmed , the ballot was then taken for Mr . John R Slator , brother of the W . M ., and Mr . W . Challaus , and being unanimous , those two gentlemen were admitted into the lodge and initiated into Freemasonry in the eloquent and